NCBI C++ ToolKit
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1 /* $Id$
2  * ===========================================================================
3  *
5  * National Center for Biotechnology Information
6  *
7  * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
8  * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
9  * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
10  * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
11  * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
12  * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
13  *
14  * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
15  * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
16  * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
17  * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
18  * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
19  * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
20  * purpose.
21  *
22  * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
23  *
24  * ===========================================================================
25  *
26  */
28 /// @file Pssm_.hpp
29 /// Data storage class.
30 ///
31 /// This file was generated by application DATATOOL
32 /// using the following specifications:
33 /// <a href="/IEB/ToolBox/CPP_DOC/lxr/source/src/objects/scoremat/scoremat.asn">scoremat.asn</a>
34 /// and additional tune-up parameters:
35 /// <a href="/IEB/ToolBox/CPP_DOC/lxr/source/src/objects/scoremat/scoremat.def">scoremat.def</a>
36 ///
38 /// Don't edit or commit this file into CVS as this file will
39 /// be overridden (by DATATOOL) without warning!
44 // standard includes
45 #include <serial/serialbase.hpp>
47 // generated includes
48 #include <list>
49 #include <string>
53 #ifndef BEGIN_objects_SCOPE
54 # define BEGIN_objects_SCOPE BEGIN_SCOPE(objects)
55 # define END_objects_SCOPE END_SCOPE(objects)
56 #endif
57 BEGIN_objects_SCOPE // namespace ncbi::objects::
60 // forward declarations
61 class CObject_id;
62 class CPssmFinalData;
64 class CSeq_entry;
67 // generated classes
70 /** @addtogroup dataspec_NCBI_ScoreMat
71  *
72  * @{
73  */
75 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
76 /// Position-specific scoring matrix
77 ///
78 /// Column indices on the PSSM refer to the positions corresponding to the
79 /// query/master sequence, i.e. the number of columns (N) is the same
80 /// as the length of the query/master sequence.
81 /// Row indices refer to individual amino acid types, i.e. the number of
82 /// rows (M) is the same as the number of different residues in the
83 /// alphabet we use. Consequently, row labels are amino acid identifiers.
84 ///
85 /// PSSMs are stored as linear arrays of integers. By default, we store
86 /// them column-by-column, M values for the first column followed by M
87 /// values for the second column, and so on. In order to provide
88 /// flexibility for external applications, the boolean field "byrow" is
89 /// provided to specify the storage order.
90 ///
91 /// CPssm_Base --
92 ///
95 {
97 public:
98  // constructor
99  CPssm_Base(void);
100  // destructor
101  virtual ~CPssm_Base(void);
103  // type info
106  // types
107  typedef bool TIsProtein;
109  typedef int TNumRows;
110  typedef int TNumColumns;
111  typedef list< string > TRowLabels;
112  typedef bool TByRow;
117  // member index
118  enum class E_memberIndex {
119  e__allMandatory = 0,
120  e_isProtein,
121  e_identifier,
122  e_numRows,
123  e_numColumns,
124  e_rowLabels,
125  e_byRow,
126  e_query,
127  e_intermediateData,
128  e_finalData
129  };
132  // getters
133  // setters
135  /// Is the this a protein or nucleotide scoring matrix?
136  /// Check if a value has been assigned to IsProtein data member.
137  ///
138  /// Data member IsProtein is optional with default true;
139  /// its type is defined as 'typedef bool TIsProtein'
140  /// @return
141  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
142  /// - false, otherwise.
143  bool IsSetIsProtein(void) const;
145  /// Check if it is safe to call GetIsProtein method.
146  ///
147  /// @return
148  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
149  /// - false, otherwise.
150  bool CanGetIsProtein(void) const;
152  /// Reset IsProtein data member.
153  void ResetIsProtein(void);
155  /// Assign default value to IsProtein data member.
156  void SetDefaultIsProtein(void);
158  /// Get the IsProtein member data.
159  ///
160  /// @return
161  /// Copy of the member data.
162  TIsProtein GetIsProtein(void) const;
164  /// Assign a value to IsProtein data member.
165  ///
166  /// @param value
167  /// Value to assign
168  void SetIsProtein(TIsProtein value);
170  /// Assign a value to IsProtein data member.
171  ///
172  /// @return
173  /// Reference to the data value.
174  TIsProtein& SetIsProtein(void);
176  /// PSSM identifier
177  /// Check if a value has been assigned to Identifier data member.
178  ///
179  /// Data member Identifier is optional;
180  /// its type is defined as 'typedef CObject_id TIdentifier'
181  /// @return
182  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
183  /// - false, otherwise.
184  bool IsSetIdentifier(void) const;
186  /// Check if it is safe to call GetIdentifier method.
187  ///
188  /// @return
189  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
190  /// - false, otherwise.
191  bool CanGetIdentifier(void) const;
193  /// Reset Identifier data member.
194  void ResetIdentifier(void);
196  /// Get the Identifier member data.
197  ///
198  /// @return
199  /// Reference to the member data.
200  const TIdentifier& GetIdentifier(void) const;
202  /// Assign a value to Identifier data member.
203  ///
204  /// @param value
205  /// Reference to value.
206  void SetIdentifier(TIdentifier& value);
208  /// Assign a value to Identifier data member.
209  ///
210  /// @return
211  /// Reference to the data value.
212  TIdentifier& SetIdentifier(void);
214  /// The dimensions of the matrix are returned so the client can
215  /// verify that all data was received.
216  /// number of rows
217  /// Check if a value has been assigned to NumRows data member.
218  ///
219  /// Data member NumRows is mandatory;
220  /// its type is defined as 'typedef int TNumRows'
221  /// @return
222  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
223  /// - false, otherwise.
224  bool IsSetNumRows(void) const;
226  /// Check if it is safe to call GetNumRows method.
227  ///
228  /// @return
229  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
230  /// - false, otherwise.
231  bool CanGetNumRows(void) const;
233  /// Reset NumRows data member.
234  void ResetNumRows(void);
236  /// Get the NumRows member data.
237  ///
238  /// @return
239  /// Copy of the member data.
240  TNumRows GetNumRows(void) const;
242  /// Assign a value to NumRows data member.
243  ///
244  /// @param value
245  /// Value to assign
246  void SetNumRows(TNumRows value);
248  /// Assign a value to NumRows data member.
249  ///
250  /// @return
251  /// Reference to the data value.
252  TNumRows& SetNumRows(void);
254  /// number of columns
255  /// Check if a value has been assigned to NumColumns data member.
256  ///
257  /// Data member NumColumns is mandatory;
258  /// its type is defined as 'typedef int TNumColumns'
259  /// @return
260  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
261  /// - false, otherwise.
262  bool IsSetNumColumns(void) const;
264  /// Check if it is safe to call GetNumColumns method.
265  ///
266  /// @return
267  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
268  /// - false, otherwise.
269  bool CanGetNumColumns(void) const;
271  /// Reset NumColumns data member.
272  void ResetNumColumns(void);
274  /// Get the NumColumns member data.
275  ///
276  /// @return
277  /// Copy of the member data.
278  TNumColumns GetNumColumns(void) const;
280  /// Assign a value to NumColumns data member.
281  ///
282  /// @param value
283  /// Value to assign
284  void SetNumColumns(TNumColumns value);
286  /// Assign a value to NumColumns data member.
287  ///
288  /// @return
289  /// Reference to the data value.
290  TNumColumns& SetNumColumns(void);
292  /// row-labels is given to note the order of residue types so that it can
293  /// be cross-checked between applications.
294  /// If this field is not given, the matrix values are presented in
295  /// order of the alphabet ncbistdaa is used for protein, ncbi4na for nucl.
296  /// for proteins the values returned correspond to
297  /// (-,-), (-,A), (-,B), (-,C) ... (A,-), (A,A), (A,B), (A,C) ...
298  /// Check if a value has been assigned to RowLabels data member.
299  ///
300  /// Data member RowLabels is optional;
301  /// its type is defined as 'typedef list< string > TRowLabels'
302  /// @return
303  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
304  /// - false, otherwise.
305  bool IsSetRowLabels(void) const;
307  /// Check if it is safe to call GetRowLabels method.
308  ///
309  /// @return
310  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
311  /// - false, otherwise.
312  bool CanGetRowLabels(void) const;
314  /// Reset RowLabels data member.
315  void ResetRowLabels(void);
317  /// Get the RowLabels member data.
318  ///
319  /// @return
320  /// Reference to the member data.
321  const TRowLabels& GetRowLabels(void) const;
323  /// Assign a value to RowLabels data member.
324  ///
325  /// @return
326  /// Reference to the data value.
327  TRowLabels& SetRowLabels(void);
329  /// are matrices stored row by row?
330  /// Check if a value has been assigned to ByRow data member.
331  ///
332  /// Data member ByRow is optional with default false;
333  /// its type is defined as 'typedef bool TByRow'
334  /// @return
335  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
336  /// - false, otherwise.
337  bool IsSetByRow(void) const;
339  /// Check if it is safe to call GetByRow method.
340  ///
341  /// @return
342  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
343  /// - false, otherwise.
344  bool CanGetByRow(void) const;
346  /// Reset ByRow data member.
347  void ResetByRow(void);
349  /// Assign default value to ByRow data member.
350  void SetDefaultByRow(void);
352  /// Get the ByRow member data.
353  ///
354  /// @return
355  /// Copy of the member data.
356  TByRow GetByRow(void) const;
358  /// Assign a value to ByRow data member.
359  ///
360  /// @param value
361  /// Value to assign
362  void SetByRow(TByRow value);
364  /// Assign a value to ByRow data member.
365  ///
366  /// @return
367  /// Reference to the data value.
368  TByRow& SetByRow(void);
370  /// PSSM representative sequence (master)
371  /// Check if a value has been assigned to Query data member.
372  ///
373  /// Data member Query is optional;
374  /// its type is defined as 'typedef CSeq_entry TQuery'
375  /// @return
376  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
377  /// - false, otherwise.
378  bool IsSetQuery(void) const;
380  /// Check if it is safe to call GetQuery method.
381  ///
382  /// @return
383  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
384  /// - false, otherwise.
385  bool CanGetQuery(void) const;
387  /// Reset Query data member.
388  void ResetQuery(void);
390  /// Get the Query member data.
391  ///
392  /// @return
393  /// Reference to the member data.
394  const TQuery& GetQuery(void) const;
396  /// Assign a value to Query data member.
397  ///
398  /// @param value
399  /// Reference to value.
400  void SetQuery(TQuery& value);
402  /// Assign a value to Query data member.
403  ///
404  /// @return
405  /// Reference to the data value.
406  TQuery& SetQuery(void);
408  /// both intermediateData and finalData can be provided, but at least one of
409  /// them must be provided.
410  /// N.B.: by default PSI-BLAST will return the PSSM in its PssmIntermediateData
411  /// representation.
412  /// Intermediate or final data for the PSSM
413  /// Check if a value has been assigned to IntermediateData data member.
414  ///
415  /// Data member IntermediateData is optional;
416  /// its type is defined as 'typedef CPssmIntermediateData TIntermediateData'
417  /// @return
418  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
419  /// - false, otherwise.
420  bool IsSetIntermediateData(void) const;
422  /// Check if it is safe to call GetIntermediateData method.
423  ///
424  /// @return
425  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
426  /// - false, otherwise.
427  bool CanGetIntermediateData(void) const;
429  /// Reset IntermediateData data member.
430  void ResetIntermediateData(void);
432  /// Get the IntermediateData member data.
433  ///
434  /// @return
435  /// Reference to the member data.
436  const TIntermediateData& GetIntermediateData(void) const;
438  /// Assign a value to IntermediateData data member.
439  ///
440  /// @param value
441  /// Reference to value.
442  void SetIntermediateData(TIntermediateData& value);
444  /// Assign a value to IntermediateData data member.
445  ///
446  /// @return
447  /// Reference to the data value.
448  TIntermediateData& SetIntermediateData(void);
450  /// Final representation for the PSSM
451  /// Check if a value has been assigned to FinalData data member.
452  ///
453  /// Data member FinalData is optional;
454  /// its type is defined as 'typedef CPssmFinalData TFinalData'
455  /// @return
456  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
457  /// - false, otherwise.
458  bool IsSetFinalData(void) const;
460  /// Check if it is safe to call GetFinalData method.
461  ///
462  /// @return
463  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
464  /// - false, otherwise.
465  bool CanGetFinalData(void) const;
467  /// Reset FinalData data member.
468  void ResetFinalData(void);
470  /// Get the FinalData member data.
471  ///
472  /// @return
473  /// Reference to the member data.
474  const TFinalData& GetFinalData(void) const;
476  /// Assign a value to FinalData data member.
477  ///
478  /// @param value
479  /// Reference to value.
480  void SetFinalData(TFinalData& value);
482  /// Assign a value to FinalData data member.
483  ///
484  /// @return
485  /// Reference to the data value.
486  TFinalData& SetFinalData(void);
488  /// Reset the whole object
489  virtual void Reset(void);
492 private:
493  // Prohibit copy constructor and assignment operator
497  // data
498  Uint4 m_set_State[1];
503  list< string > m_RowLabels;
504  bool m_ByRow;
508 };
510 /* @} */
516 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
517 ///////////////////// inline methods //////////////////////
518 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
519 inline
521 {
522  return ((m_set_State[0] & 0x3) != 0);
523 }
525 inline
527 {
528  return true;
529 }
531 inline
533 {
534  m_IsProtein = true;
535  m_set_State[0] &= ~0x3;
536 }
538 inline
540 {
541  ResetIsProtein();
542 }
544 inline
546 {
547  return m_IsProtein;
548 }
550 inline
552 {
553  m_IsProtein = value;
554  m_set_State[0] |= 0x3;
555 }
557 inline
559 {
560 #ifdef _DEBUG
561  if (!IsSetIsProtein()) {
562  memset(&m_IsProtein,UnassignedByte(),sizeof(m_IsProtein));
563  }
564 #endif
565  m_set_State[0] |= 0x1;
566  return m_IsProtein;
567 }
569 inline
571 {
572  return m_Identifier.NotEmpty();
573 }
575 inline
577 {
578  return IsSetIdentifier();
579 }
581 inline
583 {
584  if (!CanGetIdentifier()) {
585  ThrowUnassigned(1);
586  }
587  return (*m_Identifier);
588 }
590 inline
591 bool CPssm_Base::IsSetNumRows(void) const
592 {
593  return ((m_set_State[0] & 0x30) != 0);
594 }
596 inline
598 {
599  return IsSetNumRows();
600 }
602 inline
604 {
605  m_NumRows = 0;
606  m_set_State[0] &= ~0x30;
607 }
609 inline
611 {
612  if (!CanGetNumRows()) {
613  ThrowUnassigned(2);
614  }
615  return m_NumRows;
616 }
618 inline
620 {
621  m_NumRows = value;
622  m_set_State[0] |= 0x30;
623 }
625 inline
627 {
628 #ifdef _DEBUG
629  if (!IsSetNumRows()) {
630  memset(&m_NumRows,UnassignedByte(),sizeof(m_NumRows));
631  }
632 #endif
633  m_set_State[0] |= 0x10;
634  return m_NumRows;
635 }
637 inline
639 {
640  return ((m_set_State[0] & 0xc0) != 0);
641 }
643 inline
645 {
646  return IsSetNumColumns();
647 }
649 inline
651 {
652  m_NumColumns = 0;
653  m_set_State[0] &= ~0xc0;
654 }
656 inline
658 {
659  if (!CanGetNumColumns()) {
660  ThrowUnassigned(3);
661  }
662  return m_NumColumns;
663 }
665 inline
667 {
669  m_set_State[0] |= 0xc0;
670 }
672 inline
674 {
675 #ifdef _DEBUG
676  if (!IsSetNumColumns()) {
677  memset(&m_NumColumns,UnassignedByte(),sizeof(m_NumColumns));
678  }
679 #endif
680  m_set_State[0] |= 0x40;
681  return m_NumColumns;
682 }
684 inline
686 {
687  return ((m_set_State[0] & 0x300) != 0);
688 }
690 inline
692 {
693  return true;
694 }
696 inline
698 {
699  return m_RowLabels;
700 }
702 inline
704 {
705  m_set_State[0] |= 0x100;
706  return m_RowLabels;
707 }
709 inline
710 bool CPssm_Base::IsSetByRow(void) const
711 {
712  return ((m_set_State[0] & 0xc00) != 0);
713 }
715 inline
716 bool CPssm_Base::CanGetByRow(void) const
717 {
718  return true;
719 }
721 inline
723 {
724  m_ByRow = false;
725  m_set_State[0] &= ~0xc00;
726 }
728 inline
730 {
731  ResetByRow();
732 }
734 inline
736 {
737  return m_ByRow;
738 }
740 inline
742 {
743  m_ByRow = value;
744  m_set_State[0] |= 0xc00;
745 }
747 inline
749 {
750 #ifdef _DEBUG
751  if (!IsSetByRow()) {
752  memset(&m_ByRow,UnassignedByte(),sizeof(m_ByRow));
753  }
754 #endif
755  m_set_State[0] |= 0x400;
756  return m_ByRow;
757 }
759 inline
760 bool CPssm_Base::IsSetQuery(void) const
761 {
762  return m_Query.NotEmpty();
763 }
765 inline
766 bool CPssm_Base::CanGetQuery(void) const
767 {
768  return IsSetQuery();
769 }
771 inline
773 {
774  if (!CanGetQuery()) {
775  ThrowUnassigned(6);
776  }
777  return (*m_Query);
778 }
780 inline
782 {
783  return m_IntermediateData.NotEmpty();
784 }
786 inline
788 {
789  return IsSetIntermediateData();
790 }
792 inline
794 {
795  if (!CanGetIntermediateData()) {
796  ThrowUnassigned(7);
797  }
798  return (*m_IntermediateData);
799 }
801 inline
803 {
804  return m_FinalData.NotEmpty();
805 }
807 inline
809 {
810  return IsSetFinalData();
811 }
813 inline
815 {
816  if (!CanGetFinalData()) {
817  ThrowUnassigned(8);
818  }
819  return (*m_FinalData);
820 }
822 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
823 ////////////////// end of inline methods //////////////////
824 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
830 END_objects_SCOPE // namespace ncbi::objects::
CPssmFinalData –.
CPssmIntermediateData –.
Position-specific scoring matrix.
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:95
CRef –.
Definition: ncbiobj.hpp:618
Definition: Seq_entry.hpp:56
Base class for all serializable objects.
Definition: serialbase.hpp:150
static char UnassignedByte(void)
Definition: serialbase.hpp:181
void ThrowUnassigned(TMemberIndex index) const
uint32_t Uint4
4-byte (32-bit) unsigned integer
Definition: ncbitype.h:103
End previously defined NCBI scope.
Definition: ncbistl.hpp:103
Define ncbi namespace.
Definition: ncbistl.hpp:100
Definition: ncbi_export.h:736
const TIdentifier & GetIdentifier(void) const
Get the Identifier member data.
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:582
const TQuery & GetQuery(void) const
Get the Query member data.
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:772
TIsProtein & SetIsProtein(void)
Assign a value to IsProtein data member.
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:558
TNumRows GetNumRows(void) const
Get the NumRows member data.
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:610
bool IsSetFinalData(void) const
Final representation for the PSSM Check if a value has been assigned to FinalData data member.
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:802
CRef< TIntermediateData > m_IntermediateData
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:506
bool CanGetByRow(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetByRow method.
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:716
TNumRows & SetNumRows(void)
Assign a value to NumRows data member.
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:626
TRowLabels & SetRowLabels(void)
Assign a value to RowLabels data member.
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:703
list< string > m_RowLabels
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:503
CSerialObject Tparent
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:96
void ResetIsProtein(void)
Reset IsProtein data member.
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:532
bool CanGetIsProtein(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetIsProtein method.
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:526
TNumColumns & SetNumColumns(void)
Assign a value to NumColumns data member.
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:673
CPssmIntermediateData TIntermediateData
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:114
TIsProtein GetIsProtein(void) const
Get the IsProtein member data.
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:545
TByRow & SetByRow(void)
Assign a value to ByRow data member.
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:748
void ResetNumRows(void)
Reset NumRows data member.
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:603
int m_NumRows
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:501
bool CanGetNumColumns(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetNumColumns method.
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:644
bool CanGetRowLabels(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetRowLabels method.
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:691
const TRowLabels & GetRowLabels(void) const
Get the RowLabels member data.
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:697
bool IsSetIntermediateData(void) const
both intermediateData and finalData can be provided, but at least one of them must be provided.
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:781
bool CanGetIntermediateData(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetIntermediateData method.
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:787
const TFinalData & GetFinalData(void) const
Get the FinalData member data.
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:814
bool CanGetFinalData(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetFinalData method.
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:808
Uint4 m_set_State[1]
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:498
void SetDefaultByRow(void)
Assign default value to ByRow data member.
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:729
TNumColumns GetNumColumns(void) const
Get the NumColumns member data.
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:657
void SetDefaultIsProtein(void)
Assign default value to IsProtein data member.
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:539
bool IsSetRowLabels(void) const
row-labels is given to note the order of residue types so that it can be cross-checked between applic...
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:685
int TNumRows
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:109
CRef< TIdentifier > m_Identifier
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:500
bool IsSetNumRows(void) const
The dimensions of the matrix are returned so the client can verify that all data was received.
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:591
CPssm_Base & operator=(const CPssm_Base &)
list< string > TRowLabels
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:111
void ResetByRow(void)
Reset ByRow data member.
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:722
bool IsSetQuery(void) const
PSSM representative sequence (master) Check if a value has been assigned to Query data member.
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:760
int TNumColumns
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:110
bool CanGetQuery(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetQuery method.
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:766
CPssm_Base(const CPssm_Base &)
Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 10 > TmemberIndex
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:130
bool IsSetNumColumns(void) const
number of columns Check if a value has been assigned to NumColumns data member.
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:638
bool CanGetNumRows(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetNumRows method.
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:597
CObject_id TIdentifier
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:108
const TIntermediateData & GetIntermediateData(void) const
Get the IntermediateData member data.
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:793
bool TIsProtein
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:107
int m_NumColumns
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:502
CRef< TFinalData > m_FinalData
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:507
TByRow GetByRow(void) const
Get the ByRow member data.
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:735
bool m_ByRow
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:504
bool m_IsProtein
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:499
bool IsSetIdentifier(void) const
PSSM identifier Check if a value has been assigned to Identifier data member.
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:570
CSeq_entry TQuery
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:113
CPssmFinalData TFinalData
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:115
bool IsSetIsProtein(void) const
Is the this a protein or nucleotide scoring matrix? Check if a value has been assigned to IsProtein d...
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:520
bool TByRow
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:112
bool IsSetByRow(void) const
are matrices stored row by row? Check if a value has been assigned to ByRow data member.
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:710
void ResetNumColumns(void)
Reset NumColumns data member.
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:650
CRef< TQuery > m_Query
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:505
bool CanGetIdentifier(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetIdentifier method.
Definition: Pssm_.hpp:576
const GenericPointer< typename T::ValueType > T2 value
Definition: pointer.h:1227
Modified on Wed Apr 17 13:10:55 2024 by rev. 669887