
Defined in file seq.asn
C++ class: CPubdesc

Pubdesc ::= SEQUENCE {              -- how sequence presented in pub
    pub Pub-equiv ,                 -- the citation(s)
    name VisibleString OPTIONAL ,   -- name used in paper
    fig VisibleString OPTIONAL ,    -- figure in paper
    num Numbering OPTIONAL ,        -- numbering from paper
    numexc BOOLEAN OPTIONAL ,       -- numbering problem with paper
    poly-a BOOLEAN OPTIONAL ,       -- poly A tail indicated in figure?
    maploc VisibleString OPTIONAL , -- map location reported in paper
    seq-raw StringStore OPTIONAL ,  -- original sequence from paper
    align-group INTEGER OPTIONAL ,  -- this seq aligned with others in paper
    comment VisibleString OPTIONAL, -- any comment on this pub in context
    reftype INTEGER {           -- type of reference in a GenBank record
        seq (0) ,               -- refers to sequence
        sites (1) ,             -- refers to unspecified features
        feats (2) ,             -- refers to specified features
        no-target (3) }         -- nothing specified (EMBL)
        DEFAULT seq }