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-- $Id: pcsubstance.asn 95153 2021-10-14 11:48:47Z thiessen $
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--                            PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE
--               National Center for Biotechnology Information
--  This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
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-- ===========================================================================
-- Authors:  NCBI Structure Group
-- File Description:
--      ASN.1 definitions for PubChem small molecule database
-- ===========================================================================


EXPORTS PC-Substance, PC-Compound, PC-Substances, PC-Compounds,
        PC-Source, PC-ID, PC-InfoData, PC-XRefData;

IMPORTS Pub              FROM NCBI-Pub
        Date, Object-id  FROM NCBI-General;

-- Root Record for Chemical Substance Definition
PC-Substance ::= SEQUENCE {
    -- Internal Tracking Information
    sid            PC-ID,                               -- Substance ID/Version  [Either valid ID or a "0" dummy
                                                        --   value, if "source" is to be used]
                                                        --   Note: Version is for internal use (only?)
                                                        --   Note: A valid ID is greater than "0"
    source         PC-Source,                           -- Data Source for this Submission

    -- Substance Description Information
    pub            SEQUENCE OF Pub            OPTIONAL, -- Articles Describing this Substance
    synonyms       SEQUENCE OF VisibleString  OPTIONAL, -- Substance Names provided by Depositor
    comment        SEQUENCE OF VisibleString  OPTIONAL, -- Comments and Description provided by Depositor
    xref           SEQUENCE OF PC-XRefData    OPTIONAL, -- X-Ref/LinkOut Data provided by Depositor

    -- Structure Description
    compound       PC-Compounds               OPTIONAL  -- Original Deposited Structure Information

-- Holder for groups of Substances
PC-Substances ::= SEQUENCE OF PC-Substance

-- ID and Version Description Information
    id             INTEGER,                             -- Unique "Global" ID
                                                        --   Note: Must be greater than "0" or, if invalid, "0"
    version        INTEGER                              -- Incremented when Depositor updates record
                                                        --   Note: For Internal Use (only?)

-- Describes Substance Source, if from another database
PC-Source ::= CHOICE {
    individual     Pub,                                 -- Individual Submission
    db             PC-DBTracking,                       -- External DB Submission
    mmdb           PC-MMDBSource                        -- MMDB Submission (deprecated)

-- External DB Tracking Information
PC-DBTracking ::= SEQUENCE {
    name           VisibleString,                       -- Unique Name of External Database
    source-id      Object-id,                           -- Primary Unique ID used by External DB
    date           Date                       OPTIONAL, -- External Database Release Date
    description    VisibleString              OPTIONAL, -- External Database Release Code/Description
    pub            Pub                        OPTIONAL  -- Data Submission to same DB by original Author

-- MMDB Source Record detailing specific location or part of an MMDB Record
    mmdb-id        INTEGER,                             -- MMDB Record ID
                                                        --   Note: Must be greater than "0" or, if invalid, "0"
    molecule-id    INTEGER,                             -- MMDB Molecule ID
                                                        --   Note: Must be greater than "0" or, if invalid, "0"
    molecule-name  SEQUENCE OF VisibleString,           -- MMDB Molecule Name
    residue-id     INTEGER                    OPTIONAL, -- Residue ID
                                                        --   Note: Must be greater than "0" or, if invalid, "0"
    residue-name   VisibleString              OPTIONAL, -- Residue Name
    atom-id        INTEGER                    OPTIONAL, -- Atom ID
                                                        --   Note: Must be greater than "0" or, if invalid, "0"
    atom-name      VisibleString              OPTIONAL  -- Atom Name

-- Depositor Provided X-Ref and LinkOut data for Entrez
PC-XRefData ::= CHOICE {
        regid            VisibleString,           -- External Database Registry ID
        rn               VisibleString,           -- Registry Number (e.g., EC Number, CAS Number)
        mesh             VisibleString,           -- MESH Index Term
        pmid             INTEGER,                 -- PubMed ID
                                                  --   Note: Must be greater than "0" or, if invalid, "0"
        gi               INTEGER,                 -- GenBank General ID
                                                  --   Note: Please use protein-gi or nucleotide-gi, if possible
                                                  --   Note: Must be greater than "0" or, if invalid, "0"
        mmdb             INTEGER,                 -- MMDB ID
                                                  --   Note: Must be greater than "0" or, if invalid, "0"
        sid              INTEGER,                 -- PubChem Substance ID
                                                  --   Note: Must be greater than "0" or, if invalid, "0"
        cid              INTEGER,                 -- PubChem Compound ID
                                                  --   Note: Must be greater than "0" or, if invalid, "0"
        dburl            VisibleString,           -- Depositor Source Database Homepage
        sburl            VisibleString,           -- Depositor Homepage for a Substance
        asurl            VisibleString,           -- Depositor Homepage for an Assay
        protein-gi       INTEGER,                 -- GenBank General ID for a Protein
                                                  --   Note: Must be greater than "0" or, if invalid, "0"
        nucleotide-gi    INTEGER,                 -- GenBank General ID for a Nucleotide
                                                  --   Note: Must be greater than "0" or, if invalid, "0"
        taxonomy         INTEGER,                 -- Taxonomy ID for an Organism
                                                  --   Note: Must be greater than "0" or, if invalid, "0"
        aid              INTEGER,                 -- PubChem BioAssay ID
                                                  --   Note: Must be greater than "0" or, if invalid, "0"
        mim              INTEGER,                 -- MIM, Mendelian Inheritance in Man, Number
                                                  --   Note: Must be greater than "0" or, if invalid, "0"
        gene             INTEGER,                 -- Entrez Gene ID
                                                  --   Note: Must be greater than "0" or, if invalid, "0"
        probe            INTEGER,                 -- Probe ID
                                                  --   Note: Must be greater than "0" or, if invalid, "0"
        biosystem        INTEGER,                 -- BioSystem ID
                                                  --   Note: Must be greater than "0" or, if invalid, "0"
        geogse           INTEGER,                 -- Gene Expression Omnibus Series Accession (GEO GSE) ID
                                                  --   Note: Must be greater than "0" or, if invalid, "0"
        geogsm           INTEGER,                 -- Gene Expression Omnibus Sample Accession (GEO GSM) ID
                                                  --   Note: Must be greater than "0" or, if invalid, "0"
        patent           VisibleString,           -- Patent Identifier (e.g., USPTO, EPO, WPO, JPO, CPO)
        protein-accession        VisibleString,   -- GenBank Accession for a Protein
        nucleotide-accession     VisibleString,   -- GenBank Accession for a Nucleotide
        doi                      VisibleString,   -- digital object identifier (DOI)
        citation                 VisibleString    -- citation when PMID or DOI are not available

-- Compound Record
PC-Compound ::= SEQUENCE {
    -- Tracking Information
    id             PC-CompoundType,                        -- Compound Qualifier (Type/ID)
    atoms          PC-Atoms                      OPTIONAL, -- AtomID/Type Information
    bonds          PC-Bonds                      OPTIONAL, -- BondID/Type/Atom Information
    stereo         SEQUENCE OF PC-StereoCenter   OPTIONAL, -- StereoCenter Descriptions
    coords         SEQUENCE OF PC-Coordinates    OPTIONAL, -- 2D/3D Coordinate Sets of Compound
    charge         INTEGER                       OPTIONAL, -- Provided Total Formal Charge  (Signed Integer)
    props          SEQUENCE OF PC-InfoData       OPTIONAL, -- Derived (computed) Properties
    stereogroups   SEQUENCE OF PC-StereoGroup    OPTIONAL, -- Relative stereochemistry groups
    count          PC-Count                      OPTIONAL, -- Counts of various properties
    vbalt          PC-Compounds                  OPTIONAL, -- Alternate Valence-Bond Forms
    groups         SEQUENCE OF PC-Group          OPTIONAL  -- Superatom groups

-- Holder for groups of Compounds
PC-Compounds ::= SEQUENCE OF PC-Compound

-- Qualification used to describe the type of Compound deposited, standardized, or derived.
--    Please note that mixtures/cocktails may be specified using previously deposited substances.
PC-CompoundType ::= SEQUENCE {
    type        INTEGER {               --  Compound Qualifier or Type
                    -- For Compound Depositions
                    deposited           (0),               -- Original Deposited Compound
                    -- For Standardized Compounds
                    standardized        (1),               -- Standardized Form of a Deposited Compound
                    component           (2),               -- Component of a Standardized Compound
                    neutralized         (3),               -- Neutralized Form of a Standardized Compound
                    -- For Mixture/Cocktail Depositions
                    mixture             (4),               -- Substance that is a component of a mixture
                    -- For Theoretical Compounds
                    tautomer            (5),               -- Predicted Tautomer Form
                    pka-state           (6),               -- Predicted Ionized pKa Form

                    unknown           (255)                -- Unknown Compound Type
                }                                OPTIONAL,
    id          CHOICE {                --  Compound Namespace and ID  (absent for "deposited" type compounds)
                    cid        INTEGER,                    --  Standardized Compound
                    sid        INTEGER,                    --  PubChem Substance (for "mixture" type compounds)
                    xid        INTEGER                     --  PubChem Theoretical Compound
                }                                OPTIONAL

-- Superatom group (e.g. from MOL Sgroup)
PC-Group ::= SEQUENCE {

    -- Atoms in this group (list of aid from PC-Atoms, e.g. from MOL FIELD SAL)
    atoms                    SEQUENCE OF INTEGER,
    -- These enumerated values are adapted from the ctfile format specification
    type                     INTEGER {                     -- Type of group (e.g. from MOL field STY)
                                 sup        (1),           -- Superatom
                                 mul        (2),           -- Multiple group
                                 sru        (3),           -- Structure repeat unit (polymer)
                                 mon        (4),           -- Monomer
                                 mer        (5),           -- Mer type
                                 cop        (6),           -- Copolymer
                                 cro        (7),           -- Crosslink
                                 mod        (8),           -- Modification
                                 gra        (9),           -- Graft
                                 com       (10),           -- Component
                                 mix       (11),           -- Mixture
                                 for       (12),           -- Formulation
                                 dat       (13),           -- Data Sgroup
                                 any       (14),           -- Any polymer
                                 gen       (15),           -- Generic
                                 unknown  (255)
    subtype                  INTEGER {                     -- Subtype (e.g. from MOL field SST)
                                 alt        (1),           -- Alternating
                                 ran        (2),           -- Random
                                 blo        (3),           -- Block
                                 unknown  (255)
                             } OPTIONAL, 
    connectivity             INTEGER {                     -- Connectivity (e.g. from MOL field SCN)
                                 hh         (1),           -- Head-to-head
                                 ht         (2),           -- Head-to-tail
                                 eu         (3),           -- Either unknown
                                 unknown  (255)
                             } OPTIONAL,

    label                    INTEGER OPTIONAL,             -- Label (e.g. from MOL field SLB)
    subscript                VisibleString OPTIONAL,       -- Subscript (e.g. from MOL field SMT)
    repeat-count             CHOICE {                      -- Repeat count (e.g. for polymers)
                                 exact     INTEGER,
                                 range     SEQUENCE {
                                     lower     INTEGER,
                                     upper     INTEGER
                             } OPTIONAL,
    -- Special bonds in this group (typically capping/crossing bonds, e.g. from MOL field SBL)
    --   If present, from and to must be parallel lists of aid from PC-Bonds
    bonds                    SEQUENCE {
                                 from      SEQUENCE OF INTEGER,
                                 to        SEQUENCE OF INTEGER
                             } OPTIONAL,
    -- Bracket display (e.g. from MOL field SDI)
    brackets                 SEQUENCE {
                                 left      PC-Bracket,
                                 right     PC-Bracket
                             } OPTIONAL

-- Display coordinates for a bracket (e.g. from MOL field SDI)
PC-Bracket ::= SEQUENCE {
    x1                       REAL,
    y1                       REAL,
    x2                       REAL,
    y2                       REAL

-- Counts of various properties of a Compound
PC-Count ::= SEQUENCE {
    heavy-atom               INTEGER,             -- Total count of non-Hydrogen (Heavy) Atoms

    -- StereoChemistry Counts
    atom-chiral              INTEGER,             -- Total count of (SP3) Chiral Atoms
    atom-chiral-def          INTEGER,             -- Total count of Defined (SP3) Chiral Atoms
    atom-chiral-undef        INTEGER,             -- Total count of Undefined (SP3) Chiral Atoms
    bond-chiral              INTEGER,             -- Total count of (SP2) Chiral Bonds
    bond-chiral-def          INTEGER,             -- Total count of (SP2) Defined Chiral Bonds
    bond-chiral-undef        INTEGER,             -- Total count of (SP2) Undefined Chiral Bonds

    -- Isotopic Counts
    isotope-atom             INTEGER,             -- Total count of Atoms with Isotopic Information

    -- Discrete Structure Counts
    covalent-unit            INTEGER,             -- Total count of covalently-bonded units in the record
    tautomers                INTEGER              -- Number of possible tautomers (Max. 999)

-- List of atom identifiers which are in a common stereochemistry group.
-- All atoms in this group possess the characteristic of the type specified.
-- The convention adopted is intended to be compatible with MDL's Enhanced
-- Stereochemical Representation white paper.
-- An atom can only be member of a single stereo group, and all atoms
-- in a stereo group must have a stereo descriptor.
-- Stereogroups only apply to stereocenters that can have parity.
PC-StereoGroup ::= SEQUENCE {
    type           INTEGER {
                       absolute         (1),            -- Absolute configuration is known
                       or               (2),            -- Relative configuration is known (absolute configuration is unknown)
                       and              (3),            -- Mixture of stereoisomers
                       unknown        (255)             -- Unknown configuration type
     aid           SEQUENCE OF INTEGER                  -- Atom Identifiers of atoms in this group
                                                        --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"

-- Compound Description/Descriptor Data
PC-InfoData ::= SEQUENCE {
    urn            PC-Urn,                              -- Universal Resource Name  [for Value Qualification]
    value          CHOICE {                             -- Data Value
                          bval     BOOLEAN,                   -- Boolean or Binary
                          bvec     SEQUENCE OF BOOLEAN,       -- Boolean Vector
                          ival     INTEGER,                   -- Integer (signed or unsigned)
                          ivec     SEQUENCE OF INTEGER,       -- Integer Vector
                          fval     REAL,                      -- Float or Double
                          fvec     SEQUENCE OF REAL,          -- Double Vector
                          sval     VisibleString,             -- String
                          slist    SEQUENCE OF VisibleString, -- List of Strings
                          date     Date,                      -- Date
                          binary   OCTET STRING,              -- Binary Data
                          bitlist  BIT STRING                 -- Bit List (specialized version of Boolean vector)

-- Universal Resource Name
--    Provides explicit source information on derived or calculated data
    label           VisibleString,                       -- Generic Name or Label for Display  [e.g., "Log P"]
    name            VisibleString              OPTIONAL, -- Qualified Name  [e.g., "XlogP"]
    datatype        PC-UrnDataType             OPTIONAL, -- Specific Data Type of Value  [e.g., binary]
    parameters      VisibleString              OPTIONAL, -- Implementation Parameter  [e.g., "metal=0"]
    implementation  VisibleString              OPTIONAL, -- Implementation Name  [e.g., "E_XlogP"]
    version         VisibleString              OPTIONAL, -- Implementation Version  [e.g., "3.317"]
    software        VisibleString              OPTIONAL, -- Implementation Software  [e.g., "Cactvs"]
    source          VisibleString              OPTIONAL, -- Implementation Organization  [e.g., ""]
    release         VisibleString              OPTIONAL  -- NCBI Implementation Release  [e.g., "10.25.2005"]

-- URN Data Type
--   Provides the ability to use more specific data types than that directly provided by ASN.1.
--   Provides for more specific validation of specified data.
PC-UrnDataType ::= INTEGER {
        -- Basic Data Types
        string                         (1),  -- String                             [maps to a VisibleString]
        stringlist                     (2),  -- List of Strings                    [maps to VisibleString list]
        int                            (3),  -- 32-Bit Signed Integer              [maps to an INTEGER]
        intvec                         (4),  -- Vector of 32-Bit Signed Integer    [maps to INTEGER vector]
        uint                           (5),  -- 32-Bit Unsigned Integer            [maps to an INTEGER]
        uintvec                        (6),  -- Vector of 32-Bit Unsigned Integer  [maps to INTEGER vector]
        double                         (7),  -- 64-Bit Float                       [maps to a REAL]
        doublevec                      (8),  -- Vector of Double                   [maps to REAL vector]
        bool                           (9),  -- Boolean or Binary value            [maps to a BOOLEAN]
        boolvec                       (10),  -- Boolean Vector                     [maps to BOOLEAN vector]

        -- Specialized Data Types
        uint64                        (11),  -- 64-Bit Unsigned Integer (Hex form) [maps to a VisibleString]
        binary                        (12),  -- Binary Data Blob                   [maps to an OCTET STRING]
        url                           (13),  -- URL                                [maps to a VisibleString]
        unicode                       (14),  -- UniCode String                     [maps to a VisibleString]
        date                          (15),  -- ISO8601 Date                       [maps to a Date]
        fingerprint                   (16),  -- Binary Fingerprint (Gzip'ped bit   [maps to an OCTET STRING]
                                             --   list w/ 4-Byte prefix denoting bit list length)

        unknown                      (255)   -- Unknown Data Type               [maps to a set of VisibleString]

-- Coordinates for the Compound of a given type
PC-Coordinates ::= SEQUENCE {
    type           SEQUENCE OF PC-CoordinateType,          -- Coordinate Type Information (vector)
    aid            SEQUENCE OF INTEGER,                    -- Conformer Atom IDs (vector)
                                                           --   (to be kept synchronized with Conformers)
                                                           --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    conformers     SEQUENCE OF PC-Conformer      OPTIONAL, -- Conformers for this Coordinate Set

    atomlabels     SEQUENCE OF PC-AtomString     OPTIONAL, -- Atom labels for Conformer Set

    data           SEQUENCE OF PC-InfoData       OPTIONAL  -- Data Associated with these Coordinates

-- Drawing/Conformer Definition (in Parallel Arrays, synchronized to aid integer list)
--   3D coordinates are specified in a right-handed coordinate system. For 2D plots, Y axis leads upwards.
PC-Conformer ::= SEQUENCE {
    --  [Note: Parallel Arrays must be kept Synchronized]
    x              SEQUENCE OF REAL,                       -- X Coordinates (vector)
    y              SEQUENCE OF REAL,                       -- Y Coordinates (vector)
    z              SEQUENCE OF REAL              OPTIONAL, -- Z Coordinates (vector)

    style          PC-DrawAnnotations            OPTIONAL, -- Structure Annotations

    data           SEQUENCE OF PC-InfoData       OPTIONAL  -- Data Associated with this Conformer

-- Holder for groups of Conformers
PC-Conformers ::= SEQUENCE OF PC-Conformer

-- Coordinate Set Type Distinctions
PC-CoordinateType ::= INTEGER {
        twod                (1),  -- 2D Coordinates
        threed              (2),  -- 3D Coordinates (should also indicate units, below)
        submitted           (3),  -- Depositor Provided Coordinates
        experimental        (4),  -- Experimentally Determined Coordinates
        computed            (5),  -- Computed Coordinates
        standardized        (6),  -- Standardized Coordinates
        augmented           (7),  -- Hybrid Original with Computed Coordinates (e.g., explicit H)
        aligned             (8),  -- Template used to align drawing
        compact             (9),  -- Drawing uses shorthand forms (e.g., COOH, OCH3, Et, etc.)
        units-angstroms    (10),  -- (3D) Coordinate units are Angstroms
        units-nanometers   (11),  -- (3D) Coordinate units are nanometers
        units-pixel        (12),  -- (2D) Coordinate units are pixels
        units-points       (13),  -- (2D) Coordinate units are points
        units-stdbonds     (14),  -- (2D) Coordinate units are standard bond lengths (1.0)
        units-unknown     (255)   -- Coordinate units are unknown or unspecified

-- Drawing Annotations (in Parallel Arrays)
--    [Note: A pair of atoms can have multiple annotations]
PC-DrawAnnotations ::= SEQUENCE {
    --  [Note: Parallel Arrays must be kept Synchronized]
    annotation     SEQUENCE OF PC-BondAnnotation, -- Bond Annotations (vector)
    aid1           SEQUENCE OF INTEGER,           -- Atom1 Identifier (vector)
                                                  --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    aid2           SEQUENCE OF INTEGER            -- Atom2 Identifier (vector)
                                                  --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"

-- Atom-Atom Annotation Information
PC-BondAnnotation ::= INTEGER {
    crossed        (1),                          -- Double Bond that can be both Cis/Trans
    dashed         (2),                          -- Hydrogen-Bond (3D Only?)
    wavy           (3),                          -- Unknown Stereochemistry
    dotted         (4),                          -- Complex/Fractional
    wedge-up       (5),                          -- Above-Plane
    wedge-down     (6),                          -- Below-Plane
    arrow          (7),                          -- Dative
    aromatic       (8),                          -- Aromatic
    resonance      (9),                          -- Resonance
    bold          (10),                          -- Fat Bond (Non-Specific User Interpreted Information)
    fischer       (11),                          -- Interpret Bond Stereo using Fischer Conventions
    closeContact  (12),                          -- Identification of Atom-Atom Close Contacts (3D Only)
    unknown      (255)                           -- Unspecified or Unknown Atom-Atom Annotation

-- Atom Information  (in Parallel Arrays)
PC-Atoms ::= SEQUENCE {
    --  [Note: Parallel Arrays must be kept Synchronized]
    aid            SEQUENCE OF INTEGER,                    -- Atom Identifiers (vector)
                                                           --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    element        SEQUENCE OF PC-Element,                 -- Atomic Numbers (vector)

    -- Independent Arrays of ID-Value Pairs  (Technically allows multiple values per Atom)
    label          SEQUENCE OF PC-AtomString     OPTIONAL, -- Atom labels
    isotope        SEQUENCE OF PC-AtomInt        OPTIONAL, -- Isotopic Information
    charge         SEQUENCE OF PC-AtomInt        OPTIONAL, -- Formal Charges
    radical        SEQUENCE OF PC-AtomRadical    OPTIONAL, -- Radical Information
    source         SEQUENCE OF PC-AtomSource     OPTIONAL, -- E.g. identity of MMDB "R" groups
    comment        SEQUENCE OF PC-AtomString     OPTIONAL  -- Atom Comments

-- Specification of an Association between an Atom Identifier and Source
PC-AtomSource ::= SEQUENCE {
    aid            INTEGER,                      -- Atom Identifier for the R-Group Source
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    source         PC-MMDBSource                 -- Atom Specific MMDB Record

-- Specification of an Association between an Atom Identifier and an Integer Value
PC-AtomInt ::= SEQUENCE {
    aid            INTEGER,                      -- Atom Identifier for the Value
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    value          INTEGER                       -- Value Associated to the ID

-- Specification of an Association between an Atom Identifier and a String Value
PC-AtomString ::= SEQUENCE {
    aid            INTEGER,                      -- Atom Identifier for the Value
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    value          VisibleString                 -- Value Associated to the ID

-- Rudimentary Atom Electronic Configuration Designation
PC-AtomRadical ::= SEQUENCE {
    aid            INTEGER,                      -- Atom Identifier for the Value
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    type           INTEGER {                     -- Type of Atom Radical
                       singlet    (1),           -- Open-Shell Singlet
                       doublet    (2),           -- Open-Shell Doublet
                       triplet    (3),           -- Open-Shell Triplet
                       quartet    (4),           -- Open-Shell Quartet
                       quintet    (5),           -- Open-Shell Quintet
                       hextet     (6),           -- Open-Shell Hextet
                       heptet     (7),           -- Open-Shell Quintet
                       octet      (8),           -- Open-Shell Octet
                       none     (255)            -- Closed-Shell Singlet

-- Element Information [which may contain "illegal" element values]
PC-Element::= INTEGER {
    -- Illegal Atom Numbers that may be Interpreted to be something else
    a  (255),                                    -- Unspecified Atom (Asterick)
    d  (254),                                    -- Dummy Atom
    r  (253),                                    -- Rgroup Label
    lp (252),                                    -- Lone Pair

    -- Elements
    h  (1), he (2), li (3), be (4), b  (5),
    c  (6), n  (7), o  (8), f  (9), ne(10),
    na(11), mg(12), al(13), si(14), p (15),
    s (16), cl(17), ar(18), k (19), ca(20),
    sc(21), ti(22), v (23), cr(24), mn(25),
    fe(26), co(27), ni(28), cu(29), zn(30),
    ga(31), ge(32), as(33), se(34), br(35),
    kr(36), rb(37), sr(38), y (39), zr(40),
    nb(41), mo(42), tc(43), ru(44), rh(45),
    pd(46), ag(47), cd(48), in(49), sn(50),
    sb(51), te(52), i (53), xe(54), cs(55),
    ba(56), la(57), ce(58), pr(59), nd(60),
    pm(61), sm(62), eu(63), gd(64), tb(65),
    dy(66), ho(67), er(68), tm(69), yb(70),
    lu(71), hf(72), ta(73), w (74), re(75),
    os(76), ir(77), pt(78), au(79), hg(80),
    tl(81), pb(82), bi(83), po(84), at(85),
    rn(86), fr(87), ra(88), ac(89), th(90),
    pa(91), u(92),  np(93), pu(94), am(95),
    cm(96), bk(97), cf(98), es(99), fm(100),
    md(101), no(102), lr(103), rf(104), db(105),
    sg(106), bh(107), hs(108), mt(109), ds(110),
    rg(111), cn(112), nh(113), fl(114), mc(115),
    lv(116), ts(117), og(118)

-- Bond Description Information  (in Parallel Arrays)
PC-Bonds ::= SEQUENCE {
    --  [Note: Parallel Arrays must be kept Synchronized]
    aid1           SEQUENCE OF INTEGER,          -- Atom1 Identifier (vector)
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    aid2           SEQUENCE OF INTEGER,          -- Atom2 Identifier (vector)
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    order          SEQUENCE OF PC-BondType       -- Bond Type Information (vector)

-- Bond Type Information
PC-BondType ::= INTEGER {
    single         (1),                          -- Single Bond
    double         (2),                          -- Double Bond
    triple         (3),                          -- Triple Bond
    quadruple      (4),                          -- Quadruple Bond
    dative         (5),                          -- Dative Bond
    complex        (6),                          -- Complex Bond
    ionic          (7),                          -- Ionic Bond
    unknown      (255)                           -- Unknown/Unspecified Connectivity

-- Allowed Stereogenic Center Types
--   [Using IUPAC Stereogenic Center recommendations and terminology]
PC-StereoCenter ::= CHOICE {
    tetrahedral    PC-StereoTetrahedral,         -- Tetrahedral (SP3) StereoCenter
    planar         PC-StereoPlanar,              -- Planar (SP2) StereoCenter
    squareplanar   PC-StereoSquarePlanar,        -- Square Planar (SP4) StereoCenter
    octahedral     PC-StereoOctahedral,          -- Octahedral (OC-6) / Square Pyramid (SPY-5) StereoCenters
    bipyramid      PC-StereoTrigonalBiPyramid,   -- Trigonal BiPyramid (TBPY-4 and TBPY-5) StereoCenters
    tshape         PC-StereoTShape,              -- T-Shaped (TS-3) StereoCenters
    pentagonal     PC-StereoPentagonalBiPyramid  -- Pentagonal BiPyramid (PBPY-7) StereoCenters

-- SP3 Tetrahedral StereoCenter, Trigonal Pyramid Stereogenic Center,
--   Cumulenic StereoCenter (Linear systems of an even number of double bonds),
--   or Hindered biaryl stereocenter (All biaryls have hindered rotation that
--   to some extent the ortho-hydrogens prevent coplanarity)
--   [Using IUPAC Stereogenic Center recommendations and terminology]
--   [Note: "-1" can be used for the Atom Identifier to represent a lone-pair or implicit hydrogen]
PC-StereoTetrahedral ::= SEQUENCE {
    center         INTEGER,                      -- Atom Identifier of Atom Center
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    above          INTEGER,                      -- Atom Identifier of Atom Above the Plane
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    top            INTEGER,                      -- Atom Identifier of Atom In-Plane and at the Top
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    bottom         INTEGER,                      -- Atom Identifier of Atom In-Plane and at the Bottom
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    below          INTEGER,                      -- Atom Identifier of Atom Below the Plane
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    parity         INTEGER {                     -- StereoCenter Designation
                       clockwise          (1),
                       counterclockwise   (2),
                       any                (3),
                       unknown          (255)
                   }                  OPTIONAL,
    type           INTEGER {                     -- Type of StereoCenter, Tetrahedral, if not specified
                       tetrahedral        (1),   -- Tetrahedral StereoCenter
                       cumulenic          (2),   -- Cumulenic StereoCenter
                       biaryl             (3)    -- Biaryl StereoCenter
                   }                  OPTIONAL

-- SP2 Planar Stereogenic Center, Cumulenic StereoCenter (Linear systems on an odd
--   number of double bonds present planar stereochemistry)
--   [Using IUPAC Stereogenic Center recommendations and terminology]
--   [Note: "-1" can be used for the Atom Identifier to represent a lone-pair or implicit hydrogen]
PC-StereoPlanar ::= SEQUENCE {
    left           INTEGER,                      -- Atom ID of Left Double Bond Atom
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    ltop           INTEGER,                      -- Atom ID of Top Atom attached to the Left Double Bond Atom
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    lbottom        INTEGER,                      -- Atom ID of Bottom Atom attached to the Left Double Bond Atom
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    right          INTEGER,                      -- Atom ID of Right Double Bond Atom
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    rtop           INTEGER,                      -- Atom ID of Top Atom attached to the Right Double Bond Atom
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    rbottom        INTEGER,                      -- Atom ID of Bottom Atom attached to the Right Double Bond Atom
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    parity         INTEGER {                     -- StereoCenter Designation
                       same             (1),
                       opposite         (2),
                       any              (3),
                       unknown        (255)
                   }                  OPTIONAL,
    type           INTEGER {                     -- Type of StereoCenter, SP2 Planar, if not specified
                       planar           (1),     -- SP2 Planar StereoCenter
                       cumulenic        (2)      -- Cumulenic StereoCenter
                   }                  OPTIONAL

-- Square Planar (SP4) StereoCenters
--   [Using IUPAC Stereogenic Center recommendations and terminology]
--   [Note: "-1" can be used for the Atom Identifier to represent a lone-pair or implicit hydrogen]
PC-StereoSquarePlanar ::= SEQUENCE {
    center         INTEGER,                      -- Atom ID of Atom Center
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    lbelow         INTEGER,                      -- Atom ID of Left Below Plane Atom
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    rbelow         INTEGER,                      -- Atom ID of Right Below Plane Atom
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    labove         INTEGER,                      -- Atom ID of Left Above Plane Atom
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    rabove         INTEGER,                      -- Atom ID of Right Above Plane Atom
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    parity         INTEGER {                     -- StereoCenter Type
                       u-shape          (1),     --   U shaped isomer (labove-lbelow-rbelow-rabove)
                       z-shape          (2),     --   Z shaped isomer (labove-rabove-lbelow-rbelow)
                       x-shape          (3),     --   X shaped isomer (labove-rbelow-rabove-lbelow)
                       any              (4),     --   Nonspecific mixture of isomers
                       unknown        (255)
                   }                  OPTIONAL

-- Octahedral (OC-6) and Square Pyramid (SPY-5) StereoCenters
--   [Using IUPAC Stereogenic Center recommendations and terminology]
--   [Note: "-1" can be used for the Atom Identifier to represent a lone-pair or implicit hydrogen]
PC-StereoOctahedral ::= SEQUENCE {
    center         INTEGER,                      -- Atom ID of Atom Center
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    top            INTEGER,                      -- Atom ID of Atom In-Plane and at the Top
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    bottom         INTEGER,                      -- Atom ID of Atom In-Plane and at the Bottom
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    labove         INTEGER,                      -- Atom ID of Atom Above the Plane on the Left
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    lbelow         INTEGER,                      -- Atom ID of Atom Below the Plane on the Left
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    rabove         INTEGER,                      -- Atom ID of Atom Above the Plane on the Right
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    rbelow         INTEGER                       -- Atom ID of Atom Below the Plane on the Right
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"

-- Trigonal BiPyramid (TBPY-4 and TBPY-5) StereoCenters
--   [Using IUPAC Stereogenic Center recommendations and terminology]
--   [Note: "-1" can be used for the Atom Identifier to represent a lone-pair or implicit hydrogen]
PC-StereoTrigonalBiPyramid ::= SEQUENCE {
    center         INTEGER,                      -- Atom ID of Atom Center
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    above          INTEGER,                      -- Atom ID of Atom Above the Plane
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    below          INTEGER,                      -- Atom ID of Atom Below the Plane
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    top            INTEGER,                      -- Atom ID of Atom In-Plane and at the Top
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    bottom         INTEGER,                      -- Atom ID of Atom In-Plane and at the Bottom
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    right          INTEGER                       -- Atom ID of Atom In-Plane and to the Right
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"

-- T-Shaped (TS-3) StereoCenters
--   [Using IUPAC Stereogenic Center recommendations and terminology]
--   [Note: "-1" can be used for the Atom Identifier to represent a lone-pair or implicit hydrogen]
PC-StereoTShape ::= SEQUENCE {
    center         INTEGER,                      -- Atom ID of Atom Center
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    top            INTEGER,                      -- Atom ID of Atom In-Plane and at the Top
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    bottom         INTEGER,                      -- Atom ID of Atom In-Plane and at the Bottom
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    above          INTEGER                       -- Atom ID of Atom Above the Plane
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"

-- Pentagonal BiPyramid (PBPY-7) StereoCenters
--   [Using IUPAC Stereogenic Center recommendations and terminology]
--   [Note: "-1" can be used for the Atom Identifier to represent a lone-pair or implicit hydrogen]
PC-StereoPentagonalBiPyramid ::= SEQUENCE {
    center         INTEGER,                      -- Atom ID of Atom Center
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    top            INTEGER,                      -- Atom ID of Atom In-Plane and at the Top
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    bottom         INTEGER,                      -- Atom ID of Atom In-Plane and at the Bottom
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    left           INTEGER,                      -- Atom ID of Atom In-Plane and at the Left
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    labove         INTEGER,                      -- Atom ID of Atom Above the Plane on the Left
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    lbelow         INTEGER,                      -- Atom ID of Atom Below the Plane on the Left
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    rabove         INTEGER,                      -- Atom ID of Atom Above the Plane on the Right
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"
    rbelow         INTEGER                       -- Atom ID of Atom Below the Plane on the Right
                                                 --   Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0"