
Defined in file seqfeat.asn
C++ class: CSeq_feat

Seq-feat ::= SEQUENCE {
    id Feat-id OPTIONAL ,
    data SeqFeatData ,           -- the specific data
    partial BOOLEAN OPTIONAL ,    -- incomplete in some way?
    except BOOLEAN OPTIONAL ,     -- something funny about this?
    comment VisibleString OPTIONAL ,
    product Seq-loc OPTIONAL ,    -- product of process
    location Seq-loc ,            -- feature made from
    qual SEQUENCE OF Gb-qual OPTIONAL ,  -- qualifiers
    title VisibleString OPTIONAL ,   -- for user defined label
    ext User-object OPTIONAL ,    -- user defined structure extension
    cit Pub-set OPTIONAL ,        -- citations for this feature
    exp-ev ENUMERATED {           -- evidence for existence of feature
        experimental (1) ,        -- any reasonable experimental check
        not-experimental (2) } OPTIONAL , -- similarity, pattern, etc
    xref SET OF SeqFeatXref OPTIONAL ,   -- cite other relevant features
    dbxref SET OF Dbtag OPTIONAL ,  -- support for xref to other databases
    pseudo BOOLEAN OPTIONAL ,     -- annotated on pseudogene?
    except-text VisibleString OPTIONAL , -- explain if except=TRUE
    ids SET OF Feat-id OPTIONAL ,       -- set of Ids; will replace 'id' field
    exts SET OF User-object OPTIONAL , -- set of extensions; will replace 'ext' field
    support SeqFeatSupport OPTIONAL  -- will replace /experiment, /inference, model-evidence