68 bool dbscan_mode=
97 const SSeqLoc& GetQuery()
109 const SSeqLoc& GetSubject()
149 void GetFilteredSubjectRegions(vector<TSeqLocInfoVector>& retval)
170 void* user_data =
177 void x_BuildAncillaryData();
190 void x_InitCLocalBlast();
216 void x_ResetInternalDs();
218 friend class ::CBlastFilterTest;
Contains C++ wrapper classes to structures in algo/blast/core as well as some auxiliary functions to ...
Boolean(* TInterruptFnPtr)(SBlastProgress *progress_info)
Prototype for function pointer to determine whether the BLAST search should proceed or be interrupted...
NULL operations for other cases.
Declares the CBlastOptionsHandle and CBlastOptionsFactory classes.
Definition of classes which constitute the results of running a BLAST search.
Definitions of special type used in BLAST.
vector< CRef< objects::CSeq_align_set > > TSeqAlignVector
Vector of Seq-align-sets.
This enumeration is to evolve into a task/program specific list that specifies sets of default parame...
Runs the BLAST algorithm between 2 sequences.
Handle to the options to the BLAST algorithm.
typedef for the messages for an entire BLAST search, which could be comprised of multiple query seque...
TSearchMessages m_Messages
Stores any warnings emitted during query setup.
TInterruptFnPtr m_InterruptFnx
Interrupt callback.
void x_ResetInternalDs()
Clean up structures and results from any previous search.
CRef< CBlastOptionsHandle > m_OptsHandle
Blast options.
const SSeqLoc & GetSubject() const
Retrieve the subject sequence.
const CBlastOptionsHandle & GetOptionsHandle() const
Retrieve the options handle.
void SetSubject(const SSeqLoc &subject)
Set the subject sequence.
BlastDiagnostics * mi_pDiagnostics
Return search statistics data.
void GetMessages(TSearchMessages &messages) const
Returns error messages/warnings.
bool m_DbScanMode
Scan like a databsase (as opposed to pairwise)
void SetSubjects(const TSeqLocVector &subjects)
Set a vector of subject sequences.
void * m_InterruptUserData
Interrupt user datacallback.
const SSeqLoc & GetQuery() const
Retrieve the query sequence.
CSearchResultSet::TAncillaryVector m_AncillaryData
Ancillary BLAST data.
TInterruptFnPtr SetInterruptCallback(TInterruptFnPtr fnptr, void *user_data=NULL)
Set a function callback to be invoked by the CORE of BLAST to allow interrupting a BLAST search in pr...
void SetQueries(const TSeqLocVector &queries)
Set a vector of query sequences for a concatenated search.
CRef< CSearchResultSet > m_Results
CLocalBlast results.
void GetAncillaryResults(CSearchResultSet::TAncillaryVector &retval) const
Get the ancillary results for a BLAST search (to be used with the Run() method)
TSeqLocVector m_tQueries
query sequence(s)
const TSeqLocVector & GetQueries() const
Retrieve a vector of query sequences.
TSeqLocVector m_tSubjects
sequence(s) to BLAST against
CBlastOptionsHandle & SetOptionsHandle()
Set the options handle.
CBl2Seq(const CBl2Seq &rhs)
Prohibit copy constructor.
CBl2Seq & operator=(const CBl2Seq &rhs)
Prohibit assignment operator.
vector< CRef< CBlastAncillaryData > > TAncillaryVector
typedef for a vector of CRef<CBlastAncillaryData>
void SetQuery(const SSeqLoc &query)
Set the query.
CRef< CLocalBlast > m_Blast
The actual BLAST instance.
const TSeqLocVector & GetSubjects() const
Retrieve a vector of subject sequences.
BlastDiagnostics * GetDiagnostics() const
Retrieves the diagnostics information returned from the engine.
End previously defined NCBI scope.
#define END_SCOPE(ns)
End the previously defined scope.
Define ncbi namespace.
#define BEGIN_SCOPE(ns)
Define a new scope.
void Run(void)
Enter the main loop.
Main class to perform a BLAST search on the local machine.
vector< TMaskedQueryRegions > TSeqLocInfoVector
Collection of masked regions for all queries in a BLAST search.
Definition of SSeqLoc structure.
vector< SSeqLoc > TSeqLocVector
Vector of sequence locations.
Return statistics from the BLAST search.
Structure to represent a single sequence to be fed to BLAST.