| CGvfWriter (CScope &, CNcbiOstream &, unsigned int=fNormal) |
| CGvfWriter (CNcbiOstream &, unsigned int=fNormal) |
virtual | ~CGvfWriter () |
bool | WriteHeader () override |
| Write a file header. More...
bool | WriteHeader (const CSeq_annot &) override |
| Write a file header, using annotation information. More...
| CGff3Writer (CScope &, CNcbiOstream &, unsigned int=fNormal, bool sortAlignments=false) |
| CGff3Writer (CNcbiOstream &, unsigned int=fNormal, bool sortAlignments=false) |
virtual | ~CGff3Writer ()=default |
void | SetDefaultMethod (const string &defaultMethod) |
void | SetBioseqHandle (CBioseq_Handle bsh) |
bool | WriteAlign (const CSeq_align &, const string &asmblyName="", const string &asmblyAccession="") override |
| Write a raw Seq-align to the internal output stream. More...
| CGff2Writer (CScope &scope, CNcbiOstream &ostr, unsigned int flags=fNormal) |
| Constructor. More...
| CGff2Writer (CNcbiOstream &, unsigned int=fNormal) |
| Constructor. More...
virtual | ~CGff2Writer () |
bool | WriteFooter () override |
| Write a trailer marking the end of a parsing context. More...
virtual bool | WriteFooter (const CSeq_annot &) |
bool | WriteAnnot (const CSeq_annot &annot, const string &asmblyName="", const string &asmblyAccession="") override |
| Convenience function to render a "naked" Seq-annot. More...
bool | WriteAlign (const CSeq_align &, const string &asmblyName="", const string &asmblyAccession="") override |
| Write a Seq-align object. More...
bool | WriteSeqEntryHandle (CSeq_entry_Handle seh, const string &asmblyName="", const string &asmblyAccession="") override |
| Write Seq-entry contained in a given handle. More...
bool | WriteBioseqHandle (CBioseq_Handle bsh, const string &asmblyName="", const string &asmblyAccession="") override |
| Write Bioseq contained in given handle Essentially, will write all features that live on the given Bioseq. More...
bool | WriteSeqAnnotHandle (CSeq_annot_Handle sah, const string &asmblyName="", const string &asmblyAccession="") override |
| Write Seq-annot contained in given handle Essentially, write out embedded feature table. More...
virtual | ~CWriterBase () |
void | SetMessageListener (CWriterListener *pMessageListener) |
virtual void | PutMessage (const CWriterMessage &message) |
virtual SAnnotSelector & | SetAnnotSelector (void) |
SAnnotSelector & | GetAnnotSelector (void) |
virtual CRange< TSeqPos > & | SetRange (void) |
virtual const CRange< TSeqPos > & | GetRange (void) const |
| CObject (void) |
| Constructor. More...
| CObject (const CObject &src) |
| Copy constructor. More...
virtual | ~CObject (void) |
| Destructor. More...
CObject & | operator= (const CObject &src) THROWS_NONE |
| Assignment operator. More...
bool | CanBeDeleted (void) const THROWS_NONE |
| Check if object can be deleted. More...
bool | IsAllocatedInPool (void) const THROWS_NONE |
| Check if object is allocated in memory pool (not system heap) More...
bool | Referenced (void) const THROWS_NONE |
| Check if object is referenced. More...
bool | ReferencedOnlyOnce (void) const THROWS_NONE |
| Check if object is referenced only once. More...
void | AddReference (void) const |
| Add reference to object. More...
void | RemoveReference (void) const |
| Remove reference to object. More...
void | ReleaseReference (void) const |
| Remove reference without deleting object. More...
virtual void | DoNotDeleteThisObject (void) |
| Mark this object as not allocated in heap – do not delete this object. More...
virtual void | DoDeleteThisObject (void) |
| Mark this object as allocated in heap – object can be deleted. More...
void * | operator new (size_t size) |
| Define new operator for memory allocation. More...
void * | operator new[] (size_t size) |
| Define new[] operator for 'array' memory allocation. More...
void | operator delete (void *ptr) |
| Define delete operator for memory deallocation. More...
void | operator delete[] (void *ptr) |
| Define delete[] operator for memory deallocation. More...
void * | operator new (size_t size, void *place) |
| Define new operator. More...
void | operator delete (void *ptr, void *place) |
| Define delete operator. More...
void * | operator new (size_t size, CObjectMemoryPool *place) |
| Define new operator using memory pool. More...
void | operator delete (void *ptr, CObjectMemoryPool *place) |
| Define delete operator. More...
virtual void | DebugDump (CDebugDumpContext ddc, unsigned int depth) const |
| Define method for dumping debug information. More...
| CDebugDumpable (void) |
virtual | ~CDebugDumpable (void) |
void | DebugDumpText (ostream &out, const string &bundle, unsigned int depth) const |
void | DebugDumpFormat (CDebugDumpFormatter &ddf, const string &bundle, unsigned int depth) const |
void | DumpToConsole (void) const |
| CInterruptable () |
virtual | ~CInterruptable () |
void | SetCanceler (ICanceled *pCanceller) |
bool | IsCanceled () const |
virtual | ~ICanceled () |
virtual | ~CAlignWriter (void)=default |
bool | WriteAlignments (CAlign_CI first) |
bool | x_WriteSeqAnnotHandle (CSeq_annot_Handle) override |
bool | xWriteFeature (CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) override |
bool | xWriteRecord (const CGffBaseRecord &) override |
virtual bool | xWriteFeatureVariationRef (CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
bool | xAssignFeatureAttributes (CGffFeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) override |
bool | xAssignFeatureType (CGffFeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) override |
bool | xAssignFeatureMethod (CGffFeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) override |
bool | x_WriteBioseqHandle (CBioseq_Handle) override |
virtual bool | x_WriteFeatureContext (CGffFeatureContext &) |
virtual bool | xPassesFilterByViewMode (CBioseq_Handle) |
virtual SAnnotSelector & | xSetJunkFilteringAnnotSelector () |
bool | xWriteAlign (const CSeq_align &, const string &="") override |
virtual bool | xWriteAlignDenseg (const CSeq_align &, const string &="") |
virtual bool | xWriteAlignSpliced (const CSeq_align &, const string &="") |
virtual bool | xWriteAlignDisc (const CSeq_align &, const string &="") |
virtual bool | xWriteSequenceHeader (CBioseq_Handle) |
virtual bool | xWriteSource (CBioseq_Handle) |
bool | xWriteFeature (CFeat_CI feat_it) override |
virtual bool | xWriteSequence (CBioseq_Handle) |
virtual bool | xWriteNucleotideSequence (CBioseq_Handle) |
virtual bool | xWriteProteinSequence (CBioseq_Handle) |
virtual bool | xWriteNucleotideFeature (CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
virtual bool | xWriteNucleotideFeatureTransSpliced (CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
virtual bool | xWriteProteinFeature (CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
virtual bool | xWriteFeatureGene (CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
virtual bool | xWriteFeatureRna (CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
virtual bool | xWriteFeatureCds (CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
virtual bool | xWriteFeatureGeneric (CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
virtual bool | xWriteFeatureProtein (CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &, const CMappedFeat &) |
virtual bool | xWriteFeatureTrna (CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
virtual bool | xWriteFeatureCDJVSegment (CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
bool | xWriteAllChildren (CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) override |
void | xWriteAlignment (const CGffAlignRecord &record) |
virtual bool | xWriteFeatureRecords (const CGffFeatureRecord &, const CSeq_loc &, unsigned int) |
bool | xSplicedSegHasProteinProd (const CSpliced_seg &spliced) |
bool | xAssignAlignment (CGffFeatureRecord &) |
virtual bool | xAssignAlignmentScores (CGffAlignRecord &, const CSeq_align &) |
bool | xAssignAlignmentDenseg (CGffAlignRecord &, const CAlnMap &, unsigned int) |
virtual bool | xAssignAlignmentDensegSeqId (CGffAlignRecord &, const CAlnMap &, unsigned int) |
bool | xAssignAlignmentDensegType (CGffAlignRecord &, const CAlnMap &, unsigned int) |
bool | xAssignAlignmentDensegMethod (CGffAlignRecord &, const CAlnMap &, unsigned int) |
virtual bool | xAssignAlignmentDensegScores (CGffAlignRecord &, const CAlnMap &, unsigned int) |
virtual bool | xAssignAlignmentDensegTarget (CGffAlignRecord &, const CAlnMap &, unsigned int) |
bool | xAssignAlignmentDensegGap (CGffAlignRecord &, const CAlnMap &, unsigned int) |
virtual bool | xAssignAlignmentDensegLocation (CGffAlignRecord &, const CAlnMap &, unsigned int) |
bool | xAssignAlignmentSpliced (CGffAlignRecord &, const CSpliced_seg &, const CSpliced_exon &) |
virtual bool | xAssignAlignmentSplicedTarget (CGffAlignRecord &, const CSpliced_seg &, const CSpliced_exon &) |
bool | xAssignAlignmentSplicedPhase (CGffAlignRecord &, const CSpliced_seg &, const CSpliced_exon &) |
bool | xAssignAlignmentSplicedAttributes (CGffAlignRecord &, const CSpliced_seg &, const CSpliced_exon &) |
virtual bool | xAssignAlignmentSplicedGap (CGffAlignRecord &, const CSpliced_seg &, const CSpliced_exon &) |
virtual bool | xAssignAlignmentSplicedScores (CGffAlignRecord &, const CSpliced_seg &, const CSpliced_exon &) |
virtual bool | xAssignAlignmentSplicedLocation (CGffAlignRecord &, const CSpliced_seg &, const CSpliced_exon &) |
bool | xAssignAlignmentSplicedType (CGffAlignRecord &, const CSpliced_seg &, const CSpliced_exon &) |
bool | xAssignAlignmentSplicedMethod (CGffAlignRecord &, const CSpliced_seg &, const CSpliced_exon &) |
virtual bool | xAssignAlignmentSplicedSeqId (CGffAlignRecord &, const CSpliced_seg &, const CSpliced_exon &) |
virtual void | x_SortAlignments (TAlignCache &alignCache, CScope &scope) |
bool | xAssignSource (CGff3SourceRecord &, CBioseq_Handle) |
bool | xAssignSourceType (CGff3SourceRecord &) |
bool | xAssignSourceSeqId (CGff3SourceRecord &, CBioseq_Handle) |
bool | xAssignSourceMethod (CGff3SourceRecord &, CBioseq_Handle) |
bool | xAssignSourceEndpoints (CGff3SourceRecord &, CBioseq_Handle) |
bool | xAssignSourceAttributes (CGff3SourceRecord &, CBioseq_Handle) |
bool | xAssignSourceAttributeGbKey (CGff3SourceRecord &) |
bool | xAssignSourceAttributeMolType (CGff3SourceRecord &, CBioseq_Handle) |
bool | xAssignSourceAttributeIsCircular (CGff3SourceRecord &, CBioseq_Handle) |
bool | xAssignSourceAttributesBioSource (CGff3SourceRecord &, CBioseq_Handle) |
bool | xAssignSourceAttributeGenome (CGff3SourceRecord &, const CBioSource &) |
bool | xAssignSourceAttributeName (CGff3SourceRecord &, const CBioSource &) |
bool | xAssignSourceAttributeDbxref (CGff3SourceRecord &, const CBioSource &) |
bool | xAssignSourceAttributesOrgMod (CGff3SourceRecord &, const CBioSource &) |
bool | xAssignSourceAttributesSubSource (CGff3SourceRecord &, const CBioSource &) |
bool | xAssignFeature (CGffFeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) override |
bool | xAssignFeatureEndpoints (CGffFeatureRecord &record, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &mapped_feat) override |
bool | xAssignFeatureStrand (CGffFeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) override |
bool | xAssignFeaturePhase (CGffFeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) override |
bool | xAssignFeatureAttributesFormatIndependent (CGffFeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) override |
bool | xAssignFeatureAttributesFormatSpecific (CGffFeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) override |
bool | xAssignFeatureAttributeParent (CGff3FeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
bool | xAssignFeatureAttributeID (CGff3FeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
virtual bool | xAssignFeatureAttributeParentMrna (CGff3FeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
virtual bool | xAssignFeatureAttributeParentCds (CGff3FeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
virtual bool | xAssignFeatureAttributeParentpreRNA (CGff3FeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
virtual bool | xAssignFeatureAttributeParentVDJsegmentCregion (CGff3FeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
virtual bool | xAssignFeatureAttributeParentGene (CGff3FeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
virtual bool | xAssignFeatureAttributeParentRegion (CGff3FeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
bool | xAssignFeatureAttributeDbxref (CGffFeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) override |
bool | xAssignFeatureAttributeName (CGffFeatureRecord &, const CMappedFeat &) |
bool | xAssignFeatureAttributeNote (CGffFeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) override |
bool | xAssignFeatureAttributeNcrnaClass (CGffFeatureRecord &, const CMappedFeat &) |
bool | xAssignFeatureAttributeTranscriptId (CGffFeatureRecord &, const CMappedFeat &) |
bool | xAssignFeatureAttributesQualifiers (CGffFeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) override |
string | xNextAlignId () |
virtual bool | xAssignFeatureBasic (CGffFeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
virtual bool | xAssignFeatureSeqId (CGffFeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
virtual bool | xAssignFeatureScore (CGffFeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
virtual bool | xAssignFeatureAttributesGene (CGffFeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
virtual bool | xAssignFeatureAttributeDbxref (CGffFeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const string &label, const CMappedFeat &) |
virtual bool | xAssignFeatureAttributeProduct (CGffFeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
virtual bool | xAssignFeatureAttributeProteinId (CGffFeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
virtual bool | xAssignFeatureAttributeRibosomalSlippage (CGffFeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
virtual bool | xAssignFeatureAttributeTranslationTable (CGffFeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
virtual bool | xAssignFeatureAttributePartial (CGffFeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
virtual bool | xAssignFeatureAttributePseudo (CGffFeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
bool | xAssignFeatureAttributeCodeBreak (CGffFeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
bool | xAssignFeatureAttributeOldLocusTag (CGffFeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
bool | xAssignFeatureAttributeGeneBiotype (CGffFeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
bool | xAssignFeatureAttributeMapLoc (CGffFeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
bool | xAssignFeatureAttributeException (CGffFeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
bool | xAssignFeatureAttributeExperiment (CGffFeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
bool | xAssignFeatureAttributeModelEvidence (CGffFeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
bool | xAssignFeatureAttributeRptFamily (CGffFeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
bool | xAssignFeatureAttributePseudoGene (CGffFeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
bool | xAssignFeatureAttributeIsOrdered (CGffFeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
bool | xAssignFeatureAttributeFunction (CGffFeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
bool | xAssignFeatureAttributesGoMarkup (CGffFeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
bool | xAssignFeatureAttributeEcNumbers (CGffFeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
bool | xAssignFeatureAttributeExonNumber (CGffFeatureRecord &, CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
virtual bool | x_WriteSequenceHeader (CBioseq_Handle) |
virtual bool | x_WriteSequenceHeader (CSeq_id_Handle) |
virtual bool | x_WriteAnnot (const CSeq_annot &) |
virtual bool | x_WriteAlign (const CSeq_align &) |
virtual bool | x_WriteSeqEntryHandle (CSeq_entry_Handle) |
bool | xWriteFeature (CFeat_CI feat_it) override |
virtual bool | x_WriteAssemblyInfo (const string &, const string &) |
virtual bool | xGeneratingMissingTranscripts () const |
CMappedFeat | xGenerateMissingTranscript (CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
| CWriterBase (CNcbiOstream &ostr, unsigned int uFlags=0) |
virtual void | DeleteThis (void) |
| Virtual method "deleting" this object. More...
enum | TFlags {
fExtraQuals = (fGff2WriterLast << 1)
, fMicroIntrons = (fGff2WriterLast << 2)
, fExcludeNucs = (fGff2WriterLast << 3)
, fIncludeProts = (fGff2WriterLast << 4)
fGff3WriterLast = fIncludeProts
} |
enum | TFlags { fSoQuirks = (fWriterBaseLast << 1)
, fGenerateMissingTranscripts = (fWriterBaseLast << 2)
, fGff2WriterLast = fSoQuirks
} |
enum | TFlags { fNormal = 0
, fDebugOutput = (1<<0)
, fWriterBaseLast = fDebugOutput
} |
| Customization flags that are relevant to all CWriterBase derived writers. More...
enum | EAllocFillMode { eAllocFillNone = 1
, eAllocFillZero
, eAllocFillPattern
} |
| Control filling of newly allocated memory. More...
typedef CObjectCounterLocker | TLockerType |
| Default locker type for CRef. More...
typedef atomic< Uint8 > | TCounter |
| Counter type is CAtomiCounter. More...
typedef Uint8 | TCount |
| Alias for value type of counter. More...
static NCBI_XNCBI_EXPORT void | ThrowNullPointerException (void) |
| Define method to throw null pointer exception. More...
static NCBI_XNCBI_EXPORT void | ThrowNullPointerException (const type_info &type) |
static EAllocFillMode | GetAllocFillMode (void) |
static void | SetAllocFillMode (EAllocFillMode mode) |
static void | SetAllocFillMode (const string &value) |
| Set mode from configuration parameter value. More...
static void | EnableDebugDump (bool on) |
static const TCount | eCounterBitsCanBeDeleted = 1 << 0 |
| Define possible object states. More...
static const TCount | eCounterBitsInPlainHeap = 1 << 1 |
| Heap signature was found. More...
static const TCount | eCounterBitsPlaceMask |
| Mask for 'in heap' state flags. More...
static const int | eCounterStep = 1 << 2 |
| Skip over the "in heap" bits. More...
static const TCount | eCounterValid = TCount(1) << (sizeof(TCount) * 8 - 2) |
| Minimal value for valid objects (reference counter is zero) Must be a single bit value. More...
static const TCount | eCounterStateMask |
| Valid object, and object in heap. More...
typedef list< pair< CConstRef< CSeq_align >, string > > | TAlignCache |
using | TFeatureMap = map< CMappedFeat, CRef< CGff3FeatureRecord > > |
using | TGeneMapNew = TFeatureMap |
using | TMrnaMapNew = TFeatureMap |
using | TCdsMapNew = TFeatureMap |
using | TRegionMapNew = TFeatureMap |
static bool | IsTranscriptType (const CMappedFeat &) |
static bool | HasAccaptableTranscriptParent (CGffFeatureContext &, const CMappedFeat &) |
static bool | xIntervalsNeedPartNumbers (const list< CRef< CSeq_interval >> &) |
unsigned int | m_uRecordId |
string | m_sDefaultMethod |
TGeneMapNew | m_GeneMapNew |
TMrnaMapNew | m_MrnaMapNew |
TMrnaMapNew | m_CdsMapNew |
TFeatureMap | m_PrernaMapNew |
TFeatureMap | m_VDJsegmentCregionMapNew |
TRegionMapNew | m_RegionMapNew |
bool | m_SortAlignments |
unsigned int | m_uPendingGeneId |
unsigned int | m_uPendingMrnaId |
unsigned int | m_uPendingTrnaId |
unsigned int | m_uPendingCdsId |
unsigned int | m_uPendingGenericId |
unsigned int | m_uPendingAlignId |
CGffIdGenerator | m_idGenerator |
CBioseq_Handle | m_BioseqHandle |
CRef< CScope > | m_pScope |
bool | m_bHeaderWritten |
CNcbiOstream & | m_Os |
unsigned int | m_uFlags |
unique_ptr< SAnnotSelector > | m_Selector |
CRange< TSeqPos > | m_Range |
CWriterListener * | mpMessageListener |
ICanceled * | mpCancelled |
Definition at line 44 of file gvf_writer.hpp.