NCBI C++ ToolKit
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1 /* $Id$
2  * ===========================================================================
3  *
5  * National Center for Biotechnology Information
6  *
7  * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
8  * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
9  * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
10  * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
11  * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
12  * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
13  *
14  * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
15  * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
16  * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
17  * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
18  * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
19  * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
20  * purpose.
21  *
22  * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
23  *
24  * ===========================================================================
25  *
26  */
28 /// @file Variation_ref_.hpp
29 /// Data storage class.
30 ///
31 /// This file was generated by application DATATOOL
32 /// using the following specifications:
33 /// <a href="/IEB/ToolBox/CPP_DOC/lxr/source/src/objects/seqfeat/seqfeat.asn">seqfeat.asn</a>
34 /// and additional tune-up parameters:
35 /// <a href="/IEB/ToolBox/CPP_DOC/lxr/source/src/objects/seqfeat/seqfeat.def">seqfeat.def</a>
36 ///
38 /// Don't edit or commit this file into CVS as this file will
39 /// be overridden (by DATATOOL) without warning!
44 // standard includes
45 #include <serial/serialbase.hpp>
47 // generated includes
48 #include <list>
49 #include <string>
53 #ifndef BEGIN_objects_SCOPE
54 # define BEGIN_objects_SCOPE BEGIN_SCOPE(objects)
55 # define END_objects_SCOPE END_SCOPE(objects)
56 #endif
57 BEGIN_objects_SCOPE // namespace ncbi::objects::
60 // forward declarations
61 class CDbtag;
62 class CExt_loc;
63 class CObject_id;
64 class CPhenotype;
65 class CPopulation_data;
66 class CPub;
67 class CSeq_loc;
68 class CSubSource;
69 class CUser_object;
70 class CVariantProperties;
71 class CVariation_inst;
72 class CVariation_ref;
75 // generated classes
78 /** @addtogroup dataspec_NCBI_Variation
79  *
80  * @{
81  */
83 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
84 ///
85 /// CVariation_ref_Base --
86 ///
89 {
91 public:
92  // constructor
93  CVariation_ref_Base(void);
94  // destructor
95  virtual ~CVariation_ref_Base(void);
97  // type info
100  enum EMethod_E {
101  eMethod_E_unknown = 0,
102  eMethod_E_bac_acgh = 1,
103  eMethod_E_computational = 2,
104  eMethod_E_curated = 3,
105  eMethod_E_digital_array = 4,
106  eMethod_E_expression_array = 5,
107  eMethod_E_fish = 6,
108  eMethod_E_flanking_sequence = 7,
109  eMethod_E_maph = 8,
110  eMethod_E_mcd_analysis = 9,
111  eMethod_E_mlpa = 10,
112  eMethod_E_oea_assembly = 11,
113  eMethod_E_oligo_acgh = 12,
114  eMethod_E_paired_end = 13,
115  eMethod_E_pcr = 14,
116  eMethod_E_qpcr = 15,
117  eMethod_E_read_depth = 16,
118  eMethod_E_roma = 17,
119  eMethod_E_rt_pcr = 18,
120  eMethod_E_sage = 19,
121  eMethod_E_sequence_alignment = 20,
122  eMethod_E_sequencing = 21,
123  eMethod_E_snp_array = 22,
124  eMethod_E_snp_genoytyping = 23,
125  eMethod_E_southern = 24,
126  eMethod_E_western = 25,
127  eMethod_E_optical_mapping = 26,
128  eMethod_E_other = 255
129  };
131  /// Access to EMethod_E's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec
132  static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues* ENUM_METHOD_NAME(EMethod_E)(void);
134  /// origin of this allele, if known
135  /// note that these are powers-of-two, and represent bits; thus, we can
136  /// represent more than one state simultaneously through a bitwise OR
137  /// DEPRECATED: new field = VariantProperties.allele-origin
139  eAllele_origin_unknown = 0,
140  eAllele_origin_germline = 1,
141  eAllele_origin_somatic = 2,
142  eAllele_origin_inherited = 4,
143  eAllele_origin_paternal = 8,
144  eAllele_origin_maternal = 16,
145  eAllele_origin_de_novo = 32,
146  eAllele_origin_biparental = 64,
147  eAllele_origin_uniparental = 128,
148  eAllele_origin_not_tested = 256,
149  eAllele_origin_tested_inconclusive = 512,
150  eAllele_origin_other = 1073741824 ///< stopper - 2^31
151  };
153  /// Access to EAllele_origin's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec
154  static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues* ENUM_METHOD_NAME(EAllele_origin)(void);
156  /// observed allele state, if known
157  /// DEPRECATED: new field = VariantProperties.allele-state
159  eAllele_state_unknown = 0,
160  eAllele_state_homozygous = 1,
161  eAllele_state_heterozygous = 2,
162  eAllele_state_hemizygous = 3,
163  eAllele_state_nullizygous = 4,
164  eAllele_state_other = 255
165  };
167  /// Access to EAllele_state's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec
168  static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues* ENUM_METHOD_NAME(EAllele_state)(void);
170  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
171  ///
172  /// C_Data --
173  ///
176  {
178  public:
179  // constructor
180  C_Data(void);
181  // destructor
182  ~C_Data(void);
184  // type info
187  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
188  /// Set of related Variations.
189  /// Location of the set equals to the union of member locations
190  ///
191  /// C_Set --
192  ///
195  {
197  public:
198  // constructor
199  C_Set(void);
200  // destructor
201  ~C_Set(void);
203  // type info
207  eData_set_type_unknown = 0,
208  eData_set_type_compound = 1, ///< complex change at the same location on the same molecule
209  eData_set_type_products = 2, ///< different products arising from the same variation in a precursor, e.g. r.[13g>a, 13_88del]
210  eData_set_type_haplotype = 3, ///< changes on the same allele, e.g r.[13g>a;15u>c]
211  eData_set_type_genotype = 4, ///< changes on different alleles in the same genotype, e.g. g.[476C>T]+[476C>T]
212  eData_set_type_mosaic = 5, ///< different genotypes in the same individual
213  eData_set_type_individual = 6, ///< same organism; allele relationship unknown, e.g. g.[476C>T(+)183G>C]
214  eData_set_type_population = 7, ///< population
215  eData_set_type_alleles = 8, ///< set represents a set of observed alleles
216  eData_set_type_package = 9, ///< set represents a package of observations at a given location, generally containing asserted + reference
217  eData_set_type_other = 255
218  };
220  /// Access to EData_set_type's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec
221  static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues* ENUM_METHOD_NAME(EData_set_type)(void);
223  // types
224  typedef int TType;
225  typedef list< CRef< CVariation_ref > > TVariations;
226  typedef string TName;
228  // member index
229  enum class E_memberIndex {
230  e__allMandatory = 0,
231  e_type,
232  e_variations,
233  e_name
234  };
237  // getters
238  // setters
240  /// Check if a value has been assigned to Type data member.
241  ///
242  /// Data member Type is mandatory;
243  /// its type is defined as 'typedef int TType'
244  /// @return
245  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
246  /// - false, otherwise.
247  bool IsSetType(void) const;
249  /// Check if it is safe to call GetType method.
250  ///
251  /// @return
252  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
253  /// - false, otherwise.
254  bool CanGetType(void) const;
256  /// Reset Type data member.
257  void ResetType(void);
259  /// Get the Type member data.
260  ///
261  /// @return
262  /// Copy of the member data.
263  TType GetType(void) const;
265  /// Assign a value to Type data member.
266  ///
267  /// @param value
268  /// Value to assign
269  void SetType(TType value);
271  /// Assign a value to Type data member.
272  ///
273  /// @return
274  /// Reference to the data value.
275  TType& SetType(void);
277  /// Check if a value has been assigned to Variations data member.
278  ///
279  /// Data member Variations is mandatory;
280  /// its type is defined as 'typedef list< CRef< CVariation_ref > > TVariations'
281  /// @return
282  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
283  /// - false, otherwise.
284  bool IsSetVariations(void) const;
286  /// Check if it is safe to call GetVariations method.
287  ///
288  /// @return
289  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
290  /// - false, otherwise.
291  bool CanGetVariations(void) const;
293  /// Reset Variations data member.
294  void ResetVariations(void);
296  /// Get the Variations member data.
297  ///
298  /// @return
299  /// Reference to the member data.
300  const TVariations& GetVariations(void) const;
302  /// Assign a value to Variations data member.
303  ///
304  /// @return
305  /// Reference to the data value.
306  TVariations& SetVariations(void);
308  /// Check if a value has been assigned to Name data member.
309  ///
310  /// Data member Name is optional;
311  /// its type is defined as 'typedef string TName'
312  /// @return
313  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
314  /// - false, otherwise.
315  bool IsSetName(void) const;
317  /// Check if it is safe to call GetName method.
318  ///
319  /// @return
320  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
321  /// - false, otherwise.
322  bool CanGetName(void) const;
324  /// Reset Name data member.
325  void ResetName(void);
327  /// Get the Name member data.
328  ///
329  /// @return
330  /// Reference to the member data.
331  const TName& GetName(void) const;
333  /// Assign a value to Name data member.
334  ///
335  /// @param value
336  /// Value to assign
337  void SetName(const TName& value);
338  void SetName(TName&& value);
340  /// Assign a value to Name data member.
341  ///
342  /// @return
343  /// Reference to the data value.
344  TName& SetName(void);
346  /// Reset the whole object
347  void Reset(void);
350  private:
351  // Prohibit copy constructor and assignment operator
352  C_Set(const C_Set&);
355  // data
356  Uint4 m_set_State[1];
357  int m_Type;
358  list< CRef< CVariation_ref > > m_Variations;
359  string m_Name;
360  };
362  /// Choice variants.
363  enum E_Choice {
364  e_not_set = 0, ///< No variant selected
366  e_Note, ///<free-form
368  e_Instance, ///< actual sequence-edit at feat.location
370  e_Complex ///< variant is a complex and undescribed change at the location This type of variant is known to occur in dbVar submissions
371  };
372  /// Maximum+1 value of the choice variant enumerator.
374  e_MaxChoice = 7 ///< == e_Complex+1
375  };
377  /// Reset the whole object
378  void Reset(void);
380  /// Reset the selection (set it to e_not_set).
381  void ResetSelection(void);
383  /// Which variant is currently selected.
384  ///
385  /// @return
386  /// Choice state enumerator.
387  E_Choice Which(void) const;
389  /// Verify selection, throw exception if it differs from the expected.
390  ///
391  /// @param index
392  /// Expected selection.
393  void CheckSelected(E_Choice index) const;
395  /// Throw 'InvalidSelection' exception.
396  ///
397  /// @param index
398  /// Expected selection.
399  NCBI_NORETURN void ThrowInvalidSelection(E_Choice index) const;
401  /// Retrieve selection name (for diagnostic purposes).
402  ///
403  /// @param index
404  /// One of possible selection states.
405  /// @return
406  /// Name string.
407  static string SelectionName(E_Choice index);
409  /// Select the requested variant if needed.
410  ///
411  /// @param index
412  /// New selection state.
413  /// @param reset
414  /// Flag that defines the resetting of the variant data. The data will
415  /// be reset if either the current selection differs from the new one,
416  /// or the flag is set to eDoResetVariant.
418  /// Select the requested variant if needed,
419  /// allocating CObject variants from memory pool.
420  void Select(E_Choice index,
421  EResetVariant reset,
422  CObjectMemoryPool* pool);
424  // types
425  typedef string TNote;
427  typedef C_Set TSet;
429  // getters
430  // setters
433  /// Check if variant Unknown is selected.
434  ///
435  /// @return
436  /// - true, if the variant is selected.
437  /// - false, otherwise.
438  bool IsUnknown(void) const;
440  /// Select the variant.
441  void SetUnknown(void);
444  /// Check if variant Note is selected.
445  ///
446  /// Note type is defined as 'typedef string TNote'.
447  /// @return
448  /// - true, if the variant is selected.
449  /// - false, otherwise.
450  bool IsNote(void) const;
452  /// Get the variant data.
453  ///
454  /// @return
455  /// Reference to the data.
456  const TNote& GetNote(void) const;
458  /// Select the variant.
459  ///
460  /// @return
461  /// Reference to the variant data.
462  TNote& SetNote(void);
464  /// Select the variant and set its data.
465  ///
466  /// @param value
467  /// Variant data.
468  void SetNote(const TNote& value);
471  /// Check if variant Uniparental_disomy is selected.
472  ///
473  /// @return
474  /// - true, if the variant is selected.
475  /// - false, otherwise.
476  bool IsUniparental_disomy(void) const;
478  /// Select the variant.
479  void SetUniparental_disomy(void);
482  /// Check if variant Instance is selected.
483  ///
484  /// Instance type is defined as 'typedef CVariation_inst TInstance'.
485  /// @return
486  /// - true, if the variant is selected.
487  /// - false, otherwise.
488  bool IsInstance(void) const;
490  /// Get the variant data.
491  ///
492  /// @return
493  /// Reference to the data.
494  const TInstance& GetInstance(void) const;
496  /// Select the variant.
497  ///
498  /// @return
499  /// Reference to the variant data.
500  TInstance& SetInstance(void);
501  /// Select the variant and set its data.
502  ///
503  /// @param value
504  /// Reference to the data.
505  void SetInstance(TInstance& value);
508  /// Check if variant Set is selected.
509  ///
510  /// Set type is defined as 'typedef C_Set TSet'.
511  /// @return
512  /// - true, if the variant is selected.
513  /// - false, otherwise.
514  bool IsSet(void) const;
516  /// Get the variant data.
517  ///
518  /// @return
519  /// Reference to the data.
520  const TSet& GetSet(void) const;
522  /// Select the variant.
523  ///
524  /// @return
525  /// Reference to the variant data.
526  TSet& SetSet(void);
527  /// Select the variant and set its data.
528  ///
529  /// @param value
530  /// Reference to the data.
531  void SetSet(TSet& value);
534  /// Check if variant Complex is selected.
535  ///
536  /// @return
537  /// - true, if the variant is selected.
538  /// - false, otherwise.
539  bool IsComplex(void) const;
541  /// Select the variant.
542  void SetComplex(void);
545  private:
546  // copy constructor and assignment operator
547  C_Data(const C_Data& );
549  // choice state
551  // helper methods
552  void DoSelect(E_Choice index, CObjectMemoryPool* pool = 0);
554  static const char* const sm_SelectionNames[];
555  // data
556  union {
557  NCBI_NS_NCBI::CUnionBuffer<NCBI_NS_STD::string> m_string;
558  NCBI_NS_NCBI::CSerialObject *m_object;
559  };
560  };
561  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
562  ///
563  /// C_E_Consequence --
564  ///
567  {
569  public:
570  // constructor
571  C_E_Consequence(void);
572  // destructor
573  ~C_E_Consequence(void);
575  // type info
578  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
579  /// see
580  ///
581  /// C_Frameshift --
582  ///
585  {
587  public:
588  // constructor
589  C_Frameshift(void);
590  // destructor
591  ~C_Frameshift(void);
593  // type info
596  // types
597  typedef int TPhase;
598  typedef int TX_length;
600  // member index
601  enum class E_memberIndex {
602  e__allMandatory = 0,
603  e_phase,
604  e_x_length
605  };
608  // getters
609  // setters
611  /// Check if a value has been assigned to Phase data member.
612  ///
613  /// Data member Phase is optional;
614  /// its type is defined as 'typedef int TPhase'
615  /// @return
616  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
617  /// - false, otherwise.
618  bool IsSetPhase(void) const;
620  /// Check if it is safe to call GetPhase method.
621  ///
622  /// @return
623  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
624  /// - false, otherwise.
625  bool CanGetPhase(void) const;
627  /// Reset Phase data member.
628  void ResetPhase(void);
630  /// Get the Phase member data.
631  ///
632  /// @return
633  /// Copy of the member data.
634  TPhase GetPhase(void) const;
636  /// Assign a value to Phase data member.
637  ///
638  /// @param value
639  /// Value to assign
640  void SetPhase(TPhase value);
642  /// Assign a value to Phase data member.
643  ///
644  /// @return
645  /// Reference to the data value.
646  TPhase& SetPhase(void);
648  /// Check if a value has been assigned to X_length data member.
649  ///
650  /// Data member X_length is optional;
651  /// its type is defined as 'typedef int TX_length'
652  /// @return
653  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
654  /// - false, otherwise.
655  bool IsSetX_length(void) const;
657  /// Check if it is safe to call GetX_length method.
658  ///
659  /// @return
660  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
661  /// - false, otherwise.
662  bool CanGetX_length(void) const;
664  /// Reset X_length data member.
665  void ResetX_length(void);
667  /// Get the X_length member data.
668  ///
669  /// @return
670  /// Copy of the member data.
671  TX_length GetX_length(void) const;
673  /// Assign a value to X_length data member.
674  ///
675  /// @param value
676  /// Value to assign
677  void SetX_length(TX_length value);
679  /// Assign a value to X_length data member.
680  ///
681  /// @return
682  /// Reference to the data value.
683  TX_length& SetX_length(void);
685  /// Reset the whole object
686  void Reset(void);
689  private:
690  // Prohibit copy constructor and assignment operator
694  // data
695  Uint4 m_set_State[1];
696  int m_Phase;
698  };
699  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
700  ///
701  /// C_Loss_of_heterozygosity --
702  ///
705  {
707  public:
708  // constructor
710  // destructor
713  // type info
716  // types
717  typedef string TReference;
718  typedef string TTest;
720  // member index
721  enum class E_memberIndex {
722  e__allMandatory = 0,
723  e_reference,
724  e_test
725  };
728  // getters
729  // setters
731  /// In germline comparison, it will be reference genome assembly
732  /// (default) or reference/normal population. In somatic mutation,
733  /// it will be a name of the normal tissue.
734  /// Check if a value has been assigned to Reference data member.
735  ///
736  /// Data member Reference is optional;
737  /// its type is defined as 'typedef string TReference'
738  /// @return
739  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
740  /// - false, otherwise.
741  bool IsSetReference(void) const;
743  /// Check if it is safe to call GetReference method.
744  ///
745  /// @return
746  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
747  /// - false, otherwise.
748  bool CanGetReference(void) const;
750  /// Reset Reference data member.
751  void ResetReference(void);
753  /// Get the Reference member data.
754  ///
755  /// @return
756  /// Reference to the member data.
757  const TReference& GetReference(void) const;
759  /// Assign a value to Reference data member.
760  ///
761  /// @param value
762  /// Value to assign
763  void SetReference(const TReference& value);
764  void SetReference(TReference&& value);
766  /// Assign a value to Reference data member.
767  ///
768  /// @return
769  /// Reference to the data value.
770  TReference& SetReference(void);
772  /// Name of the testing subject type or the testing tissue.
773  /// Check if a value has been assigned to Test data member.
774  ///
775  /// Data member Test is optional;
776  /// its type is defined as 'typedef string TTest'
777  /// @return
778  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
779  /// - false, otherwise.
780  bool IsSetTest(void) const;
782  /// Check if it is safe to call GetTest method.
783  ///
784  /// @return
785  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
786  /// - false, otherwise.
787  bool CanGetTest(void) const;
789  /// Reset Test data member.
790  void ResetTest(void);
792  /// Get the Test member data.
793  ///
794  /// @return
795  /// Reference to the member data.
796  const TTest& GetTest(void) const;
798  /// Assign a value to Test data member.
799  ///
800  /// @param value
801  /// Value to assign
802  void SetTest(const TTest& value);
803  void SetTest(TTest&& value);
805  /// Assign a value to Test data member.
806  ///
807  /// @return
808  /// Reference to the data value.
809  TTest& SetTest(void);
811  /// Reset the whole object
812  void Reset(void);
815  private:
816  // Prohibit copy constructor and assignment operator
820  // data
821  Uint4 m_set_State[1];
822  string m_Reference;
823  string m_Test;
824  };
826  /// Choice variants.
827  enum E_Choice {
828  e_not_set = 0, ///< No variant selected
830  e_Splicing, ///<some effect on splicing
831  e_Note, ///<freeform
832  e_Variation, ///< Describe resulting variation in the product, e.g. missense, nonsense, silent, neutral, etc in a protein, that arises from THIS variation.
834  e_Loss_of_heterozygosity
835  };
836  /// Maximum+1 value of the choice variant enumerator.
838  e_MaxChoice = 7 ///< == e_Loss_of_heterozygosity+1
839  };
841  /// Reset the whole object
842  void Reset(void);
844  /// Reset the selection (set it to e_not_set).
845  void ResetSelection(void);
847  /// Which variant is currently selected.
848  ///
849  /// @return
850  /// Choice state enumerator.
851  E_Choice Which(void) const;
853  /// Verify selection, throw exception if it differs from the expected.
854  ///
855  /// @param index
856  /// Expected selection.
857  void CheckSelected(E_Choice index) const;
859  /// Throw 'InvalidSelection' exception.
860  ///
861  /// @param index
862  /// Expected selection.
863  NCBI_NORETURN void ThrowInvalidSelection(E_Choice index) const;
865  /// Retrieve selection name (for diagnostic purposes).
866  ///
867  /// @param index
868  /// One of possible selection states.
869  /// @return
870  /// Name string.
871  static string SelectionName(E_Choice index);
873  /// Select the requested variant if needed.
874  ///
875  /// @param index
876  /// New selection state.
877  /// @param reset
878  /// Flag that defines the resetting of the variant data. The data will
879  /// be reset if either the current selection differs from the new one,
880  /// or the flag is set to eDoResetVariant.
882  /// Select the requested variant if needed,
883  /// allocating CObject variants from memory pool.
884  void Select(E_Choice index,
885  EResetVariant reset,
886  CObjectMemoryPool* pool);
888  // types
889  typedef string TNote;
894  // getters
895  // setters
898  /// Check if variant Unknown is selected.
899  ///
900  /// @return
901  /// - true, if the variant is selected.
902  /// - false, otherwise.
903  bool IsUnknown(void) const;
905  /// Select the variant.
906  void SetUnknown(void);
909  /// Check if variant Splicing is selected.
910  ///
911  /// @return
912  /// - true, if the variant is selected.
913  /// - false, otherwise.
914  bool IsSplicing(void) const;
916  /// Select the variant.
917  void SetSplicing(void);
920  /// Check if variant Note is selected.
921  ///
922  /// Note type is defined as 'typedef string TNote'.
923  /// @return
924  /// - true, if the variant is selected.
925  /// - false, otherwise.
926  bool IsNote(void) const;
928  /// Get the variant data.
929  ///
930  /// @return
931  /// Reference to the data.
932  const TNote& GetNote(void) const;
934  /// Select the variant.
935  ///
936  /// @return
937  /// Reference to the variant data.
938  TNote& SetNote(void);
940  /// Select the variant and set its data.
941  ///
942  /// @param value
943  /// Variant data.
944  void SetNote(const TNote& value);
947  /// Check if variant Variation is selected.
948  ///
949  /// Variation type is defined as 'typedef CVariation_ref TVariation'.
950  /// @return
951  /// - true, if the variant is selected.
952  /// - false, otherwise.
953  bool IsVariation(void) const;
955  /// Get the variant data.
956  ///
957  /// @return
958  /// Reference to the data.
959  const TVariation& GetVariation(void) const;
961  /// Select the variant.
962  ///
963  /// @return
964  /// Reference to the variant data.
965  TVariation& SetVariation(void);
966  /// Select the variant and set its data.
967  ///
968  /// @param value
969  /// Reference to the data.
970  void SetVariation(TVariation& value);
973  /// Check if variant Frameshift is selected.
974  ///
975  /// Frameshift type is defined as 'typedef C_Frameshift TFrameshift'.
976  /// @return
977  /// - true, if the variant is selected.
978  /// - false, otherwise.
979  bool IsFrameshift(void) const;
981  /// Get the variant data.
982  ///
983  /// @return
984  /// Reference to the data.
985  const TFrameshift& GetFrameshift(void) const;
987  /// Select the variant.
988  ///
989  /// @return
990  /// Reference to the variant data.
991  TFrameshift& SetFrameshift(void);
992  /// Select the variant and set its data.
993  ///
994  /// @param value
995  /// Reference to the data.
996  void SetFrameshift(TFrameshift& value);
999  /// Check if variant Loss_of_heterozygosity is selected.
1000  ///
1001  /// Loss_of_heterozygosity type is defined as 'typedef C_Loss_of_heterozygosity TLoss_of_heterozygosity'.
1002  /// @return
1003  /// - true, if the variant is selected.
1004  /// - false, otherwise.
1005  bool IsLoss_of_heterozygosity(void) const;
1007  /// Get the variant data.
1008  ///
1009  /// @return
1010  /// Reference to the data.
1011  const TLoss_of_heterozygosity& GetLoss_of_heterozygosity(void) const;
1013  /// Select the variant.
1014  ///
1015  /// @return
1016  /// Reference to the variant data.
1017  TLoss_of_heterozygosity& SetLoss_of_heterozygosity(void);
1018  /// Select the variant and set its data.
1019  ///
1020  /// @param value
1021  /// Reference to the data.
1022  void SetLoss_of_heterozygosity(TLoss_of_heterozygosity& value);
1025  private:
1026  // copy constructor and assignment operator
1029  // choice state
1031  // helper methods
1032  void DoSelect(E_Choice index, CObjectMemoryPool* pool = 0);
1034  static const char* const sm_SelectionNames[];
1035  // data
1036  union {
1037  NCBI_NS_NCBI::CUnionBuffer<NCBI_NS_STD::string> m_string;
1038  NCBI_NS_NCBI::CSerialObject *m_object;
1039  };
1040  };
1041  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1042  ///
1043  /// C_E_Somatic_origin --
1044  ///
1047  {
1049  public:
1050  // constructor
1051  C_E_Somatic_origin(void);
1052  // destructor
1053  ~C_E_Somatic_origin(void);
1055  // type info
1058  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1059  /// condition related to this origin's type
1060  ///
1061  /// C_Condition --
1062  ///
1065  {
1067  public:
1068  // constructor
1069  C_Condition(void);
1070  // destructor
1071  ~C_Condition(void);
1073  // type info
1076  // types
1077  typedef string TDescription;
1078  typedef list< CRef< CDbtag > > TObject_id;
1080  // member index
1081  enum class E_memberIndex {
1082  e__allMandatory = 0,
1083  e_description,
1084  e_object_id
1085  };
1088  // getters
1089  // setters
1091  /// Check if a value has been assigned to Description data member.
1092  ///
1093  /// Data member Description is optional;
1094  /// its type is defined as 'typedef string TDescription'
1095  /// @return
1096  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
1097  /// - false, otherwise.
1098  bool IsSetDescription(void) const;
1100  /// Check if it is safe to call GetDescription method.
1101  ///
1102  /// @return
1103  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
1104  /// - false, otherwise.
1105  bool CanGetDescription(void) const;
1107  /// Reset Description data member.
1108  void ResetDescription(void);
1110  /// Get the Description member data.
1111  ///
1112  /// @return
1113  /// Reference to the member data.
1114  const TDescription& GetDescription(void) const;
1116  /// Assign a value to Description data member.
1117  ///
1118  /// @param value
1119  /// Value to assign
1120  void SetDescription(const TDescription& value);
1121  void SetDescription(TDescription&& value);
1123  /// Assign a value to Description data member.
1124  ///
1125  /// @return
1126  /// Reference to the data value.
1127  TDescription& SetDescription(void);
1129  /// reference to BioTerm / other descriptive database
1130  /// Check if a value has been assigned to Object_id data member.
1131  ///
1132  /// Data member Object_id is optional;
1133  /// its type is defined as 'typedef list< CRef< CDbtag > > TObject_id'
1134  /// @return
1135  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
1136  /// - false, otherwise.
1137  bool IsSetObject_id(void) const;
1139  /// Check if it is safe to call GetObject_id method.
1140  ///
1141  /// @return
1142  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
1143  /// - false, otherwise.
1144  bool CanGetObject_id(void) const;
1146  /// Reset Object_id data member.
1147  void ResetObject_id(void);
1149  /// Get the Object_id member data.
1150  ///
1151  /// @return
1152  /// Reference to the member data.
1153  const TObject_id& GetObject_id(void) const;
1155  /// Assign a value to Object_id data member.
1156  ///
1157  /// @return
1158  /// Reference to the data value.
1159  TObject_id& SetObject_id(void);
1161  /// Reset the whole object
1162  void Reset(void);
1165  private:
1166  // Prohibit copy constructor and assignment operator
1170  // data
1171  Uint4 m_set_State[1];
1173  list< CRef< CDbtag > > m_Object_id;
1174  };
1175  // types
1179  // member index
1180  enum class E_memberIndex {
1181  e__allMandatory = 0,
1182  e_source,
1183  e_condition
1184  };
1187  // getters
1188  // setters
1190  /// description of the somatic origin itself
1191  /// Check if a value has been assigned to Source data member.
1192  ///
1193  /// Data member Source is optional;
1194  /// its type is defined as 'typedef CSubSource TSource'
1195  /// @return
1196  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
1197  /// - false, otherwise.
1198  bool IsSetSource(void) const;
1200  /// Check if it is safe to call GetSource method.
1201  ///
1202  /// @return
1203  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
1204  /// - false, otherwise.
1205  bool CanGetSource(void) const;
1207  /// Reset Source data member.
1208  void ResetSource(void);
1210  /// Get the Source member data.
1211  ///
1212  /// @return
1213  /// Reference to the member data.
1214  const TSource& GetSource(void) const;
1216  /// Assign a value to Source data member.
1217  ///
1218  /// @param value
1219  /// Reference to value.
1220  void SetSource(TSource& value);
1222  /// Assign a value to Source data member.
1223  ///
1224  /// @return
1225  /// Reference to the data value.
1226  TSource& SetSource(void);
1228  /// Check if a value has been assigned to Condition data member.
1229  ///
1230  /// Data member Condition is optional;
1231  /// its type is defined as 'typedef C_Condition TCondition'
1232  /// @return
1233  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
1234  /// - false, otherwise.
1235  bool IsSetCondition(void) const;
1237  /// Check if it is safe to call GetCondition method.
1238  ///
1239  /// @return
1240  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
1241  /// - false, otherwise.
1242  bool CanGetCondition(void) const;
1244  /// Reset Condition data member.
1245  void ResetCondition(void);
1247  /// Get the Condition member data.
1248  ///
1249  /// @return
1250  /// Reference to the member data.
1251  const TCondition& GetCondition(void) const;
1253  /// Assign a value to Condition data member.
1254  ///
1255  /// @param value
1256  /// Reference to value.
1257  void SetCondition(TCondition& value);
1259  /// Assign a value to Condition data member.
1260  ///
1261  /// @return
1262  /// Reference to the data value.
1263  TCondition& SetCondition(void);
1265  /// Reset the whole object
1266  void Reset(void);
1269  private:
1270  // Prohibit copy constructor and assignment operator
1274  // data
1275  Uint4 m_set_State[1];
1278  };
1279  // types
1280  typedef CDbtag TId;
1283  typedef list< CRef< CDbtag > > TOther_ids;
1284  typedef string TName;
1285  typedef list< string > TSynonyms;
1286  typedef string TDescription;
1287  typedef list< CRef< CPhenotype > > TPhenotype;
1288  typedef list< int > TMethod;
1289  typedef list< CRef< CPopulation_data > > TPopulation_data;
1291  typedef bool TValidated;
1292  typedef list< CRef< CDbtag > > TClinical_test;
1293  typedef int TAllele_origin;
1294  typedef int TAllele_state;
1295  typedef double TAllele_frequency;
1296  typedef bool TIs_ancestral_allele;
1297  typedef CPub TPub;
1298  typedef C_Data TData;
1300  typedef list< CRef< C_E_Consequence > > TConsequence;
1302  typedef list< CRef< CExt_loc > > TExt_locs;
1304  typedef list< CRef< C_E_Somatic_origin > > TSomatic_origin;
1306  // member index
1307  enum class E_memberIndex {
1308  e__allMandatory = 0,
1309  e_id,
1310  e_parent_id,
1311  e_sample_id,
1312  e_other_ids,
1313  e_name,
1314  e_synonyms,
1315  e_description,
1316  e_phenotype,
1317  e_method,
1318  e_population_data,
1319  e_variant_prop,
1320  e_validated,
1321  e_clinical_test,
1322  e_allele_origin,
1323  e_allele_state,
1324  e_allele_frequency,
1325  e_is_ancestral_allele,
1326  e_pub,
1327  e_data,
1328  e_consequence,
1329  e_location,
1330  e_ext_locs,
1331  e_ext,
1332  e_somatic_origin
1333  };
1336  // getters
1337  // setters
1339  /// ids (i.e., SNP rsid / ssid, dbVar nsv/nssv)
1340  /// expected values include 'dbSNP|rs12334', 'dbSNP|ss12345', 'dbVar|nsv1'
1341  ///
1342  /// we relate three kinds of IDs here:
1343  /// - our current object's id
1344  /// - the id of this object's parent, if it exists
1345  /// - the sample ID that this item originates from
1346  /// Check if a value has been assigned to Id data member.
1347  ///
1348  /// Data member Id is optional;
1349  /// its type is defined as 'typedef CDbtag TId'
1350  /// @return
1351  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
1352  /// - false, otherwise.
1353  bool IsSetId(void) const;
1355  /// Check if it is safe to call GetId method.
1356  ///
1357  /// @return
1358  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
1359  /// - false, otherwise.
1360  bool CanGetId(void) const;
1362  /// Reset Id data member.
1363  void ResetId(void);
1365  /// Get the Id member data.
1366  ///
1367  /// @return
1368  /// Reference to the member data.
1369  const TId& GetId(void) const;
1371  /// Assign a value to Id data member.
1372  ///
1373  /// @param value
1374  /// Reference to value.
1375  void SetId(TId& value);
1377  /// Assign a value to Id data member.
1378  ///
1379  /// @return
1380  /// Reference to the data value.
1381  TId& SetId(void);
1383  /// Check if a value has been assigned to Parent_id data member.
1384  ///
1385  /// Data member Parent_id is optional;
1386  /// its type is defined as 'typedef CDbtag TParent_id'
1387  /// @return
1388  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
1389  /// - false, otherwise.
1390  bool IsSetParent_id(void) const;
1392  /// Check if it is safe to call GetParent_id method.
1393  ///
1394  /// @return
1395  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
1396  /// - false, otherwise.
1397  bool CanGetParent_id(void) const;
1399  /// Reset Parent_id data member.
1400  void ResetParent_id(void);
1402  /// Get the Parent_id member data.
1403  ///
1404  /// @return
1405  /// Reference to the member data.
1406  const TParent_id& GetParent_id(void) const;
1408  /// Assign a value to Parent_id data member.
1409  ///
1410  /// @param value
1411  /// Reference to value.
1412  void SetParent_id(TParent_id& value);
1414  /// Assign a value to Parent_id data member.
1415  ///
1416  /// @return
1417  /// Reference to the data value.
1418  TParent_id& SetParent_id(void);
1420  /// Check if a value has been assigned to Sample_id data member.
1421  ///
1422  /// Data member Sample_id is optional;
1423  /// its type is defined as 'typedef CObject_id TSample_id'
1424  /// @return
1425  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
1426  /// - false, otherwise.
1427  bool IsSetSample_id(void) const;
1429  /// Check if it is safe to call GetSample_id method.
1430  ///
1431  /// @return
1432  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
1433  /// - false, otherwise.
1434  bool CanGetSample_id(void) const;
1436  /// Reset Sample_id data member.
1437  void ResetSample_id(void);
1439  /// Get the Sample_id member data.
1440  ///
1441  /// @return
1442  /// Reference to the member data.
1443  const TSample_id& GetSample_id(void) const;
1445  /// Assign a value to Sample_id data member.
1446  ///
1447  /// @param value
1448  /// Reference to value.
1449  void SetSample_id(TSample_id& value);
1451  /// Assign a value to Sample_id data member.
1452  ///
1453  /// @return
1454  /// Reference to the data value.
1455  TSample_id& SetSample_id(void);
1457  /// Check if a value has been assigned to Other_ids data member.
1458  ///
1459  /// Data member Other_ids is optional;
1460  /// its type is defined as 'typedef list< CRef< CDbtag > > TOther_ids'
1461  /// @return
1462  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
1463  /// - false, otherwise.
1464  bool IsSetOther_ids(void) const;
1466  /// Check if it is safe to call GetOther_ids method.
1467  ///
1468  /// @return
1469  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
1470  /// - false, otherwise.
1471  bool CanGetOther_ids(void) const;
1473  /// Reset Other_ids data member.
1474  void ResetOther_ids(void);
1476  /// Get the Other_ids member data.
1477  ///
1478  /// @return
1479  /// Reference to the member data.
1480  const TOther_ids& GetOther_ids(void) const;
1482  /// Assign a value to Other_ids data member.
1483  ///
1484  /// @return
1485  /// Reference to the data value.
1486  TOther_ids& SetOther_ids(void);
1488  /// names and synonyms
1489  /// some variants have well-known canonical names and possible accepted
1490  /// synonyms
1491  /// Check if a value has been assigned to Name data member.
1492  ///
1493  /// Data member Name is optional;
1494  /// its type is defined as 'typedef string TName'
1495  /// @return
1496  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
1497  /// - false, otherwise.
1498  bool IsSetName(void) const;
1500  /// Check if it is safe to call GetName method.
1501  ///
1502  /// @return
1503  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
1504  /// - false, otherwise.
1505  bool CanGetName(void) const;
1507  /// Reset Name data member.
1508  void ResetName(void);
1510  /// Get the Name member data.
1511  ///
1512  /// @return
1513  /// Reference to the member data.
1514  const TName& GetName(void) const;
1516  /// Assign a value to Name data member.
1517  ///
1518  /// @param value
1519  /// Value to assign
1520  void SetName(const TName& value);
1521  void SetName(TName&& value);
1523  /// Assign a value to Name data member.
1524  ///
1525  /// @return
1526  /// Reference to the data value.
1527  TName& SetName(void);
1529  /// Check if a value has been assigned to Synonyms data member.
1530  ///
1531  /// Data member Synonyms is optional;
1532  /// its type is defined as 'typedef list< string > TSynonyms'
1533  /// @return
1534  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
1535  /// - false, otherwise.
1536  bool IsSetSynonyms(void) const;
1538  /// Check if it is safe to call GetSynonyms method.
1539  ///
1540  /// @return
1541  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
1542  /// - false, otherwise.
1543  bool CanGetSynonyms(void) const;
1545  /// Reset Synonyms data member.
1546  void ResetSynonyms(void);
1548  /// Get the Synonyms member data.
1549  ///
1550  /// @return
1551  /// Reference to the member data.
1552  const TSynonyms& GetSynonyms(void) const;
1554  /// Assign a value to Synonyms data member.
1555  ///
1556  /// @return
1557  /// Reference to the data value.
1558  TSynonyms& SetSynonyms(void);
1560  /// tag for comment and descriptions
1561  /// Check if a value has been assigned to Description data member.
1562  ///
1563  /// Data member Description is optional;
1564  /// its type is defined as 'typedef string TDescription'
1565  /// @return
1566  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
1567  /// - false, otherwise.
1568  bool IsSetDescription(void) const;
1570  /// Check if it is safe to call GetDescription method.
1571  ///
1572  /// @return
1573  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
1574  /// - false, otherwise.
1575  bool CanGetDescription(void) const;
1577  /// Reset Description data member.
1578  void ResetDescription(void);
1580  /// Get the Description member data.
1581  ///
1582  /// @return
1583  /// Reference to the member data.
1584  const TDescription& GetDescription(void) const;
1586  /// Assign a value to Description data member.
1587  ///
1588  /// @param value
1589  /// Value to assign
1590  void SetDescription(const TDescription& value);
1591  void SetDescription(TDescription&& value);
1593  /// Assign a value to Description data member.
1594  ///
1595  /// @return
1596  /// Reference to the data value.
1597  TDescription& SetDescription(void);
1599  /// phenotype
1600  /// Check if a value has been assigned to Phenotype data member.
1601  ///
1602  /// Data member Phenotype is optional;
1603  /// its type is defined as 'typedef list< CRef< CPhenotype > > TPhenotype'
1604  /// @return
1605  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
1606  /// - false, otherwise.
1607  bool IsSetPhenotype(void) const;
1609  /// Check if it is safe to call GetPhenotype method.
1610  ///
1611  /// @return
1612  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
1613  /// - false, otherwise.
1614  bool CanGetPhenotype(void) const;
1616  /// Reset Phenotype data member.
1617  void ResetPhenotype(void);
1619  /// Get the Phenotype member data.
1620  ///
1621  /// @return
1622  /// Reference to the member data.
1623  const TPhenotype& GetPhenotype(void) const;
1625  /// Assign a value to Phenotype data member.
1626  ///
1627  /// @return
1628  /// Reference to the data value.
1629  TPhenotype& SetPhenotype(void);
1631  /// Check if a value has been assigned to Method data member.
1632  ///
1633  /// Data member Method is optional;
1634  /// its type is defined as 'typedef list< int > TMethod'
1635  /// @return
1636  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
1637  /// - false, otherwise.
1638  bool IsSetMethod(void) const;
1640  /// Check if it is safe to call GetMethod method.
1641  ///
1642  /// @return
1643  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
1644  /// - false, otherwise.
1645  bool CanGetMethod(void) const;
1647  /// Reset Method data member.
1648  void ResetMethod(void);
1650  /// Get the Method member data.
1651  ///
1652  /// @return
1653  /// Reference to the member data.
1654  const TMethod& GetMethod(void) const;
1656  /// Assign a value to Method data member.
1657  ///
1658  /// @return
1659  /// Reference to the data value.
1660  TMethod& SetMethod(void);
1662  /// Note about SNP representation and pretinent fields: allele-frequency,
1663  /// population, quality-codes:
1664  /// The case of multiple alleles for a SNP would be described by
1665  /// parent-feature of type Variation-set.diff-alleles, where the child
1666  /// features of type Variation-inst, all at the same location, would
1667  /// describe individual alleles.
1668  /// population data
1669  /// DEPRECATED - do not use
1670  /// Check if a value has been assigned to Population_data data member.
1671  ///
1672  /// Data member Population_data is optional;
1673  /// its type is defined as 'typedef list< CRef< CPopulation_data > > TPopulation_data'
1674  /// @return
1675  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
1676  /// - false, otherwise.
1677  bool IsSetPopulation_data(void) const;
1679  /// Check if it is safe to call GetPopulation_data method.
1680  ///
1681  /// @return
1682  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
1683  /// - false, otherwise.
1684  bool CanGetPopulation_data(void) const;
1686  /// Reset Population_data data member.
1687  void ResetPopulation_data(void);
1689  /// Get the Population_data member data.
1690  ///
1691  /// @return
1692  /// Reference to the member data.
1693  const TPopulation_data& GetPopulation_data(void) const;
1695  /// Assign a value to Population_data data member.
1696  ///
1697  /// @return
1698  /// Reference to the data value.
1699  TPopulation_data& SetPopulation_data(void);
1701  /// variant properties bit fields
1702  /// Check if a value has been assigned to Variant_prop data member.
1703  ///
1704  /// Data member Variant_prop is optional;
1705  /// its type is defined as 'typedef CVariantProperties TVariant_prop'
1706  /// @return
1707  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
1708  /// - false, otherwise.
1709  bool IsSetVariant_prop(void) const;
1711  /// Check if it is safe to call GetVariant_prop method.
1712  ///
1713  /// @return
1714  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
1715  /// - false, otherwise.
1716  bool CanGetVariant_prop(void) const;
1718  /// Reset Variant_prop data member.
1719  void ResetVariant_prop(void);
1721  /// Get the Variant_prop member data.
1722  ///
1723  /// @return
1724  /// Reference to the member data.
1725  const TVariant_prop& GetVariant_prop(void) const;
1727  /// Assign a value to Variant_prop data member.
1728  ///
1729  /// @param value
1730  /// Reference to value.
1731  void SetVariant_prop(TVariant_prop& value);
1733  /// Assign a value to Variant_prop data member.
1734  ///
1735  /// @return
1736  /// Reference to the data value.
1737  TVariant_prop& SetVariant_prop(void);
1739  /// has this variant been validated?
1740  /// DEPRECATED: new field = VariantProperties.other-validation
1741  /// Check if a value has been assigned to Validated data member.
1742  ///
1743  /// Data member Validated is optional;
1744  /// its type is defined as 'typedef bool TValidated'
1745  /// @return
1746  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
1747  /// - false, otherwise.
1748  bool IsSetValidated(void) const;
1750  /// Check if it is safe to call GetValidated method.
1751  ///
1752  /// @return
1753  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
1754  /// - false, otherwise.
1755  bool CanGetValidated(void) const;
1757  /// Reset Validated data member.
1758  void ResetValidated(void);
1760  /// Get the Validated member data.
1761  ///
1762  /// @return
1763  /// Copy of the member data.
1764  TValidated GetValidated(void) const;
1766  /// Assign a value to Validated data member.
1767  ///
1768  /// @param value
1769  /// Value to assign
1770  void SetValidated(TValidated value);
1772  /// Assign a value to Validated data member.
1773  ///
1774  /// @return
1775  /// Reference to the data value.
1776  TValidated& SetValidated(void);
1778  /// link-outs to GeneTests database
1779  /// DEPRECATED - do not use
1780  /// Check if a value has been assigned to Clinical_test data member.
1781  ///
1782  /// Data member Clinical_test is optional;
1783  /// its type is defined as 'typedef list< CRef< CDbtag > > TClinical_test'
1784  /// @return
1785  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
1786  /// - false, otherwise.
1787  bool IsSetClinical_test(void) const;
1789  /// Check if it is safe to call GetClinical_test method.
1790  ///
1791  /// @return
1792  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
1793  /// - false, otherwise.
1794  bool CanGetClinical_test(void) const;
1796  /// Reset Clinical_test data member.
1797  void ResetClinical_test(void);
1799  /// Get the Clinical_test member data.
1800  ///
1801  /// @return
1802  /// Reference to the member data.
1803  const TClinical_test& GetClinical_test(void) const;
1805  /// Assign a value to Clinical_test data member.
1806  ///
1807  /// @return
1808  /// Reference to the data value.
1809  TClinical_test& SetClinical_test(void);
1811  /// Check if a value has been assigned to Allele_origin data member.
1812  ///
1813  /// Data member Allele_origin is optional;
1814  /// its type is defined as 'typedef int TAllele_origin'
1815  /// @return
1816  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
1817  /// - false, otherwise.
1818  bool IsSetAllele_origin(void) const;
1820  /// Check if it is safe to call GetAllele_origin method.
1821  ///
1822  /// @return
1823  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
1824  /// - false, otherwise.
1825  bool CanGetAllele_origin(void) const;
1827  /// Reset Allele_origin data member.
1828  void ResetAllele_origin(void);
1830  /// Get the Allele_origin member data.
1831  ///
1832  /// @return
1833  /// Copy of the member data.
1834  TAllele_origin GetAllele_origin(void) const;
1836  /// Assign a value to Allele_origin data member.
1837  ///
1838  /// @param value
1839  /// Value to assign
1840  void SetAllele_origin(TAllele_origin value);
1842  /// Assign a value to Allele_origin data member.
1843  ///
1844  /// @return
1845  /// Reference to the data value.
1846  TAllele_origin& SetAllele_origin(void);
1848  /// Check if a value has been assigned to Allele_state data member.
1849  ///
1850  /// Data member Allele_state is optional;
1851  /// its type is defined as 'typedef int TAllele_state'
1852  /// @return
1853  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
1854  /// - false, otherwise.
1855  bool IsSetAllele_state(void) const;
1857  /// Check if it is safe to call GetAllele_state method.
1858  ///
1859  /// @return
1860  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
1861  /// - false, otherwise.
1862  bool CanGetAllele_state(void) const;
1864  /// Reset Allele_state data member.
1865  void ResetAllele_state(void);
1867  /// Get the Allele_state member data.
1868  ///
1869  /// @return
1870  /// Copy of the member data.
1871  TAllele_state GetAllele_state(void) const;
1873  /// Assign a value to Allele_state data member.
1874  ///
1875  /// @param value
1876  /// Value to assign
1877  void SetAllele_state(TAllele_state value);
1879  /// Assign a value to Allele_state data member.
1880  ///
1881  /// @return
1882  /// Reference to the data value.
1883  TAllele_state& SetAllele_state(void);
1885  /// NOTE:
1886  /// 'allele-frequency' here refers to the minor allele frequency of the
1887  /// default population
1888  /// DEPRECATED: new field = VariantProperties.allele-frequency
1889  /// Check if a value has been assigned to Allele_frequency data member.
1890  ///
1891  /// Data member Allele_frequency is optional;
1892  /// its type is defined as 'typedef double TAllele_frequency'
1893  /// @return
1894  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
1895  /// - false, otherwise.
1896  bool IsSetAllele_frequency(void) const;
1898  /// Check if it is safe to call GetAllele_frequency method.
1899  ///
1900  /// @return
1901  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
1902  /// - false, otherwise.
1903  bool CanGetAllele_frequency(void) const;
1905  /// Reset Allele_frequency data member.
1906  void ResetAllele_frequency(void);
1908  /// Get the Allele_frequency member data.
1909  ///
1910  /// @return
1911  /// Copy of the member data.
1912  TAllele_frequency GetAllele_frequency(void) const;
1914  /// Assign a value to Allele_frequency data member.
1915  ///
1916  /// @param value
1917  /// Value to assign
1918  void SetAllele_frequency(TAllele_frequency value);
1920  /// Assign a value to Allele_frequency data member.
1921  ///
1922  /// @return
1923  /// Reference to the data value.
1924  TAllele_frequency& SetAllele_frequency(void);
1926  /// is this variant the ancestral allele?
1927  /// DEPRECATED: new field =
1928  /// Check if a value has been assigned to Is_ancestral_allele data member.
1929  ///
1930  /// Data member Is_ancestral_allele is optional;
1931  /// its type is defined as 'typedef bool TIs_ancestral_allele'
1932  /// @return
1933  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
1934  /// - false, otherwise.
1935  bool IsSetIs_ancestral_allele(void) const;
1937  /// Check if it is safe to call GetIs_ancestral_allele method.
1938  ///
1939  /// @return
1940  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
1941  /// - false, otherwise.
1942  bool CanGetIs_ancestral_allele(void) const;
1944  /// Reset Is_ancestral_allele data member.
1945  void ResetIs_ancestral_allele(void);
1947  /// Get the Is_ancestral_allele member data.
1948  ///
1949  /// @return
1950  /// Copy of the member data.
1951  TIs_ancestral_allele GetIs_ancestral_allele(void) const;
1953  /// Assign a value to Is_ancestral_allele data member.
1954  ///
1955  /// @param value
1956  /// Value to assign
1957  void SetIs_ancestral_allele(TIs_ancestral_allele value);
1959  /// Assign a value to Is_ancestral_allele data member.
1960  ///
1961  /// @return
1962  /// Reference to the data value.
1963  TIs_ancestral_allele& SetIs_ancestral_allele(void);
1965  /// publication support.
1966  /// Note: made this pub instead of pub-equiv, since
1967  /// Pub can be pub-equiv and pub-equiv is a set of pubs, but it looks like
1968  /// Pub is more often used as top-level container
1969  /// DEPRECATED - do not use; use Seq-feat.dbxref instead
1970  /// Check if a value has been assigned to Pub data member.
1971  ///
1972  /// Data member Pub is optional;
1973  /// its type is defined as 'typedef CPub TPub'
1974  /// @return
1975  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
1976  /// - false, otherwise.
1977  bool IsSetPub(void) const;
1979  /// Check if it is safe to call GetPub method.
1980  ///
1981  /// @return
1982  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
1983  /// - false, otherwise.
1984  bool CanGetPub(void) const;
1986  /// Reset Pub data member.
1987  void ResetPub(void);
1989  /// Get the Pub member data.
1990  ///
1991  /// @return
1992  /// Reference to the member data.
1993  const TPub& GetPub(void) const;
1995  /// Assign a value to Pub data member.
1996  ///
1997  /// @param value
1998  /// Reference to value.
1999  void SetPub(TPub& value);
2001  /// Assign a value to Pub data member.
2002  ///
2003  /// @return
2004  /// Reference to the data value.
2005  TPub& SetPub(void);
2007  /// Check if a value has been assigned to Data data member.
2008  ///
2009  /// Data member Data is mandatory;
2010  /// its type is defined as 'typedef C_Data TData'
2011  /// @return
2012  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
2013  /// - false, otherwise.
2014  bool IsSetData(void) const;
2016  /// Check if it is safe to call GetData method.
2017  ///
2018  /// @return
2019  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
2020  /// - false, otherwise.
2021  bool CanGetData(void) const;
2023  /// Reset Data data member.
2024  void ResetData(void);
2026  /// Get the Data member data.
2027  ///
2028  /// @return
2029  /// Reference to the member data.
2030  const TData& GetData(void) const;
2032  /// Assign a value to Data data member.
2033  ///
2034  /// @param value
2035  /// Reference to value.
2036  void SetData(TData& value);
2038  /// Assign a value to Data data member.
2039  ///
2040  /// @return
2041  /// Reference to the data value.
2042  TData& SetData(void);
2044  /// Check if a value has been assigned to Consequence data member.
2045  ///
2046  /// Data member Consequence is optional;
2047  /// its type is defined as 'typedef list< CRef< C_E_Consequence > > TConsequence'
2048  /// @return
2049  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
2050  /// - false, otherwise.
2051  bool IsSetConsequence(void) const;
2053  /// Check if it is safe to call GetConsequence method.
2054  ///
2055  /// @return
2056  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
2057  /// - false, otherwise.
2058  bool CanGetConsequence(void) const;
2060  /// Reset Consequence data member.
2061  void ResetConsequence(void);
2063  /// Get the Consequence member data.
2064  ///
2065  /// @return
2066  /// Reference to the member data.
2067  const TConsequence& GetConsequence(void) const;
2069  /// Assign a value to Consequence data member.
2070  ///
2071  /// @return
2072  /// Reference to the data value.
2073  TConsequence& SetConsequence(void);
2075  /// Observed location, if different from the parent set or feature.location.
2076  /// DEPRECATED - do not use
2077  /// Check if a value has been assigned to Location data member.
2078  ///
2079  /// Data member Location is optional;
2080  /// its type is defined as 'typedef CSeq_loc TLocation'
2081  /// @return
2082  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
2083  /// - false, otherwise.
2084  bool IsSetLocation(void) const;
2086  /// Check if it is safe to call GetLocation method.
2087  ///
2088  /// @return
2089  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
2090  /// - false, otherwise.
2091  bool CanGetLocation(void) const;
2093  /// Reset Location data member.
2094  void ResetLocation(void);
2096  /// Get the Location member data.
2097  ///
2098  /// @return
2099  /// Reference to the member data.
2100  const TLocation& GetLocation(void) const;
2102  /// Assign a value to Location data member.
2103  ///
2104  /// @param value
2105  /// Reference to value.
2106  void SetLocation(TLocation& value);
2108  /// Assign a value to Location data member.
2109  ///
2110  /// @return
2111  /// Reference to the data value.
2112  TLocation& SetLocation(void);
2114  /// reference other locs, e.g. mapped source
2115  /// DEPRECATED - do not use
2116  /// Check if a value has been assigned to Ext_locs data member.
2117  ///
2118  /// Data member Ext_locs is optional;
2119  /// its type is defined as 'typedef list< CRef< CExt_loc > > TExt_locs'
2120  /// @return
2121  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
2122  /// - false, otherwise.
2123  bool IsSetExt_locs(void) const;
2125  /// Check if it is safe to call GetExt_locs method.
2126  ///
2127  /// @return
2128  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
2129  /// - false, otherwise.
2130  bool CanGetExt_locs(void) const;
2132  /// Reset Ext_locs data member.
2133  void ResetExt_locs(void);
2135  /// Get the Ext_locs member data.
2136  ///
2137  /// @return
2138  /// Reference to the member data.
2139  const TExt_locs& GetExt_locs(void) const;
2141  /// Assign a value to Ext_locs data member.
2142  ///
2143  /// @return
2144  /// Reference to the data value.
2145  TExt_locs& SetExt_locs(void);
2147  /// DEPRECATED - do not use; use Seq-feat.exts instead
2148  /// Check if a value has been assigned to Ext data member.
2149  ///
2150  /// Data member Ext is optional;
2151  /// its type is defined as 'typedef CUser_object TExt'
2152  /// @return
2153  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
2154  /// - false, otherwise.
2155  bool IsSetExt(void) const;
2157  /// Check if it is safe to call GetExt method.
2158  ///
2159  /// @return
2160  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
2161  /// - false, otherwise.
2162  bool CanGetExt(void) const;
2164  /// Reset Ext data member.
2165  void ResetExt(void);
2167  /// Get the Ext member data.
2168  ///
2169  /// @return
2170  /// Reference to the member data.
2171  const TExt& GetExt(void) const;
2173  /// Assign a value to Ext data member.
2174  ///
2175  /// @param value
2176  /// Reference to value.
2177  void SetExt(TExt& value);
2179  /// Assign a value to Ext data member.
2180  ///
2181  /// @return
2182  /// Reference to the data value.
2183  TExt& SetExt(void);
2185  /// Check if a value has been assigned to Somatic_origin data member.
2186  ///
2187  /// Data member Somatic_origin is optional;
2188  /// its type is defined as 'typedef list< CRef< C_E_Somatic_origin > > TSomatic_origin'
2189  /// @return
2190  /// - true, if a value has been assigned.
2191  /// - false, otherwise.
2192  bool IsSetSomatic_origin(void) const;
2194  /// Check if it is safe to call GetSomatic_origin method.
2195  ///
2196  /// @return
2197  /// - true, if the data member is getatable.
2198  /// - false, otherwise.
2199  bool CanGetSomatic_origin(void) const;
2201  /// Reset Somatic_origin data member.
2202  void ResetSomatic_origin(void);
2204  /// Get the Somatic_origin member data.
2205  ///
2206  /// @return
2207  /// Reference to the member data.
2208  const TSomatic_origin& GetSomatic_origin(void) const;
2210  /// Assign a value to Somatic_origin data member.
2211  ///
2212  /// @return
2213  /// Reference to the data value.
2214  TSomatic_origin& SetSomatic_origin(void);
2216  /// Reset the whole object
2217  virtual void Reset(void);
2220 private:
2221  // Prohibit copy constructor and assignment operator
2225  // data
2226  Uint4 m_set_State[2];
2230  list< CRef< CDbtag > > m_Other_ids;
2231  string m_Name;
2232  list< string > m_Synonyms;
2234  list< CRef< CPhenotype > > m_Phenotype;
2235  list< int > m_Method;
2236  list< CRef< CPopulation_data > > m_Population_data;
2239  list< CRef< CDbtag > > m_Clinical_test;
2246  list< CRef< C_E_Consequence > > m_Consequence;
2248  list< CRef< CExt_loc > > m_Ext_locs;
2250  list< CRef< C_E_Somatic_origin > > m_Somatic_origin;
2251 };
2253 /* @} */
2259 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2260 ///////////////////// inline methods //////////////////////
2261 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2262 inline
2264 {
2265  return ((m_set_State[0] & 0x3) != 0);
2266 }
2268 inline
2270 {
2271  return IsSetType();
2272 }
2274 inline
2276 {
2277  m_Type = (EData_set_type)(0);
2278  m_set_State[0] &= ~0x3;
2279 }
2281 inline
2283 {
2284  if (!CanGetType()) {
2285  ThrowUnassigned(0);
2286  }
2287  return m_Type;
2288 }
2290 inline
2292 {
2293  m_Type = value;
2294  m_set_State[0] |= 0x3;
2295 }
2297 inline
2299 {
2300 #ifdef _DEBUG
2301  if (!IsSetType()) {
2302  memset(&m_Type,UnassignedByte(),sizeof(m_Type));
2303  }
2304 #endif
2305  m_set_State[0] |= 0x1;
2306  return m_Type;
2307 }
2309 inline
2311 {
2312  return ((m_set_State[0] & 0xc) != 0);
2313 }
2315 inline
2317 {
2318  return true;
2319 }
2321 inline
2323 {
2324  return m_Variations;
2325 }
2327 inline
2329 {
2330  m_set_State[0] |= 0x4;
2331  return m_Variations;
2332 }
2334 inline
2336 {
2337  return ((m_set_State[0] & 0x30) != 0);
2338 }
2340 inline
2342 {
2343  return IsSetName();
2344 }
2346 inline
2348 {
2349  if (!CanGetName()) {
2350  ThrowUnassigned(2);
2351  }
2352  return m_Name;
2353 }
2355 inline
2357 {
2358  m_Name = value;
2359  m_set_State[0] |= 0x30;
2360 }
2362 inline
2364 {
2365  m_Name = std::forward<CVariation_ref_Base::C_Data::C_Set::TName>(value);
2366  m_set_State[0] |= 0x30;
2367 }
2369 inline
2371 {
2372 #ifdef _DEBUG
2373  if (!IsSetName()) {
2375  }
2376 #endif
2377  m_set_State[0] |= 0x10;
2378  return m_Name;
2379 }
2381 inline
2383 {
2384  return m_choice;
2385 }
2387 inline
2389 {
2390  if ( m_choice != index )
2391  ThrowInvalidSelection(index);
2392 }
2394 inline
2395 void CVariation_ref_Base::C_Data::Select(E_Choice index, NCBI_NS_NCBI::EResetVariant reset, NCBI_NS_NCBI::CObjectMemoryPool* pool)
2396 {
2397  if ( reset == NCBI_NS_NCBI::eDoResetVariant || m_choice != index ) {
2398  if ( m_choice != e_not_set )
2399  ResetSelection();
2400  DoSelect(index, pool);
2401  }
2402 }
2404 inline
2406 {
2407  Select(index, reset, 0);
2408 }
2410 inline
2412 {
2413  return m_choice == e_Unknown;
2414 }
2416 inline
2418 {
2420 }
2422 inline
2424 {
2425  return m_choice == e_Note;
2426 }
2428 inline
2430 {
2432  return *m_string;
2433 }
2435 inline
2437 {
2439  return *m_string;
2440 }
2442 inline
2444 {
2445  return m_choice == e_Uniparental_disomy;
2446 }
2448 inline
2450 {
2452 }
2454 inline
2456 {
2457  return m_choice == e_Instance;
2458 }
2460 inline
2462 {
2463  return m_choice == e_Set;
2464 }
2466 inline
2468 {
2469  return m_choice == e_Complex;
2470 }
2472 inline
2474 {
2476 }
2478 inline
2480 {
2481  return ((m_set_State[0] & 0x3) != 0);
2482 }
2484 inline
2486 {
2487  return IsSetPhase();
2488 }
2490 inline
2492 {
2493  m_Phase = 0;
2494  m_set_State[0] &= ~0x3;
2495 }
2497 inline
2499 {
2500  if (!CanGetPhase()) {
2501  ThrowUnassigned(0);
2502  }
2503  return m_Phase;
2504 }
2506 inline
2508 {
2509  m_Phase = value;
2510  m_set_State[0] |= 0x3;
2511 }
2513 inline
2515 {
2516 #ifdef _DEBUG
2517  if (!IsSetPhase()) {
2518  memset(&m_Phase,UnassignedByte(),sizeof(m_Phase));
2519  }
2520 #endif
2521  m_set_State[0] |= 0x1;
2522  return m_Phase;
2523 }
2525 inline
2527 {
2528  return ((m_set_State[0] & 0xc) != 0);
2529 }
2531 inline
2533 {
2534  return IsSetX_length();
2535 }
2537 inline
2539 {
2540  m_X_length = 0;
2541  m_set_State[0] &= ~0xc;
2542 }
2544 inline
2546 {
2547  if (!CanGetX_length()) {
2548  ThrowUnassigned(1);
2549  }
2550  return m_X_length;
2551 }
2553 inline
2555 {
2556  m_X_length = value;
2557  m_set_State[0] |= 0xc;
2558 }
2560 inline
2562 {
2563 #ifdef _DEBUG
2564  if (!IsSetX_length()) {
2565  memset(&m_X_length,UnassignedByte(),sizeof(m_X_length));
2566  }
2567 #endif
2568  m_set_State[0] |= 0x4;
2569  return m_X_length;
2570 }
2572 inline
2574 {
2575  return ((m_set_State[0] & 0x3) != 0);
2576 }
2578 inline
2580 {
2581  return IsSetReference();
2582 }
2584 inline
2586 {
2587  if (!CanGetReference()) {
2588  ThrowUnassigned(0);
2589  }
2590  return m_Reference;
2591 }
2593 inline
2595 {
2596  m_Reference = value;
2597  m_set_State[0] |= 0x3;
2598 }
2600 inline
2602 {
2603  m_Reference = std::forward<CVariation_ref_Base::C_E_Consequence::C_Loss_of_heterozygosity::TReference>(value);
2604  m_set_State[0] |= 0x3;
2605 }
2607 inline
2609 {
2610 #ifdef _DEBUG
2611  if (!IsSetReference()) {
2612  m_Reference = UnassignedString();
2613  }
2614 #endif
2615  m_set_State[0] |= 0x1;
2616  return m_Reference;
2617 }
2619 inline
2621 {
2622  return ((m_set_State[0] & 0xc) != 0);
2623 }
2625 inline
2627 {
2628  return IsSetTest();
2629 }
2631 inline
2633 {
2634  if (!CanGetTest()) {
2635  ThrowUnassigned(1);
2636  }
2637  return m_Test;
2638 }
2640 inline
2642 {
2643  m_Test = value;
2644  m_set_State[0] |= 0xc;
2645 }
2647 inline
2649 {
2650  m_Test = std::forward<CVariation_ref_Base::C_E_Consequence::C_Loss_of_heterozygosity::TTest>(value);
2651  m_set_State[0] |= 0xc;
2652 }
2654 inline
2656 {
2657 #ifdef _DEBUG
2658  if (!IsSetTest()) {
2659  m_Test = UnassignedString();
2660  }
2661 #endif
2662  m_set_State[0] |= 0x4;
2663  return m_Test;
2664 }
2666 inline
2668 {
2669  return m_choice;
2670 }
2672 inline
2674 {
2675  if ( m_choice != index )
2676  ThrowInvalidSelection(index);
2677 }
2679 inline
2680 void CVariation_ref_Base::C_E_Consequence::Select(E_Choice index, NCBI_NS_NCBI::EResetVariant reset, NCBI_NS_NCBI::CObjectMemoryPool* pool)
2681 {
2682  if ( reset == NCBI_NS_NCBI::eDoResetVariant || m_choice != index ) {
2683  if ( m_choice != e_not_set )
2684  ResetSelection();
2685  DoSelect(index, pool);
2686  }
2687 }
2689 inline
2691 {
2692  Select(index, reset, 0);
2693 }
2695 inline
2697 {
2698  return m_choice == e_Unknown;
2699 }
2701 inline
2703 {
2705 }
2707 inline
2709 {
2710  return m_choice == e_Splicing;
2711 }
2713 inline
2715 {
2717 }
2719 inline
2721 {
2722  return m_choice == e_Note;
2723 }
2725 inline
2727 {
2729  return *m_string;
2730 }
2732 inline
2734 {
2736  return *m_string;
2737 }
2739 inline
2741 {
2742  return m_choice == e_Variation;
2743 }
2745 inline
2747 {
2748  return m_choice == e_Frameshift;
2749 }
2751 inline
2753 {
2754  return m_choice == e_Loss_of_heterozygosity;
2755 }
2757 inline
2759 {
2760  return ((m_set_State[0] & 0x3) != 0);
2761 }
2763 inline
2765 {
2766  return IsSetDescription();
2767 }
2769 inline
2771 {
2772  if (!CanGetDescription()) {
2773  ThrowUnassigned(0);
2774  }
2775  return m_Description;
2776 }
2778 inline
2780 {
2781  m_Description = value;
2782  m_set_State[0] |= 0x3;
2783 }
2785 inline
2787 {
2788  m_Description = std::forward<CVariation_ref_Base::C_E_Somatic_origin::C_Condition::TDescription>(value);
2789  m_set_State[0] |= 0x3;
2790 }
2792 inline
2794 {
2795 #ifdef _DEBUG
2796  if (!IsSetDescription()) {
2798  }
2799 #endif
2800  m_set_State[0] |= 0x1;
2801  return m_Description;
2802 }
2804 inline
2806 {
2807  return ((m_set_State[0] & 0xc) != 0);
2808 }
2810 inline
2812 {
2813  return true;
2814 }
2816 inline
2818 {
2819  return m_Object_id;
2820 }
2822 inline
2824 {
2825  m_set_State[0] |= 0x4;
2826  return m_Object_id;
2827 }
2829 inline
2831 {
2832  return m_Source.NotEmpty();
2833 }
2835 inline
2837 {
2838  return IsSetSource();
2839 }
2841 inline
2843 {
2844  if (!CanGetSource()) {
2845  ThrowUnassigned(0);
2846  }
2847  return (*m_Source);
2848 }
2850 inline
2852 {
2853  return m_Condition.NotEmpty();
2854 }
2856 inline
2858 {
2859  return IsSetCondition();
2860 }
2862 inline
2864 {
2865  if (!CanGetCondition()) {
2866  ThrowUnassigned(1);
2867  }
2868  return (*m_Condition);
2869 }
2871 inline
2873 {
2874  return m_Id.NotEmpty();
2875 }
2877 inline
2879 {
2880  return IsSetId();
2881 }
2883 inline
2885 {
2886  if (!CanGetId()) {
2887  ThrowUnassigned(0);
2888  }
2889  return (*m_Id);
2890 }
2892 inline
2894 {
2895  return m_Parent_id.NotEmpty();
2896 }
2898 inline
2900 {
2901  return IsSetParent_id();
2902 }
2904 inline
2906 {
2907  if (!CanGetParent_id()) {
2908  ThrowUnassigned(1);
2909  }
2910  return (*m_Parent_id);
2911 }
2913 inline
2915 {
2916  return m_Sample_id.NotEmpty();
2917 }
2919 inline
2921 {
2922  return IsSetSample_id();
2923 }
2925 inline
2927 {
2928  if (!CanGetSample_id()) {
2929  ThrowUnassigned(2);
2930  }
2931  return (*m_Sample_id);
2932 }
2934 inline
2936 {
2937  return ((m_set_State[0] & 0xc0) != 0);
2938 }
2940 inline
2942 {
2943  return true;
2944 }
2946 inline
2948 {
2949  return m_Other_ids;
2950 }
2952 inline
2954 {
2955  m_set_State[0] |= 0x40;
2956  return m_Other_ids;
2957 }
2959 inline
2961 {
2962  return ((m_set_State[0] & 0x300) != 0);
2963 }
2965 inline
2967 {
2968  return IsSetName();
2969 }
2971 inline
2973 {
2974  if (!CanGetName()) {
2975  ThrowUnassigned(4);
2976  }
2977  return m_Name;
2978 }
2980 inline
2982 {
2983  m_Name = value;
2984  m_set_State[0] |= 0x300;
2985 }
2987 inline
2989 {
2990  m_Name = std::forward<CVariation_ref_Base::TName>(value);
2991  m_set_State[0] |= 0x300;
2992 }
2994 inline
2996 {
2997 #ifdef _DEBUG
2998  if (!IsSetName()) {
3000  }
3001 #endif
3002  m_set_State[0] |= 0x100;
3003  return m_Name;
3004 }
3006 inline
3008 {
3009  return ((m_set_State[0] & 0xc00) != 0);
3010 }
3012 inline
3014 {
3015  return true;
3016 }
3018 inline
3020 {
3021  return m_Synonyms;
3022 }
3024 inline
3026 {
3027  m_set_State[0] |= 0x400;
3028  return m_Synonyms;
3029 }
3031 inline
3033 {
3034  return ((m_set_State[0] & 0x3000) != 0);
3035 }
3037 inline
3039 {
3040  return IsSetDescription();
3041 }
3043 inline
3045 {
3046  if (!CanGetDescription()) {
3047  ThrowUnassigned(6);
3048  }
3049  return m_Description;
3050 }
3052 inline
3054 {
3055  m_Description = value;
3056  m_set_State[0] |= 0x3000;
3057 }
3059 inline
3061 {
3062  m_Description = std::forward<CVariation_ref_Base::TDescription>(value);
3063  m_set_State[0] |= 0x3000;
3064 }
3066 inline
3068 {
3069 #ifdef _DEBUG
3070  if (!IsSetDescription()) {
3072  }
3073 #endif
3074  m_set_State[0] |= 0x1000;
3075  return m_Description;
3076 }
3078 inline
3080 {
3081  return ((m_set_State[0] & 0xc000) != 0);
3082 }
3084 inline
3086 {
3087  return true;
3088 }
3090 inline
3092 {
3093  return m_Phenotype;
3094 }
3096 inline
3098 {
3099  m_set_State[0] |= 0x4000;
3100  return m_Phenotype;
3101 }
3103 inline
3105 {
3106  return ((m_set_State[0] & 0x30000) != 0);
3107 }
3109 inline
3111 {
3112  return true;
3113 }
3115 inline
3117 {
3118  return m_Method;
3119 }
3121 inline
3123 {
3124  m_set_State[0] |= 0x10000;
3125  return m_Method;
3126 }
3128 inline
3130 {
3131  return ((m_set_State[0] & 0xc0000) != 0);
3132 }
3134 inline
3136 {
3137  return true;
3138 }
3140 inline
3142 {
3143  return m_Population_data;
3144 }
3146 inline
3148 {
3149  m_set_State[0] |= 0x40000;
3150  return m_Population_data;
3151 }
3153 inline
3155 {
3156  return m_Variant_prop.NotEmpty();
3157 }
3159 inline
3161 {
3162  return IsSetVariant_prop();
3163 }
3165 inline
3167 {
3168  if (!CanGetVariant_prop()) {
3169  ThrowUnassigned(10);
3170  }
3171  return (*m_Variant_prop);
3172 }
3174 inline
3176 {
3177  return ((m_set_State[0] & 0xc00000) != 0);
3178 }
3180 inline
3182 {
3183  return IsSetValidated();
3184 }
3186 inline
3188 {
3189  m_Validated = 0;
3190  m_set_State[0] &= ~0xc00000;
3191 }
3193 inline
3195 {
3196  if (!CanGetValidated()) {
3197  ThrowUnassigned(11);
3198  }
3199  return m_Validated;
3200 }
3202 inline
3204 {
3205  m_Validated = value;
3206  m_set_State[0] |= 0xc00000;
3207 }
3209 inline
3211 {
3212 #ifdef _DEBUG
3213  if (!IsSetValidated()) {
3214  memset(&m_Validated,UnassignedByte(),sizeof(m_Validated));
3215  }
3216 #endif
3217  m_set_State[0] |= 0x400000;
3218  return m_Validated;
3219 }
3221 inline
3223 {
3224  return ((m_set_State[0] & 0x3000000) != 0);
3225 }
3227 inline
3229 {
3230  return true;
3231 }
3233 inline
3235 {
3236  return m_Clinical_test;
3237 }
3239 inline
3241 {
3242  m_set_State[0] |= 0x1000000;
3243  return m_Clinical_test;
3244 }
3246 inline
3248 {
3249  return ((m_set_State[0] & 0xc000000) != 0);
3250 }
3252 inline
3254 {
3255  return IsSetAllele_origin();
3256 }
3258 inline
3260 {
3262  m_set_State[0] &= ~0xc000000;
3263 }
3265 inline
3267 {
3268  if (!CanGetAllele_origin()) {
3269  ThrowUnassigned(13);
3270  }
3271  return m_Allele_origin;
3272 }
3274 inline
3276 {
3278  m_set_State[0] |= 0xc000000;
3279 }
3281 inline
3283 {
3284 #ifdef _DEBUG
3285  if (!IsSetAllele_origin()) {
3286  memset(&m_Allele_origin,UnassignedByte(),sizeof(m_Allele_origin));
3287  }
3288 #endif
3289  m_set_State[0] |= 0x4000000;
3290  return m_Allele_origin;
3291 }
3293 inline
3295 {
3296  return ((m_set_State[0] & 0x30000000) != 0);
3297 }
3299 inline
3301 {
3302  return IsSetAllele_state();
3303 }
3305 inline
3307 {
3309  m_set_State[0] &= ~0x30000000;
3310 }
3312 inline
3314 {
3315  if (!CanGetAllele_state()) {
3316  ThrowUnassigned(14);
3317  }
3318  return m_Allele_state;
3319 }
3321 inline
3323 {
3325  m_set_State[0] |= 0x30000000;
3326 }
3328 inline
3330 {
3331 #ifdef _DEBUG
3332  if (!IsSetAllele_state()) {
3333  memset(&m_Allele_state,UnassignedByte(),sizeof(m_Allele_state));
3334  }
3335 #endif
3336  m_set_State[0] |= 0x10000000;
3337  return m_Allele_state;
3338 }
3340 inline
3342 {
3343  return ((m_set_State[0] & 0xc0000000) != 0);
3344 }
3346 inline
3348 {
3349  return IsSetAllele_frequency();
3350 }
3352 inline
3354 {
3355  m_Allele_frequency = 0;
3356  m_set_State[0] &= ~0xc0000000;
3357 }
3359 inline
3361 {
3362  if (!CanGetAllele_frequency()) {
3363  ThrowUnassigned(15);
3364  }
3365  return m_Allele_frequency;
3366 }
3368 inline
3370 {
3372  m_set_State[0] |= 0xc0000000;
3373 }
3375 inline
3377 {
3378 #ifdef _DEBUG
3379  if (!IsSetAllele_frequency()) {
3381  }
3382 #endif
3383  m_set_State[0] |= 0x40000000;
3384  return m_Allele_frequency;
3385 }
3387 inline
3389 {
3390  return ((m_set_State[1] & 0x3) != 0);
3391 }
3393 inline
3395 {
3396  return IsSetIs_ancestral_allele();
3397 }
3399 inline
3401 {
3403  m_set_State[1] &= ~0x3;
3404 }
3406 inline
3408 {
3409  if (!CanGetIs_ancestral_allele()) {
3410  ThrowUnassigned(16);
3411  }
3412  return m_Is_ancestral_allele;
3413 }
3415 inline
3417 {
3419  m_set_State[1] |= 0x3;
3420 }
3422 inline
3424 {
3425 #ifdef _DEBUG
3426  if (!IsSetIs_ancestral_allele()) {
3428  }
3429 #endif
3430  m_set_State[1] |= 0x1;
3431  return m_Is_ancestral_allele;
3432 }
3434 inline
3436 {
3437  return m_Pub.NotEmpty();
3438 }
3440 inline
3442 {
3443  return IsSetPub();
3444 }
3446 inline
3448 {
3449  if (!CanGetPub()) {
3450  ThrowUnassigned(17);
3451  }
3452  return (*m_Pub);
3453 }
3455 inline
3457 {
3458  return m_Data.NotEmpty();
3459 }
3461 inline
3463 {
3464  return true;
3465 }
3467 inline
3469 {
3470  if ( !m_Data ) {
3471  const_cast<CVariation_ref_Base*>(this)->ResetData();
3472  }
3473  return (*m_Data);
3474 }
3476 inline
3478 {
3479  if ( !m_Data ) {
3480  ResetData();
3481  }
3482  return (*m_Data);
3483 }
3485 inline
3487 {
3488  return ((m_set_State[1] & 0xc0) != 0);
3489 }
3491 inline
3493 {
3494  return true;
3495 }
3497 inline
3499 {
3500  return m_Consequence;
3501 }
3503 inline
3505 {
3506  m_set_State[1] |= 0x40;
3507  return m_Consequence;
3508 }
3510 inline
3512 {
3513  return m_Location.NotEmpty();
3514 }
3516 inline
3518 {
3519  return IsSetLocation();
3520 }
3522 inline
3524 {
3525  if (!CanGetLocation()) {
3526  ThrowUnassigned(20);
3527  }
3528  return (*m_Location);
3529 }
3531 inline
3533 {
3534  return ((m_set_State[1] & 0xc00) != 0);
3535 }
3537 inline
3539 {
3540  return true;
3541 }
3543 inline
3545 {
3546  return m_Ext_locs;
3547 }
3549 inline
3551 {
3552  m_set_State[1] |= 0x400;
3553  return m_Ext_locs;
3554 }
3556 inline
3558 {
3559  return m_Ext.NotEmpty();
3560 }
3562 inline
3564 {
3565  return IsSetExt();
3566 }
3568 inline
3570 {
3571  if (!CanGetExt()) {
3572  ThrowUnassigned(22);
3573  }
3574  return (*m_Ext);
3575 }
3577 inline
3579 {
3580  return ((m_set_State[1] & 0xc000) != 0);
3581 }
3583 inline
3585 {
3586  return true;
3587 }
3589 inline
3591 {
3592  return m_Somatic_origin;
3593 }
3595 inline
3597 {
3598  m_set_State[1] |= 0x4000;
3599  return m_Somatic_origin;
3600 }
3602 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3603 ////////////////// end of inline methods //////////////////
3604 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3610 END_objects_SCOPE // namespace ncbi::objects::
Definition: Dbtag.hpp:53
CExt_loc –.
Definition: Ext_loc.hpp:66
CPhenotype –.
Definition: Phenotype.hpp:66
CPopulation_data –.
Definition: Pub.hpp:56
CRef –.
Definition: ncbiobj.hpp:618
Base class for all serializable objects.
Definition: serialbase.hpp:150
CVariation_inst –.
Set of related Variations.
condition related to this origin's type
CVariation_ref_Base –.
static char UnassignedByte(void)
Definition: serialbase.hpp:181
void ThrowUnassigned(TMemberIndex index) const
Definition: serialbase.hpp:76
#define ENUM_METHOD_NAME(EnumName)
Definition: serialbase.hpp:994
static string UnassignedString(void)
Definition: serialbase.hpp:175
@ eDoResetVariant
Definition: serialbase.hpp:77
@ eDoNotResetVariant
Definition: serialbase.hpp:78
const CSeq_id & GetId(const CSeq_loc &loc, CScope *scope)
If all CSeq_ids embedded in CSeq_loc refer to the same CBioseq, returns the first CSeq_id found,...
bool NotEmpty(void) const THROWS_NONE
Check if CRef is not empty – pointing to an object and has a non-null value.
Definition: ncbiobj.hpp:726
uint32_t Uint4
4-byte (32-bit) unsigned integer
Definition: ncbitype.h:103
End previously defined NCBI scope.
Definition: ncbistl.hpp:103
Define ncbi namespace.
Definition: ncbistl.hpp:100
Definition: ncbi_export.h:768
TAllele_origin GetAllele_origin(void) const
Get the Allele_origin member data.
TNote & SetNote(void)
Select the variant.
bool CanGetCondition(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetCondition method.
const TVariant_prop & GetVariant_prop(void) const
Get the Variant_prop member data.
C_Loss_of_heterozygosity & operator=(const C_Loss_of_heterozygosity &)
bool CanGetObject_id(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetObject_id method.
void SetComplex(void)
Select the variant.
bool CanGetName(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetName method.
list< CRef< CDbtag > > m_Clinical_test
C_Data & operator=(const C_Data &)
bool IsSetSomatic_origin(void) const
Check if a value has been assigned to Somatic_origin data member.
list< CRef< CVariation_ref > > TVariations
C_Frameshift & operator=(const C_Frameshift &)
bool CanGetConsequence(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetConsequence method.
bool CanGetTest(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetTest method.
TDescription & SetDescription(void)
Assign a value to Description data member.
TIs_ancestral_allele & SetIs_ancestral_allele(void)
Assign a value to Is_ancestral_allele data member.
bool CanGetAllele_frequency(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetAllele_frequency method.
void ResetSelection(void)
Reset the selection (set it to e_not_set).
void ResetValidated(void)
Reset Validated data member.
C_E_Consequence(const C_E_Consequence &)
C_E_Consequence & operator=(const C_E_Consequence &)
bool IsUnknown(void) const
Check if variant Unknown is selected.
void Select(E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset=eDoResetVariant)
Select the requested variant if needed.
E_Choice Which(void) const
Which variant is currently selected.
void Select(E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset, CObjectMemoryPool *pool)
Select the requested variant if needed, allocating CObject variants from memory pool.
CRef< TParent_id > m_Parent_id
bool IsSetPhase(void) const
Check if a value has been assigned to Phase data member.
TName & SetName(void)
Assign a value to Name data member.
bool IsSetCondition(void) const
Check if a value has been assigned to Condition data member.
bool CanGetMethod(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetMethod method.
bool CanGetExt_locs(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetExt_locs method.
void ResetAllele_frequency(void)
Reset Allele_frequency data member.
bool IsSetSample_id(void) const
Check if a value has been assigned to Sample_id data member.
void ThrowInvalidSelection(E_Choice index) const
Throw 'InvalidSelection' exception.
bool CanGetSource(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetSource method.
bool CanGetExt(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetExt method.
bool IsSetVariant_prop(void) const
variant properties bit fields Check if a value has been assigned to Variant_prop data member.
bool IsSetAllele_origin(void) const
Check if a value has been assigned to Allele_origin data member.
bool CanGetLocation(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetLocation method.
TValidated & SetValidated(void)
Assign a value to Validated data member.
list< CRef< CDbtag > > TOther_ids
TSomatic_origin & SetSomatic_origin(void)
Assign a value to Somatic_origin data member.
TType GetType(void) const
Get the Type member data.
TConsequence & SetConsequence(void)
Assign a value to Consequence data member.
list< CRef< CPhenotype > > m_Phenotype
const TSample_id & GetSample_id(void) const
Get the Sample_id member data.
bool CanGetData(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetData method.
bool IsSetOther_ids(void) const
Check if a value has been assigned to Other_ids data member.
list< CRef< C_E_Consequence > > m_Consequence
list< CRef< CPhenotype > > TPhenotype
bool CanGetAllele_state(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetAllele_state method.
const TNote & GetNote(void) const
Get the variant data.
bool IsSetX_length(void) const
Check if a value has been assigned to X_length data member.
bool CanGetValidated(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetValidated method.
list< CRef< CPopulation_data > > m_Population_data
bool IsSetPopulation_data(void) const
Note about SNP representation and pretinent fields: allele-frequency, population, quality-codes: The ...
bool CanGetVariant_prop(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetVariant_prop method.
list< CRef< CDbtag > > m_Other_ids
const TSource & GetSource(void) const
Get the Source member data.
bool CanGetAllele_origin(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetAllele_origin method.
const TId & GetId(void) const
Get the Id member data.
C_E_Somatic_origin(const C_E_Somatic_origin &)
bool IsSetReference(void) const
In germline comparison, it will be reference genome assembly (default) or reference/normal population...
list< CRef< C_E_Somatic_origin > > TSomatic_origin
TX_length GetX_length(void) const
Get the X_length member data.
void SetUnknown(void)
Select the variant.
list< CRef< CVariation_ref > > m_Variations
bool IsSetPub(void) const
publication support.
bool IsSetConsequence(void) const
Check if a value has been assigned to Consequence data member.
void Select(E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset, CObjectMemoryPool *pool)
Select the requested variant if needed, allocating CObject variants from memory pool.
void ResetAllele_state(void)
Reset Allele_state data member.
const TClinical_test & GetClinical_test(void) const
Get the Clinical_test member data.
TObject_id & SetObject_id(void)
Assign a value to Object_id data member.
TDescription & SetDescription(void)
Assign a value to Description data member.
bool IsSetAllele_frequency(void) const
NOTE: 'allele-frequency' here refers to the minor allele frequency of the default population DEPRECAT...
void CheckSelected(E_Choice index) const
Verify selection, throw exception if it differs from the expected.
const TData & GetData(void) const
Get the Data member data.
void ResetPhase(void)
Reset Phase data member.
TData & SetData(void)
Assign a value to Data data member.
bool CanGetSynonyms(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetSynonyms method.
const TPhenotype & GetPhenotype(void) const
Get the Phenotype member data.
void ResetData(void)
Reset Data data member.
bool IsSetPhenotype(void) const
phenotype Check if a value has been assigned to Phenotype data member.
TPhase & SetPhase(void)
Assign a value to Phase data member.
const TLocation & GetLocation(void) const
Get the Location member data.
bool CanGetSomatic_origin(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetSomatic_origin method.
Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 3 > TmemberIndex
TValidated GetValidated(void) const
Get the Validated member data.
TExt_locs & SetExt_locs(void)
Assign a value to Ext_locs data member.
const TReference & GetReference(void) const
Get the Reference member data.
const TDescription & GetDescription(void) const
Get the Description member data.
void SetUnknown(void)
Select the variant.
bool IsSetType(void) const
Check if a value has been assigned to Type data member.
TClinical_test & SetClinical_test(void)
Assign a value to Clinical_test data member.
bool IsInstance(void) const
Check if variant Instance is selected.
bool IsSetDescription(void) const
Check if a value has been assigned to Description data member.
CRef< TLocation > m_Location
const TNote & GetNote(void) const
Get the variant data.
const TName & GetName(void) const
Get the Name member data.
Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 4 > TmemberIndex
bool IsSetAllele_state(void) const
Check if a value has been assigned to Allele_state data member.
list< CRef< C_E_Consequence > > TConsequence
observed allele state, if known DEPRECATED: new field = VariantProperties.allele-state
C_Condition & operator=(const C_Condition &)
TNote & SetNote(void)
Select the variant.
NCBI_NS_NCBI::CUnionBuffer< NCBI_NS_STD::string > m_string
const TSomatic_origin & GetSomatic_origin(void) const
Get the Somatic_origin member data.
list< CRef< CPopulation_data > > TPopulation_data
bool CanGetName(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetName method.
void CheckSelected(E_Choice index) const
Verify selection, throw exception if it differs from the expected.
const TConsequence & GetConsequence(void) const
Get the Consequence member data.
bool IsSplicing(void) const
Check if variant Splicing is selected.
bool IsSetDescription(void) const
tag for comment and descriptions Check if a value has been assigned to Description data member.
bool IsSetIs_ancestral_allele(void) const
is this variant the ancestral allele? DEPRECATED: new field = C...
Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 3 > TmemberIndex
C_E_Somatic_origin & operator=(const C_E_Somatic_origin &)
bool IsSetSynonyms(void) const
Check if a value has been assigned to Synonyms data member.
bool IsUniparental_disomy(void) const
Check if variant Uniparental_disomy is selected.
TOther_ids & SetOther_ids(void)
Assign a value to Other_ids data member.
Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 25 > TmemberIndex
origin of this allele, if known note that these are powers-of-two, and represent bits; thus,...
bool IsSet(void) const
Check if variant Set is selected.
void ResetX_length(void)
Reset X_length data member.
list< CRef< CExt_loc > > m_Ext_locs
CRef< TVariant_prop > m_Variant_prop
bool IsSetMethod(void) const
Check if a value has been assigned to Method data member.
TAllele_state & SetAllele_state(void)
Assign a value to Allele_state data member.
bool IsSetParent_id(void) const
Check if a value has been assigned to Parent_id data member.
bool IsSetClinical_test(void) const
link-outs to GeneTests database DEPRECATED - do not use Check if a value has been assigned to Clinica...
CVariantProperties TVariant_prop
const TObject_id & GetObject_id(void) const
Get the Object_id member data.
TAllele_frequency GetAllele_frequency(void) const
Get the Allele_frequency member data.
bool IsLoss_of_heterozygosity(void) const
Check if variant Loss_of_heterozygosity is selected.
void ResetAllele_origin(void)
Reset Allele_origin data member.
const TParent_id & GetParent_id(void) const
Get the Parent_id member data.
NCBI_NS_NCBI::CUnionBuffer< NCBI_NS_STD::string > m_string
const TTest & GetTest(void) const
Get the Test member data.
bool IsSetName(void) const
Check if a value has been assigned to Name data member.
bool IsUnknown(void) const
Check if variant Unknown is selected.
TVariations & SetVariations(void)
Assign a value to Variations data member.
TSynonyms & SetSynonyms(void)
Assign a value to Synonyms data member.
bool IsSetTest(void) const
Name of the testing subject type or the testing tissue.
bool IsSetLocation(void) const
Observed location, if different from the parent set or feature.location.
TMethod & SetMethod(void)
Assign a value to Method data member.
Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 3 > TmemberIndex
bool CanGetVariations(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetVariations method.
bool IsSetValidated(void) const
has this variant been validated? DEPRECATED: new field = VariantProperties.other-validation Check if ...
CRef< TSample_id > m_Sample_id
void SetUniparental_disomy(void)
Select the variant.
const TName & GetName(void) const
Get the Name member data.
TType & SetType(void)
Assign a value to Type data member.
C_Loss_of_heterozygosity TLoss_of_heterozygosity
TPopulation_data & SetPopulation_data(void)
Assign a value to Population_data data member.
const TPopulation_data & GetPopulation_data(void) const
Get the Population_data member data.
bool CanGetParent_id(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetParent_id method.
TName & SetName(void)
Assign a value to Name data member.
TIs_ancestral_allele GetIs_ancestral_allele(void) const
Get the Is_ancestral_allele member data.
list< string > TSynonyms
bool IsSetVariations(void) const
Check if a value has been assigned to Variations data member.
TAllele_origin & SetAllele_origin(void)
Assign a value to Allele_origin data member.
const TCondition & GetCondition(void) const
Get the Condition member data.
bool CanGetPub(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetPub method.
bool IsSetSource(void) const
description of the somatic origin itself Check if a value has been assigned to Source data member.
Maximum+1 value of the choice variant enumerator.
bool IsSetId(void) const
ids (i.e., SNP rsid / ssid, dbVar nsv/nssv) expected values include 'dbSNP|rs12334',...
list< CRef< CExt_loc > > TExt_locs
bool IsFrameshift(void) const
Check if variant Frameshift is selected.
bool CanGetSample_id(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetSample_id method.
bool CanGetPopulation_data(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetPopulation_data method.
TTest & SetTest(void)
Assign a value to Test data member.
bool CanGetReference(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetReference method.
CVariation_ref_Base(const CVariation_ref_Base &)
void ResetIs_ancestral_allele(void)
Reset Is_ancestral_allele data member.
bool CanGetDescription(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetDescription method.
void DoSelect(E_Choice index, CObjectMemoryPool *pool=0)
const TDescription & GetDescription(void) const
Get the Description member data.
bool CanGetOther_ids(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetOther_ids method.
TAllele_frequency & SetAllele_frequency(void)
Assign a value to Allele_frequency data member.
bool CanGetClinical_test(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetClinical_test method.
TPhase GetPhase(void) const
Get the Phase member data.
bool CanGetX_length(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetX_length method.
const TExt_locs & GetExt_locs(void) const
Get the Ext_locs member data.
Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 3 > TmemberIndex
bool CanGetPhase(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetPhase method.
bool CanGetPhenotype(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetPhenotype method.
const TOther_ids & GetOther_ids(void) const
Get the Other_ids member data.
NCBI_NS_NCBI::CSerialObject * m_object
bool IsSetExt_locs(void) const
reference other locs, e.g.
bool CanGetIs_ancestral_allele(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetIs_ancestral_allele method.
bool IsSetObject_id(void) const
reference to BioTerm / other descriptive database Check if a value has been assigned to Object_id dat...
bool IsSetName(void) const
names and synonyms some variants have well-known canonical names and possible accepted synonyms Check...
E_Choice Which(void) const
Which variant is currently selected.
NCBI_NS_NCBI::CSerialObject * m_object
const TExt & GetExt(void) const
Get the Ext member data.
TX_length & SetX_length(void)
Assign a value to X_length data member.
C_Set & operator=(const C_Set &)
TReference & SetReference(void)
Assign a value to Reference data member.
void Select(E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset=eDoResetVariant)
Select the requested variant if needed.
bool CanGetId(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetId method.
const TPub & GetPub(void) const
Get the Pub member data.
list< string > m_Synonyms
const TMethod & GetMethod(void) const
Get the Method member data.
bool IsNote(void) const
Check if variant Note is selected.
list< CRef< CDbtag > > TClinical_test
CVariation_ref_Base & operator=(const CVariation_ref_Base &)
bool IsNote(void) const
Check if variant Note is selected.
bool IsVariation(void) const
Check if variant Variation is selected.
bool CanGetType(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetType method.
void ResetType(void)
Reset Type data member.
bool IsSetExt(void) const
DEPRECATED - do not use; use Seq-feat.exts instead Check if a value has been assigned to Ext data mem...
NCBI_NS_NCBI::CUnionBuffer< NCBI_NS_STD::string > m_string
const TVariations & GetVariations(void) const
Get the Variations member data.
bool IsSetData(void) const
Check if a value has been assigned to Data data member.
void SetSplicing(void)
Select the variant.
TPhenotype & SetPhenotype(void)
Assign a value to Phenotype data member.
CSerialObject Tparent
list< CRef< C_E_Somatic_origin > > m_Somatic_origin
const TSynonyms & GetSynonyms(void) const
Get the Synonyms member data.
Maximum+1 value of the choice variant enumerator.
bool IsComplex(void) const
Check if variant Complex is selected.
bool CanGetDescription(void) const
Check if it is safe to call GetDescription method.
TAllele_state GetAllele_state(void) const
Get the Allele_state member data.
@ e_Variation
Describe resulting variation in the product, e.g. missense, nonsense, silent, neutral,...
@ e_Splicing
some effect on splicing
@ e_Complex
variant is a complex and undescribed change at the location This type of variant is known to occur in...
@ e_Instance
actual sequence-edit at feat.location
@ e_not_set
No variant selected.
@ e_not_set
const GenericPointer< typename T::ValueType > T2 value
Definition: pointer.h:1227
static void SetTest()
Definition: stress32.cpp:16843
Modified on Wed Apr 24 14:16:28 2024 by rev. 669887