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blast_kappa.c File Reference

Utilities for doing Smith-Waterman alignments and adjusting the scoring system for each match in blastpgp. More...

#include <float.h>
#include <algo/blast/core/ncbi_math.h>
#include <algo/blast/core/blast_hits.h>
#include <algo/blast/core/blast_kappa.h>
#include <algo/blast/core/blast_util.h>
#include <algo/blast/core/blast_gapalign.h>
#include <algo/blast/core/blast_filter.h>
#include <algo/blast/core/blast_traceback.h>
#include <algo/blast/core/link_hsps.h>
#include <algo/blast/core/gencode_singleton.h>
#include "blast_psi_priv.h"
#include "blast_gapalign_priv.h"
#include "blast_hits_priv.h"
#include "blast_posit.h"
#include "blast_hspstream_mt_utils.h"
#include "blast_traceback_mt_priv.h"
#include <algo/blast/composition_adjustment/nlm_linear_algebra.h>
#include <algo/blast/composition_adjustment/compo_heap.h>
#include <algo/blast/composition_adjustment/redo_alignment.h>
#include <algo/blast/composition_adjustment/matrix_frequency_data.h>
#include <algo/blast/composition_adjustment/unified_pvalues.h>
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struct  BlastKappa_SequenceInfo
 BLAST-specific information that is associated with a BlastCompo_MatchingSequence. More...
struct  BlastKappa_GappingParamsContext
 Data and data-structures needed to perform a gapped alignment. More...
struct  BlastKappa_SavedParameters
 A BlastKappa_SavedParameters holds the value of certain search parameters on entry to RedoAlignmentCore. More...


 Compile-time option; if set to a true value, then blastp runs that use Blast_RedoAlignmentCore to compute the traceback will not SEG the subject sequence. More...
 Compile-time option; if set to a true value, then blastp runs that use Blast_RedoAlignmentCore to compute the traceback will not SEG the subject sequence. More...
#define SCALING_FACTOR   32
 SCALING_FACTOR is a multiplicative factor used to get more bits of precision in the integer matrix scores. More...
 NCBIstdaa encoding for 'X' character. More...
#define BLASTP_MASK_INSTRUCTIONS   "S 10 1.8 2.1"
 Default instructions and mask residue for SEG filtering. More...


typedef struct BlastKappa_SequenceInfo BlastKappa_SequenceInfo
 BLAST-specific information that is associated with a BlastCompo_MatchingSequence. More...
typedef struct BlastKappa_GappingParamsContext BlastKappa_GappingParamsContext
 Data and data-structures needed to perform a gapped alignment. More...
typedef struct BlastKappa_SavedParameters BlastKappa_SavedParameters
 A BlastKappa_SavedParameters holds the value of certain search parameters on entry to RedoAlignmentCore. More...


static void s_HSPListNormalizeScores (BlastHSPList *hsp_list, double lambda, double logK, double scoreDivisor)
 Given a list of HSPs with (possibly) high-precision scores, rescale the scores to have standard precision and set the scale-independent bit scores. More...
static void s_AdjustEvaluesForComposition (BlastHSPList *hsp_list, double comp_p_value, const BlastSeqSrc *seqSrc, Int4 subject_length, const BlastContextInfo *query_context, double LambdaRatio, int subject_id)
 Adjusts the E-values in a BLAST_HitList to be composites of a composition-based P-value and a score/alignment-based P-value. More...
static void s_HitlistReapContained (BlastHSP *hsp_array[], Int4 *hspcnt)
 Remove from a hitlist all HSPs that are completely contained in an HSP that occurs earlier in the list and that: More...
static void s_FreeEditScript (void *edit_script)
 A callback used to free an EditScript that has been stored in a BlastCompo_Alignment. More...
static int s_HSPListFromDistinctAlignments (BlastHSPList *hsp_list, BlastCompo_Alignment **alignments, int oid, const BlastQueryInfo *queryInfo, int frame)
 Converts a list of objects of type BlastCompo_Alignment to an new object of type BlastHSPList and returns the result. More...
Int4 s_GetSubjectLength (Int4 total_subj_length, EBlastProgramType program_number)
static int s_HitlistEvaluateAndPurge (int *pbestScore, double *pbestEvalue, BlastHSPList *hsp_list, const BlastSeqSrc *seqSrc, int subject_length, EBlastProgramType program_number, const BlastQueryInfo *queryInfo, int context_index, BlastScoreBlk *sbp, const BlastHitSavingParameters *hitParams, double pvalueForThisPair, double LambdaRatio, int subject_id)
 Adding evalues to a list of HSPs and remove those that do not have sufficiently good (low) evalue. More...
static void s_ComputeNumIdentities (const BLAST_SequenceBlk *query_blk, const BlastQueryInfo *query_info, BLAST_SequenceBlk *subject_blk, const BlastSeqSrc *seq_src, BlastHSPList *hsp_list, const BlastScoringOptions *scoring_options, const Uint1 *gen_code_string, const BlastScoreBlk *sbp, BlastSeqSrcSetRangesArg *ranges)
 Compute the number of identities for the HSPs in the hsp_list. More...
static double s_CalcLambda (double probs[], int min_score, int max_score, double lambda0)
 A callback routine: compute lambda for the given score probabilities. More...
static int s_GetPosBasedStartFreqRatios (double **returnRatios, Int4 numPositions, Uint1 *query, const char *matrixName, double **startNumerator)
 Fill a two-dimensional array with the frequency ratios that underlie a position specific score matrix (PSSM). More...
static int s_GetStartFreqRatios (double **returnRatios, const char *matrixName)
 Fill a two-dimensional array with the frequency ratios that underlie the named score matrix. More...
static int s_ScalePosMatrix (int **fillPosMatrix, const char *matrixName, double **posFreqs, Uint1 *query, int queryLength, BlastScoreBlk *sbp, double scale_factor)
 Produce a scaled-up version of the position-specific matrix with a given set of position-specific residue frequencies. More...
static int s_ResultHspToDistinctAlign (BlastCompo_Alignment **self, int *numAligns, BlastHSP *hsp_array[], Int4 hspcnt, int init_context, const BlastQueryInfo *queryInfo, double localScalingFactor)
 Convert an array of HSPs to a list of BlastCompo_Alignment objects. More...
static void s_SWFindFinalEndsUsingXdrop (BlastCompo_SequenceData *query, Int4 queryStart, Int4 queryEnd, BlastCompo_SequenceData *subject, Int4 matchStart, Int4 matchEnd, BlastGapAlignStruct *gap_align, const BlastScoringParameters *scoringParams, Int4 score, Int4 *queryAlignmentExtent, Int4 *matchAlignmentExtent, Int4 *newScore)
 Redo a S-W alignment using an x-drop alignment. More...
static void s_MatchingSequenceRelease (BlastCompo_MatchingSequence *self)
 Release the resources associated with a matching sequence. More...
static int s_ExtendRight (Uint1 *query_seq, int query_len, Uint1 *subject_seq, int subject_len, int max_shift, int *query_ext_len, int *subject_ext_len, int *align_len)
 Do a simple gapped extension to the right from the beginning of query and subject ranges examining only matches and mismatches. More...
static int s_ExtendLeft (Uint1 *query_seq, int query_len, Uint1 *subject_seq, int subject_len, int max_shift, int *query_ext_len, int *subject_ext_len, int *align_len)
 Extend left from the end of the sequence and subject ranges and count identities. More...
static Uint8 s_GetHash (const Uint1 *data, int word_size)
 Get hash for a word of word_size residues assuming 28-letter alphabet. More...
static int s_FindNumIdentical (Uint1 *query_seq, const Uint8 *query_hashes, int query_len, Uint1 *subject_seq, int subject_len, int max_shift)
 Find a local number of identical residues in two aligned sequences by finding word matches and doing a simple gapped extensions from the word hits. More...
static Boolean s_TestNearIdentical (const BlastCompo_SequenceData *seqData, const int seqOffset, const BlastCompo_SequenceData *queryData, const int queryOffset, const Uint8 *query_words, const BlastCompo_Alignment *align)
 Test whether the aligned parts of two sequences that have a high-scoring gapless alignment are nearly identical. More...
static int s_MatchingSequenceInitialize (BlastCompo_MatchingSequence *self, EBlastProgramType program_number, const BlastSeqSrc *seqSrc, Int4 default_db_genetic_code, Int4 subject_index, BlastSeqSrcSetRangesArg *ranges)
 Initialize a new matching sequence, obtaining information about the sequence from the search. More...
static int s_DoSegSequenceData (BlastCompo_SequenceData *seqData, EBlastProgramType program_name, Boolean *is_seq_biased)
 Filter low complexity regions from the sequence data; uses the SEG algorithm. More...
static int s_SequenceGetTranslatedRange (const BlastCompo_MatchingSequence *self, const BlastCompo_SequenceRange *range, BlastCompo_SequenceData *seqData, const BlastCompo_SequenceRange *q_range, BlastCompo_SequenceData *queryData, const Uint8 *query_words, const BlastCompo_Alignment *align, const Boolean shouldTestIdentical, const ECompoAdjustModes compo_adjust_mode, const Boolean isSmithWaterman, Boolean *subject_maybe_biased)
 Obtain a string of translated data. More...
static int s_SequenceGetProteinRange (const BlastCompo_MatchingSequence *self, const BlastCompo_SequenceRange *range, BlastCompo_SequenceData *seqData, const BlastCompo_SequenceRange *q_range, BlastCompo_SequenceData *queryData, const Uint8 *query_words, const BlastCompo_Alignment *align, const Boolean shouldTestIdentical, const ECompoAdjustModes compo_adjust_mode, const Boolean isSmithWaterman, Boolean *subject_maybe_biased)
 Get a string of protein data from a protein sequence. More...
static int s_SequenceGetRange (const BlastCompo_MatchingSequence *self, const BlastCompo_SequenceRange *s_range, BlastCompo_SequenceData *seqData, const BlastCompo_SequenceData *query, const BlastCompo_SequenceRange *q_range, BlastCompo_SequenceData *queryData, const Uint8 *query_words, const BlastCompo_Alignment *align, const Boolean shouldTestIdentical, const ECompoAdjustModes compo_adjust_mode, const Boolean isSmithWaterman, Boolean *subject_maybe_biased)
 Obtain the sequence data that lies within the given range. More...
static BlastCompo_Alignments_NewAlignmentFromGapAlign (BlastGapAlignStruct *gap_align, GapEditScript **edit_script, BlastCompo_SequenceRange *query_range, BlastCompo_SequenceRange *subject_range, EMatrixAdjustRule matrix_adjust_rule)
 Reads a BlastGapAlignStruct that has been used to compute a traceback, and return a BlastCompo_Alignment representing the alignment. More...
static int s_NewAlignmentUsingXdrop (BlastCompo_Alignment **pnewAlign, Int4 *pqueryEnd, Int4 *pmatchEnd, Int4 queryStart, Int4 matchStart, Int4 score, BlastCompo_SequenceData *query, BlastCompo_SequenceRange *query_range, Int4 ccat_query_length, BlastCompo_SequenceData *subject, BlastCompo_SequenceRange *subject_range, Int4 full_subject_length, BlastCompo_GappingParams *gapping_params, EMatrixAdjustRule matrix_adjust_rule)
 A callback used when performing SmithWaterman alignments: Calculate the traceback for one alignment by performing an x-drop alignment in the forward direction, possibly increasing the x-drop parameter until the desired score is attained. More...
static BlastCompo_Alignments_RedoOneAlignment (BlastCompo_Alignment *in_align, EMatrixAdjustRule matrix_adjust_rule, BlastCompo_SequenceData *query_data, BlastCompo_SequenceRange *query_range, int ccat_query_length, BlastCompo_SequenceData *subject_data, BlastCompo_SequenceRange *subject_range, int full_subject_length, BlastCompo_GappingParams *gapping_params)
 A callback: calculate the traceback for one alignment by performing an x-drop alignment in both directions. More...
static void s_SavedParametersFree (BlastKappa_SavedParameters **searchParams)
 Release the data associated with a BlastKappa_SavedParameters and delete the object. More...
static BlastKappa_SavedParameterss_SavedParametersNew (Int4 rows, Int4 numQueries, ECompoAdjustModes compo_adjust_mode, Boolean positionBased)
 Create a new instance of BlastKappa_SavedParameters. More...
static int s_RecordInitialSearch (BlastKappa_SavedParameters *searchParams, BlastScoreBlk *sbp, const BlastScoringParameters *scoring, int query_length, ECompoAdjustModes compo_adjust_mode, Boolean positionBased)
 Record the initial value of the search parameters that are to be adjusted. More...
static void s_RescaleSearch (BlastScoreBlk *sbp, BlastScoringParameters *sp, int num_queries, double scale_factor)
 Rescale the search parameters in the search object and options object to obtain more precision. More...
static void s_RestoreSearch (BlastScoreBlk *sbp, BlastScoringParameters *scoring, const BlastKappa_SavedParameters *searchParams, int query_length, Boolean positionBased, ECompoAdjustModes compo_adjust_mode)
 Restore the parameters that were adjusted to their original values. More...
static int s_MatrixInfoInit (Blast_MatrixInfo *self, BLAST_SequenceBlk *queryBlk, BlastScoreBlk *sbp, double scale_factor, const char *matrixName)
 Initialize an object of type Blast_MatrixInfo. More...
static int s_CreateWordArray (const Uint1 *seq_data, Int4 seq_len, Uint8 **words)
static void s_FreeBlastCompo_QueryInfoArray (BlastCompo_QueryInfo **query_info, int num_queries)
static BlastCompo_QueryInfos_GetQueryInfo (Uint1 *query_data, const BlastQueryInfo *blast_query_info, Boolean skip)
 Save information about all queries in an array of objects of type BlastCompo_QueryInfo. More...
static BlastCompo_GappingParamss_GappingParamsNew (BlastKappa_GappingParamsContext *context, const BlastExtensionParameters *extendParams, int num_queries)
 Create a new object of type BlastCompo_GappingParams. More...
static Blast_RedoAlignParamss_GetAlignParams (BlastKappa_GappingParamsContext *context, BLAST_SequenceBlk *queryBlk, const BlastQueryInfo *queryInfo, const BlastHitSavingParameters *hitParams, const BlastExtensionParameters *extendParams)
 Read the parameters required for the Blast_RedoOneMatch* functions from the corresponding parameters in standard BLAST datatypes. More...
static void s_FillResultsFromCompoHeaps (BlastHSPResults *results, BlastCompo_Heap heaps[], Int4 hitlist_size)
 Convert an array of BlastCompo_Heap objects to a BlastHSPResults structure. More...
static void s_ClearHeap (BlastCompo_Heap *self)
 Remove all matches from a BlastCompo_Heap. More...
static void s_BlastGapAlignStruct_Free (BlastGapAlignStruct *copy)
 Free a BlastGapAlignStruct copy created by s_BlastGapAlignStruct_Copy. More...
static BlastGapAlignStructs_BlastGapAlignStruct_Copy (BlastGapAlignStruct *orig, BlastScoreBlk *sbp)
 Create a "deep" copy of a BlastGapAlignStruct structure. More...
static void s_BlastScoreBlk_Free (BlastScoreBlk **copy)
 Free a BlastScoreBlk copy created by s_BlastScoreBlk_Copy. More...
static BlastScoreBlks_BlastScoreBlk_Copy (EBlastProgramType program, BlastScoreBlk *orig, Uint1 alphabet_code, Int4 number_of_contexts)
 Create a "deep" copy of a BlastScoreBlk structure. More...
Int2 Blast_RedoAlignmentCore (EBlastProgramType program_number, BLAST_SequenceBlk *queryBlk, const BlastQueryInfo *queryInfo, BlastScoreBlk *sbp, BLAST_SequenceBlk *subjectBlk, const BlastSeqSrc *seqSrc, Int4 default_db_genetic_code, BlastHSPList *thisMatch, BlastHSPStream *hsp_stream, BlastScoringParameters *scoringParams, const BlastExtensionParameters *extendParams, const BlastHitSavingParameters *hitParams, const PSIBlastOptions *psiOptions, BlastHSPResults *results)
 Recompute alignments for each match found by the gapped BLAST algorithm. More...
Int2 Blast_RedoAlignmentCore_MT (EBlastProgramType program_number, Uint4 num_threads, BLAST_SequenceBlk *queryBlk, const BlastQueryInfo *queryInfo, BlastScoreBlk *sbp, BLAST_SequenceBlk *subjectBlk, const BlastSeqSrc *seqSrc, Int4 default_db_genetic_code, BlastHSPList *thisMatch, BlastHSPStream *hsp_stream, BlastScoringParameters *scoringParams, const BlastExtensionParameters *extendParams, const BlastHitSavingParameters *hitParams, const PSIBlastOptions *psiOptions, BlastHSPResults *results)
 Recompute alignments for each match found by the gapped BLAST algorithm. More...


static const Blast_RedoAlignCallbacks redo_align_callbacks
 Callbacks used by the Blast_RedoOneMatch* routines. More...

Detailed Description

Utilities for doing Smith-Waterman alignments and adjusting the scoring system for each match in blastpgp.

Definition in file blast_kappa.c.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define BLASTP_MASK_INSTRUCTIONS   "S 10 1.8 2.1"

Default instructions and mask residue for SEG filtering.

Definition at line 1416 of file blast_kappa.c.



NCBIstdaa encoding for 'X' character.

Definition at line 1414 of file blast_kappa.c.



Compile-time option; if set to a true value, then blastp runs that use Blast_RedoAlignmentCore to compute the traceback will not SEG the subject sequence.

Definition at line 77 of file blast_kappa.c.



Compile-time option; if set to a true value, then blastp runs that use Blast_RedoAlignmentCore to compute the traceback will not SEG the subject sequence.

Definition at line 85 of file blast_kappa.c.



Definition at line 2399 of file blast_kappa.c.


#define SCALING_FACTOR   32

SCALING_FACTOR is a multiplicative factor used to get more bits of precision in the integer matrix scores.

It cannot be arbitrarily large because we do not want total alignment scores to exceed -(BLAST_SCORE_MIN)

Definition at line 676 of file blast_kappa.c.

Typedef Documentation

◆ BlastKappa_GappingParamsContext

Data and data-structures needed to perform a gapped alignment.

◆ BlastKappa_SavedParameters

A BlastKappa_SavedParameters holds the value of certain search parameters on entry to RedoAlignmentCore.

These values are restored on exit.

◆ BlastKappa_SequenceInfo

BLAST-specific information that is associated with a BlastCompo_MatchingSequence.

Function Documentation

◆ Blast_RedoAlignmentCore()

Int2 Blast_RedoAlignmentCore ( EBlastProgramType  program_number,
BLAST_SequenceBlk queryBlk,
const BlastQueryInfo queryInfo,
BlastScoreBlk sbp,
BLAST_SequenceBlk subjectBlk,
const BlastSeqSrc seqSrc,
Int4  default_db_genetic_code,
BlastHSPList thisMatch,
BlastHSPStream hsp_stream,
BlastScoringParameters scoringParams,
const BlastExtensionParameters extendParams,
const BlastHitSavingParameters hitParams,
const PSIBlastOptions psiOptions,
BlastHSPResults results 

Recompute alignments for each match found by the gapped BLAST algorithm.

Top level routine to recompute alignments for each match found by the gapped BLAST algorithm (single-thread prototype) This prototype is an adapter to the multi-thread prototype with num_threads set to 1.

Single-thread adapter to Blast_RedoAlignmentCore_MT.

Definition at line 2942 of file blast_kappa.c.

References Blast_RedoAlignmentCore_MT(), and results.

Referenced by CRedoAlignmentTestFixture::runRedoAlignmentCoreUnitTest(), and s_RPSComputeTraceback().

◆ Blast_RedoAlignmentCore_MT()

Int2 Blast_RedoAlignmentCore_MT ( EBlastProgramType  program_number,
Uint4  num_threads,
BLAST_SequenceBlk queryBlk,
const BlastQueryInfo queryInfo,
BlastScoreBlk sbp,
BLAST_SequenceBlk subjectBlk,
const BlastSeqSrc seqSrc,
Int4  default_db_genetic_code,
BlastHSPList thisMatch,
BlastHSPStream hsp_stream,
BlastScoringParameters scoringParams,
const BlastExtensionParameters extendParams,
const BlastHitSavingParameters hitParams,
const PSIBlastOptions psiOptions,
BlastHSPResults results 

Recompute alignments for each match found by the gapped BLAST algorithm.

Top level routine to recompute alignments for each match found by the gapped BLAST algorithm (multi-thread prototype) A linked list of alignments is returned (param hitList); the alignments are sorted according to the lowest E-value of the best alignment for each matching sequence; alignments for the same matching sequence are in the list consecutively regardless of the E-value of the secondary alignments.

Definition at line 2981 of file blast_kappa.c.

References BlastScoreBlk::alphabet_code, ASSERT, b, BlastHSPList::best_evalue, Blast_CompositionWorkspaceFree(), Blast_CompositionWorkspaceInit(), Blast_CompositionWorkspaceNew(), Blast_ForbiddenRangesInitialize(), Blast_ForbiddenRangesRelease(), Blast_FrequencyDataIsAvailable(), BLAST_GapAlignStructFree(), BLAST_GapAlignStructNew(), Blast_HitListFree(), Blast_HSPListFree(), Blast_HSPListNew(), Blast_HSPListSwap(), Blast_HSPResultsFree(), Blast_HSPResultsNew(), Blast_RedoAlignParamsFree(), Blast_RedoOneMatch(), Blast_RedoOneMatchSmithWaterman(), BLAST_SetupPartialFetching(), BLASTAA_SIZE, BlastCompo_AlignmentsFree(), BlastCompo_EarlyTermination(), BlastCompo_HeapInitialize(), BlastCompo_HeapInsert(), BlastCompo_HeapRelease(), BlastCompo_HeapWouldInsert(), BlastHSPStreamRead(), BlastHSPStreamTBackClose(), BlastSeqSrcCopy(), BlastSeqSrcFree(), BlastSeqSrcGetMaxSeqLen(), BlastSeqSrcGetSupportsPartialFetching(), Boolean, calloc(), BlastExtensionOptions::compositionBasedStats, SBlastScoreMatrix::data, eBlastTypeBlastp, eBlastTypeBlastx, eBlastTypePsiBlast, eBlastTypeRpsBlast, eBlastTypeRpsTblastn, eBlastTypeTblastn, eCompositionBasedStats, eNoCompositionBasedStats, eSmithWatermanTbck, BlastExtensionOptions::eTbackExt, FALSE, BlastKappa_GappingParamsContext::gap_align, GenCodeSingletonFind(), head, SThreadLocalData::hit_params, BlastHSPResults::hitlist_array, BlastHitSavingOptions::hitlist_size, BlastHSPList::hsp_array, BlastHSPList::hspcnt, i, PSIBlastOptions::inclusion_ethresh, BlastCompo_MatchingSequence::index, kBlastHSPStream_Eof, BlastScoreBlk::kbp_gap, Blast_KarlinBlk::Lambda, BlastQueryInfo::last_context, BlastCompo_MatchingSequence::length, BLAST_SequenceBlk::length, BlastCompo_MatchingSequence::local_data, BlastKappa_GappingParamsContext::localScalingFactor, Blast_KarlinBlk::logK, match(), BlastScoringOptions::matrix, BlastScoreBlk::matrix, BlastQueryInfo::max_length, SBlastScoreMatrix::ncols, next(), NULL, BlastHSPResults::num_queries, BlastQueryInfo::num_queries, BlastScoreBlk::number_of_contexts, BlastHSPList::oid, BlastExtensionParameters::options, BlastHitSavingParameters::options, BlastScoringParameters::options, BlastKappa_GappingParamsContext::prog_number, PSI_INCLUSION_ETHRESH, BlastScoreBlk::psi_matrix, SPsiBlastScoreMatrix::pssm, BlastHSPList::query_index, SThreadLocalData::results, results, s_BlastGapAlignStruct_Copy(), s_BlastGapAlignStruct_Free(), s_BlastScoreBlk_Copy(), s_BlastScoreBlk_Free(), s_ClearHeap(), s_ComputeNumIdentities(), s_FillResultsFromCompoHeaps(), s_FreeBlastCompo_QueryInfoArray(), s_FreeEditScript(), s_GetAlignParams(), s_GetQueryInfo(), s_HitlistEvaluateAndPurge(), s_HitlistReapContained(), s_HSPListFromDistinctAlignments(), s_HSPListNormalizeScores(), s_MatchingSequenceInitialize(), s_MatchingSequenceRelease(), s_RecordInitialSearch(), s_RescaleSearch(), s_RestoreSearch(), s_ResultHspToDistinctAlign(), s_SavedParametersFree(), s_SavedParametersNew(), BlastGapAlignStruct::sbp, BlastKappa_GappingParamsContext::sbp, SCALING_FACTOR, BlastKappa_GappingParamsContext::scoringParams, BLAST_SequenceBlk::sequence, sfree, SThreadLocalDataArrayConsolidateResults(), SThreadLocalDataArrayNew(), SThreadLocalDataFree(), util::strcmp(), SThreadLocalDataArray::tld, TRUE, and BlastExtensionOptions::unifiedP.

Referenced by BLAST_ComputeTraceback_MT(), and Blast_RedoAlignmentCore().

◆ s_AdjustEvaluesForComposition()

static void s_AdjustEvaluesForComposition ( BlastHSPList hsp_list,
double  comp_p_value,
const BlastSeqSrc seqSrc,
Int4  subject_length,
const BlastContextInfo query_context,
double  LambdaRatio,
int  subject_id 

Adjusts the E-values in a BLAST_HitList to be composites of a composition-based P-value and a score/alignment-based P-value.

hsp_listthe hitlist whose E-values need to be adjusted
comp_p_valueP-value from sequence composition
seqSrca source of sequence data
subject_lengthlength of database sequence
query_contextinfo about this query context; needed when multiple queries are being used
LambdaRatiothe ratio between the observed value of Lambda and the predicted value of lambda (used to print diagnostics)
subject_idthe subject id of this sequence (used to print diagnostics)

Definition at line 135 of file blast_kappa.c.

References BlastHSPList::best_evalue, BLAST_KarlinEtoP(), BLAST_KarlinPtoE(), Blast_Overall_P_Value(), BlastContextInfo::eff_searchsp, BlastHSP::evalue, for(), BlastHSPList::hsp_array, BlastHSPList::hspcnt, BlastContextInfo::length_adjustment, MAX, and BlastContextInfo::query_length.

Referenced by s_HitlistEvaluateAndPurge().

◆ s_BlastGapAlignStruct_Copy()

static BlastGapAlignStruct* s_BlastGapAlignStruct_Copy ( BlastGapAlignStruct orig,
BlastScoreBlk sbp 

Create a "deep" copy of a BlastGapAlignStruct structure.

Non-pointer structure members are copied. Pointers to data which will only be read are copied. For data which will be changing, memory for copies will be allocated and new pointers will be assigned to them. The process repeats down the structure hierarchy until all pointers are dealt with.

origPointer to BlastGapAlignStruct structure to be copied
sbpPointer to BlastScoreBlk structure, required to set copy->sbp
Pointer to copy of original BlastGapAlignStruct structure

Definition at line 2604 of file blast_kappa.c.

References calloc(), copy(), GapPrelimEditBlock::edit_ops, i, GapStateArrayStruct::length, GapStateArrayStruct::next, NULL, GapEditScript::num, GapPrelimEditScript::num, GapPrelimEditBlock::num_ops_allocated, GapEditScript::op_type, GapPrelimEditScript::op_type, orig, GapEditScript::size, and GapStateArrayStruct::state_array.

Referenced by Blast_RedoAlignmentCore_MT().

◆ s_BlastGapAlignStruct_Free()

static void s_BlastGapAlignStruct_Free ( BlastGapAlignStruct copy)

Free a BlastGapAlignStruct copy created by s_BlastGapAlignStruct_Copy.

copyPointer to BlastGapAlignStruct to be freed

Definition at line 2532 of file blast_kappa.c.

References copy(), NULL, sfree, and GapStateArrayStruct::state_array.

Referenced by Blast_RedoAlignmentCore_MT().

◆ s_BlastScoreBlk_Copy()

static BlastScoreBlk* s_BlastScoreBlk_Copy ( EBlastProgramType  program,
BlastScoreBlk orig,
Uint1  alphabet_code,
Int4  number_of_contexts 

Create a "deep" copy of a BlastScoreBlk structure.

Non-pointer structure members are copied. Pointers to data which will only be read are copied. For data which will be changing, memory for copies will be allocated and new pointers will be assigned to them. The process repeats down the structure hierarchy until all pointers are dealt with.

programThe program type
origPointer to BlastScoreBlk structure to be copied
alphabet_codeAlphabet code
number_of_contextsNumber of contexts
Pointer to copy of original BlastScoreBlk structure

Definition at line 2765 of file blast_kappa.c.

References Blast_KarlinBlkCopy(), Blast_KarlinBlkNew(), Blast_QueryIsPssm(), Blast_ScoreFreqNew(), BlastScoreBlkFree(), BlastScoreBlkNew(), calloc(), copy(), ctx, SBlastScoreMatrix::data, SPsiBlastScoreMatrix::freq_ratios, SBlastScoreMatrix::freqs, i, SPsiBlastScoreMatrix::kbp, SBlastScoreMatrix::lambda, SBlastScoreMatrix::ncols, SBlastScoreMatrix::nrows, NULL, orig, SPsiBlastScoreMatrix::pssm, r(), SPsiBlastScoreMatrixNew(), and strdup.

Referenced by Blast_RedoAlignmentCore_MT().

◆ s_BlastScoreBlk_Free()

static void s_BlastScoreBlk_Free ( BlastScoreBlk **  copy)

Free a BlastScoreBlk copy created by s_BlastScoreBlk_Copy.

BlastScoreBlk* pointer "bsb_ptr" should be passed as (&bsb_ptr); this function will set bsb_ptr to NULL before returning.

copyPointer to (pointer to BlastScoreBlk to be freed)

Definition at line 2743 of file blast_kappa.c.

References BlastScoreBlkFree(), copy(), and NULL.

Referenced by Blast_RedoAlignmentCore_MT().

◆ s_CalcLambda()

static double s_CalcLambda ( double  probs[],
int  min_score,
int  max_score,
double  lambda0 

◆ s_ClearHeap()

static void s_ClearHeap ( BlastCompo_Heap self)

Remove all matches from a BlastCompo_Heap.

Definition at line 2518 of file blast_kappa.c.

References Blast_HSPListFree(), BlastCompo_HeapPop(), and NULL.

Referenced by Blast_RedoAlignmentCore_MT().

◆ s_ComputeNumIdentities()

static void s_ComputeNumIdentities ( const BLAST_SequenceBlk query_blk,
const BlastQueryInfo query_info,
BLAST_SequenceBlk subject_blk,
const BlastSeqSrc seq_src,
BlastHSPList hsp_list,
const BlastScoringOptions scoring_options,
const Uint1 gen_code_string,
const BlastScoreBlk sbp,
BlastSeqSrcSetRangesArg ranges 

Compute the number of identities for the HSPs in the hsp_list.

Should work for blastp and tblastn now.
query_blkthe query sequence data [in]
query_infostructure describing the query_blk structure [in]
seq_srcsource of subject sequence data [in]
hsp_listlist of HSPs to be processed [in|out]
scoring_optionsscoring options [in] @gen_code_string Genetic code for tblastn [in]

Definition at line 459 of file blast_kappa.c.

References ASSERT, Blast_HSPGetNumIdentitiesAndPositives(), Blast_HSPGetTargetTranslation(), Blast_TracebackGetEncoding(), BlastSeqSrcGetSequence(), BlastSeqSrcReleaseSequence(), BlastSequenceBlkFree(), BlastTargetTranslationFree(), BlastTargetTranslationNew(), CODON_LENGTH, BlastHSP::context, context, BlastQueryInfo::contexts, eBlastTypeBlastx, eBlastTypeTblastn, BlastHSPList::hsp_array, BlastHSPList::hspcnt, i, BlastScoringOptions::is_ooframe, NULL, BlastHSPList::oid, BLAST_SequenceBlk::oof_sequence, BlastScoringOptions::program_number, query, BlastContextInfo::query_offset, BlastSeqSrcGetSeqArg::ranges, BLAST_SequenceBlk::sequence, BLAST_SequenceBlk::sequence_nomask, subject, and TRUE.

Referenced by Blast_RedoAlignmentCore_MT().

◆ s_CreateWordArray()

static int s_CreateWordArray ( const Uint1 seq_data,
Int4  seq_len,
Uint8 **  words 

Definition at line 2244 of file blast_kappa.c.

References calloc(), i, mask, NCBI_CONST_UINT8, and s_GetHash().

Referenced by s_GetQueryInfo().

◆ s_DoSegSequenceData()

static int s_DoSegSequenceData ( BlastCompo_SequenceData seqData,
EBlastProgramType  program_name,
Boolean is_seq_biased 

Filter low complexity regions from the sequence data; uses the SEG algorithm.

seqDatadata to be filtered
program_nametype of search being performed
0 for success; -1 for out-of-memory

Definition at line 1428 of file blast_kappa.c.

References Blast_MaskTheResidues(), BlastFilteringOptionsFromString(), BLASTP_MASK_INSTRUCTIONS, BlastSeqLocFree(), BlastSetUp_Filter(), BlastCompo_SequenceData::data, FALSE, BlastCompo_SequenceData::length, NULL, and SBlastFilterOptionsFree().

Referenced by s_SequenceGetProteinRange(), and s_SequenceGetTranslatedRange().

◆ s_ExtendLeft()

static int s_ExtendLeft ( Uint1 query_seq,
int  query_len,
Uint1 subject_seq,
int  subject_len,
int  max_shift,
int query_ext_len,
int subject_ext_len,
int align_len 

Extend left from the end of the sequence and subject ranges and count identities.

The extension stops when there are more than max_shift mismatches or mismatches or gaps are not followed by two identical matches. See description for s_ExtendRight for more details.

query_seqQuery sequence [in]
query_lenQuery length [in]
subject_seqSubject sequence [in]
subject_lenSubject length [in]
max_shiftMaximum number of mismatches or gaps, extension stops if this number is reached [in]
query_ext_lenExtension length on the query [out]
subject_ext_lenExtension length on the subject [out]
align_lenAlignment length [out]
Number of identical residues

Definition at line 1039 of file blast_kappa.c.

References match(), and n.

Referenced by s_FindNumIdentical(), and s_TestNearIdentical().

◆ s_ExtendRight()

static int s_ExtendRight ( Uint1 query_seq,
int  query_len,
Uint1 subject_seq,
int  subject_len,
int  max_shift,
int query_ext_len,
int subject_ext_len,
int align_len 

Do a simple gapped extension to the right from the beginning of query and subject ranges examining only matches and mismatches.

The extension stops when there are more than max_shift mismatches or mismatches or gaps are not followed by two identical matches. This is a simplified version of the Danielle and Jean Thierry-Miegs' jumper alignment implemented in NCBI Magic

query_seqQuery sequence [in]
query_lenQuery length [in]
subject_seqSubject sequence [in]
subject_lenSubject length [in]
max_shiftMaximum number of mismatches or gaps, extension stops if this number is reached [in]
query_ext_lenExtension length on the query [out]
subject_ext_lenExtension length on the subject [out]
align_lenAlignment length [out]
Number of identical residues

Definition at line 944 of file blast_kappa.c.

References match(), and n.

Referenced by s_FindNumIdentical(), and s_TestNearIdentical().

◆ s_FillResultsFromCompoHeaps()

static void s_FillResultsFromCompoHeaps ( BlastHSPResults results,
BlastCompo_Heap  heaps[],
Int4  hitlist_size 

Convert an array of BlastCompo_Heap objects to a BlastHSPResults structure.

resultsBLAST core external results structure (pre-SeqAlign) [out]
heapsan array of BlastCompo_Heap objects
hitlist_sizesize of each list in the results structure above [in]

Definition at line 2493 of file blast_kappa.c.

References Blast_HitListNew(), Blast_HitListUpdate(), Blast_HSPResultsReverseOrder(), BlastCompo_HeapPop(), heap, NULL, and results.

Referenced by Blast_RedoAlignmentCore_MT().

◆ s_FindNumIdentical()

static int s_FindNumIdentical ( Uint1 query_seq,
const Uint8 query_hashes,
int  query_len,
Uint1 subject_seq,
int  subject_len,
int  max_shift 

Find a local number of identical residues in two aligned sequences by finding word matches and doing a simple gapped extensions from the word hits.

query_seqQuery sequence [in]
query_hashesArray of query words with index of each word corresponding to word position in the query [in]
query_lenQuery length [in]
subject_seqSubject sequence [in]
subject_lenSubject length [in]
max_shiftMaximum number of local mismatches or gaps for extensions [in]
Number of identical residues

Definition at line 1143 of file blast_kappa.c.

References FALSE, mask, match(), NCBI_CONST_UINT8, s_ExtendLeft(), s_ExtendRight(), s_GetHash(), and TRUE.

Referenced by s_TestNearIdentical().

◆ s_FreeBlastCompo_QueryInfoArray()

static void s_FreeBlastCompo_QueryInfoArray ( BlastCompo_QueryInfo **  query_info,
int  num_queries 

Definition at line 2279 of file blast_kappa.c.

References free(), i, and NULL.

Referenced by Blast_RedoAlignmentCore_MT().

◆ s_FreeEditScript()

static void s_FreeEditScript ( void *  edit_script)

A callback used to free an EditScript that has been stored in a BlastCompo_Alignment.

Definition at line 283 of file blast_kappa.c.

References GapEditScriptDelete(), and NULL.

Referenced by Blast_RedoAlignmentCore_MT(), and s_HSPListFromDistinctAlignments().

◆ s_GappingParamsNew()

static BlastCompo_GappingParams* s_GappingParamsNew ( BlastKappa_GappingParamsContext context,
const BlastExtensionParameters extendParams,
int  num_queries 

Create a new object of type BlastCompo_GappingParams.

The new object contains the parameters needed by the composition adjustment library to compute a gapped alignment.

contextthe data structures needed by callback functions that perform the gapped alignments.
extendParamsparameters used for a gapped extension
num_queriesthe number of queries in the concatenated query

Definition at line 2355 of file blast_kappa.c.

References BlastCompo_GappingParams::context, context, BlastCompo_GappingParams::gap_extend, BlastScoringParameters::gap_extend, BlastCompo_GappingParams::gap_open, BlastScoringParameters::gap_open, BlastExtensionOptions::gap_x_dropoff_final, BlastExtensionParameters::gap_x_dropoff_final, i, malloc(), MAX, NCBIMATH_LN2, NULL, BlastExtensionParameters::options, and BlastCompo_GappingParams::x_dropoff.

Referenced by s_GetAlignParams().

◆ s_GetAlignParams()

static Blast_RedoAlignParams* s_GetAlignParams ( BlastKappa_GappingParamsContext context,
BLAST_SequenceBlk queryBlk,
const BlastQueryInfo queryInfo,
const BlastHitSavingParameters hitParams,
const BlastExtensionParameters extendParams 

◆ s_GetHash()

static Uint8 s_GetHash ( const Uint1 data,
int  word_size 

Get hash for a word of word_size residues assuming 28-letter alphabet.

dataSequence [in]
word_sizeWord size [in]
Hash value

Definition at line 1117 of file blast_kappa.c.

References data.

Referenced by s_CreateWordArray(), and s_FindNumIdentical().

◆ s_GetPosBasedStartFreqRatios()

static int s_GetPosBasedStartFreqRatios ( double **  returnRatios,
Int4  numPositions,
Uint1 query,
const char *  matrixName,
double **  startNumerator 

Fill a two-dimensional array with the frequency ratios that underlie a position specific score matrix (PSSM).

returnRatiosa two-dimensional array with BLASTAA_SIZE columns
numPositionsthe number of rows in returnRatios
queryquery sequence data, of length numPositions
matrixNamethe name of the position independent matrix corresponding to this PSSM
startNumeratorposition-specific data used to generate the PSSM
0 on success; -1 if the named matrix isn't known, or if there was a memory error

Definition at line 592 of file blast_kappa.c.

References _PSIMatrixFrequencyRatiosFree(), _PSIMatrixFrequencyRatiosNew(), BLAST_GetStandardAaProbabilities(), BLASTAA_SIZE, SFreqRatios::data, eStopChar, eXchar, i, kPosEpsilon, NULL, query, and sfree.

Referenced by s_MatrixInfoInit().

◆ s_GetQueryInfo()

static BlastCompo_QueryInfo* s_GetQueryInfo ( Uint1 query_data,
const BlastQueryInfo blast_query_info,
Boolean  skip 

Save information about all queries in an array of objects of type BlastCompo_QueryInfo.

query_dataquery sequence data
blast_query_infoinformation about all queries, as an internal blast data structure
the new array on success, or NULL on error

Definition at line 2309 of file blast_kappa.c.

References Blast_ReadAaComposition(), BLASTAA_SIZE, calloc(), BlastCompo_QueryInfo::composition, BlastQueryInfo::contexts, BlastCompo_SequenceData::data, BlastCompo_QueryInfo::eff_search_space, BlastContextInfo::eff_searchsp, i, BlastQueryInfo::last_context, BlastCompo_SequenceData::length, NULL, BlastCompo_QueryInfo::origin, BlastContextInfo::query_length, BlastContextInfo::query_offset, s_CreateWordArray(), BlastCompo_QueryInfo::seq, and BlastCompo_QueryInfo::words.

Referenced by Blast_RedoAlignmentCore_MT().

◆ s_GetStartFreqRatios()

static int s_GetStartFreqRatios ( double **  returnRatios,
const char *  matrixName 

Fill a two-dimensional array with the frequency ratios that underlie the named score matrix.

returnRatiosa two-dimensional array of size BLASTAA_SIZE x BLASTAA_SIZE
matrixNamethe name of a matrix
0 on success; -1 if the named matrix isn't known, or if there was a memory error

Definition at line 649 of file blast_kappa.c.

References _PSIMatrixFrequencyRatiosFree(), _PSIMatrixFrequencyRatiosNew(), BLASTAA_SIZE, SFreqRatios::data, i, and NULL.

Referenced by s_MatrixInfoInit().

◆ s_GetSubjectLength()

Int4 s_GetSubjectLength ( Int4  total_subj_length,
EBlastProgramType  program_number 

Definition at line 364 of file blast_kappa.c.

References eBlastTypeRpsTblastn, and GET_NUCL_LENGTH.

Referenced by s_HitlistEvaluateAndPurge().

◆ s_HitlistEvaluateAndPurge()

static int s_HitlistEvaluateAndPurge ( int pbestScore,
double *  pbestEvalue,
BlastHSPList hsp_list,
const BlastSeqSrc seqSrc,
int  subject_length,
EBlastProgramType  program_number,
const BlastQueryInfo queryInfo,
int  context_index,
BlastScoreBlk sbp,
const BlastHitSavingParameters hitParams,
double  pvalueForThisPair,
double  LambdaRatio,
int  subject_id 

Adding evalues to a list of HSPs and remove those that do not have sufficiently good (low) evalue.

*pbestScorebest (highest) score in the list
*pbestEvaluebest (lowest) evalue in the list
hsp_listthe list
seqSrca source of sequence data
subject_lengthlength of the subject sequence
program_numberthe type of BLAST search being performed
queryInfoinformation about the queries
context_indexthe index of the query corresponding to the HSPs in hsp_list
sbpthe score block for this search
hitParamsparameters used to assign evalues and decide whether to save hits.
pvalueForThisPaircomposition p-value
LambdaRatiolambda ratio, if available
subject_idindex of subject
0 on success; -1 on failure (can fail because some methods of generating evalues use auxiliary structures)

Definition at line 395 of file blast_kappa.c.

References BlastHSPList::best_evalue, Blast_HSPListGetEvalues(), Blast_HSPListReapByEvalue(), BLAST_LinkHsps(), BlastQueryInfo::contexts, BlastHitSavingParameters::do_sum_stats, eBlastTypeBlastp, eBlastTypeBlastx, FALSE, BlastHSPList::hsp_array, BlastHSPList::hspcnt, BlastHitSavingParameters::link_hsp_params, BlastHitSavingParameters::options, s_AdjustEvaluesForComposition(), s_GetSubjectLength(), BlastHSP::score, and TRUE.

Referenced by Blast_RedoAlignmentCore_MT().

◆ s_HitlistReapContained()

static void s_HitlistReapContained ( BlastHSP hsp_array[],
Int4 hspcnt 

Remove from a hitlist all HSPs that are completely contained in an HSP that occurs earlier in the list and that:

  • is on the same strand; and
  • has equal or greater score. T The hitlist should be sorted by some measure of significance before this routine is called.
    hsp_arrayarray to be reaped
    hspcntlength of hsp_array

Definition at line 224 of file blast_kappa.c.

References Blast_HSPFree(), CONTAINED_IN_HSP, BlastSeg::end, BlastSeg::frame, NULL, BlastSeg::offset, BlastHSP::query, BlastHSP::score, and BlastHSP::subject.

Referenced by Blast_RedoAlignmentCore_MT().

◆ s_HSPListFromDistinctAlignments()

static int s_HSPListFromDistinctAlignments ( BlastHSPList hsp_list,
BlastCompo_Alignment **  alignments,
int  oid,
const BlastQueryInfo queryInfo,
int  frame 

Converts a list of objects of type BlastCompo_Alignment to an new object of type BlastHSPList and returns the result.

Conversion in this direction is lossless. The list passed to this routine is freed to ensure that there is no aliasing of fields between the list of BlastCompo_Alignments and the new hitlist.

hsp_listThe hsp_list to populate
alignmentsA list of distinct alignments; freed before return [in]
oidOrdinal id of a database sequence [in]
queryInfoinformation about all queries in this search [in]
framequery frame
Allocated and filled BlastHSPList structure.

Definition at line 305 of file blast_kappa.c.

References Blast_HSPInit(), Blast_HSPListFree(), Blast_HSPListSaveHSP(), Blast_HSPListSortByScore(), BlastCompo_AlignmentsFree(), BlastHSP::comp_adjustment_method, BlastCompo_Alignment::context, eCompoScaleOldMatrix, eCompositionBasedStats, eCompositionMatrixAdjust, eDontAdjustMatrix, eNoCompositionBasedStats, BlastCompo_Alignment::frame, BlastCompo_Alignment::matchEnd, BlastCompo_Alignment::matchStart, BlastCompo_Alignment::matrix_adjust_rule, BlastCompo_Alignment::next, NULL, BlastHSP::num_ident, BlastHSPList::oid, BlastCompo_Alignment::queryEnd, BlastCompo_Alignment::queryIndex, BlastCompo_Alignment::queryStart, s_FreeEditScript(), and BlastCompo_Alignment::score.

Referenced by Blast_RedoAlignmentCore_MT().

◆ s_HSPListNormalizeScores()

static void s_HSPListNormalizeScores ( BlastHSPList hsp_list,
double  lambda,
double  logK,
double  scoreDivisor 

Given a list of HSPs with (possibly) high-precision scores, rescale the scores to have standard precision and set the scale-independent bit scores.

This routine does *not* resort the list; it is assumed that the list is already sorted according to e-values that have been computed using the initial, higher-precision scores.

hsp_listthe HSP list
logKKarlin-Altschul statistical parameter [in]
lambdaKarlin-Altschul statistical parameter [in]
scoreDivisorthe value by which reported scores are to be

Definition at line 102 of file blast_kappa.c.

References BlastHSP::bit_score, BLAST_Nint(), BlastHSPList::hsp_array, BlastHSPList::hspcnt, lambda(), NCBIMATH_LN2, and BlastHSP::score.

Referenced by Blast_RedoAlignmentCore_MT().

◆ s_MatchingSequenceInitialize()

static int s_MatchingSequenceInitialize ( BlastCompo_MatchingSequence self,
EBlastProgramType  program_number,
const BlastSeqSrc seqSrc,
Int4  default_db_genetic_code,
Int4  subject_index,
BlastSeqSrcSetRangesArg ranges 

Initialize a new matching sequence, obtaining information about the sequence from the search.

selfobject to be initialized
seqSrcA pointer to a source from which sequence data may be obtained
program_numberidentifies the type of blast search being performed.
default_db_genetic_codedefault genetic code to use when subject sequences are translated and there is no other guidance on what code to use
subject_indexindex of the matching sequence in the database

Definition at line 1357 of file blast_kappa.c.

References ASSERT, Blast_SubjectIsTranslated(), BlastSeqSrcGetSeqLen(), BlastSeqSrcGetSequence(), BlastSeqSrcGetSeqArg::check_oid_exclusion, eBlastEncodingNcbi4na, eBlastEncodingProtein, eBlastTypeTblastn, BlastSeqSrcGetSeqArg::encoding, BLAST_SequenceBlk::gen_code_string, GenCodeSingletonFind(), malloc(), NULL, BlastSeqSrcGetSeqArg::oid, BlastKappa_SequenceInfo::prog_number, BlastSeqSrcGetSeqArg::ranges, s_MatchingSequenceRelease(), BlastSeqSrcGetSeqArg::seq, BlastKappa_SequenceInfo::seq_arg, BlastKappa_SequenceInfo::seq_src, and TRUE.

Referenced by Blast_RedoAlignmentCore_MT().

◆ s_MatchingSequenceRelease()

static void s_MatchingSequenceRelease ( BlastCompo_MatchingSequence self)

◆ s_MatrixInfoInit()

static int s_MatrixInfoInit ( Blast_MatrixInfo self,
BLAST_SequenceBlk queryBlk,
BlastScoreBlk sbp,
double  scale_factor,
const char *  matrixName 

Initialize an object of type Blast_MatrixInfo.

selfobject being initialized
queryBlkthe query sequence data
sbpscore block for this search
scale_factoramount by which ungapped parameters should be scaled
matrixNamename of the matrix

Definition at line 2199 of file blast_kappa.c.

References Blast_Int4MatrixFromFreq(), SPsiBlastScoreMatrix::freq_ratios, BlastScoreBlk::kbp_ideal, BlastScoreBlk::kbp_psi, Blast_KarlinBlk::Lambda, BLAST_SequenceBlk::length, malloc(), NULL, BlastScoreBlk::psi_matrix, s_GetPosBasedStartFreqRatios(), s_GetStartFreqRatios(), s_ScalePosMatrix(), and BLAST_SequenceBlk::sequence.

Referenced by s_GetAlignParams().

◆ s_NewAlignmentFromGapAlign()

static BlastCompo_Alignment* s_NewAlignmentFromGapAlign ( BlastGapAlignStruct gap_align,
GapEditScript **  edit_script,
BlastCompo_SequenceRange query_range,
BlastCompo_SequenceRange subject_range,
EMatrixAdjustRule  matrix_adjust_rule 

Reads a BlastGapAlignStruct that has been used to compute a traceback, and return a BlastCompo_Alignment representing the alignment.

The BlastGapAlignStruct is in coordinates local to the ranges being aligned; the resulting alignment is in coordinates w.r.t. the whole query and subject.

gap_alignthe BlastGapAlignStruct
*edit_scriptthe edit script from the alignment; on exit NULL. The edit_script is usually gap_align->edit_script, but we don't want an implicit side effect on the gap_align.
query_rangethe range of the query used in this alignment
subject_rangethe range of the subject used in this alignment
matrix_adjust_rulethe rule used to compute the scoring matrix
the new alignment on success or NULL on error

Definition at line 1748 of file blast_kappa.c.

References BlastCompo_SequenceRange::begin, BlastCompo_AlignmentNew(), BlastCompo_SequenceRange::context, NULL, BlastGapAlignStruct::query_start, BlastGapAlignStruct::query_stop, BlastGapAlignStruct::score, BlastGapAlignStruct::subject_start, and BlastGapAlignStruct::subject_stop.

Referenced by s_RedoOneAlignment().

◆ s_NewAlignmentUsingXdrop()

static int s_NewAlignmentUsingXdrop ( BlastCompo_Alignment **  pnewAlign,
Int4 pqueryEnd,
Int4 pmatchEnd,
Int4  queryStart,
Int4  matchStart,
Int4  score,
BlastCompo_SequenceData query,
BlastCompo_SequenceRange query_range,
Int4  ccat_query_length,
BlastCompo_SequenceData subject,
BlastCompo_SequenceRange subject_range,
Int4  full_subject_length,
BlastCompo_GappingParams gapping_params,
EMatrixAdjustRule  matrix_adjust_rule 

A callback used when performing SmithWaterman alignments: Calculate the traceback for one alignment by performing an x-drop alignment in the forward direction, possibly increasing the x-drop parameter until the desired score is attained.

The start, end and score of the alignment should be obtained using the Smith-Waterman algorithm before this routine is called.

*pnewAlignthe new alignment
*pqueryEndon entry, the end of the alignment in the query, as computed by the Smith-Waterman algorithm. On exit, the end as computed by the x-drop algorithm
*pmatchEndlike as *pqueryEnd, but for the subject sequence
queryStartthe starting point in the query
matchStartthe starting point in the subject
scorethe score of the alignment, as computed by the Smith-Waterman algorithm
queryquery sequence data
query_rangerange of this query in the concatenated query
ccat_query_lengthtotal length of the concatenated query
subjectsubject sequence data
subject_rangerange of subject_data in the translated query, in amino acid coordinates
full_subject_lengthlength of the full subject sequence
gapping_paramsparameters used to compute gapped alignments
matrix_adjust_rulethe rule used to compute the scoring matrix
0 (posts a fatal error if it fails)
See also

Definition at line 1813 of file blast_kappa.c.

References BlastCompo_SequenceRange::begin, Blast_PrelimEditBlockToGapEditScript(), BlastCompo_AlignmentNew(), BlastCompo_GappingParams::context, BlastCompo_SequenceRange::context, context, BlastGapAlignStruct::fwd_prelim_tback, BlastGapAlignStruct::gap_x_dropoff, GapEditScriptDelete(), NULL, query, BlastGapAlignStruct::rev_prelim_tback, s_SWFindFinalEndsUsingXdrop(), subject, and BlastCompo_GappingParams::x_dropoff.

◆ s_RecordInitialSearch()

static int s_RecordInitialSearch ( BlastKappa_SavedParameters searchParams,
BlastScoreBlk sbp,
const BlastScoringParameters scoring,
int  query_length,
ECompoAdjustModes  compo_adjust_mode,
Boolean  positionBased 

Record the initial value of the search parameters that are to be adjusted.

searchParamsholds the recorded values [out]
sbpa score block [in]
scoringgapped alignment parameters [in]
query_lengthlength of the concatenated query [in]
compo_adjust_modecomposition adjustment mode [in]
positionBasedis this search position-based [in]

Definition at line 2060 of file blast_kappa.c.

References Blast_KarlinBlkCopy(), Blast_KarlinBlkNew(), BLASTAA_SIZE, SBlastScoreMatrix::data, eNoCompositionBasedStats, BlastScoringParameters::gap_extend, BlastScoringParameters::gap_open, BlastKappa_SavedParameters::gap_open, BlastKappa_SavedParameters::gapExtend, i, BlastScoreBlk::kbp_gap, BlastKappa_SavedParameters::kbp_gap_orig, BlastScoreBlk::matrix, NULL, BlastKappa_SavedParameters::num_queries, BlastKappa_SavedParameters::origMatrix, BlastScoreBlk::psi_matrix, SPsiBlastScoreMatrix::pssm, BlastScoringParameters::scale_factor, and BlastKappa_SavedParameters::scale_factor.

Referenced by Blast_RedoAlignmentCore_MT().

◆ s_RedoOneAlignment()

static BlastCompo_Alignment* s_RedoOneAlignment ( BlastCompo_Alignment in_align,
EMatrixAdjustRule  matrix_adjust_rule,
BlastCompo_SequenceData query_data,
BlastCompo_SequenceRange query_range,
int  ccat_query_length,
BlastCompo_SequenceData subject_data,
BlastCompo_SequenceRange subject_range,
int  full_subject_length,
BlastCompo_GappingParams gapping_params 

A callback: calculate the traceback for one alignment by performing an x-drop alignment in both directions.

in_alignthe existing alignment, without traceback
matrix_adjust_rulethe rule used to compute the scoring matrix
query_dataquery sequence data
query_rangerange of this query in the concatenated query
ccat_query_lengthtotal length of the concatenated query
subject_datasubject sequence data
subject_rangerange of subject_data in the translated query, in amino acid coordinates
full_subject_lengthlength of the full subject sequence
gapping_paramsparameters used to compute gapped alignments
See also

Definition at line 1899 of file blast_kappa.c.

References BlastCompo_SequenceRange::begin, BLAST_GappedAlignmentWithTraceback(), BlastCompo_Alignment::context, BlastCompo_GappingParams::context, context, BlastCompo_SequenceData::data, BlastGapAlignStruct::edit_script, FALSE, BlastGapAlignStruct::gap_x_dropoff, BlastSeg::gapped_start, BlastCompo_SequenceData::length, NULL, BlastHSP::query, s_NewAlignmentFromGapAlign(), BlastHSP::subject, and BlastCompo_GappingParams::x_dropoff.

◆ s_RescaleSearch()

static void s_RescaleSearch ( BlastScoreBlk sbp,
BlastScoringParameters sp,
int  num_queries,
double  scale_factor 

Rescale the search parameters in the search object and options object to obtain more precision.

sbpscore block to be rescaled
spscoring parameters to be rescaled
num_queriesnumber of queries in this search
scale_factoramount by which to scale this search

Definition at line 2117 of file blast_kappa.c.

References BLAST_Nint(), BlastScoringParameters::gap_extend, BlastScoringParameters::gap_open, i, Blast_KarlinBlk::K, BlastScoreBlk::kbp_gap, Blast_KarlinBlk::Lambda, log, Blast_KarlinBlk::logK, NULL, and BlastScoringParameters::scale_factor.

Referenced by Blast_RedoAlignmentCore_MT().

◆ s_RestoreSearch()

static void s_RestoreSearch ( BlastScoreBlk sbp,
BlastScoringParameters scoring,
const BlastKappa_SavedParameters searchParams,
int  query_length,
Boolean  positionBased,
ECompoAdjustModes  compo_adjust_mode 

Restore the parameters that were adjusted to their original values.

sbpthe score block to be restored
scoringthe scoring parameters to be restored
searchParamsthe initial recorded values of the parameters
query_lengththe concatenated query length
positionBasedis this search position-based
compo_adjust_modemode of composition adjustment

Definition at line 2148 of file blast_kappa.c.

References Blast_KarlinBlkCopy(), BLASTAA_SIZE, SBlastScoreMatrix::data, eNoCompositionBasedStats, BlastScoringParameters::gap_extend, BlastScoringParameters::gap_open, BlastKappa_SavedParameters::gap_open, BlastKappa_SavedParameters::gapExtend, i, BlastScoreBlk::kbp_gap, BlastKappa_SavedParameters::kbp_gap_orig, BlastScoreBlk::matrix, NULL, BlastKappa_SavedParameters::num_queries, BlastKappa_SavedParameters::origMatrix, BlastScoreBlk::psi_matrix, SPsiBlastScoreMatrix::pssm, BlastScoringParameters::scale_factor, and BlastKappa_SavedParameters::scale_factor.

Referenced by Blast_RedoAlignmentCore_MT().

◆ s_ResultHspToDistinctAlign()

static int s_ResultHspToDistinctAlign ( BlastCompo_Alignment **  self,
int numAligns,
BlastHSP hsp_array[],
Int4  hspcnt,
int  init_context,
const BlastQueryInfo queryInfo,
double  localScalingFactor 

Convert an array of HSPs to a list of BlastCompo_Alignment objects.

The context field of each BlastCompo_Alignment is set to point to the corresponding HSP.

selfthe array of alignment to be filled
numAlignsnumber of alignments
hsp_arrayan array of HSPs
hspcntthe length of hsp_array
init_contextthe initial context to process
queryInfoinformation about the concatenated query
localScalingFactorthe amount by which this search is scaled
the new list of alignments; or NULL if there is an out-of-memory error (or if the original array is empty)

Definition at line 770 of file blast_kappa.c.

References ASSERT, BlastCompo_AlignmentNew(), BlastHSP::context, eDontAdjustMatrix, BlastSeg::end, BlastSeg::frame, BlastCompo_Alignment::next, NULL, BlastSeg::offset, BlastHSP::query, BlastHSP::score, and BlastHSP::subject.

Referenced by Blast_RedoAlignmentCore_MT().

◆ s_SavedParametersFree()

static void s_SavedParametersFree ( BlastKappa_SavedParameters **  searchParams)

Release the data associated with a BlastKappa_SavedParameters and delete the object.

searchParamsthe object to be deleted [in][out]

Definition at line 1978 of file blast_kappa.c.

References Blast_KarlinBlkFree(), free(), i, BlastKappa_SavedParameters::kbp_gap_orig, Nlm_Int4MatrixFree(), NULL, BlastKappa_SavedParameters::num_queries, BlastKappa_SavedParameters::origMatrix, and sfree.

Referenced by Blast_RedoAlignmentCore_MT(), and s_SavedParametersNew().

◆ s_SavedParametersNew()

static BlastKappa_SavedParameters* s_SavedParametersNew ( Int4  rows,
Int4  numQueries,
ECompoAdjustModes  compo_adjust_mode,
Boolean  positionBased 

Create a new instance of BlastKappa_SavedParameters.

rowsnumber of rows in the scoring matrix
numQueriesnumber of queries in this search
compo_adjust_modeif >0, use composition-based statistics
positionBasedif true, the search is position-based

Definition at line 2009 of file blast_kappa.c.

References BLASTAA_SIZE, calloc(), eNoCompositionBasedStats, i, BlastKappa_SavedParameters::kbp_gap_orig, malloc(), Nlm_Int4MatrixNew(), NULL, BlastKappa_SavedParameters::num_queries, BlastKappa_SavedParameters::origMatrix, and s_SavedParametersFree().

Referenced by Blast_RedoAlignmentCore_MT().

◆ s_ScalePosMatrix()

static int s_ScalePosMatrix ( int **  fillPosMatrix,
const char *  matrixName,
double **  posFreqs,
Uint1 query,
int  queryLength,
BlastScoreBlk sbp,
double  scale_factor 

Produce a scaled-up version of the position-specific matrix with a given set of position-specific residue frequencies.

fillPosMatrixis the matrix to be filled
matrixNamename of the standard substitution matrix [in]
posFreqsPSSM's frequency ratios [in]
queryQuery sequence data [in]
queryLengthLength of the query sequence above [in]
sbpstores various parameters of the search
scale_factoramount by which ungapped parameters should be scaled.
0 on success; -1 on failure

Definition at line 694 of file blast_kappa.c.

References _PSIConvertFreqRatiosToPSSM(), _PSICopyMatrix_double(), _PSICopyMatrix_int(), _PSIInternalPssmDataFree(), _PSIInternalPssmDataNew(), BLASTAA_SIZE, cleanup(), FALSE, _PSIInternalPssmData::freq_ratios, Kappa_compactSearchItemsFree(), Kappa_compactSearchItemsNew(), Kappa_impalaScaling(), Kappa_posSearchItemsFree(), Kappa_posSearchItemsNew(), _PSIInternalPssmData::ncols, _PSIInternalPssmData::nrows, NULL, Kappa_posSearchItems::posFreqs, Kappa_posSearchItems::posMatrix, Kappa_posSearchItems::posPrivateMatrix, _PSIInternalPssmData::pssm, query, _PSIInternalPssmData::scaled_pssm, and Kappa_compactSearchItems::standardProb.

Referenced by s_MatrixInfoInit().

◆ s_SequenceGetProteinRange()

static int s_SequenceGetProteinRange ( const BlastCompo_MatchingSequence self,
const BlastCompo_SequenceRange range,
BlastCompo_SequenceData seqData,
const BlastCompo_SequenceRange q_range,
BlastCompo_SequenceData queryData,
const Uint8 query_words,
const BlastCompo_Alignment align,
const Boolean  shouldTestIdentical,
const ECompoAdjustModes  compo_adjust_mode,
const Boolean  isSmithWaterman,
Boolean subject_maybe_biased 

Get a string of protein data from a protein sequence.

selfa protein sequence [in]
rangethe range to get [in]
seqDatathe resulting data [out]
queryDatathe query sequence [in]
queryOffsetoffset for align if there are multiple queries
aligninformation about the alignment between query and subject [in]
shouldTestIdenticaldid alignment pass a preliminary test in redo_alignment.c that indicates the sequence pieces may be near identical [in]
0 on success; -1 on failure

Definition at line 1573 of file blast_kappa.c.

References BlastCompo_SequenceRange::begin, BlastCompo_SequenceData::buffer, calloc(), BlastCompo_SequenceData::data, eBlastTypeBlastp, f, BlastCompo_Alignment::frame, free(), GET_NUCL_LENGTH, GET_SEQ_FRAME, GET_TRANSLATED_LENGTH, i, KAPPA_BLASTP_NO_SEG_SEQUENCE, BlastCompo_SequenceData::length, NULL, offsets, compile_time_bits::range(), s_DoSegSequenceData(), s_TestNearIdentical(), BlastSeqSrcGetSeqArg::seq, BlastKappa_SequenceInfo::seq_arg, and BLAST_SequenceBlk::sequence.

Referenced by s_SequenceGetRange().

◆ s_SequenceGetRange()

static int s_SequenceGetRange ( const BlastCompo_MatchingSequence self,
const BlastCompo_SequenceRange s_range,
BlastCompo_SequenceData seqData,
const BlastCompo_SequenceData query,
const BlastCompo_SequenceRange q_range,
BlastCompo_SequenceData queryData,
const Uint8 query_words,
const BlastCompo_Alignment align,
const Boolean  shouldTestIdentical,
const ECompoAdjustModes  compo_adjust_mode,
const Boolean  isSmithWaterman,
Boolean subject_maybe_biased 

Obtain the sequence data that lies within the given range.

selfsequence information [in]
rangerange specifying the range of data [in]
seqDatathe sequence data obtained [out]
seqDatathe resulting data [out]
queryDatathe query sequence [in]
queryOffsetoffset for align if there are multiple queries
aligninformation about the alignment between query and subject
shouldTestIdenticaldid alignment pass a preliminary test in redo_alignment.c that indicates the sequence pieces may be near identical
0 on success; -1 on failure

Definition at line 1671 of file blast_kappa.c.

References BlastCompo_SequenceRange::begin, BlastCompo_SequenceData::buffer, calloc(), BlastCompo_SequenceData::data, eBlastTypeTblastn, BlastCompo_SequenceRange::end, BlastCompo_SequenceData::length, BlastKappa_SequenceInfo::prog_number, query, s_SequenceGetProteinRange(), and s_SequenceGetTranslatedRange().

◆ s_SequenceGetTranslatedRange()

static int s_SequenceGetTranslatedRange ( const BlastCompo_MatchingSequence self,
const BlastCompo_SequenceRange range,
BlastCompo_SequenceData seqData,
const BlastCompo_SequenceRange q_range,
BlastCompo_SequenceData queryData,
const Uint8 query_words,
const BlastCompo_Alignment align,
const Boolean  shouldTestIdentical,
const ECompoAdjustModes  compo_adjust_mode,
const Boolean  isSmithWaterman,
Boolean subject_maybe_biased 

Obtain a string of translated data.

selfthe sequence from which to obtain the data [in]
rangethe range and translation frame to get [in]
seqDatathe resulting data [out]
queryDatathe query sequence [in]
queryOffsetoffset for align if there are multiple queries
aligninformation about the alignment between query and subject
shouldTestIdenticaldid alignment pass a preliminary test in redo_alignment.c that indicates the sequence pieces may be near identical
0 on success; -1 on failure

Definition at line 1475 of file blast_kappa.c.

References ABS, BlastCompo_SequenceRange::begin, Blast_GetPartialTranslation(), BlastCompo_SequenceData::buffer, BlastCompo_SequenceData::data, eBlastTypeTblastn, free(), BLAST_SequenceBlk::gen_code_string, KAPPA_TBLASTN_NO_SEG_SEQUENCE, BlastCompo_SequenceData::length, NULL, compile_time_bits::range(), s_DoSegSequenceData(), s_TestNearIdentical(), BlastSeqSrcGetSeqArg::seq, BlastKappa_SequenceInfo::seq_arg, and BLAST_SequenceBlk::sequence_start.

Referenced by s_SequenceGetRange().

◆ s_SWFindFinalEndsUsingXdrop()

static void s_SWFindFinalEndsUsingXdrop ( BlastCompo_SequenceData query,
Int4  queryStart,
Int4  queryEnd,
BlastCompo_SequenceData subject,
Int4  matchStart,
Int4  matchEnd,
BlastGapAlignStruct gap_align,
const BlastScoringParameters scoringParams,
Int4  score,
Int4 queryAlignmentExtent,
Int4 matchAlignmentExtent,
Int4 newScore 

Redo a S-W alignment using an x-drop alignment.

The result will usually be the same as the S-W alignment. The call to ALIGN_EX attempts to force the endpoints of the alignment to match the optimal endpoints determined by the Smith-Waterman algorithm. ALIGN_EX is used, so that if the data structures for storing BLAST alignments are changed, the code will not break

querythe query data
queryStartstart of the alignment in the query sequence
queryEndend of the alignment in the query sequence, as computed by the Smith-Waterman algorithm
subjectthe subject (database) sequence
matchStartstart of the alignment in the subject sequence
matchEndend of the alignment in the query sequence, as computed by the Smith-Waterman algorithm
gap_alignparameters for a gapped alignment
scoringParamsSettings for gapped alignment.[in]
scorescore computed by the Smith-Waterman algorithm
queryAlignmentExtentlength of the alignment in the query sequence, as computed by the x-drop algorithm
matchAlignmentExtentlength of the alignment in the subject sequence, as computed by the x-drop algorithm
newScorealignment score computed by the x-drop algorithm

Definition at line 844 of file blast_kappa.c.

References ALIGN_EX(), FALSE, BlastGapAlignStruct::fwd_prelim_tback, BlastGapAlignStruct::gap_x_dropoff, GapPrelimEditBlockReset(), NULL, query, BlastGapAlignStruct::rev_prelim_tback, and subject.

Referenced by s_NewAlignmentUsingXdrop().

◆ s_TestNearIdentical()

static Boolean s_TestNearIdentical ( const BlastCompo_SequenceData seqData,
const int  seqOffset,
const BlastCompo_SequenceData queryData,
const int  queryOffset,
const Uint8 query_words,
const BlastCompo_Alignment align 

Test whether the aligned parts of two sequences that have a high-scoring gapless alignment are nearly identical.

First extend from the left end of the query and subject ranges and stop if there are too manu mismatches. Then extend from the right end. Then for the remaining protion of ths sequences find matching words and extend left and right from the word hit. Repeat the last steo until the whole alignment ranges are processed.

@params seqData Subject sequence [in] @params seqOffse Starting offset of the subject sequence in alignment data [in] @params queryData Query sequence [in] @params queryOffset Starting offset of the query sequence in alignment data [in]

query_wordsArray of query words with word index corresponding to word's position in the query [in]
alignAlignment data [in]
True if sequence parts are nearly identical, false otherwise

Definition at line 1259 of file blast_kappa.c.

References ASSERT, BlastCompo_SequenceData::data, FALSE, BlastCompo_Alignment::matchEnd, BlastCompo_Alignment::matchStart, MIN, BlastCompo_Alignment::queryEnd, BlastCompo_Alignment::queryStart, s_ExtendLeft(), s_ExtendRight(), s_FindNumIdentical(), and TRUE.

Referenced by s_SequenceGetProteinRange(), and s_SequenceGetTranslatedRange().

Variable Documentation

◆ redo_align_callbacks

const Blast_RedoAlignCallbacks redo_align_callbacks
Initial value:
= {
static BlastCompo_Alignment * s_RedoOneAlignment(BlastCompo_Alignment *in_align, EMatrixAdjustRule matrix_adjust_rule, BlastCompo_SequenceData *query_data, BlastCompo_SequenceRange *query_range, int ccat_query_length, BlastCompo_SequenceData *subject_data, BlastCompo_SequenceRange *subject_range, int full_subject_length, BlastCompo_GappingParams *gapping_params)
A callback: calculate the traceback for one alignment by performing an x-drop alignment in both direc...
Definition: blast_kappa.c:1899
static int s_NewAlignmentUsingXdrop(BlastCompo_Alignment **pnewAlign, Int4 *pqueryEnd, Int4 *pmatchEnd, Int4 queryStart, Int4 matchStart, Int4 score, BlastCompo_SequenceData *query, BlastCompo_SequenceRange *query_range, Int4 ccat_query_length, BlastCompo_SequenceData *subject, BlastCompo_SequenceRange *subject_range, Int4 full_subject_length, BlastCompo_GappingParams *gapping_params, EMatrixAdjustRule matrix_adjust_rule)
A callback used when performing SmithWaterman alignments: Calculate the traceback for one alignment b...
Definition: blast_kappa.c:1813
static int s_SequenceGetRange(const BlastCompo_MatchingSequence *self, const BlastCompo_SequenceRange *s_range, BlastCompo_SequenceData *seqData, const BlastCompo_SequenceData *query, const BlastCompo_SequenceRange *q_range, BlastCompo_SequenceData *queryData, const Uint8 *query_words, const BlastCompo_Alignment *align, const Boolean shouldTestIdentical, const ECompoAdjustModes compo_adjust_mode, const Boolean isSmithWaterman, Boolean *subject_maybe_biased)
Obtain the sequence data that lies within the given range.
Definition: blast_kappa.c:1671
static void s_FreeEditScript(void *edit_script)
A callback used to free an EditScript that has been stored in a BlastCompo_Alignment.
Definition: blast_kappa.c:283
static double s_CalcLambda(double probs[], int min_score, int max_score, double lambda0)
A callback routine: compute lambda for the given score probabilities.
Definition: blast_kappa.c:551

Callbacks used by the Blast_RedoOneMatch* routines.

Definition at line 2391 of file blast_kappa.c.

Referenced by s_GetAlignParams().

Modified on Fri Sep 20 14:57:13 2024 by rev. 669887