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--$Revision: 32191 $
--  Sequence editing commands
--  Didenko 2005
--  seqedit.asn
--     representation of Sequence editing commands


IMPORTS Date, Object-id, Dbtag, Int-fuzz  FROM NCBI-General
        Seq-id                     FROM NCBI-Seqloc
        Seq-descr, Seqdesc, Seq-annot, Bioseq, Annotdesc,
        Seq-ext, Seq-hist, Seq-data,
        Seq-inst, Annot-descr      FROM NCBI-Sequence
        Seq-align                  FROM NCBI-Seqalign
        Seq-feat                   FROM NCBI-Seqfeat
        Seq-graph                  FROM NCBI-Seqres
        Bioseq-set, Seq-entry      FROM NCBI-Seqset;

SeqEdit-Id ::= CHOICE {
    bioseq-id      Seq-id,
    bioseqset-id   INTEGER,
    unique-num     INTEGER

-- Add a new seq-id to bioseq
SeqEdit-Cmd-AddId ::= SEQUENCE {
    id        SeqEdit-Id,          -- Bioseq id
    add-id    Seq-id               -- Seq id to add

-- Remove a seq-id from bioseq
SeqEdit-Cmd-RemoveId ::= SEQUENCE {
    id          SeqEdit-Id,        -- Bioseq id
    remove-id   Seq-id             -- Seq id to remove

-- Reset ids field of bioseq
SeqEdit-Cmd-ResetIds ::= SEQUENCE {
    id          SeqEdit-Id,        -- Bioseq id
    remove-ids  SET OF Seq-id      -- List of Seq ids to remove

-- Change bioseq's attribure
SeqEdit-Cmd-ChangeSeqAttr ::= SEQUENCE {
    id        SeqEdit-Id,          -- Bioseq id
    data CHOICE {
         inst     Seq-inst,        -- whole seq-inst object
         repr     INTEGER,         -- repr field of seq-inst object
         mol      INTEGER,         -- mol field of seq-inst object
         length   INTEGER,         -- length field of seq-inst object
         fuzz     Int-fuzz,        -- fuzz field of seq-inst object
         topology INTEGER,         -- topology field of seq-inst object
         strand   INTEGER,         -- strand field of seq-inst object
         ext      Seq-ext,         -- extr field of seq-inst object
         hist     Seq-hist,        -- hist field of seq-inst object
         seq-data Seq-data         -- seq-data field of seq-inst object

-- Reset bioseq's attribute
SeqEdit-Cmd-ResetSeqAttr ::= SEQUENCE {
    id        SeqEdit-Id,      -- Bioseq id
    what ENUMERATED {
         not-set  (0),
         inst     (1),         -- whole seq-inst object
         repr     (2),         -- repr field of seq-inst object
         mol      (3),         -- mol field of seq-inst object
         length   (4),         -- length field of seq-inst object
         fuzz     (5),         -- fuzz field of seq-inst object
         topology (6),         -- topology field of seq-inst object
         strand   (7),         -- strand field of seq-inst object
         ext      (8),         -- extr field of seq-inst object
         hist     (9),         -- hist field of seq-inst object
         seq-data (10)         -- seq-data field of seq-inst object

-- Change bioseq-set's attribute
SeqEdit-Cmd-ChangeSetAttr ::= SEQUENCE {
    id        SeqEdit-Id,          -- Bioseq_set id
    data CHOICE {
         id      Object-id,        -- object id
         coll    Dbtag,            -- db tag
         level   INTEGER,          -- level
         class   INTEGER,          -- class
         release VisibleString,    -- release
         date    Date              -- date      

-- Reset bioseq-set's attibute
SeqEdit-Cmd-ResetSetAttr ::= SEQUENCE {
    id        SeqEdit-Id,          -- Bioseq_set id
    what ENUMERATED {
         not-set (0),              
         id      (1),              -- object id
         coll    (2),              -- db tag
         level   (3),              -- level
         class   (4),              -- class
         release (5),              -- release
         date    (6)               -- date
-- Add descriptors to an object
SeqEdit-Cmd-AddDescr ::= SEQUENCE {
    id          SeqEdit-Id,        -- Bioseq or Bioseq_set id
    add-descr   Seq-descr          -- Descriptors

-- Set an objects's descriptors
SeqEdit-Cmd-SetDescr ::= SEQUENCE {
    id        SeqEdit-Id,          -- Bioseq or Bioseq_set id
    set-descr Seq-descr            -- Descriptors

-- Reset an objects's descriptors
SeqEdit-Cmd-ResetDescr ::= SEQUENCE {
    id           SeqEdit-Id        -- Bioseq or Bioseq_set id

-- Add a descriptor ot an object
SeqEdit-Cmd-AddDesc ::= SEQUENCE {
    id          SeqEdit-Id,        -- Bioseq or Bioseq_set id
    add-desc    Seqdesc            -- descriptor

-- Remove a descripor from an object
SeqEdit-Cmd-RemoveDesc ::= SEQUENCE {
    id           SeqEdit-Id,       -- Bioseq or Bioseq_set id
    remove-desc Seqdesc            -- descriptor

-- Attach a bioseq to seq entry
SeqEdit-Cmd-AttachSeq ::= SEQUENCE {
    id           SeqEdit-Id,       -- Seq entry id
    seq          Bioseq            -- bioseq

-- Attach a bioseq-set to seq entry
SeqEdit-Cmd-AttachSet ::= SEQUENCE {
    id           SeqEdit-Id,       -- Seq entry id
    set          Bioseq-set        -- bioseq-set

-- Detach an object from seq entry
SeqEdit-Cmd-ResetSeqEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    id           SeqEdit-Id        -- Seq entry id

-- Attach a seq entry to bioseq-set
SeqEdit-Cmd-AttachSeqEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    id           SeqEdit-Id,          -- Bioseq_set id
    seq-entry    Seq-entry OPTIONAL,  -- set entry
    index        INTEGER              -- index

-- Remove a seq entry from bioseq-set
SeqEdit-Cmd-RemoveSeqEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    id           SeqEdit-Id,       -- Bioseq_set id
    entry-id     SeqEdit-Id        -- Seq_entry for deletion

-- Add an annotation to a bioseq or a bioseq-set
SeqEdit-Cmd-AttachAnnot ::= SEQUENCE {
    id    SeqEdit-Id,               -- Bioseq or Bioseq_set id
    annot Seq-annot                 -- complete annotation

-- Remove an annotation object from a bioseq or a bioseq-set
SeqEdit-Cmd-RemoveAnnot ::= SEQUENCE {
    id    SeqEdit-Id,                -- Bioseq or Bioseq_set id
    name  VisibleString OPTIONAL,    -- Annotation's name
    named BOOLEAN,                   -- TRUE if an annotation is named
    data  CHOICE {                   -- object for deletion
          feat  Seq-feat,
          align Seq-align,
          graph Seq-graph 

-- Add an annotaion object to a bioseq or a bioseq-set 
SeqEdit-Cmd-AddAnnot ::= SEQUENCE {
    id    SeqEdit-Id,                -- Bioseq or Bioseq_set id
    name  VisibleString OPTIONAL,    -- Annotation's name
    named BOOLEAN,                   -- TRUE if an annotation is named
    search-param CHOICE {            -- A search creteria
          descr Annot-descr,         -- If an annotation does not have any objects,
          obj   CHOICE {             -- use an annotaion descriptor,
                feat  Seq-feat,      -- otherwise use an annot object
                align Seq-align,
                graph Seq-graph 
    data  CHOICE {                   -- an annotaion object to add
          feat  Seq-feat,
          align Seq-align,
          graph Seq-graph 

-- Replace an annotation object of a bioseq or a bioseq-set
SeqEdit-Cmd-ReplaceAnnot ::= SEQUENCE {
    id    SeqEdit-Id,                -- Bioseq or Bioseq_set id
    name  VisibleString OPTIONAL,    -- Annotation's name
    named BOOLEAN,                   -- TRUE if an annotation is named
    data  CHOICE {
          feat  SEQUENCE {
                ovalue  Seq-feat,    -- old value
                nvalue  Seq-feat     -- new value
          align SEQUENCE {
                ovalue Seq-align,    -- old value
                nvalue Seq-align     -- new value
          graph SEQUENCE {
                ovalue Seq-graph,    -- old value
                nvalue Seq-graph     -- new value

SeqEdit-Cmd ::= CHOICE {
    add-id          SeqEdit-Cmd-AddId,          -- Add a new seq-id to bioseq
    remove-id       SeqEdit-Cmd-RemoveId,       -- Remove a seq-id from bioseq
    reset-ids       SeqEdit-Cmd-ResetIds,       -- Reset ids field of bioseq
    change-seqattr  SeqEdit-Cmd-ChangeSeqAttr,  -- Change bioseq's attribure
    reset-seqattr   SeqEdit-Cmd-ResetSeqAttr,   -- Reset bioseq's attribute
    change-setattr  SeqEdit-Cmd-ChangeSetAttr,  -- Change bioseq-set's attribure
    reset-setattr   SeqEdit-Cmd-ResetSetAttr,   -- Reset bioseq-set's attribute
    add-descr       SeqEdit-Cmd-AddDescr,       -- Add descriptors to an object
    set-descr       SeqEdit-Cmd-SetDescr,       -- Set an objects's descriptors
    reset-descr     SeqEdit-Cmd-ResetDescr,     -- Reset an objects's descriptors
    add-desc        SeqEdit-Cmd-AddDesc,        -- Add a descriptor ot an object
    remove-desc     SeqEdit-Cmd-RemoveDesc,     -- Remove a descripor from an object
    attach-seq      SeqEdit-Cmd-AttachSeq,      -- Attach a bioseq to seq entry
    attach-set      SeqEdit-Cmd-AttachSet,      -- Attach a bioseq-set to seq entry
    reset-seqentry  SeqEdit-Cmd-ResetSeqEntry,  -- Detach an object from seq entry
    attach-seqentry SeqEdit-Cmd-AttachSeqEntry, -- Attach a seq entry to bioseq-set
    remove-seqentry SeqEdit-Cmd-RemoveSeqEntry, -- Remove a seq entry from bioseq-set
    attach-annot    SeqEdit-Cmd-AttachAnnot,    -- Add a compelte annotation
    remove-annot    SeqEdit-Cmd-RemoveAnnot,    -- Remove an annotation object
    add-annot       SeqEdit-Cmd-AddAnnot,       -- Add an annotaion object
    replace-annot   SeqEdit-Cmd-ReplaceAnnot    -- Replace an annotation object