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CMacroFunction_StringFastConstraints Class Reference

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#include <gui/objutils/macro_fn_string_constr.hpp>

+ Inheritance diagram for CMacroFunction_StringFastConstraints:
+ Collaboration diagram for CMacroFunction_StringFastConstraints:

Public Member Functions

 CMacroFunction_StringFastConstraints (EScopeEnum func_scope, const string &type, EStrConstrCase testcase=eNotSet, ELogicType op_type=eOR)
- Public Member Functions inherited from CMacroFunction_StringConstraints
virtual ~CMacroFunction_StringConstraints ()
virtual void TheFunction ()
 Function implementation. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IEditMacroFunction
virtual ~IEditMacroFunction ()
 Virtual destructor. More...
virtual void operator() (CMacroCmdComposite &cmd_composite, CIRef< IMacroBioDataIter > &data, CQueryParseTree::TNode &qnode) override
 Function operator. More...
bool SetQualStringValue (CObjectInfo &oi, const string &value)
 Functions make the action and collect statistics. More...
bool HasDataChanged () const
const CRef< IFunctionLog > & GetFunctionLog () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from IMacroFunction< CIRef< IMacroBioDataIter > >
 IMacroFunction (EScopeEnum func_scope)
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~IMacroFunction ()
 Virtual destructor. More...
EScopeEnum GetFuncScope ()
ENestedFunc GetNestedState ()
const stringGetFuncReport () const
 Function extracts statistic from the object. More...
const stringGetErrorReport () const
void SetNestedState (ENestedFunc type)

Private Member Functions

virtual CRef< objects::CWord_substitution > x_ReadSynonymsFor (const string &filename, const string &phrase)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from CMacroFunction_StringConstraints
enum  EStrConstrCase { eNotSet , eUpper , eLower , ePunct }
enum  ELogicType { eOR , eAND }
- Public Types inherited from IEditMacroFunction
using TParent = IMacroFunction< CIRef< IMacroBioDataIter > >
using TNodeValuesVec = vector< CRef< CMQueryNodeValue > >
- Public Types inherited from IMacroFunction< CIRef< IMacroBioDataIter > >
enum  EScopeEnum
enum  ENestedFunc
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from CMacroFunction_StringConstraints
static bool s_IsStringMatching (const string &fn_name)
static bool s_IsSynonymFile (const string &str)
- Static Public Attributes inherited from CMacroFunction_StringConstraints
static const string sm_syn
 Classes related to STRING CONSTRAINTS. More...
static const char * sm_Upper = "ISUPPER"
static const char * sm_UpperAll = "IS_ALL_UPPER"
static const char * sm_Lower = "ISLOWER"
static const char * sm_LowerAll = "IS_ALL_LOWER"
static const char * sm_Punct = "ISPUNCTUATION"
static const char * sm_PunctAll = "IS_ALL_PUNCTUATION"
static const char * sm_Start = "STARTS"
static const char * sm_End = "ENDS"
static const char * sm_Equal = "EQUALS"
static const char * sm_Contain = "CONTAINS"
static const char * sm_InList = "INLIST"
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CMacroFunction_StringConstraints
 CMacroFunction_StringConstraints (EScopeEnum func_scope, const string &type, EStrConstrCase testcase=eNotSet, ELogicType op_type=eOR)
virtual bool x_ValidArguments () const
 checks whether the arguments number and their type is good and sets the m_Modifier flag in case of a modifier More...
virtual void x_ResetState ()
 Reset the state of member variables that are set directly/indirectly from function arguments. More...
virtual bool x_IsNestedFunctionReturnValid () const
void x_SetModifierFlag ()
void x_BuildStringConstraint (void)
 builds a new string constraint to later match with the value of the field More...
void x_BuildCaseStringConstraint (void)
void x_BuildNoCaseStringConstraint (void)
bool x_CheckStringConstraint (const CObjectInfo &oi)
bool x_CheckConstraintPrimitive (const string &field)
bool x_CheckConstraintContainer (const string &container, const string &subtype)
bool x_CheckConstraintWithinClass (const CObjectInfo &obj, const string &subtype)
bool x_CheckConstraintObjects (const CMQueryNodeValue::TObs &objs)
bool x_CheckAuthorNames (const CObjectInfo &obj)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from IEditMacroFunction
 IEditMacroFunction (EScopeEnum func_scope)
virtual void x_InitCall (CIRef< IMacroBioDataIter > &data) override
virtual void x_SetUserObjects (CQueryParseTree::TNode &qnode) override
 Extracts the function arguments and initializes m_Result member. More...
void x_AssignReturnValue (const CObjectInfo &oi, const string &field_name)
 Assigns value to m_Result. It is mostly useful for functions used in the WHERE clause. More...
void x_AssignReturnValueFromContainer (const CObjectInfo &oi, const string &container, const string &field_name)
void x_GetObjectsFromRef (CMQueryNodeValue::TObs &objects, const size_t &index)
void x_GetOptionalArgs (string &delimiter, bool &remove_field, size_t &index)
void x_LogChangedQuals (const CRef< IFunctionLog > &log)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from IMacroFunction< CIRef< IMacroBioDataIter > >
void x_LogFunction (CNcbiOstrstream &logstr)
void x_LogError (CNcbiOstrstream &logstr)
- Protected Attributes inherited from CMacroFunction_StringConstraints
EStrConstrCase m_TestCase
 indicates to test for the case of the phrase More...
string m_Type
 specifies the type of pattern matching More...
bool m_Modifier
 flag that indicates that the field to be checked is a modifier More...
ELogicType m_Operation
 flag to indicate whether to use OR or AND operation for the input values More...
CRef< objects::CString_constraint > m_Constraint
 the string constraint More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from IEditMacroFunction
CIRef< IMacroBioDataIterm_DataIter
TNodeValuesVec m_Args
CRef< CMQueryNodeValuem_Result
Int4 m_QualsChangedCount
 Number of changed qualifiers during the function call. More...
string m_FuncName
 Name of the function as it's been used in the script. More...
CRef< IFunctionLogm_FuncLog
- Protected Attributes inherited from IMacroFunction< CIRef< IMacroBioDataIter > >
CRef< CMacroCmdCompositem_CmdComposite
string m_Report
 function activity report More...
string m_Error
 error report More...
ENestedFunc m_Nested
 flag indicating whether the function is nested within another function More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 117 of file macro_fn_string_constr.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Modified on Fri Sep 20 14:58:10 2024 by rev. 669887