NCBI C++ ToolKit
Search Toolkit Book for CDisplaySeqalign
#include <objtools/align_format/showalign.hpp>
Classes | |
struct | DomainInfo |
structure for showing domains on the master sequence More... | |
struct | FeatureInfo |
structure for store feature display info More... | |
struct | SAlignTemplates |
struct | SAlnDispParams |
struct | SAlnFeatureInfo |
store feature information More... | |
struct | SAlnInfo |
store alnvec and score info More... | |
struct | SAlnLinksParams |
Info used to contstruct seq url obtained from processing the whole seq align for particular subject sequnce. More... | |
struct | SAlnRowInfo |
struct | SAlnSeqlocInfo |
store seqloc info More... | |
struct | SInsertInformation |
internal insert information aln_start. More... | |
Public Types | |
enum | AlignType { eNotSet = 0 , eNuc = 1 , eProt = 2 } |
Alignment display type, specific for showing blast-related info. More... | |
enum | DisplayOption { eHtml = (1 << 0) , eLinkout = (1 << 1) , eSequenceRetrieval = (1 << 2) , eMergeAlign = (1 << 3) , eShowMiddleLine = (1 << 4) , eShowGi = (1 << 6) , eShowIdentity = (1 << 7) , eShowBlastInfo = (1 << 8) , eShowBlastStyleId = (1 << 9) , eNewTargetWindow = (1 << 10) , eShowCdsFeature = (1 << 11) , eShowGeneFeature = (1 << 12) , eMasterAnchored = (1 << 13) , eColorDifferentBases = (1 << 14) , eTranslateNucToNucAlignment = (1 << 15) , eShowBl2seqLink = (1 << 16) , eDynamicFeature = (1 << 17) , eShowNoDeflineInfo = (1 << 18) , eHyperLinkSlaveSeqid = (1 << 19) , eHyperLinkMasterSeqid = (1 << 20) , eDisplayTreeView = (1 << 21) , eShowInfoOnMouseOverSeqid = (1 << 22) , eShowSortControls = (1 << 23) , eShowGeneInfo = (1 << 24) , eShowCheckBox = (1 << 25) , eShowEndGaps = (1 << 26) , eShowGapOnlyLines = (1 << 27) , eShowRawScoreOnly = (1 << 28) , eShowTranslationForLocalSeq = (1 << 29) , eShowAlignStatsForMultiAlignView = (1 << 30) , eShowSequencePropertyLabel = (1 << 31) } |
option for alignment display More... | |
enum | TranslatedFrameForLocalSeq { eFirst = 0 , eSecond , eThird } |
enum | MiddleLineStyle { eChar = 0 , eBar } |
Middle line style option. More... | |
enum | SeqLocCharOption { eX = 0 , eN , eLowerCase } |
character used to display seqloc, such as masked sequence More... | |
enum | SeqLocColorOption { eBlack = 0 , eGrey , eRed } |
colors for seqloc display More... | |
enum | LinksDisplayParams { eDisplayDefault = 0 , eDisplayResourcesLinks = (1 << 0) , eDisplayDownloadLink = (1 << 1) } |
Public Member Functions | |
void | SetTranslatedFrameForLocalSeq (TranslatedFrameForLocalSeq frame) |
CDisplaySeqalign (const objects::CSeq_align_set &seqalign, objects::CScope &scope, list< CRef< CSeqLocInfo > > *mask_seqloc=NULL, list< FeatureInfo * > *external_feature=NULL, const char *matrix_name="BLOSUM62") | |
Constructors. More... | |
virtual | ~CDisplaySeqalign () |
Destructor. More... | |
void | DisplaySeqalign (CNcbiOstream &out) |
call this to display seqalign More... | |
void | SetLinkoutDB (ILinkoutDB *l, const string &mv_build_name) |
Set the linkout implementation. More... | |
void | DisplayPairwiseSeqalign (CNcbiOstream &out, unordered_set< string > selectedIDs) |
void | SetAlignOption (int option) |
Set functions. More... | |
void | SetSeqLocChar (SeqLocCharOption option=eX) |
character style for seqloc display such as masked region More... | |
void | SetSeqLocColor (SeqLocColorOption option=eBlack) |
color for seqloc display such as masked region More... | |
void | SetLineLen (size_t len) |
number of bases or amino acids per line More... | |
void | SetNumAlignToShow (int num) |
Display top num seqalign Note this only limit the number of seqalign regardless of the seqids. More... | |
void | SetMiddleLineStyle (MiddleLineStyle option=eBar) |
set middle line style More... | |
void | SetMasterGeneticCode (int code) |
Set genetic code for master sequence. More... | |
void | SetSlaveGeneticCode (int code) |
Set Genetic cod for slaves. More... | |
void | SetAlignType (AlignType type) |
Needed only if you want to display positives and strand. More... | |
void | SetDbName (string name) |
set blast database name More... | |
void | SetDbType (bool is_na) |
database type. More... | |
void | SetRid (string rid) |
set blast request id More... | |
void | SetCddRid (string cdd_rid) |
CDD rid for constructing linkout. More... | |
void | SetEntrezTerm (string term) |
for constructing structure linkout More... | |
void | SetQueryNumber (int number) |
for linking to mapviewer More... | |
void | SetBlastType (string type) |
internal blast type More... | |
void | SetAlignSeqListIndex (int alignSeqListIndex) |
Set subject seq index. More... | |
void | SetSubjectMasks (const TSeqLocInfoVector &masks) |
Sets the masks and the masking algorithm used for the subject sequences. More... | |
void | SetCgiContext (CCgiContext &ctx) |
void | SetPreComputedResID (string preComputedResID) |
Sets CDD precomputed results ID. More... | |
void | UseLongSequenceIds (void) |
Sets usage of long sequence ids (database|accession) More... | |
void | SetQueryAnchoredIndex (int queryAnchoredSetIndex) |
Sets index of Query anchored alignment set to display or download. More... | |
void | SetAlignTemplates (SAlignTemplates *alignTemplates) |
void | SetMasterDomain (list< CRef< DomainInfo > > *domain) |
void | SetSequencePropertyLabel (const vector< string > *SequencePropertyLabel, EOwnership ownership=eNoOwnership) |
void | SetResultPositionIndex (int index) |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static CRef< objects::CSeq_align_set > | PrepareBlastUngappedSeqalign (const objects::CSeq_align_set &alnset) |
static functions Need to call this if the seqalign is stdseg or dendiag for ungapped blast alignment display as each stdseg ro dendiag is a distinct alignment. More... | |
static CRef< objects::CSeq_align_set > | PrepareBlastUngappedSeqalignEx (const objects::CSeq_align_set &alnset) |
static functions same as PrepareBlastUngappedSeqalign, but process seg scores uniformly even if there is only a single seg. More... | |
static CRef< objects::CSeq_align_set > | PrepareBlastUngappedSeqalignEx2 (objects::CSeq_align_set &alnset) |
same as PrepareBlastUngappedSeqalign2, but sets aggregate scores. More... | |
Protected Types | |
typedef list< CRef< SInsertInformation > > | TSInsertInformationList |
typedef list< CRef< SAlnFeatureInfo > > | TSAlnFeatureInfoList |
typedef list< CRef< SAlnSeqlocInfo > > | TSAlnSeqlocInfoList |
List of SAlnSeqlocInfo structures. More... | |
typedef map< SSeqIdKey, TMaskedQueryRegions > | TSubjectMaskMap |
Definition of std::map of objects::CSeq_ids to masks. More... | |
Protected Member Functions | |
string | x_PrintDynamicFeatures (void) |
void | x_DisplayAlnvec (CNcbiOstream &out) |
Display the current alnvec. More... | |
string | x_PrintDefLine (const objects::CBioseq_Handle &bsp_handle, SAlnInfo *aln_vec_info) |
print defline More... | |
void | x_OutputSeq (string &sequence, const objects::CSeq_id &id, int start, int len, int frame, int row, bool color_mismatch, const TSAlnSeqlocInfoList &loc_list, CNcbiOstream &out) const |
display sequence for one row More... | |
int | x_GetNumGaps () |
Count number of total gaps. More... | |
CAlignFormatUtil::SSeqURLInfo * | x_InitSeqUrl (TGi giToUse, string accession, TTaxId taxid, const list< CRef< objects::CSeq_id > > &ids) |
get url to sequence record More... | |
string | x_HTMLSeqIDLink (SAlnRowInfo *alnRoInfo, int row, TGi giToUse) |
void | x_InitAlignLinks (SAlnDispParams *alnDispParams, const list< CRef< objects::CBlast_def_line > > &bdl_list, int lnkDispPrarms) |
string | x_GetDumpgnlLink (const list< CRef< objects::CSeq_id > > &ids) const |
get dumpgnl url to sequence record More... | |
void | x_GetFeatureInfo (TSAlnFeatureInfoList &feature, int custom_genetic_code, objects::CScope &scope, objects::CSeqFeatData::E_Choice choice, int row, string &sequence, list< list< CRange< TSeqPos > > > &feat_seq_range, list< objects::ENa_strand > &feat_seq_strand, bool fill_feat_range) const |
get feature info More... | |
void | x_FillInserts (int row, objects::CAlnMap::TSignedRange &aln_range, int aln_start, list< string > &inserts, string &insert_pos_string, TSInsertInformationList &insert_list) const |
get inserts info More... | |
void | x_DoFills (int row, objects::CAlnMap::TSignedRange &aln_range, int aln_start, TSInsertInformationList &insert_list, list< string > &inserts) const |
recusively fill the insert for anchored view More... | |
string | x_GetSegs (int row) const |
segments starts and stops used for map viewer, etc More... | |
void | x_FillIdentityInfo (const string &sequence_standard, const string &sequence, int &match, int &positive, string &middle_line) |
compute number of identical and positive residues and set middle line accordingly More... | |
void | x_SetFeatureInfo (CRef< SAlnFeatureInfo > feat_info, const objects::CSeq_loc &seqloc, int aln_from, int aln_to, int aln_stop, char pattern_char, string pattern_id, string &alternative_feat_str, int genetic_code) const |
set feature info More... | |
void | x_GetInserts (TSInsertInformationList &insert_list, objects::CAlnMap::TSeqPosList &insert_aln_start, objects::CAlnMap::TSeqPosList &insert_seq_start, objects::CAlnMap::TSeqPosList &insert_length, int line_aln_stop) |
get insert information More... | |
string | x_GetGeneLinkUrl (int gene_id) |
get the URL of the Gene info link. More... | |
void | x_DisplayAlnvecInfo (CNcbiOstream &out, SAlnInfo *aln_vec_info, bool show_defline) |
display alnvec info More... | |
void | x_PrintDynamicFeatures (CNcbiOstream &out, SAlnInfo *aln_vec_info) |
output dynamic feature url More... | |
void | x_FillLocList (TSAlnSeqlocInfoList &loc_list, const list< CRef< CSeqLocInfo > > *masks) const |
convert the passed seqloc list info using alnment coordinates More... | |
void | x_GetQueryFeatureList (int row_num, int aln_stop, vector< TSAlnFeatureInfoList > &features) const |
get external query feature info such as phi blast pattern More... | |
void | x_FillSeqid (string &id, int row) const |
make the appropriate seqid More... | |
int | x_GetLinkout (const objects::CSeq_id &id) |
void | x_PrintFeatures (SAlnRowInfo *alnRoInfo, int row, string &master_feat_str, CNcbiOstream &out) |
print out features and fill master_feat_str if applicable More... | |
CRef< objects::CAlnVec > | x_GetAlnVecForSeqalign (const objects::CSeq_align &align) |
void | x_DisplayBl2SeqLink (CNcbiOstream &out) |
Dipslay Bl2seq TBLASTX link. More... | |
void | x_DisplayMpvAnchor (CNcbiOstream &out, SAlnInfo *aln_vec_info) |
Display anchor for links from mapview. More... | |
void | x_DisplayAlignSortInfo (CNcbiOstream &out, string id_label) |
Display Sorting controls. More... | |
void | x_DisplayAlignInfo (CNcbiOstream &out, SAlnInfo *aln_vec_info) |
Display score,bits,expect,method. More... | |
virtual string | x_DisplayRowData (SAlnRowInfo *alnRoInfo) |
Display pairwise alignment. More... | |
virtual void | x_DisplayRowData (SAlnRowInfo *alnRoInfo, CNcbiOstream &out) |
string | x_DisplayRowDataSet (SAlnRowInfo *alnRoInfo, int aln_start, vector< int > &prev_stop) |
void | x_ProcessRowDataSet (SAlnRowInfo *alnRoInfo, int aln_start, vector< int > &prev_stop) |
void | x_DisplayIdentityInfo (SAlnRowInfo *alnRoInfo, CNcbiOstream &out) |
Display identities,positives,frames etc. More... | |
void | x_DisplaySingleAlignParams (CNcbiOstream &out, SAlnInfo *aln_vec_info, bool showSortControls) |
Display Sorting controls,score,bits,expect,method,features identities,positives,frames etc. More... | |
void | x_PrepareIdentityInfo (SAlnInfo *aln_vec_info) |
void | x_PrepareDynamicFeatureInfo (SAlnInfo *aln_vec_info) |
Calculate data for feature display. More... | |
SAlnRowInfo * | x_PrepareRowData (void) |
Calculate data for pairwise alignment display. More... | |
string | x_FormatSingleAlign (SAlnInfo *aln_vec_info) |
string | x_FormatAlignSortInfo () |
string | x_FormatAlnBlastInfo (SAlnInfo *aln_vec_info) |
string | x_FormatIdentityInfo (string alignInfo, SAlnInfo *aln_vec_info) |
string | x_FormatDynamicFeaturesInfo (string alignInfo, SAlnInfo *aln_vec_info) |
string | x_FormatOneDynamicFeature (string viewerURL, TGi subjectGi, int fromRange, int toRange, string featText) |
void | x_PreProcessSeqAlign (objects::CSeq_align_set &actual_aln_list) |
Sets m_Segs,m_HspNumber. More... | |
void | x_CalcUrlLinksParams (const objects::CSeq_align &align, string idString, string toolUrl) |
void | x_DisplayAlnvecInfoHead (CNcbiOstream &out, SAlnInfo *aln_vec_info) |
void | x_InitAlignParams (objects::CSeq_align_set &actual_aln_list) |
Inits align parameters for displaySetup scope for feature fetching and m_DynamicFeature inits m_FeatObj,m_featScope,m_CanRetrieveSeq,m_ConfigFile,m_Reg,m_LinkoutOrder,m_DynamicFeature. More... | |
void | x_PreProcessSingleAlign (objects::CSeq_align_set::Tdata::const_iterator currSeqAlignIter, objects::CSeq_align_set &actual_aln_list, bool multipleSeqs) |
string | x_FormatAlnHSPLinks (string &alignInfo) |
SAlnDispParams * | x_FillAlnDispParams (const CRef< objects::CBlast_def_line > &iter, const objects::CBioseq_Handle &bsp_handle, list< string > &use_this_seqid, TGi firstGi, int numLinkoutReads) |
SAlnDispParams * | x_FillAlnDispParams (const objects::CBioseq_Handle &bsp_handle) |
string | x_FormatDefLinesHeader (const objects::CBioseq_Handle &bsp_handle, SAlnInfo *aln_vec_info) |
string | x_InitDefLinesHeader (const objects::CBioseq_Handle &bsp_handle, SAlnInfo *aln_vec_info) |
string | x_MapDefLine (SAlnDispParams *alnDispParams, bool isFisrt, bool linkout, bool hideDefline, int seqLength) |
void | x_ShowAlnvecInfoTemplate (CNcbiOstream &out, SAlnInfo *aln_vec_info, bool show_defline) |
void | x_ShowAlnvecInfo (CNcbiOstream &out, SAlnInfo *aln_vec_info, bool show_defline) |
void | x_GetDomainInfo (int row_num, int aln_stop, vector< TSAlnFeatureInfoList > &retval) const |
void | x_AddTranslationForLocalSeq (vector< TSAlnFeatureInfoList > &retval, vector< string > &sequence) const |
void | x_DisplaySequenceIDForQueryAnchored (SAlnRowInfo *alnRoInfo, int row, CNcbiOstrstream &out) |
void | x_DisplaySequenceIDForPairwise (SAlnRowInfo *alnRoInfo, int row, bool has_mismatch, CNcbiOstrstream &out) |
void | x_DisplayInsertsForQueryAnchored (SAlnRowInfo *alnRoInfo, int row, CNcbiOstrstream &out) |
void | x_DisplaySequenceLine (SAlnRowInfo *alnRoInfo, int row, int prev_stop, CNcbiOstrstream &out) |
void | x_DisplayMiddLine (SAlnRowInfo *alnRoInfo, int row, CNcbiOstrstream &out) |
Static Protected Member Functions | |
static TGi | x_GetGiForSeqIdList (const list< CRef< objects::CSeq_id > > &ids) |
Private Member Functions | |
CDisplaySeqalign (const CDisplaySeqalign &other) | |
Prohibit copy constructor. More... | |
CDisplaySeqalign & | operator= (const CDisplaySeqalign &rhs) |
Prohibit assignment operator. More... | |
Definition at line 91 of file showalign.hpp.
protected |
Definition at line 496 of file showalign.hpp.
protected |
List of SAlnSeqlocInfo structures.
Definition at line 505 of file showalign.hpp.
protected |
Definition at line 486 of file showalign.hpp.
protected |
Definition of std::map of objects::CSeq_ids to masks.
Definition at line 598 of file showalign.hpp.
Alignment display type, specific for showing blast-related info.
Enumerator | |
eNotSet | |
eNuc | |
eProt |
Definition at line 98 of file showalign.hpp.
option for alignment display
Definition at line 122 of file showalign.hpp.
Enumerator | |
eDisplayDefault | |
eDisplayResourcesLinks | |
eDisplayDownloadLink |
Definition at line 219 of file showalign.hpp.
character used to display seqloc, such as masked sequence
Enumerator | |
eX | |
eN | |
eLowerCase |
Definition at line 203 of file showalign.hpp.
Enumerator | |
eFirst | |
eSecond | |
eThird |
Definition at line 185 of file showalign.hpp.
CDisplaySeqalign::CDisplaySeqalign | ( | const objects::CSeq_align_set & | seqalign, |
objects::CScope & | scope, | ||
list< CRef< CSeqLocInfo > > * | mask_seqloc = NULL , |
list< FeatureInfo * > * | external_feature = NULL , |
const char * | matrix_name = "BLOSUM62" |
) |
seqalign | seqalign to display. |
mask_seqloc | seqloc to be displayed with different characters and colors such as masked sequence. |
external_feature | Feature to display such as phiblast pattern. Must be seqloc-int |
matrix_name | scoring matrix name [in] |
scope | scope to fetch your sequence |
virtual |
Definition at line 221 of file showalign.cpp.
References i, k_NumAsciiChar, m_ConfigFile, m_DynamicFeature, m_Matrix, and m_Reg.
private |
Prohibit copy constructor.
void CDisplaySeqalign::DisplayPairwiseSeqalign | ( | CNcbiOstream & | out, |
unordered_set< string > | selectedIDs | ||
) |
Definition at line 4675 of file showalign.cpp.
void CDisplaySeqalign::DisplaySeqalign | ( | CNcbiOstream & | out | ) |
call this to display seqalign
out | stream for display |
Definition at line 1910 of file showalign.cpp.
References _TRACE, ConstBegin(), CAlignFormatUtil::CreateDensegFromDendiag(), CSeq_align::CreateDensegFromStdseg(), CSeq_data_Base::e_Ncbieaa, CSeq_align_Base::C_Segs::e_Std, eHtml, eMergeAlign, CRef< C, Locker >::Empty(), CConstRef< C, Locker >::Empty(), eNa_strand_minus, eSequenceRetrieval, eSerial_AsnText, eTranslateNucToNucAlignment, eUnknown, CAlignFormatUtil::ExtractSeqalignSetFromDiscSegs(), CAlnMix::fFillUnalignedRegions, CAlnMix::fForceTranslation, CAlnMix::fMinGap, CAlnMix::fNegativeStrand, CAlnMix::fPreserveRows, CAlnMix::fQuerySeqMergeOnly, Get(), CSeq_align_set_Base::Get(), CAlignFormatUtil::GetAlnScores(), CAlnVec::GetBioseqHandle(), CSeq_align_Base::C_Segs::GetDenseg(), CSeq_align_Base::GetSegs(), CAlnMap::GetSeqId(), GetSeqIdString(), CDense_seg::GetWidths(), i, int, CDense_seg::IsSetWidths(), k_FrameConversion, k_NumFrame, m_AlignOption, m_AV, m_CanRetrieveSeq, m_cur_align, m_currAlignHsp, m_currAlignSeqListIndex, m_MasterGeneticCode, m_NumAlignToShow, m_QueryNumber, m_Scope, m_SeqalignSetRef, m_SlaveGeneticCode, CSeq_id::Match(), NCBI_THROW, CObjectOStream::Open(), out(), s_GetStdsegMasterFrame(), CAlnVec::SetAaCoding(), CAlnVec::SetGenCode(), CException::what(), x_DisplayAlnvec(), x_DisplayAlnvecInfo(), x_GetAlnVecForSeqalign(), x_InitAlignParams(), and x_PreProcessSeqAlign().
Referenced by BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), TestUtil::PrintFormattedSeqAlign(), CBlastFormat::PrintOneResultSet(), CBlastFormat::PrintPhiResult(), TestSimpleAlignment(), and CBlastFormat::x_DisplayAlignsWithTemplates().
private |
Prohibit assignment operator.
static |
static functions Need to call this if the seqalign is stdseg or dendiag for ungapped blast alignment display as each stdseg ro dendiag is a distinct alignment.
Don't call it for other case as it's a waste of time.
alnset | input alnset |
Definition at line 3159 of file showalign.cpp.
References CSeq_align_Base::C_Segs::e_Dendiag, CSeq_align_Base::C_Segs::e_Std, CSeq_align_set_Base::Get(), CSeq_align_Base::C_Segs::GetDendiag(), CSeq_align_Base::C_Segs::GetStd(), ITERATE, CSeq_align_set_Base::Set(), CSeq_align_Base::SetScore(), CSeq_align_Base::SetSegs(), CSeq_align_Base::SetType(), and CSeq_align_Base::C_Segs::Which().
Referenced by CBlastFormat::PrintOneResultSet(), CBlastFormat::PrintReport(), s_SeqAlignToXMLHit(), CBlastFormat::x_PrintTabularReport(), and CBlastFormat::x_PrintTaxReport().
static |
static functions same as PrepareBlastUngappedSeqalign, but process seg scores uniformly even if there is only a single seg.
alnset | input alnset |
Definition at line 3213 of file showalign.cpp.
References CSeq_align_Base::C_Segs::e_Dendiag, CSeq_align_Base::C_Segs::e_Std, CSeq_align_set_Base::Get(), CSeq_align_Base::C_Segs::GetDendiag(), CSeq_align_Base::C_Segs::GetStd(), ITERATE, CSeq_align_set_Base::Set(), CSeq_align_Base::SetScore(), CSeq_align_Base::SetSegs(), and CSeq_align_Base::C_Segs::Which().
static |
same as PrepareBlastUngappedSeqalign2, but sets aggregate scores.
alnset | input alnset |
Definition at line 3249 of file showalign.cpp.
References CSeq_align_Base::C_Segs::e_Dendiag, CSeq_align_Base::C_Segs::e_Std, CSeq_align_Base::C_Segs::GetDendiag(), CSeq_align_Base::C_Segs::GetStd(), ITERATE, CObject_id::Match(), NON_CONST_ITERATE, CSeq_align_set_Base::Set(), CObject_id_Base::SetId(), CSeq_align_Base::SetScore(), CSeq_align_Base::SetSegs(), and CSeq_align_Base::C_Segs::Which().
inline |
Set functions.
Set according to DsiplayOption
option | display option disired |
Definition at line 283 of file showalign.hpp.
References m_AlignOption, and option.
Referenced by BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), TestUtil::PrintFormattedSeqAlign(), CBlastFormat::PrintOneResultSet(), CBlastFormat::PrintPhiResult(), TestSimpleAlignment(), and CBlastFormat::x_SetAlignParameters().
inline |
Set subject seq index.
alignSeqListIndex | subject seq index in descriptions table |
Definition at line 401 of file showalign.hpp.
References m_currAlignSeqListIndex.
inline |
Definition at line 452 of file showalign.hpp.
References m_AlignTemplates.
Referenced by CBlastFormat::x_DisplayAlignsWithTemplates().
inline |
Needed only if you want to display positives and strand.
type | type of seqalign |
Definition at line 346 of file showalign.hpp.
References m_AlignType, and type.
Referenced by CBlastFormat::PrintOneResultSet(), CBlastFormat::PrintPhiResult(), and CBlastFormat::x_SetAlignParameters().
inline |
internal blast type
type | refer to blobj->adm->trace->created_by |
Definition at line 395 of file showalign.hpp.
References m_BlastType, and type.
inline |
CDD rid for constructing linkout.
cdd_rid | cdd RID |
Definition at line 374 of file showalign.hpp.
References m_CddRid.
inline |
Definition at line 409 of file showalign.hpp.
inline |
set blast database name
name | db name |
Definition at line 353 of file showalign.hpp.
References m_DbName.
Referenced by BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), CBlastFormat::PrintOneResultSet(), CBlastFormat::PrintPhiResult(), TestSimpleAlignment(), and CBlastFormat::x_SetAlignParameters().
inline |
database type.
used for seq fetching from blast db
is_na | is nuc database or not |
Definition at line 360 of file showalign.hpp.
References m_IsDbNa.
Referenced by BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), CBlastFormat::PrintOneResultSet(), CBlastFormat::PrintPhiResult(), TestSimpleAlignment(), and CBlastFormat::x_SetAlignParameters().
inline |
for constructing structure linkout
term | entrez query term |
Definition at line 381 of file showalign.hpp.
References m_EntrezTerm.
inline |
number of bases or amino acids per line
len | length desired |
Definition at line 305 of file showalign.hpp.
References len, and m_LineLen.
Referenced by CBlastFormat::PrintOneResultSet(), CBlastFormat::PrintPhiResult(), and CBlastFormat::x_SetAlignParameters().
inline |
Set the linkout implementation.
Definition at line 249 of file showalign.hpp.
References l(), m_LinkoutDB, and m_MapViewerBuildName.
inline |
Definition at line 455 of file showalign.hpp.
References m_DomainInfo.
Referenced by CBlastFormat::PrintOneResultSet().
inline |
Set genetic code for master sequence.
code | the genetic code |
Definition at line 330 of file showalign.hpp.
References m_MasterGeneticCode.
Referenced by CBlastFormat::PrintOneResultSet(), CBlastFormat::PrintPhiResult(), and CBlastFormat::x_SetAlignParameters().
inline |
set middle line style
option | style desired |
Definition at line 323 of file showalign.hpp.
References m_MidLineStyle, and option.
Referenced by CBlastFormat::PrintOneResultSet(), CBlastFormat::PrintPhiResult(), and CBlastFormat::x_SetAlignParameters().
inline |
Display top num seqalign Note this only limit the number of seqalign regardless of the seqids.
This won't work if you want to limit the number of hits (or nmuber of database seqeunces) as in blast display.
num | number desired |
Definition at line 316 of file showalign.hpp.
References m_NumAlignToShow.
Referenced by CBlastFormat::PrintOneResultSet().
inline |
Sets CDD precomputed results ID.
string | containing seq id used in contsructing URL to CDART |
Definition at line 415 of file showalign.hpp.
References m_PreComputedResID.
inline |
Sets index of Query anchored alignment set to display or download.
Index corresponds to cosequent query ranges For example range 1-60 - m_QueryAnchoredSetIndex=1, range 61-120 m_QueryAnchoredSetIndex=2
int | queryAnchoredSetIndex |
Definition at line 425 of file showalign.hpp.
References m_QueryAnchoredSetIndex.
inline |
for linking to mapviewer
number | blast query number |
Definition at line 388 of file showalign.hpp.
References m_QueryNumber, and number.
Referenced by CBlastFormat::x_SetAlignParameters().
inline |
Definition at line 466 of file showalign.hpp.
References m_ResultPositionIndex.
Referenced by CBlastFormat::PrintOneResultSet().
inline |
set blast request id
rid | blast RID |
Definition at line 367 of file showalign.hpp.
References m_Rid.
inline |
character style for seqloc display such as masked region
option | character style option |
Definition at line 291 of file showalign.hpp.
References m_SeqLocChar, and option.
Referenced by BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), CBlastFormat::PrintOneResultSet(), CBlastFormat::PrintPhiResult(), TestSimpleAlignment(), and CBlastFormat::x_SetAlignParameters().
inline |
color for seqloc display such as masked region
option | color desired |
Definition at line 298 of file showalign.hpp.
References m_SeqLocColor, and option.
Referenced by CBlastFormat::x_SetAlignParameters().
inline |
Definition at line 460 of file showalign.hpp.
References m_SeqPropertyLabel, and AutoPtr< X, Del >::reset().
Referenced by CBlastFormat::PrintOneResultSet().
inline |
Set Genetic cod for slaves.
code | the genetic code |
Definition at line 337 of file showalign.hpp.
References m_SlaveGeneticCode.
Referenced by CBlastFormat::PrintOneResultSet(), CBlastFormat::PrintPhiResult(), and CBlastFormat::x_SetAlignParameters().
void CDisplaySeqalign::SetSubjectMasks | ( | const TSeqLocInfoVector & | masks | ) |
Sets the masks and the masking algorithm used for the subject sequences.
masks | subject masks [in] |
Definition at line 1047 of file showalign.cpp.
References ITERATE, and m_SubjectMasks.
Referenced by CBlastFormat::PrintOneResultSet().
inline |
Definition at line 191 of file showalign.hpp.
References m_TranslatedFrameForLocalSeq.
Referenced by CBlastFormat::PrintOneResultSet().
inline |
Sets usage of long sequence ids (database|accession)
Definition at line 420 of file showalign.hpp.
References m_UseLongSeqIds.
Referenced by CBlastFormat::PrintOneResultSet(), CBlastFormat::PrintPhiResult(), and TestSimpleAlignment().
protected |
Definition at line 1080 of file showalign.cpp.
References eExtreme_Biological, i, int, m_AV, m_Scope, m_TranslatedFrameForLocalSeq, s_GetFinalTranslatedString(), CSeq_loc::SetPartialStart(), CSeq_loc::SetPartialStop(), ncbi::grid::netcache::search::fields::size, CSeqTranslator::Translate(), and x_SetFeatureInfo().
Referenced by x_PrepareRowData().
protected |
Definition at line 4601 of file showalign.cpp.
References first(), CAlnMap::GetSeqStart(), CAlnMap::GetSeqStop(), and NStr::IntToString().
protected |
Display score,bits,expect,method.
Definition at line 3565 of file showalign.cpp.
References CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnInfo::bits, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnInfo::comp_adj_method, eShowRawScoreOnly, CSeq_align_Base::eType_global, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnInfo::evalue, CAlignFormatUtil::GetScoreString(), m_AlignOption, m_SeqalignSetRef, out(), CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnInfo::score, and CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnInfo::sum_n.
Referenced by x_DisplaySingleAlignParams().
protected |
Display Sorting controls.
Definition at line 3345 of file showalign.cpp.
References CAlignFormatUtil::AddSpace(), CAlignFormatUtil::BuildFormatQueryString(), CAlignFormatUtil::eEvalue, CAlignFormatUtil::eHspPercentIdentity, CAlignFormatUtil::eQueryStart, CAlignFormatUtil::eScore, CAlignFormatUtil::eSubjectStart, CCgiContext::GetRequestValue(), CCgiEntry::GetValue(), map_checker< Container >::insert(), m_Ctx, NcbiEmptyString, out(), and NStr::StringToInt().
Referenced by x_DisplaySingleAlignParams().
protected |
Display the current alnvec.
out | stream for display |
Definition at line 1809 of file showalign.cpp.
References out(), x_DisplayRowData(), and x_PrepareRowData().
Referenced by DisplaySeqalign().
protected |
display alnvec info
out | output stream |
aln_vec_info | alnvec list |
Definition at line 3941 of file showalign.cpp.
References CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnInfo::alnRowInfo, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnInfo::alnvec, eShowBlastInfo, eShowMiddleLine, m_AlignOption, m_AlignTemplates, m_AV, out(), x_PrepareDynamicFeatureInfo(), x_PrepareIdentityInfo(), x_PrepareRowData(), x_ShowAlnvecInfo(), and x_ShowAlnvecInfoTemplate().
Referenced by DisplaySeqalign().
protected |
protected |
Dipslay Bl2seq TBLASTX link.
Definition at line 3444 of file showalign.cpp.
References eGetId_Best, FindGi(), CBioseq_Handle::GetBioseqCore(), GetId(), CBioseq_Base::GetId(), GI_TO, kBl2seqUrl, m_AV, CAlignFormatUtil::MapTemplate(), and out().
Referenced by x_ShowAlnvecInfo(), and x_ShowAlnvecInfoTemplate().
protected |
Display identities,positives,frames etc.
protected |
Definition at line 1629 of file showalign.cpp.
References CAlignFormatUtil::AddSpace(), CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::currPrintSegment, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::currRange, eHtml, eMergeAlign, eSequenceRetrieval, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::insertAlnStart, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::insertLength, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::insertStart, k_AlignStatsMargin, k_DefaultSpaceMaintainerTempl, k_IdStartMargin, k_SequencePropertyLabelMargin, k_StartSequenceMargin, m_AlignOption, m_CanRetrieveSeq, m_LineLen, CAlignFormatUtil::MapTemplate(), CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::max_align_stats_len, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::max_seq_property_label, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::maxIdLen, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::maxStartLen, out(), row, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::show_align_stats, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::show_seq_property_label, x_FillInserts(), and x_GetInserts().
Referenced by x_DisplayRowDataSet().
protected |
Definition at line 1776 of file showalign.cpp.
References CAlignFormatUtil::AddSpace(), CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::currActualLineLen, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::currPrintSegment, k_IdStartMargin, k_StartSequenceMargin, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::masked_regions, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::maxIdLen, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::maxStartLen, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::middleLine, out(), row, and x_OutputSeq().
Referenced by x_DisplayRowDataSet().
protected |
Display anchor for links from mapview.
Definition at line 3460 of file showalign.cpp.
References buffer, CSeq_id::eContent, eHtml, m_AlignOption, m_AV, m_BlastType, max(), min(), out(), NStr::ToLower(), and NStr::TruncateSpaces().
Referenced by x_ShowAlnvecInfo(), and x_ShowAlnvecInfoTemplate().
protectedvirtual |
Display pairwise alignment.
Definition at line 1409 of file showalign.cpp.
References eMergeAlign, eShowAlignStatsForMultiAlignView, eShowSequencePropertyLabel, int, m_AlignOption, m_AV, m_LineLen, out(), CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::rowNum, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::show_align_stats, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::show_seq_property_label, and x_DisplayRowDataSet().
Referenced by x_DisplayAlnvec(), x_FormatSingleAlign(), and x_ShowAlnvecInfo().
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 1435 of file showalign.cpp.
References CDisplaySeqalign::SAlignTemplates::alignQueryAnchTempl, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::currActualLineLen, eMergeAlign, eShowAlignStatsForMultiAlignView, eShowSequencePropertyLabel, int, NStr::IntToString(), m_AlignOption, m_AlignTemplates, m_AV, m_LineLen, m_QueryAnchoredSetIndex, CAlignFormatUtil::MapTemplate(), out(), CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::rowNum, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::show_align_stats, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::show_seq_property_label, x_DisplayRowDataSet(), and x_ProcessRowDataSet().
protected |
Definition at line 1476 of file showalign.cpp.
References CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::currActualLineLen, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::currPrintSegment, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::currRange, eHyperLinkMasterSeqid, eHyperLinkSlaveSeqid, eMasterAnchored, eMergeAlign, eShowGapOnlyLines, eShowIdentity, eShowMiddleLine, int, COpenRange< Position >::IntersectingWith(), isalpha(), k_IdentityChar, m_AlignOption, m_AV, m_LineLen, NcbiEmptyString, out(), row, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::rowNum, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::rowRng, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::seqStarts, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::seqStops, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::sequence, x_DisplayInsertsForQueryAnchored(), x_DisplayMiddLine(), x_DisplaySequenceIDForPairwise(), x_DisplaySequenceIDForQueryAnchored(), x_DisplaySequenceLine(), and x_PrintFeatures().
Referenced by x_DisplayRowData().
protected |
Definition at line 1679 of file showalign.cpp.
References eColorDifferentBases, eHtml, eMergeAlign, eShowIdentity, k_DefaultPairwiseWithIdntTempl, m_AlignOption, CAlignFormatUtil::MapTemplate(), out(), row, and CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::seqidArray.
Referenced by x_DisplayRowDataSet().
protected |
Definition at line 1694 of file showalign.cpp.
References CAlignFormatUtil::AddSpace(), CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::align_stats, CSeq_id_Base::e_Gi, CSeq_id::eContent, eHtml, eHyperLinkMasterSeqid, eHyperLinkSlaveSeqid, eMergeAlign, eSequenceRetrieval, eShowCheckBox, FindBestChoice(), CAlignFormatUtil::GetGiForSeqIdList(), GetId(), CAlignFormatUtil::GetLabel(), NStr::IntToString(), CSeq_id_Base::IsLocal(), k_AlignStatsMargin, k_DefaultAnchorTempl, k_DefaultAnchorWithPosTempl, k_DefaultCheckboxExTempl, k_DefaultCheckboxTempl, k_DefaultSpaceMaintainerTempl, k_SequencePropertyLabelMargin, m_AlignOption, m_AV, m_CanRetrieveSeq, m_cur_align, m_QueryNumber, m_ResultPositionIndex, CAlignFormatUtil::MapTemplate(), CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::max_align_stats_len, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::max_seq_property_label, NcbiEmptyString, NStr::NumericToString(), out(), row, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::seq_property_label, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::seqidArray, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::show_align_stats, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::show_seq_property_label, CSeq_id::WorstRank(), x_HTMLSeqIDLink(), and ZERO_GI.
Referenced by x_DisplayRowDataSet().
protected |
Definition at line 1595 of file showalign.cpp.
References CAlignFormatUtil::AddSpace(), CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::colorMismatch, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::currActualLineLen, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::currPrintSegment, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::frame, NStr::IntToString(), k_IdStartMargin, k_SeqStopMargin, k_StartSequenceMargin, m_AV, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::masked_regions, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::maxIdLen, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::maxStartLen, out(), row, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::seqidArray, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::seqStarts, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::seqStops, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::sequence, and x_OutputSeq().
Referenced by x_DisplayRowDataSet().
protected |
Display Sorting controls,score,bits,expect,method,features identities,positives,frames etc.
Definition at line 3970 of file showalign.cpp.
References CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnInfo::alnRowInfo, eHtml, eProt, eShowBlastInfo, eShowMiddleLine, eShowSortControls, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnInfo::feat3, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnInfo::feat5, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnInfo::feat_list, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::frame, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnInfo::gap, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnInfo::id_label, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnInfo::identity, m_AlignOption, m_AlignType, m_AlnLinksParams, m_AV, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnInfo::match, out(), CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnInfo::positive, s_DisplayIdentityInfo(), x_DisplayAlignInfo(), x_DisplayAlignSortInfo(), and x_PrintDynamicFeatures().
Referenced by x_ShowAlnvecInfo().
protected |
recusively fill the insert for anchored view
row | the row number |
aln_range | the alignment range |
aln_start | start for current row |
insert_list | information containing the insert info |
inserts | inserts strings to be inserted |
Definition at line 3030 of file showalign.cpp.
References COpenRange< Position >::GetLength(), m_AV, NON_CONST_ITERATE, row, s_AdjustInsert(), and x_AddBar().
Referenced by x_FillInserts().
protected |
Referenced by x_InitDefLinesHeader(), and x_PrintDefLine().
protected |
protected |
compute number of identical and positive residues and set middle line accordingly
sequence_standard | the master sequence |
sequence | the slave sequence |
match | the number of identical match |
positive | number of positive match |
middle_line | the middle line to be filled |
Definition at line 2119 of file showalign.cpp.
References eBar, eChar, eProt, eShowMiddleLine, i, m_AlignOption, m_AlignType, m_Matrix, m_MidLineStyle, match(), and positive().
Referenced by x_PrepareIdentityInfo().
protected |
get inserts info
row | current row |
aln_range | the alignment range |
aln_start | start for current row |
inserts | inserts to be filled |
insert_pos_string | string to indicate the start of insert |
insert_list | information containing the insert info |
Definition at line 3078 of file showalign.cpp.
References COpenRange< Position >::GetLength(), ITERATE, row, and x_DoFills().
Referenced by x_DisplayInsertsForQueryAnchored().
protected |
convert the passed seqloc list info using alnment coordinates
loc_list | fill the list with seqloc info using aln coordinates |
masks | the masked regions |
Definition at line 4277 of file showalign.cpp.
References IAlnExplorer::eBackwards, CSeq_interval_Base::GetFrom(), CSeq_interval_Base::GetId(), CSeq_interval_Base::GetTo(), i, ITERATE, m_AV, and CSeq_id::Match().
Referenced by x_PrepareRowData().
make the appropriate seqid
id | the id to be filled |
row | row number |
Definition at line 4480 of file showalign.cpp.
References CSeq_id_Base::e_Gi, CSeq_id::eContent, eMergeAlign, eShowBlastStyleId, eShowGi, FindBestChoice(), CAlignFormatUtil::GetGiForSeqIdList(), CAlignFormatUtil::GetLabel(), kQuery, kSubject(), m_AlignOption, m_AV, NStr::NumericToString(), row, CSeq_id::WorstRank(), and ZERO_GI.
Referenced by x_PrepareRowData().
protected |
Definition at line 3425 of file showalign.cpp.
References CCgiContext::GetRequestValue(), CCgiEntry::GetValue(), i, NStr::IntToString(), kEmptyStr, m_AlignTemplates, m_Ctx, m_CurrAlnID_DbLbl, m_CurrAlnID_Lbl, CAlignFormatUtil::MapTemplate(), NcbiEmptyString, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlignTemplates::sortInfoTmpl, and NStr::StringToInt().
Referenced by x_FormatDefLinesHeader().
Definition at line 3490 of file showalign.cpp.
References CDisplaySeqalign::SAlignTemplates::alignInfoMethodTmpl, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlignTemplates::alignInfoTmpl, CSeq_align_Base::eType_global, CAlignFormatUtil::GetScoreString(), NStr::IntToString(), m_AlignTemplates, m_AV, m_currAlignHsp, m_CurrAlnAccession, m_CurrAlnID_Lbl, m_SeqalignSetRef, m_TotalHSPNum, CAlignFormatUtil::MapTemplate(), and compile_time_bits::range().
Referenced by x_FormatSingleAlign().
Definition at line 4011 of file showalign.cpp.
References int, ITERATE, m_AV, m_CurrAlnAccession, m_HSPLinksList, CAlignFormatUtil::MapTemplate(), max(), and compile_time_bits::range().
Referenced by x_FormatSingleAlign().
protected |
Definition at line 3836 of file showalign.cpp.
References CDisplaySeqalign::SAlignTemplates::alignHeaderTmpl, eSequenceRetrieval, NStr::Find(), NStr::IntToString(), ITERATE, k_MaxDeflinesToShow, k_MinDeflinesToShow, m_AlignOption, m_AlignTemplates, m_BlastType, m_CanRetrieveSeq, m_cur_align, m_CurrAlnAccession, m_CurrAlnID_DbLbl, m_CurrAlnID_Lbl, m_CustomLinksList, m_LinkoutList, m_NumBlastDefLines, m_QueryNumber, m_TotalHSPNum, CAlignFormatUtil::MapTemplate(), NPOS, out(), x_FormatAlignSortInfo(), and x_InitDefLinesHeader().
Referenced by x_ShowAlnvecInfoTemplate().
protected |
Definition at line 4149 of file showalign.cpp.
References CAlignFormatUtil::GetURLFromRegistry(), NStr::IntToString(), ITERATE, CAlignFormatUtil::MapTemplate(), and x_FormatOneDynamicFeature().
Referenced by x_FormatSingleAlign().
protected |
Definition at line 244 of file showalign.cpp.
References CDisplaySeqalign::SAlignTemplates::alignInfoFrameTmpl, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnInfo::alnRowInfo, eProt, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::frame, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnInfo::gap, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnInfo::identity, int, NStr::IntToString(), m_AlignTemplates, m_AlignType, m_AV, CAlignFormatUtil::MapTemplate(), CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnInfo::match, and CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnInfo::positive.
Referenced by x_FormatSingleAlign().
protected |
Definition at line 4120 of file showalign.cpp.
References CDisplaySeqalign::SAlignTemplates::alignFeatureLinkTmpl, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlignTemplates::alignFeatureTmpl, m_AlignTemplates, m_CurrAlnAccession, m_IsDbNa, m_Rid, CAlignFormatUtil::MapTemplate(), s_MapFeatureURL(), and ZERO_GI.
Referenced by x_FormatDynamicFeaturesInfo().
Definition at line 4045 of file showalign.cpp.
References CDisplaySeqalign::SAlignTemplates::alignInfoTmpl, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlignTemplates::alignRowTmpl, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlignTemplates::alignRowTmplLast, eShowBlastInfo, NStr::IntToString(), m_AlignOption, m_AlignTemplates, m_currAlignHsp, m_CurrAlnID_Lbl, m_TotalHSPNum, CAlignFormatUtil::MapTemplate(), x_DisplayRowData(), x_FormatAlnBlastInfo(), x_FormatAlnHSPLinks(), x_FormatDynamicFeaturesInfo(), and x_FormatIdentityInfo().
Referenced by x_ShowAlnvecInfoTemplate().
protected |
Definition at line 1817 of file showalign.cpp.
References CDense_seg::Assign(), ConstBegin(), CAlignFormatUtil::CreateDensegFromDendiag(), CSeq_align::CreateDensegFromStdseg(), CSeq_align::CreateTranslatedDensegFromNADenseg(), CSeq_align_Base::C_Segs::e_Dendiag, CSeq_align_Base::C_Segs::e_Denseg, CSeq_data_Base::e_Ncbieaa, CSeq_align_Base::C_Segs::e_Std, eNa_strand_minus, eTranslateNucToNucAlignment, eUnknown, CSeq_align_Base::GetSegs(), m_AlignOption, m_Scope, NCBI_THROW, CDense_seg::Reverse(), CAlnVec::SetAaCoding(), and CSeq_align_Base::C_Segs::Which().
Referenced by DisplaySeqalign().
protected |
Definition at line 4412 of file showalign.cpp.
References m_AV, m_DomainInfo, max(), min(), s_MakeDomainString(), and x_SetFeatureInfo().
Referenced by x_PrepareRowData().
protected |
get dumpgnl url to sequence record
ids | id list |
row | the current row |
alternative_url | user specified url or empty string |
taxid | taxid |
Definition at line 3139 of file showalign.cpp.
References CAlignFormatUtil::BuildUserUrl(), FindBestChoice(), CAlignFormatUtil::GetLabel(), kDownloadImg, kDownloadLink, kDownloadUrl, label, m_DbName, m_IsDbNa, m_QueryNumber, m_Rid, CAlignFormatUtil::MapTemplate(), NcbiEmptyString, CSeq_id::WorstRank(), x_GetSegs(), and ZERO_TAX_ID.
protected |
get feature info
feature | where feature info to be filled |
custom_genetic_code | use this code (set to -1 if you don't want to use this code) |
scope | scope to fectch sequence |
choice | which feature to get |
row | current row number |
sequence | the sequence string |
feat_seq_range | to be filled with the feature seqlocs of this row |
feat_seq_strand | strand to be filled corresponding to feat_seq_range |
fill_feat_range | to fill feat_seq_range? |
Definition at line 2615 of file showalign.cpp.
References CSeqFeatData_Base::e_Cdregion, CSeqFeatData_Base::e_Gene, COpenRange< Position >::Empty(), eNa_strand_minus, eNa_strand_plus, fFGL_Both, FindGi(), CScope::GetBioseqHandle(), CRange_Base::GetFrom(), GetLabel(), CRange_Base::GetTo(), CSeq_loc::GetTotalRange(), i, isalpha(), IsSameBioseq(), ITERATE, k_FeatureIdLen, k_IntronChar, m_AV, m_LineLen, m_SlaveGeneticCode, max(), min(), NcbiEmptyString, CRef< C, Locker >::Reset(), row, s_FillCdsStartPosition(), s_GetCdsSequence(), s_GetConcatenatedExon(), s_MapSlaveFeatureToMaster(), SAnnotSelector::SetAdaptiveDepth(), SAnnotSelector::SetResolveAll(), x_SetFeatureInfo(), and ZERO_GI.
Referenced by x_PrepareRowData().
get the URL of the Gene info link.
gene_id | gene id to link to. |
Definition at line 3328 of file showalign.cpp.
References buf, CAlignFormatUtil::GetURLFromRegistry(), m_cur_align, m_IsDbNa, and m_Rid.
staticprotected |
protected |
get insert information
insert_list | list to be filled |
insert_aln_start | alnment start coordinate info |
insert_seq_start | alnment sequence start info |
insert_length | insert length info |
line_aln_stop | alignment stop for this row |
Definition at line 3098 of file showalign.cpp.
Referenced by x_DisplayInsertsForQueryAnchored().
Definition at line 2159 of file showalign.cpp.
References eLinkout, ERR_POST, ILinkoutDB::GetLinkout(), CException::GetMsg(), m_AlignOption, m_LinkoutDB, and m_MapViewerBuildName.
protected |
Count number of total gaps.
Definition at line 2575 of file showalign.cpp.
References CSeq_align_Base::eType_global, i, m_AV, m_SeqalignSetRef, and row.
Referenced by x_PrepareIdentityInfo().
protected |
get external query feature info such as phi blast pattern
row_num | row number |
aln_stop | the stop position for the whole alignment |
features | the return value for this method |
Definition at line 4326 of file showalign.cpp.
References i, m_AV, m_QueryFeature, NcbiEmptyString, and x_SetFeatureInfo().
Referenced by x_PrepareRowData().
segments starts and stops used for map viewer, etc
row | row number |
Definition at line 3121 of file showalign.cpp.
References eMergeAlign, NStr::IntToString(), m_AlignOption, m_AlnLinksParams, m_AV, NcbiEmptyString, and row.
Referenced by x_GetDumpgnlLink(), and x_InitAlignLinks().
protected |
Definition at line 964 of file showalign.cpp.
References CAlignFormatUtil::SSeqURLInfo::defline, eShowInfoOnMouseOverSeqid, CBioseq_Handle::GetBioseqCore(), CAlignFormatUtil::GetFullIDLink(), CBioseq_Base::GetId(), m_AlignOption, m_AV, NcbiEmptyString, row, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::seqidArray, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::taxid, CAlignFormatUtil::SSeqURLInfo::useTemplates, and x_InitSeqUrl().
Referenced by x_DisplaySequenceIDForQueryAnchored().
protected |
Definition at line 1006 of file showalign.cpp.
References CAlignFormatUtil::SLinkoutInfo::cur_align, eDisplayDownloadLink, eDisplayResourcesLinks, CAlignFormatUtil::eDownLoadSeq, eLinkout, CAlignFormatUtil::eLinkTypeDefault, CAlignFormatUtil::GetAlignedRegionsURL(), CAlignFormatUtil::GetCustomLinksList(), CAlignFormatUtil::GetFASTALinkURL(), CAlignFormatUtil::GetFullLinkoutUrl(), CAlignFormatUtil::GetSeqLinksList(), CAlignFormatUtil::SSeqURLInfo::hasTextSeqID, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnDispParams::hasTextSeqID, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnDispParams::ids, m_AlignedRegionsUrl, m_AlignOption, m_cur_align, m_CustomLinksList, m_FASTAlinkUrl, m_HSPLinksList, m_LinkoutInfo, m_LinkoutList, m_Scope, CAlignFormatUtil::SSeqURLInfo::segs, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnDispParams::seqID, CAlignFormatUtil::SSeqURLInfo::seqRange, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnDispParams::seqUrlInfo, CAlignFormatUtil::SLinkoutInfo::subjRange, CAlignFormatUtil::SSeqURLInfo::taxid, CAlignFormatUtil::SLinkoutInfo::taxid, and x_GetSegs().
Referenced by x_InitDefLinesHeader().
protected |
Inits align parameters for displaySetup scope for feature fetching and m_DynamicFeature inits m_FeatObj,m_featScope,m_CanRetrieveSeq,m_ConfigFile,m_Reg,m_LinkoutOrder,m_DynamicFeature.
Definition at line 1869 of file showalign.cpp.
References CSeq_id::eContent, CAlignFormatUtil::eDbTypeNotSet, eDynamicFeature, eHtml, eLinkout, eMasterAnchored, eShowCdsFeature, eShowGeneFeature, false, FindBestChoice(), IRegistry::Get(), CSeq_align_set_Base::Get(), CAlignFormatUtil::GetDbType(), CObjectManager::GetInstance(), CSeq_id::GetLabel(), CGBDataLoader::GetLoaderNameFromArgs(), CAlignFormatUtil::SLinkoutInfo::Init(), kLinkoutOrderStr, m_AlignOption, m_BlastType, m_CanRetrieveSeq, m_CddRid, m_ConfigFile, m_DbName, m_DynamicFeature, m_EntrezTerm, m_FeatObj, m_featScope, m_IsDbNa, m_LinkoutDB, m_LinkoutInfo, m_LinkoutOrder, m_MapViewerBuildName, m_PreComputedResID, m_QueryNumber, m_Reg, m_Rid, m_Scope, NcbiEmptyString, CAlignFormatUtil::SLinkoutInfo::queryID, CGBDataLoader::RegisterInObjectManager(), and CSeq_id::WorstRank().
Referenced by DisplaySeqalign().
protected |
Definition at line 3708 of file showalign.cpp.
References CDisplaySeqalign::SAlignTemplates::alnTitlesLinkTmpl, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlignTemplates::alnTitlesTmpl, CSeq_id::eContent, eDisplayDownloadLink, eDisplayResourcesLinks, eHtml, eLinkout, CRef< C, Locker >::Empty(), env, CSeqDB::ExtractBlastDefline(), CBlast_def_line_set_Base::Get(), CAlignFormatUtil::GetBareId(), CBioseq_Handle::GetBioseqLength(), CAlignFormatUtil::GetDisplayIds(), CAlignFormatUtil::GetLabel(), CSeq_id::GetLabel(), CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnDispParams::gi, NStr::IntToString(), k_GetSubseqThreshhold, m_AlignOption, m_AlignTemplates, m_AV, m_cur_align, m_CurrAlnAccession, m_CurrAlnID_DbLbl, m_CurrAlnID_Lbl, m_NumBlastDefLines, m_Rid, m_UseLongSeqIds, CAlignFormatUtil::MapTemplate(), NULL, NStr::NumericToString(), CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnDispParams::seqID, NStr::Split(), CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnDispParams::title, x_FillAlnDispParams(), x_InitAlignLinks(), x_MapDefLine(), and ZERO_GI.
Referenced by x_FormatDefLinesHeader().
protected |
get url to sequence record
ids | id list |
seqUrlInfo | struct containging params for URL |
Definition at line 979 of file showalign.cpp.
References CAlignFormatUtil::SSeqURLInfo::advancedView, eNewTargetWindow, eShowInfoOnMouseOverSeqid, IRegistry::Get(), CAlignFormatUtil::GetGiForSeqIdList(), m_AlignOption, m_AlignTemplates, m_AlnLinksParams, m_AV, m_BlastType, m_cur_align, m_DbName, m_IsDbNa, m_QueryNumber, m_Reg, m_Rid, NULL, compile_time_bits::range(), CAlignFormatUtil::SSeqURLInfo::resourcesUrl, CAlignFormatUtil::SSeqURLInfo::useTemplates, and ZERO_GI.
Referenced by x_HTMLSeqIDLink().
protected |
Definition at line 3645 of file showalign.cpp.
References CDisplaySeqalign::SAlignTemplates::alnDefLineTmpl, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlignTemplates::alnSeqInfoTmpl, eNewTargetWindow, env, eShowGi, CAlignFormatUtil::GetBareId(), CCgiContext::GetRequestValue(), CCgiEntry::GetValue(), CHTMLHelper::HTMLEncode(), NStr::IntToString(), kEmptyStr, m_AlignOption, m_AlignTemplates, m_AlnLinksParams, m_AV, m_Ctx, m_Rid, m_TotalHSPNum, m_UseLongSeqIds, CAlignFormatUtil::MapTemplate(), NcbiEmptyString, NStr::NumericToString(), NStr::StringToInt(), and ZERO_GI.
Referenced by x_InitDefLinesHeader().
protected |
display sequence for one row
sequence | the sequence for that row |
id | seqid |
start | seqalign coodinate |
len | length desired |
frame | for tranlated alignment |
row | the current row |
color_mismatch | colorize the mismatch or not |
loc_list | seqlocs to be shown as specified in constructor |
out | output stream |
Definition at line 2484 of file showalign.cpp.
References _ASSERT, color, CSeq_id_Base::e_not_set, eColorDifferentBases, eHtml, eLowerCase, eN, eShowIdentity, eX, CRange_Base::GetFrom(), CRange_Base::GetTo(), i, int, isalpha(), ITERATE, k_DefaultMaskSeqLocTempl, k_IdentityChar, len, m_AlignOption, m_SeqLocChar, m_SeqLocColor, CAlignFormatUtil::MapTemplate(), out(), s_ColorDifferentBases(), s_ProcessStyledContent(), COpenRange< Position >::Set(), and tolower().
Referenced by x_DisplayMiddLine(), and x_DisplaySequenceLine().
protected |
Calculate data for feature display.
Definition at line 4080 of file showalign.cpp.
References CSeq_id::eBoth, eDynamicFeature, FindBestChoice(), FindGi(), CBioseq_Handle::GetBioseqCore(), CBioseq_Base::GetId(), CSeq_id::GetLabel(), k_GetDynamicFeatureSeqLength, m_AlignOption, m_AV, m_DynamicFeature, NULL, compile_time_bits::range(), and CSeq_id::WorstRank().
Referenced by x_DisplayAlnvecInfo().
protected |
Definition at line 1786 of file showalign.cpp.
References CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnInfo::alnRowInfo, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::colorMismatch, eColorDifferentBases, eShowBlastInfo, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnInfo::gap, CAlignFormatUtil::GetPercentMatch(), CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnInfo::identity, k_ColorMismatchIdentity, m_AlignOption, m_AV, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnInfo::match, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::middleLine, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnInfo::positive, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::sequence, x_FillIdentityInfo(), and x_GetNumGaps().
Referenced by x_DisplayAlnvecInfo().
protected |
Calculate data for pairwise alignment display.
Definition at line 1200 of file showalign.cpp.
References _ASSERT, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::align_length, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::align_stats, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::bioseqFeature, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::colorMismatch, NStr::DoubleToString(), CSeqFeatData_Base::e_Cdregion, CSeqFeatData_Base::e_Gene, CSeq_id_Base::e_Local, eHtml, eMasterAnchored, eMergeAlign, eNa_strand_minus, eNa_strand_plus, eProt, eShowAlignStatsForMultiAlignView, eShowCdsFeature, eShowEndGaps, eShowGeneFeature, eShowSequencePropertyLabel, eShowTranslationForLocalSeq, FindGi(), CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::frame, GetId(), CAlignFormatUtil::GetTaxidForSeqid(), i, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::insertAlnStart, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::insertLength, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::insertStart, NStr::IntToString(), ITERATE, m_AlignOption, m_AlignTemplates, m_AlignType, m_AV, m_BlastType, m_DomainInfo, m_featScope, m_LineLen, m_Scope, m_Seqloc, m_SeqPropertyLabel, m_SubjectMasks, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::masked_regions, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::match, match(), max(), CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::max_align_stats_len, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::max_feature_num, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::max_seq_property_label, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::maxIdLen, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::maxStartLen, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::middleLine, NcbiEmptyString, NON_CONST_ITERATE, NULL, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::percent_ident, row, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::rowNum, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::rowRng, s_CalculateIdentity(), s_GetFrame(), s_MakeNewMasterSeq(), CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::seq_property_label, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::seqidArray, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::seqStarts, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::seqStops, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::sequence, ncbi::grid::netcache::search::fields::size, NStr::SizetToString(), CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::taxid, NStr::ToLower(), NStr::TruncateSpaces(), x_AddTranslationForLocalSeq(), x_FillLocList(), x_FillSeqid(), x_GetDomainInfo(), x_GetFeatureInfo(), x_GetQueryFeatureList(), ZERO_GI, and ZERO_TAX_ID.
Referenced by x_DisplayAlnvec(), and x_DisplayAlnvecInfo().
protected |
Sets m_Segs,m_HspNumber.
Definition at line 4562 of file showalign.cpp.
Referenced by DisplaySeqalign().
protected |
Definition at line 4645 of file showalign.cpp.
References IRegistry::Get(), m_BlastType, and m_Reg.
protected |
print defline
bsp_handle | bioseq of interest |
use_this_gi | display this gi instead |
Definition at line 2278 of file showalign.cpp.
References buf, eHtml, eLinkout, CRef< C, Locker >::Empty(), env, eSequenceRetrieval, eShowGi, CSeqDB::ExtractBlastDefline(), FindBestChoice(), CBlast_def_line_set_Base::Get(), CAlignFormatUtil::GetBareId(), CBioseq_Handle::GetBioseqCore(), CBioseq_Base::GetId(), CHTMLHelper::HTMLEncode(), if(), NStr::IntToString(), k_DefaultCheckboxTempl, k_MaxDeflinesToShow, k_MinDeflinesToShow, m_AlignOption, m_CanRetrieveSeq, m_cur_align, m_QueryNumber, m_UseLongSeqIds, CAlignFormatUtil::MapTemplate(), NcbiEmptyString, NStr::NumericToString(), out(), s_WrapOutputLine(), util::strncmp(), CSeq_id::WorstRank(), x_FillAlnDispParams(), and ZERO_GI.
Referenced by x_ShowAlnvecInfo().
protected |
output dynamic feature url
out | output stream |
Definition at line 4205 of file showalign.cpp.
References eHtml, CAlignFormatUtil::GetURLFromRegistry(), ITERATE, m_AlignOption, m_IsDbNa, m_Rid, NStr::NumericToString(), out(), s_MapFeatureURL(), and ZERO_GI.
protected |
Referenced by x_DisplaySingleAlignParams().
protected |
print out features and fill master_feat_str if applicable
feature | the feature info |
row | row num |
alignment_range | alignment range |
aln_start | alignment start in align coordinates |
line_length | length per line |
id_length | the max seq id length |
start_length | the max seq start postion string length |
max_feature_num | max numbe of features contained |
master_feat_str | the feature for master seq |
out | the out stream |
Definition at line 883 of file showalign.cpp.
References CAlignFormatUtil::AddSpace(), CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::bioseqFeature, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::currActualLineLen, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::currPrintSegment, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::currRange, eHtml, eMergeAlign, eSequenceRetrieval, eShowCdsFeature, eShowTranslationForLocalSeq, COpenRange< Position >::IntersectingWith(), NStr::IntToString(), NStr::IsBlank(), k_AlignStatsMargin, k_DefaultSpaceMaintainerTempl, k_IdStartMargin, k_SequencePropertyLabelMargin, k_StartSequenceMargin, m_AlignOption, m_CanRetrieveSeq, CAlignFormatUtil::MapTemplate(), CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::max_align_stats_len, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::max_seq_property_label, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::maxIdLen, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::maxStartLen, NON_CONST_ITERATE, out(), row, s_OutputFeature(), CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::show_align_stats, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::show_seq_property_label, and ncbi::grid::netcache::search::fields::size.
Referenced by x_DisplayRowDataSet().
protected |
Definition at line 1556 of file showalign.cpp.
References CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::currActualLineLen, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::currPrintSegment, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::currRange, eShowGapOnlyLines, COpenRange< Position >::IntersectingWith(), m_AlignOption, m_AV, m_LineLen, NcbiEmptyString, row, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::rowNum, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::rowRng, CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::seqStarts, and CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnRowInfo::seqStops.
Referenced by x_DisplayRowData().
protected |
set feature info
feat_info | feature to fill in |
seqloc | feature for this seqloc |
aln_from | from coodinate |
aln_to | to coordinate |
aln_stop | the stop position for whole alignment |
pattern_char | the pattern character to show |
pattern_id | the pattern id to show |
alternative_feat_str | use this as feature string instead |
Definition at line 2945 of file showalign.cpp.
References NcbiEmptyString.
Referenced by x_AddTranslationForLocalSeq(), x_GetDomainInfo(), x_GetFeatureInfo(), and x_GetQueryFeatureList().
protected |
Definition at line 3608 of file showalign.cpp.
References CDisplaySeqalign::SAlnInfo::alnRowInfo, eHtml, eShowBl2seqLink, eShowBlastInfo, eShowNoDeflineInfo, m_AlignOption, m_AV, out(), x_DisplayBl2SeqLink(), x_DisplayMpvAnchor(), x_DisplayRowData(), x_DisplaySingleAlignParams(), and x_PrintDefLine().
Referenced by x_DisplayAlnvecInfo().
protected |
Definition at line 3908 of file showalign.cpp.
References eShowBl2seqLink, eShowBlastInfo, CCgiContext::GetRequestValue(), CCgiEntry::GetValue(), kEmptyStr, m_AlignOption, m_AV, m_Ctx, m_currAlignHsp, out(), NStr::StringToInt(), x_DisplayBl2SeqLink(), x_DisplayMpvAnchor(), x_FormatDefLinesHeader(), and x_FormatSingleAlign().
Referenced by x_DisplayAlnvecInfo().
protected |
Definition at line 642 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by x_InitAlignLinks().
protected |
Definition at line 617 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by DisplaySeqalign(), SetAlignOption(), x_DisplayAlignInfo(), x_DisplayAlnvecInfo(), x_DisplayInsertsForQueryAnchored(), x_DisplayMpvAnchor(), x_DisplayRowData(), x_DisplayRowDataSet(), x_DisplaySequenceIDForPairwise(), x_DisplaySequenceIDForQueryAnchored(), x_DisplaySingleAlignParams(), x_FillIdentityInfo(), x_FillSeqid(), x_FormatDefLinesHeader(), x_FormatSingleAlign(), x_GetAlnVecForSeqalign(), x_GetLinkout(), x_GetSegs(), x_HTMLSeqIDLink(), x_InitAlignLinks(), x_InitAlignParams(), x_InitDefLinesHeader(), x_InitSeqUrl(), x_MapDefLine(), x_OutputSeq(), x_PrepareDynamicFeatureInfo(), x_PrepareIdentityInfo(), x_PrepareRowData(), x_PrintDefLine(), x_PrintDynamicFeatures(), x_PrintFeatures(), x_ProcessRowDataSet(), x_ShowAlnvecInfo(), and x_ShowAlnvecInfoTemplate().
protected |
Definition at line 652 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by SetAlignTemplates(), x_DisplayAlnvecInfo(), x_DisplayRowData(), x_FormatAlignSortInfo(), x_FormatAlnBlastInfo(), x_FormatDefLinesHeader(), x_FormatIdentityInfo(), x_FormatOneDynamicFeature(), x_FormatSingleAlign(), x_InitDefLinesHeader(), x_InitSeqUrl(), x_MapDefLine(), and x_PrepareRowData().
protected |
Definition at line 618 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by SetAlignType(), x_DisplaySingleAlignParams(), x_FillIdentityInfo(), x_FormatIdentityInfo(), and x_PrepareRowData().
protected |
Definition at line 637 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by x_DisplaySingleAlignParams(), x_GetSegs(), x_InitSeqUrl(), and x_MapDefLine().
protected |
Definition at line 615 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by DisplaySeqalign(), x_AddTranslationForLocalSeq(), x_DisplayAlnvecInfo(), x_DisplayBl2SeqLink(), x_DisplayMpvAnchor(), x_DisplayRowData(), x_DisplayRowDataSet(), x_DisplaySequenceIDForQueryAnchored(), x_DisplaySequenceLine(), x_DisplaySingleAlignParams(), x_DoFills(), x_FillLocList(), x_FillSeqid(), x_FormatAlnBlastInfo(), x_FormatAlnHSPLinks(), x_FormatIdentityInfo(), x_GetDomainInfo(), x_GetFeatureInfo(), x_GetNumGaps(), x_GetQueryFeatureList(), x_GetSegs(), x_HTMLSeqIDLink(), x_InitDefLinesHeader(), x_InitSeqUrl(), x_MapDefLine(), x_PrepareDynamicFeatureInfo(), x_PrepareIdentityInfo(), x_PrepareRowData(), x_ProcessRowDataSet(), x_ShowAlnvecInfo(), and x_ShowAlnvecInfoTemplate().
protected |
Definition at line 627 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by SetBlastType(), x_DisplayMpvAnchor(), x_FormatDefLinesHeader(), x_InitAlignParams(), x_InitSeqUrl(), x_PrepareRowData(), and x_PreProcessSingleAlign().
protected |
Definition at line 625 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by DisplaySeqalign(), x_DisplayInsertsForQueryAnchored(), x_DisplaySequenceIDForQueryAnchored(), x_FormatDefLinesHeader(), x_InitAlignParams(), x_PrintDefLine(), and x_PrintFeatures().
protected |
Definition at line 630 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by SetCddRid(), and x_InitAlignParams().
protected |
Definition at line 633 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by x_InitAlignParams(), and ~CDisplaySeqalign().
protected |
Definition at line 651 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by SetCgiContext(), x_DisplayAlignSortInfo(), x_FormatAlignSortInfo(), x_MapDefLine(), and x_ShowAlnvecInfoTemplate().
mutableprotected |
Gene info reader object, reads Gene info entries from files.
Current alignment index (added to the linkout and entrez URL's)
Definition at line 656 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by DisplaySeqalign(), x_DisplaySequenceIDForQueryAnchored(), x_FormatDefLinesHeader(), x_GetGeneLinkUrl(), x_InitAlignLinks(), x_InitDefLinesHeader(), x_InitSeqUrl(), and x_PrintDefLine().
protected |
Current HSP number for single alignmnet.
Definition at line 660 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by DisplaySeqalign(), x_FormatAlnBlastInfo(), x_FormatSingleAlign(), and x_ShowAlnvecInfoTemplate().
protected |
Current subject seq index in descriptions table.
Definition at line 662 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by DisplaySeqalign(), and SetAlignSeqListIndex().
protected |
accession that is displayed
Definition at line 674 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by x_FormatAlnBlastInfo(), x_FormatAlnHSPLinks(), x_FormatDefLinesHeader(), x_FormatOneDynamicFeature(), and x_InitDefLinesHeader().
protected |
gi(if exists) that is used for html formatting otherwise id with db part like ti:xxxxxxx or GNOMON:XXXXXX
Definition at line 676 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by x_FormatAlignSortInfo(), x_FormatDefLinesHeader(), and x_InitDefLinesHeader().
protected |
gi(if exists) that is used for html formatting otherwise id without db part
Definition at line 672 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by x_FormatAlignSortInfo(), x_FormatAlnBlastInfo(), x_FormatDefLinesHeader(), x_FormatSingleAlign(), and x_InitDefLinesHeader().
protected |
Definition at line 638 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by x_FormatDefLinesHeader(), and x_InitAlignLinks().
protected |
Definition at line 626 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by SetDbName(), x_GetDumpgnlLink(), x_InitAlignParams(), and x_InitSeqUrl().
protected |
Definition at line 611 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by SetMasterDomain(), x_GetDomainInfo(), and x_PrepareRowData().
protected |
Definition at line 635 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by x_InitAlignParams(), x_PrepareDynamicFeatureInfo(), and ~CDisplaySeqalign().
protected |
Definition at line 631 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by SetEntrezTerm(), and x_InitAlignParams().
protected |
Definition at line 641 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by x_InitAlignLinks().
protected |
Definition at line 646 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by x_InitAlignParams().
protected |
Definition at line 647 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by x_InitAlignParams(), and x_PrepareRowData().
protected |
Definition at line 640 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by x_FormatAlnHSPLinks(), and x_InitAlignLinks().
protected |
Definition at line 624 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by SetDbType(), x_FormatOneDynamicFeature(), x_GetDumpgnlLink(), x_GetGeneLinkUrl(), x_InitAlignParams(), x_InitSeqUrl(), and x_PrintDynamicFeatures().
protected |
Definition at line 623 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by SetLineLen(), x_DisplayInsertsForQueryAnchored(), x_DisplayRowData(), x_DisplayRowDataSet(), x_GetFeatureInfo(), x_PrepareRowData(), and x_ProcessRowDataSet().
protected |
Reference to LinkoutDB implementation. Not owned by this class.
Definition at line 667 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by SetLinkoutDB(), x_GetLinkout(), and x_InitAlignParams().
protected |
Definition at line 643 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by x_InitAlignLinks(), and x_InitAlignParams().
protected |
Definition at line 639 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by x_FormatDefLinesHeader(), and x_InitAlignLinks().
protected |
Definition at line 628 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by x_InitAlignParams().
protected |
mapviewer build name associated with the sequences in the BLAST database out of which the results are being formatted by this class.
Definition at line 670 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by SetLinkoutDB(), x_GetLinkout(), and x_InitAlignParams().
protected |
Definition at line 649 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by DisplaySeqalign(), and SetMasterGeneticCode().
protected |
Definition at line 616 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by x_FillIdentityInfo(), and ~CDisplaySeqalign().
protected |
Definition at line 648 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by SetMiddleLineStyle(), and x_FillIdentityInfo().
protected |
Definition at line 620 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by DisplaySeqalign(), and SetNumAlignToShow().
protected |
Number of subject sequence deflines.
Definition at line 658 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by x_FormatDefLinesHeader(), and x_InitDefLinesHeader().
protected |
CDD precomputed results ID.
Definition at line 664 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by SetPreComputedResID(), and x_InitAlignParams().
protected |
Definition at line 687 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by SetQueryAnchoredIndex(), and x_DisplayRowData().
protected |
external feature such as phiblast
Definition at line 610 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by x_GetQueryFeatureList().
protected |
Definition at line 632 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by DisplaySeqalign(), SetQueryNumber(), x_DisplaySequenceIDForQueryAnchored(), x_FormatDefLinesHeader(), x_GetDumpgnlLink(), x_InitAlignParams(), x_InitSeqUrl(), and x_PrintDefLine().
protected |
Definition at line 634 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by x_InitAlignParams(), x_InitSeqUrl(), x_PreProcessSingleAlign(), and ~CDisplaySeqalign().
protected |
result position index for multiple query case
Definition at line 683 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by SetResultPositionIndex(), and x_DisplaySequenceIDForQueryAnchored().
protected |
Definition at line 629 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by SetRid(), x_FormatOneDynamicFeature(), x_GetDumpgnlLink(), x_GetGeneLinkUrl(), x_InitAlignParams(), x_InitDefLinesHeader(), x_InitSeqUrl(), x_MapDefLine(), and x_PrintDynamicFeatures().
protected |
Definition at line 614 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by DisplaySeqalign(), x_AddTranslationForLocalSeq(), x_GetAlnVecForSeqalign(), x_InitAlignLinks(), x_InitAlignParams(), and x_PrepareRowData().
protected |
reference to seqalign set
Definition at line 604 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by DisplaySeqalign(), x_DisplayAlignInfo(), x_FormatAlnBlastInfo(), and x_GetNumGaps().
protected |
display character option for list of seqloc
Definition at line 607 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by x_PrepareRowData().
protected |
Definition at line 621 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by SetSeqLocChar(), and x_OutputSeq().
protected |
Definition at line 622 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by SetSeqLocColor(), and x_OutputSeq().
Definition at line 612 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by SetSequencePropertyLabel(), and x_PrepareRowData().
protected |
Definition at line 650 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by DisplaySeqalign(), SetSlaveGeneticCode(), and x_GetFeatureInfo().
protected |
Map of subject masks.
Definition at line 601 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by SetSubjectMasks(), and x_PrepareRowData().
protected |
Definition at line 678 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by x_FormatAlnBlastInfo(), x_FormatDefLinesHeader(), x_FormatSingleAlign(), and x_MapDefLine().
protected |
Definition at line 680 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by SetTranslatedFrameForLocalSeq(), and x_AddTranslationForLocalSeq().
protected |
print long sequence ids (with gi and accession with database source)
Definition at line 686 of file showalign.hpp.
Referenced by UseLongSequenceIds(), x_InitDefLinesHeader(), x_MapDefLine(), and x_PrintDefLine().