| C_Attlist (void) |
| ~C_Attlist (void) |
bool | IsSetComponentType (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to ComponentType data member. More...
bool | CanGetComponentType (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetComponentType method. More...
void | ResetComponentType (void) |
| Reset ComponentType data member. More...
TComponentType | GetComponentType (void) const |
| Get the ComponentType member data. More...
void | SetComponentType (TComponentType value) |
| Assign a value to ComponentType data member. More...
TComponentType & | SetComponentType (void) |
| Assign a value to ComponentType data member. More...
bool | IsSetCtgId (void) const |
| dbSNP contig_id used to join on contig hit / mapset data to these assembly properties Check if a value has been assigned to CtgId data member. More...
bool | CanGetCtgId (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetCtgId method. More...
void | ResetCtgId (void) |
| Reset CtgId data member. More...
TCtgId | GetCtgId (void) const |
| Get the CtgId member data. More...
void | SetCtgId (TCtgId value) |
| Assign a value to CtgId data member. More...
TCtgId & | SetCtgId (void) |
| Assign a value to CtgId data member. More...
bool | IsSetAccession (void) const |
| Accession[.version] for the sequence component Check if a value has been assigned to Accession data member. More...
bool | CanGetAccession (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetAccession method. More...
void | ResetAccession (void) |
| Reset Accession data member. More...
const TAccession & | GetAccession (void) const |
| Get the Accession member data. More...
void | SetAccession (const TAccession &value) |
| Assign a value to Accession data member. More...
void | SetAccession (TAccession &&value) |
TAccession & | SetAccession (void) |
| Assign a value to Accession data member. More...
bool | IsSetName (void) const |
| contig name defined as either a submitter local id, element of a whole genome assembly set, or internal NCBI local id Check if a value has been assigned to Name data member. More...
bool | CanGetName (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetName method. More...
void | ResetName (void) |
| Reset Name data member. More...
const TName & | GetName (void) const |
| Get the Name member data. More...
void | SetName (const TName &value) |
| Assign a value to Name data member. More...
void | SetName (TName &&value) |
TName & | SetName (void) |
| Assign a value to Name data member. More...
bool | IsSetChromosome (void) const |
| Organism appropriate chromosome tag, 'Un' reserved for default case of unplaced components Check if a value has been assigned to Chromosome data member. More...
bool | CanGetChromosome (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetChromosome method. More...
void | ResetChromosome (void) |
| Reset Chromosome data member. More...
const TChromosome & | GetChromosome (void) const |
| Get the Chromosome member data. More...
void | SetChromosome (const TChromosome &value) |
| Assign a value to Chromosome data member. More...
void | SetChromosome (TChromosome &&value) |
TChromosome & | SetChromosome (void) |
| Assign a value to Chromosome data member. More...
bool | IsSetStart (void) const |
| component starting position on the chromosome (base 0 inclusive) Check if a value has been assigned to Start data member. More...
bool | CanGetStart (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetStart method. More...
void | ResetStart (void) |
| Reset Start data member. More...
TStart | GetStart (void) const |
| Get the Start member data. More...
void | SetStart (TStart value) |
| Assign a value to Start data member. More...
TStart & | SetStart (void) |
| Assign a value to Start data member. More...
bool | IsSetEnd (void) const |
| component ending position on the chromosome (base 0 inclusive) Check if a value has been assigned to End data member. More...
bool | CanGetEnd (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetEnd method. More...
void | ResetEnd (void) |
| Reset End data member. More...
TEnd | GetEnd (void) const |
| Get the End member data. More...
void | SetEnd (TEnd value) |
| Assign a value to End data member. More...
TEnd & | SetEnd (void) |
| Assign a value to End data member. More...
bool | IsSetOrientation (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Orientation data member. More...
bool | CanGetOrientation (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetOrientation method. More...
void | ResetOrientation (void) |
| Reset Orientation data member. More...
TOrientation | GetOrientation (void) const |
| Get the Orientation member data. More...
void | SetOrientation (TOrientation value) |
| Assign a value to Orientation data member. More...
TOrientation & | SetOrientation (void) |
| Assign a value to Orientation data member. More...
bool | IsSetGi (void) const |
| NCBI gi for component sequence (equivalent to accession.version) for nucleotide sequence. More...
bool | CanGetGi (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetGi method. More...
void | ResetGi (void) |
| Reset Gi data member. More...
const TGi & | GetGi (void) const |
| Get the Gi member data. More...
void | SetGi (const TGi &value) |
| Assign a value to Gi data member. More...
void | SetGi (TGi &&value) |
TGi & | SetGi (void) |
| Assign a value to Gi data member. More...
bool | IsSetGroupTerm (void) const |
| Identifier label for the genome assembly that defines the contigs in this mapset and their placement within the organism genome. More...
bool | CanGetGroupTerm (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetGroupTerm method. More...
void | ResetGroupTerm (void) |
| Reset GroupTerm data member. More...
const TGroupTerm & | GetGroupTerm (void) const |
| Get the GroupTerm member data. More...
void | SetGroupTerm (const TGroupTerm &value) |
| Assign a value to GroupTerm data member. More...
void | SetGroupTerm (TGroupTerm &&value) |
TGroupTerm & | SetGroupTerm (void) |
| Assign a value to GroupTerm data member. More...
bool | IsSetContigLabel (void) const |
| Display label for component Check if a value has been assigned to ContigLabel data member. More...
bool | CanGetContigLabel (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetContigLabel method. More...
void | ResetContigLabel (void) |
| Reset ContigLabel data member. More...
const TContigLabel & | GetContigLabel (void) const |
| Get the ContigLabel member data. More...
void | SetContigLabel (const TContigLabel &value) |
| Assign a value to ContigLabel data member. More...
void | SetContigLabel (TContigLabel &&value) |
TContigLabel & | SetContigLabel (void) |
| Assign a value to ContigLabel data member. More...
void | Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
| CSerialObject (void) |
virtual | ~CSerialObject (void) |
virtual const CTypeInfo * | GetThisTypeInfo (void) const =0 |
virtual void | Assign (const CSerialObject &source, ESerialRecursionMode how=eRecursive) |
| Set object to copy of another one. More...
virtual bool | Equals (const CSerialObject &object, ESerialRecursionMode how=eRecursive) const |
| Check if both objects contain the same values. More...
virtual void | DebugDump (CDebugDumpContext ddc, unsigned int depth) const |
| Define method for dumping debug information. More...
void | ThrowUnassigned (TMemberIndex index) const |
void | ThrowUnassigned (TMemberIndex index, const char *file_name, int file_line) const |
bool | HasNamespaceName (void) const |
| Check if object data type has namespace name. More...
const string & | GetNamespaceName (void) const |
| Get namespace name. More...
bool | HasNamespacePrefix (void) const |
| Check if data type has namespace prefix. More...
const string & | GetNamespacePrefix (void) const |
| Get namespace prefix. More...
| CObject (void) |
| Constructor. More...
| CObject (const CObject &src) |
| Copy constructor. More...
virtual | ~CObject (void) |
| Destructor. More...
CObject & | operator= (const CObject &src) THROWS_NONE |
| Assignment operator. More...
bool | CanBeDeleted (void) const THROWS_NONE |
| Check if object can be deleted. More...
bool | IsAllocatedInPool (void) const THROWS_NONE |
| Check if object is allocated in memory pool (not system heap) More...
bool | Referenced (void) const THROWS_NONE |
| Check if object is referenced. More...
bool | ReferencedOnlyOnce (void) const THROWS_NONE |
| Check if object is referenced only once. More...
void | AddReference (void) const |
| Add reference to object. More...
void | RemoveReference (void) const |
| Remove reference to object. More...
void | ReleaseReference (void) const |
| Remove reference without deleting object. More...
virtual void | DoNotDeleteThisObject (void) |
| Mark this object as not allocated in heap – do not delete this object. More...
virtual void | DoDeleteThisObject (void) |
| Mark this object as allocated in heap – object can be deleted. More...
void * | operator new (size_t size) |
| Define new operator for memory allocation. More...
void * | operator new[] (size_t size) |
| Define new[] operator for 'array' memory allocation. More...
void | operator delete (void *ptr) |
| Define delete operator for memory deallocation. More...
void | operator delete[] (void *ptr) |
| Define delete[] operator for memory deallocation. More...
void * | operator new (size_t size, void *place) |
| Define new operator. More...
void | operator delete (void *ptr, void *place) |
| Define delete operator. More...
void * | operator new (size_t size, CObjectMemoryPool *place) |
| Define new operator using memory pool. More...
void | operator delete (void *ptr, CObjectMemoryPool *place) |
| Define delete operator. More...
| CDebugDumpable (void) |
virtual | ~CDebugDumpable (void) |
void | DebugDumpText (ostream &out, const string &bundle, unsigned int depth) const |
void | DebugDumpFormat (CDebugDumpFormatter &ddf, const string &bundle, unsigned int depth) const |
void | DumpToConsole (void) const |