NCBI C++ ToolKit
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1 /* $Id: compare_feats.hpp 78930 2017-07-31 13:06:45Z dicuccio $
2  * ===========================================================================
3  *
5  * National Center for Biotechnology Information
6  *
7  * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
8  * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
9  * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
10  * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
11  * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
12  * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
13  *
14  * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
15  * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
16  * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
17  * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
18  * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
19  * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
20  * purpose.
21  *
22  * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
23  *
24  * ===========================================================================
25  *
26  * Authors: Alex Astashyn
27  *
28  * File Description:
29  *
30  */
35 #include <vector>
36 #include <map>
37 #include <set>
39 #include <objmgr/scope.hpp>
40 #include <objmgr/feat_ci.hpp>
41 #include <objmgr/util/sequence.hpp>
44 #include <objmgr/util/feature.hpp>
46 #include "loc_mapper.hpp"
52 /// CCompareSeq_locs is used for comparing locations of two features on the same coordinate system
53 /// It is agnostic to what type of feature it is and only compares the internal structure of the locs.
55 {
56 public:
57  typedef int TCompareLocsFlags;
58  enum FCompareLocs {
59  fCmp_Unknown = 1 << 0, ///< failed to compare
60  fCmp_Incomplete = 1 << 1, ///< Some parts of the location could not be compared (e.g. on different sequence)
61  fCmp_NoOverlap = 1 << 2, ///< seq_locs do not overlap at all
62  fCmp_RegionOverlap = 1 << 3, ///< overlap of the extremes
63  fCmp_Overlap = 1 << 4, ///< at least one interval overlaps
64  fCmp_Subset = 1 << 5, ///< comparison loc is a subset of the reference loc; some interval boundaries do not match
65  fCmp_Superset = 1 << 6, ///< comparison loc is a superset of the reference loc; some interval boundaries do not match
66  fCmp_intsMissing_internal = 1 << 7, ///< comparison loc is missing interval(s) internally
67  fCmp_intsExtra_internal = 1 << 8, ///< comparinos loc has extra interval(s) internally
68  fCmp_intsMissing_3p = 1 << 9, ///< comparison loc is missing interval(s) at 3' end
69  fCmp_intsExtra_3p = 1 << 10, ///< comparinos loc has extra interval(s) at 3' end
70  fCmp_intsMissing_5p = 1 << 11, ///< comparison loc is missing interval(s) at 5' end
71  fCmp_intsExtra_5p = 1 << 12, ///< comparinos loc has extra interval(s) at 5' end
72  fCmp_3pExtension = 1 << 13, ///< 3' terminal interval extended (other splice junction matches)
73  fCmp_3pTruncation = 1 << 14, ///< 3' terminal interval truncated (other splice junction matches)
74  fCmp_5pExtension = 1 << 15, ///< 5' terminal interval extended (other splice junction matches)
75  fCmp_5pTruncation = 1 << 16, ///< 5' terminal interval truncated (other splice junction matches)
76  fCmp_StrandDifferent = 1 << 17, ///< different strand
77  fCmp_FuzzDifferent = 1 << 18, ///< indicates fuzz mismatch if set
78  fCmp_Match = 1 << 19 ///< all junctions match (fuzz-agnostic)
79  };
82  eOverlap_vs_Union, ///< overlap versus the union of the two features
83  eOverlap_vs_Shorter, ///< overlap versus the shorter of the two features
84  eOverlap_vs_First, ///< overlap versus the first of the two features
85  eOverlap_vs_Second ///< overlap versus the second of the two features
86  };
88  typedef int TCompareFlags;
90  fCmp_IgnoreStrand = 1 << 0, ///< strand-less comparison
91  fCmp_Defaults = 0
92  };
94  //This struct keeps the result of comparison of two exons
96  {
97  public:
98  SIntervalComparisonResult(unsigned pos1, unsigned pos2, FCompareLocs result, int pos_comparison = 0)
99  : m_exon_ordinal1(pos1), m_exon_ordinal2(pos2), m_result(result), m_position_comparison(pos_comparison) {}
103  inline bool missing_first() const {return m_exon_ordinal1 == 0;}
104  inline bool missing_second() const {return m_exon_ordinal2 == 0;}
106  unsigned m_exon_ordinal1;
107  unsigned m_exon_ordinal2;
109  int m_position_comparison; //we need to know which exon is "ahead" so the overlaps can be correctly reported,
110  //e.g. 1:>1> vs. 1:<1<
111  };
113  CCompareSeq_locs(const CSeq_loc& loc1, const CSeq_loc& loc2, CScope* scope2, TCompareFlags flags = fCmp_Defaults)
114  : m_scope_t(scope2)
115  , m_flags(flags)
116  {
117  m_loc1 = CRef<CSeq_loc>(new CSeq_loc);
118  m_loc1->Assign(loc1);
119  m_loc2 = CRef<CSeq_loc>(new CSeq_loc);
120  m_loc2->Assign(loc2);
121  if ( m_flags & fCmp_IgnoreStrand ) {
122  m_loc1->ResetStrand();
123  m_loc2->ResetStrand();
124  }
125  this->Reset();
126  }
128  /// Reset cached comparison results
129  void Reset()
130  {
131  this->m_cachedOverlapValues = false;
132  this->x_Compare();
133  }
135  /// Symmetrical overlap is defined as length(intersection(loc1, loc2) / (length(loc1) + length(loc2))
136  /// intra-loc overlaps are merged (otherwise non-sensical results are possible)
137  double GetSymmetricalOverlap() const
138  {
139  return GetOverlap(eOverlap_vs_Union);
140  }
142  /// Relative overlap is defined as ratio of the length of the overlap to the length of the shorter feature
143  double GetRelativeOverlap() const
144  {
145  return GetOverlap(eOverlap_vs_Shorter);
146  }
148  /// Calculate overlap according to the specified method.
149  double GetOverlap(EOverlapMethod method) const
150  {
151  if(!m_cachedOverlapValues) {
152  x_ComputeOverlapValues();
153  }
155  TSeqPos denom = 0;
157  switch(method) {
158  case eOverlap_vs_Union:
159  denom = m_len_seqloc1 + m_len_seqloc2 - m_len_seqloc_overlap;
160  break;
161  case eOverlap_vs_Shorter:
162  denom = static_cast<TSeqPos>(std::min(m_len_seqloc1, m_len_seqloc2));
163  break;
164  case eOverlap_vs_First:
165  denom = m_len_seqloc1;
166  break;
167  case eOverlap_vs_Second:
168  denom = m_len_seqloc2;
169  break;
170  }
172  return (denom == 0) ? 0.0 : (static_cast<double>(m_len_seqloc_overlap) / denom);
173  }
175  void GetSplicingSimilarity(float& score, int* loc1_intervals = NULL, int* loc2_intervals = NULL) const
176  {
177  if(!m_cachedOverlapValues) {
178  x_ComputeOverlapValues();
179  }
181  score = m_shared_sites_score;
182  if(loc1_intervals) {
183  *loc1_intervals = m_loc1_interval_count;
184  }
185  if(loc2_intervals) {
186  *loc2_intervals = m_loc2_interval_count;
187  }
188  }
191  /// str_out will contain human-readable summary of the internal comparison
192  TCompareLocsFlags GetResult(string* str_out = NULL) const;
194  /// The evidence string is a whitespace-separated list of exon comparisons
195  /// Each exon comparison is a pair of exon ordinals (on query and target features)
196  /// separated by a colon; target exon ordinal may contain splice junction "operators"
197  /// that establish relationship to the query exon.
198  ///
199  /// '>' and '<' denote the splice junction shifts in 3' and 5' direction respectively
200  /// (relative to the master sequence). E.g.
201  /// '4:4' = 4th exon matches exactly on both sequneces
202  /// '4:>4>' = 4th exon shifted in 3' direction relative to the overlapping query exon
203  /// '4:<4>' = 4th exon extended in both directions relative to the overlapping query exon
204  /// '4:<4' = 4th exon has 5' junction extended relative to the overlapping query exon
205  /// etc.
206  ///
207  /// '~' are sentinels for non-overlapping exons. e.g.
208  /// '5:~' = 5th exon on query location is unmatched;
209  /// '~:5' = 5th exon on target location is unmatched.
210  ///
211  /// neighboring exon comparisons of the same class are collapsed in groups:
212  /// '5-20:4-19' = exons 5 to 20 match exons 4 to 19 on target
213  /// '21-23:~' = exons 21 to 23 do not overlap the target.
214  ///
215  ///
216  /// The exon ordinals are numbered by their position within the feature.
217  string GetEvidenceString() const;
219  /// Return the vector of individual exon comparisons
220  const vector<SIntervalComparisonResult>& GetIndividualComparisons() const
221  {
222  return m_IntComparisons;
223  }
225 private:
227  /// This helper struct is used to accumulate the neighboring comparisons
228  /// of the same class, such that the comparison [... 3:5 4:6 ... 20:22 ...]
229  /// can be represented as [... 3-20:5-22 ...]
231  {
232  public:
234  : m_first(0, 0, fCmp_Unknown, 0)
235  , m_last(0, 0, fCmp_Unknown, 0)
236  , m_isReverse(isReverse)
237  {}
239  string ToString();
241  bool IsValid() {
242  return !(m_first.m_exon_ordinal1 == 0 && m_first.m_exon_ordinal2 == 0 && m_last.m_exon_ordinal1 == 0 && m_last.m_exon_ordinal2 == 0);
243  }
246  {
247  m_first = r;
248  m_last = r;
249  }
251  /// if the comparison is neighboring and of the same class, set the terminal compariosn to it
252  /// and return true; otherwise return false
254  {
255  if(r.m_position_comparison == m_last.m_position_comparison
256  && r.m_result == m_last.m_result
257  && ((!m_isReverse && r.m_exon_ordinal1 == m_last.m_exon_ordinal1 + 1)
258  || (m_isReverse && r.m_exon_ordinal1 == m_last.m_exon_ordinal1 - 1)
259  || (r.m_exon_ordinal1 == 0 && m_last.m_exon_ordinal1 == 0))
260  && ((!m_isReverse && r.m_exon_ordinal2 == m_last.m_exon_ordinal2 + 1)
261  || (m_isReverse && r.m_exon_ordinal2 == m_last.m_exon_ordinal2 - 1)
262  || (r.m_exon_ordinal2 == 0 && m_last.m_exon_ordinal2 == 0)))
263  {
264  m_last = r;
265  return true;
266  } else {
267  return false;
268  }
269  }
271  private:
276  };
279  //this struct is jusst a wrapper to keep the counts together
281  {
283  loc1_int(0),
284  loc2_int(0),
285  matched(0),
286  partially_matched(0),
287  unknown(0),
288  extra(0),
289  missing(0),
290  missing_3p(0),
291  extra_3p(0),
292  missing_5p(0),
293  extra_5p(0) {}
295  inline unsigned missing_internal() const {return missing - (missing_3p + missing_5p); }
296  inline unsigned extra_internal() const {return extra - (extra_3p + extra_5p); }
298  unsigned loc1_int;
299  unsigned loc2_int;
300  unsigned matched;
301  unsigned partially_matched; //ext|trunc|overlap|subset|superset
302  unsigned unknown;
303  unsigned extra; //extra exons (5'+internal+3')
304  unsigned missing; //missing exons (5'+internal+3')
305  unsigned missing_3p;
306  unsigned extra_3p;
307  unsigned missing_5p;
308  unsigned extra_5p;
309  };
311  /// Process the seq_locs and generate the m_IntComparisons vector; Recompute the counts
312  void x_Compare();
314  /// Recompute m_len_seqloc_overlap, m_len_seqloc1, and m_len_seqloc2
315  void x_ComputeOverlapValues() const;
317  /// Compare two exons
318  FCompareLocs x_CompareInts(const CSeq_loc& loc1, const CSeq_loc& loc2) const;
325  mutable bool m_cachedOverlapValues;
331  mutable float m_shared_sites_score;
334  vector<SIntervalComparisonResult> m_IntComparisons;
340 };
346 /// CCompareFeats represens a result of comparison of two features.
347 /// (CCompareFeats::m_compare stores the actual result)
348 /// These comparisons will be produces by CCompare_Regions
350 {
351 public:
353  , const CSeq_loc& feat1_mapped_loc
354  , double mapped_identity
355  , const CSeq_loc& feat1_self_loc
356  , CScope* scope1
357  , const CSeq_feat& feat2
358  , const CSeq_loc& feat2_self_loc
359  , CScope* scope2)
360  : m_feat1(&feat1)
361  , m_feat1_mapped_loc(&feat1_mapped_loc)
362  , m_feat1_self_loc(&feat1_self_loc)
363  , m_scope_q(scope1)
364  , m_feat2(&feat2)
365  , m_feat2_self_loc(&feat2_self_loc)
366  , m_scope_t(scope2)
367  , m_compare(new CCompareSeq_locs(feat1_mapped_loc, feat2_self_loc, scope2)) // feat1_mapped_loc lives in scope2
368  , m_irrelevance(0)
369  , m_mapped_identity(mapped_identity)
370  {}
373  /// No matching feat2
375  , const CSeq_loc& feat1_mapped_loc ///mapped to feat2's coordinate system
376  , double mapped_identity
377  , const CSeq_loc& feat1_self_loc
378  , CScope* scope1)
379  : m_feat1(&feat1)
380  , m_feat1_mapped_loc(&feat1_mapped_loc)
381  , m_feat1_self_loc(&feat1_self_loc)
382  , m_scope_q(scope1)
383  , m_irrelevance(1) //Forward
384  , m_mapped_identity(mapped_identity)
385  {}
387  /// No matching feat1
388  CCompareFeats(const CSeq_feat& feat2, const CSeq_loc& feat2_self_loc, double mapped_identity, CScope* scope2)
389  : m_feat2(&feat2)
390  , m_feat2_self_loc(&feat2_self_loc)
391  , m_scope_t(scope2)
392  , m_irrelevance(2) //Reverse
393  , m_mapped_identity(mapped_identity)
394  {}
402  double GetMappedIdentity() const
403  {
404  return m_mapped_identity;
405  }
407  // Return true iff features being compared are of the same subtype
408  bool IsSameSubtype() const
409  {
410  return IsMatch()
411  && m_feat1->CanGetData()
412  && m_feat2->CanGetData()
413  && (m_feat1->GetData().GetSubtype() == m_feat2->GetData().GetSubtype());
414  }
416  bool IsSameType() const
417  {
418  return IsMatch()
419  && m_feat1->CanGetData()
420  && m_feat2->CanGetData()
421  && (m_feat1->GetData().Which() == m_feat2->GetData().Which());
422  }
424  // Return true iff labels are the same and fCmp_Match flag is set in the comparison result
425  bool IsIdentical() const
426  {
427  return IsMatch()
429  && (m_compare->GetResult() & CCompareSeq_locs::fCmp_Match);
430  }
432  static string s_GetLocLabel(const CSeq_loc& loc, bool merged = false)
433  {
434  string s = "";
436  if(!merged) {
437  loc.GetLabel(&s);
438  } else {
440  merged_loc->GetLabel(&s);
441  }
442  return s;
443  }
446  {
447  string gene_label = "";
448  feature::GetLabel(gene_feat, &gene_label, type, NULL);
449  return gene_label;
450  }
453  CConstRef<CSeq_feat> GetFeatQ() const {return m_feat1;}
454  CConstRef<CSeq_feat> GetFeatT() const {return m_feat2;}
456  CConstRef<CSeq_loc> GetMappedLocQ() const {return m_feat1_mapped_loc;}
457  CConstRef<CSeq_loc> GetSelfLocQ() const {return m_feat1_self_loc;}
458  CConstRef<CSeq_loc> GetSelfLocT() const {return m_feat2_self_loc;}
460  bool IsMatch() const {return !m_feat1.IsNull() && !m_feat2.IsNull();}
461  CConstRef<CCompareSeq_locs> GetComparison() const {return m_compare;}
464  int GetIrrelevance() const {return m_irrelevance; }
465  void SetIrrelevance(int val) {m_irrelevance =val;}
466 private:
482 };
484 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
486 /// Compare multiple feature annotations on the specified seq_locs.
488 {
489 public:
491  eScore_SymmetricPctOverlap ///< length of overlap / (sum of lengths - overlaps)
492  , eScore_Feat1PctOverlap ///< length of overlap / (length of 1st feat)
493  , eScore_Feat2PctOverlap ///< length of overlap / (length of 2nd feat)
494  };
497  fSelectBest = (1<<0),
498  fMergeExons = (1<<1),
499  fDifferentGenesOnly = (1<<2),
500  fCreateSentinelGenes = (1<<3),
501  fSameTypeOnly = (1<<4)
502  };
504  typedef int TComparisonOptions;
507  CCompareSeqRegions(const CSeq_loc& query_loc
508  , CScope* q_scope
509  , CScope* t_scope
510  , ILocMapper& mapper
511  , const SAnnotSelector& q_sel
512  , const SAnnotSelector& t_sel
513  , const CSeq_id& target_id
514  , TComparisonOptions options = fSelectBest|fMergeExons
515  , EScoreMethod score_method = eScore_SymmetricPctOverlap)
516  : m_loc_q(&query_loc)
517  , m_scope_q(q_scope)
518  , m_scope_t(t_scope)
519  , m_mapper(&mapper)
520  , m_selector_q(q_sel)
521  , m_selector_t(t_sel)
522  , m_target_id(&target_id)
523  , m_comp_options(options)
524  , m_score_method(score_method)
525  , m_loc_q_ci(*m_scope_q, *m_loc_q, q_sel)
526  , m_already_processed_unmatched_targets(false)
527  {
529  //when initializing the whole_locs, we use maximally large intervals
530  //instead of Whole seqloc type because Seq_loc_Mapper can't digest those
531  //in the case of incomplete scopes, such as pre-locuslink LDS type
532  CRef<CSeq_loc> t_whole_loc(new CSeq_loc);
533  CRef<CSeq_id> t_id(new CSeq_id);
534  t_id->Assign(target_id);
535  t_whole_loc->SetInt().SetId(*t_id);
536  t_whole_loc->SetInt().SetFrom(0);
537  t_whole_loc->SetInt().SetTo(((TSeqPos) (-10)));
540  CRef<CSeq_loc> q_whole_loc(new CSeq_loc);
541  CRef<CSeq_id> q_id(new CSeq_id);
542  q_id->Assign(sequence::GetId(query_loc, 0));
543  q_whole_loc->SetInt().SetId(*q_id);
544  q_whole_loc->SetInt().SetFrom(0);
545  q_whole_loc->SetInt().SetTo(((TSeqPos) (-10)));
548  m_self_mapper_q.Reset(new CSeq_loc_Mapper(*q_whole_loc, *q_whole_loc, m_scope_q));
549  m_self_mapper_t.Reset(new CSeq_loc_Mapper(*t_whole_loc, *t_whole_loc, m_scope_t));
551  m_seen_targets.clear();
552  }
555  void Rewind() {
556  m_loc_q_ci.Rewind();
557  m_seen_targets.clear();
558  }
560  TComparisonOptions& SetOptions() {return m_comp_options;}
561  TComparisonOptions GetOptions() const {return m_comp_options;}
563  const CSeq_loc& GetQueryLoc() const {return *m_loc_q;}
565  bool NextComparisonGroup(vector<CRef<CCompareFeats> >& v);
566  void SelectMatches(vector<CRef<CCompareFeats> >& v);
567  static int s_GetGeneId(const CSeq_feat& feat);
568 private:
569  void x_GetPutativeMatches(vector<CRef<CCompareFeats> >& v, CConstRef<CSeq_feat> q_feat);
570  CConstRef<CSeq_loc> x_GetSelfLoc(
571  const CSeq_loc& loc,
572  CScope* scope,
573  bool merge_single_range);
589  std::set<std::string> m_seen_targets;
590  //loc-labels of all target features that have been compared
591  //(we use it to collect the target features that are not comparable at the end)
593 };
598 #endif
CCompareFeats represens a result of comparison of two features.
CConstRef< CSeq_loc > m_feat1_self_loc
CConstRef< CSeq_feat > GetFeatQ() const
CCompareFeats(const CSeq_feat &feat1, const CSeq_loc &feat1_mapped_loc, double mapped_identity, const CSeq_loc &feat1_self_loc, CScope *scope1)
No matching feat2.
CConstRef< CSeq_loc > GetSelfLocT() const
bool IsSameSubtype() const
CCompareFeats(const CSeq_feat &feat1, const CSeq_loc &feat1_mapped_loc, double mapped_identity, const CSeq_loc &feat1_self_loc, CScope *scope1, const CSeq_feat &feat2, const CSeq_loc &feat2_self_loc, CScope *scope2)
CConstRef< CSeq_feat > m_feat1
double m_mapped_identity
CConstRef< CSeq_loc > GetMappedLocQ() const
void SetIrrelevance(int val)
CConstRef< CSeq_loc > m_feat1_mapped_loc
CScope * m_scope_t
CScope * m_scope_q
bool IsSameType() const
CConstRef< CCompareSeq_locs > GetComparison() const
static string s_GetLocLabel(const CSeq_loc &loc, bool merged=false)
CRef< CCompareSeq_locs > m_compare
CConstRef< CSeq_loc > GetSelfLocQ() const
CConstRef< CSeq_loc > m_feat2_self_loc
CConstRef< CSeq_feat > GetFeatT() const
static string s_GetFeatLabel(const CSeq_feat &gene_feat, feature::TFeatLabelFlags type=feature::fFGL_Both)
bool IsMatch() const
bool IsIdentical() const
CConstRef< CSeq_feat > m_feat2
CCompareFeats(const CSeq_feat &feat2, const CSeq_loc &feat2_self_loc, double mapped_identity, CScope *scope2)
No matching feat1.
int GetIrrelevance() const
double GetMappedIdentity() const
Compare multiple feature annotations on the specified seq_locs.
CCompareSeqRegions(const CSeq_loc &query_loc, CScope *q_scope, CScope *t_scope, ILocMapper &mapper, const SAnnotSelector &q_sel, const SAnnotSelector &t_sel, const CSeq_id &target_id, TComparisonOptions options=fSelectBest|fMergeExons, EScoreMethod score_method=eScore_SymmetricPctOverlap)
const CSeq_loc & GetQueryLoc() const
CRef< CSeq_loc_Mapper > m_self_mapper_q
const SAnnotSelector & m_selector_q
bool m_already_processed_unmatched_targets
EScoreMethod m_score_method
CConstRef< CSeq_id > m_target_id
TComparisonOptions & SetOptions()
TComparisonOptions m_comp_options
CRef< CSeq_loc_Mapper > m_self_mapper_t
TComparisonOptions GetOptions() const
std::set< std::string > m_seen_targets
const SAnnotSelector & m_selector_t
CRef< ILocMapper > m_mapper
CConstRef< CSeq_loc > m_loc_q
CCompareSeq_locs is used for comparing locations of two features on the same coordinate system It is ...
double GetRelativeOverlap() const
Relative overlap is defined as ratio of the length of the overlap to the length of the shorter featur...
@ eOverlap_vs_Shorter
overlap versus the shorter of the two features
@ eOverlap_vs_Union
overlap versus the union of the two features
@ eOverlap_vs_First
overlap versus the first of the two features
vector< SIntervalComparisonResult > m_IntComparisons
TSeqPos m_len_seqloc_overlap
TCompareFlags m_flags
void GetSplicingSimilarity(float &score, int *loc1_intervals=NULL, int *loc2_intervals=NULL) const
CRef< CSeq_loc > m_loc2
CCompareSeq_locs(const CSeq_loc &loc1, const CSeq_loc &loc2, CScope *scope2, TCompareFlags flags=fCmp_Defaults)
const vector< SIntervalComparisonResult > & GetIndividualComparisons() const
Return the vector of individual exon comparisons.
ResultCounts m_counts
CRef< CSeq_loc > m_loc1
double GetSymmetricalOverlap() const
Symmetrical overlap is defined as length(intersection(loc1, loc2) / (length(loc1) + length(loc2)) int...
@ fCmp_Match
all junctions match (fuzz-agnostic)
void Reset()
Reset cached comparison results.
double GetOverlap(EOverlapMethod method) const
Calculate overlap according to the specified method.
CFeat_CI –.
Definition: feat_ci.hpp:64
CObject –.
Definition: ncbiobj.hpp:180
CScope –.
Definition: scope.hpp:92
namespace ncbi::objects::
Definition: Seq_feat.hpp:58
CSeq_loc_Mapper –.
static uch flags
CNcbiOstream & operator<<(CNcbiOstream &out, const CEquivRange &range)
Definition: equiv_range.cpp:96
std::ofstream out("events_result.xml")
main entry point for tests
#define false
Definition: bool.h:36
unsigned int TSeqPos
Type for sequence locations and lengths.
Definition: ncbimisc.hpp:875
#define NULL
Definition: ncbistd.hpp:225
virtual void Assign(const CSerialObject &source, ESerialRecursionMode how=eRecursive)
Optimized implementation of CSerialObject::Assign, which is not so efficient.
Definition: Seq_id.cpp:318
string GetLabel(const CSeq_id &id)
void SetInt(TInt &v)
Definition: Seq_loc.hpp:983
void GetLabel(string *label) const
Appends a label suitable for display (e.g., error messages) label must point to an existing string ob...
Definition: Seq_loc.cpp:3467
@ fMerge_SingleRange
Definition: Seq_loc.hpp:332
int TFeatLabelFlags
binary OR of FFeatLabelFlags
Definition: feature.hpp:78
@ fFGL_Both
Definition: feature.hpp:74
const CSeq_id & GetId(const CSeq_loc &loc, CScope *scope)
If all CSeq_ids embedded in CSeq_loc refer to the same CBioseq, returns the first CSeq_id found,...
CRef< CSeq_loc > Seq_loc_Merge(const CSeq_loc &loc, CSeq_loc::TOpFlags flags, CScope *scope)
Merge ranges in the seq-loc.
End previously defined NCBI scope.
Definition: ncbistl.hpp:103
Define ncbi namespace.
Definition: ncbistl.hpp:100
IO_PREFIX::ostream CNcbiOstream
Portable alias for ostream.
Definition: ncbistre.hpp:149
Definition: ncbi_export.h:1017
T min(T x_, T y_)
double r(size_t dimension_, const Int4 *score_, const double *prob_, double theta_)
This helper struct is used to accumulate the neighboring comparisons of the same class,...
bool Add(const SIntervalComparisonResult &r)
if the comparison is neighboring and of the same class, set the terminal compariosn to it and return ...
void Reset(const SIntervalComparisonResult &r)
SIntervalComparisonResult(unsigned pos1, unsigned pos2, FCompareLocs result, int pos_comparison=0)
SAnnotSelector –.
Definition: type.c:6
else result
Definition: token2.c:20
string ToString(const wxRect &rc)
Definition: wx_utils.cpp:773
Modified on Wed Apr 17 13:08:56 2024 by rev. 669887