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--$Revision: 48194 $
--  NCBI Bibliographic data elements
--  by James Ostell, 1990
--  Taken from the American National Standard for
--      Bibliographic References
--      ANSI Z39.29-1977
--  Version 3.0 - June 1994
--  PubMedId added in 1996
--  ArticleIds and eprint elements added in 1999


EXPORTS Cit-art, Cit-jour, Cit-book, Cit-pat, Cit-let, Id-pat, Cit-gen,
        Cit-proc, Cit-sub, Title, Author, PubMedId, DOI;

IMPORTS Person-id, Date, Dbtag FROM NCBI-General;

    -- Article Ids

ArticleId ::= CHOICE {         -- can be many ids for an article
	pubmed PubMedId ,      -- see types below
	medline MedlineUID ,
	doi DOI ,
	pii PII ,
	pmcid PmcID ,
	pmcpid PmcPid ,
        pmpid PmPid ,
        other Dbtag  }    -- generic catch all
PubMedId ::= INTEGER           -- Id from the PubMed database at NCBI
MedlineUID ::= INTEGER         -- Id from MEDLINE
DOI ::= VisibleString          -- Document Object Identifier
PII ::= VisibleString          -- Controlled Publisher Identifier
PmcID ::= INTEGER              -- PubMed Central Id
PmcPid ::= VisibleString       -- Publisher Id supplied to PubMed Central
PmPid ::= VisibleString        -- Publisher Id supplied to PubMed

ArticleIdSet ::= SET OF ArticleId

    -- Status Dates

PubStatus ::= INTEGER {            -- points of publication
    received  (1) ,            -- date manuscript received for review
    accepted  (2) ,            -- accepted for publication
    epublish  (3) ,            -- published electronically by publisher
    ppublish  (4) ,            -- published in print by publisher
    revised   (5) ,            -- article revised by publisher/author
    pmc       (6) ,            -- article first appeared in PubMed Central
    pmcr      (7) ,            -- article revision in PubMed Central
    pubmed    (8) ,            -- article citation first appeared in PubMed
    pubmedr   (9) ,            -- article citation revision in PubMed
    aheadofprint (10),         -- epublish, but will be followed by print
    premedline (11),           -- date into PreMedline status
    medline    (12),           -- date made a MEDLINE record
    other    (255) }

PubStatusDate ::= SEQUENCE {   -- done as a structure so fields can be added
    pubstatus PubStatus ,
    date Date }                -- time may be added later

PubStatusDateSet ::= SET OF PubStatusDate
    -- Citation Types

Cit-art ::= SEQUENCE {                  -- article in journal or book
    title Title OPTIONAL ,              -- title of paper (ANSI requires)
    authors Auth-list OPTIONAL ,        -- authors (ANSI requires)
    from CHOICE {                       -- journal or book
        journal Cit-jour ,
        book Cit-book ,
        proc Cit-proc } ,
    ids ArticleIdSet OPTIONAL }         -- lots of ids

Cit-jour ::= SEQUENCE {             -- Journal citation
    title Title ,                   -- title of journal
    imp Imprint }

Cit-book ::= SEQUENCE {              -- Book citation
    title Title ,                    -- Title of book
    coll Title OPTIONAL ,            -- part of a collection
    authors Auth-list,               -- authors
    imp Imprint }

Cit-proc ::= SEQUENCE {             -- Meeting proceedings
    book Cit-book ,                 -- citation to meeting
    meet Meeting }                  -- time and location of meeting

    -- Patent number and date-issue were made optional in 1997 to
    --   support patent applications being issued from the USPTO
    --   Semantically a Cit-pat must have either a patent number or
    --   an application number (or both) to be valid

Cit-pat ::= SEQUENCE {                  -- patent citation
    title VisibleString ,
    authors Auth-list,                  -- author/inventor
    country VisibleString ,             -- Patent Document Country
    doc-type VisibleString ,            -- Patent Document Type
    number VisibleString OPTIONAL,      -- Patent Document Number
    date-issue Date OPTIONAL,           -- Patent Issue/Pub Date
    class SEQUENCE OF VisibleString OPTIONAL ,      -- Patent Doc Class Code 
    app-number VisibleString OPTIONAL , -- Patent Doc Appl Number
    app-date Date OPTIONAL ,            -- Patent Appl File Date
    applicants Auth-list OPTIONAL ,     -- Applicants
    assignees Auth-list OPTIONAL ,      -- Assignees
    priority SEQUENCE OF Patent-priority OPTIONAL , -- Priorities
    abstract VisibleString OPTIONAL }   -- abstract of patent

Patent-priority ::= SEQUENCE {
    country VisibleString ,             -- Patent country code
    number VisibleString ,              -- number assigned in that country
    date Date }                         -- date of application

Id-pat ::= SEQUENCE {                   -- just to identify a patent
    country VisibleString ,             -- Patent Document Country
    id CHOICE {
        number VisibleString ,          -- Patent Document Number
        app-number VisibleString } ,    -- Patent Doc Appl Number
    doc-type VisibleString OPTIONAL }   -- Patent Doc Type

Cit-let ::= SEQUENCE {                  -- letter, thesis, or manuscript
    cit Cit-book ,                      -- same fields as a book
    man-id VisibleString OPTIONAL ,     -- Manuscript identifier
    type ENUMERATED {
        manuscript (1) ,
        letter (2) ,
        thesis (3) } OPTIONAL }
                                -- NOTE: this is just to cite a
                                -- direct data submission, see NCBI-Submit
                                -- for the form of a sequence submission
Cit-sub ::= SEQUENCE {               -- citation for a direct submission
    authors Auth-list ,              -- not necessarily authors of the paper
    imp Imprint OPTIONAL ,			 -- this only used to get date.. will go
    medium ENUMERATED {              -- medium of submission
        paper   (1) ,
        tape    (2) ,
        floppy  (3) ,
        email   (4) ,
        other   (255) } OPTIONAL ,
    date Date OPTIONAL ,              -- replaces imp, will become required
    descr VisibleString OPTIONAL }    -- description of changes for public view
Cit-gen ::= SEQUENCE {      -- NOT from ANSI, this is a catchall
    cit VisibleString OPTIONAL ,     -- anything, not parsable
    authors Auth-list OPTIONAL ,
    muid INTEGER OPTIONAL ,      -- medline uid
    journal Title OPTIONAL ,
    volume VisibleString OPTIONAL ,
    issue VisibleString OPTIONAL ,
    pages VisibleString OPTIONAL ,
    date Date OPTIONAL ,
    serial-number INTEGER OPTIONAL ,   -- for GenBank style references
    title VisibleString OPTIONAL ,     -- eg. cit="unpublished",title="title"
	pmid PubMedId OPTIONAL }           -- PubMed Id
    -- Authorship Group
Auth-list ::= SEQUENCE {
        names CHOICE {
            std SEQUENCE OF Author ,        -- full citations
            ml SEQUENCE OF VisibleString ,  -- MEDLINE, semi-structured
            str SEQUENCE OF VisibleString } , -- free for all
        affil Affil OPTIONAL }        -- author affiliation

Author ::= SEQUENCE {
    name Person-id ,                        -- Author, Primary or Secondary
    level ENUMERATED {
        primary (1),
        secondary (2) } OPTIONAL ,
    role ENUMERATED {                   -- Author Role Indicator
        compiler (1),
        editor (2),
        patent-assignee (3),
        translator (4) } OPTIONAL ,
    affil Affil OPTIONAL ,
    is-corr BOOLEAN OPTIONAL }          -- TRUE if corresponding author

Affil ::= CHOICE {
    str VisibleString ,                 -- unparsed string
    std SEQUENCE {                      -- std representation
    affil VisibleString OPTIONAL ,      -- Author Affiliation, Name
    div VisibleString OPTIONAL ,        -- Author Affiliation, Division
    city VisibleString OPTIONAL ,       -- Author Affiliation, City
    sub VisibleString OPTIONAL ,        -- Author Affiliation, County Sub
    country VisibleString OPTIONAL ,    -- Author Affiliation, Country
    street VisibleString OPTIONAL ,    -- street address, not ANSI
    email VisibleString OPTIONAL ,
    fax VisibleString OPTIONAL ,
    phone VisibleString OPTIONAL ,
    postal-code VisibleString OPTIONAL }}

    -- Title Group
    -- Valid for = A = Analytic (Cit-art)
    --             J = Journals (Cit-jour)
    --             B = Book (Cit-book)
                                                 -- Valid for:
Title ::= SET OF CHOICE {
    name VisibleString ,    -- Title, Anal,Coll,Mono    AJB
    tsub VisibleString ,    -- Title, Subordinate       A B
    trans VisibleString ,   -- Title, Translated        AJB
    jta VisibleString ,     -- Title, Abbreviated        J
    iso-jta VisibleString , -- specifically ISO jta      J
    ml-jta VisibleString ,  -- specifically MEDLINE jta  J
    coden VisibleString ,   -- a coden                   J
    issn VisibleString ,    -- ISSN                      J
    abr VisibleString ,     -- Title, Abbreviated         B
    isbn VisibleString }    -- ISBN                       B

Imprint ::= SEQUENCE {                  -- Imprint group
    date Date ,                         -- date of publication
    volume VisibleString OPTIONAL ,
    issue VisibleString OPTIONAL ,
    pages VisibleString OPTIONAL ,
    section VisibleString OPTIONAL ,
    pub Affil OPTIONAL,                     -- publisher, required for book
    cprt Date OPTIONAL,                     -- copyright date, "    "   "
    part-sup VisibleString OPTIONAL ,       -- part/sup of volume
    language VisibleString DEFAULT "ENG" ,  -- put here for simplicity
    prepub ENUMERATED {                     -- for prepublication citations
        submitted (1) ,                     -- submitted, not accepted
        in-press (2) ,                      -- accepted, not published
        other (255)  } OPTIONAL ,
    part-supi VisibleString OPTIONAL ,      -- part/sup on issue
    retract CitRetract OPTIONAL ,           -- retraction info
    pubstatus PubStatus OPTIONAL ,          -- current status of this publication
    history PubStatusDateSet OPTIONAL }     -- dates for this record

CitRetract ::= SEQUENCE {
    type ENUMERATED {                    -- retraction of an entry
        retracted (1) ,               -- this citation retracted
        notice (2) ,                  -- this citation is a retraction notice
        in-error (3) ,                -- an erratum was published about this
        erratum (4) } ,               -- this is a published erratum
    exp VisibleString OPTIONAL }      -- citation and/or explanation

Meeting ::= SEQUENCE {
    number VisibleString ,
    date Date ,
    place Affil OPTIONAL }