NCBI C++ ToolKit
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1 /* $Id$
2  * ===========================================================================
3  *
5  * National Center for Biotechnology Information
6  *
7  * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
8  * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
9  * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
10  * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
11  * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
12  * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
13  *
14  * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
15  * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
16  * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
17  * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
18  * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
19  * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
20  * purpose.
21  *
22  * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
23  *
24  * ===========================================================================
25  *
26  * File Description:
27  * This code was generated by application DATATOOL
28  * using the following specifications:
29  * 'seqfeat.asn'.
30  *
32  * Don't edit or commit this file into CVS as this file will
33  * be overridden (by DATATOOL) without warning!
34  * ===========================================================================
35  */
37 // standard includes
38 #include <ncbi_pch.hpp>
39 #include <serial/serialimpl.hpp>
41 // generated includes
45 #include <objects/seq/Pubdesc.hpp>
60 BEGIN_objects_SCOPE // namespace ncbi::objects::
63 // generated classes
66 {
67  SET_ENUM_INTERNAL_NAME("SeqFeatData", "bond");
68  SET_ENUM_MODULE("NCBI-Seqfeat");
69  ADD_ENUM_VALUE("disulfide", eBond_disulfide);
70  ADD_ENUM_VALUE("thiolester", eBond_thiolester);
71  ADD_ENUM_VALUE("xlink", eBond_xlink);
72  ADD_ENUM_VALUE("thioether", eBond_thioether);
73  ADD_ENUM_VALUE("other", eBond_other);
74 }
78 {
79  SET_ENUM_INTERNAL_NAME("SeqFeatData", "site");
80  SET_ENUM_MODULE("NCBI-Seqfeat");
81  ADD_ENUM_VALUE("active", eSite_active);
82  ADD_ENUM_VALUE("binding", eSite_binding);
83  ADD_ENUM_VALUE("cleavage", eSite_cleavage);
84  ADD_ENUM_VALUE("inhibit", eSite_inhibit);
85  ADD_ENUM_VALUE("modified", eSite_modified);
86  ADD_ENUM_VALUE("glycosylation", eSite_glycosylation);
87  ADD_ENUM_VALUE("myristoylation", eSite_myristoylation);
88  ADD_ENUM_VALUE("mutagenized", eSite_mutagenized);
89  ADD_ENUM_VALUE("metal-binding", eSite_metal_binding);
90  ADD_ENUM_VALUE("phosphorylation", eSite_phosphorylation);
91  ADD_ENUM_VALUE("acetylation", eSite_acetylation);
92  ADD_ENUM_VALUE("amidation", eSite_amidation);
93  ADD_ENUM_VALUE("methylation", eSite_methylation);
94  ADD_ENUM_VALUE("hydroxylation", eSite_hydroxylation);
95  ADD_ENUM_VALUE("sulfatation", eSite_sulfatation);
96  ADD_ENUM_VALUE("oxidative-deamination", eSite_oxidative_deamination);
97  ADD_ENUM_VALUE("pyrrolidone-carboxylic-acid", eSite_pyrrolidone_carboxylic_acid);
98  ADD_ENUM_VALUE("gamma-carboxyglutamic-acid", eSite_gamma_carboxyglutamic_acid);
99  ADD_ENUM_VALUE("blocked", eSite_blocked);
100  ADD_ENUM_VALUE("lipid-binding", eSite_lipid_binding);
101  ADD_ENUM_VALUE("np-binding", eSite_np_binding);
102  ADD_ENUM_VALUE("dna-binding", eSite_dna_binding);
103  ADD_ENUM_VALUE("signal-peptide", eSite_signal_peptide);
104  ADD_ENUM_VALUE("transit-peptide", eSite_transit_peptide);
105  ADD_ENUM_VALUE("transmembrane-region", eSite_transmembrane_region);
106  ADD_ENUM_VALUE("nitrosylation", eSite_nitrosylation);
107  ADD_ENUM_VALUE("other", eSite_other);
108 }
112 {
113  SET_ENUM_INTERNAL_NAME("SeqFeatData", "psec-str");
114  SET_ENUM_MODULE("NCBI-Seqfeat");
115  ADD_ENUM_VALUE("helix", ePsec_str_helix);
116  ADD_ENUM_VALUE("sheet", ePsec_str_sheet);
117  ADD_ENUM_VALUE("turn", ePsec_str_turn);
118 }
122 {
123  if ( m_choice != e_not_set )
124  ResetSelection();
125 }
128 {
129  switch ( m_choice ) {
130  case e_Het:
131  m_Het.Destruct();
132  break;
133  case e_Region:
134  case e_Non_std_residue:
135  m_string.Destruct();
136  break;
137  case e_Gene:
138  case e_Org:
139  case e_Cdregion:
140  case e_Prot:
141  case e_Rna:
142  case e_Pub:
143  case e_Seq:
144  case e_Imp:
145  case e_Rsite:
146  case e_User:
147  case e_Txinit:
148  case e_Num:
149  case e_Biosrc:
150  case e_Clone:
151  case e_Variation:
152  m_object->RemoveReference();
153  break;
154  default:
155  break;
156  }
158 }
160 void CSeqFeatData_Base::DoSelect(E_Choice index, NCBI_NS_NCBI::CObjectMemoryPool* pool)
161 {
162  switch ( index ) {
163  case e_Gene:
164  (m_object = new(pool) ncbi::objects::CGene_ref())->AddReference();
165  break;
166  case e_Org:
167  (m_object = new(pool) ncbi::objects::COrg_ref())->AddReference();
168  break;
169  case e_Cdregion:
170  (m_object = new(pool) ncbi::objects::CCdregion())->AddReference();
171  break;
172  case e_Prot:
173  (m_object = new(pool) ncbi::objects::CProt_ref())->AddReference();
174  break;
175  case e_Rna:
176  (m_object = new(pool) ncbi::objects::CRNA_ref())->AddReference();
177  break;
178  case e_Pub:
179  (m_object = new(pool) ncbi::objects::CPubdesc())->AddReference();
180  break;
181  case e_Seq:
182  (m_object = new(pool) ncbi::objects::CSeq_loc())->AddReference();
183  break;
184  case e_Imp:
185  (m_object = new(pool) ncbi::objects::CImp_feat())->AddReference();
186  break;
187  case e_Bond:
188  m_Bond = (EBond)(0);
189  break;
190  case e_Site:
191  m_Site = (ESite)(0);
192  break;
193  case e_Rsite:
194  (m_object = new(pool) ncbi::objects::CRsite_ref())->AddReference();
195  break;
196  case e_User:
197  (m_object = new(pool) ncbi::objects::CUser_object())->AddReference();
198  break;
199  case e_Txinit:
200  (m_object = new(pool) ncbi::objects::CTxinit())->AddReference();
201  break;
202  case e_Num:
203  (m_object = new(pool) ncbi::objects::CNumbering())->AddReference();
204  break;
205  case e_Psec_str:
206  m_Psec_str = (EPsec_str)(0);
207  break;
208  case e_Het:
209  m_Het.Construct();
210  break;
211  case e_Biosrc:
212  (m_object = new(pool) ncbi::objects::CBioSource())->AddReference();
213  break;
214  case e_Clone:
215  (m_object = new(pool) ncbi::objects::CClone_ref())->AddReference();
216  break;
217  case e_Variation:
218  (m_object = new(pool) ncbi::objects::CVariation_ref())->AddReference();
219  break;
220  case e_Region:
221  case e_Non_std_residue:
222  m_string.Construct();
223  break;
224  default:
225  break;
226  }
227  m_choice = index;
228 }
230 const char* const CSeqFeatData_Base::sm_SelectionNames[] = {
231  "not set",
232  "gene",
233  "org",
234  "cdregion",
235  "prot",
236  "rna",
237  "pub",
238  "seq",
239  "imp",
240  "region",
241  "comment",
242  "bond",
243  "site",
244  "rsite",
245  "user",
246  "txinit",
247  "num",
248  "psec-str",
249  "non-std-residue",
250  "het",
251  "biosrc",
252  "clone",
253  "variation"
254 };
257 {
258  return NCBI_NS_NCBI::CInvalidChoiceSelection::GetName(index, sm_SelectionNames, sizeof(sm_SelectionNames)/sizeof(sm_SelectionNames[0]));
259 }
262 {
263  throw NCBI_NS_NCBI::CInvalidChoiceSelection(DIAG_COMPILE_INFO, this, m_choice, index, sm_SelectionNames, sizeof(sm_SelectionNames)/sizeof(sm_SelectionNames[0]));
264 }
267 {
269  return *static_cast<const TGene*>(m_object);
270 }
273 {
275  return *static_cast<TGene*>(m_object);
276 }
279 {
280  TGene* ptr = &value;
281  if ( m_choice != e_Gene || m_object != ptr ) {
282  ResetSelection();
283  (m_object = ptr)->AddReference();
284  m_choice = e_Gene;
285  }
286 }
289 {
291  return *static_cast<const TOrg*>(m_object);
292 }
295 {
297  return *static_cast<TOrg*>(m_object);
298 }
301 {
302  TOrg* ptr = &value;
303  if ( m_choice != e_Org || m_object != ptr ) {
304  ResetSelection();
305  (m_object = ptr)->AddReference();
306  m_choice = e_Org;
307  }
308 }
311 {
313  return *static_cast<const TCdregion*>(m_object);
314 }
317 {
319  return *static_cast<TCdregion*>(m_object);
320 }
323 {
324  TCdregion* ptr = &value;
325  if ( m_choice != e_Cdregion || m_object != ptr ) {
326  ResetSelection();
327  (m_object = ptr)->AddReference();
329  }
330 }
333 {
335  return *static_cast<const TProt*>(m_object);
336 }
339 {
341  return *static_cast<TProt*>(m_object);
342 }
345 {
346  TProt* ptr = &value;
347  if ( m_choice != e_Prot || m_object != ptr ) {
348  ResetSelection();
349  (m_object = ptr)->AddReference();
350  m_choice = e_Prot;
351  }
352 }
355 {
357  return *static_cast<const TRna*>(m_object);
358 }
361 {
363  return *static_cast<TRna*>(m_object);
364 }
367 {
368  TRna* ptr = &value;
369  if ( m_choice != e_Rna || m_object != ptr ) {
370  ResetSelection();
371  (m_object = ptr)->AddReference();
372  m_choice = e_Rna;
373  }
374 }
377 {
379  return *static_cast<const TPub*>(m_object);
380 }
383 {
385  return *static_cast<TPub*>(m_object);
386 }
389 {
390  TPub* ptr = &value;
391  if ( m_choice != e_Pub || m_object != ptr ) {
392  ResetSelection();
393  (m_object = ptr)->AddReference();
394  m_choice = e_Pub;
395  }
396 }
399 {
401  return *static_cast<const TSeq*>(m_object);
402 }
405 {
407  return *static_cast<TSeq*>(m_object);
408 }
411 {
412  TSeq* ptr = &value;
413  if ( m_choice != e_Seq || m_object != ptr ) {
414  ResetSelection();
415  (m_object = ptr)->AddReference();
416  m_choice = e_Seq;
417  }
418 }
421 {
423  return *static_cast<const TImp*>(m_object);
424 }
427 {
429  return *static_cast<TImp*>(m_object);
430 }
433 {
434  TImp* ptr = &value;
435  if ( m_choice != e_Imp || m_object != ptr ) {
436  ResetSelection();
437  (m_object = ptr)->AddReference();
438  m_choice = e_Imp;
439  }
440 }
443 {
445  *m_string = value;
446 }
449 {
451  return *static_cast<const TRsite*>(m_object);
452 }
455 {
457  return *static_cast<TRsite*>(m_object);
458 }
461 {
462  TRsite* ptr = &value;
463  if ( m_choice != e_Rsite || m_object != ptr ) {
464  ResetSelection();
465  (m_object = ptr)->AddReference();
466  m_choice = e_Rsite;
467  }
468 }
471 {
473  return *static_cast<const TUser*>(m_object);
474 }
477 {
479  return *static_cast<TUser*>(m_object);
480 }
483 {
484  TUser* ptr = &value;
485  if ( m_choice != e_User || m_object != ptr ) {
486  ResetSelection();
487  (m_object = ptr)->AddReference();
488  m_choice = e_User;
489  }
490 }
493 {
495  return *static_cast<const TTxinit*>(m_object);
496 }
499 {
501  return *static_cast<TTxinit*>(m_object);
502 }
505 {
506  TTxinit* ptr = &value;
507  if ( m_choice != e_Txinit || m_object != ptr ) {
508  ResetSelection();
509  (m_object = ptr)->AddReference();
510  m_choice = e_Txinit;
511  }
512 }
515 {
517  return *static_cast<const TNum*>(m_object);
518 }
521 {
523  return *static_cast<TNum*>(m_object);
524 }
527 {
528  TNum* ptr = &value;
529  if ( m_choice != e_Num || m_object != ptr ) {
530  ResetSelection();
531  (m_object = ptr)->AddReference();
532  m_choice = e_Num;
533  }
534 }
537 {
539  *m_string = value;
540 }
543 {
545  *m_Het = value;
546 }
549 {
551  return *static_cast<const TBiosrc*>(m_object);
552 }
555 {
557  return *static_cast<TBiosrc*>(m_object);
558 }
561 {
562  TBiosrc* ptr = &value;
563  if ( m_choice != e_Biosrc || m_object != ptr ) {
564  ResetSelection();
565  (m_object = ptr)->AddReference();
566  m_choice = e_Biosrc;
567  }
568 }
571 {
573  return *static_cast<const TClone*>(m_object);
574 }
577 {
579  return *static_cast<TClone*>(m_object);
580 }
583 {
584  TClone* ptr = &value;
585  if ( m_choice != e_Clone || m_object != ptr ) {
586  ResetSelection();
587  (m_object = ptr)->AddReference();
588  m_choice = e_Clone;
589  }
590 }
593 {
595  return *static_cast<const TVariation*>(m_object);
596 }
599 {
601  return *static_cast<TVariation*>(m_object);
602 }
605 {
606  TVariation* ptr = &value;
607  if ( m_choice != e_Variation || m_object != ptr ) {
608  ResetSelection();
609  (m_object = ptr)->AddReference();
611  }
612 }
614 // helper methods
616 // type info
618 {
620  ADD_NAMED_REF_CHOICE_VARIANT("gene", m_object, CGene_ref);
621  ADD_NAMED_REF_CHOICE_VARIANT("org", m_object, COrg_ref);
622  ADD_NAMED_REF_CHOICE_VARIANT("cdregion", m_object, CCdregion);
623  ADD_NAMED_REF_CHOICE_VARIANT("prot", m_object, CProt_ref);
624  ADD_NAMED_REF_CHOICE_VARIANT("rna", m_object, CRNA_ref);
625  ADD_NAMED_REF_CHOICE_VARIANT("pub", m_object, CPubdesc);
626  ADD_NAMED_REF_CHOICE_VARIANT("seq", m_object, CSeq_loc);
627  ADD_NAMED_REF_CHOICE_VARIANT("imp", m_object, CImp_feat);
628  ADD_NAMED_BUF_CHOICE_VARIANT("region", m_string, STD, (string));
629  ADD_NAMED_NULL_CHOICE_VARIANT("comment", null, ());
630  ADD_NAMED_ENUM_CHOICE_VARIANT("bond", m_Bond, EBond);
631  ADD_NAMED_ENUM_CHOICE_VARIANT("site", m_Site, ESite);
632  ADD_NAMED_REF_CHOICE_VARIANT("rsite", m_object, CRsite_ref);
633  ADD_NAMED_REF_CHOICE_VARIANT("user", m_object, CUser_object);
634  ADD_NAMED_REF_CHOICE_VARIANT("txinit", m_object, CTxinit);
635  ADD_NAMED_REF_CHOICE_VARIANT("num", m_object, CNumbering);
636  ADD_NAMED_ENUM_CHOICE_VARIANT("psec-str", m_Psec_str, EPsec_str);
637  ADD_NAMED_BUF_CHOICE_VARIANT("non-std-residue", m_string, STD, (string));
638  ADD_NAMED_BUF_CHOICE_VARIANT("het", m_Het, CLASS, (CHeterogen));
639  ADD_NAMED_REF_CHOICE_VARIANT("biosrc", m_object, CBioSource);
640  ADD_NAMED_REF_CHOICE_VARIANT("clone", m_object, CClone_ref);
641  ADD_NAMED_REF_CHOICE_VARIANT("variation", m_object, CVariation_ref);
642  info->CodeVersion(22400);
643  info->DataSpec(ncbi::EDataSpec::eASN);
644 }
647 // constructor
649  : m_choice(e_not_set)
650 {
651 }
653 // destructor
655 {
656  Reset();
657 }
661 END_objects_SCOPE // namespace ncbi::objects::
User-defined methods of the data storage class.
User-defined methods of the data storage class.
User-defined methods of the data storage class.
User-defined methods of the data storage class.
BEGIN_NAMED_ENUM_IN_INFO("", CSeqFeatData_Base::, EBond, false)
User-defined methods of the data storage class.
User-defined methods of the data storage class.
Definition: aln_errors.cpp:58
CCdregion –.
Definition: Cdregion.hpp:66
CClone_ref –.
Definition: Clone_ref.hpp:66
CHeterogen –.
Definition: Heterogen.hpp:66
@Imp_feat.hpp User-defined methods of the data storage class.
Definition: Imp_feat.hpp:54
CNumbering –.
Definition: Numbering.hpp:66
@Pubdesc.hpp User-defined methods of the data storage class.
Definition: Pubdesc.hpp:54
@RNA_ref.hpp User-defined methods of the data storage class.
Definition: RNA_ref.hpp:54
CRsite_ref –.
Definition: Rsite_ref.hpp:66
CSeqFeatData_Base –.
CTxinit –.
Definition: Txinit.hpp:66
Definition: cgiapp.hpp:687
Make compile time diagnostic information object to use in CNcbiDiag and CException.
Definition: ncbidiag.hpp:170
#define SET_ENUM_INTERNAL_NAME(OwnerName, MemberName)
Definition: serialimpl.hpp:559
#define SET_ENUM_MODULE(ModuleName)
Definition: serialimpl.hpp:553
#define ADD_NAMED_REF_CHOICE_VARIANT(MemberAlias, MemberName, ClassName)
Definition: serialimpl.hpp:400
#define ADD_ENUM_VALUE(EnumValueName, EnumValueValue)
Definition: serialimpl.hpp:562
#define ADD_NAMED_ENUM_CHOICE_VARIANT(MemberAlias, MemberName, EnumName)
Definition: serialimpl.hpp:391
Definition: serialimpl.hpp:506
#define SET_CHOICE_MODULE(ModuleName)
Definition: serialimpl.hpp:500
#define ADD_NAMED_NULL_CHOICE_VARIANT(MemberAlias, TypeMacro, TypeMacroArgs)
Definition: serialimpl.hpp:379
#define ADD_NAMED_BUF_CHOICE_VARIANT(MemberAlias, MemberName, TypeMacro, TypeMacroArgs)
Definition: serialimpl.hpp:385
@ eDoNotResetVariant
Definition: serialbase.hpp:78
void AddReference(void) const
Add reference to object.
Definition: ncbiobj.hpp:489
End previously defined NCBI scope.
Definition: ncbistl.hpp:103
Define ncbi namespace.
Definition: ncbistl.hpp:100
virtual void Reset(void)
Reset the whole object.
const TClone & GetClone(void) const
Get the variant data.
TOrg & SetOrg(void)
Select the variant.
protein secondary structure
const TPub & GetPub(void) const
Get the variant data.
TProt & SetProt(void)
Select the variant.
TGene & SetGene(void)
Select the variant.
void DoSelect(E_Choice index, CObjectMemoryPool *pool=0)
const TNum & GetNum(void) const
Get the variant data.
TUser & SetUser(void)
Select the variant.
const TTxinit & GetTxinit(void) const
Get the variant data.
const TSeq & GetSeq(void) const
Get the variant data.
void CheckSelected(E_Choice index) const
Verify selection, throw exception if it differs from the expected.
virtual ~CSeqFeatData_Base(void)
Choice variants.
TClone & SetClone(void)
Select the variant.
TRegion & SetRegion(void)
Select the variant.
TBiosrc & SetBiosrc(void)
Select the variant.
TPub & SetPub(void)
Select the variant.
TTxinit & SetTxinit(void)
Select the variant.
const TUser & GetUser(void) const
Get the variant data.
static const char *const sm_SelectionNames[]
TRna & SetRna(void)
Select the variant.
TImp & SetImp(void)
Select the variant.
const TCdregion & GetCdregion(void) const
Get the variant data.
const TBiosrc & GetBiosrc(void) const
Get the variant data.
const TOrg & GetOrg(void) const
Get the variant data.
const TRsite & GetRsite(void) const
Get the variant data.
const TGene & GetGene(void) const
Get the variant data.
NCBI_NS_NCBI::CUnionBuffer< THet > m_Het
TSeq & SetSeq(void)
Select the variant.
const TProt & GetProt(void) const
Get the variant data.
void ThrowInvalidSelection(E_Choice index) const
Throw 'InvalidSelection' exception.
NCBI_NS_NCBI::CSerialObject * m_object
static string SelectionName(E_Choice index)
Retrieve selection name (for diagnostic purposes).
NCBI_NS_NCBI::CUnionBuffer< NCBI_NS_STD::string > m_string
TRsite & SetRsite(void)
Select the variant.
TCdregion & SetCdregion(void)
Select the variant.
THet & SetHet(void)
Select the variant.
const TRna & GetRna(void) const
Get the variant data.
TVariation & SetVariation(void)
Select the variant.
const TVariation & GetVariation(void) const
Get the variant data.
TNon_std_residue & SetNon_std_residue(void)
Select the variant.
virtual void ResetSelection(void)
Reset the selection (set it to e_not_set).
const TImp & GetImp(void) const
Get the variant data.
TNum & SetNum(void)
Select the variant.
void Select(E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset=eDoResetVariant)
Select the requested variant if needed.
@ e_Het
cofactor, prosthetic grp, etc, bound to seq
@ e_not_set
No variant selected.
@ e_Region
named region (globin locus)
@ e_Seq
to annotate origin from another seq
@ e_Txinit
transcription initiation
@ e_Num
a numbering system
@ e_Pub
publication applies to this seq
@ e_User
user defined structure
@ e_Rsite
restriction site (for maps really)
@ e_Non_std_residue
non-standard residue here in seq
@ e_not_set
static MDB_envinfo info
Definition: mdb_load.c:37
const GenericPointer< typename T::ValueType > T2 value
Definition: pointer.h:1227
Modified on Wed Apr 24 14:17:24 2024 by rev. 669887