NCBI C++ ToolKit
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1 /* $Id: bl2seq.hpp 68872 2015-09-11 14:30:02Z madden $
2 * ===========================================================================
3 *
5 * National Center for Biotechnology Information
6 *
7 * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
8 * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
9 * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
10 * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
11 * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
12 * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
13 *
14 * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
15 * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
16 * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
17 * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
18 * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
19 * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
20 * purpose.
21 *
22 * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
23 *
24 * ===========================================================================
25 *
26 * Author: Christiam Camacho
27 *
28 */
30 /// @file bl2seq.hpp
31 /// Declares the CBl2Seq (BLAST 2 Sequences) class
43 /** @addtogroup AlgoBlast
44  *
45  * @{
46  */
48 class CBlastFilterTest;
51 BEGIN_SCOPE(blast)
53 /// Runs the BLAST algorithm between 2 sequences.
54 /// @note this is a single-BLAST search run object (i.e.: it caches the results
55 /// after a BLAST search is done). If multiple BLAST searches with different
56 /// queries, subjects, or options are required, please create a separate object
58 {
59 public:
61  /// Constructor to compare 2 sequences with default options
62  CBl2Seq(const SSeqLoc& query, const SSeqLoc& subject, EProgram p);
64  /// Constructor to compare query against all subject sequences with
65  /// default options
66  /// @param dbscan_mode Database search mode (as opposed to pairwise)
67  CBl2Seq(const SSeqLoc& query, const TSeqLocVector& subjects, EProgram p,
68  bool dbscan_mode=false);
70  /// Constructor to allow query concatenation with default options
71  /// @param dbscan_mode Database search mode (as opposed to pairwise)
72  CBl2Seq(const TSeqLocVector& queries, const TSeqLocVector& subjects,
73  EProgram p, bool dbscan_mode=false);
75  /// Constructor to compare 2 sequences with specified options
76  CBl2Seq(const SSeqLoc& query, const SSeqLoc& subject,
77  CBlastOptionsHandle& opts);
79  /// Constructor to compare query against all subject sequences with
80  /// specified options
81  /// @param dbscan_mode Database search mode (as opposed to pairwise)
82  CBl2Seq(const SSeqLoc& query, const TSeqLocVector& subjects,
83  CBlastOptionsHandle& opts, bool dbscan_mode=false);
85  /// Constructor to allow query concatenation with specified options
86  /// @param dbscan_mode Database search mode (as opposed to pairwise)
87  CBl2Seq(const TSeqLocVector& queries, const TSeqLocVector& subjects,
88  CBlastOptionsHandle& opts, bool dbscan_mode=false);
90  /// Destructor
91  virtual ~CBl2Seq();
93  /// Set the query.
94  void SetQuery(const SSeqLoc& query);
96  /// Retrieve the query sequence.
97  const SSeqLoc& GetQuery() const;
99  /// Set a vector of query sequences for a concatenated search.
100  void SetQueries(const TSeqLocVector& queries);
102  /// Retrieve a vector of query sequences.
103  const TSeqLocVector& GetQueries() const;
105  /// Set the subject sequence.
106  void SetSubject(const SSeqLoc& subject);
108  /// Retrieve the subject sequence.
109  const SSeqLoc& GetSubject() const;
111  /// Set a vector of subject sequences.
112  void SetSubjects(const TSeqLocVector& subjects);
114  /// Retrieve a vector of subject sequences.
115  const TSeqLocVector& GetSubjects() const;
117  /// Set the options handle.
118  CBlastOptionsHandle& SetOptionsHandle();
120  /// Retrieve the options handle.
121  const CBlastOptionsHandle& GetOptionsHandle() const;
123  /// Perform BLAST search
124  /// Assuming N queries and M subjects, the structure of the returned
125  /// vector is as follows, with types indicated in parenthesis:
126  /// TSeqAlignVector =
127  /// [ {Results for query 1 and subject 1 (Seq-align-set)},
128  /// {Results for query 1 and subject 2 (Seq-align-set)}, ...
129  /// {Results for query 1 and subject M (Seq-align-set)},
130  /// {Results for query 2 and subject 1 (Seq-align-set)},
131  /// {Results for query 2 and subject 2 (Seq-align-set)}, ...
132  /// {Results for query 2 and subject M (Seq-align-set)},
133  /// {Results for query 3 and subject 1 (Seq-align-set)}, ...
134  /// {Results for query N and subject M (Seq-align-set)} ]
135  virtual TSeqAlignVector Run();
137  /// Performs the same functionality as Run(), but it returns a different
138  /// data type
139  /// @note the number of CSearchResultSet::value_type objects in this
140  /// function's return value will be (number of queries * number of
141  /// subjects)
142  CRef<CSearchResultSet> RunEx();
144  /// Retrieves regions filtered on the query/queries
145  TSeqLocInfoVector GetFilteredQueryRegions() const;
147  /// Retrieves regions filtered on the subject sequence(s)
148  /// @param retval the return value of this method [in|out]
149  void GetFilteredSubjectRegions(vector<TSeqLocInfoVector>& retval) const;
151  /// Retrieves the diagnostics information returned from the engine
152  BlastDiagnostics* GetDiagnostics() const;
154  /// Get the ancillary results for a BLAST search (to be used with the Run()
155  /// method)
156  /// @param retval the return value of this method [in|out]
157  void GetAncillaryResults(CSearchResultSet::TAncillaryVector& retval) const;
159  /// Returns error messages/warnings.
160  void GetMessages(TSearchMessages& messages) const;
162  /// Set a function callback to be invoked by the CORE of BLAST to allow
163  /// interrupting a BLAST search in progress.
164  /// @param fnptr pointer to callback function [in]
165  /// @param user_data user data to be attached to SBlastProgress structure
166  /// [in]
167  /// @return the previously set TInterruptFnPtr (NULL if none was
168  /// provided before)
169  TInterruptFnPtr SetInterruptCallback(TInterruptFnPtr fnptr,
170  void* user_data = NULL);
172  /// Converts m_Results data member to a TSeqAlignVector
173  static TSeqAlignVector
174  CSearchResultSet2TSeqAlignVector(CRef<CSearchResultSet> res);
175 protected:
176  /// Populate the internal m_AncillaryData member
177  void x_BuildAncillaryData();
179 private:
180  // Data members received from client code
181  TSeqLocVector m_tQueries; ///< query sequence(s)
182  TSeqLocVector m_tSubjects; ///< sequence(s) to BLAST against
184  CRef<CLocalBlast> m_Blast; ///< The actual BLAST instance
185  bool m_DbScanMode; ///< Scan like a databsase (as opposed to pairwise)
187  /// Common initialization code for all c-tors
188  void x_Init(const TSeqLocVector& queries, const TSeqLocVector& subjs);
189  /// Common initialization of the CLocalBlast object
190  void x_InitCLocalBlast();
192  /// Prohibit copy constructor
193  CBl2Seq(const CBl2Seq& rhs);
194  /// Prohibit assignment operator
195  CBl2Seq& operator=(const CBl2Seq& rhs);
197  /// Stores any warnings emitted during query setup
200  /************ Internal data structures (m_i = internal members)***********/
201  /// Return search statistics data
204  /// Ancillary BLAST data
207  /// CLocalBlast results
210  /// Interrupt callback
212  /// Interrupt user datacallback
215  /// Clean up structures and results from any previous search
216  void x_ResetInternalDs();
218  friend class ::CBlastFilterTest;
219 };
221 inline void
223 {
225  m_tQueries.clear();
226  m_tQueries.push_back(query);
227 }
229 inline const SSeqLoc&
231 {
232  return m_tQueries.front();
233 }
235 inline void
237 {
239  m_tQueries.clear();
240  m_tQueries = queries;
241 }
243 inline const TSeqLocVector&
245 {
246  return m_tQueries;
247 }
249 inline void
251 {
253  m_tSubjects.clear();
254  m_tSubjects.push_back(subject);
255 }
257 inline const SSeqLoc&
259 {
260  return m_tSubjects.front();
261 }
263 inline void
265 {
267  m_tSubjects.clear();
268  m_tSubjects = subjects;
269 }
271 inline const TSeqLocVector&
273 {
274  return m_tSubjects;
275 }
277 inline CBlastOptionsHandle&
279 {
281  return *m_OptsHandle;
282 }
284 inline const CBlastOptionsHandle&
286 {
287  return *m_OptsHandle;
288 }
291 {
292  return mi_pDiagnostics;
293 }
295 inline void
297 {
298  messages = m_Messages;
299 }
301 inline TInterruptFnPtr
303 {
305  m_InterruptFnx = fnptr;
306  m_InterruptUserData = user_data;
307  return tmp;
308 }
310 inline void
312 {
313  retval = m_AncillaryData;
314 }
316 END_SCOPE(blast)
319 /* @} */
321 #endif /* ALGO_BLAST_API___BL2SEQ__HPP */
Contains C++ wrapper classes to structures in algo/blast/core as well as some auxiliary functions to ...
Boolean(* TInterruptFnPtr)(SBlastProgress *progress_info)
Prototype for function pointer to determine whether the BLAST search should proceed or be interrupted...
Definition: blast_def.h:354
NULL operations for other cases.
Definition: blast_export.h:65
Declares the CBlastOptionsHandle and CBlastOptionsFactory classes.
Definition of classes which constitute the results of running a BLAST search.
Definitions of special type used in BLAST.
vector< CRef< objects::CSeq_align_set > > TSeqAlignVector
Vector of Seq-align-sets.
This enumeration is to evolve into a task/program specific list that specifies sets of default parame...
Definition: blast_types.hpp:56
Runs the BLAST algorithm between 2 sequences.
Definition: bl2seq.hpp:58
Handle to the options to the BLAST algorithm.
CObject –.
Definition: ncbiobj.hpp:180
typedef for the messages for an entire BLAST search, which could be comprised of multiple query seque...
static char tmp[3200]
Definition: utf8.c:42
TSearchMessages m_Messages
Stores any warnings emitted during query setup.
Definition: bl2seq.hpp:198
TInterruptFnPtr m_InterruptFnx
Interrupt callback.
Definition: bl2seq.hpp:211
void x_ResetInternalDs()
Clean up structures and results from any previous search.
Definition: bl2seq.cpp:141
CRef< CBlastOptionsHandle > m_OptsHandle
Blast options.
Definition: bl2seq.hpp:183
const SSeqLoc & GetSubject() const
Retrieve the subject sequence.
Definition: bl2seq.hpp:258
const CBlastOptionsHandle & GetOptionsHandle() const
Retrieve the options handle.
Definition: bl2seq.hpp:285
void SetSubject(const SSeqLoc &subject)
Set the subject sequence.
Definition: bl2seq.hpp:250
BlastDiagnostics * mi_pDiagnostics
Return search statistics data.
Definition: bl2seq.hpp:202
void GetMessages(TSearchMessages &messages) const
Returns error messages/warnings.
Definition: bl2seq.hpp:296
bool m_DbScanMode
Scan like a databsase (as opposed to pairwise)
Definition: bl2seq.hpp:185
void SetSubjects(const TSeqLocVector &subjects)
Set a vector of subject sequences.
Definition: bl2seq.hpp:264
void * m_InterruptUserData
Interrupt user datacallback.
Definition: bl2seq.hpp:213
const SSeqLoc & GetQuery() const
Retrieve the query sequence.
Definition: bl2seq.hpp:230
CSearchResultSet::TAncillaryVector m_AncillaryData
Ancillary BLAST data.
Definition: bl2seq.hpp:205
TInterruptFnPtr SetInterruptCallback(TInterruptFnPtr fnptr, void *user_data=NULL)
Set a function callback to be invoked by the CORE of BLAST to allow interrupting a BLAST search in pr...
Definition: bl2seq.hpp:302
void SetQueries(const TSeqLocVector &queries)
Set a vector of query sequences for a concatenated search.
Definition: bl2seq.hpp:236
CRef< CSearchResultSet > m_Results
CLocalBlast results.
Definition: bl2seq.hpp:208
void GetAncillaryResults(CSearchResultSet::TAncillaryVector &retval) const
Get the ancillary results for a BLAST search (to be used with the Run() method)
Definition: bl2seq.hpp:311
TSeqLocVector m_tQueries
query sequence(s)
Definition: bl2seq.hpp:181
const TSeqLocVector & GetQueries() const
Retrieve a vector of query sequences.
Definition: bl2seq.hpp:244
TSeqLocVector m_tSubjects
sequence(s) to BLAST against
Definition: bl2seq.hpp:182
CBlastOptionsHandle & SetOptionsHandle()
Set the options handle.
Definition: bl2seq.hpp:278
CBl2Seq(const CBl2Seq &rhs)
Prohibit copy constructor.
CBl2Seq & operator=(const CBl2Seq &rhs)
Prohibit assignment operator.
vector< CRef< CBlastAncillaryData > > TAncillaryVector
typedef for a vector of CRef<CBlastAncillaryData>
void SetQuery(const SSeqLoc &query)
Set the query.
Definition: bl2seq.hpp:222
CRef< CLocalBlast > m_Blast
The actual BLAST instance.
Definition: bl2seq.hpp:184
const TSeqLocVector & GetSubjects() const
Retrieve a vector of subject sequences.
Definition: bl2seq.hpp:272
BlastDiagnostics * GetDiagnostics() const
Retrieves the diagnostics information returned from the engine.
Definition: bl2seq.hpp:290
#define NULL
Definition: ncbistd.hpp:225
End previously defined NCBI scope.
Definition: ncbistl.hpp:103
#define END_SCOPE(ns)
End the previously defined scope.
Definition: ncbistl.hpp:75
Define ncbi namespace.
Definition: ncbistl.hpp:100
#define BEGIN_SCOPE(ns)
Define a new scope.
Definition: ncbistl.hpp:72
void Run(void)
Enter the main loop.
Main class to perform a BLAST search on the local machine.
vector< TMaskedQueryRegions > TSeqLocInfoVector
Collection of masked regions for all queries in a BLAST search.
Definition: seqlocinfo.hpp:139
Definition of SSeqLoc structure.
vector< SSeqLoc > TSeqLocVector
Vector of sequence locations.
Definition: sseqloc.hpp:129
Return statistics from the BLAST search.
Structure to represent a single sequence to be fed to BLAST.
Definition: sseqloc.hpp:47
static string subject
static string query
Modified on Fri Sep 20 14:57:48 2024 by rev. 669887