
Defined in file omssa.asn
No C++ class for INTEGER with named values

MSModType ::= INTEGER {
    modaa (0),   -- at particular amino acids
    modn (1),    -- at the N terminus of a protein
    modnaa (2),  -- at the N terminus of a protein at particular amino acids
    modc (3),    -- at the C terminus of a protein
    modcaa (4),  -- at the C terminus of a protein at particular amino acids
    modnp (5),   -- at the N terminus of a peptide
    modnpaa (6), -- at the N terminus of a peptide at particular amino acids
    modcp (7),   -- at the C terminus of a peptide
    modcpaa (8), -- at the C terminus of a peptide at particular amino acids
    modmax (9)   -- the max number of modification types