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--$Revision: 32084 $
--  Publication common set
--  James Ostell, 1990
--  This is the base class definitions for Publications of all sorts
--  support for PubMedId added in 1996


EXPORTS Pub, Pub-set, Pub-equiv;

IMPORTS Medline-entry FROM NCBI-Medline
        Cit-art, Cit-jour, Cit-book, Cit-proc, Cit-pat, Id-pat, Cit-gen,
        Cit-let, Cit-sub, PubMedId FROM NCBI-Biblio;

Pub ::= CHOICE {
    gen Cit-gen ,        -- general or generic unparsed
    sub Cit-sub ,        -- submission
    medline Medline-entry ,
    muid INTEGER ,       -- medline uid
    article Cit-art ,
    journal Cit-jour ,
    book Cit-book ,
    proc Cit-proc ,      -- proceedings of a meeting
    patent Cit-pat ,
    pat-id Id-pat ,      -- identify a patent
    man Cit-let ,        -- manuscript, thesis, or letter
    equiv Pub-equiv,     -- to cite a variety of ways
	pmid PubMedId }      -- PubMedId

Pub-equiv ::= SET OF Pub   -- equivalent identifiers for same citation

Pub-set ::= CHOICE {
    pub SET OF Pub ,
    medline SET OF Medline-entry ,
    article SET OF Cit-art ,
    journal SET OF Cit-jour ,
    book SET OF Cit-book ,
    proc SET OF Cit-proc ,      -- proceedings of a meeting
    patent SET OF Cit-pat }