NCBI C++ ToolKit

Move constructor.Move 'other' histogram data to the current object. 'other' became invalid.

CHistogram<> h1(min, max, n, type); CHistogram<> h2(h1.Clone(how));

See also
/* $Id: data_histogram.hpp 96034 2022-01-31 15:51:09Z ivanov $
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* Author: Vladimir Ivanov
/// @file data_histogram.hpp
/// Frequency histogram for data distribution of the numerical samples.
#define _USE_MATH_DEFINES // to define math constants in math.h
#include <math.h> // log/pow functions
#include <cmath> // additional overloads for pow()
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
/** @addtogroup Statistics
* @{
/// Helper types for CHistogram<>::GetSum() support
// if T doesn't have 'foo' method (operator+= in our case) with the signature
// that allows to compile the bellow expression then instantiating this template
// is Substitution Failure (SF) which Is Not An Error (INAE) if this happens
// during overload resolution
template <typename T>
using T_HistogramValueTypeHavePlus = decltype((T&)(std::declval<T>().operator+=(std::declval<const T&>())));
// Checks that T is arithmetic type or have operator+= implemented
template <typename T>
/// CHistogram -- collect the distribution of the numerical data samples.
/// CHistogram <TValue, TScale, TCounter>
/// TValue - type of values that distribution will be collected.
/// This can be any numerical or user defined type, if it allow
/// comparison and can be converted to scale type TScale, see note.
/// TScale - numerical type used to calculate bins starting positions and sizes.
/// For integer types some scales, logarithmic for examples, will lead
/// to truncating values and creating unequal bins, so TScale
/// should be float/double based.
/// TCounter - type to store counters. Usually this is a positive integer type:
/// int, unsigned int, long, size_t, Uint8 and etc.
/// @note
/// TValue and TScale types should be equal, or allow comparison and conversion
/// between them. Any types can be used as TValue if it have:
/// = default constructor: TValue() -- for initialization;
/// - operator TScale() const -- to convert to scale type TScale;
/// - bool operator >(const TValue&) -- for comparison.
/// @warning
/// CHistogram is not MT safe by default, it is intended to be created
/// and collect data withing the same thread. If you want to use the same
/// CHistogram class object across multiple threads, you may need to provide
/// some sort of MT protection to guard access to the histogram object,
/// or enable internal MT protection, and call CHistogram::EnableMT()
/// immediately after creating a histogram object. It is turned OFF by default.
/// But note, internal MT protection cannnot protect histogram's data if you
/// use methods that affects 2 histograms at the same time, like
/// AddCountersFrom()/StealCountersFrom(). You still may need to add some
/// additional MT ptotections, if both histograms can be accessed from
/// a different threads simultaneously, or this can lead to a deadlock.
template <typename TValue = int, typename TScale = TValue, typename TCounter = Uint8>
/// Scale type.
/// Most common is a linear scale, where each bin have the same size.
/// It is good if you have a limited range, but sometimes values are distributed
/// very wide, and if you want to count all of them, but concentrate on a
/// some range with most significant values, logarithmic scales helps a lot.
/// For logarithmic scales each next bin have a greater size.
/// Bins size increasing depends on a logarithmic base (used scale type).
enum EScaleType {
eLinear = 1, ///< Arithmetic or linear scale
eLog, ///< Natural logarithmic scale with a base e ~ 2.72
eLog2, ///< Binary logarithmic scale with a base 2
eLog10 ///< Common logarithmic scale with a base 10
/// Methods to build bins for a specified scale.
/// Applies to the main scale, defined in constructor, only.
enum EScaleView {
/// Use specified scale method to calculate bins sizes from a minimum
/// to a maximum value.
/// Determine a mean for a specified value range and calculates
/// bins sizes using specified scale to both sides from it, symmetrically.
// Initialization
/// Constructor.
/// @param min_value
/// Minimum allowed value in range [min_value, max_value].
/// @param max_value
/// Maximum allowed value in range [min_value, max_value].
/// @param n_bins
/// Number of bins for the histogram (main scale).
/// @param scale_type
/// Predefined scale type. Corresponding scale function will be used
/// to calculate scale's bin ranges.
/// @param scale_view
/// Scale view (symmetrical or monotonic).
/// @sa EScaleType, EScaleView, AddLeftScale, AddRightScale, Add
CHistogram(TValue min_value, TValue max_value, unsigned n_bins,
EScaleType scale_type = eLinear,
EScaleView scale_view = eMonotonic);
/// Add auxiliary left/right scales.
/// The CHistogram constructor defines a main scale for some data range.
/// It can be very limited to get more precise results for the value distribution.
/// You can get the number of hits whose values fall outside the range of the main
/// scale using GetLowerAnomalyCount()/GetUpperAnomalyCount() methods,
/// but each returns a single number of hits outside of the range.
/// The other method is to use auxiliary scale(s) to count the number of hits
/// for the less significant range(s). You can add any number of scales from each side.
/// So, you can use linear scale with much greater bin sizes, or logarithmic scales,
/// that allow to cover a very wide range of data with a limited number of bins.
/// See EScaleType for details.
/// @param min_value
/// Minimum allowed value for the auxiliary scale.
/// Its maximum value is the same as a minimum value for the main scale,
/// or previously added scale.
/// @param n_bins
/// Number of bins for the auxiliary scale.
/// @param scale_type
/// Predefined scale type. Corresponding scale function will be used
/// to calculate scale's bin ranges.
/// @note
/// It is not allowed to add left/right auxiliary scales after starting counting hits.
/// Please use these methods before Add(), or after Reset().
/// @sa CHistogram::CHistogram, AddRightScale, EScaleType, GetLowerAnomalyCount, GetUpperAnomalyCount
void AddLeftScale (TValue min_value, unsigned n_bins, EScaleType scale_type);
void AddRightScale(TValue max_value, unsigned n_bins, EScaleType scale_type);
// Populating
/// Sum type: double for all floating points TValue types, int64_t/uint64_t for integral, and TValue otherwise.
using TIntegral = typename std::conditional<std::numeric_limits <TValue>::is_signed, int64_t, uint64_t >::type;
/// Add value to the data distribution.
/// Try to find an appropriate bin for a specified value and increase its counter on 1.
/// Also, calculates a sum of all added values if TValue type have addition support.
/// @sa GetStarts, GetCounters, GetSum
template <typename V, typename S = TSum,
std::enable_if_t<g_HistogramValueTypeHavePlus<S>(), int> = 0>
void Add(const V& v) {
// Calculate sum, TSum have operator+=
m_Sum += v;
template <typename V, typename S = TSum,
std::enable_if_t<!g_HistogramValueTypeHavePlus<S>(), int> = 0>
void Add(const V& v) {
// Return value for a class member, MT safe
#define RETURN_MT_SAFE(member) \
if (m_IsMT) { \
MT_Lock(); \
auto v = member; \
MT_Unlock(); \
return v; \
} \
return member
/// Return the sum of all added values.
/// @return
/// Returned type depends on TValue type, and converts to:
/// - double -- for all floating point types;
/// - int64_t -- signed integral types;
/// - uint64_t -- unsigned integral types;
/// - TValue -- for all other types.
/// The sum can be calculated for floating, integral types and all other
/// TValue types that have 'operator +=' defined.
/// If TValue type doesn't have such operator defined, empty value {} is returned.
/// Note, compiler can convert this empty {} value to TScale type, because every TValue
/// should have 'operator TScale() const' by design.
/// @note
/// This method doesn't check calculated sum on overflow.
/// @sa Add, TSum
TSum GetSum(void) const { RETURN_MT_SAFE(m_Sum); }
/// Reset all data counters.
void Reset();
/// Add counters from 'other' histogram to this histogram, 'other' doesn't changes.
/// @note Both histograms should have the same structure.
/// @sa Clone, Reset, StealCountersFrom
void AddCountersFrom(const CHistogram& other);
/// Add counters from 'other' histogram to this histogram,
/// then reset the counters of 'other' histogram.
/// @note Both histograms should have the same structure.
/// @sa Clone, Reset, AddCountersFrom
// Structure
/// Get the lower bound of the combined scale.
TValue GetMin() const { return m_Min; }
/// Get the upper bound of the combined scale.
TValue GetMax() const { return m_Max; }
/// Return the number ot bins on the combined scale.
/// @sa GetBinStarts, GetBinCounters, GetBinCountersPtr
unsigned GetNumberOfBins() const { return m_NumBins; }
/// Get starting positions for bins on the combined scale.
/// Populate a vector with starting positions for bins on the combined scale.
/// The size of the vector changes to be equal the number of bins.
/// @sa GetNumberOfBins, GetBinCounters, GetBinStartsPtr
void GetBinStarts(vector<TScale>& positions) {
positions.assign(m_Starts.get(), m_Starts.get() + m_NumBins);
/// Get starting positions for bins on the combined scale (not MT safe).
/// Returns a pointer to array. The number of bins can be obtained with GetNumberOfBins().
/// and a number of a counters in each bin -- with GetBinCounters().
/// @warning
/// Be aware that any change in the histogram's structure, adding additional scales,
/// invalidate all data and pointer itself. This method is not intended to use in MT
/// environment. Please use vector version GetBinStarts(vector<TScale>&).
/// @sa GetNumberOfBins, GetBinCountersPtr, GetBinStarts, EnableMT
const TScale* GetBinStartsPtr() const { return m_Starts.get(); }
// Results
/// Get counters for the combined scale's bins.
/// Populate a vector with counters for the combined scale's bins.
/// The size of the vector changes to be equal to the number of bins.
/// @sa GetNumberOfBins, GetBinStarts, GetBinCountersPtr, Add
void GetBinCounters(vector<TCounter>& counters) {
counters.assign(m_Counters.get(), m_Counters.get() + m_NumBins);
/// Get counters for the combined scale's bins (not MT safe).
/// Returns a pointer to array. The number of bins can be obtained with GetNumberOfBins().
/// @warning
/// Be aware that any change in the histogram's structure invalidate all data
/// and pointer itself. This method is not intended to use in MT environment.
/// Please use vector version GetBinCounters(vector<TCounter>&).
/// @sa GetNumberOfBins, GetBinStartsPtr, GetBinCounters, Add, EnableMT
const TCounter* GetBinCountersPtr() const { return m_Counters.get(); }
/// Get total number of hits whose value fell between GetMin() and GetMax().
/// The number of hits whose values fall outside that range can be obtained
/// using GetLowerAnomalyCount() and GetUpperAnomalyCount() methods.
/// @sa GetMin, GetMax, GetLowerAnomalyCount, GetUpperAnomalyCount, GetBinCounters
TCounter GetCount() const { RETURN_MT_SAFE(m_Count); }
/// Get number of hits whose values were less than GetMin().
/// @sa GetUpperAnomalyCount, GetCount
/// Get number of hits whose values were greater than GetMax().
/// @sa GetLowerAnomalyCount, GetCount
// Helpers
/// Rules to calculate an estimated numbers of bins on the base of the expected
/// number of observations.
/// Note, that there is no "best" number of bins, and different bin sizes can reveal
/// different features of the data. All these methods generally make strong assumptions
/// about the shape of the distribution. Depending on the actual data distribution
/// and the goals of the analysis, different bin widths may be appropriate,
/// so experimentation is usually needed to determine an appropriate width.
/// @note
/// All methods applies to the linear scale only, that have a fixed bin sizes.
/// @sa
/// EstimateNumberOfBins
/// Square root rule. Used by Excel histograms and many others.
/// Default value for EstimateNumberOfBins() as well.
/// Juran's "Quality Control Handbook" that provide guidelines
/// to select the number of bins for histograms.
/// Herbert Sturge's rule. It works best for continuous data that is
/// normally distributed and symmetrical. As long as your data is not skewed,
/// using Sturge's rule should give you a nice-looking, easy to read
/// histogram that represents the data well.
/// Rice's rule. Presented as a simple alternative to Sturge's rule.
/// Estimate numbers of bins on the base of the expected number of observations 'n'.
/// @note
/// Applies to the linear scale only.
/// @sa
/// EEstimateNumberOfBinsRules
static unsigned EstimateNumberOfBins(size_t n, EEstimateNumberOfBinsRule rule = 0);
// Move semantics
/// Default constructor.
/// Creates empty object. The object itself is invalid without min/max values,
/// and any scale. Should be used with conjunction of Clone() only.
/// @sa Clone
/// Move constructor.
/// Move 'other' histogram data to the current object. 'other' became invalid.
/// @example
/// CHistogram<> h1(min, max, n, type);
/// CHistogram<> h2(h1.Clone(how));
/// @sa Clone
/// Move assignment operator.
/// Move 'other' histogram data to the current object. 'other' became invalid.
/// @example
/// CHistogram<> h1(min, max, n, type);
/// CHistogram<> h2;
/// h2 = h1.Clone(how);
/// @sa Clone
enum EClone {
eCloneAll = 0, ///< Clone whole histogram, with scale and counters
eCloneStructureOnly ///< Clone structure only (the counters will be zeroed)
/// Clone histogram structure.
/// Creates a copy of the histogram structure depending on clone method.
/// By default it is a whole copy, but you can clone histogram's structure only, without counters.
// Optional MT protection
/// Add MT protection to histogram.
/// By default CHistogram is not MT protected and intended to be created
/// and used withing the same thread. Calling this method add MT protection
/// on adding additional scales, adding and resetting values, cloning and
/// moving histograms. Please call this method immediately after creating
/// each histogram, before accessing it from any other thread, or deadlock can occurs.
void EnableMT(void) {
m_IsMT = true;
/// MT locking
void MT_Lock() const {
if (m_IsMT) m_Mutex.lock();
// MT unlocking
void MT_Unlock() const {
if (m_IsMT) m_Mutex.unlock();
// Note, none of x_*() methods have MT locking, it should be done in public methods only.
/// Calculate bins starting positions.
/// Calculate positions for 'n' number of bins in [start,end] value range,
/// starting from 'pos' bin index.
/// If start_value > end_value, calculating going from the right to left.
/// This is applicable for symmetrical scales, or multi-scales,
/// with left scale added.
void x_CalculateBins(TScale start_value, TScale end_value,
unsigned pos, unsigned n,
EScaleType scale_type, EScaleView scale_view);
/// Calculate bins starting positions for a linear scale.
/// Account for an integer TScale type and calculation truncation.
TScale start_value, TScale end_value, TScale step,
TScale* arr, unsigned pos, unsigned n,
EScaleView scale_view);
/// Calculate bins starting positions for a logarithmic scale.
TScale start_value, TScale end_value,
TScale* arr, unsigned pos, unsigned n,
EScaleType scale_type, EScaleView scale_view);
/// Scale function.
/// Calculates scale position on a base of data value.
TScale x_Func(EScaleType scale_type, TScale value);
/// Inverse scale function.
/// Calculates a data value on a base of scale value/position.
TScale x_FuncInverse(EScaleType scale_type, TScale scale_value);
/// Add value to the data distribution (internal version without locking).
void x_Add(TValue value);
/// Add value to the data distribution using a linear search method.
/// Usually faster than bisection method on a small number of bins,
/// or if the values have a tendency to fall into the starting bins
/// for a used scale.
/// @sa Add, x_AddBisection
void x_AddLinear(TValue value);
/// Add value to the data distribution using a bisection search method.
/// Usually faster on a long scales with a lot of bins.
/// @sa Add, x_AddLinear
void x_AddBisection(TValue value);
/// Move data from 'other' histogram. 'other' became invalid.
void x_MoveFrom(CHistogram& other);
/// Add counters from 'other' histogram.
/// Check that 'a' and 'b' scale values are equal (or almost equal for floating scales).
bool x_IsEqual(TScale a, TScale b);
/// Reset all data counters (internal version without locking).
void x_Reset();
/// Prevent copying.
/// See move constructor and move assignment operator to use with move-semantics.
TValue m_Min; ///< Minimum value (the lower bound of combined scale)
TValue m_Max; ///< Maximum value (the upper bound of combined scale)
unsigned m_NumBins; ///< Number of bins (m_Starts[]/m_Counts[] length)
TSum m_Sum = {}; ///< Sum of the all added values (if applicable for TValue)
std::unique_ptr<TScale[]> m_Starts; ///< Combined scale: starting bins positions
std::unique_ptr<TCounter[]> m_Counters; ///< Combined scale: counters - the number of measurements for each bin
TCounter m_Count; ///< Number of counted values (sum all m_Counters[])
TCounter m_LowerAnomalyCount; ///< Number of anomaly values < m_Min
TCounter m_UpperAnomalyCount; ///< Number of anomaly values > m_Max
bool m_IsMT; ///< MT protection flag
mutable std::mutex m_Mutex; ///< MT protection mutex
/// A series of same-structured histograms covering logarithmically (base 2)
/// increasing time periods... roughly
template <typename TValue, typename TScale, typename TCounter>
/// @param model_histogram
/// This histogram will be used as a template for all histogram objects
/// in this time series.
CHistogramTimeSeries(THistogram& model_histogram);
/// Add value to the data distribution.
/// Try to find an appropriate bin for a specified value and increment its counter by 1.
/// @sa CHistogram::Add()
void Add(TValue value);
/// Merge the most recent (now active) histogram data into the time series.
/// This method is generally supposed to be called periodically, thus
/// defining the unit of time (tick) as far as this API is concerned.
void Rotate();
/// Reset to the initial state
void Reset();
/// Type of the unit of time
using TTicks = unsigned int;
/// A histograms which covers a certain number of ticks
struct STimeBin {
// Copy constructor and assignment operator should be passed with 'const'
// qualifier to operate on list<STimeBin>. But Clone() is not 'const'
// due optional protection, so we use const_cast<> here. It is safe,
// because Clone() change internal mutex only.
STimeBin(const STimeBin& other) :
STimeBin& operator=(const STimeBin& other)
n_ticks = other.n_ticks;
histogram(std::move(h)), n_ticks(t)
THistogram histogram; ///< Histogram for the ticks
TTicks n_ticks; ///< Number of ticks in this histogram
/// Type of the series of histograms
using TTimeBins = list<STimeBin>;
/// Histograms -- in the order from the most recent to the least recent
/// Number of ticks the histogram series has handled.
/// Initially the number of ticks is zero.
TTicks GetCurrentTick(void) const { return m_CurrentTick; }
void x_AppendBin(const THistogram& model_histogram, TTicks n_ticks);
void x_Shift(size_t index, typename TTimeBins::iterator current_it);
mutable std::mutex m_Mutex; // for Rotate() and GetHistograms()
/* @} */
// Inline
template <typename TValue, typename TScale, typename TCounter>
TValue min_value,
TValue max_value,
unsigned n_bins,
EScaleType scale_type,
EScaleView scale_view
: m_Min(min_value), m_Max(max_value), m_NumBins(n_bins), m_IsMT(false)
if ( m_Min > m_Max ) {
NCBI_THROW(CCoreException, eInvalidArg, "Minimum value cannot exceed maximum value");
if ( !m_NumBins ) {
NCBI_THROW(CCoreException, eInvalidArg, "Number of bins cannot be zero");
// Allocate memory
m_Starts.reset(new TScale[m_NumBins]);
m_Counters.reset(new TCounter[m_NumBins]);
x_CalculateBins(m_Min, m_Max, 0, m_NumBins, scale_type, scale_view);
// Reset counters
template <typename TValue, typename TScale, typename TCounter>
TValue min_value, unsigned n_bins, EScaleType scale_type)
if ( min_value >= m_Min ) {
NCBI_THROW(CCoreException, eInvalidArg, "New minimum value cannot exceed minimum value for the histogram");
if ( !n_bins ) {
NCBI_THROW(CCoreException, eInvalidArg, "Number of bins cannot be zero");
NCBI_THROW(CCoreException, eInvalidArg, "Please call AddLeftScale() before Add()");
unsigned n_prev = m_NumBins;
m_NumBins += n_bins;
// Reallocate memory for starting positions and counters
std::unique_ptr<TScale[]> tmp_starts(new TScale[m_NumBins]);
memcpy(tmp_starts.get() + n_bins, m_Starts.get(), sizeof(TScale) * n_prev);
m_Counters.reset(new TCounter[m_NumBins]);
memset(m_Counters.get(), 0, m_NumBins * sizeof(TCounter));
// Calculate scale for newly added bins: from right to left
x_CalculateBins(m_Min, min_value, n_bins-1, n_bins, scale_type, eMonotonic);
template <typename TValue, typename TScale, typename TCounter>
TValue max_value, unsigned n_bins, EScaleType scale_type)
if ( max_value <= m_Max ) {
NCBI_THROW(CCoreException, eInvalidArg, "New maximum value cannot be less than a maximum value for the histogram");
if ( !n_bins ) {
NCBI_THROW(CCoreException, eInvalidArg, "Number of bins cannot be zero");
NCBI_THROW(CCoreException, eInvalidArg, "Please call AddRightScale() before Add()");
unsigned n_prev = m_NumBins;
m_NumBins += n_bins;
// Reallocate memory for starting positions and counters
std::unique_ptr<TScale[]> tmp_starts(new TScale[m_NumBins]);
memcpy(tmp_starts.get(), m_Starts.get(), sizeof(TScale) * n_prev);
m_Counters.reset(new TCounter[m_NumBins]);
memset(m_Counters.get(), 0, m_NumBins * sizeof(TCounter));
// Calculate scale for newly added bins: from left to right
x_CalculateBins(m_Max, max_value, n_prev, n_bins, scale_type, eMonotonic);
m_Max = max_value;
template <typename TValue, typename TScale, typename TCounter>
CHistogram<TValue, TScale, TCounter>::EstimateNumberOfBins(size_t n, EEstimateNumberOfBinsRule rule)
switch (rule) {
return (unsigned) ceil(sqrt(n));
case eJuran:
// It have no info for n < 20, but 5 is a reasonable minimum
if (n < 20) return 5;
if (n <= 50) return 6;
if (n <= 100) return 7;
if (n <= 200) return 8;
if (n <= 500) return 9;
if (n <= 1000) return 10;
return 11; // handbook: 11-20 for 1000+ observations
case eSturge:
return 1 + (unsigned) ceil(log2(n));
case eRice:
return (unsigned) ceil(pow(n, double(1)/3));
// unreachable, just to avoid warning
return 0;
template <typename TValue, typename TScale, typename TCounter>
template <typename TValue, typename TScale, typename TCounter>
// Reset counters
// Reset bins
memset(m_Counters.get(), 0, m_NumBins * sizeof(TCounter));
// Reset sum (it can be any type, so use default constructor)
m_Sum = {};
template <typename TValue, typename TScale, typename TCounter>
if (value < m_Min) {
if (value > m_Max) {
if (m_NumBins < 50) {
template <typename TValue, typename TScale, typename TCounter>
size_t i = 1;
while (i < m_NumBins) {
if (value < m_Starts[i]) {
// The current bin with index 'i' have a greater value, so put value into the previous bin
template <typename TValue, typename TScale, typename TCounter>
// Bisection search
size_t left = 0, right = m_NumBins;
size_t i = 0, d;
while (d = (right - left), d > 1) {
i = left + d / 2;
if (value < m_Starts[i]) {
right = i;
} else {
left = i;
// Algorithm can finish on the current or next bin, depending on even/odd number of bins
if (value < m_Starts[i]) {
template <typename TValue, typename TScale, typename TCounter>
TScale start_value,
TScale end_value,
unsigned pos,
unsigned n,
EScaleType scale_type,
EScaleView scale_view
const char* errmsg_step = "Impossible to calculate scale step, please change TScale type, range, or number of bins";
const char* errmsg_dup = "Impossible to calculate scales bin starting position, please change TScale type, range, or number of bins";
TScale* arr = m_Starts.get();
if (scale_type == eLinear) {
// Special processing for linear scales to account for
// an integer TScale type and calculation truncation.
TScale step = (max(start_value, end_value) - min(start_value, end_value)) / n;
if ( step == 0 ) {
NCBI_THROW(CCoreException, eCore, errmsg_step);
x_CalculateBinsLinear(start_value, end_value, step, arr, pos, n, scale_view);
// Log scales only
_ASSERT( scale_type == eLog ||
scale_type == eLog2 ||
scale_type == eLog10 );
x_CalculateBinsLog(start_value, end_value, arr, pos, n, scale_type, scale_view);
// Check that we don't have bins with the same starting positions.
// This can happens mostly if TScale is an integer type due truncation.
// Linear scale doesn't need this, because we check 'step' instead (see above).
// Checking whole combined scale.
for (unsigned i = 1; i < m_NumBins; i++) {
if ( arr[i] <= arr[i-1] ) {
NCBI_THROW(CCoreException, eCore, errmsg_dup);
template <typename TValue, typename TScale, typename TCounter>
TScale start_value,
TScale end_value,
TScale step,
TScale* arr,
unsigned pos,
unsigned n,
EScaleView scale_view
if (scale_view == eSymmetrical) {
// Account for an integer TScale type and calculation truncation.
// If TScale type doesn't allow integer division to the specified
// number of bins without residue, some bins will be larger than others.
// For monotonic view this will be always a very last bin at the end of
// the scale, but for the symmetrical view it depends on parity of 'n'.
// For even number of bins most left and right bins can be larger.
// For odd number of bins the center bin can be larger than other.
if (n % 2 == 0) {
// Calculate from the center to both sides with step 'step'
TScale median = start_value + (end_value - start_value)/2;
x_CalculateBinsLinear(median, start_value, step, arr, pos + n/2 - 1, n/2, eMonotonic);
x_CalculateBinsLinear(median, end_value, step, arr, pos + n/2, n/2, eMonotonic);
// We already know value for the most left bin, assign it
// implicitly for such symmetrical scales to have bigger
// starting bin. We got bigger ending bin automatically.
arr[pos] = start_value;
} else {
// Calculate from both sides to the center with step 'step'
// 2nd parameter doesn't matter, it just show direction.
x_CalculateBinsLinear(start_value, end_value, step, arr, pos, n/2 + 1, eMonotonic);
x_CalculateBinsLinear(end_value, start_value, step, arr, n-1, n/2, eMonotonic);
// Calculate from left to right
if (start_value <= end_value) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
arr[pos+i] = start_value + step*i;
// Calculate from right to left
else {
for (unsigned i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
arr[pos+1-i] = start_value - step*i;
template <typename TValue, typename TScale, typename TCounter>
TScale start_value,
TScale end_value,
TScale* arr,
unsigned pos,
unsigned n,
EScaleType scale_type,
EScaleView scale_view
if (scale_view == eSymmetrical) {
// Account for an integer TScale type and calculation truncation.
// If TScale type doesn't allow integer division to the specified
// number of bins without residue, some bins will be larger than others.
// For monotonic view this will be always a very last bin at the end of
// the scale, but for the symmetrical view it depends on parity of 'n'.
// For even number of bins most left and right bins can be larger.
// For odd number of bins the center bin can be larger than other.
TScale median = start_value + (end_value - start_value)/2;
// Set most left bin directly, we already know its value
arr[pos] = start_value;
unsigned n2 = n/2;
if (n % 2 == 0) {
// Calculate from the center to both sides
x_CalculateBinsLog(median, start_value, arr, pos + n2 - 1, n2, scale_type, eMonotonic);
x_CalculateBinsLog(median, end_value, arr, pos + n2 , n2, scale_type, eMonotonic);
} else {
if (n == 1) {
_ASSERT(n > 1);
// Median is located in the middle of the center bin.
// To calculate starting point for this center bin end its ending point,
// by the way also a starting point for the next bin, we double the number of bins
// on each side of the median, and calculate values for each half-mark on a scale.
// After that copy values for needed half-marks only.
std::unique_ptr<TScale[]> tmp(new TScale[n*2]);
TScale* tmp_arr = tmp.get();
// Calculate from the center to both sides (n % 2 == 0 case)
x_CalculateBinsLog(median, start_value, tmp_arr, n - 1, n, scale_type, eMonotonic);
x_CalculateBinsLog(median, end_value, tmp_arr, n , n, scale_type, eMonotonic);
// For central bin: copy values for 2 half-marks from both sides of the center
arr[pos + n2] = tmp_arr[n - 1];
arr[pos + n2 + 1] = tmp_arr[n + 1];
// For other bins: copy values for every second half-mark from 2 half-marks above
for (unsigned i = 0; i < n2; i++) {
arr[pos + i] = tmp_arr[i*2];
for (unsigned i=2, j=n+3; i <= n2; i++, j+=2) {
arr[pos + n2 + i] = tmp_arr[j];
// Logarithm functions cannot operate on a negative values or 0.
// so it will be necessary to transform data range. One of the methods
// is too shift data to start it from 1. This method also helps to normalize
// logarithmic scale, and we will use it for all data, even positive.
// So, we calculate logarithms scale for a range of values [1:D+1],
// where D is a distance between starting and ending points.
// Because x^0 = 1, we need calculate only the maximum scale value log(D+1),
// And every scale mark in between with the step log(D+1)/N.
// Inverse function helps to convert every scale mark back to a bin
// starting position.
// Calculate from left to right
if (start_value <= end_value) {
TScale step = x_Func(scale_type, end_value - start_value + 1) / n;
for (unsigned i = 1; i < n; i++) {
// Calculate data value for a given scale mark
arr[pos+i] = start_value + x_FuncInverse(scale_type, step*i) - 1;
// Set most left bin directly, we already know its value,
// to avoid possible rounding errors.
arr[pos] = start_value;
// Calculate from right to left
else {
TScale step = x_Func(scale_type, start_value - end_value + 1) / n;
for (unsigned i = 1; i < n; i++) {
// Calculate data value for a given scale mark
arr[pos+1-i] = start_value - x_FuncInverse(scale_type, step*i) + 1;
// Set most left bin directly, we already know its value,
// to avoid possible rounding errors.
arr[pos+1-n] = end_value;
template <typename TValue, typename TScale, typename TCounter>
switch (scale_type) {
case eLog:
return (TScale)log(value);
case eLog2:
return (TScale)log2(value);
case eLog10:
return (TScale)log10(value);
case eLinear:
// It is last, because eLinear has served by x_CalculateBinsLinear() directly
return value;
// unreachable, just to avoid warning
return value;
template <typename TValue, typename TScale, typename TCounter>
switch (scale_type) {
case eLog:
return (TScale)pow(M_E, scale_value);
case eLog2:
return (TScale)pow(2, scale_value);
case eLog10:
return (TScale)pow(10, scale_value);
case eLinear:
// It is last, because eLinear has served by x_CalculateBinsLinear() directly
return scale_value;
// unreachable, just to avoid warning
return scale_value;
// Move semantics
template <typename TValue, typename TScale, typename TCounter>
: m_NumBins(0), m_IsMT(false)
// Reset counters
template <typename TValue, typename TScale, typename TCounter>
if (this == &other) return;
template <typename TValue, typename TScale, typename TCounter>
if (this == &other) return *this;
return *this;
template <typename TValue, typename TScale, typename TCounter>
h.m_Min = m_Min;
h.m_Max = m_Max;
h.m_Starts.reset(new TScale[m_NumBins]);
h.m_Counters.reset(new TCounter[m_NumBins]);
memcpy(h.m_Starts.get(), m_Starts.get(), sizeof(TScale) * m_NumBins);
switch (how) {
// Reset counters
h.m_Sum = 0;
h.m_Count = 0;
memset(h.m_Counters.get(), 0, m_NumBins * sizeof(TCounter));
case eCloneAll:
// Copy counters
h.m_Sum = m_Sum;
memcpy(h.m_Counters.get(), m_Counters.get(), sizeof(TCounter) * m_NumBins);
return h;
template <typename TValue, typename TScale, typename TCounter>
m_Min = other.m_Min;
m_Max = other.m_Max;
m_Sum = other.m_Sum;
m_Count = other.m_Count;
m_IsMT = other.m_IsMT;
other.m_NumBins = 0;
other.m_Sum = 0;
template <typename TValue, typename TScale, typename TCounter>
if (std::numeric_limits<TScale>::is_integer) {
return a == b;
// Approximately check for floating numbers
return std::fabs(a - b) < 0.0001;
template <typename TValue, typename TScale, typename TCounter>
if (this == &other) return;
try {
catch (...) {
template <typename TValue, typename TScale, typename TCounter>
if (this == &other) return;
try {
catch (...) {
template <typename TValue, typename TScale, typename TCounter>
// Check structure
if ( m_NumBins != other.m_NumBins ||
!x_IsEqual(m_Min, other.m_Min) ||
!x_IsEqual(m_Max, other.m_Max)
) {
NCBI_THROW(CCoreException, eInvalidArg, "Histograms have different structure");
// Check scale
TScale* starts_cur = m_Starts.get();
TScale* starts_other = other.m_Starts.get();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_NumBins; i++) {
if (!x_IsEqual(starts_cur[i], starts_other[i])) {
NCBI_THROW(CCoreException, eInvalidArg, "Histograms have different starting positions");
// Add counters
TCounter* counters_cur = m_Counters.get();
TCounter* counters_other = other.m_Counters.get();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_NumBins; i++) {
counters_cur[i] += counters_other[i];
m_Count += other.m_Count;
m_Sum += other.m_Sum;
// CHistogramTimeSeries
template <typename TValue, typename TScale, typename TCounter>
: m_CurrentTick(0)
// Need to create the first item in the list
x_AppendBin(model_histogram, 1);
template <typename TValue, typename TScale, typename TCounter>
// The first bin always exists
template <typename TValue, typename TScale, typename TCounter>
x_Shift(0, m_TimeBins.begin());
template <typename TValue, typename TScale, typename TCounter>
m_CurrentTick = 0;
while (m_TimeBins.size() > 1)
m_TimeBins.front().n_ticks = 1; // Just in case
template <typename TValue, typename TScale, typename TCounter>
typename ncbi::CHistogramTimeSeries<TValue, TScale, TCounter>::TTimeBins::iterator current_it)
if (m_TimeBins.size() <= index + 1) {
// There is not enough bins. Need to add one
x_AppendBin(m_TimeBins.front().histogram, TTicks(1) << index);
// Move from index to index + 1
auto next_it = current_it;
if (index != 0)
current_it->n_ticks /= 2;
auto next_it = current_it;
if (next_it->n_ticks == TTicks(1) << index) {
// Half full bin; make it full and just accumulate
next_it->n_ticks *= 2;
if (index != 0)
current_it->n_ticks /= 2;
// The next bin is full; need to move further
x_Shift(index + 1, next_it);
// Move to the vacant next
// The current one is a half now
if (index != 0)
current_it->n_ticks /= 2;
template <typename TValue, typename TScale, typename TCounter>
TTimeBins ret = m_TimeBins;
return ret;
template <typename TValue, typename TScale, typename TCounter>
const THistogram& model_histogram, TTicks n_ticks)
n_ticks} );
#endif /* DATA_HISTOGRAM__HPP */
CCoreException –.
Definition: ncbiexpt.hpp:1476
A series of same-structured histograms covering logarithmically (base 2) increasing time periods....
CHistogram – collect the distribution of the numerical data samples.
Include a standard set of the NCBI C++ Toolkit most basic headers.
#define T(s)
Definition: common.h:230
#define false
Definition: bool.h:36
static int type
Definition: getdata.c:31
static char tmp[3200]
Definition: utf8.c:42
Uint8 uint64_t
Int8 int64_t
#define NCBI_THROW(exception_class, err_code, message)
Generic macro to throw an exception, given the exception class, error code and message string.
Definition: ncbiexpt.hpp:704
Definition: glpane.hpp:47
End previously defined NCBI scope.
Definition: ncbistl.hpp:103
Define ncbi namespace.
Definition: ncbistl.hpp:100
unsigned GetNumberOfBins() const
Return the number ot bins on the combined scale.
void x_AddCountersFrom(CHistogram &other)
Add counters from 'other' histogram.
TCounter m_UpperAnomalyCount
Number of anomaly values > m_Max.
Rules to calculate an estimated numbers of bins on the base of the expected number of observations.
std::unique_ptr< TCounter[]> m_Counters
Combined scale: counters - the number of measurements for each bin.
unsigned int TTicks
Type of the unit of time.
typename std::conditional< std::is_floating_point< TValue >::value, double, TIntegral >::type TArithmetic
void x_AddBisection(TValue value)
Add value to the data distribution using a bisection search method.
void x_AppendBin(const THistogram &model_histogram, TTicks n_ticks)
void MT_Lock() const
MT locking.
void x_CalculateBinsLog(TScale start_value, TScale end_value, TScale *arr, unsigned pos, unsigned n, EScaleType scale_type, EScaleView scale_view)
Calculate bins starting positions for a logarithmic scale.
TCounter m_LowerAnomalyCount
Number of anomaly values < m_Min.
CHistogram Clone(EClone how=eCloneAll) const
Clone histogram structure.
void x_Add(TValue value)
Add value to the data distribution (internal version without locking).
TSum m_Sum
Sum of the all added values (if applicable for TValue)
THistogram histogram
Histogram for the ticks.
TTicks GetCurrentTick(void) const
Number of ticks the histogram series has handled.
list< STimeBin > TTimeBins
Type of the series of histograms.
TSum GetSum(void) const
Return the sum of all added values.
TCounter m_Count
Number of counted values (sum all m_Counters[])
void x_CalculateBinsLinear(TScale start_value, TScale end_value, TScale step, TScale *arr, unsigned pos, unsigned n, EScaleView scale_view)
Calculate bins starting positions for a linear scale.
size_t GetLowerAnomalyCount() const
Get number of hits whose values were less than GetMin().
TValue GetMin() const
Get the lower bound of the combined scale.
typename std::conditional< std::is_arithmetic< TValue >::value, TArithmetic, TValue >::type TSum
std::mutex m_Mutex
MT protection mutex.
TScale x_FuncInverse(EScaleType scale_type, TScale scale_value)
Inverse scale function.
void AddCountersFrom(const CHistogram &other)
Add counters from 'other' histogram to this histogram, 'other' doesn't changes.
void GetBinCounters(vector< TCounter > &counters)
Get counters for the combined scale's bins.
void x_CalculateBins(TScale start_value, TScale end_value, unsigned pos, unsigned n, EScaleType scale_type, EScaleView scale_view)
Calculate bins starting positions.
void EnableMT(void)
Add MT protection to histogram.
TValue m_Max
Maximum value (the upper bound of combined scale)
const TScale * GetBinStartsPtr() const
Get starting positions for bins on the combined scale (not MT safe).
bool x_IsEqual(TScale a, TScale b)
Check that 'a' and 'b' scale values are equal (or almost equal for floating scales).
TValue GetMax() const
Get the upper bound of the combined scale.
TValue m_Min
Minimum value (the lower bound of combined scale)
CHistogram & operator=(CHistogram &&other)
TScale x_Func(EScaleType scale_type, TScale value)
Scale function.
void x_AddLinear(TValue value)
Add value to the data distribution using a linear search method.
STimeBin & operator=(const STimeBin &other)
constexpr bool g_HistogramValueTypeHavePlus()
unsigned m_NumBins
Number of bins (m_Starts[]/m_Counts[] length)
void Add(TValue value)
Add value to the data distribution.
void x_MoveFrom(CHistogram &other)
Move data from 'other' histogram. 'other' became invalid.
void AddLeftScale(TValue min_value, unsigned n_bins, EScaleType scale_type)
Add auxiliary left/right scales.
typename std::conditional< std::numeric_limits< TValue >::is_signed, int64_t, uint64_t >::type TIntegral
Sum type: double for all floating points TValue types, int64_t/uint64_t for integral,...
const TCounter * GetBinCountersPtr() const
Get counters for the combined scale's bins (not MT safe).
void Add(const V &v)
Add value to the data distribution.
std::unique_ptr< TScale[]> m_Starts
Combined scale: starting bins positions.
TCounter GetCount() const
Get total number of hits whose value fell between GetMin() and GetMax().
Default constructor.
size_t GetUpperAnomalyCount() const
Get number of hits whose values were greater than GetMax().
void Rotate()
Merge the most recent (now active) histogram data into the time series.
STimeBin(const STimeBin &other)
CHistogram< TValue, TScale, TCounter > THistogram
void x_Shift(size_t index, typename TTimeBins::iterator current_it)
static unsigned EstimateNumberOfBins(size_t n, EEstimateNumberOfBinsRule rule=0)
Estimate numbers of bins on the base of the expected number of observations 'n'.
void MT_Unlock() const
Methods to build bins for a specified scale.
#define RETURN_MT_SAFE(member)
void Reset()
Reset to the initial state.
CHistogramTimeSeries(THistogram &model_histogram)
void Reset()
Reset all data counters.
bool m_IsMT
MT protection flag.
decltype((T &)(std::declval< T >().operator+=(std::declval< const T & >()))) T_HistogramValueTypeHavePlus
Helper types for CHistogram<>::GetSum() support.
void GetBinStarts(vector< TScale > &positions)
Get starting positions for bins on the combined scale.
void StealCountersFrom(CHistogram &other)
Add counters from 'other' histogram to this histogram, then reset the counters of 'other' histogram.
void x_Reset()
Reset all data counters (internal version without locking).
TTicks n_ticks
Number of ticks in this histogram.
TTimeBins GetHistograms() const
Histograms – in the order from the most recent to the least recent.
void AddRightScale(TValue max_value, unsigned n_bins, EScaleType scale_type)
@ eJuran
Juran's "Quality Control Handbook" that provide guidelines to select the number of bins for histogram...
@ eRice
Rice's rule. Presented as a simple alternative to Sturge's rule.
@ eSquareRoot
Square root rule.
@ eSturge
Herbert Sturge's rule.
@ eLog2
Binary logarithmic scale with a base 2.
@ eLog10
Common logarithmic scale with a base 10.
@ eLog
Natural logarithmic scale with a base e ~ 2.72.
@ eLinear
Arithmetic or linear scale.
@ eCloneStructureOnly
Clone structure only (the counters will be zeroed)
@ eCloneAll
Clone whole histogram, with scale and counters.
@ eMonotonic
Use specified scale method to calculate bins sizes from a minimum to a maximum value.
@ eSymmetrical
Determine a mean for a specified value range and calculates bins sizes using specified scale to both ...
unsigned int
A callback function used to compare two keys in a database.
Definition: types.hpp:1210
int i
yy_size_t n
const GenericPointer< typename T::ValueType > T2 value
Definition: pointer.h:1227
#define min_value(a, b)
Definition: ncbi_c_log.c:140
#define fabs(v)
Definition: ncbi_dispd.c:46
unsigned int a
Definition: ncbi_localip.c:102
EIPRangeType t
Definition: ncbi_localip.c:101
The NCBI C++/STL use hints.
T log2(T x_)
T max(T x_, T y_)
T log10(T x_)
T min(T x_, T y_)
Uint4 end_value
Helper template to check that type Type have some method declared using TypeChecker<Type>.
Definition: ncbistl.hpp:263
#define _TROUBLE
#define _ASSERT
Modified on Fri Sep 20 14:57:31 2024 by rev. 669887