106 Int4 total_hits,
Int4 extended_hits,
struct BlastGappedStats BlastGappedStats
Structure containing hit counts from the gapped stage of a BLAST search.
BlastDiagnostics * Blast_DiagnosticsInitMT(MT_LOCK mt_lock)
Initialize the BlastDiagnostics structure for a multi-threaded search.
void Blast_UngappedStatsUpdate(BlastUngappedStats *ungapped_stats, Int4 total_hits, Int4 extended_hits, Int4 saved_hits)
Fill data in the ungapped hits diagnostics structure.
BlastDiagnostics * Blast_DiagnosticsInit(void)
Initialize the BlastDiagnostics structure and all its substructures.
struct BlastRawCutoffs BlastRawCutoffs
Structure holding raw cutoff and gap-x-drop values.
struct BlastDiagnostics BlastDiagnostics
Return statistics from the BLAST search.
BlastDiagnostics * Blast_DiagnosticsFree(BlastDiagnostics *diagnostics)
Free the BlastDiagnostics structure and all substructures.
struct BlastUngappedStats BlastUngappedStats
Structure containing hit counts from the ungapped stage of a BLAST search.
BlastDiagnostics * Blast_DiagnosticsCopy(const BlastDiagnostics *diagnostics)
Free the BlastDiagnostics structure and all substructures.
void Blast_DiagnosticsUpdate(BlastDiagnostics *diag_global, BlastDiagnostics *diag_local)
In a multi-threaded run, update global diagnostics data with the data coming from one of the prelimin...
int32_t Int4
4-byte (32-bit) signed integer
int64_t Int8
8-byte (64-bit) signed integer
Type and macro definitions from C toolkit that are not defined in C++ toolkit.
Return statistics from the BLAST search.
BlastUngappedStats * ungapped_stat
Ungapped extension counts.
BlastRawCutoffs * cutoffs
Various raw values for the cutoffs.
BlastGappedStats * gapped_stat
Gapped extension counts.
MT_LOCK mt_lock
Mutex for updating diagnostics data in a multi-threaded search.
Structure containing hit counts from the gapped stage of a BLAST search.
Int4 good_extensions
Number of HSPs below the e-value threshold after gapped extension.
Int4 num_seqs_passed
Number of sequences with top HSP passing the e-value threshold.
Int4 seqs_ungapped_passed
Number of sequences with top HSP after ungapped extension passing the e-value threshold.
Int4 extensions
Total number of gapped extensions performed.
Structure holding raw cutoff and gap-x-drop values.
Int4 ungapped_cutoff
Minimal raw score for starting gapped extension.
Int4 x_drop_gap_final
Raw value of the x-dropoff for gapped extensions with traceback.
Int4 x_drop_gap
Raw value of the x-dropoff for preliminary gapped extensions.
Int4 x_drop_ungapped
Raw value of the x-dropoff for ungapped extensions.
Int4 cutoff_score
Cutoff score corresponding to given evalue.
Structure containing hit counts from the ungapped stage of a BLAST search.
Int4 num_seqs_lookup_hits
Number of sequences which had at least one lookup table hit.
Int8 lookup_hits
Number of successful lookup table hits.
Int4 init_extends
Number of initial words found and extended.
Int4 good_init_extends
Number of successful initial extensions, i.e.
Int4 num_seqs_passed
Number of sequences with at least one HSP saved after ungapped stage.