
Defined in file variation.asn
C++ class: CVariationException

VariationException ::= SEQUENCE
    code INTEGER {
        hgvs-parsing (1), --invalid hgvs expression
        hgvs-exon-boundary (2), --anchor position in an intronic HGVS expression is not at an exon boundary
        inconsistent-consequence (3), --consequence protein variation attached to precursor variation's consequence
                                      --could not be derived from it.
        inconsistent-asserted-allele (4), --asserted allele is inconsistent with the reference
        no-mapping (5),      --could not remap
        partial-mapping (6), --mapped location is shorter than the query
        split-mapping (7),   --a source interval maps to multiple non-abutting intervals.
        mismatches-in-mapping (8), --the source sequence differs from sequence at mapped loc
        inconsistent-asserted-moltype (9), --asserted mol-type is inconsistent with seq-id (e.g. NM_12345.6:g.)
        bioseq-state (10),
        ambiguous-sequence (11),
        ref-same-as-variant (12), --reference sequence at the location is same as variant sequence in the variation
        seqfetch-too-long (13), --can't fetch sequence because location is longer than specified threshold
        seqfetch-intronic (14), --can't fetch sequence for an intronic (anchor+offset)-based location
        seqfetch-invalid (15),   --can't fetch sequence because location is invalid (e.g. extends past the end)
        no-mapping-from-newer-version (16), --have mapping from older version of a sequence, but not from newer
        source-location-overhang (17), --The source location overhangs the alignment by at least 5kb (VAR-1307)
        hgvs-exon-boundary-induced (18)  --Similar to (2), except induced by 5'/3'-terminal or an exon extension (VAR-1309)
    message VisibleString