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rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator > Class Template Reference

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Represents a JSON Pointer. Use Pointer for UTF8 encoding and default allocator. More...

#include <misc/jsonwrapp/rapidjson11/pointer.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >:
+ Collaboration diagram for rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >:


class  PercentDecodeStream
 A helper stream for decoding a percent-encoded sequence into code unit. More...
class  PercentEncodeStream
 A helper stream to encode character (UTF-8 code unit) into percent-encoded sequence. More...
struct  Token
 A token is the basic units of internal representation. More...

Public Types

typedef ValueType::EncodingType EncodingType
 Encoding type from Value. More...
typedef ValueType::Ch Ch
 Character type from Value. More...

Public Member Functions

Constructors and destructor.
 GenericPointer (Allocator *allocator=0)
 Default constructor. More...
 GenericPointer (const Ch *source, Allocator *allocator=0)
 Constructor that parses a string or URI fragment representation. More...
 GenericPointer (const Ch *source, size_t length, Allocator *allocator=0)
 Constructor that parses a string or URI fragment representation, with length of the source string. More...
 GenericPointer (const Token *tokens, size_t tokenCount)
 Constructor with user-supplied tokens. More...
 GenericPointer (const GenericPointer &rhs, Allocator *allocator=0)
 Copy constructor. More...
 ~GenericPointer ()
 Destructor. More...
GenericPointeroperator= (const GenericPointer &rhs)
 Assignment operator. More...

Append token

Allocator stackAllocator stackAllocator & document
Allocator stackAllocator stackAllocator T defaultValue const
GenericPointer Append (const Token &token, Allocator *allocator=0) const
 Append a token and return a new Pointer. More...
GenericPointer Append (const Ch *name, SizeType length, Allocator *allocator=0) const
 Append a name token with length, and return a new Pointer. More...
template<typename T >
 RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN ((internal::NotExpr< internal::IsSame< typename internal::RemoveConst< T >::Type, Ch > >),(GenericPointer)) Append(T *name
 Append a name token without length, and return a new Pointer. More...
Allocator stackAllocator RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN ((internal::OrExpr< internal::IsPointer< T >, internal::IsGenericValue< T > >),(ValueType &)) GetWithDefault(GenericDocument< EncodingType

Set a value

T value
T ValueType::AllocatorType &allocator const
stackAllocator & document
stackAllocator T value const
ValueType & Set (ValueType &root, ValueType &value, typename ValueType::AllocatorType &allocator) const
 Set a value in a subtree, with move semantics. More...
ValueType & Set (ValueType &root, const ValueType &value, typename ValueType::AllocatorType &allocator) const
 Set a value in a subtree, with copy semantics. More...
ValueType & Set (ValueType &root, const Ch *value, typename ValueType::AllocatorType &allocator) const
 Set a null-terminated string in a subtree. More...
template<typename T >
 RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN ((internal::OrExpr< internal::IsPointer< T >, internal::IsGenericValue< T > >),(ValueType &)) Set(ValueType &root
 Set a primitive value in a subtree. More...
template<typename stackAllocator >
ValueType & Set (GenericDocument< EncodingType, typename ValueType::AllocatorType, stackAllocator > &document, ValueType &value) const
 Set a value in a document, with move semantics. More...
template<typename stackAllocator >
ValueType & Set (GenericDocument< EncodingType, typename ValueType::AllocatorType, stackAllocator > &document, const ValueType &value) const
 Set a value in a document, with copy semantics. More...
template<typename stackAllocator >
ValueType & Set (GenericDocument< EncodingType, typename ValueType::AllocatorType, stackAllocator > &document, const Ch *value) const
 Set a null-terminated string in a document. More...
template<typename T , typename stackAllocator >
 RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN ((internal::OrExpr< internal::IsPointer< T >, internal::IsGenericValue< T > >),(ValueType &)) Set(GenericDocument< EncodingType
 Set a primitive value in a document. More...

Swap a value

 The current allocator. It is either user-supplied or equal to ownAllocator_. More...
 Allocator owned by this Pointer. More...
 A buffer containing all names in tokens. More...
 A list of tokens. More...
size_t tokenCount_
 Number of tokens in tokens_. More...
size_t parseErrorOffset_
 Offset in code unit when parsing fail. More...
PointerParseErrorCode parseErrorCode_
 Parsing error code. More...
ValueType & Swap (ValueType &root, ValueType &value, typename ValueType::AllocatorType &allocator) const
 Swap a value with a value in a subtree. More...
template<typename stackAllocator >
ValueType & Swap (GenericDocument< EncodingType, typename ValueType::AllocatorType, stackAllocator > &document, ValueType &value) const
 Swap a value with a value in a document. More...
bool Erase (ValueType &root) const
 Erase a value in a subtree. More...
ChCopyFromRaw (const GenericPointer &rhs, size_t extraToken=0, size_t extraNameBufferSize=0)
 Clone the content from rhs to this. More...
bool NeedPercentEncode (Ch c) const
 Check whether a character should be percent-encoded. More...
void Parse (const Ch *source, size_t length)
 Parse a JSON String or its URI fragment representation into tokens. More...
template<bool uriFragment, typename OutputStream >
bool Stringify (OutputStream &os) const
 Stringify to string or URI fragment representation. More...

Detailed Description

template<typename ValueType, typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
class rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >

Represents a JSON Pointer. Use Pointer for UTF8 encoding and default allocator.

This class implements RFC 6901 "JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Pointer" (

A JSON pointer is for identifying a specific value in a JSON document (GenericDocument). It can simplify coding of DOM tree manipulation, because it can access multiple-level depth of DOM tree with single API call.

After it parses a string representation (e.g. "/foo/0" or URI fragment representation (e.g. "#/foo/0") into its internal representation (tokens), it can be used to resolve a specific value in multiple documents, or sub-tree of documents.

Contrary to GenericValue, Pointer can be copy constructed and copy assigned. Apart from assignment, a Pointer cannot be modified after construction.

Although Pointer is very convenient, please aware that constructing Pointer involves parsing and dynamic memory allocation. A special constructor with user- supplied tokens eliminates these.

GenericPointer depends on GenericDocument and GenericValue.

Template Parameters
ValueTypeThe value type of the DOM tree. E.g. GenericValue<UTF8<> >
AllocatorThe allocator type for allocating memory for internal representation.
GenericPointer uses same encoding of ValueType. However, Allocator of GenericPointer is independent of Allocator of Value.

Definition at line 81 of file pointer.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Ch

template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
typedef ValueType::Ch rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::Ch

Character type from Value.

Definition at line 84 of file pointer.h.

◆ EncodingType

template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
typedef ValueType::EncodingType rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::EncodingType

Encoding type from Value.

Definition at line 83 of file pointer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ GenericPointer() [1/5]

template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::GenericPointer ( Allocator allocator = 0)

Default constructor.

Definition at line 109 of file pointer.h.

◆ GenericPointer() [2/5]

template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::GenericPointer ( const Ch source,
Allocator allocator = 0 

Constructor that parses a string or URI fragment representation.

sourceA null-terminated, string or URI fragment representation of JSON pointer.
allocatorUser supplied allocator for this pointer. If no allocator is provided, it creates a self-owned one.

Definition at line 116 of file pointer.h.

◆ GenericPointer() [3/5]

template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::GenericPointer ( const Ch source,
size_t  length,
Allocator allocator = 0 

Constructor that parses a string or URI fragment representation, with length of the source string.

sourceA string or URI fragment representation of JSON pointer.
lengthLength of source.
allocatorUser supplied allocator for this pointer. If no allocator is provided, it creates a self-owned one.
Slightly faster than the overload without length.

Definition at line 139 of file pointer.h.

◆ GenericPointer() [4/5]

template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::GenericPointer ( const Token tokens,
size_t  tokenCount 

Constructor with user-supplied tokens.

This constructor let user supplies const array of tokens. This prevents the parsing process and eliminates allocation. This is preferred for memory constrained environments.

tokensAn constant array of tokens representing the JSON pointer.
tokenCountNumber of tokens.


#define NAME(s) { s, sizeof(s) / sizeof(s[0]) - 1, kPointerInvalidIndex }
#define INDEX(i) { #i, sizeof(#i) - 1, i }
static const Pointer::Token kTokens[] = { NAME("foo"), INDEX(123) };
static const Pointer p(kTokens, sizeof(kTokens) / sizeof(kTokens[0]));
// Equivalent to static const Pointer p("/foo/123");
#undef NAME
#undef INDEX
#define NAME
GenericPointer< Value, CrtAllocator > Pointer
GenericPointer for Value (UTF-8, default allocator).
Definition: fwd.h:126

Definition at line 165 of file pointer.h.

◆ GenericPointer() [5/5]

template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::GenericPointer ( const GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator > &  rhs,
Allocator allocator = 0 

Copy constructor.

Definition at line 168 of file pointer.h.

◆ ~GenericPointer()

template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::~GenericPointer ( )


Definition at line 173 of file pointer.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Append() [1/2]

template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
GenericPointer rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::Append ( const Ch name,
SizeType  length,
Allocator allocator = 0 
) const

Append a name token with length, and return a new Pointer.

nameName to be appended.
lengthLength of name.
allocatorAllocator for the newly return Pointer.
A new Pointer with appended token.

Definition at line 229 of file pointer.h.

◆ Append() [2/2]

template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
GenericPointer rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::Append ( const Token token,
Allocator allocator = 0 
) const

Append a token and return a new Pointer.

tokenToken to be appended.
allocatorAllocator for the newly return Pointer.
A new Pointer with appended token.

Definition at line 211 of file pointer.h.

◆ CopyFromRaw()

template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
Ch* rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::CopyFromRaw ( const GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator > &  rhs,
size_t  extraToken = 0,
size_t  extraNameBufferSize = 0 

Clone the content from rhs to this.

rhsSource pointer.
extraTokenExtra tokens to be allocated.
extraNameBufferSizeExtra name buffer size (in number of Ch) to be allocated.
Start of non-occupied name buffer, for storing extra names.

Definition at line 764 of file pointer.h.

◆ Erase()

template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
bool rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::Erase ( ValueType &  root) const

Erase a value in a subtree.

rootRoot value of a DOM sub-tree to be resolved. It can be any value other than document root.
Whether the resolved value is found and erased.
Erasing with an empty pointer Pointer(""), i.e. the root, always fail and return false.

Definition at line 716 of file pointer.h.

Referenced by rapidjson::EraseValueByPointer().

◆ NeedPercentEncode()

template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
bool rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::NeedPercentEncode ( Ch  c) const

Check whether a character should be percent-encoded.

According to RFC 3986 2.3 Unreserved Characters.

cThe character (code unit) to be tested.

Definition at line 795 of file pointer.h.

◆ operator=()

template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
GenericPointer& rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::operator= ( const GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator > &  rhs)

Assignment operator.

Definition at line 180 of file pointer.h.

◆ Parse()

template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
void rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::Parse ( const Ch source,
size_t  length 

Parse a JSON String or its URI fragment representation into tokens.

sourceEither a JSON Pointer string, or its URI fragment representation. Not need to be null terminated.
lengthLength of the source string.
Source cannot be JSON String Representation of JSON Pointer, e.g. In "/\u0000", \u0000 will not be unescaped.

Definition at line 807 of file pointer.h.


template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
template<typename T >
rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN ( (internal::NotExpr< internal::IsSame< typename internal::RemoveConst< T >::Type, Ch > >)  ,
(GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >)   

Append a name token without length, and return a new Pointer.

nameName (const Ch*) to be appended.
allocatorAllocator for the newly return Pointer.
A new Pointer with appended token.


template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
Allocator stackAllocator rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN ( (internal::OrExpr< internal::IsPointer< T >, internal::IsGenericValue< T > >)  ,
(ValueType &)   


template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
template<typename T , typename stackAllocator >
rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN ( (internal::OrExpr< internal::IsPointer< T >, internal::IsGenericValue< T > >)  ,
(ValueType &)   

Set a primitive value in a document.

Template Parameters
TEither Type, int, unsigned, int64_t, uint64_t, bool


template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
template<typename T >
rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN ( (internal::OrExpr< internal::IsPointer< T >, internal::IsGenericValue< T > >)  ,
(ValueType &)   
) &

Set a primitive value in a subtree.

Template Parameters
TEither Type, int, unsigned, int64_t, uint64_t, bool

◆ Set() [1/6]

template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
template<typename stackAllocator >
ValueType& rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::Set ( GenericDocument< EncodingType, typename ValueType::AllocatorType, stackAllocator > &  document,
const Ch value 
) const

Set a null-terminated string in a document.

Definition at line 660 of file pointer.h.

◆ Set() [2/6]

template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
template<typename stackAllocator >
ValueType& rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::Set ( GenericDocument< EncodingType, typename ValueType::AllocatorType, stackAllocator > &  document,
const ValueType &  value 
) const

Set a value in a document, with copy semantics.

Definition at line 654 of file pointer.h.

◆ Set() [3/6]

template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
template<typename stackAllocator >
ValueType& rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::Set ( GenericDocument< EncodingType, typename ValueType::AllocatorType, stackAllocator > &  document,
ValueType &  value 
) const

Set a value in a document, with move semantics.

Definition at line 648 of file pointer.h.

◆ Set() [4/6]

template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
ValueType& rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::Set ( ValueType &  root,
const Ch value,
typename ValueType::AllocatorType &  allocator 
) const

Set a null-terminated string in a subtree.

Definition at line 625 of file pointer.h.

◆ Set() [5/6]

template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
ValueType& rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::Set ( ValueType &  root,
const ValueType &  value,
typename ValueType::AllocatorType &  allocator 
) const

Set a value in a subtree, with copy semantics.

Definition at line 620 of file pointer.h.

◆ Set() [6/6]

template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
ValueType& rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::Set ( ValueType &  root,
ValueType &  value,
typename ValueType::AllocatorType &  allocator 
) const

Set a value in a subtree, with move semantics.

It creates all parents if they are not exist or types are different to the tokens. So this function always succeeds but potentially remove existing values.

rootRoot value of a DOM sub-tree to be resolved. It can be any value other than document root.
valueValue to be set.
allocatorAllocator for creating the values if the specified value or its parents are not exist.
See also

Definition at line 615 of file pointer.h.

Referenced by rapidjson::SetValueByPointer().

◆ Stringify()

template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
template<bool uriFragment, typename OutputStream >
bool rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::Stringify ( OutputStream &  os) const

Stringify to string or URI fragment representation.

Template Parameters
uriFragmentTrue for stringifying to URI fragment representation. False for string representation.
OutputStreamtype of output stream.
osThe output stream.

Definition at line 946 of file pointer.h.

◆ Swap() [1/2]

template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
template<typename stackAllocator >
ValueType& rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::Swap ( GenericDocument< EncodingType, typename ValueType::AllocatorType, stackAllocator > &  document,
ValueType &  value 
) const

Swap a value with a value in a document.

Definition at line 703 of file pointer.h.

◆ Swap() [2/2]

template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
ValueType& rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::Swap ( ValueType &  root,
ValueType &  value,
typename ValueType::AllocatorType &  allocator 
) const

Swap a value with a value in a subtree.

It creates all parents if they are not exist or types are different to the tokens. So this function always succeeds but potentially remove existing values.

rootRoot value of a DOM sub-tree to be resolved. It can be any value other than document root.
valueValue to be swapped.
allocatorAllocator for creating the values if the specified value or its parents are not exist.
See also

Definition at line 697 of file pointer.h.

Referenced by rapidjson::SwapValueByPointer().

Member Data Documentation

◆ allocator

template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
Allocator* rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::allocator

Definition at line 242 of file pointer.h.

◆ allocator_

template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
Allocator* rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::allocator_

The current allocator. It is either user-supplied or equal to ownAllocator_.

Definition at line 1044 of file pointer.h.

◆ const [1/3]

template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
Allocator stackAllocator stackAllocator T defaultValue rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::const
Initial value:
return GetWithDefault(document, defaultValue, document.GetAllocator())
Allocator stackAllocator stackAllocator & document
Definition: pointer.h:596
const GenericPointer< typename T::ValueType > T2 defaultValue
Definition: pointer.h:1126

Definition at line 596 of file pointer.h.

◆ const [2/3]

template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
T ValueType::AllocatorType& allocator rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::const
Initial value:
return Create(root, allocator) = ValueType(value).Move()
Allocator * allocator
Definition: pointer.h:242

Definition at line 642 of file pointer.h.

◆ const [3/3]

template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
stackAllocator T value rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::const
Initial value:
return Create(document) = value

Definition at line 678 of file pointer.h.

◆ document [1/2]

template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
Allocator stackAllocator stackAllocator& rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::document

Definition at line 596 of file pointer.h.

◆ document [2/2]

template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
stackAllocator& rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::document

Definition at line 678 of file pointer.h.

◆ nameBuffer_

template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
Ch* rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::nameBuffer_

A buffer containing all names in tokens.

Definition at line 1046 of file pointer.h.

Referenced by rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::CopyFromRaw(), and rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::operator=().

◆ ownAllocator_

template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
Allocator* rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::ownAllocator_

Allocator owned by this Pointer.

Definition at line 1045 of file pointer.h.

◆ parseErrorCode_

template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
PointerParseErrorCode rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::parseErrorCode_

Parsing error code.

Definition at line 1050 of file pointer.h.

Referenced by rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::operator=().

◆ parseErrorOffset_

template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
size_t rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::parseErrorOffset_

Offset in code unit when parsing fail.

Definition at line 1049 of file pointer.h.

Referenced by rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::operator=().

◆ tokenCount_

template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
size_t rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::tokenCount_

◆ tokens_

template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
Token* rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::tokens_

◆ value

template<typename ValueType , typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
T rapidjson::GenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::value

Definition at line 642 of file pointer.h.

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Modified on Fri Sep 20 14:57:25 2024 by rev. 669887