
Defined in file variation.asn
C++ class: CVariationMethod

VariationMethod ::= SEQUENCE
    -- sequencing / acuisition method
    method SET OF INTEGER {
        unknown             (0),
        bac-acgh            (1),
        computational       (2),
        curated             (3),
        digital-array       (4),
        expression-array    (5),
        fish                (6),
        flanking-sequence   (7),
        maph                (8),
        mcd-analysis        (9),
        mlpa                (10),
        oea-assembly        (11),
        oligo-acgh          (12),
        paired-end          (13),
        pcr                 (14),
        qpcr                (15),
        read-depth          (16),
        roma                (17),
        rt-pcr              (18),
        sage                (19),
        sequence-alignment  (20),
        sequencing          (21),
        snp-array           (22),
        snp-genoytyping     (23),
        southern            (24),
        western             (25),
        optical-mapping     (26),

        other               (255)

    -- if sequence-based validation methods are used,
    -- what reference sequence location validated the presence of this?
    reference-location Seq-loc OPTIONAL