NCBI C++ ToolKit
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1 /* $Id: cache.cpp 90354 2020-06-08 15:50:52Z grichenk $
2  * ===========================================================================
3  *
5  * National Center for Biotechnology Information
6  *
7  * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
8  * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
9  * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
10  * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
11  * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
12  * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
13  *
14  * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
15  * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
16  * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
17  * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
18  * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
19  * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
20  * purpose.
21  *
22  * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
23  *
24  * ===========================================================================
25  *
26  * Author: Vladimir Soussov, Michael Domrachev
27  *
28  * File Description:
29  * NCBI Taxonomy information retreival library caching implementation
30  *
31  */
33 #include <ncbi_pch.hpp>
35 #include <serial/serial.hpp>
36 #include <serial/objistrasn.hpp>
39 #include "cache.hpp"
41 #include <vector>
42 #include <algorithm>
45 BEGIN_objects_SCOPE
49  : m_host( host ), m_ppEntries( 0 ), m_nCacheCapacity( 10 )
50 {
51  return;
52 }
55 {
56  delete[] m_ppEntries;
57  for( list<SCacheEntry*>::iterator i = m_lCache.begin();
58  i != m_lCache.end();
59  ++i ) {
60  delete *i;
61  }
62 }
64 bool
65 COrgRefCache::Init( unsigned nCapacity )
66 {
67  CTaxon1_req req;
68  CTaxon1_resp resp;
70  req.SetMaxtaxid();
72  if( m_host.SendRequest( req, resp ) ) {
73  if( resp.IsMaxtaxid() ) {
74  // Correct response, return object
75  m_nMaxTaxId = TAX_ID_TO(unsigned, resp.GetMaxtaxid());
78  memset( m_ppEntries, '\0', m_nMaxTaxId*sizeof(*m_ppEntries) );
79  } else { // Internal: wrong respond type
80  m_host.SetLastError( "Response type is not Maxtaxid" );
81  return false;
82  }
83  } else {
84  return false;
85  }
86  CTaxon1_name* pNode = ( new CTaxon1_name );
87  pNode->SetTaxid( TAX_ID_CONST(1) );
88  pNode->SetOname().assign("root");
89  pNode->SetCde( 0x40000000 ); // Gene bank hidden
90  CTaxon1Node* pRoot = new CTaxon1Node( CRef<CTaxon1_name>(pNode) );
91  m_tPartTree.SetRoot( pRoot );
92  SetIndexEntry( 1, pRoot );
94  if( nCapacity != 0 ) {
95  m_nCacheCapacity = nCapacity;
96  }
97 // InitRanks();
98 // InitDivisions();
99  return true;
100 }
102 bool
104 {
105  if( TAX_ID_TO(unsigned, tax_id) < m_nMaxTaxId ) {
106  *ppNode = m_ppEntries[TAX_ID_TO(unsigned, tax_id)];
107  } else {
108  *ppNode = NULL;
109  }
110  return *ppNode != NULL;
111 }
113 bool
115 {
116  *ppData = NULL;
117  if(TAX_ID_TO(unsigned, tax_id) < m_nMaxTaxId ) {
118  CTaxon1Node* pNode = ( m_ppEntries[TAX_ID_TO(unsigned, tax_id)] );
119  if( pNode ) {
120  *ppData = pNode;
121  return true;
122  } else { // Add the entry from server
123  CTaxon1_req req;
124  CTaxon1_resp resp;
126  req.SetTaxalineage(TAX_ID_TO(int, tax_id) );
128  if( m_host.SendRequest( req, resp ) ) {
129  if( resp.IsTaxalineage() ) {
130  // Correct response, return object
131  list< CRef<CTaxon1_name> >& lLin = resp.SetTaxalineage();
132  CTaxon1Node* pParent = 0;
133  pNode = 0;
134  // Check if this is a secondary node
135  if( lLin.front()->GetTaxid() != tax_id ) {
136  // Secondary node, try to get primary from index
137  pNode = m_ppEntries[TAX_ID_TO(unsigned, lLin.front()->GetTaxid()) ];
138  }
139  if( !pNode ) {
140  list< CRef< CTaxon1_name > >::reverse_iterator i;
141  // Fill in storage
142  for( i = lLin.rbegin(); i != lLin.rend(); ++i ) {
143  if( !m_ppEntries[TAX_ID_TO(unsigned, (*i)->GetTaxid()) ] ) {
144  // Create node
145  break;
146  } else {
147  pParent = m_ppEntries[TAX_ID_TO(unsigned, (*i)->GetTaxid()) ];
148  }
149  }
150  // Create tree iterator
152  if( !pParent ) {
153  pParent = static_cast<CTaxon1Node*>(pIt->GetNode());
154  }
155  pIt->GoNode( pParent );
156  for( ; i != lLin.rend(); ++i ) {
157  pNode = new CTaxon1Node(*i);
158  m_ppEntries[TAX_ID_TO(unsigned, pNode->GetTaxId()) ] = pNode;
159  pIt->AddChild( pNode );
160  pIt->GoNode( pNode );
161  }
162  delete pIt;
163  } else { // Store secondary in index
164  m_ppEntries[TAX_ID_TO(unsigned, tax_id) ] = pNode;
165  }
166  _ASSERT( pNode );
167  *ppData = pNode;
168  return true;
169  } else { // Internal: wrong respond type
170  m_host.SetLastError( "Unable to get node lineage: "
171  "Response type is not Taxalineage" );
172  return false;
173  }
174  }
175  }
176  }
177  return false;
178 }
180 bool
182 {
183  CTaxon1Node* pNode = ( NULL );
184  *ppData = NULL;
186  if( LookupAndAdd( tax_id, &pNode ) && pNode ) {
187  SCacheEntry* pEntry = ( pNode->GetEntry() );
188  if( !pEntry ) {
189  if( !Insert2( *pNode ) )
190  return false;
191  pEntry = pNode->GetEntry();
192  } else {
193  m_lCache.remove( pEntry );
194  m_lCache.push_front( pEntry );
195  }
196  *ppData = pEntry->GetData();
197  return true;
198  }
199  return false;
200 }
202 bool
204 {
205  if(TAX_ID_TO(unsigned, tax_id) < m_nMaxTaxId ) {
206  CTaxon1Node* pNode = ( m_ppEntries[TAX_ID_TO(unsigned, tax_id)] );
207  SCacheEntry* pEntry;
208  if( pNode && (pEntry=pNode->GetEntry()) ) {
209  // Move in the list
210  m_lCache.remove( pEntry );
211  m_lCache.push_front( pEntry );
212  *ppData = pEntry->GetData();
213  return true;
214  }
215  }
216  *ppData = NULL;
217  return false;
218 }
220 bool
222 {
223  CTaxon1_req req;
224  CTaxon1_resp resp;
226  req.SetLookup().SetTaxId( node.GetTaxId() );
227  // Set version db tag
228  COrgrefProp::SetOrgrefProp( req.SetLookup(), "version", 2 );
229  if( m_host.m_bWithSynonyms ) {
231  }
233  if( m_host.SendRequest( req, resp ) ) {
234  if( resp.IsLookup() ) {
235  // Correct response, return object
236  struct SCacheEntry* pEntry = ( new SCacheEntry );
237  pEntry->m_pTax2 = new CTaxon2_data();
238  pEntry->m_pTreeNode = &node;
240  SerialAssign< COrg_ref >( pEntry->m_pTax2->SetOrg(), resp.GetLookup().GetOrg() );
241  m_host.x_ConvertOrgrefProps( *pEntry->m_pTax2 );
243  // Remove last element from list
244  if( m_lCache.size() >= m_nCacheCapacity ) {
245  CTaxon1Node* pNode = m_lCache.back()->m_pTreeNode;
246  pNode->m_cacheEntry = NULL;
247  delete m_lCache.back();
248  m_lCache.pop_back();
249  }
251  node.m_cacheEntry = pEntry;
252  m_lCache.push_front( pEntry );
254  return true;
256  } else { // Internal: wrong respond type
257  m_host.SetLastError( "Response type is not Lookup" );
258  }
259  }
261  return false;
262 }
264 TTaxRank
265 COrgRefCache::FindRankByName( const char* pchName )
266 {
267  if( InitRanks() ) {
268  int vid = m_rankStorage.FindValueIdByField( "rank_txt", pchName );
269  if( vid != CDomainStorage::kIllegalValue ) {
270  return m_rankStorage.HasField("oldid") ? m_rankStorage.FindFieldValueById( vid, "oldid" ) : vid;
271  }
272  }
273  return -1000;
274 }
277 const char*
279 {
280  if( InitRanks() ) {
281  if( m_rankStorage.HasField("oldid") ) {
282  int vid = m_rankStorage.FindValueIdByField( "oldid", rank );
283  if( vid != CDomainStorage::kIllegalValue ) {
284  return m_rankStorage.FindFieldStringById( vid, "rank_txt" ).c_str();
285  }
286  } else { // old style ranks, use rank_txt
287  const string& s = m_rankStorage.FindFieldStringById( rank, "rank_txt" );
288  if( !s.empty() ) {
289  return s.c_str();
290  }
291  }
292  }
293  return NULL;
294 }
296 bool
297 COrgRefCache::InitDomain( const string& name, CDomainStorage& storage )
298 {
299  CTaxon1_req req;
300  CTaxon1_resp resp;
302  req.SetGetdomain(name);
304  if( m_host.SendRequest( req, resp ) ) {
305  if( resp.IsGetdomain() ) {
306  // Correct response, return object
307  list< CRef< CTaxon1_info > >& lRecords = resp.SetGetdomain();
308  // Get header [0]:id,nof_fields,name
309  storage.SetId( lRecords.front()->GetIval1() );
310  int nof_fields = lRecords.front()->GetIval2();
311  storage.SetName( lRecords.front()->GetSval() );
312  lRecords.pop_front();
313  // read in field descriptions [1..nof_fields]:field_no,val_type,field_name
314  while( nof_fields-- && !lRecords.empty() ) {
315  storage.AddField( lRecords.front()->GetIval1(), lRecords.front()->GetIval2(), lRecords.front()->GetSval() );
316  lRecords.pop_front();
317  }
318  // Fill in storage
319  for( list< CRef< CTaxon1_info > >::const_iterator i = lRecords.begin();
320  i != lRecords.end(); ++i ) {
321  if( (*i)->IsSetSval() ) {
322  storage.InsertFieldValue( (*i)->GetIval1(), (*i)->GetIval2(), (*i)->GetSval() );
323  } else {
324  storage.InsertFieldValue( (*i)->GetIval1(), (*i)->GetIval2() );
325  }
326  }
327  return true;
328  } else { // Internal: wrong respond type
329  m_host.SetLastError( "Invalid response type" );
330  return false;
331  }
332  }
333  return false;
334 }
336 bool
338 {
339  if( m_rankStorage.empty() ) {
340  if( InitDomain("rank",m_rankStorage) ) {
341  // Find some old ranks
342  m_nSuperkingdomRank = FindRankByName( "superkingdom" );
343  if( m_nSuperkingdomRank < -10 ) {
344  m_host.SetLastError( "Superkingdom rank was not found" );
345  return false;
346  }
347  m_nGenusRank = FindRankByName( "genus" );
348  if( m_nGenusRank < -10 ) {
349  m_host.SetLastError( "Genus rank was not found" );
350  return false;
351  }
352  m_nSpeciesRank = FindRankByName( "species" );
353  if( m_nSpeciesRank < -10 ) {
354  m_host.SetLastError( "Species rank was not found" );
355  return false;
356  }
357  m_nSubspeciesRank = FindRankByName( "subspecies" );
358  if( m_nSubspeciesRank < -10 ) {
359  m_host.SetLastError( "Subspecies rank was not found" );
360  return false;
361  }
362  } else {
363  return false;
364  }
365  }
366  return true;
367 }
369 const char*
371 {
372  if( !InitNameClasses() ) return NULL;
373  TNameClassMapCI ci( m_ncStorage.find( nc ) );
374  if( ci != m_ncStorage.end() ) {
375  return ci->second.c_str();
376  }
377  return NULL;
378 }
381 COrgRefCache::FindNameClassByName( const char* pchName )
382 {
383  if( !InitNameClasses() ) return -1;
384  for( TNameClassMapCI ci = m_ncStorage.begin();
385  ci != m_ncStorage.end();
386  ++ci )
387  if( ci-> pchName ) == 0 )
388  return ci->first;
389  return -1;
390 }
392 bool
394 {
395  if( m_ncStorage.size() == 0 ) {
397  CTaxon1_req req;
398  CTaxon1_resp resp;
400  req.SetGetcde();
402  if( m_host.SendRequest( req, resp ) ) {
403  if( resp.IsGetcde() ) {
404  // Correct response, return object
405  const list< CRef< CTaxon1_info > >&
406  l = ( resp.GetGetcde() );
407  // Fill in storage
408  for( list< CRef< CTaxon1_info > >::const_iterator
409  i = l.begin();
410  i != l.end(); ++i )
412  .insert( TNameClassMap::value_type((*i)->GetIval1(),
413  (*i)->GetSval()) );
414  } else { // Internal: wrong respond type
415  m_host.SetLastError( "Response type is not Getcde" );
416  return false;
417  }
418  }
420  m_ncPrefCommon = FindNameClassByName( "genbank common name" );
421  if( m_ncPrefCommon < 0 ) {
422  m_host.SetLastError( "Genbank common name class was not found" );
423  return false;
424  }
425  m_ncCommon = FindNameClassByName( "common name" );
426  if( m_ncCommon < 0 ) {
427  m_host.SetLastError( "Common name class was not found" );
428  return false;
429  }
430  }
431  return true;
432 }
435 COrgRefCache::FindDivisionByCode( const char* pchCode )
436 {
437  if( !InitDivisions() || pchCode == 0 ) return -1;
438  int result = -1;
439  result = m_divStorage.FindValueIdByField( "div_cde", pchCode );
441  result = -1;
442  }
443  return result;
444 }
447 COrgRefCache::FindDivisionByName( const char* pchName )
448 {
449  if( !InitDivisions() || pchName == 0 ) return -1;
450  int result = -1;
451  result = m_divStorage.FindValueIdByField( "div_txt", pchName );
453  result = -1;
454  }
455  return result;
456 }
458 const char*
460 {
461  if( !InitDivisions() ) return NULL;
462  const string& sCode = m_divStorage.FindFieldStringById( div_id, "div_cde" );
463  if( !sCode.empty() ) {
464  return sCode.c_str();
465  }
466  return NULL;
467 }
469 const char*
471 {
472  if( !InitDivisions() ) return NULL;
473  const string& s = m_divStorage.FindFieldStringById( div_id, "div_txt" );
474  if( !s.empty() ) {
475  return s.c_str();
476  }
477  return NULL;
478 }
481 bool
483 {
484  if( m_divStorage.empty() ) {
486  if( !InitDomain("division", m_divStorage) ) {
487  return false;
488  }
489 // CTaxon1_req req;
490 // CTaxon1_resp resp;
492 // req.SetGetdivs();
494 // if( m_host.SendRequest( req, resp ) ) {
495 // if( resp.IsGetdivs() ) {
496 // // Correct response, return object
497 // const list< CRef< CTaxon1_info > >&
498 // l = ( resp.GetGetdivs() );
499 // // Fill in storage
500 // for( list< CRef< CTaxon1_info > >::const_iterator
501 // i = l.begin();
502 // i != l.end(); ++i ) {
503 // SDivision& div = ( m_divStorage[(*i)->GetIval1()] );
504 // div.m_sName.assign( (*i)->GetSval() );
505 // int code = (*i)->GetIval2();
506 // for(int k= 0; k < 3; k++) {
507 // div.m_sCode.append( 1U, (code >> (8*(3-k))) & 0xFF );
508 // }
509 // div.m_sCode.append( 1U, code & 0xFF );
510 // }
511 // } else { // Internal: wrong response type
512 // m_host.SetLastError( "Response type is not Getdivs" );
513 // return false;
514 // }
515 // }
516  }
517  return true;
518 }
520 void
522 {
523  m_ppEntries[id] = pNode;
524 }
526 //=======================================================
527 //
528 // Iterators implementation
529 //
530 bool
532 {
533  const CTreeContNodeBase* pOldNode = m_it->GetNode();
534  bool bResult = true;
536  while( m_it->GoParent() ) {
537  if( IsVisible( m_it->GetNode() ) ) {
538  const CTreeContNodeBase* pParent = m_it->GetNode();
539  m_it->GoNode( pOldNode );
540  while( m_it->GetNode() != pParent ) {
541  if( m_it->GoSibling() ) {
542  bResult = !NextVisible( pParent );
543  break;
544  }
545  if( !m_it->GoParent() ) {
546  break;
547  }
548  }
549  break;
550  }
551  }
552  m_it->GoNode( pOldNode );
553  return bResult;
554 }
556 bool
558 {
559  const CTreeContNodeBase* pOldNode = m_it->GetNode();
560  bool bResult = false;
562  while( m_it->GoParent() ) {
563  if( IsVisible( m_it->GetNode() ) ) {
564  const CTreeContNodeBase* pParent = m_it->GetNode();
565  if( m_it->GoChild() ) {
566  bResult = NextVisible(pParent) && m_it->GetNode() == pOldNode;
567  }
568  break;
569  }
570  }
571  m_it->GoNode( pOldNode );
572  return bResult;
573 }
575 bool
577 {
578  const CTreeContNodeBase* pOldNode = m_it->GetNode();
580  if( m_it->GoChild() ) {
581  bool bResult = NextVisible( pOldNode );
582  m_it->GoNode( pOldNode );
583  return !bResult;
584  }
585  return true;
586 }
588 bool
590 {
591  if( m_it->GetNode() == pParent ) {
592  return false;
593  }
594  next:
595  if( IsVisible( m_it->GetNode() ) ) {
596  return true;
597  }
598  if( m_it->GoChild() ) {
599  goto next;
600  } else if( m_it->GoSibling() ) {
601  goto next;
602  } else {
603  while( m_it->GoParent() && m_it->GetNode() != pParent ) {
604  if( m_it->GoSibling() ) {
605  goto next;
606  }
607  }
608  }
609  return false;
610 }
612 bool
614 {
615  const CTreeContNodeBase* pOldNode = m_it->GetNode();
616  bool bResult = false;
617  while( m_it->GoParent() ) {
618  if( IsVisible( m_it->GetNode() ) ) {
619  bResult = true;
620  break;
621  }
622  }
623  if( !bResult ) {
624  m_it->GoNode( pOldNode );
625  }
626  return bResult;
627 }
629 bool
631 {
632  const CTreeContNodeBase* pOldNode = m_it->GetNode();
633  bool bResult = false;
635  if( m_it->GoChild() ) {
636  bResult = NextVisible( pOldNode );
637  }
638  if( !bResult ) {
639  m_it->GoNode( pOldNode );
640  }
641  return bResult;
642 }
644 bool
646 {
647  const CTreeContNodeBase* pOldNode = m_it->GetNode();
648  bool bResult = false;
650  if( GoParent() ) {
651  const CTreeContNodeBase* pParent = m_it->GetNode();
652  m_it->GoNode( pOldNode );
653  while( m_it->GetNode() != pParent ) {
654  if( m_it->GoSibling() ) {
655  bResult = NextVisible( pParent );
656  break;
657  }
658  if( !m_it->GoParent() ) {
659  break;
660  }
661  }
662  if( !bResult ) {
663  m_it->GoNode( pOldNode );
664  }
665  }
666  return bResult;
667 }
669 bool
671 {
672  const CTreeContNodeBase* pTaxNode = CastIC( pNode );
674  if( pNode && IsVisible( pTaxNode ) ) {
675  return m_it->GoNode( pTaxNode );
676  }
677  return false;
678 }
680 bool
682 {
683  const CTreeContNodeBase* pNode = CastIC( pINode );
684  if( pNode && IsVisible( pNode ) ) {
685  const CTreeContNodeBase* pOldNode = m_it->GetNode();
687  vector< const CTreeContNodeBase* > v;
688  do {
689  v.push_back( m_it->GetNode() );
690  } while( GoParent() );
692  m_it->GoNode( pNode );
693  vector< const CTreeContNodeBase* >::const_iterator vi;
694  do {
695  vi = find( v.begin(), v.end(), m_it->GetNode() );
696  if( vi != v.end() ) {
697  return true;
698  }
699  } while( GoParent() );
700  // Restore old position
701  m_it->GoNode( pOldNode );
702  }
703  return false;
704 }
706 bool
708 {
709  const CTreeContNodeBase* pRoot = CastIC( pIRoot );
710  if( pRoot && IsVisible( pRoot ) ) {
711  const CTreeContNodeBase* pOldNode = m_it->GetNode();
712  do {
713  if( IsVisible( m_it->GetNode() ) ) {
714  if( m_it->GetNode() == pRoot ) {
715  m_it->GoNode( pOldNode );
716  return true;
717  }
718  }
719  } while( m_it->GoParent() );
720  m_it->GoNode( pOldNode );
721  }
722  return false;
723 }
725 // check if given node belongs to subtree pointed by cursor
726 bool
728 {
729  const CTreeContNodeBase* pNode = CastIC( pINode );
730  if( pNode == m_it->GetNode() ) { // Node is not above itself
731  return false;
732  }
734  if( pNode && IsVisible( pNode ) ) {
735  const CTreeContNodeBase* pOldNode = m_it->GetNode();
736  m_it->GoNode( pNode );
737  do {
738  if( IsVisible( m_it->GetNode() ) ) {
739  if( m_it->GetNode() == pOldNode ) {
740  m_it->GoNode( pOldNode );
741  return true;
742  }
743  }
744  } while( m_it->GoParent() );
745  m_it->GoNode( pOldNode );
746  }
747  return false;
748 }
750 bool
752 {
753  return pNode &&
754  ( pNode->IsRoot() || pNode->IsTerminal() ||
755  !pNode->Child()->IsLastChild() );
756 }
758 bool
760 {
761  return pNode &&
762  ( pNode->IsRoot() || pNode->IsTerminal() ||
763  !pNode->Child()->IsLastChild() ||
764  !(pNode->IsLastChild() && pNode->IsFirstChild()) );
766 }
768 bool
770 {
771  return pNode && ( pNode->IsRoot() ||
772  !CastCI(pNode)->GetBlastName().empty() );
773 }
775 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
776 // CDomainStorage impl
777 //
779  : m_id(0)
780 {
781 }
783 void
784 CDomainStorage::AddField( int field_no, int val_type, const string& name )
785 {
786  m_fields.insert( TFieldMap::value_type( name, field_no ) );
787  if( m_types.size() <= field_no ) {
788  m_types.resize(field_no+1);
789  }
790  m_types[field_no] = val_type;
791 }
793 bool
794 CDomainStorage::HasField( const string& field_name ) const
795 {
796  return m_fields.find( field_name ) != m_fields.end();
797 }
799 void
800 CDomainStorage::InsertFieldValue( int val_id, int str_len, const string& str )
801 {
802  vector< CDomainStorage::TValue >& val = m_values[val_id];
803  val.resize( val.size()+1 );
804  TValue& v = val.back();
805  v.m_int = str_len;
806  v.m_str = str;
807 }
809 void
811 {
812  InsertFieldValue( val_id, value, "" );
813 }
815 int
816 CDomainStorage::FindValueIdByField( const string& fieldName, const string& searchstring ) const
817 {
818  TFieldMap::const_iterator ci = m_fields.find(fieldName);
819  if( ci != m_fields.end() ) {
820  ITERATE( TValues, cj, m_values ) {
821  if( cj->second[ci->second].m_str == searchstring ) {
822  return cj->first;
823  }
824  }
825  }
826  return kIllegalValue;
827 }
829 int
830 CDomainStorage::FindValueIdByField( const string& fieldName, int fieldValue ) const
831 {
832  TFieldMap::const_iterator ci = m_fields.find(fieldName);
833  if( ci != m_fields.end() ) {
834  ITERATE( TValues, cj, m_values ) {
835  if( cj->second[ci->second].m_int == fieldValue ) {
836  return cj->first;
837  }
838  }
839  }
840  return kIllegalValue;
841 }
843 int
844 CDomainStorage::FindFieldValueById( int value_id, const string& fieldName ) const
845 {
846  TFieldMap::const_iterator ci = m_fields.find(fieldName);
847  TValues::const_iterator cj = m_values.find(value_id);
848  if( ci != m_fields.end() && cj != m_values.end() ) {
849  return cj->second[ci->second].m_int;
850  }
851  return kIllegalValue;
852 }
854 const string&
855 CDomainStorage::FindFieldStringById( int value_id, const string& fieldName ) const
856 {
857  TFieldMap::const_iterator ci = m_fields.find(fieldName);
858  TValues::const_iterator cj = m_values.find(value_id);
859  if( ci != m_fields.end() && cj != m_values.end() ) {
860  return cj->second[ci->second].m_str;
861  }
862  return kEmptyStr;
863 }
865 END_objects_SCOPE
TValueTypes m_types
Definition: cache.hpp:86
void InsertFieldValue(int val_id, int str_len, const string &str)
Definition: cache.cpp:800
int FindValueIdByField(const string &fieldName, const string &searchstring) const
Definition: cache.cpp:816
bool empty() const
Definition: cache.hpp:73
const string & FindFieldStringById(int value_id, const string &fieldName) const
Definition: cache.cpp:855
int FindFieldValueById(int value_id, const string &fieldName) const
Definition: cache.cpp:844
void SetId(int id)
Definition: cache.hpp:55
static const int kIllegalValue
Definition: cache.hpp:51
TFieldMap m_fields
Definition: cache.hpp:85
TValues m_values
Definition: cache.hpp:87
void AddField(int field_no, int val_type, const string &name)
Definition: cache.cpp:784
void SetName(const string &n)
Definition: cache.hpp:58
bool HasField(const string &field_name) const
Definition: cache.cpp:794
TTaxNameClass FindNameClassByName(const char *pchName)
Definition: cache.cpp:381
TNameClassMap m_ncStorage
Definition: cache.hpp:166
TTaxRank m_nSubspeciesRank
Definition: cache.hpp:150
TTaxNameClass m_ncPrefCommon
Definition: cache.hpp:160
bool LookupAndAdd(TTaxId tax_id, CTaxon1Node **ppData)
Definition: cache.cpp:114
const char * GetNameClassName(short nc)
Definition: cache.cpp:370
CTaxon1 & m_host
Definition: cache.hpp:137
const char * GetDivisionName(TTaxDivision div_id)
Definition: cache.cpp:470
TTaxRank m_nGenusRank
Definition: cache.hpp:148
TTaxRank FindRankByName(const char *pchName)
Definition: cache.cpp:265
bool Insert2(CTaxon1Node &node)
Definition: cache.cpp:221
unsigned m_nMaxTaxId
Definition: cache.hpp:139
unsigned m_nCacheCapacity
Definition: cache.hpp:143
bool Lookup(TTaxId tax_id, CTaxon1Node **ppNode)
Definition: cache.cpp:103
COrgRefCache(CTaxon1 &host)
Definition: cache.cpp:48
CDomainStorage m_divStorage
Definition: cache.hpp:171
CDomainStorage m_rankStorage
Definition: cache.hpp:154
bool InitRanks()
Definition: cache.cpp:337
TTaxDivision FindDivisionByCode(const char *pchCode)
Definition: cache.cpp:435
TTaxDivision FindDivisionByName(const char *pchName)
Definition: cache.cpp:447
bool LookupAndInsert(TTaxId tax_id, CTaxon2_data **ppData)
Definition: cache.cpp:181
TTaxRank m_nSuperkingdomRank
Definition: cache.hpp:147
CTaxon1Node ** m_ppEntries
Definition: cache.hpp:140
bool InitNameClasses()
Definition: cache.cpp:393
const char * GetRankName(int rank)
Definition: cache.cpp:278
TNameClassMap::const_iterator TNameClassMapCI
Definition: cache.hpp:164
bool Init(unsigned nCapacity=10)
Definition: cache.cpp:65
bool InitDivisions()
Definition: cache.cpp:482
bool InitDomain(const string &name, CDomainStorage &storage)
Definition: cache.cpp:297
Definition: cache.cpp:54
friend class CTaxon1Node
Definition: cache.hpp:126
void SetIndexEntry(int id, CTaxon1Node *pNode)
Definition: cache.cpp:521
TTaxRank m_nSpeciesRank
Definition: cache.hpp:149
const char * GetDivisionCode(TTaxDivision div_id)
Definition: cache.cpp:459
list< SCacheEntry * > m_lCache
Definition: cache.hpp:144
TTaxNameClass m_ncCommon
Definition: cache.hpp:161
CTreeCont m_tPartTree
Definition: cache.hpp:141
TTaxId SetTaxId(TTaxId tax_id)
Definition: Org_ref.cpp:93
static void SetOrgrefProp(ncbi::objects::COrg_ref &org, const std::string &prop_name, const std::string &prop_val)
const CTreeContNodeBase * CastIC(const ITaxon1Node *p) const
Definition: cache.hpp:272
virtual bool GoNode(const ITaxon1Node *pNode)
Definition: cache.cpp:670
virtual bool GoAncestor(const ITaxon1Node *pNode)
Definition: cache.cpp:681
virtual bool GoParent()
Definition: cache.cpp:613
virtual bool IsVisible(const CTreeContNodeBase *p) const =0
virtual bool GoSibling()
Definition: cache.cpp:645
virtual bool IsFirstChild() const
Definition: cache.cpp:557
const ITaxon1Node * CastCI(const CTreeContNodeBase *p) const
Definition: cache.hpp:269
virtual bool IsTerminal() const
Definition: cache.cpp:576
CTreeConstIterator * m_it
Definition: cache.hpp:275
virtual bool GoChild()
Definition: cache.cpp:630
virtual bool IsLastChild() const
Definition: cache.cpp:531
bool NextVisible(const CTreeContNodeBase *pParent) const
Definition: cache.cpp:589
virtual bool BelongSubtree(const ITaxon1Node *subtree_root) const
Definition: cache.cpp:707
virtual bool AboveNode(const ITaxon1Node *node) const
Definition: cache.cpp:727
COrgRefCache::SCacheEntry * m_cacheEntry
Definition: cache.hpp:228
virtual TTaxId GetTaxId() const
Definition: cache.hpp:191
COrgRefCache::SCacheEntry * GetEntry()
Definition: cache.hpp:207
CTaxon1_name –.
Definition: Taxon1_name.hpp:66
CTaxon1_req –.
Definition: Taxon1_req.hpp:66
CTaxon1_resp –.
Definition: Taxon1_resp.hpp:66
bool SendRequest(CTaxon1_req &req, CTaxon1_resp &resp, bool bShouldReconnect=true)
Definition: taxon1.cpp:1429
TOrgRefStatus x_ConvertOrgrefProps(CTaxon2_data &data)
Definition: taxon1.cpp:271
void SetLastError(const char *err_msg)
Definition: taxon1.cpp:1516
bool m_bWithSynonyms
Definition: taxon1.hpp:607
virtual bool IsVisible(const CTreeContNodeBase *p) const
Definition: cache.cpp:759
virtual bool IsVisible(const CTreeContNodeBase *p) const
Definition: cache.cpp:769
const CTreeContNodeBase * GetNode() const
Definition: ctreecont.hpp:316
bool GoNode(const CTreeContNodeBase *pNode)
Definition: ctreecont.hpp:304
bool IsTerminal() const
Definition: ctreecont.hpp:64
bool IsFirstChild() const
Definition: ctreecont.hpp:76
bool IsLastChild() const
Definition: ctreecont.hpp:72
const CTreeContNodeBase * Child() const
Definition: ctreecont.hpp:84
bool IsRoot() const
Definition: ctreecont.hpp:68
bool SetRoot(CTreeContNodeBase *root)
Definition: ctreecont.hpp:108
CTreeIterator * GetIterator()
Definition: ctreecont.cpp:362
Base class for all iterators over modifiable object.
Definition: iterator.hpp:480
CTreeContNodeBase * GetNode() const
Definition: ctreecont.hpp:254
bool AddChild(CTreeContNodeBase *new_node)
Definition: ctreecont.cpp:84
bool GoNode(CTreeContNodeBase *node)
Definition: ctreecont.hpp:167
virtual bool IsVisible(const CTreeContNodeBase *p) const
Definition: cache.cpp:751
virtual const string & GetBlastName() const =0
size_type size() const
Definition: map.hpp:148
container_type::const_iterator const_iterator
Definition: map.hpp:53
const_iterator begin() const
Definition: map.hpp:151
const_iterator end() const
Definition: map.hpp:152
iterator_bool insert(const value_type &val)
Definition: map.hpp:165
const_iterator find(const key_type &key) const
Definition: map.hpp:153
Definition: dlist.tmpl.h:56
static const char * str(char *buf, int n)
Definition: stats.c:84
#define TAX_ID_CONST(id)
Definition: ncbimisc.hpp:1112
#define ITERATE(Type, Var, Cont)
ITERATE macro to sequence through container elements.
Definition: ncbimisc.hpp:815
#define TAX_ID_TO(T, tax_id)
Definition: ncbimisc.hpp:1110
SStrictId_Tax::TId TTaxId
Taxon id type.
Definition: ncbimisc.hpp:1048
#define NULL
Definition: ncbistd.hpp:225
End previously defined NCBI scope.
Definition: ncbistl.hpp:103
Define ncbi namespace.
Definition: ncbistl.hpp:100
#define kEmptyStr
Definition: ncbistr.hpp:123
TGetdomain & SetGetdomain(void)
Select the variant.
void SetGetcde(void)
Select the variant.
const TGetcde & GetGetcde(void) const
Get the variant data.
void SetTaxid(TTaxid value)
Assign a value to Taxid data member.
bool IsLookup(void) const
Check if variant Lookup is selected.
bool IsGetdomain(void) const
Check if variant Getdomain is selected.
const TOrg & GetOrg(void) const
Get the Org member data.
void SetOrg(TOrg &value)
Assign a value to Org data member.
TMaxtaxid GetMaxtaxid(void) const
Get the variant data.
bool IsTaxalineage(void) const
Check if variant Taxalineage is selected.
void SetOname(const TOname &value)
Assign a value to Oname data member.
TLookup & SetLookup(void)
Select the variant.
bool IsGetcde(void) const
Check if variant Getcde is selected.
TGetdomain & SetGetdomain(void)
Select the variant.
TTaxalineage & SetTaxalineage(void)
Select the variant.
TTaxalineage & SetTaxalineage(void)
Select the variant.
const TLookup & GetLookup(void) const
Get the variant data.
bool IsMaxtaxid(void) const
Check if variant Maxtaxid is selected.
void SetMaxtaxid(void)
Select the variant.
void SetCde(TCde value)
Assign a value to Cde data member.
int i
const GenericPointer< typename T::ValueType > T2 value
Definition: pointer.h:1227
CTaxon1Node * m_pTreeNode
Definition: cache.hpp:132
CRef< CTaxon2_data > m_pTax2
Definition: cache.hpp:130
CTaxon2_data * GetData()
Definition: cache.hpp:134
short int TTaxDivision
Definition: taxon1.hpp:59
short int TTaxRank
Primitive types for some taxon1 object fields.
Definition: taxon1.hpp:52
short int TTaxNameClass
Definition: taxon1.hpp:61
#define _ASSERT
else result
Definition: token2.c:20
Modified on Thu Apr 25 08:19:23 2024 by rev. 669887