NCBI C++ ToolKit

Standalone thread to execute scheduled tasks CIRef<IScheduler> scheduler = IScheduler::Create(); CScheduler_ExecutionThread execution_thread(scheduler); scheduler->AddTask(some_task, some_time);

/* $Id: scheduler.hpp 38240 2008-06-12 19:44:40Z ivanovp $
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* Authors: Pavel Ivanov
/// @file scheduler.hpp
/// Scheduler-related classes
#include <vector>
/// General interface for scheduled tasks
/// @note
/// The user task class implementation must be derived from CObject
/// Method for the scheduled task execution
virtual void Execute(void) = 0;
/// Pure virtual destructor
virtual ~IScheduler_Task(void) {}
class IScheduler;
/// Interface to get notifications about selected changes in the scheduler
/// timeline
/// @sa IScheduler::RegisterListener()
/// This callback method is called by the scheduler whenever the time
/// of earliest scheduled task execution gets changed
/// @sa IScheduler::GetNextExecutionTime()
virtual void OnNextExecutionTimeChange(IScheduler* scheduler) = 0;
/// Pure virtual destructor
virtual ~IScheduler_Listener(void) {}
/// Type of scheduled series identifier
typedef unsigned int TScheduler_SeriesID;
/// Information about scheduled series
/// Identifier of the series
/// Smart-pointer to the task
/// Task scheduler interface
/// Create a stock MT-safe scheduler
static CIRef<IScheduler> Create(void);
/// Schedule task for one-time execution
/// @param task
/// Task to execute
/// @param exec_time
/// Time when the task should be executed
/// @return
/// Id of scheduled series (this particular task addition)
const CTime& exec_time) = 0;
/// How to run repetitive tasks
/// @sa AddRepetitiveTask()
enum ERepeatPattern {
/// Execute tasks in the specified period of time after the *START*
/// of previous task's execution
/// Execute tasks in the specified period of time after the *END*
/// of previous task's execution
/// Schedule task for repetitive execution
/// @param task
/// Task to execute
/// @param start_time
/// When to start repetitive task executions
/// @param rate_period
/// Time period between the executions
/// @return
/// Id of scheduled series (this particular task addition)
TScheduler_SeriesID AddRepetitiveTask(IScheduler_Task* task,
const CTime& start_time,
const CTimeSpan& period,
ERepeatPattern repeat_pattern) = 0;
/// Unschedule scheduled series
/// @note
/// Do nothing if there is no series with this ID in the scheduler queue
void RemoveSeries(TScheduler_SeriesID series_id) = 0;
/// Unschedule all series related to the task
/// @note
/// Do nothing if there is no such task in the scheduler queue.
/// If this task was added several times then unschedule all relevant
/// scheduled series.
void RemoveTask(IScheduler_Task* task) = 0;
/// Unschedule all tasks
void RemoveAllSeries(void) = 0;
/// Get list of all scheduled series
void GetScheduledSeries(vector<SScheduler_SeriesInfo>* series) const = 0;
/// Add listener which will be notified whenever the time of the earliest
/// scheduled execution changes
/// @sa GetNextExecutionTime(), UnregisterListener()
void RegisterListener(IScheduler_Listener* listener) = 0;
/// Remove scheduler listener
/// @sa RegisterListener()
void UnregisterListener(IScheduler_Listener* listener) = 0;
/// Get next time point when scheduler will be ready to execute a task
/// @note
/// The returned time can be in the past.
/// If there are no tasks (or only the 'eWithDelay' tasks that are
/// still executing at the time) then an "infinite" time will be returned
CTime GetNextExecutionTime(void) const = 0;
/// Check if there are any tasks in scheduler queue (if it is not empty)
bool IsEmpty(void) const = 0;
/// Check if there are tasks ready to be executed
/// @param now
/// Moment in time against which to check
bool HasTasksToExecute(const CTime& now) const = 0;
/// Get the next task that is ready to execute
/// @param now
/// Moment in time against which to check
/// @note
/// You must(!) call TaskExecuted() when this task has finished executing
/// @note
/// If there are no tasks to execute at the specified time, then
/// return {id=0, task=NULL}
/// @sa TaskExecuted()
SScheduler_SeriesInfo GetNextTaskToExecute(const CTime& now) = 0;
/// This method must be called when the task execution has finished.
/// Scheduler assumes that scheduled task execution starts after call to
/// GetNextTaskToExecute() and finishes after call to this method.
/// The scheduler will:
/// - if it's a one-time task, then remove the task for good;
/// - if it's a repetitive and "eWithDelay" task, then schedule the task
/// for subsequent execution.
/// @param series_id
/// Identificator of the scheduled series
/// @param now
/// Time when the task has finished executing
/// @sa AddTask(), AddRepetitiveTask(), RemoveSeries(), RemoveTask()
void TaskExecuted(TScheduler_SeriesID series_id, const CTime& now) = 0;
/// Pure virtual destructor
virtual ~IScheduler(void) {}
// fwd-decl
/// Standalone thread to execute scheduled tasks
/// @example
/// CIRef<IScheduler> scheduler = IScheduler::Create();
/// CScheduler_ExecutionThread execution_thread(scheduler);
/// scheduler->AddTask(some_task, some_time);
/// Constructor
/// @param scheduler
/// Scheduler which tasks will be executed
// dtor
/// Prohibit copying and assignment
/// Implementation of the thread
#endif /* UTIL___SCHEDULER__HPP */
Standalone thread to execute scheduled tasks - implementation.
Definition: scheduler.cpp:587
Definition: ncbitime.hpp:1313
CTime –.
Definition: ncbitime.hpp:296
Interface to get notifications about selected changes in the scheduler timeline.
Definition: scheduler.hpp:72
General interface for scheduled tasks.
Definition: scheduler.hpp:51
Task scheduler interface.
Definition: scheduler.hpp:105
Include a standard set of the NCBI C++ Toolkit most basic headers.
static time_t start_time
Definition: timeout.c:14
End previously defined NCBI scope.
Definition: ncbistl.hpp:103
Define ncbi namespace.
Definition: ncbistl.hpp:100
unsigned int TScheduler_SeriesID
Type of scheduled series identifier.
Definition: scheduler.hpp:87
string Execute(const string &cmmd, const vector< string > &args, const string &data=kEmptyStr)
Portable reference counted smart and weak pointers using CWeakRef, CRef, CObject and CObjectEx.
Defines: CTimeFormat - storage class for time format.
Parameter to control printing diagnostic message about conversion of static array data from a differe...
Definition: static_set.hpp:72
Information about scheduled series.
Definition: scheduler.hpp:92
Modified on Fri Sep 20 14:57:54 2024 by rev. 669887