
Defined in file pcassay2.asn
C++ class: CPC_ResultType

PC-ResultType ::= SEQUENCE {
    -- Tracking or Description Information
    tid               INTEGER,                             -- Assay Result Field Type ID (TID)
    name              UTF8String,                          -- Result Field Name (short name for display)
    description       SEQUENCE OF UTF8String  OPTIONAL,    -- Result Field Description

    -- Result Data Type and Validation Information
    type             INTEGER {                             -- Result Data Type
                         float            (1),
                         int              (2),
                         bool             (3),
                         string           (4)
    constraints      CHOICE {                              -- Allowed Values, used for validating incoming data
                         -- If type is "float"
                         fset      SEQUENCE OF REAL,       --   Allowed values must be equal to one of these
                         fmin      REAL,                   --   Allowed values (x) must be [ fmin <= x ]
                         fmax      REAL,                   --   Allowed values (x) must be [ x <= fmax ]
                         frange    PC-RealMinMax,          --   Minimum/Maximum Range [ min <= x <= max ]

                         -- If type is "int"
                         iset      SEQUENCE OF INTEGER,    --   Allowed values must be equal to one of these
                         imin      INTEGER,                --   Allowed values (x) must be [ imin <= x ]
                         imax      INTEGER,                --   Allowed values (x) must be [ x <= imax ]
                         irange    PC-IntegerMinMax,       --   Minimum/Maximum Range [ min <= x <= max ]

                         -- If type is "string"
                         sset   SEQUENCE OF VisibleString  --   Allowed values must be equal to one of these
                     }                           OPTIONAL,

    -- Unit information provides the units for the values reported for this TID.  For example, if the values
    --   reported for this TID are a concentration, e.g., micro-molar, setting the unit "um" allows PubChem to
    --   know that the value, e.g., "1.3", is actually "1.3 uM".  This also allows PubChem to properly report the
    --   units when displaying the reported values for this TID.  If the enumerated units provided below are
    --   insufficient, you may represent the units as a string in the optional "sunit" field (see below).
    unit             INTEGER {                             -- Units for Value
                         ppt              (1),             -- Parts per Thousand
                         ppm              (2),             -- Parts per Million
                         ppb              (3),             -- Parts per Billion
                         mm               (4),             -- milliM
                         um               (5),             -- microM
                         nm               (6),             -- nanoM
                         pm               (7),             -- picoM
                         fm               (8),             -- femtoM
                         mgml             (9),             -- milligrams per mL
                         ugml            (10),             -- micrograms per mL
                         ngml            (11),             -- nanograms per mL
                         pgml            (12),             -- picograms per mL
                         fgml            (13),             -- femtograms per mL
                         m               (14),             -- Molar
                         percent         (15),             -- Percent
                         ratio           (16),             -- Ratio
                         sec             (17),             -- Seconds
                         rsec            (18),             -- Reciprocal Seconds
                         min             (19),             -- Minutes
                         rmin            (20),             -- Reciprocal Minutes
                         day             (21),             -- Days
                         rday            (22),             -- Reciprocal Days
                         ml-min-kg       (23),             -- milliliter / minute / kilogram
                         l-kg            (24),             -- liter / kilogram
                         hr-ng-ml        (25),             -- hour * nanogram / milliliter
                         cm-sec          (26),             -- centimeter / second
                         mg-kg           (27),             -- milligram / kilogram
                         none           (254),
                         unspecified    (255)
                     }                           OPTIONAL,

    -- ATTENTION: sunit field is DEPRECATED. It is no longer
    --            supported and remains for legacy data only.
    sunit            VisibleString               OPTIONAL, -- Unit Type (as a String)

    -- Value Transform information qualifies the values reported for this TID.  For example, if the values
    --   reported for this TID are "-Log10 GI50", you may want to consider setting
    --   the "nlog" value below.  In doing so, PubChem would know that the value, e.g., "5.0"
    --   is actually "1.0e-5".  If the transformation applied is not listed, you may represent
    --   this transformation as a string in the "stransform" (see below) for eventual inclusion
    --   in the enumerated transform list below.
    -- ATTENTION: transform field is DEPRECATED. It is no longer
    --            supported and remains for legacy data only.
    transform        INTEGER {                              -- Value Type Details
                         linear           (1),              -- Linear Scale (x)
                         ln               (2),              -- Natural Log Scale (ln x)
                         log              (3),              -- Log Base 10 Scale (log10 x)
                         reciprocal       (4),              -- Reciprocal Scale (1/x)
                         negative         (5),              -- Negative Linear Scale (-x)
                         nlog             (6),              -- Negative Log Base 10 Scale (-log10 x)
                         nln              (7)               -- Negative Natural Log Scane (-ln x)
                 }                           OPTIONAL,

    -- ATTENTION: stransform field is DEPRECATED. It is no longer
    --            supported and remains for legacy data only.
    -- stransform       VisibleString               OPTIONAL,  Value Transform Type as a string (never used)

    tc               PC-ConcentrationAttr        OPTIONAL,  -- Tested concentration attribute
    ac               BOOLEAN                     OPTIONAL,  -- if true, indicates that this TID field
                                                            -- provides active concentration summary by
                                                            -- reporting the concentration which produces
                                                            -- 50% of the maximum possible biological response
                                                            -- such as IC50, EC50, AC50, GI50 etc.
                                                            -- or by reporting constant parameters such as Ki,
                                                            -- that based on which the activity outcome in this assay is called
    ac-qualifier     BOOLEAN                     OPTIONAL, -- endpoint qualifier (e.g. <, <=, =, >, >=) associated with the ac field above

    annot            INTEGER {
                           pmid                          (1), -- PubMed ID
                           mmdb                          (2), -- MMDB ID
                           url                           (3), -- indicate TID data is a url that provides supplementary information
                        -- protein-gi                    (4), GenBank General ID (GI) for a Protein
                        -- nucleotide-gi                 (5), GenBank General ID (GI) for a Nucleotide
                           taxonomy                      (6), -- Taxonomy ID for an Organism
                           mim                           (7), -- MIM, Mendelian Inheritance in Man, ID
                           gene                          (8), -- Entrez Gene ID
                           probe                         (9), -- Entrez Probe ID
                           aid                          (10), -- PubChem BioAssay ID, may be used in 'Summary' assay
                           sid                          (11), -- PubChem Substance ID, may be used in 'Summary' assay
                           cid                          (12), -- PubChem Compound ID
                        -- protein-target-gi            (13), GenBank General ID (GI) for a Protein target
                        -- biosystems-target-id         (14), NCBI BioSystems ID
                           target-name                  (15), -- target name
                           target-descr                 (16), -- brief target description
                           target-tax-id                (17), -- NCBI Taxonomy ID for target molecule
                           gene-target-id               (18), -- NCBI Gene ID for a gene target
                        -- dna-nucleotide-target-gi     (19), GenBank General ID (GI) for a DNA Nucleotide target
                        -- rna-nucleotide-target-gi     (20), GenBank General ID (GI) for a RNA Nucleotide target
                           protein-target-accession     (21), -- GenBank Accession for a Protein target
                           nucleotide-target-accession  (22), -- GenBank Accession for a DNA/RNA Nucleotide target
                           other                       (255)  -- for identifier types not currently support
                     }   OPTIONAL                           -- treat substance associated cross-reference as regular TID
                                                            -- web servers would make a link
                                                            -- to the corresponding record in Entrez databases
                                                            -- treat substance associated target information as regular TID
                                                            -- for example, for RNAi screening data, each 'substance' may
                                                            -- correspond to a specific gene target