NCBI C++ ToolKit
Classes | Typedefs | Functions
bdb_types.hpp File Reference
#include <db/bdb/bdb_expt.hpp>
#include <corelib/ncbi_limits.hpp>
#include <corelib/ncbi_bswap.hpp>
#include <corelib/ncbistr.hpp>
#include <util/simple_buffer.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
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class  IBDB_Field
 BDB Data Field interface definition. More...
class  IBDB_FieldConvert
 BDB Data Field conversion interface definition. More...
class  CBDB_FieldInterfaces
 Interface definition class for field construction. More...
class  CBDB_Field
 Base class for constructing BDB fields. More...
class  CBDB_FieldSimple< T >
 Template class for building simple scalar data fields. More...
class  CBDB_FieldSimpleInt< T >
 Template class for building simple scalar integer compatible data fields. More...
class  CBDB_FieldSimpleFloat< T >
 Template class for building simple scalar floating point compatible fields. More...
class  CBDB_FieldInt8
 Int8 field type. More...
class  CBDB_FieldUint8
 Uint8 field type. More...
class  CBDB_FieldInt4
 Int4 field type. More...
class  CBDB_FieldInt2
 Int2 field type. More...
class  CBDB_FieldUint2
 Uint2 field type. More...
class  CBDB_FieldUChar
 Char field type. More...
class  CBDB_FieldChar
class  CBDB_FieldInt1
 Int1 field type. More...
class  CBDB_FieldUint1
 Uint1 field type. More...
class  CBDB_FieldUint4
 Uint4 field type. More...
class  CBDB_FieldFloat
 Float field type. More...
class  CBDB_FieldDouble
 Double precision floating point field type. More...
class  CBDB_FieldFixedByteString
 Fixed length bytestring. More...
class  CBDB_FieldStringBase
 String field type. More...
class  CBDB_FieldString
 String field type designed to work with C-strings (ASCIIZ) More...
class  CBDB_FieldStringCase
 Case-insensitive (but case preserving) string field type. More...
class  CBDB_FieldLString
 Length prefised string field type. More...
class  CBDB_BufferManager
 BDB Data Field Buffer manager class. More...
class  CBDB_FieldFactory
 Class factory for BDB field types. More...
struct  SBDB_TypeTraits< Type >
 Type trait classes for finding the correct BDB field type automagically. More...
struct  SBDB_TypeTraits< Int1 >
 8-bit signed and unsigned integral types More...
struct  SBDB_TypeTraits< Uint1 >
struct  SBDB_TypeTraits< Int2 >
 16-bit signed and unsigned integral types More...
struct  SBDB_TypeTraits< Uint2 >
struct  SBDB_TypeTraits< Int4 >
 32-bit signed and unsigned integral types More...
struct  SBDB_TypeTraits< Uint4 >
struct  SBDB_TypeTraits< Int8 >
 64-bit signed and unsigned integral types More...
struct  SBDB_TypeTraits< Uint8 >
struct  SBDB_TypeTraits< string >
 string types More...
struct  SBDB_TypeTraits< float >
 32- and 64- bit floating point types More...
struct  SBDB_TypeTraits< double >


typedef struct __db_dbt DBT
typedef struct __db DB
typedef struct __dbc DBC
typedef struct __db_env DB_ENV
typedef struct __db_txn DB_TXN
typedef int(* BDB_CompareFunction) (DB *, const DBT *, const DBT *)
typedef unsigned int(* BDB_HashFunction) (DB *, const void *bytes, unsigned length)


int BDB_UintCompare (DB *, const DBT *val1, const DBT *val2)
 Simple and fast comparison function for tables with non-segmented "unsigned int" keys. More...
int BDB_Uint4Compare (DB *, const DBT *val1, const DBT *val2)
int BDB_IntCompare (DB *, const DBT *val1, const DBT *val2)
 Simple and fast comparison function for tables with non-segmented "int" keys. More...
int BDB_Int4Compare (DB *, const DBT *val1, const DBT *val2)
int BDB_Int8Compare (DB *, const DBT *val1, const DBT *val2)
 Simple and fast comparison function for tables with non-segmented "Int8" keys. More...
int BDB_Uint8Compare (DB *, const DBT *val1, const DBT *val2)
 Simple and fast comparison function for tables with non-segmented "Uint8" keys. More...
int BDB_Int2Compare (DB *, const DBT *val1, const DBT *val2)
 Simple and fast comparison function for tables with non-segmented "short int" keys. More...
int BDB_Uint2Compare (DB *, const DBT *val1, const DBT *val2)
 Simple and fast comparison function for tables with non-segmented "unsigned short int" keys. More...
int BDB_CharCompare (DB *, const DBT *val1, const DBT *val2)
 Simple and fast comparison function for tables with non-segmented "char" keys. More...
int BDB_UCharCompare (DB *, const DBT *val1, const DBT *val2)
 Simple and fast comparison function for tables with non-segmented "unsigned char" keys. More...
int BDB_FloatCompare (DB *, const DBT *val1, const DBT *val2)
 Simple and fast comparison function for tables with non-segmented "float" keys. More...
int BDB_DoubleCompare (DB *, const DBT *val1, const DBT *val2)
 Simple and fast comparison function for tables with non-segmented "double" keys. More...
int BDB_StringCompare (DB *, const DBT *val1, const DBT *val2)
 Simple and fast comparison function for tables with non-segmented "C string" keys. More...
int BDB_LStringCompare (DB *, const DBT *val1, const DBT *val2)
 Simple and fast comparison function for tables with non-segmented length prefixed string keys. More...
int BDB_FixedByteStringCompare (DB *, const DBT *val1, const DBT *val2)
 Simple and fast comparison function for tables with non-segmented fixed length string keys. More...
int BDB_StringCaseCompare (DB *, const DBT *val1, const DBT *val2)
 Simple and fast comparison function for tables with non-segmented "case insensitive C string" keys. More...
int BDB_Compare (DB *db, const DBT *val1, const DBT *val2)
 General purpose DBD comparison function. More...
int BDB_ByteSwap_UintCompare (DB *, const DBT *val1, const DBT *val2)
 Simple and fast comparison function for tables with non-segmented "unsigned int" keys. More...
int BDB_ByteSwap_Uint4Compare (DB *, const DBT *val1, const DBT *val2)
int BDB_ByteSwap_Int8Compare (DB *, const DBT *val1, const DBT *val2)
 Simple and fast comparison function for tables with non-segmented "Int8" keys Used when the data file is in a different byte order architecture. More...
int BDB_ByteSwap_Uint8Compare (DB *, const DBT *val1, const DBT *val2)
 Simple and fast comparison function for tables with non-segmented "Uint8" keys Used when the data file is in a different byte order architecture. More...
int BDB_ByteSwap_IntCompare (DB *, const DBT *val1, const DBT *val2)
 Simple and fast comparison function for tables with non-segmented "int" keys Used when the data file is in a different byte order architecture. More...
int BDB_ByteSwap_Int4Compare (DB *, const DBT *val1, const DBT *val2)
int BDB_ByteSwap_Int2Compare (DB *, const DBT *val1, const DBT *val2)
 Simple and fast comparison function for tables with non-segmented "short int" keys Used when the data file is in a different byte order architecture. More...
int BDB_ByteSwap_Uint2Compare (DB *, const DBT *val1, const DBT *val2)
 Simple and fast comparison function for tables with non-segmented "unsigned short int" keys Used when the data file is in a different byte order architecture. More...
int BDB_ByteSwap_FloatCompare (DB *, const DBT *val1, const DBT *val2)
 Simple and fast comparison function for tables with non-segmented "float" keys Used when the data file is in a different byte order architecture. More...
int BDB_ByteSwap_DoubleCompare (DB *, const DBT *val1, const DBT *val2)
 Simple and fast comparison function for tables with non-segmented "double" keys Used when the data file is in a different byte order architecture. More...
unsigned int BDB_Hash (DB *, const void *bytes, unsigned length)
 General purpose hash function. More...
unsigned int BDB_Uint4Hash (DB *, const void *bytes, unsigned length)
 Hash method for databases with a single (unique) UInt4 key. More...
void DeleteFields (CBDB_BufferManager &buf)

Typedef Documentation

◆ BDB_CompareFunction

typedef int(* BDB_CompareFunction) (DB *, const DBT *, const DBT *)

Definition at line 57 of file bdb_types.hpp.

◆ BDB_HashFunction

typedef unsigned int(* BDB_HashFunction) (DB *, const void *bytes, unsigned length)

Definition at line 58 of file bdb_types.hpp.

◆ DB

typedef struct __db DB

Definition at line 1 of file bdb_types.hpp.


typedef struct __db_env DB_ENV

Definition at line 1 of file bdb_types.hpp.


typedef struct __db_txn DB_TXN

Definition at line 1 of file bdb_types.hpp.


typedef struct __dbc DBC

Definition at line 1 of file bdb_types.hpp.


typedef struct __db_dbt DBT

Definition at line 1 of file bdb_types.hpp.

Modified on Fri Sep 20 14:58:06 2024 by rev. 669887