NCBI C++ ToolKit
Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations
netstorage.hpp File Reference
#include "json_over_uttp.hpp"
#include "srv_connections.hpp"
#include "netservice_api_expt.hpp"
#include <corelib/ncbitime.hpp>
#include <functional>
#include "impl/netstorage_int.hpp"
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class  CNetStorageException
 Exception class for use by CNetStorage, CNetStorageByKey, and CNetStorageObject. More...
class  CNetStorageObjectInfo
 Detailed information about a CNetStorage object. More...
class  CNetStorageObject
 Basic network-based data object I/O. More...
class  CNetStorage
 Network BLOB storage API. More...
class  CNetStorageByKey
 Network BLOB storage API – with access by user-defined keys. More...


typedef unsigned TNetStorageFlags
 Bitwise OR of ENetStorageFlags. More...
typedef function< void(CJsonNode)> TNetStorageProgressCb
 Progress callback. More...


enum  ENetStorageObjectLocation { eNFL_Unknown , eNFL_NotFound , eNFL_NetCache , eNFL_FileTrack }
 Enumeration that indicates the current location of the object. More...
enum  ENetStorageFlags {
  fNST_NetCache = (1 << 0) , fNST_FileTrack = (1 << 1) , fNST_V1 , fNST_V2 = (fNST_V1 - 1) << 1 ,
  fNST_Fast = fNST_NetCache , fNST_Persistent = fNST_FileTrack , fNST_AnyLoc = (fNST_V2 - 1) , fNST_Movable = (fNST_V2 << 0) ,
  fNST_Cacheable = (fNST_V2 << 1) , fNST_NoMetaData = (fNST_V2 << 2) , fNST_V3 , fNST_V4 = (fNST_V3 - 1) << 1 ,
  fNST_AnyAttr = (fNST_V4 - 1) ^ fNST_AnyLoc
 Blob storage allocation and access strategy. More...
enum  ENetStorageRemoveResult { eNSTRR_NotFound , eNSTRR_Removed }
 Result returned by Remove() methods. More...
Modified on Fri Sep 20 14:58:04 2024 by rev. 669887