
Defined in file cdd.asn
C++ class: CAlign_annot

Align-annot ::= SEQUENCE {
  location      Seq-loc,                -- points to a location in one of the
                                        -- aligned sequences, usually the
                                        -- master/representative
  description   VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- to hold descriptions/names like
                                        -- "Heme binding site" or "catalytic
                                        -- triad" etc., something that should
                                        -- be used for labels in visualization
  evidence      SEQUENCE OF Feature-evidence OPTIONAL,  -- evidence we can
                                                        -- compute with
  type          INTEGER OPTIONAL,       -- for typing annotated features
                                        -- 0 .. no type assigned
                                        -- 1 .. active site
                                        -- 2 .. polypeptide binding site
                                        -- 3 .. nucleic acid binding site
                                        -- 4 .. ion binding site
                                        -- 5 .. chemical binding site
                                        -- 6 .. posttranslational modification site
                                        -- 7 .. structural motif
  aliases       SEQUENCE OF VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- adding more names for indexing
  motif         VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- to validate mapping of sites
  motifuse      INTEGER OPTIONAL        -- 0 for validation,
                                        -- 1 for motif somewhere in seqloc
                                        -- 2 for multiple motifs in seqloc