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I_Connection Class Referenceabstract

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I_Connection:: More...

#include <dbapi/driver/interfaces.hpp>

+ Inheritance diagram for I_Connection:

Public Member Functions

 I_Connection (void)
virtual ~I_Connection (void)
CDB_LangCmdLangCmd (const string &lang_query, unsigned int)
CDB_RPCCmdRPC (const string &rpc_name, unsigned int)
CDB_BCPInCmdBCPIn (const string &table_name, unsigned int)
CDB_CursorCmdCursor (const string &cursor_name, const string &query, unsigned int, unsigned int batch_size)

Protected Member Functions

virtual bool IsAlive (void)=0
 Check out if connection is alive. More...
virtual CDB_LangCmdLangCmd (const string &lang_query)=0
 These methods: LangCmd(), RPC(), BCPIn(), Cursor() and SendDataCmd() create and return a "command" object, register it for later use with this (and only this!) connection. More...
virtual CDB_RPCCmdRPC (const string &rpc_name)=0
 Remote procedure call. More...
virtual CDB_BCPInCmdBCPIn (const string &table_name)=0
 "Bulk copy in" command More...
virtual CDB_CursorCmdCursor (const string &cursor_name, const string &query, unsigned int batch_size)=0
 Cursor. More...
CDB_CursorCmdCursor (const string &cursor_name, const string &query)
virtual CDB_SendDataCmdSendDataCmd (I_BlobDescriptor &desc, size_t data_size, bool log_it=true, bool discard_results=true)=0
 Create send-data command. More...
virtual bool SendData (I_BlobDescriptor &desc, CDB_Stream &lob, bool log_it=true)=0
 Shortcut to send text and image to the server without using the "Send-data" command (SendDataCmd) More...
virtual bool Refresh (void)=0
 Reset the connection to the "ready" state (cancel all active commands) More...
virtual const stringServerName (void) const =0
 Get the server name. More...
virtual const stringUserName (void) const =0
 Get the user user. More...
virtual const stringPassword (void) const =0
 Get the password. More...
virtual const stringDatabaseName (void) const =0
 Get the database name. More...
virtual I_DriverContext::TConnectionMode ConnectMode (void) const =0
 Get the bitmask for the connection mode (BCP, secure login, ...) More...
virtual bool IsReusable (void) const =0
 Check if this connection is a reusable one. More...
virtual const stringPoolName (void) const =0
 Find out which connection pool this connection belongs to. More...
virtual I_DriverContextContext (void) const =0
 Get pointer to the driver context. More...
virtual void PushMsgHandler (CDB_UserHandler *h, EOwnership ownership=eNoOwnership)=0
 Put the message handler into message handler stack. More...
virtual void PopMsgHandler (CDB_UserHandler *h)=0
 Remove the message handler (and all above it) from the stack. More...
virtual CDB_ResultProcessorSetResultProcessor (CDB_ResultProcessor *rp)=0
 Set new result-processor. More...
virtual bool Abort (void)=0
 Abort the connection. More...
virtual bool Close (void)=0
 Close an open connection. More...
virtual void SetTimeout (size_t nof_secs)=0
 Set connection timeout. More...
virtual size_t GetTimeout (void) const =0
 Get connection timeout. More...
virtual I_ConnectionExtraGetExtraFeatures (void)=0
 Get interface for extra features that could be implemented in the driver. More...
virtual string GetVersionString (void) const
 Driver version, supplied here rather than by the context for ODBC's sake. More...

Detailed Description


Definition at line 1185 of file interfaces.hpp.

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Modified on Fri Sep 20 14:57:25 2024 by rev. 669887