
Defined in file pcsubstance.asn
C++ class: CPC_StereoSquarePlanar

PC-StereoSquarePlanar ::= SEQUENCE {
    center         INTEGER,                      -- Atom ID of Atom Center
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    lbelow         INTEGER,                      -- Atom ID of Left Below Plane Atom
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    rbelow         INTEGER,                      -- Atom ID of Right Below Plane Atom
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    labove         INTEGER,                      -- Atom ID of Left Above Plane Atom
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    rabove         INTEGER,                      -- Atom ID of Right Above Plane Atom
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    parity         INTEGER {                     -- StereoCenter Type
                       u-shape          (1),     --   U shaped isomer (labove-lbelow-rbelow-rabove)
                       z-shape          (2),     --   Z shaped isomer (labove-rabove-lbelow-rbelow)
                       x-shape          (3),     --   X shaped isomer (labove-rbelow-rabove-lbelow)
                       any              (4),     --   Nonspecific mixture of isomers
                       unknown        (255)
                   }                  OPTIONAL