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CAlnMultiPane Class Reference

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class CAlnMultiPane More...

#include <gui/widgets/aln_multiple/alnmulti_pane.hpp>

+ Inheritance diagram for CAlnMultiPane:
+ Collaboration diagram for CAlnMultiPane:


class  CEvent

Public Types

enum  EEventType { eUnknown , eSelRowChanged , eLinearSelChanged }
typedef CLinearSelHandler::TRangeColl TRangeColl
typedef IAlignRow::TColumnType TColumnType
typedef map< TNumrow, TRangeCollTRowToMarkMap
typedef ISelListModel< TNumrowTSelListModel
typedef CAlnMultiRenderer TRenderer
- Public Types inherited from CEventHandler
enum  EDispatch { eDispatch_SelfOnly , eDispatch_AllHandlers , eDispatch_FirstHandler , eDispatch_Default = eDispatch_AllHandlers }
 enum controlling dispatching strategies More...
enum  EPoolName {
  ePool_Default = 0 , ePool_Parent , ePool_Child , ePool_Sibling ,
 Identifiers for standard pools. More...
typedef vector< CEventHandler * > TListeners
typedef map< int, TListenersTPools
typedef list< AutoPtr< SPostRequest > > TPostRequests
typedef std::map< CEventHandler *, intTHandlerToCount
typedef void(* FOnPostCallback) ()
- Public Types inherited from CSelListController< Item >
typedef Item TItem
typedef ISelListModel< Item > TSelListModel
- Public Types inherited from ISelListView< Item >
typedef ISelListModel< Item > TSelListModel
typedef TSelListModel::TIndexVector TIndexVector
- Public Types inherited from IAlignMarkHandlerHost
typedef IAlnExplorer::TNumrow TNumrow
typedef CRangeCollection< TSeqPosTRangeColl
typedef map< TNumrow, TRangeCollTRowToMarkMap
typedef ISelListModel< TNumrowTSelListModel
- Public Types inherited from IMouseZoomHandlerHost
enum  EScaleType { eMin , eCurrent , eMax }
- Public Types inherited from IAMHeaderHandlerHost
typedef IAlnMultiHeaderContext::SColumn TColumn
typedef vector< TColumnTColumns

Public Member Functions

 CAlnMultiPane (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=wxWANTS_CHARS)
 ~CAlnMultiPane ()
virtual TVPPoint GetPortSize (void) override
 returns size of the master pane in screen coordinates More...
void Init (objects::CScope *scope)
void SetWidget (IAlnMultiPaneParent *p_arent)
void SetContext (IAlnMultiRendererContext *p_context)
void SetBackColor (const CRgbaColor &color)
void SetMasterBackColor (const CRgbaColor &color)
void OnSize (wxSizeEvent &event)
Interface for a Widget
int GetAlignVPHeight () const
int GetAlignVPWidth () const
virtual void Update () override
virtual void UpdateOnDataChanged ()
CRulerGetRuler ()
CAlnMultiRendererGetRenderer ()
CRange< TSeqPosGetSelectionLimits ()
const TRangeCollGetSelection () const
void SetSelection (const TRangeColl &C, bool redraw)
void ResetSelection (bool redraw)
void MarkSelectedRows (const TRangeColl &C, bool bMark)
void UnMarkAll ()
const TRowToMarkMapGetMarks () const
void SortByColumn (int index)
void UpdateHeaderSortState ()
void ShowProgressPanel (float progress, const string &msg)
void HideProgressPanel ()
CSelListController extension
virtual void SetPane (CGlPane *pane) override
 CSelListController extension. More...
virtual wxEvtHandler * GetEvtHandler () override
virtual TSelListModelSLC_GetModel () override
virtual int SLC_GetHeight () override
virtual int SLC_GetLineByWindowY (int WinY, bool b_clip=false) override
virtual void SLC_VertScrollToMakeVisible (int Index) override
TNumrowSelListView implementation
virtual void SLV_SetModel (TSelListModel *pModel) override
virtual void SLV_UpdateItems (const TIndexVector &vIndices) override
virtual void SLV_UpdateRange (int iFirstItem, int iLastItem) override
ISelHandlerHost implementation
virtual void SHH_OnChanged () override
 ISelHandlerHost implementation. More...
virtual TModelUnit SHH_GetModelByWindow (int z, EOrientation orient) override
virtual TVPUnit SHH_GetWindowByModel (TModelUnit z, EOrientation orient) override
IAlnMarkHandlerHost implementation
virtual const IAlnMultiDataSourceMHH_GetAlnDS () const override
 IAlnMarkHandlerHost implementation. More...
virtual const TSelListModelMHH_GetSelListModel () const override
virtual TNumrow MHH_GetRowByLine (int Index) const override
virtual int MHH_GetLineByRowNum (TNumrow Row) const override
virtual int MHH_GetLineByWindowY (int Y) const override
virtual int MHH_GetLinePosY (int Index) const override
virtual int MHH_GetLineHeight (int Index) const override
virtual TModelUnit MHH_GetSeqPosByX (int X) const override
 ### refactor ?? More...
IMouseZoomHandlerHost implementation
virtual TModelUnit MZHH_GetScale (EScaleType type) override
virtual void MZHH_SetScale (TModelUnit scale, const TModelPoint &point) override
virtual void MZHH_ZoomRect (const TModelRect &rc) override
virtual void MZHH_ZoomPoint (const TModelPoint &point, TModelUnit factor) override
virtual void MZHH_Scroll (TModelUnit d_x, TModelUnit d_y) override
virtual void MZHH_EndOp () override
virtual TVPUnit MZHH_GetVPPosByY (int y) const override
 converts window coord to Viewport coord More...
IAlignRowHost implementation
virtual void ARH_OnRowChanged (IAlignRow *p_row) override
 notifies a host about changes the row More...
virtual TVPPoint ARH_GetVPPosByWindowPos (const wxPoint &pos) override
 provides mouse coords in OpenGL viewport coord system More...
virtual void ARH_OnSelectionChanged () override
 notifies a host about selection change More...
virtual CSelectionVisitorARH_GetSelectionVisitor () override
 notifies a host about selection change More...
virtual int ARH_GetRowTop (IAlignRow *p_row) override
 Returns Y-pos for row. More...
IAMHeaderHandlerHost implementation
virtual IAlnMultiHeaderContextHHH_GetContext () override
 IAMHeaderHandlerHost implementation. More...
virtual TVPRect HHH_GetHeaderRect () override
virtual TVPPoint HHH_GetVPPosByWindowPos (const wxPoint &pos) override
 returns bounds of the Header More...
virtual void HHH_SetColumns (const TColumns &columns, int resizable_index) override
 change order of columns, their width and posisitions More...
virtual void HHH_SortByColumn (int index) override
virtual void HHH_RenderColumnHeader (int index, const TVPRect &rc) override
IGraphContainerHost implementation
virtual TVPPoint GCH_GetVPPosByWindowPos (const wxPoint &pos)
IStickyTooltipHandlerHost implementation
virtual string TTHH_NeedTooltip (const wxPoint &pt) override
 Return id of the underlying element to dispaly a tooltip, otherwise "". More...
virtual CTooltipInfo TTHH_GetTooltip (const wxRect &rect) override
 Return the contents to be displayed in the tool tip. More...
virtual bool TTHH_ProcessURL (const wxString &href) override
 Return true if the specified URL has been processed. Used for custom commands. More...
IVectorGraphicsRenderer implementations
virtual const TVPRectGetViewportRect () const override
virtual void RenderVectorGraphics (int vp_width, int vp_height) override
 Render for vector output. More...
virtual void UpdateVectorLayout () override
virtual void AddTitle (bool b) override
int GetListAreaHeight () const
 @) More...
void NotifyParent (EEventType type)
CAlignMarkHandlerGetMarkHandler ()
bool HasSelectedObjects () const
void GetObjectSelection (TConstObjects &objs) const
void OnLeftDown (wxMouseEvent &event)
void OnLeftUp (wxMouseEvent &event)
void OnMotion (wxMouseEvent &event)
void OnLeftDoubleClick (wxMouseEvent &event)
void OnMouseWheel (wxMouseEvent &event)
void OnKeyDown (wxKeyEvent &event)
- Public Member Functions inherited from CGlWidgetPane
 CGlWidgetPane (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=0)
virtual ~CGlWidgetPane ()
void SetPopupMenuDisplayed (bool b)
bool GetPopupMenuDisplayed () const
void DlgOverlayFix ()
void CheckOverlayTimer ()
virtual void GHH_Redraw ()
 redraws the Host and the handler More...
virtual void GHH_SetCursor (const wxCursor &cursor)
 changes the cursor in the hosting window More...
virtual void GHH_CaptureMouse ()
 captures mouse events in the hosting window for D&D More...
virtual void GHH_ReleaseMouse ()
 releases captured mouse More...
virtual bool TC_NeedTooltip (const wxPoint &pt)
 Returns "true" if client wants to dispaly a tooltip. More...
virtual string TC_GetTooltip (const wxRect &rect)
 Returns tooltip string and coordinates for area tootlip associated with. More...
virtual wxWindow * TC_GetWindow ()
 Returns pointer to the widget hosting ITooltipClient. More...
virtual wxWindow * TTHH_GetWindow ()
 Return the pointer to the underlying window. More...
virtual bool TTHH_PopupMenuDisplayed ()
 Return true if underlying window is currently displaying a popup menu. More...
void OnEnterWindow (wxMouseEvent &event)
void OnTimer (wxTimerEvent &event)
void OnMouseDown (wxMouseEvent &event)
void OnMouseUp (wxMouseEvent &event)
void OnMotion (wxMouseEvent &event)
void OnMouseWheel (wxMouseEvent &event)
void OnMouseCaptureLost (wxMouseCaptureLostEvent &event)
void OnLeaveWindow (wxMouseEvent &event)
void OnKeyEvent (wxKeyEvent &event)
void OnSetFocus (wxFocusEvent &event)
void OnKillFocus (wxFocusEvent &event)
void OnSize (wxSizeEvent &event)
void OnCmdEvent (wxCommandEvent &event)
void OnTipRemoved (wxCommandEvent &event)
- Public Member Functions inherited from CGLCanvas
 CGLCanvas (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=0)
virtual ~CGLCanvas ()
void OnPaint (wxPaintEvent &event)
void DoNotUpdate ()
void SetClearColor (float r, float g, float b, float a)
- Public Member Functions inherited from IGenericHandlerHost
virtual ~IGenericHandlerHost ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from ITooltipHandlerHost
virtual ~ITooltipHandlerHost ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from IStickyTooltipHandlerHost
 IStickyTooltipHandlerHost ()
virtual ~IStickyTooltipHandlerHost ()
void TTHH_Init ()
 Init calls virtual functions so can't be called from ctor. More...
std::vector< TipLocationGetDisplayedTips ()
 Return id and position information for currently displayed tips. More...
void SetServiceLocator (IServiceLocator *s)
 Set service locator so we can find other views and adjust z order. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from CEventHandler
 CEventHandler ()
 CEventHandler. More...
virtual ~CEventHandler ()
virtual void AddListener (CEventHandler *listener, int pool_name=ePool_Default)
 Add a listener. More...
virtual void RemoveListener (CEventHandler *listener)
 Remove a listener. More...
virtual void RemoveAllListeners (void)
virtual bool HasListener (CEventHandler *listener, int pool_name=ePool_Default) const
 returns "true" if the given listener belongs to the specified pool More...
virtual const TListenersGetListeners (int pool_name=ePool_Default) const
 returns a set of listeners fro the specified pool More...
virtual bool OnEvent (CEvent *evt)
 Processes en event. Returns "true" if event has been processed. More...
virtual bool Dispatch (CEvent *evt, EDispatch disp_how=eDispatch_Default, int pool_name=ePool_Default)
 Dispatches an event to the listeners (but does not handle it). More...
virtual bool Send (CEvent *evt, EDispatch disp_how=eDispatch_Default, int pool_name=ePool_Default)
 Sends an event synchronously. More...
virtual bool Send (CEvent *evt, int pool_name)
void Post (CRef< CEvent > evt, EDispatch disp_how=eDispatch_Default, int pool_name=ePool_Default)
 Handles an event asynchronously (process and/or dispatch). More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from CSelListController< Item >
 CSelListController ()
virtual ~CSelListController ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from IGlEventHandler
virtual ~IGlEventHandler ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from ISelListView< Item >
virtual ~ISelListView ()
virtual void SLV_SetModel (TSelListModel *pModel)=0
- Public Member Functions inherited from ISelHandlerHost
virtual ~ISelHandlerHost ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from IAlignMarkHandlerHost
virtual ~IAlignMarkHandlerHost ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from IMouseZoomHandlerHost
virtual ~IMouseZoomHandlerHost ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from IAlignRowHost
virtual ~IAlignRowHost ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from IAMHeaderHandlerHost
virtual ~IAMHeaderHandlerHost ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from IVectorGraphicsRenderer
virtual ~IVectorGraphicsRenderer ()

Protected Types

enum  EHandlerArea {
  fDescrArea = 0x01 , fIconsArea = 0x02 , fAlignArea = 0x04 , fHeaderArea = 0x08 ,
  fRulerArea = 0x10 , fOtherAreas = 0x20 , fAllAreas = fDescrArea | fIconsArea | fAlignArea | fHeaderArea | fRulerArea | fOtherAreas
typedef list< SHandlerRecTHandlerRecList
- Protected Types inherited from CGlWidgetPane
typedef list< SHandlerRecTHandlerRecList

Protected Member Functions

virtual void x_RenderSelection ()
 protected members More...
virtual void x_RenderMark ()
virtual void x_RenderZoomHandler ()
virtual void x_RenderHeaderHandler ()
virtual void x_RenderProgressPanel ()
virtual void x_OnRowMouseEvent (wxMouseEvent &event)
TVPPoint x_GetVPPosByWindowPos (int x, int y)
int x_GetLineByWindowY (int WinY) const
bool x_IsMasterLineByWindowY (int WinY)
TVPRect x_GetLineRect (int Index) const
virtual int x_GetAreaByVPPos (TVPUnit vp_x, TVPUnit vp_y) override
IAlnMultiPaneParentx_GetParent ()
const IAlnMultiPaneParentx_GetParent () const
IAlnMultiRendererContextx_GetContext ()
const IAlnMultiRendererContextx_GetContext () const
TSelListModelx_GetModel ()
const TSelListModelx_GetModel () const
CGlWidgetChild functions
virtual void x_Render () override
int x_GetAreaByWindowPos (const wxPoint &pos) override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CGlWidgetPane
virtual bool x_GrabFocus ()
bool x_RegisterHandler (IGlEventHandler *handler, int area, CGlPane *pane, int index=-1)
bool x_UnregisterHandler (IGlEventHandler *handler)
void x_SetCurrHandler (SHandlerRec *rec)
bool x_Handlers_handle (wxEvent &event, int area, bool ignore_curr=true)
bool x_DispatchEventToHandler (wxEvent &event, SHandlerRec *rec)
void x_HandleAccels (wxKeyEvent &event)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CGLCanvas
void x_SetupGLContext ()
void x_CheckGlVersion ()
const wxGLAttributes & x_GetAttribList () const
 Not having all programs share the same window attributes has caused crashing on Linux, so each window will use these attributes (this should be the superset of attributes needed by program windows). More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from IStickyTooltipHandlerHost
void x_SetCurrentTips (std::vector< TipLocation > &tips)
 Sets information on current tips that can be queried by the user. More...
wxFrame * GetUnderlyingFrame ()
 Return the undering wxFrame parent for a wxWindow object. More...
bool IsFloatingWindow ()
 Return true if the hosting window is ultimately enclosed in a CFloatingFrame class (meaning its in a floating window) More...
void RaiseOverlappingWindows (wxRect r)
 If the tip window is docked in the main window (not a CFloatingFrame) this raises all the CFloatingFrame windows to make sure none of them are overlapped by tooltips. More...
bool IsDragging ()
 Retruns true if Any window is currently being dragged. More...
void InitWindowGroup (int dock_count=0)
 Mac only - create or return window group for this window. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CEventHandler
virtual const SEvtMapGetEventMap () const
void x_DeclareDead ()
 Removes itself unavailable for async event delivery. More...
void x_AddListenerToPool (CEventHandler *listener, int pool_name)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CSelListController< Item >
virtual void x_OnLeftDown (wxMouseEvent &event)
virtual void x_OnLeftUp (wxMouseEvent &event)
virtual void x_OnMotion (wxMouseEvent &event)
virtual void x_OnKeyDown (wxKeyEvent &event)
void x_MoveSelectionBy (int Shift, bool bShift, bool bCtrl)
void x_MoveSelLineByPage (bool bDown, bool bShift, bool bCtrl)
void x_SelectTo (int index, bool bShift, bool bCtrl)
void x_SelectFocusedItem (bool bDeselectEn)

Protected Attributes

CGlPane m_HandlerPane
CLinearSelHandler m_SelHandler
CAlignMarkHandler m_MarkHandler
CMouseZoomHandler m_MouseZoomHandler
CAlnMultiRenderer m_Renderer
CAlnMultiHeaderHandler m_HeaderHandler
CStickyTooltipHandler m_TooltipManager
CSelectionVisitor m_SelectionVisitor
CProgressPanel m_ProgressPanel
bool m_Title
 When rendering vector image, add a title. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from CGlWidgetPane
THandlerRecList m_lsHandlerRecs
 list of records for registered handlers More...
 pointer to record for last active handler More...
bool m_PopupMenuDisplayed
 Some handlers may need to know if popup (right click) menu is active. More...
CStopWatch m_EnterTimer
 Windows vista bug screws up opengl after dlgs/popups displayed over window. More...
wxTimer m_GLOverlapFixTimer
 Need associated timer since some popups take a little time to clear. More...
bool m_PseudoSized
 For windows (e.g. tree) that do not want to layout/update for the fake size event. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from CGLCanvas
bool m_DoNotUpdate
float m_ClearColor [4]
- Protected Attributes inherited from IStickyTooltipHandlerHost
 Needed to find other views. More...
std::vector< TipLocationm_CurrentTips
- Protected Attributes inherited from CEventHandler
TPools m_Pools
- Protected Attributes inherited from CSelListController< Item >
bool m_ProcessMouseUp
wxPoint m_MouseDownPos

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from CEventHandler
static bool HandlePostRequest ()
static void ClearPostQueue ()
 erases all events from the queue More...
static void DestroyPostQueue ()
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from CEventHandler
static const SEvtMap sm_EvtMap

Detailed Description

class CAlnMultiPane

Definition at line 65 of file alnmulti_pane.hpp.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ TColumnType

Definition at line 80 of file alnmulti_pane.hpp.

◆ THandlerRecList

Definition at line 302 of file alnmulti_pane.hpp.

◆ TRangeColl

Definition at line 79 of file alnmulti_pane.hpp.

◆ TRenderer

Definition at line 83 of file alnmulti_pane.hpp.

◆ TRowToMarkMap

Definition at line 81 of file alnmulti_pane.hpp.

◆ TSelListModel

Definition at line 82 of file alnmulti_pane.hpp.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ EEventType


Definition at line 85 of file alnmulti_pane.hpp.

◆ EHandlerArea


Definition at line 293 of file alnmulti_pane.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CAlnMultiPane()

CAlnMultiPane::CAlnMultiPane ( wxWindow *  parent,
wxWindowID  id,
const wxPoint &  pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize &  size = wxDefaultSize,
long  style = wxWANTS_CHARS 

Definition at line 74 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

References CMouseZoomHandler::eHorz.

◆ ~CAlnMultiPane()

CAlnMultiPane::~CAlnMultiPane ( )

Definition at line 117 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddTitle()

virtual void CAlnMultiPane::AddTitle ( bool  b)

Implements IVectorGraphicsRenderer.

Definition at line 240 of file alnmulti_pane.hpp.

References b.

◆ ARH_GetRowTop()

int CAlnMultiPane::ARH_GetRowTop ( IAlignRow p_row)

◆ ARH_GetSelectionVisitor()

CSelectionVisitor * CAlnMultiPane::ARH_GetSelectionVisitor ( )

notifies a host about selection change

Implements IAlignRowHost.

Definition at line 1061 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

References m_SelectionVisitor.

◆ ARH_GetVPPosByWindowPos()

TVPPoint CAlnMultiPane::ARH_GetVPPosByWindowPos ( const wxPoint &  pos)

provides mouse coords in OpenGL viewport coord system

Implements IAlignRowHost.

Definition at line 1051 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

References x_GetVPPosByWindowPos().

◆ ARH_OnRowChanged()

void CAlnMultiPane::ARH_OnRowChanged ( IAlignRow row)

notifies a host about changes the row

Implements IAlignRowHost.

Definition at line 1045 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

References IAlnMultiPaneParent::OnRowChanged(), and x_GetParent().

◆ ARH_OnSelectionChanged()

void CAlnMultiPane::ARH_OnSelectionChanged ( )

notifies a host about selection change

Implements IAlignRowHost.

Definition at line 1056 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

References eSelRowChanged, and NotifyParent().

◆ GCH_GetVPPosByWindowPos()

TVPPoint CAlnMultiPane::GCH_GetVPPosByWindowPos ( const wxPoint &  pos)

Definition at line 1115 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

References x_GetVPPosByWindowPos().

◆ GetAlignVPHeight()

int CAlnMultiPane::GetAlignVPHeight ( ) const

◆ GetAlignVPWidth()

int CAlnMultiPane::GetAlignVPWidth ( ) const

◆ GetEvtHandler()

wxEvtHandler * CAlnMultiPane::GetEvtHandler ( )

Implements IGlEventHandler.

Definition at line 841 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

◆ GetListAreaHeight()

int CAlnMultiPane::GetListAreaHeight ( ) const


Definition at line 243 of file alnmulti_pane.hpp.

Referenced by GetAlignVPHeight().

◆ GetMarkHandler()

CAlignMarkHandler& CAlnMultiPane::GetMarkHandler ( )

Definition at line 247 of file alnmulti_pane.hpp.

◆ GetMarks()

const CAlnMultiPane::TRowToMarkMap & CAlnMultiPane::GetMarks ( ) const

Definition at line 602 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

References CAlignMarkHandler::GetMarks(), and m_MarkHandler.

Referenced by CAlnMultiWidget::GetMarks().

◆ GetObjectSelection()

void CAlnMultiPane::GetObjectSelection ( TConstObjects objs) const

◆ GetPortSize()

TVPPoint CAlnMultiPane::GetPortSize ( void  )

returns size of the master pane in screen coordinates

Implements CGlWidgetPane.

Definition at line 122 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

◆ GetRenderer()

CAlnMultiRenderer & CAlnMultiPane::GetRenderer ( )

◆ GetRuler()

CRuler & CAlnMultiPane::GetRuler ( )

Definition at line 168 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

References CAlnMultiRenderer::GetRuler(), and m_Renderer.

◆ GetSelection()

const CAlnMultiPane::TRangeColl & CAlnMultiPane::GetSelection ( void  ) const

◆ GetSelectionLimits()

CRange< TSeqPos > CAlnMultiPane::GetSelectionLimits ( )

◆ GetViewportRect()

const TVPRect & CAlnMultiPane::GetViewportRect ( ) const

◆ HasSelectedObjects()

bool CAlnMultiPane::HasSelectedObjects ( ) const

◆ HHH_GetContext()

IAlnMultiHeaderContext * CAlnMultiPane::HHH_GetContext ( )

IAMHeaderHandlerHost implementation.

Implements IAMHeaderHandlerHost.

Definition at line 1082 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

References m_Renderer.

◆ HHH_GetHeaderRect()

TVPRect CAlnMultiPane::HHH_GetHeaderRect ( )

◆ HHH_GetVPPosByWindowPos()

TVPPoint CAlnMultiPane::HHH_GetVPPosByWindowPos ( const wxPoint &  pos)

returns bounds of the Header

Implements IAMHeaderHandlerHost.

Definition at line 1094 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

References x_GetVPPosByWindowPos().

◆ HHH_RenderColumnHeader()

void CAlnMultiPane::HHH_RenderColumnHeader ( int  index,
const TVPRect rc 

◆ HHH_SetColumns()

void CAlnMultiPane::HHH_SetColumns ( const TColumns columns,
int  resizable_index 

change order of columns, their width and posisitions

Implements IAMHeaderHandlerHost.

Definition at line 1100 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

References columns, m_Renderer, IAlnMultiPaneParent::OnColumnsChanged(), CAlnMultiRenderer::SetColumns(), Update(), and x_GetParent().

◆ HHH_SortByColumn()

void CAlnMultiPane::HHH_SortByColumn ( int  index)

Implements IAMHeaderHandlerHost.

Definition at line 1110 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

References SortByColumn().

◆ HideProgressPanel()

void CAlnMultiPane::HideProgressPanel ( )

◆ Init()

void CAlnMultiPane::Init ( objects::CScope *  scope)

Definition at line 127 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

References m_SelectionVisitor, and CSelectionVisitor::SetScope().

Referenced by CAlnMultiWidget::SetDataSource().

◆ MarkSelectedRows()

void CAlnMultiPane::MarkSelectedRows ( const TRangeColl C,
bool  bMark 

◆ MHH_GetAlnDS()

const IAlnMultiDataSource * CAlnMultiPane::MHH_GetAlnDS ( ) const

IAlnMarkHandlerHost implementation.

Implements IAlignMarkHandlerHost.

Definition at line 947 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

References IAlnMultiPaneParent::GetDataSource(), and x_GetParent().

◆ MHH_GetLineByRowNum()

int CAlnMultiPane::MHH_GetLineByRowNum ( TNumrow  Row) const

Implements IAlignMarkHandlerHost.

Definition at line 965 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

References IAlnMultiPaneParent::GetLineByRowNum(), and x_GetParent().

◆ MHH_GetLineByWindowY()

int CAlnMultiPane::MHH_GetLineByWindowY ( int  Y) const

Implements IAlignMarkHandlerHost.

Definition at line 971 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

References x_GetLineByWindowY().

◆ MHH_GetLineHeight()

int CAlnMultiPane::MHH_GetLineHeight ( int  Index) const

◆ MHH_GetLinePosY()

int CAlnMultiPane::MHH_GetLinePosY ( int  Index) const

Implements IAlignMarkHandlerHost.

Definition at line 977 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

References IAlnMultiRendererContext::GetLinePosY(), and x_GetContext().

◆ MHH_GetRowByLine()

CAlnMultiPane::TNumrow CAlnMultiPane::MHH_GetRowByLine ( int  Index) const

Implements IAlignMarkHandlerHost.

Definition at line 959 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

References IAlnMultiPaneParent::GetRowNumByLine(), and x_GetParent().

◆ MHH_GetSelListModel()

const CAlnMultiPane::TSelListModel * CAlnMultiPane::MHH_GetSelListModel ( ) const

Implements IAlignMarkHandlerHost.

Definition at line 953 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

References x_GetModel().

◆ MHH_GetSeqPosByX()

TModelUnit CAlnMultiPane::MHH_GetSeqPosByX ( int  X) const

### refactor ??

Implements IAlignMarkHandlerHost.

Definition at line 990 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

References m_HandlerPane, and CGlPane::UnProjectX().

◆ MZHH_EndOp()

void CAlnMultiPane::MZHH_EndOp ( )

Implements IMouseZoomHandlerHost.

Definition at line 1033 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

◆ MZHH_GetScale()

TModelUnit CAlnMultiPane::MZHH_GetScale ( EScaleType  type)

◆ MZHH_GetVPPosByY()

TVPUnit CAlnMultiPane::MZHH_GetVPPosByY ( int  y) const

converts window coord to Viewport coord

Implements IMouseZoomHandlerHost.

Definition at line 1039 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

◆ MZHH_Scroll()

void CAlnMultiPane::MZHH_Scroll ( TModelUnit  d_x,
TModelUnit  d_y 

Implements IMouseZoomHandlerHost.

Definition at line 1027 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

References IAlnMultiPaneParent::Scroll(), and x_GetParent().

◆ MZHH_SetScale()

void CAlnMultiPane::MZHH_SetScale ( TModelUnit  scale,
const TModelPoint point 

Implements IMouseZoomHandlerHost.

Definition at line 1009 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

References IAlnMultiPaneParent::SetScaleX(), and x_GetParent().

◆ MZHH_ZoomPoint()

void CAlnMultiPane::MZHH_ZoomPoint ( const TModelPoint point,
TModelUnit  factor 

Implements IMouseZoomHandlerHost.

Definition at line 1021 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

References x_GetParent(), and IAlnMultiPaneParent::ZoomPoint().

◆ MZHH_ZoomRect()

void CAlnMultiPane::MZHH_ZoomRect ( const TModelRect rc)

Implements IMouseZoomHandlerHost.

Definition at line 1015 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

References x_GetParent(), and IAlnMultiPaneParent::ZoomRect().

◆ NotifyParent()

void CAlnMultiPane::NotifyParent ( EEventType  type)

◆ OnKeyDown()

void CAlnMultiPane::OnKeyDown ( wxKeyEvent &  event)

◆ OnLeftDoubleClick()

void CAlnMultiPane::OnLeftDoubleClick ( wxMouseEvent &  event)

Definition at line 292 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

References fAlignArea, x_GetAreaByWindowPos(), and x_OnRowMouseEvent().

◆ OnLeftDown()

void CAlnMultiPane::OnLeftDown ( wxMouseEvent &  event)

◆ OnLeftUp()

void CAlnMultiPane::OnLeftUp ( wxMouseEvent &  event)

◆ OnMotion()

void CAlnMultiPane::OnMotion ( wxMouseEvent &  event)

◆ OnMouseWheel()

void CAlnMultiPane::OnMouseWheel ( wxMouseEvent &  event)

◆ OnSize()

void CAlnMultiPane::OnSize ( wxSizeEvent &  event)

◆ RenderVectorGraphics()

void CAlnMultiPane::RenderVectorGraphics ( int  vp_width,
int  vp_height 

◆ ResetSelection()

void CAlnMultiPane::ResetSelection ( bool  redraw)

◆ SetBackColor()

void CAlnMultiPane::SetBackColor ( const CRgbaColor color)

◆ SetContext()

void CAlnMultiPane::SetContext ( IAlnMultiRendererContext p_context)

◆ SetMasterBackColor()

void CAlnMultiPane::SetMasterBackColor ( const CRgbaColor color)

Definition at line 163 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

References color, m_Renderer, and CAlnMultiRenderer::SetMasterBackColor().

◆ SetPane()

void CAlnMultiPane::SetPane ( CGlPane pane)

CSelListController extension.

Reimplemented from IGlEventHandler.

Definition at line 835 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

◆ SetSelection()

void CAlnMultiPane::SetSelection ( const TRangeColl C,
bool  redraw 

◆ SetWidget()

void CAlnMultiPane::SetWidget ( IAlnMultiPaneParent p_arent)

◆ SHH_GetModelByWindow()

TModelUnit CAlnMultiPane::SHH_GetModelByWindow ( int  z,
EOrientation  orient 

◆ SHH_GetWindowByModel()

TVPUnit CAlnMultiPane::SHH_GetWindowByModel ( TModelUnit  z,
EOrientation  orient 

Implements ISelHandlerHost.

Definition at line 931 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

References _ASSERT, eHorz, eVert, m_HandlerPane, CGlPane::ProjectX(), and CGlPane::ProjectY().

◆ SHH_OnChanged()

void CAlnMultiPane::SHH_OnChanged ( )

ISelHandlerHost implementation.

Implements ISelHandlerHost.

Definition at line 887 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

References eLinearSelChanged, and NotifyParent().

◆ ShowProgressPanel()

void CAlnMultiPane::ShowProgressPanel ( float  progress,
const string msg 

◆ SLC_GetHeight()

int CAlnMultiPane::SLC_GetHeight ( )

Implements CSelListController< Item >.

Definition at line 853 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

◆ SLC_GetLineByWindowY()

int CAlnMultiPane::SLC_GetLineByWindowY ( int  WinY,
bool  b_clip = false 

◆ SLC_GetModel()

CAlnMultiPane::TSelListModel * CAlnMultiPane::SLC_GetModel ( )

Implements CSelListController< Item >.

Definition at line 847 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

References x_GetModel().

Referenced by OnLeftDown(), OnLeftUp(), and OnMouseWheel().

◆ SLC_VertScrollToMakeVisible()

void CAlnMultiPane::SLC_VertScrollToMakeVisible ( int  Index)

◆ SLV_SetModel()

void CAlnMultiPane::SLV_SetModel ( TSelListModel pModel)

Definition at line 779 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

References m_Model.

◆ SLV_UpdateItems()

void CAlnMultiPane::SLV_UpdateItems ( const TIndexVector vIndices)

◆ SLV_UpdateRange()

void CAlnMultiPane::SLV_UpdateRange ( int  iFirstItem,
int  iLastItem 

◆ SortByColumn()

void CAlnMultiPane::SortByColumn ( int  index)

◆ TTHH_GetTooltip()

CTooltipInfo CAlnMultiPane::TTHH_GetTooltip ( const wxRect &  )

Return the contents to be displayed in the tool tip.

Reimplemented from IStickyTooltipHandlerHost.

Definition at line 413 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

References CTooltipInfo::ePin, ERR_POST, Error(), CException::GetMsg(), CAlnMultiRenderer::GetTooltip(), info, NStr::IntToString(), LOG_POST, m_Renderer, TTHH_id, and CException::what().

◆ TTHH_NeedTooltip()

string CAlnMultiPane::TTHH_NeedTooltip ( const wxPoint &  )

Return id of the underlying element to dispaly a tooltip, otherwise "".

Reimplemented from IStickyTooltipHandlerHost.

Definition at line 406 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

References NStr::IntToString(), m_Renderer, CAlnMultiRenderer::NeedTooltip(), TTHH_id, CGlPoint< T >::X(), x_GetVPPosByWindowPos(), and CGlPoint< T >::Y().

◆ TTHH_ProcessURL()

bool CAlnMultiPane::TTHH_ProcessURL ( const wxString &  )

Return true if the specified URL has been processed. Used for custom commands.

Reimplemented from IStickyTooltipHandlerHost.

Definition at line 441 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

References CSelectionVisitor::GetScope(), m_SelectionVisitor, and CURLTooltipHandler::ProcessURL().

◆ UnMarkAll()

void CAlnMultiPane::UnMarkAll ( )

◆ Update()

void CAlnMultiPane::Update ( void  )

◆ UpdateHeaderSortState()

void CAlnMultiPane::UpdateHeaderSortState ( )

◆ UpdateOnDataChanged()

void CAlnMultiPane::UpdateOnDataChanged ( )

◆ UpdateVectorLayout()

void CAlnMultiPane::UpdateVectorLayout ( )

Implements IVectorGraphicsRenderer.

Definition at line 517 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

◆ x_GetAreaByVPPos()

int CAlnMultiPane::x_GetAreaByVPPos ( TVPUnit  vp_x,
TVPUnit  vp_y 

◆ x_GetAreaByWindowPos()

int CAlnMultiPane::x_GetAreaByWindowPos ( const wxPoint &  pos)

Reimplemented from CGlWidgetPane.

Definition at line 1164 of file alnmulti_pane.cpp.

References x_GetAreaByVPPos().

Referenced by OnLeftDoubleClick(), OnLeftDown(), OnLeftUp(), and OnMotion().

◆ x_GetContext() [1/2]

IAlnMultiRendererContext* CAlnMultiPane::x_GetContext ( void  )

◆ x_GetContext() [2/2]

const IAlnMultiRendererContext* CAlnMultiPane::x_GetContext ( void  ) const

Definition at line 287 of file alnmulti_pane.hpp.

◆ x_GetLineByWindowY()

int CAlnMultiPane::x_GetLineByWindowY ( int  WinY) const

◆ x_GetLineRect()

TVPRect CAlnMultiPane::x_GetLineRect ( int  Index) const

◆ x_GetModel() [1/2]

TSelListModel* CAlnMultiPane::x_GetModel ( )

Definition at line 289 of file alnmulti_pane.hpp.

Referenced by MHH_GetSelListModel(), and SLC_GetModel().

◆ x_GetModel() [2/2]

const TSelListModel* CAlnMultiPane::x_GetModel ( ) const

Definition at line 290 of file alnmulti_pane.hpp.

◆ x_GetParent() [1/2]

IAlnMultiPaneParent* CAlnMultiPane::x_GetParent ( )

◆ x_GetParent() [2/2]

const IAlnMultiPaneParent* CAlnMultiPane::x_GetParent ( ) const

Definition at line 284 of file alnmulti_pane.hpp.

◆ x_GetVPPosByWindowPos()

TVPPoint CAlnMultiPane::x_GetVPPosByWindowPos ( int  x,
int  y 

◆ x_IsMasterLineByWindowY()

bool CAlnMultiPane::x_IsMasterLineByWindowY ( int  WinY)

◆ x_OnRowMouseEvent()

void CAlnMultiPane::x_OnRowMouseEvent ( wxMouseEvent &  event)

◆ x_Render()

void CAlnMultiPane::x_Render ( void  )

◆ x_RenderHeaderHandler()

void CAlnMultiPane::x_RenderHeaderHandler ( )

◆ x_RenderMark()

void CAlnMultiPane::x_RenderMark ( )

◆ x_RenderProgressPanel()

void CAlnMultiPane::x_RenderProgressPanel ( )

◆ x_RenderSelection()

void CAlnMultiPane::x_RenderSelection ( )

◆ x_RenderZoomHandler()

void CAlnMultiPane::x_RenderZoomHandler ( )

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_Context

IAlnMultiRendererContext* CAlnMultiPane::m_Context

Definition at line 305 of file alnmulti_pane.hpp.

Referenced by SetContext().

◆ m_HandlerPane

CGlPane CAlnMultiPane::m_HandlerPane

◆ m_HeaderHandler

CAlnMultiHeaderHandler CAlnMultiPane::m_HeaderHandler

Definition at line 315 of file alnmulti_pane.hpp.

Referenced by x_RenderHeaderHandler().

◆ m_MarkHandler

CAlignMarkHandler CAlnMultiPane::m_MarkHandler

Definition at line 311 of file alnmulti_pane.hpp.

Referenced by GetMarks(), MarkSelectedRows(), UnMarkAll(), and x_RenderMark().

◆ m_Model

TSelListModel* CAlnMultiPane::m_Model

Definition at line 306 of file alnmulti_pane.hpp.

Referenced by SLV_SetModel().

◆ m_MouseZoomHandler

CMouseZoomHandler CAlnMultiPane::m_MouseZoomHandler

Definition at line 312 of file alnmulti_pane.hpp.

Referenced by x_OnRowMouseEvent(), and x_RenderZoomHandler().

◆ m_Parent

IAlnMultiPaneParent* CAlnMultiPane::m_Parent

Definition at line 304 of file alnmulti_pane.hpp.

Referenced by GetViewportRect(), RenderVectorGraphics(), and SetWidget().

◆ m_ProgressPanel

CProgressPanel CAlnMultiPane::m_ProgressPanel

Definition at line 319 of file alnmulti_pane.hpp.

Referenced by HideProgressPanel(), ShowProgressPanel(), and x_RenderProgressPanel().

◆ m_Renderer

CAlnMultiRenderer CAlnMultiPane::m_Renderer

◆ m_SelectionVisitor

CSelectionVisitor CAlnMultiPane::m_SelectionVisitor

◆ m_SelHandler

CLinearSelHandler CAlnMultiPane::m_SelHandler

◆ m_Title

bool CAlnMultiPane::m_Title

When rendering vector image, add a title.

Definition at line 322 of file alnmulti_pane.hpp.

Referenced by RenderVectorGraphics().

◆ m_TooltipManager

CStickyTooltipHandler CAlnMultiPane::m_TooltipManager

Definition at line 317 of file alnmulti_pane.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Modified on Fri Sep 20 14:57:26 2024 by rev. 669887