88 m_Candidates = candidates;
95 m_Opts->SetRemoteProgramAndService_Blast3(
Declares the CBlastAdvancedProteinOptionsHandle class.
NULL operations for other cases.
Handle to the Advanced BLASTP options.
Enumerates the possible contexts in which objects of this type can be used.
@ eLocal
To be used for running BLAST locally.
Handle to the KMER BLASTP options.
int GetCandidateSeqs() const
Gets the max number of candidate matches to process with BLAST.
int GetMinHits() const
Returns the number of hits to initiate calculation of Jaccard distance.
CBlastpKmerOptionsHandle(CRef< CBlastOptions > opt)
double m_Thresh
Jaccard distance cutoff.
virtual void SetRemoteProgramAndService_Blast3()
Set the program and service name for remote blast.
int m_Candidates
Number of target seqs to process with BLAST.
CBlastpKmerOptionsHandle & operator=(const CBlastpKmerOptionsHandle &rhs)
Disallow assignment operator.
void SetMinHits(int minhits=1)
Sets the number of hits ot initiate calculation of Jaccard distance.
CBlastpKmerOptionsHandle(const CBlastpKmerOptionsHandle &rhs)
Disallow copy constructor.
void SetCandidateSeqs(int candidates=1000)
Sets the max number of candidate matches to process with BLAST @candidates max number of target seque...
void SetThresh(double thresh=0.1)
Sets Threshold for Jaccard distance.
double GetThresh() const
Returns threshold for Jaccard distance (range: 0-1)
int m_MinHits
number of hits to initiate calculation of Jaccard distance in LSH
End previously defined NCBI scope.
#define END_SCOPE(ns)
End the previously defined scope.
Define ncbi namespace.
#define BEGIN_SCOPE(ns)
Define a new scope.