
Defined in file pcassay2.asn
C++ class: CPC_AssayResults

PC-AssayResults ::= SEQUENCE {
    -- Internal/External Tracking Information
    sid               INTEGER,                               -- Tested Substance ID/Version  [Either valid ID or,
                                                             --   if "sid-source" is used, this is a "0" value]
                                                             --   Note: A valid ID is greater than "0"
    sid-source        PC-Source                    OPTIONAL, -- External Identifier for this Substance
                                                             --   Note: May be used in-lieu of "sid"
                                                             --   Note: This is non-optional if "sid" is "0"
    version           INTEGER                      OPTIONAL, -- Version identifier for this AID-SID Result
                                                             --   Note: Incoming data should set this to be "0"

    -- Data Annotation/Qualifier and URL to further Depositor Information
    comment           UTF8String                   OPTIONAL, -- Annotation or qualifier for this Result

    -- Assay Result Data for this Sample
    --   Note: Users need populate only those "tid"s, for which there is data, in any order.
    outcome           INTEGER {                              -- Assay Outcome
                          inactive        (1),               --   Substance is considered Inactive
                          active          (2),               --   Substance is considered Active
                          inconclusive    (3),               --   Substance is Inconclusive
                          unspecified     (4),               --   Substance Outcome is Unspecified
                          probe           (5)                --   Substance Outcome is Unspecified
                      }               DEFAULT unspecified,
    rank              INTEGER                      OPTIONAL, -- Rank of Assay Outcome (for result ordering)
                                                             --   Note: Larger numbers are more active
    data              SEQUENCE OF PC-AssayData     OPTIONAL, -- Assay Data Reported for this SID (vector)
    url               UTF8String                   OPTIONAL, -- Depositor provided URL for this Result
    xref              SEQUENCE OF PC-AnnotatedXRef OPTIONAL, -- annotated Cross-Reference Information
                                                             -- to be removed,
                                                             -- instead regulard TID will be generated
                                                             -- which are then annotated by xref type
    date              Date                         OPTIONAL  -- Pubchem Release Date