NCBI C++ ToolKit
Classes | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Enumerator | Functions | Variables | Friends


class  CAppExportTask
class  CAppJobTask
 CAppJobTask CAppJobTask is an adapter that allows for running IAppJobs as Tasks in App Task Service. More...
class  CAppOptionsDlg
class  CAppPackagesDlg
class  IAppTask
 IAppTask. More...
class  CAppTaskServiceGuiUpdateEvent
class  CAppTaskService
 CAppTaskService - Application Task Service. More...
class  CAppTaskService::CTaskRecord
class  CAppTaskServiceEvent
 CAppTaskServiceEvent. More...
class  CAppTaskServiceException
 CAppTaskServiceException. More...
class  CDiagConsoleCache
 CDiagConsoleCache. More...
class  CDiagConsoleCache::CItem
class  CDiagConsoleList
 CDiagConsoleList. More...
class  CDiagConsolePanel
 CDiagConsolePanel. More...
class  CDiagConsoleView
 CDiagConsoleView. More...
class  CDiagConsoleViewFactory
 CDiagConsoleViewFactory. More...
class  IEventLogService
 IEventLogService - records application events. More...
class  IEventRecord
 IEventRecord. More...
class  CLogServiceEvent
class  CEventLogService
 CEventLogService - the standard implementation of IEventLogService. More...
class  CEventRecord
 CEventRecord - standard implementation of IEventRecord. More...
class  CEventRecordDetailsDlg
 CEventRecordDetails. More...
class  CEventViewModel
 CEventViewModel - a model for Event View table. More...
class  CEventTablePanel
 CEventTablePanel - the table displaying events; used in Event View. More...
class  CEventView
 CEventView - system view that displays events from Event Logging Service. More...
class  CEventViewFactory
 CEventViewFactory - factory for creating Event View. More...
class  IGuiPackage
 TODO - Document. More...
class  IHelpService
 IHelpService TODO - this is just a placeholder, the interface needs to be extended. More...
class  IItemWithDescription
class  CItemSelectionPanel
 CItemSelectionPanel. More...
class  CJobUITask
class  IMenuService
 IMenuService - Menu Service. More...
class  CMenuService
 CMenuService - standard implementation of IMenuService. More...
class  IOptionsDlgExtension
 IOptionsDlgExtension - abstract provider of dialog panels for "Options" dialog. More...
class  CPackageInfo
class  CPkgManager
 CPkgManager - application Package Manager. More...
class  IPackageWorkbenchConnector
class  IService
 IService – an abstraction that represents an application component providing specific functional capabilities via a special interface. More...
class  IServiceLocator
 IServiceLocator - an abstract mechanism for locating services. More...
class  IServiceLocatorConsumer
 IServiceLocatorConsumer - classes that need IServiceLocator should implement this interface. More...
class  IStatusBarService
class  IStatusBarService::CMsgGuard
 message guard - helper class for resetting messages More...
class  CStatusBarService
 CStatusBarService - the standard implementation of IStatusBarService interface. More...
class  CStatusBarServiceEvtHandler
 CStatusBarServiceEvtHandler. More...
class  CMessageSlot
class  CMessageSlotPopupWindow
 CMessageSlotPopupWindow. More...
class  CStatusMessageSlotPanel
class  CTaskDetailsDlg
class  CTaskViewModel
 CTaskViewModel - table model for Task View. More...
class  CTaskTablePanel
 CTaskTablePanel - panel that owns a Table and a Table Model, this is the window for CTaskView. More...
class  CTaskView
 CTaskView - IView, that uses CTaskTablePanel as its window. More...
class  CTaskViewFactory
 CTaskViewFactory. More...
class  IToolBarService
 IToolBarService. More...
class  IToolBarContext
 IToolBarContext - represent a UI object that requires toolbars. More...
class  IUIDataSource
 IUIDataSource - an interface representing a Data Source. More...
class  IUIDataSourceType
 IUIDataSourceType - defines a type of a Data Source, can serve as a Data Source factory. More...
class  IDataLoaderProvider
 IDataLoaderProvider - an interface representing a Data Source. More...
class  IView
 IView - represents a standard visual part of Workbench UI. More...
class  CViewTypeDescriptor
 CViewTypeDescriptor - holds description of a view type. More...
class  IViewFactory
 IViewFactory - view factory for use with IViewManagerService. More...
class  IViewManagerService
 IViewManagerService IViewManagerService manages views in Workbench. More...
class  CViewManagerService
 CViewManagerService - the standard implementation of IViewManagerService interface. More...
class  IWindowManagerService
 IWindowManagerService Window Manager Service provides access to Window Manager functionality. More...
class  CWindowManagerService
 CWindowManagerService - standard implementation of IWindowManagerService interface built on CWindowManager class. More...
class  IWorkbenchAdvisor
 IWorkbenchAdvisor This is an interface that assists IWorkbench in carrying out its functions. More...
class  IWorkbench
 IWorkbench is the central interface in the application framework. More...
class  CWorkbenchFrame
 CWorkbenchFrame Main Application Frame for Workbench-based applications. More...
class  CWorkbench
 CWorkbench - default implementation of IWorkbench. More...


#define SYMBOL_CAPPOPTIONSDLG_TITLE   wxT("App Options")
#define SYMBOL_CAPPOPTIONSDLG_SIZE   wxSize(400, 300)
#define SYMBOL_CAPPPACKAGESDLG_TITLE   _("Configure Packages")
#define SYMBOL_CAPPPACKAGESDLG_SIZE   wxSize(400, 300)
#define ID_CWXDIAGPANEL   10030
#define ID_TOOLBAR2   10039
#define ID_TOOL_ERRORS   10040
#define ID_TOOL_WARNINGS   10041
#define ID_TOOL_INFO   10042
#define ID_TOOL_OTHER   10043
#define ID_CHOICE3   10044
#define ID_LISTCTRL1   10037
#define SYMBOL_CWXDIAGPANEL_TITLE   wxT("Diagnostics Console")
#define SYMBOL_CWXDIAGPANEL_SIZE   wxSize(400, 300)
#define SYMBOL_CWXDIAGPANEL_POSITION   wxDefaultPosition
#define NCBI_PACKAGEENTRYPOINT_EXPORT   __declspec(dllexport)
#define SYMBOL_CITEMSELECTIONPANEL_TITLE   _("ItemSelectionPanel")
#define EXT_POINT__OPTIONS_DLG_EXTENSION   "options_dlg_extension"
 An extension point for dialog panels that are shown in the "Options" dialog. More...
#define NCBI_PACKAGEENTRYPOINT_EXPORT   __declspec(dllexport)
#define SYMBOL_CSTATUSMESSAGESLOTPANEL_TITLE   _("Status Message Slot Panel")
#define SYMBOL_CTASKDETAILSDLG_TITLE   _("Task Details")
#define SYMBOL_CTASKDETAILSDLG_SIZE   wxSize(400, 300)
#define EXT_POINT__VIEW_MANAGER_SERVICE__VIEW_FACTORY   "view_manager_service::view_factory"
 IViewManagerService uses the following extension point to obtain registered view factories (instances of IViewFactory) More...


using CAppJobTask::TOnAppJobProgressCallback = std::function< void(const IAppJobProgress &)>
typedef CAppJobDispatcher::TJobID CAppJobTask::TJobID
typedef IAppTask::ETaskState CAppTaskService::TTaskState
typedef CIRef< IAppTaskCAppTaskService::TTaskRef
typedef vector< TTaskRefCAppTaskService::TTaskRefVec
typedef CRef< CTaskRecordCAppTaskService::TRecordRef
typedef vector< TRecordRefCAppTaskService::TRecRefVec
typedef CSyncQueue< TRecordRefCAppTaskService::TQueue
typedef map< TTaskRef, TRecordRefCAppTaskService::TRecordMap
typedef map< size_t, CItemCDiagConsoleCache::TData
typedef deque< size_t > CDiagConsoleList::TItems
typedef time_t IEventRecord::TTime
typedef CIRef< IEventRecordCEventLogService::TIRef
typedef deque< TIRefCEventLogService::TRecords
typedef CConstIRef< IEventRecordCEventViewModel::TCRefRec
typedef IGuiPackage *(* IGuiPackage::FPackageEntryPoint) ()
typedef CIRef< IItemWithDescriptionCItemSelectionPanel::TItemRef
typedef vector< IMenuContributor * > CMenuService::TContributors
typedef set< stringCPkgManager::TPackagesSet
typedef CConstIRef< IEventRecordCStatusBarService::TEventRecRef
typedef wxPanel CMessageSlot::TParent
typedef wxFrame CMessageSlotPopupWindow::TParent
typedef CAppTaskService::TTaskRef CTaskViewModel::TTaskRef
typedef CAppTaskService::TRecordRef CTaskViewModel::TRecordRef
typedef CAppTaskService::TRecRefVec CTaskViewModel::TRecRefVec
typedef vector< TTaskRefCTaskViewModel::TTaskRefVec
typedef CAppTaskService::TTaskRef CTaskTablePanel::TTaskRef
typedef IWMClient::CFingerprint IViewFactory::TFingerprint
typedef vector< CIRef< IView > > IViewManagerService::TViews
typedef CMRUList< stringIViewManagerService::TMRUViews
typedef vector< CIRef< IViewFactory > > IViewManagerService::TFactories
typedef vector< const CViewTypeDescriptor * > IViewManagerService::TDescrVec
typedef map< string, CIRef< IViewFactory > > CViewManagerService::TViewNameToFactory
typedef map< string, CIRef< IView > > CViewManagerService::TSingletonMap
typedef vector< IWMClient * > IWindowManagerService::TClients
typedef map< string, intCWindowManagerService::TTBNameToCount
typedef vector< IToolBarContributor * > CWindowManagerService::TToolBarFactories
typedef set< IToolBarContext * > CWindowManagerService::TToolBarContexts
typedef CMainFrame CWorkbenchFrame::TParent
typedef map< string, CIRef< IService > > CWorkbench::TNameToService


enum  { CAppOptionsDlg::ID_CAPPOPTIONSDLG = 10002 , CAppOptionsDlg::ID_NOTEBOOK1 = 10003 }
enum  {
  CAppPackagesDlg::ID_CAPPPACKAGESDLG = 10004 , CAppPackagesDlg::ID_LISTCTRL1 = 10006 , CAppPackagesDlg::ID_CHECKBOX1 = 10007 , CAppPackagesDlg::ID_TEXTCTRL1 = 10005 ,
  CAppPackagesDlg::ID_CHECKBOX2 = 10008
enum  IAppTask::ETaskState {
  IAppTask::eInvalid = -1 , IAppTask::eInitial , IAppTask::eRunning , IAppTask::eBackgrounded ,
  IAppTask::eCompleted , IAppTask::eFailed , IAppTask::eCanceled , IAppTask::eLastState
 List of task states defining the task management FSM. More...
enum  CAppTaskServiceGuiUpdateEvent::EEventId { CAppTaskServiceGuiUpdateEvent::eUpdate }
enum  CAppTaskService::EConsts { CAppTaskService::eInvalidTaskID = -1 }
enum  CAppTaskServiceEvent::EType { CAppTaskServiceEvent::eInvalid = -1 , CAppTaskServiceEvent::eWakeUpSignal , CAppTaskServiceEvent::eTaskCanceled , CAppTaskServiceEvent::eStatusUpdate }
enum  CAppTaskServiceException::EErrCode { CAppTaskServiceException::eInvalidOperation , CAppTaskServiceException::eUnexpectedTask , CAppTaskServiceException::eFatalError }
enum  {
  CDiagConsoleList::eShowErrors = 1 , CDiagConsoleList::eShowWarnings = 2 , CDiagConsoleList::eShowInfo = 4 , CDiagConsoleList::eShowOther = 8 ,
  CDiagConsoleList::eShowFlags = 0x0F , CDiagConsoleList::eShowNCBI = 0x10 , CDiagConsoleList::eShowWxWdidgets = 0x20 , CDiagConsoleList::eShowNCBIWxWdidgets = 0x30 ,
  CDiagConsoleList::eShowAll = 0x3F
enum  IEventRecord::EType { IEventRecord::eInfo = 0 , IEventRecord::eError , IEventRecord::eWarning , IEventRecord::eLast }
enum  CLogServiceEvent::EEventId { CLogServiceEvent::eNewRecord }
enum  { CEventRecordDetailsDlg::ID_CEVENTRECORDDETAILS = 10000 , CEventRecordDetailsDlg::ID_HTMLWINDOW1 = 10001 }
enum  CEventViewModel::EColumns {
  CEventViewModel::eNone = -1 , CEventViewModel::eTitle , CEventViewModel::eDescription , CEventViewModel::eTime ,
  CEventViewModel::eType , CEventViewModel::eMaxCols
enum  CEventTablePanel::ECommands { CEventTablePanel::eCmdDetails = 10000 , CEventTablePanel::eCmdShowInfo , CEventTablePanel::eCmdShowWarnings , CEventTablePanel::eCmdShowErrors }
enum  {
  CItemSelectionPanel::ID_CITEMSELECTIONPANEL = 10026 , CItemSelectionPanel::ID_SEARCH = 10028 , CItemSelectionPanel::ID_RESET = 10029 , CItemSelectionPanel::ID_STATUS = 10032 ,
  CItemSelectionPanel::ID_SPLITTER = 10027
enum  { CItemSelectionPanel::ID_MAP_WIDGET = 10030 , CItemSelectionPanel::IDDESCR = 10031 }
enum  CPackageInfo::EPackageState { CPackageInfo::eUndefined = -1 , CPackageInfo::eNotValid , CPackageInfo::eValidated , CPackageInfo::eLoaded }
enum  CStatusBarService::EMessageMode { CStatusBarService::eInvalid = -1 , CStatusBarService::eStatus , CStatusBarService::eEvent , CStatusBarService::eHint }
enum  { CStatusMessageSlotPanel::ID_CSTATUSMESSAGESLOTPANEL = 10009 , CStatusMessageSlotPanel::ID_EXTRA_LINK = 10017 }
enum  {
  CTaskDetailsDlg::ID_CTASKDETAILSDLG = 10011 , CTaskDetailsDlg::ID_TEXTCTRL = 10012 , CTaskDetailsDlg::ID_TEXTCTRL3 = 10014 , CTaskDetailsDlg::ID_TEXTCTRL2 = 10013 ,
  CTaskDetailsDlg::ID_TEXTCTRL4 = 10015 , CTaskDetailsDlg::ID_CANCEL_TASK = 10016
enum  CTaskViewModel::EColumns {
  CTaskViewModel::eNone = -1 , CTaskViewModel::eDescription , CTaskViewModel::eState , CTaskViewModel::eStatus ,
  CTaskViewModel::eTime , CTaskViewModel::eMaxCols
enum  CTaskTablePanel::ECommands { CTaskTablePanel::eCmdDetails = 20000 , CTaskTablePanel::eCmdCancel }
enum  CViewTypeDescriptor::EAcceptionType { CViewTypeDescriptor::eNone , CViewTypeDescriptor::eSingle , CViewTypeDescriptor::eMultiple }
enum  IWorkbench::ERegistrySection { IWorkbench::eServices , IWorkbench::eDialogs , IWorkbench::eTools }
 enumerates major Registry sections More...


 CAppExportTask::CAppExportTask (IAppJob &job, const wxString fileName)
 CAppExportTask. More...
virtual void CAppExportTask::x_Finish (IAppJob::EJobState state)
 CAppJobTask::CAppJobTask (bool visible, const string &descr=kEmptyStr, int prog_rep_period=5, const string &engine_name="ThreadPool", int display_delay=0)
 CAppJobTask::CAppJobTask (IAppJob &job, bool visible, const string &descr=kEmptyStr, int prog_rep_period=5, const string &engine_name="ThreadPool", int display_delay=0)
virtual CAppJobTask::~CAppJobTask ()
void CAppJobTask::SetReportErrors (bool report)
 enabled / disbale error reporting for failed Jobs More...
CIRef< IAppJobCAppJobTask::GetJob ()
void CAppJobTask::OnAppJobNotification (CEvent *event)
 functions below handle notifications from the IAppJob More...
void CAppJobTask::OnAppJobProgress (CEvent *event)
void CAppJobTask::OnAppJobDataReady (CEvent *event)
virtual ETaskState CAppJobTask::x_OnWakeUp ()
 "wakes up" a backgrounded job to resume processing More...
virtual void CAppJobTask::x_Finish (IAppJob::EJobState state)
virtual void CAppJobTask::x_ReportError ()
void CAppJobTask::x_SetOnAppJobProgress (TOnAppJobProgressCallback callback)
 CAppOptionsDlg::CAppOptionsDlg ()
 CAppOptionsDlg::CAppOptionsDlg (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id=ID_CAPPOPTIONSDLG, const wxString &caption=wxT("App Options"), const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxSize(400, 300), long style=wxCAPTION|wxRESIZE_BORDER|wxSYSTEM_MENU|wxCLOSE_BOX|wxTAB_TRAVERSAL)
bool CAppOptionsDlg::Create (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id=ID_CAPPOPTIONSDLG, const wxString &caption=wxT("App Options"), const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxSize(400, 300), long style=wxCAPTION|wxRESIZE_BORDER|wxSYSTEM_MENU|wxCLOSE_BOX|wxTAB_TRAVERSAL)
 CAppOptionsDlg::~CAppOptionsDlg ()
void CAppOptionsDlg::Init ()
void CAppOptionsDlg::CreateControls ()
wxBitmap CAppOptionsDlg::GetBitmapResource (const wxString &name)
wxIcon CAppOptionsDlg::GetIconResource (const wxString &name)
static bool CAppOptionsDlg::ShowToolTips ()
 CAppPackagesDlg::CAppPackagesDlg ()
 CAppPackagesDlg::CAppPackagesDlg (wxWindow *parent, CPkgManager *pkgManager, wxWindowID id=ID_CAPPPACKAGESDLG, const wxString &caption=_("Configure Packages"), const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxSize(400, 300), long style=wxCAPTION|wxRESIZE_BORDER|wxSYSTEM_MENU|wxCLOSE_BOX|wxTAB_TRAVERSAL)
bool CAppPackagesDlg::Create (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id=ID_CAPPPACKAGESDLG, const wxString &caption=_("Configure Packages"), const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxSize(400, 300), long style=wxCAPTION|wxRESIZE_BORDER|wxSYSTEM_MENU|wxCLOSE_BOX|wxTAB_TRAVERSAL)
 CAppPackagesDlg::~CAppPackagesDlg ()
void CAppPackagesDlg::Init ()
void CAppPackagesDlg::CreateControls ()
void CAppPackagesDlg::OnPackageSelected (wxListEvent &event)
void CAppPackagesDlg::OnShowInvalidPkgs (wxCommandEvent &event)
void CAppPackagesDlg::OnEnablePkg (wxCommandEvent &event)
void CAppPackagesDlg::OnOkClick (wxCommandEvent &event)
wxBitmap CAppPackagesDlg::GetBitmapResource (const wxString &name)
wxIcon CAppPackagesDlg::GetIconResource (const wxString &name)
static bool CAppPackagesDlg::ShowToolTips ()
void CAppPackagesDlg::x_LoadPkgList (bool firstTime=false)
static void CAppPackagesDlg::x_DumpPkgInfo (wxTextOutputStream &os, const string &name, const CPackageInfo &pkg_info)
virtual IAppTask::~IAppTask ()
virtual void IAppTask::SetListener (CEventHandler *handler)=0
 set a Listener; this allows a taks running in background to notify the Listener (usually Task Manager) about changes in Status More...
virtual ETaskState IAppTask::Run ()=0
 execute the task, this function is called on the main UI thread if a task needs to execute in background it should launch a job that will execute asynchronously; then the function shall return eBackgrounded More...
virtual ETaskState IAppTask::GetState ()=0
 returns the current task state More...
virtual void IAppTask::CancelBackgrounded ()=0
 make a request to cancel backgrounded task (not called for foreground tasks) More...
virtual void IAppTask::OnCancel ()=0
 this will be called on pending tasks that will be removed from the queue and won't get a chance to run the purpose is to implement any cleanup procedures for the canceled task More...
virtual bool IAppTask::IsVisible ()=0
 returns true if the task should be visible in UI visible task shall represent operations understood by users and usually correspond to menu commands. More...
virtual int IAppTask::GetStatusDisplayDelay ()=0
 returns delay in seconds used for certain fast (and not very important tasks) to only show its status when it is running/pending for long enough More...
virtual string IAppTask::GetDescr () const =0
 returns a human-readable description of the Task (optional) More...
virtual string IAppTask::GetStatusText () const =0
 returns human-readable text describing the current task state More...
virtual IEventLogAction * IAppTask::CreateEventLogAction ()=0
 returns an action for activating task results (optional, can return NULL) More...
 CAppTaskServiceGuiUpdateEvent::CAppTaskServiceGuiUpdateEvent ()
 CAppTaskService::DECLARE_EVENT_MAP ()
 CAppTaskService::CTaskRecord::CTaskRecord ()
 CAppTaskService::CAppTaskService ()
virtual CAppTaskService::~CAppTaskService ()
void CAppTaskService::AddTask (IAppTask &task)
 Add a task to the queue. More...
bool CAppTaskService::CancelTask (IAppTask &task, bool throw_on_error=true)
 Places a request to cancel a backgrounded task. More...
bool CAppTaskService::IdleCallback ()
 This function shall be called in the the application idle function, it polls the Task Queue and executes pending tasks. More...
void CAppTaskService::GetPendingTasks (TRecRefVec &tasks)
 Inspection interface - supposed to be used from the main UI thread only. More...
void CAppTaskService::GetBackgroundedTasks (TRecRefVec &tasks)
int CAppTaskService::GetRunningTasksCount (bool vis_only=true)
 returns the number of running and backgrounded tasks More...
void CAppTaskService::x_OnWakeUpSignal (CEvent *event)
void CAppTaskService::x_OnTaskCanceled (CEvent *event)
void CAppTaskService::x_OnStatusUpdate (CEvent *event)
void CAppTaskService::x_ExecuteNextTaskInQueue ()
void CAppTaskService::x_LogTask (IEventRecord::EType type, const string &prefix, IAppTask &task, const string &postfix, const string &details=kEmptyStr)
void CAppTaskService::x_ReportTaskFailure (IAppTask &task, const string &err_msg, const string &details)
 CAppTaskServiceEvent::CAppTaskServiceEvent (IAppTask &task, EType type)
CIRef< IAppTaskCAppTaskServiceEvent::GetTask ()
 CAppTaskServiceException::NCBI_EXCEPTION_DEFAULT (CAppTaskServiceException, CException)
 CDiagConsoleCache::CDiagConsoleCache (size_t size)
int CDiagConsoleCache::GetItemImage (size_t index)
 CDiagConsoleCache. More...
wxString CDiagConsoleCache::GetItemMessage (size_t index)
wxString CDiagConsoleCache::GetItemTime (size_t index)
wxString CDiagConsoleCache::GetItemSource (size_t index)
const CItemCDiagConsoleCache::x_GetItem (size_t index)
 CDiagConsoleList::DECLARE_EVENT_MAP ()
 CDiagConsoleList::CDiagConsoleList ()
 CDiagConsoleList::CDiagConsoleList (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id=wxID_ANY, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=wxBORDER_NONE)
virtual CDiagConsoleList::~CDiagConsoleList ()
bool CDiagConsoleList::Create (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id=wxID_ANY, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=wxBORDER_NONE)
 Creation. More...
size_t CDiagConsoleList::GetFilter () const
void CDiagConsoleList::SetFilter (size_t filter)
wxString CDiagConsoleList::GetItemRawMsg (long item) const
void CDiagConsoleList::OnContextMenu (wxContextMenuEvent &event)
virtual void CDiagConsoleList::AppendMenuItems (wxMenu &aMenu)
bool CDiagConsoleList::ShouldPropagateContextMenu () const
void CDiagConsoleList::x_OnNewItem (CEvent *)
void CDiagConsoleList::x_ReloadMessages ()
virtual int CDiagConsoleList::OnGetItemImage (long item) const
virtual wxString CDiagConsoleList::OnGetItemText (long item, long column) const
tuple< size_t, size_t > CDiagConsoleList::x_GetIndex (long item) const
 CDiagConsolePanel::DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE ()
 CDiagConsolePanel::CDiagConsolePanel ()
virtual CDiagConsolePanel::~CDiagConsolePanel ()
bool CDiagConsolePanel::Create (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id=10030, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxSize(400, 300), long style=0)
 Creation. More...
void CDiagConsolePanel::Init ()
void CDiagConsolePanel::CreateControls ()
void CDiagConsolePanel::OnToolErrorsClick (wxCommandEvent &event)
void CDiagConsolePanel::OnToolWarningsClick (wxCommandEvent &event)
void CDiagConsolePanel::OnToolInfoClick (wxCommandEvent &event)
void CDiagConsolePanel::OnToolOtherClick (wxCommandEvent &event)
void CDiagConsolePanel::OnChoice3Selected (wxCommandEvent &event)
void CDiagConsolePanel::OnCopy (wxCommandEvent &event)
void CDiagConsolePanel::OnCopyUpdateUI (wxUpdateUIEvent &event)
int CDiagConsolePanel::GetLogBufferIndex () const
void CDiagConsolePanel::SetLogBufferIndex (int value)
wxBitmap CDiagConsolePanel::GetBitmapResource (const wxString &name)
void CDiagConsolePanel::x_LoadMessages ()
 command callback for listener More...
void CDiagConsolePanel::x_UpdateUI ()
 CDiagConsoleView::CDiagConsoleView ()
virtual CDiagConsoleView::~CDiagConsoleView ()
virtual void IEventLogService::AddRecord (IEventRecord *record)=0
 Records are managed by CIRef inside the service. More...
virtual size_t IEventLogService::GetRecordsCount () const =0
 returns the total number of records More...
virtual const IEventRecordIEventLogService::GetRecord (size_t index) const =0
 returns the record with the specified index More...
virtual IEventLogService::~IEventLogService ()
virtual IEventRecord::~IEventRecord ()
virtual EType IEventRecord::GetType () const =0
virtual string IEventRecord::GetTitle () const =0
virtual string IEventRecord::GetDescription () const =0
virtual const TTimeIEventRecord::GetTime () const =0
 CLogServiceEvent::CLogServiceEvent ()
 CEventLogService::CEventLogService ()
 CEventLogService. More...
 CEventRecord::CEventRecord (EType type, const string &title=kEmptyStr, const string &descr=kEmptyStr, const TTime &time=0)
virtual void CEventRecord::SetType (EType type)
virtual void CEventRecord::SetTitle (const string &title)
virtual void CEventRecord::SetDescription (const string &descr)
virtual void CEventRecord::SetTime (const TTime &time)
 CEventRecordDetailsDlg::CEventRecordDetailsDlg ()
 CEventRecordDetailsDlg::CEventRecordDetailsDlg (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id=ID_CEVENTRECORDDETAILS, const wxString &caption=wxT("Event Details"), const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxSize(400, 300), long style=wxCAPTION|wxRESIZE_BORDER|wxSYSTEM_MENU|wxCLOSE_BOX|wxTAB_TRAVERSAL)
bool CEventRecordDetailsDlg::Create (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id=ID_CEVENTRECORDDETAILS, const wxString &caption=wxT("Event Details"), const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxSize(400, 300), long style=wxCAPTION|wxRESIZE_BORDER|wxSYSTEM_MENU|wxCLOSE_BOX|wxTAB_TRAVERSAL)
 CEventRecordDetailsDlg::~CEventRecordDetailsDlg ()
void CEventRecordDetailsDlg::Init ()
void CEventRecordDetailsDlg::CreateControls ()
void CEventRecordDetailsDlg::SetRecord (const IEventRecord &record)
wxBitmap CEventRecordDetailsDlg::GetBitmapResource (const wxString &name)
wxIcon CEventRecordDetailsDlg::GetIconResource (const wxString &name)
static bool CEventRecordDetailsDlg::ShowToolTips ()
 CEventViewModel::CEventViewModel (IEventLogService *service)
 CEventView. More...
virtual int CEventViewModel::GetNumRows () const
 Returns the number of rows in the model. More...
virtual int CEventViewModel::GetNumColumns () const
 Returns the number of columns in the model. More...
virtual wxVariant CEventViewModel::GetValueAt (int row, int col) const
virtual wxString CEventViewModel::GetColumnType (int col) const
 Tries to extract actual type from row 0 value if it exists. More...
virtual wxString CEventViewModel::GetColumnName (int col) const
 Returns a default name for the column using spreadsheet conventions: A, B, C, ... More...
void CEventViewModel::ShowType (IEventRecord::EType type, bool show, bool up=true)
bool CEventViewModel::IsTypeShown (IEventRecord::EType type)
void CEventViewModel::UpdateTable ()
 CEventTablePanel::CEventTablePanel ()
virtual CEventTablePanel::~CEventTablePanel ()
virtual void CEventTablePanel::Create (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id=wxID_ANY, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize)
void CEventTablePanel::Init ()
 Initialises member variables. More...
void CEventTablePanel::CreateControls ()
 Creates the controls and sizers. More...
void CEventTablePanel::CreateModel (IEventLogService *service)
void CEventTablePanel::DestroyModel ()
void CEventTablePanel::UpdateTable ()
CwxTableListCtrlCEventTablePanel::GetTable ()
virtual void CEventTablePanel::AppendMenuItems (wxMenu &aMenu)
 CEventView::CEventView ()
virtual CEventView::~CEventView ()
void CEventView::x_OnNewRecord (CEvent *)
virtual IGuiPackage::~IGuiPackage ()
virtual string IGuiPackage::GetName () const =0
virtual void IGuiPackage::GetVersion (size_t &verMajor, size_t &verMinor, size_t &verPatch) const =0
virtual bool IGuiPackage::Init ()=0
virtual void IGuiPackage::Shut ()=0
virtual void IHelpService::ShowHelpIndex ()=0
virtual void IHelpService::ShowHelpSearch (const string &text)=0
virtual void IHelpService::ShowContextHelp (const string &context_id)=0
virtual IHelpService::~IHelpService ()
virtual const IUIObjectIItemWithDescription::GetDescriptor () const =0
virtual string IItemWithDescription::GetCategory ()=0
virtual bool IItemWithDescription::ShowDefault () const =0
virtual IItemWithDescription::~IItemWithDescription ()
 CItemSelectionPanel::CItemSelectionPanel ()
 CItemSelectionPanel::CItemSelectionPanel (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id=ID_CITEMSELECTIONPANEL, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=wxNO_BORDER|wxCLIP_CHILDREN|wxTAB_TRAVERSAL)
bool CItemSelectionPanel::Create (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id=ID_CITEMSELECTIONPANEL, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=wxNO_BORDER|wxCLIP_CHILDREN|wxTAB_TRAVERSAL)
 CItemSelectionPanel::~CItemSelectionPanel ()
void CItemSelectionPanel::Init ()
void CItemSelectionPanel::CreateControls ()
void CItemSelectionPanel::OnKeyDown (wxKeyEvent &event)
void CItemSelectionPanel::OnSearchUpdated (wxCommandEvent &event)
void CItemSelectionPanel::OnResetClick (wxCommandEvent &event)
wxBitmap CItemSelectionPanel::GetBitmapResource (const wxString &name)
wxIcon CItemSelectionPanel::GetIconResource (const wxString &name)
static bool CItemSelectionPanel::ShowToolTips ()
void CItemSelectionPanel::SetItemTypeLabel (const string &label)
void CItemSelectionPanel::SetItems (vector< TItemRef > &items)
void CItemSelectionPanel::OnItemSelected (wxCommandEvent &event)
TItemRef CItemSelectionPanel::GetSelectedItemRef ()
void CItemSelectionPanel::x_UpdateMapWidget ()
void CItemSelectionPanel::x_FilterItems (const string &query)
size_t CItemSelectionPanel::x_FindItemByLabel (const string &label)
void CItemSelectionPanel::x_AddItem (CGroupMapWidget::TGroupDescrVector &descrs, IItemWithDescription &manager)
 CJobUITask::CJobUITask (const string &descr, CAppJobDispatcher::TJobID jobID)
 CJobUITask. More...
virtual CJobUITask::~CJobUITask ()
void CJobUITask::SetReportErrors (bool report)
 enabled / disbale error reporting for failed Jobs More...
void CJobUITask::OnTimer (wxTimerEvent &event)
virtual void IMenuService::ResetMenuBar ()=0
virtual void IMenuService::AddContributor (IMenuContributor *contributor)=0
 the service does NOT assume ownership of the contributor More...
virtual void IMenuService::RemoveContributor (IMenuContributor *contributor)=0
virtual void IMenuService::AddPendingCommand (int cmd)=0
 add commands for processing (simulates choosing the command from a menu) More...
virtual IMenuService::~IMenuService ()
 CMenuService::CMenuService ()
 TODO. More...
virtual void CMenuService::SetFrame (wxFrame *frame, CUICommandRegistry &cmd_reg)
virtual IOptionsDlgExtension::~IOptionsDlgExtension ()
virtual wxWindow * IOptionsDlgExtension::CreateSettingsPage (wxWindow *parent)=0
virtual size_t IOptionsDlgExtension::GetPriority () const =0
virtual string IOptionsDlgExtension::GetPageLabel () const =0
 CPackageInfo::CPackageInfo ()
 CPkgManager::CPkgManager ()
void CPkgManager::SetRegistryPath (const string &path)
void CPkgManager::SetAppPkg (const string appName, size_t appVerMajor, size_t appVerMinor, size_t appVerPatch)
void CPkgManager::AddDefaultPkg (const string &pkg_name)
void CPkgManager::ScanPackages (const wxString &path)
void CPkgManager::ValidatePackages ()
void CPkgManager::LoadPackages ()
void CPkgManager::SetPackagesToLoad (const vector< string > &packages)
const CPackageInfoCPkgManager::GetPkgInfo (int index, string &pkg_name) const
void CPkgManager::GetBasePkgs (const string &pkg_name, vector< string > &basePkgs) const
void CPkgManager::GetDependentPkgs (const string &pkg_name, vector< string > &dependents) const
bool CPkgManager::DependsOn (const CPackageInfo &pkg, const string &pkg_name) const
void CPkgManager::x_ValidatePackage (CPackageInfo &pkg)
void CPkgManager::x_LoadPackage (CPackageInfo &pkg)
void CPkgManager::x_GetBasePkgs (const CPackageInfo &pkg, set< string > &basePkgs) const
bool CPkgManager::x_InitPackage (IGuiPackage *pkg)
virtual IPackageWorkbenchConnector::~IPackageWorkbenchConnector ()
virtual void IPackageWorkbenchConnector::SetWorkbench (IWorkbench *wb)=0
virtual void IService::InitService ()=0
virtual void IService::ShutDownService ()=0
virtual IService::~IService ()
virtual bool IServiceLocator::HasService (const string &name)=0
 returns true if the service exists within the scope of the locator More...
virtual CIRef< IServiceIServiceLocator::GetService (const string &name)=0
 retrieves the service More...
virtual IServiceLocator::~IServiceLocator ()
template<class T >
CIRef< TIServiceLocator::GetServiceByType ()
 retrieves a typed reference to a service, the name of C++ type is used as the name of the service. More...
virtual void IServiceLocatorConsumer::SetServiceLocator (IServiceLocator *locator)=0
virtual IServiceLocatorConsumer::~IServiceLocatorConsumer ()
template<class T >
void Consumer_SetLocator (T *obj, IServiceLocator *locator)
virtual IStatusBarService::~IStatusBarService ()
 IStatusBarService::CMsgGuard::CMsgGuard (const string &)
virtual void IStatusBarService::SetStatusMessage (const string &msg)=0
virtual void IStatusBarService::AddEventMessage (const IEventRecord &record)=0
virtual void IStatusBarService::ShowHintMessage (const string &msg)=0
virtual void IStatusBarService::HideHintMessage ()=0
virtual void IStatusBarService::ShowStatusProgress (int value, int range)=0
virtual void IStatusBarService::ShowStatusProgress ()=0
virtual void IStatusBarService::HideStatusProgress ()=0
virtual void IStatusBarService::InsertSlot (int index, wxWindow *slot, int width=50)=0
virtual wxWindow * IStatusBarService::RemoveSlot (int index)=0
virtual void IStatusBarService::SetStatusText (const wxString &text, int index)=0
 CStatusBarService::DECLARE_EVENT_MAP ()
 CStatusBarService::CStatusBarService ()
virtual CStatusBarService::~CStatusBarService ()
virtual wxStatusBar * CStatusBarService::CreateStatusBar (wxFrame *frame)
virtual void CStatusBarService::SetEventDisplayTime (int sec)
bool CStatusBarService::x_HasEvent () const
void CStatusBarService::x_TerminateEventMode ()
void CStatusBarService::x_TerminateHintMode ()
void CStatusBarService::x_UpdateMessageField ()
void CStatusBarService::x_OnNewRecord (CEvent *)
 CStatusBarServiceEvtHandler::DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE ()
 CStatusBarServiceEvtHandler::CStatusBarServiceEvtHandler (CStatusBarService &service)
 CStatusBarServiceEvtHandler. More...
void CStatusBarServiceEvtHandler::OnEventTimer (wxTimerEvent &event)
void CStatusBarServiceEvtHandler::OnPulseTimer (wxTimerEvent &event)
 CMessageSlot::CMessageSlot (wxStatusBar *parent)
 CMessageSlot. More...
virtual CMessageSlot::~CMessageSlot ()
virtual void CMessageSlot::Reset ()
virtual void CMessageSlot::SetText (const string &text)
virtual void CMessageSlot::SetRecord (const IEventRecord &record)
virtual void CMessageSlot::ShowStatusProgress (int value, int range)
virtual void CMessageSlot::ShowStatusProgress ()
virtual void CMessageSlot::HideStatusProgress ()
virtual void CMessageSlot::RefreshWithParent ()
void CMessageSlot::OnPaint (wxPaintEvent &event)
void CMessageSlot::OnMouseEnter (wxMouseEvent &event)
void CMessageSlot::OnMouseLeave (wxMouseEvent &event)
void CMessageSlot::OnLeftDown (wxMouseEvent &event)
void CMessageSlot::OnPopupClosed ()
 Callbacks. More...
void CMessageSlot::x_CreateGaugeIfNeeded ()
void CMessageSlot::x_DestroyGauge ()
void CMessageSlot::x_SetText (const string &text)
bool CMessageSlot::x_CanShowPopup ()
bool CMessageSlot::x_IsPopupShown ()
void CMessageSlot::x_ShowPopup ()
void CMessageSlot::x_HidePopup ()
static void CMessageSlotPopupWindow::SetExtraLink (const string &label, int cmd)
 set text and command for the link shown at the bottom of the window More...
 CMessageSlotPopupWindow::CMessageSlotPopupWindow (CMessageSlot *slot, wxRect slot_rect, const IEventRecord &record, int show_event_view_cmd)
void CMessageSlotPopupWindow::OnActivate (wxActivateEvent &event)
void CMessageSlotPopupWindow::OnLink (wxHyperlinkEvent &event)
void CMessageSlotPopupWindow::x_CreateMessageSlotPanel ()
 CStatusMessageSlotPanel::CStatusMessageSlotPanel ()
 CStatusMessageSlotPanel::CStatusMessageSlotPanel (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id=ID_CSTATUSMESSAGESLOTPANEL, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxSize(300, 100), long style=0)
bool CStatusMessageSlotPanel::Create (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id=ID_CSTATUSMESSAGESLOTPANEL, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxSize(300, 100), long style=0)
 CStatusMessageSlotPanel::~CStatusMessageSlotPanel ()
void CStatusMessageSlotPanel::Init ()
void CStatusMessageSlotPanel::CreateControls ()
bool CStatusMessageSlotPanel::TransferDataToWindow ()
void CStatusMessageSlotPanel::OnExtraLinkHyperlinkClicked (wxHyperlinkEvent &event)
wxString CStatusMessageSlotPanel::GetTitleText () const
void CStatusMessageSlotPanel::SetTitleText (wxString value)
wxString CStatusMessageSlotPanel::GetDescrText () const
void CStatusMessageSlotPanel::SetDescrText (wxString value)
wxString CStatusMessageSlotPanel::GetTimeText () const
void CStatusMessageSlotPanel::SetTimeText (wxString value)
wxBitmap CStatusMessageSlotPanel::GetBitmapResource (const wxString &name)
wxIcon CStatusMessageSlotPanel::GetIconResource (const wxString &name)
static bool CStatusMessageSlotPanel::ShowToolTips ()
void CStatusMessageSlotPanel::SetExtraLink (const string &label)
void CStatusMessageSlotPanel::WrapText ()
 CTaskDetailsDlg::CTaskDetailsDlg ()
 CTaskDetailsDlg::CTaskDetailsDlg (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id=ID_CTASKDETAILSDLG, const wxString &caption=_("Task Details"), const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxSize(400, 300), long style=wxCAPTION|wxRESIZE_BORDER|wxSYSTEM_MENU|wxCLOSE_BOX|wxTAB_TRAVERSAL)
bool CTaskDetailsDlg::Create (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id=ID_CTASKDETAILSDLG, const wxString &caption=_("Task Details"), const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxSize(400, 300), long style=wxCAPTION|wxRESIZE_BORDER|wxSYSTEM_MENU|wxCLOSE_BOX|wxTAB_TRAVERSAL)
 CTaskDetailsDlg::~CTaskDetailsDlg ()
void CTaskDetailsDlg::Init ()
void CTaskDetailsDlg::CreateControls ()
void CTaskDetailsDlg::OnCancelTaskClick (wxCommandEvent &event)
wxString CTaskDetailsDlg::GetTaskTitle () const
void CTaskDetailsDlg::SetTaskTitle (wxString value)
wxString CTaskDetailsDlg::GetStatus () const
void CTaskDetailsDlg::SetStatus (wxString value)
wxString CTaskDetailsDlg::GetState () const
void CTaskDetailsDlg::SetState (wxString value)
wxString CTaskDetailsDlg::GetTime () const
void CTaskDetailsDlg::SetTime (wxString value)
wxBitmap CTaskDetailsDlg::GetBitmapResource (const wxString &name)
wxIcon CTaskDetailsDlg::GetIconResource (const wxString &name)
static bool CTaskDetailsDlg::ShowToolTips ()
 CTaskViewModel::CTaskViewModel (CAppTaskService *task_srv)
 CTaskView. More...
virtual int CTaskViewModel::GetNumRows () const
 Returns the number of rows in the model. More...
virtual int CTaskViewModel::GetNumColumns () const
 Returns the number of columns in the model. More...
virtual wxVariant CTaskViewModel::GetValueAt (int row, int col) const
virtual wxString CTaskViewModel::GetColumnType (int col) const
 Tries to extract actual type from row 0 value if it exists. More...
virtual wxString CTaskViewModel::GetColumnName (int col) const
 Returns a default name for the column using spreadsheet conventions: A, B, C, ... More...
void CTaskViewModel::ShowTasksByState (IAppTask::ETaskState state, bool show, bool up=true)
bool CTaskViewModel::IsStateShown (IAppTask::ETaskState state)
TTaskRef CTaskViewModel::GetTask (int row)
void CTaskViewModel::UpdateTable ()
void CTaskViewModel::x_AddTasks (TRecRefVec &tasks)
 CTaskTablePanel::CTaskTablePanel ()
virtual CTaskTablePanel::~CTaskTablePanel ()
virtual void CTaskTablePanel::Init ()
 Initializes member variables. More...
virtual void CTaskTablePanel::CreateControls ()
 Creates the controls and sizers. More...
virtual void CTaskTablePanel::Create (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id=wxID_ANY, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize)
virtual void CTaskTablePanel::CreateModel (CAppTaskService *task_srv)
virtual void CTaskTablePanel::DestroyModel ()
virtual void CTaskTablePanel::UpdateTable ()
virtual void CTaskTablePanel::AppendMenuItems (wxMenu &aMenu)
void CTaskTablePanel::x_GetSelectedTasks (vector< TTaskRef > &tasks)
void CTaskTablePanel::x_SetSelectedTasks (vector< TTaskRef > &tasks)
 CTaskView::CTaskView ()
virtual CTaskView::~CTaskView ()
void CTaskView::x_OnUpdate (CEvent *)
virtual void IToolBarService::AddToolBarFactory (IToolBarContributor *factory)=0
 the service assumes ownership of the given factory (will delete it) More...
virtual void IToolBarService::DeleteToolBarFactory (IToolBarContributor *factory)=0
 forces deleting of the factory More...
virtual void IToolBarService::AddToolBarContext (IToolBarContext *context)=0
 register toolbar context the service does NOT assume ownership of the context More...
virtual void IToolBarService::RemoveToolBarContext (IToolBarContext *context)=0
 unregister toolbar context More...
virtual IToolBarService::~IToolBarService ()
virtual void IToolBarContext::GetCompatibleToolBars (vector< string > &names)=0
 returns the names of toolbars compatible with this class (toolbars that are relevant and useful in the context of this class) More...
virtual IToolBarContext::~IToolBarContext ()
virtual IUIDataSource::~IUIDataSource ()
virtual IUIDataSourceTypeIUIDataSource::GetType () const =0
virtual const IUIObjectIUIDataSource::GetDescr ()=0
 returns UI description of the object (label, icon etc.) More...
virtual bool IUIDataSource::IsOpen ()=0
 a Data source needs to be open before use and closed after. More...
virtual bool IUIDataSource::Open ()=0
 Prepares Data Source for use, any initialization that can be potentially time-consuming or may require error handling shall be done in this function, not in a constructor. More...
virtual bool IUIDataSource::Close ()=0
virtual IUIToolManagerIUIDataSource::GetLoadManager ()=0
virtual int IUIDataSource::GetDefaultCommand ()
virtual wxEvtHandler * IUIDataSource::CreateEvtHandler ()
virtual const IUIObjectIUIDataSourceType::GetDescr ()=0
 returns UI description of the type (label, icon etc.) More...
virtual IUIDataSourceIUIDataSourceType::CreateDataSource ()=0
 factory method; create an Data Source instance More...
virtual bool IUIDataSourceType::AutoCreateDefaultDataSource ()=0
 returns "true" if this type needs to create a default instance of the Data Source at start-up More...
virtual IUIDataSourceType::~IUIDataSourceType ()
virtual IDataLoaderProvider::~IDataLoaderProvider ()
virtual string IDataLoaderProvider::AddDataLoader (const objects::CUser_object &obj)=0
 Add a new data loader to object manager. More...
virtual string IDataLoaderProvider::GetLoaderName (const objects::CUser_object &obj) const =0
 Get the data loader's name based on input object. More...
virtual IView::~IView ()
virtual const CViewTypeDescriptorIView::GetTypeDescriptor () const =0
 return an object providing meta information about thei view type More...
virtual void IView::SetWorkbench (IWorkbench *workbench)=0
 connect / disconnect this view with / from Workbench More...
virtual void IView::CreateViewWindow (wxWindow *parent)=0
 create Window corresponding to the view More...
virtual void IView::DestroyViewWindow ()=0
 destroy Window corresponding to the view More...
 CViewTypeDescriptor::CViewTypeDescriptor (const string &label, const string &icon_alias, const string &hint, const string &description, const string &help_id, const string &category, bool singleton)
 CViewTypeDescriptor. More...
virtual CViewTypeDescriptor::~CViewTypeDescriptor ()
virtual string CViewTypeDescriptor::GetCategory () const
 get view category (used for view grouping in UI) More...
virtual bool CViewTypeDescriptor::IsSingleton () const
 true if only one instance of this type can be created More...
virtual void CViewTypeDescriptor::SetCategory (const string &category)
virtual void CViewTypeDescriptor::SetSingleton (bool singleton)
virtual void IViewFactory::RegisterIconAliases (wxFileArtProvider &provider)=0
 called by the framework to give Factory a chance to register images used by view More...
virtual void IViewFactory::RegisterCommands (CUICommandRegistry &, wxFileArtProvider &)
 called by the framework to give Factory a chance to register commands used by view More...
virtual const CViewTypeDescriptorIViewFactory::GetViewTypeDescriptor () const =0
 returns a Descriptor for the View Type supported by the Factory More...
virtual IViewIViewFactory::CreateInstance () const =0
 creates a view instance More...
virtual IViewIViewFactory::CreateInstanceByFingerprint (const TFingerprint &fingerprint) const =0
 if fingerprint is recognized - creates and returns a new instance More...
virtual IViewFactory::~IViewFactory ()
virtual void IViewManagerService::RegisterFactory (IViewFactory &factory)=0
 assumes ownership of the factory More...
virtual void IViewManagerService::GetTypeDescriptors (TDescrVec &descrs)=0
virtual void IViewManagerService::GetFactories (TFactories &factories)=0
virtual CIRef< IViewIViewManagerService::CreateViewInstance (const string &type_ui_name)=0
 create a view instance of the specified type More...
virtual CIRef< IViewIViewManagerService::CreateViewInstanceByFingerprint (const IWMClient::CFingerprint &fingerprint)=0
 create a view instance of the specified type More...
virtual bool IViewManagerService::CanCreateView (const string &type_ui_name)=0
virtual void IViewManagerService::AddToWorkbench (IView &view, bool bFloat=false)=0
 adds view to Workbench and connects to the services the view must be already initialized More...
virtual void IViewManagerService::RemoveFromWorkbench (IView &view)=0
 disconnects view from services and removes from the Workbench More...
virtual void IViewManagerService::RemoveAllViewsFromWorkbench ()=0
 disconnects and removes all view from Workbench More...
virtual bool IViewManagerService::HasView (const IView &view) const =0
virtual void IViewManagerService::GetViews (TViews &views)=0
 get all registered views More...
virtual CIRef< IViewIViewManagerService::GetSingletonView (const string &singleton_ui_name)=0
 returns a pointer singleton view if it already exists in workbench or NULL More...
virtual CIRef< IViewIViewManagerService::ShowSingletonView (const string &singleton_ui_name)=0
 activates the specified view, create a new view if it does not exist More...
virtual IViewManagerService::~IViewManagerService ()
 CViewManagerService::CViewManagerService ()
virtual CViewManagerService::~CViewManagerService ()
virtual void CViewManagerService::SetWorkbench (IWorkbench *workbench)
 connect / disconnect to / from Workbench More...
void CViewManagerService::x_RegisterExtensionFactories ()
string CViewManagerService::x_GetViewRegistryPath (IView &view)
void CViewManagerService::x_DoAddToWorkbench (IView &view, wxWindow *parent)
void CViewManagerService::x_DoRemoveViewFromWorkbench (IView &view)
void CViewManagerService::x_LoadViewSettings (IView &view)
void CViewManagerService::x_SaveViewSettings (IView &view)
virtual CWindowManagerIWindowManagerService::GetWindowManager ()=0
virtual void IWindowManagerService::SetAdvisor (IWindowManagerAdvisor *advisor)=0
 the service does not assume ownership of the given object More...
virtual void IWindowManagerService::AddClient (IWMClient &client, bool bFloat)=0
 places the given IWMClient in the Main Tabbed Pane in Window Manager More...
virtual wxFrame * IWindowManagerService::MoveToFloatingFrame (IWMClient &client)=0
virtual void IWindowManagerService::CloseClient (IWMClient &client)=0
 remove client(s) from Window Manager these functions do not disconnect clients from other services More...
virtual void IWindowManagerService::CloseClients (const TClients &clients)=0
virtual void IWindowManagerService::CloseAllClients ()=0
virtual void IWindowManagerService::GetAllClients (TClients &clients)=0
 returns a list of all registered IWMClients More...
virtual IWMClientIWindowManagerService::GetActiveClient ()=0
 returns Active client (i.e. client that has focus) More...
virtual void IWindowManagerService::ActivateClient (IWMClient &client)=0
 makes client visible and focused More...
virtual void IWindowManagerService::ActivateClients (TClients &clients)=0
 makes clients visible, make the first client in the given container focused More...
virtual void IWindowManagerService::RegisterActiveClient (IWMClient &client)=0
virtual void IWindowManagerService::UnRegisterActiveClient (IWMClient &client)=0
virtual void IWindowManagerService::RaiseFloatingWindowsInZOrder ()=0
 Raise all floating windows to preserve/refresh z-order. More...
virtual void IWindowManagerService::RaiseFloatingWindowsInZOrder (wxRect r)=0
 Raise all floating windows if they overlap with the provided wxREct. More...
virtual bool IWindowManagerService::IsDragging () const =0
 Returns true if a drag operation is currently in progress. More...
virtual void IWindowManagerService::RefreshClient (IWMClient &client)=0
 refresh client UI (title) More...
virtual void IWindowManagerService::ApplyLayout (const objects::CUser_object &layout)=0
virtual void IWindowManagerService::LoadLayout (const objects::CUser_object &layout, IWMClientFactory &factory)=0
 creates a new window layout based on description in the given CUser_object creates clients using IWMClientFactory More...
virtual objects::CUser_object * IWindowManagerService::SaveLayout ()=0
 saves current window layout to CUser_object More...
virtual IWindowManagerService::~IWindowManagerService ()
 CWindowManagerService::CWindowManagerService ()
virtual CWindowManagerService::~CWindowManagerService ()
virtual void CWindowManagerService::SetFrame (wxFrame *frame)
virtual void CWindowManagerService::SetMenuService (IMenuService *service)
bool CWindowManagerService::OnCommandEvent (wxCommandEvent &event)
virtual void CWindowManagerService::x_ShowToolBar (const string &name, bool show)
virtual void CWindowManagerService::x_ShutDownToolBars ()
virtual string IWorkbenchAdvisor::GetAppTitle ()=0
 get application title More...
virtual void IWorkbenchAdvisor::PostCreateWindow ()=0
 called by Workbench after creating main app window More...
virtual void IWorkbenchAdvisor::PostInit ()=0
 called after Workbench initialization has been completed More...
virtual void IWorkbenchAdvisor::PreShutDown ()=0
 called by Workbench before starting ShutDown More...
virtual void IWorkbenchAdvisor::PreDestroyWindow ()=0
 called by Workbench before destroying main app window More...
virtual bool IWorkbenchAdvisor::CanShutDown ()=0
virtual IWorkbenchAdvisor::~IWorkbenchAdvisor ()
virtual void IWorkbench::Init ()=0
virtual bool IWorkbench::CanShutDown ()=0
virtual void IWorkbench::ShutDown ()=0
virtual IEventLogServiceIWorkbench::GetEventLogService ()=0
virtual IStatusBarServiceIWorkbench::GetStatusBarService ()=0
virtual IWindowManagerServiceIWorkbench::GetWindowManagerService ()=0
virtual IMenuServiceIWorkbench::GetMenuService ()=0
virtual IToolBarServiceIWorkbench::GetToolBarService ()=0
virtual CAppTaskServiceIWorkbench::GetAppTaskService ()=0
virtual wxFileArtProviderIWorkbench::GetFileArtProvider ()=0
virtual IViewManagerServiceIWorkbench::GetViewManagerService ()=0
virtual IServiceLocatorIWorkbench::GetServiceLocator ()=0
 get a Service Locator associated with the Workspace More...
virtual void IWorkbench::RegisterService (const string &class_name, IService *service)=0
 register an application-specific service; Workbench assumes ownership of the service More...
virtual void IWorkbench::UnRegisterService (const string &class_name)=0
 remove application-specific service More...
virtual wxFrame * IWorkbench::GetMainWindow ()=0
 returns a pointer to the main application frame window More...
virtual CUICommandRegistryIWorkbench::GetUICommandRegistry ()=0
 returns an instance of Command Registry associated with the Workbench More...
virtual string IWorkbench::GetRegistrySectionPath (ERegistrySection section)=0
 returns a path to CGuiRegistry section where resources of the specified type shall be located More...
 CWorkbenchFrame::CWorkbenchFrame ()
 Constructors. More...
 CWorkbenchFrame::CWorkbenchFrame (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString &caption, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE)
 CWorkbenchFrame::~CWorkbenchFrame ()
virtual void CWorkbenchFrame::SetWorkbench (IWorkbench *workbench)
virtual void CWorkbenchFrame::SetDockManager (CDockManager *c)
virtual void CWorkbenchFrame::ForwardKeyEventsTo (CDockManager *manager)
 IDockManagerKeyHook implementation. More...
bool CWorkbenchFrame::ProcessEvent (wxEvent &event)
void CWorkbenchFrame::OnCloseWindow (wxCloseEvent &event)
 handle request to close window More...
void CWorkbenchFrame::OnActivate (wxActivateEvent &event)
void CWorkbenchFrame::OnKeyDown (wxKeyEvent &event)
void CWorkbenchFrame::OnKeyUp (wxKeyEvent &event)
void CWorkbenchFrame::OnMove (wxMoveEvent &event)
void CWorkbenchFrame::OnIdle (wxIdleEvent &event)
void CWorkbenchFrame::SetPagerMessage (const string &message)
void CWorkbenchFrame::SetShowPagerMessage ()
bool CWorkbenchFrame::HasPagerMessage () const
void CWorkbenchFrame::x_ShowPagerMessage ()
 CWorkbench::CWorkbench (IWorkbenchAdvisor *advisor)
 TODO. More...
virtual CWorkbench::~CWorkbench ()
virtual void CWorkbench::x_CreateFileArtProvider ()
virtual void CWorkbench::x_InitMainFrame ()
 create application Main Frame More...
virtual void CWorkbench::x_DestroyMainFrame ()
 destroy application Main Frame More...
virtual CWorkbenchFrameCWorkbench::x_CreateMainFrame (const string &title)
virtual void CWorkbench::x_ShutDownServices ()
 free resources associated with Extra Service Locator More...


wxString CAppExportTask::m_FileName
string CAppJobTask::m_EngineName
CIRef< IAppJobCAppJobTask::m_Job
int CAppJobTask::m_ProgressReportPeriod
bool CAppJobTask::m_ReportErrors
TJobID CAppJobTask::m_JobID
IAppJob::EJobState CAppJobTask::m_JobState
string CAppJobTask::m_StatusText
TOnAppJobProgressCallback CAppJobTask::m_OnAppJobProgress
wxListCtrl * CAppPackagesDlg::m_PkgList
wxTextCtrl * CAppPackagesDlg::m_PkgInfo
wxCheckBox * CAppPackagesDlg::m_PkgEnable
set< stringCAppPackagesDlg::m_EnabledPkgs
string CAppPackagesDlg::m_CurPkg
TTaskRef CAppTaskService::CTaskRecord::m_Task
time_t CAppTaskService::CTaskRecord::m_StartTime
CMutex CAppTaskService::m_Mutex
bool CAppTaskService::m_ShutDown
TQueue CAppTaskService::m_PendingTasks
TRecordMap CAppTaskService::m_BackgoundedTasks
CIRef< IAppTaskCAppTaskServiceEvent::m_Task
unsigned long CDiagConsoleCache::CItem::m_AccessTime = 0
int CDiagConsoleCache::CItem::m_Image = -1
wxString CDiagConsoleCache::CItem::m_Message
wxString CDiagConsoleCache::CItem::m_Time
wxString CDiagConsoleCache::CItem::m_Source
const size_t CDiagConsoleCache::m_Size
unsigned long CDiagConsoleCache::m_AccessTime
TData CDiagConsoleCache::m_Data
size_t CDiagConsoleList::m_Filter
string CDiagConsoleList::m_RegPath
TItems CDiagConsoleList::m_Items
CDiagConsoleCache CDiagConsoleList::m_Cache
CFixGenericListCtrl CDiagConsoleList::m_FixGenericListCtrl
int CDiagConsolePanel::m_LogBufferIndex
string CDiagConsolePanel::m_RegPath
wxImageList CDiagConsolePanel::m_ImageList
static bool CDiagConsolePanel::m_IconsInitialized = false
 CDiagConsolePanel. More...
static CViewTypeDescriptor CDiagConsoleView::m_TypeDescr
 CDiagConsoleView. More...
string CDiagConsoleView::m_RegPath
TRecords CEventLogService::m_Records
EType CEventRecord::m_Type
string CEventRecord::m_Title
string CEventRecord::m_Description
TTime CEventRecord::m_Time
wxHtmlWindow * CEventRecordDetailsDlg::m_HTMLWindow
CConstIRef< IEventRecordCEventRecordDetailsDlg::m_Record
string CEventViewModel::m_Names [eMaxCols]
CTimeFormat CEventViewModel::m_TimeFormat
vector< boolCEventViewModel::m_Filter
std::deque< TCRefRecCEventViewModel::m_Records
IEventLogServiceCEventTablePanel::m_Service { nullptr }
CEventViewModelCEventTablePanel::m_Model { nullptr }
CwxTableListCtrlCEventTablePanel::m_Table { nullptr }
static bool CEventTablePanel::m_IconsInitialized = false
string CEventTablePanel::m_RegPath
static CViewTypeDescriptor CEventView::m_TypeDescr
 CEventView. More...
string CEventView::m_RegPath
wxTextCtrl * CItemSelectionPanel::m_SearchCtrl
wxButton * CItemSelectionPanel::m_ResetBtn
wxStaticText * CItemSelectionPanel::m_StatusText
wxTextCtrl * CItemSelectionPanel::m_DescrCtrl
vector< TItemRefCItemSelectionPanel::m_AllItems
vector< TItemRefCItemSelectionPanel::m_Items
vector< stringCItemSelectionPanel::m_CollapsedGroups
string CItemSelectionPanel::m_ItemTypeLabel
string CItemSelectionPanel::m_RegPath
CAppJobDispatcher::TJobID CJobUITask::m_JobID
wxTimer CJobUITask::m_Timer
bool CJobUITask::m_Canceled
wxFrame * CMenuService::m_Frame
TContributors CMenuService::m_Contributors
wxString CPackageInfo::m_Dir
EPackageState CPackageInfo::m_State
size_t CPackageInfo::m_VerMajor
size_t CPackageInfo::m_VerMinor
size_t CPackageInfo::m_VerPatch
string CPackageInfo::m_ErrMsg
CConstRef< objects::CGuiPkgManifest > CPackageInfo::m_Manifest
AutoPtr< IGuiPackageCPackageInfo::m_Package
string CPkgManager::m_RegPath
vector< stringCPkgManager::m_DefaultPkgs
EMessageMode CStatusBarService::m_MessageMode
 The Status Bar associated with the service. More...
string CStatusBarService::m_StatusMessage
 current mode for Message Slot More...
int CStatusBarService::m_EventDisplayTime
TEventRecRef CStatusBarService::m_LastEventRecord
wxTimer CStatusBarService::m_EventTimer
wxTimer CStatusBarService::m_PulseTimer
string CStatusBarService::m_HintMessage
wxBitmap CMessageSlot::m_Icon
string CMessageSlot::m_Text
wxString CMessageSlot::m_TooltipStr
CConstIRef< IEventRecordCMessageSlot::m_EventRecord
bool CMessageSlot::m_Hot
int CMessageSlot::m_PaintWidth
wxGauge * CMessageSlot::m_Gauge
static string CMessageSlotPopupWindow::m_ExtraLabel
 CMessageSlotPopupWindow. More...
static int CMessageSlotPopupWindow::m_ExtraCmd = -1
CConstIRef< IEventRecordCMessageSlotPopupWindow::m_EventRecord
int CMessageSlotPopupWindow::m_ShowEventViewCmd
wxStaticText * CStatusMessageSlotPanel::m_TitleStatic
wxStaticText * CStatusMessageSlotPanel::m_TimeStatic
wxStaticText * CStatusMessageSlotPanel::m_DescrStatic
wxHyperlinkCtrl * CStatusMessageSlotPanel::m_ExtraLink
wxString CStatusMessageSlotPanel::m_Title
wxString CStatusMessageSlotPanel::m_Descr
wxString CStatusMessageSlotPanel::m_Time
int CStatusMessageSlotPanel::m_BestWidth
wxString CTaskDetailsDlg::m_Title
wxString CTaskDetailsDlg::m_Status
wxString CTaskDetailsDlg::m_State
wxString CTaskDetailsDlg::m_Time
string CTaskViewModel::m_Names [eMaxCols]
CTimeFormat CTaskViewModel::m_TimeFormat
vector< boolCTaskViewModel::m_Filter
vector< TRecordRefCTaskViewModel::m_Records
string CTaskTablePanel::m_RegPath
wxTimer CTaskTablePanel::m_EventTimer
static CViewTypeDescriptor CTaskView::m_TypeDescr
 CTaskView. More...
string CTaskView::m_RegPath
string CViewTypeDescriptor::m_Category
bool CViewTypeDescriptor::m_Singleton
TViewNameToFactory CViewManagerService::m_ViewNameToFactory
TViews CViewManagerService::m_Views
TSingletonMap CViewManagerService::m_SingletonMap
string CViewManagerService::m_RegPath
string CWindowManagerService::m_RegPath
wxFrame * CWindowManagerService::m_Frame
TToolBarFactories CWindowManagerService::m_ToolBarFactories
TToolBarContexts CWindowManagerService::m_ToolBarContexts
 holds registered toolbar contexts More...
TTBNameToCount CWindowManagerService::m_TBNameToCount
 holds a map of toolbar names declared by registered contexts toolbar name -> context count More...
bool CWorkbenchFrame::m_ForwardKeyEvents
bool CWorkbenchFrame::m_IsMoving
string CWorkbenchFrame::m_PagerMessage
bool CWorkbenchFrame::m_ShowPagerMessage = false
static const int kDynamicCmdsStart = 20000
 dynamic commands start form this number More...
string CWorkbench::m_RegPath
 path to th Workbench section in the Registry More...
 pointers to the Standard Services More...
TNameToService CWorkbench::m_NameToExtraService
 a Map of Additional Services : Name -> Service More...


class CDiagConsoleView::CDiagConsoleViewFactory
class CEventView::CEventViewFactory
class CStatusBarService::CStatusBarServiceEvtHandler
class CTaskView::CTaskViewFactory

IAppTask interface implementation

virtual ETaskState CAppJobTask::Run ()
 execute the task, this function is called on the main UI thread if a task needs to execute in background it should launch a job that will execute asynchronously; then the function shall return eBackgrounded More...
virtual void CAppJobTask::CancelBackgrounded ()
 make a request to cancel backgrounded task (not called for foreground tasks) More...
virtual string CAppJobTask::GetStatusText () const
 returns human-readable text describing the current task state More...

IService implementation

virtual void CAppTaskService::InitService ()
virtual void CAppTaskService::ShutDownService ()
 Cancels all backgrounded tasks, removes pending tasks and blocks processing of incoming requests and events. More...
void CAppTaskService::PreShutDownService ()

IServiceLocatorConsumer interface implementation

virtual void CAppTaskService::SetServiceLocator (IServiceLocator *srv_locator)

IRegSettings interface implementation

virtual void CDiagConsoleList::SetRegistryPath (const string &path)
virtual void CDiagConsoleList::LoadSettings ()
virtual void CDiagConsoleList::SaveSettings () const

IRegSettings interface implementation

virtual void CDiagConsolePanel::SetRegistryPath (const string &path)
virtual void CDiagConsolePanel::LoadSettings ()
virtual void CDiagConsolePanel::SaveSettings () const


virtual const CViewTypeDescriptorCDiagConsoleView::GetTypeDescriptor () const
 return an object providing meta information about thei view type More...
virtual void CDiagConsoleView::SetWorkbench (IWorkbench *workbench)
 connect / disconnect this view with / from Workbench More...
virtual void CDiagConsoleView::CreateViewWindow (wxWindow *parent)
 create Window corresponding to the view More...
virtual void CDiagConsoleView::DestroyViewWindow ()
 destroy Window corresponding to the view More...

IWMClient interface implementation

virtual wxWindow * CDiagConsoleView::GetWindow ()
 returns a pointer to the wxWindow representing the client More...
virtual wxEvtHandler * CDiagConsoleView::GetCommandHandler ()
 returns a pointer to the command handler (for menu commands and updates) More...
virtual string CDiagConsoleView::GetClientLabel (IWMClient::ELabel ltype=IWMClient::eDefault) const
 returns the client label (name) to be displayed in UI More...
virtual string CDiagConsoleView::GetIconAlias () const
 returns an icon alias that can be used to retrieve the client's icon More...
virtual const CRgbaColorCDiagConsoleView::GetColor () const
 returns a color associated with the client, n/a if NULL More...
virtual void CDiagConsoleView::SetColor (const CRgbaColor &color)
 returns a color associated with the client More...
virtual const wxMenu * CDiagConsoleView::GetMenu ()
 returns a menu (must be deleted by the caller) menu injections should follow a separator named "Contribs" More...
virtual void CDiagConsoleView::UpdateMenu (wxMenu &root_menu)
virtual CFingerprint CDiagConsoleView::GetFingerprint () const
 returns a fingerprint identifying the client More...

IRegSettings interface implementation

virtual void CDiagConsoleView::SetRegistryPath (const string &path)
virtual void CDiagConsoleView::LoadSettings ()
virtual void CDiagConsoleView::SaveSettings () const

IExtension interface implementation

virtual string CDiagConsoleViewFactory::GetExtensionIdentifier () const
 returns the unique human-readable identifier for the extension the id should use lowercase letters separated by underscores - "like_this" More...
virtual string CDiagConsoleViewFactory::GetExtensionLabel () const
 returns a displayable label for this extension ( please capitalize the key words - "My Extension" ) More...

IViewFactory interface implementation

virtual void CDiagConsoleViewFactory::RegisterIconAliases (wxFileArtProvider &provider)
 CDiagConsoleViewFactory. More...
virtual const CViewTypeDescriptorCDiagConsoleViewFactory::GetViewTypeDescriptor () const
 returns a Descriptor for the View Type supported by the Factory More...
virtual IViewCDiagConsoleViewFactory::CreateInstance () const
 creates a view instance More...
virtual IViewCDiagConsoleViewFactory::CreateInstanceByFingerprint (const TFingerprint &fingerprint) const
 if fingerprint is recognized - creates and returns a new instance More...

IService interface implementation

virtual void CEventLogService::InitService ()
virtual void CEventLogService::ShutDownService ()

IEventLogService interface implementation

virtual void CEventLogService::AddRecord (IEventRecord *record)
 Records are managed by CIRef inside the service. More...
virtual size_t CEventLogService::GetRecordsCount () const
 returns the total number of records More...
virtual const IEventRecordCEventLogService::GetRecord (size_t index) const
 returns the record with the specified index More...

IEventRecord implementation

virtual EType CEventRecord::GetType () const
virtual string CEventRecord::GetTitle () const
virtual string CEventRecord::GetDescription () const
virtual const TTimeCEventRecord::GetTime () const

IRegSettings interface implementation

virtual void CEventTablePanel::SetRegistryPath (const string &path)
virtual void CEventTablePanel::LoadSettings ()
virtual void CEventTablePanel::SaveSettings () const

Command handlers

void CEventTablePanel::OnContextMenu (wxContextMenuEvent &event)
void CEventTablePanel::OnItemActivated (wxListEvent &event)
void CEventTablePanel::OnShowDetailsDialog (long vis_index)
void CEventTablePanel::OnDetails (wxCommandEvent &event)
void CEventTablePanel::OnShowErrors (wxCommandEvent &event)
void CEventTablePanel::OnShowWarnings (wxCommandEvent &event)
void CEventTablePanel::OnShowInfo (wxCommandEvent &event)
void CEventTablePanel::OnUpdateDetails (wxUpdateUIEvent &event)
void CEventTablePanel::OnUpdateShowErrors (wxUpdateUIEvent &event)
void CEventTablePanel::OnUpdateShowWarnings (wxUpdateUIEvent &event)
void CEventTablePanel::OnUpdateShowInfo (wxUpdateUIEvent &event)

IView implementation

virtual const CViewTypeDescriptorCEventView::GetTypeDescriptor () const
 return an object providing meta information about thei view type More...
virtual void CEventView::SetWorkbench (IWorkbench *workbench)
 connect / disconnect this view with / from Workbench More...
virtual void CEventView::CreateViewWindow (wxWindow *parent)
 create Window corresponding to the view More...
virtual void CEventView::DestroyViewWindow ()
 destroy Window corresponding to the view More...

IWMClient implementation

virtual wxWindow * CEventView::GetWindow ()
 returns a pointer to the wxWindow representing the client More...
virtual wxEvtHandler * CEventView::GetCommandHandler ()
 returns a pointer to the command handler (for menu commands and updates) More...
virtual string CEventView::GetClientLabel (IWMClient::ELabel ltype=IWMClient::eDefault) const
 returns the client label (name) to be displayed in UI More...
virtual string CEventView::GetIconAlias () const
 returns an icon alias that can be used to retrieve the client's icon More...
virtual const CRgbaColorCEventView::GetColor () const
 returns a color associated with the client, n/a if NULL More...
virtual void CEventView::SetColor (const CRgbaColor &color)
 returns a color associated with the client More...
virtual const wxMenu * CEventView::GetMenu ()
 returns a menu (must be deleted by the caller) menu injections should follow a separator named "Contribs" More...
virtual void CEventView::UpdateMenu (wxMenu &root_menu)
virtual CFingerprint CEventView::GetFingerprint () const
 returns a fingerprint identifying the client More...

IRegSettings implementation

virtual void CEventView::SetRegistryPath (const string &path)
virtual void CEventView::LoadSettings ()
virtual void CEventView::SaveSettings () const

IExtension interface implementation

virtual string CEventViewFactory::GetExtensionIdentifier () const
 returns the unique human-readable identifier for the extension the id should use lowercase letters separated by underscores - "like_this" More...
virtual string CEventViewFactory::GetExtensionLabel () const
 returns a displayable label for this extension ( please capitalize the key words - "My Extension" ) More...

IViewFactory interface implementation

virtual void CEventViewFactory::RegisterIconAliases (wxFileArtProvider &provider)
 CEventViewFactory. More...
virtual const CViewTypeDescriptorCEventViewFactory::GetViewTypeDescriptor () const
 returns a Descriptor for the View Type supported by the Factory More...
virtual IViewCEventViewFactory::CreateInstance () const
 creates a view instance More...
virtual IViewCEventViewFactory::CreateInstanceByFingerprint (const TFingerprint &fingerprint) const
 if fingerprint is recognized - creates and returns a new instance More...

IRegSettings interface

virtual void CItemSelectionPanel::SetRegistryPath (const string &path)
virtual void CItemSelectionPanel::LoadSettings ()
virtual void CItemSelectionPanel::SaveSettings () const

IAppTask interface implementation

virtual ETaskState CJobUITask::Run ()
 execute the task, this function is called on the main UI thread if a task needs to execute in background it should launch a job that will execute asynchronously; then the function shall return eBackgrounded More...
virtual void CJobUITask::CancelBackgrounded ()
 make a request to cancel backgrounded task (not called for foreground tasks) More...
virtual string CJobUITask::GetStatusText () const
 returns human-readable text describing the current task state More...

IService implementation

virtual void CMenuService::InitService ()
virtual void CMenuService::ShutDownService ()

IMenuService implementation

virtual void CMenuService::ResetMenuBar ()
virtual void CMenuService::AddContributor (IMenuContributor *contributor)
 the service does NOT assume ownership of the contributor More...
virtual void CMenuService::RemoveContributor (IMenuContributor *contributor)
virtual void CMenuService::AddPendingCommand (int cmd)
 add commands for processing (simulates choosing the command from a menu) More...

IService interface implementation

virtual void CStatusBarService::InitService ()
virtual void CStatusBarService::ShutDownService ()

IServiceLocatorConsumer implementation

virtual void CStatusBarService::SetServiceLocator (IServiceLocator *locator)

IStatusBarService implementation

virtual void CStatusBarService::SetStatusMessage (const string &msg)
virtual void CStatusBarService::AddEventMessage (const IEventRecord &record)
virtual void CStatusBarService::ShowHintMessage (const string &msg)
virtual void CStatusBarService::HideHintMessage ()
virtual void CStatusBarService::ShowStatusProgress (int value, int range)
virtual void CStatusBarService::ShowStatusProgress ()
virtual void CStatusBarService::HideStatusProgress ()
virtual void CStatusBarService::InsertSlot (int index, wxWindow *slot, int width=50)
virtual wxWindow * CStatusBarService::RemoveSlot (int index)
virtual void CStatusBarService::SetStatusText (const wxString &text, int index)

IRegSettings interface implementation

virtual void CTaskTablePanel::SetRegistryPath (const string &path)
virtual void CTaskTablePanel::LoadSettings ()
virtual void CTaskTablePanel::SaveSettings () const

Event handers

void CTaskTablePanel::OnContextMenu (wxContextMenuEvent &event)
void CTaskTablePanel::OnItemActivated (wxListEvent &event)
void CTaskTablePanel::OnShowDetailsDialog (long vis_index)
void CTaskTablePanel::OnCancel (wxCommandEvent &event)
void CTaskTablePanel::OnDetails (wxCommandEvent &event)
void CTaskTablePanel::OnUpdateCancel (wxUpdateUIEvent &event)
void CTaskTablePanel::OnUpdateDetails (wxUpdateUIEvent &event)
void CTaskTablePanel::OnEventTimer (wxTimerEvent &event)

IView interface implementation

virtual const CViewTypeDescriptorCTaskView::GetTypeDescriptor () const
 return an object providing meta information about thei view type More...
virtual void CTaskView::SetWorkbench (IWorkbench *workbench)
 connect / disconnect this view with / from Workbench More...
virtual void CTaskView::CreateViewWindow (wxWindow *parent)
 create Window corresponding to the view More...
virtual void CTaskView::DestroyViewWindow ()
 destroy Window corresponding to the view More...

IWMClient interface implementation

virtual wxWindow * CTaskView::GetWindow ()
 returns a pointer to the wxWindow representing the client More...
virtual wxEvtHandler * CTaskView::GetCommandHandler ()
 returns a pointer to the command handler (for menu commands and updates) More...
virtual string CTaskView::GetClientLabel (IWMClient::ELabel ltype=IWMClient::eDefault) const
 returns the client label (name) to be displayed in UI More...
virtual string CTaskView::GetIconAlias () const
 returns an icon alias that can be used to retrieve the client's icon More...
virtual const CRgbaColorCTaskView::GetColor () const
 returns a color associated with the client, n/a if NULL More...
virtual void CTaskView::SetColor (const CRgbaColor &color)
 returns a color associated with the client More...
virtual const wxMenu * CTaskView::GetMenu ()
 returns a menu (must be deleted by the caller) menu injections should follow a separator named "Contribs" More...
virtual void CTaskView::UpdateMenu (wxMenu &root_menu)
virtual CFingerprint CTaskView::GetFingerprint () const
 returns a fingerprint identifying the client More...

IRegSettings interface implementation

virtual void CTaskView::SetRegistryPath (const string &path)
virtual void CTaskView::LoadSettings ()
virtual void CTaskView::SaveSettings () const

IExtension interface implementation

virtual string CTaskViewFactory::GetExtensionIdentifier () const
 returns the unique human-readable identifier for the extension the id should use lowercase letters separated by underscores - "like_this" More...
virtual string CTaskViewFactory::GetExtensionLabel () const
 returns a displayable label for this extension ( please capitalize the key words - "My Extension" ) More...

IViewFactory interface implementation

virtual void CTaskViewFactory::RegisterIconAliases (wxFileArtProvider &provider)
 CTaskViewFactory. More...
virtual const CViewTypeDescriptorCTaskViewFactory::GetViewTypeDescriptor () const
 returns a Descriptor for the View Type supported by the Factory More...
virtual IViewCTaskViewFactory::CreateInstance () const
 creates a view instance More...
virtual IViewCTaskViewFactory::CreateInstanceByFingerprint (const TFingerprint &fingerprint) const
 if fingerprint is recognized - creates and returns a new instance More...

IService interface implementation

virtual void CViewManagerService::InitService ()
virtual void CViewManagerService::ShutDownService ()

IViewManagerService implementation

virtual void CViewManagerService::RegisterFactory (IViewFactory &factory)
 assumes ownership of the factory More...
virtual void CViewManagerService::GetTypeDescriptors (TDescrVec &descrs)
virtual void CViewManagerService::GetFactories (TFactories &factories)
virtual CIRef< IViewCViewManagerService::CreateViewInstance (const string &type_ui_name)
 create a view instance of the specified type More...
virtual CIRef< IViewCViewManagerService::CreateViewInstanceByFingerprint (const TFingerprint &fingerprint)
 create a view instance of the specified type More...
virtual bool CViewManagerService::CanCreateView (const string &type_ui_name)
virtual void CViewManagerService::AddToWorkbench (IView &view, bool bFloat)
 adds view to Workbench and connects to the services the view must be already initialized More...
virtual void CViewManagerService::RemoveFromWorkbench (IView &view)
 disconnects view from services and removes from the Workbench More...
virtual void CViewManagerService::RemoveAllViewsFromWorkbench ()
 disconnects and removes all view from Workbench More...
virtual bool CViewManagerService::HasView (const IView &view) const
virtual void CViewManagerService::GetViews (TViews &views)
 get all registered views More...
virtual CIRef< IViewCViewManagerService::GetSingletonView (const string &singleton_ui_name)
 returns a pointer singleton view if it already exists in workbench or NULL More...
virtual CIRef< IViewCViewManagerService::ShowSingletonView (const string &singleton_ui_name)
 activates the specified view, create a new view if it does not exist More...

IWMClientFactory interface implementation

virtual IWMClientCViewManagerService::CreateClient (const TFingerprint &fingerprint, wxWindow *parent)
 creates a client by fingerprint returns NULL if fingerprint is not recognized. More...

IRegSettings interface implementation

virtual void CViewManagerService::SetRegistryPath (const string &path)
virtual void CViewManagerService::LoadSettings ()
virtual void CViewManagerService::SaveSettings () const

IService implementation

virtual void CWindowManagerService::InitService ()
virtual void CWindowManagerService::ShutDownService ()

IWindowManagerService implementation


virtual CWindowManagerCWindowManagerService::GetWindowManager ()
virtual void CWindowManagerService::SetAdvisor (IWindowManagerAdvisor *advisor)
 the service does not assume ownership of the given object More...
virtual void CWindowManagerService::AddClient (IWMClient &client, bool bFloat)
 places the given IWMClient in the Main Tabbed Pane in Window Manager More...
virtual wxFrame * CWindowManagerService::MoveToFloatingFrame (IWMClient &client)
virtual void CWindowManagerService::CloseClient (IWMClient &client)
 remove client(s) from Window Manager these functions do not disconnect clients from other services More...
virtual void CWindowManagerService::CloseClients (const TClients &clients)
virtual void CWindowManagerService::CloseAllClients ()
virtual void CWindowManagerService::GetAllClients (TClients &clients)
 returns a list of all registered IWMClients More...
virtual IWMClientCWindowManagerService::GetActiveClient ()
 returns Active client (i.e. client that has focus) More...
virtual void CWindowManagerService::ActivateClient (IWMClient &client)
 makes client visible and focused More...
virtual void CWindowManagerService::ActivateClients (TClients &clients)
 makes clients visible, make the first client in the given container focused More...
virtual void CWindowManagerService::RegisterActiveClient (IWMClient &client)
virtual void CWindowManagerService::UnRegisterActiveClient (IWMClient &client)
virtual void CWindowManagerService::RaiseFloatingWindowsInZOrder ()
 Raise all floating windows to preserve/refresh z-order. More...
virtual void CWindowManagerService::RaiseFloatingWindowsInZOrder (wxRect r)
 Raise all floating windows if they overlap with the provided wxREct. More...
virtual bool CWindowManagerService::IsDragging () const
 Returns true if a drag operation is currently in progress. More...
virtual void CWindowManagerService::RefreshClient (IWMClient &client)
 refresh client UI (title) More...
virtual void CWindowManagerService::ApplyLayout (const objects::CUser_object &layout)
virtual objects::CUser_object * CWindowManagerService::SaveLayout ()
 saves current window layout to CUser_object More...
virtual void CWindowManagerService::LoadLayout (const objects::CUser_object &layout, IWMClientFactory &factory)
 creates a new window layout based on description in the given CUser_object creates clients using IWMClientFactory More...

IToolBarService implementation

virtual void CWindowManagerService::AddToolBarFactory (IToolBarContributor *factory)
 the service assumes ownership of the given factory (will delete it) More...
virtual void CWindowManagerService::DeleteToolBarFactory (IToolBarContributor *factory)
 forces deleting of the factory More...
virtual void CWindowManagerService::AddToolBarContext (IToolBarContext *context)
 register toolbar context the service does NOT assume ownership of the context More...
virtual void CWindowManagerService::RemoveToolBarContext (IToolBarContext *context)
 unregister toolbar context More...

IWindowManagerMenuListener implementation

virtual void CWindowManagerService::UpdateMenuBar ()


virtual const wxMenu * CWindowManagerService::GetMenu ()
 returns a menu (must be deleted by the caller) menu injections should follow a separator named "Contribs" More...

IRegSettings interface implementation

virtual void CWindowManagerService::SetRegistryPath (const string &path)
virtual void CWindowManagerService::LoadSettings ()
virtual void CWindowManagerService::SaveSettings () const

IWorkbench implementation

virtual void CWorkbench::Init ()
virtual bool CWorkbench::CanShutDown ()
virtual void CWorkbench::ShutDown ()
virtual IEventLogServiceCWorkbench::GetEventLogService ()
virtual IStatusBarServiceCWorkbench::GetStatusBarService ()
virtual IWindowManagerServiceCWorkbench::GetWindowManagerService ()
virtual IMenuServiceCWorkbench::GetMenuService ()
virtual IToolBarServiceCWorkbench::GetToolBarService ()
virtual CAppTaskServiceCWorkbench::GetAppTaskService ()
virtual IViewManagerServiceCWorkbench::GetViewManagerService ()
virtual wxFileArtProviderCWorkbench::GetFileArtProvider ()
virtual IServiceLocatorCWorkbench::GetServiceLocator ()
 get a Service Locator associated with the Workspace More...
virtual void CWorkbench::RegisterService (const string &class_name, IService *service)
 register extra i.e. More...
virtual void CWorkbench::UnRegisterService (const string &class_name)
 remove application-specific service More...
virtual wxFrame * CWorkbench::GetMainWindow ()
 returns a pointer to the main application frame window More...
virtual CUICommandRegistryCWorkbench::GetUICommandRegistry ()
 returns an instance of Command Registry associated with the Workbench More...
virtual string CWorkbench::GetRegistrySectionPath (ERegistrySection section)
 returns a path to CGuiRegistry section where resources of the specified type shall be located More...

IServiceLocator interface implementation

virtual bool CWorkbench::HasService (const string &name)
 returns true if the service exists within the scope of the locator More...
virtual CIRef< IServiceCWorkbench::GetService (const string &name)
 retrieves the service More...

CWorkbenchFrame::IHintListener interface implementation

virtual void CWorkbench::ShowCommandHint (const string &text)
virtual void CWorkbench::HideCommandHint ()

IRegSettings interface implementation

virtual void CWorkbench::SetRegistryPath (const string &path)
virtual void CWorkbench::LoadSettings ()
virtual void CWorkbench::SaveSettings () const

Event Handling

bool CWorkbench::ProcessEvent (wxEvent &event)
 filter events; forward command events to Window Manager in order to deliver commands to active windows More...
void CWorkbench::OnCloseWindow (wxCloseEvent &event)

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation


#define EXT_POINT__OPTIONS_DLG_EXTENSION   "options_dlg_extension"

An extension point for dialog panels that are shown in the "Options" dialog.

Extensions contributed to this point must implement IOptionsDlgExtension interface

Definition at line 52 of file options_dlg_extension.hpp.


#define EXT_POINT__VIEW_MANAGER_SERVICE__VIEW_FACTORY   "view_manager_service::view_factory"

IViewManagerService uses the following extension point to obtain registered view factories (instances of IViewFactory)

Definition at line 59 of file view_manager_service.hpp.


#define ID_CHOICE3   10044

Definition at line 68 of file diag_panel.hpp.


#define ID_CWXDIAGPANEL   10030

Definition at line 62 of file diag_panel.hpp.


#define ID_LISTCTRL1   10037

Definition at line 69 of file diag_panel.hpp.


#define ID_TOOL_ERRORS   10040

Definition at line 64 of file diag_panel.hpp.


#define ID_TOOL_INFO   10042

Definition at line 66 of file diag_panel.hpp.


#define ID_TOOL_OTHER   10043

Definition at line 67 of file diag_panel.hpp.


#define ID_TOOL_WARNINGS   10041

Definition at line 65 of file diag_panel.hpp.


#define ID_TOOLBAR2   10039

Definition at line 63 of file diag_panel.hpp.


#define NCBI_PACKAGEENTRYPOINT_EXPORT   __declspec(dllexport)

Definition at line 45 of file gui_package.hpp.


#define NCBI_PACKAGEENTRYPOINT_EXPORT   __declspec(dllexport)

Definition at line 46 of file pkg_wb_connect.hpp.



Definition at line 59 of file app_options_dlg.hpp.



Definition at line 61 of file app_options_dlg.hpp.


#define SYMBOL_CAPPOPTIONSDLG_SIZE   wxSize(400, 300)

Definition at line 60 of file app_options_dlg.hpp.



Definition at line 57 of file app_options_dlg.hpp.


#define SYMBOL_CAPPOPTIONSDLG_TITLE   wxT("App Options")

Definition at line 58 of file app_options_dlg.hpp.



Definition at line 67 of file app_packages_dlg.hpp.



Definition at line 69 of file app_packages_dlg.hpp.


#define SYMBOL_CAPPPACKAGESDLG_SIZE   wxSize(400, 300)

Definition at line 68 of file app_packages_dlg.hpp.



Definition at line 65 of file app_packages_dlg.hpp.


#define SYMBOL_CAPPPACKAGESDLG_TITLE   _("Configure Packages")

Definition at line 66 of file app_packages_dlg.hpp.



Definition at line 59 of file event_record_details_dlg.hpp.



Definition at line 61 of file event_record_details_dlg.hpp.



Definition at line 60 of file event_record_details_dlg.hpp.



Definition at line 57 of file event_record_details_dlg.hpp.



Definition at line 58 of file event_record_details_dlg.hpp.



Definition at line 60 of file item_selection_panel.hpp.



Definition at line 62 of file item_selection_panel.hpp.



Definition at line 61 of file item_selection_panel.hpp.



Definition at line 58 of file item_selection_panel.hpp.


#define SYMBOL_CITEMSELECTIONPANEL_TITLE   _("ItemSelectionPanel")

Definition at line 59 of file item_selection_panel.hpp.



Definition at line 61 of file status_message_slot_panel.hpp.



Definition at line 63 of file status_message_slot_panel.hpp.



Definition at line 62 of file status_message_slot_panel.hpp.



Definition at line 59 of file status_message_slot_panel.hpp.


#define SYMBOL_CSTATUSMESSAGESLOTPANEL_TITLE   _("Status Message Slot Panel")

Definition at line 60 of file status_message_slot_panel.hpp.



Definition at line 56 of file task_details_dlg.hpp.



Definition at line 58 of file task_details_dlg.hpp.


#define SYMBOL_CTASKDETAILSDLG_SIZE   wxSize(400, 300)

Definition at line 57 of file task_details_dlg.hpp.



Definition at line 54 of file task_details_dlg.hpp.


#define SYMBOL_CTASKDETAILSDLG_TITLE   _("Task Details")

Definition at line 55 of file task_details_dlg.hpp.



Definition at line 72 of file diag_panel.hpp.


#define SYMBOL_CWXDIAGPANEL_POSITION   wxDefaultPosition

Definition at line 74 of file diag_panel.hpp.


#define SYMBOL_CWXDIAGPANEL_SIZE   wxSize(400, 300)

Definition at line 73 of file diag_panel.hpp.



Definition at line 70 of file diag_panel.hpp.


#define SYMBOL_CWXDIAGPANEL_TITLE   wxT("Diagnostics Console")

Definition at line 71 of file diag_panel.hpp.

Typedef Documentation

◆ FPackageEntryPoint

typedef IGuiPackage*(* IGuiPackage::FPackageEntryPoint) ()

Definition at line 59 of file gui_package.hpp.

◆ TClients

Definition at line 65 of file window_manager_service.hpp.

◆ TContributors

typedef vector<IMenuContributor*> CMenuService::TContributors

Definition at line 80 of file menu_service_impl.hpp.

◆ TCRefRec

Definition at line 95 of file event_view.hpp.

◆ TData

typedef map<size_t, CItem> CDiagConsoleCache::TData

Definition at line 78 of file diag_console_list.hpp.

◆ TDescrVec

Definition at line 71 of file view_manager_service.hpp.

◆ TEventRecRef

Definition at line 150 of file status_bar_service_impl.hpp.

◆ TFactories

Definition at line 70 of file view_manager_service.hpp.

◆ TFingerprint

Definition at line 142 of file view.hpp.

◆ TIRef

Definition at line 90 of file event_log_service_impl.hpp.

◆ TItemRef

Definition at line 156 of file item_selection_panel.hpp.

◆ TItems

typedef deque<size_t> CDiagConsoleList::TItems

Definition at line 160 of file diag_console_list.hpp.

◆ TJobID

Definition at line 117 of file app_job_task.hpp.

◆ TMRUViews

Definition at line 69 of file view_manager_service.hpp.

◆ TNameToService

Definition at line 147 of file workbench_impl.hpp.

◆ TOnAppJobProgressCallback

using CAppJobTask::TOnAppJobProgressCallback = std::function<void(const IAppJobProgress&)>

Definition at line 113 of file app_job_task.hpp.

◆ TPackagesSet

Definition at line 87 of file pkg_manager.hpp.

◆ TParent [1/3]

typedef wxPanel CMessageSlot::TParent

Definition at line 189 of file status_bar_service_impl.hpp.

◆ TParent [2/3]

typedef wxFrame CMessageSlotPopupWindow::TParent

Definition at line 242 of file status_bar_service_impl.hpp.

◆ TParent [3/3]

Definition at line 63 of file workbench_frame.hpp.

◆ TQueue

Definition at line 164 of file app_task_service.hpp.

◆ TRecordMap

Definition at line 165 of file app_task_service.hpp.

◆ TRecordRef [1/2]

Definition at line 97 of file app_task_service.hpp.

◆ TRecordRef [2/2]

Definition at line 73 of file task_view.hpp.

◆ TRecords

typedef deque<TIRef> CEventLogService::TRecords

Definition at line 91 of file event_log_service_impl.hpp.

◆ TRecRefVec [1/2]

Definition at line 98 of file app_task_service.hpp.

◆ TRecRefVec [2/2]

Definition at line 74 of file task_view.hpp.

◆ TSingletonMap

Definition at line 131 of file view_manager_service_impl.hpp.

◆ TTaskRef [1/3]

Definition at line 83 of file app_task_service.hpp.

◆ TTaskRef [2/3]

Definition at line 72 of file task_view.hpp.

◆ TTaskRef [3/3]

Definition at line 125 of file task_view.hpp.

◆ TTaskRefVec [1/2]

Definition at line 84 of file app_task_service.hpp.

◆ TTaskRefVec [2/2]

typedef vector<TTaskRef> CTaskViewModel::TTaskRefVec

Definition at line 102 of file task_view.hpp.

◆ TTaskState

Definition at line 77 of file app_task_service.hpp.

◆ TTBNameToCount

Definition at line 161 of file window_manager_service_impl.hpp.

◆ TTime

typedef time_t IEventRecord::TTime

Definition at line 81 of file event_log_service.hpp.

◆ TToolBarContexts

Definition at line 163 of file window_manager_service_impl.hpp.

◆ TToolBarFactories

Definition at line 162 of file window_manager_service_impl.hpp.

◆ TViewNameToFactory

Definition at line 130 of file view_manager_service_impl.hpp.

◆ TViews

Definition at line 68 of file view_manager_service.hpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 105 of file app_options_dlg.hpp.

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 129 of file app_packages_dlg.hpp.

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 97 of file diag_console_list.hpp.

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 106 of file event_record_details_dlg.hpp.

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 139 of file item_selection_panel.hpp.

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 147 of file item_selection_panel.hpp.

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 128 of file status_message_slot_panel.hpp.

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 124 of file task_details_dlg.hpp.

◆ EAcceptionType


Definition at line 100 of file view.hpp.

◆ EColumns [1/2]


this must be the last!

Definition at line 71 of file event_view.hpp.

◆ EColumns [2/2]


this must be the last!

Definition at line 76 of file task_view.hpp.

◆ ECommands [1/2]


Definition at line 115 of file event_view.hpp.

◆ ECommands [2/2]


Definition at line 127 of file task_view.hpp.

◆ EConsts


Definition at line 79 of file app_task_service.hpp.

◆ EErrCode


unknown tragic error

Definition at line 210 of file app_task_service.hpp.

◆ EEventId [1/2]


Definition at line 59 of file app_task_service.hpp.

◆ EEventId [2/2]


Definition at line 55 of file event_log_service_impl.hpp.

◆ EMessageMode


Definition at line 120 of file status_bar_service_impl.hpp.

◆ EPackageState


Definition at line 61 of file pkg_manager.hpp.

◆ ERegistrySection

enumerates major Registry sections


Definition at line 116 of file workbench.hpp.

◆ ETaskState

List of task states defining the task management FSM.


has not been executed yet


task is executing on the main UI thread


task is executing in background


successfully finished


failed during execution


canceled by Task Manager


Definition at line 87 of file app_task.hpp.

◆ EType [1/2]


Definition at line 188 of file app_task_service.hpp.

◆ EType [2/2]


Definition at line 83 of file event_log_service.hpp.

Function Documentation

◆ ActivateClient() [1/2]

void CWindowManagerService::ActivateClient ( IWMClient client)

makes client visible and focused

Implements IWindowManagerService.

Definition at line 156 of file window_manager_service_impl.cpp.

References _ASSERT, CWindowManager::ActivateClient(), client, and CWindowManagerService::m_WindowManager.

◆ ActivateClient() [2/2]

virtual void IWindowManagerService::ActivateClient ( IWMClient client)
pure virtual

◆ ActivateClients() [1/2]

void CWindowManagerService::ActivateClients ( TClients clients)

makes clients visible, make the first client in the given container focused

Implements IWindowManagerService.

Definition at line 163 of file window_manager_service_impl.cpp.

References _ASSERT, CWindowManager::ActivateClients(), and CWindowManagerService::m_WindowManager.

◆ ActivateClients() [2/2]

virtual void IWindowManagerService::ActivateClients ( TClients clients)
pure virtual

makes clients visible, make the first client in the given container focused

Implemented in CWindowManagerService.

Referenced by CProjectTreePanel::OnActivateClients().

◆ AddClient() [1/2]

void CWindowManagerService::AddClient ( IWMClient client,
bool  bFloat 

places the given IWMClient in the Main Tabbed Pane in Window Manager

Implements IWindowManagerService.

Definition at line 109 of file window_manager_service_impl.cpp.

References _ASSERT, CWindowManager::AddClient(), client, and CWindowManagerService::m_WindowManager.

◆ AddClient() [2/2]

virtual void IWindowManagerService::AddClient ( IWMClient client,
bool  bFloat 
pure virtual

places the given IWMClient in the Main Tabbed Pane in Window Manager

Implemented in CWindowManagerService.

Referenced by CViewManagerService::AddToWorkbench().

◆ AddContributor() [1/2]

void CMenuService::AddContributor ( IMenuContributor contributor)

the service does NOT assume ownership of the contributor

Implements IMenuService.

Definition at line 154 of file menu_service_impl.cpp.

References _ASSERT, ERR_POST, CMenuService::m_Contributors, and NULL.

Referenced by CWorkbench::Init().

◆ AddContributor() [2/2]

virtual void IMenuService::AddContributor ( IMenuContributor contributor)
pure virtual

the service does NOT assume ownership of the contributor

Implemented in CMenuService.

Referenced by CFrameworkDemoGUI::PostCreateWindow().

◆ AddDataLoader()

virtual string IDataLoaderProvider::AddDataLoader ( const objects::CUser_object &  obj)
pure virtual

Add a new data loader to object manager.

If the data loader exists, return the existing one.

added data loader's name.

Implemented in CBamUIDataSource, and CLBLASTUIDataSource.

Referenced by CGBDocument::AttachDataLoader().

◆ AddDefaultPkg()

void CPkgManager::AddDefaultPkg ( const string pkg_name)

Definition at line 84 of file pkg_manager.cpp.

References CPkgManager::m_DefaultPkgs.

◆ AddEventMessage() [1/2]

void CStatusBarService::AddEventMessage ( const IEventRecord record)

◆ AddEventMessage() [2/2]

virtual void IStatusBarService::AddEventMessage ( const IEventRecord record)
pure virtual

Implemented in CStatusBarService.

◆ AddPendingCommand() [1/2]

void CMenuService::AddPendingCommand ( int  cmd)

add commands for processing (simulates choosing the command from a menu)

Implements IMenuService.

Definition at line 95 of file menu_service_impl.cpp.

References cmd, CMenuService::m_Frame, and wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED.

◆ AddPendingCommand() [2/2]

virtual void IMenuService::AddPendingCommand ( int  cmd)
pure virtual

add commands for processing (simulates choosing the command from a menu)

Implemented in CMenuService.

◆ AddRecord() [1/2]

void CEventLogService::AddRecord ( IEventRecord record)

Records are managed by CIRef inside the service.

Implements IEventLogService.

Definition at line 118 of file event_log_service_impl.cpp.

References _ASSERT, CEventLogService::m_Records, and CEventHandler::Post().

◆ AddRecord() [2/2]

virtual void IEventLogService::AddRecord ( IEventRecord record)
pure virtual

Records are managed by CIRef inside the service.

Implemented in CEventLogService.

Referenced by CAppTaskService::x_LogTask().

◆ AddTask()

void CAppTaskService::AddTask ( IAppTask task)

◆ AddToolBarContext() [1/2]

void CWindowManagerService::AddToolBarContext ( IToolBarContext context)

◆ AddToolBarContext() [2/2]

virtual void IToolBarService::AddToolBarContext ( IToolBarContext context)
pure virtual

register toolbar context the service does NOT assume ownership of the context

Implemented in CWindowManagerService.

Referenced by CProjectViewBase::SetWorkbench().

◆ AddToolBarFactory() [1/2]

void CWindowManagerService::AddToolBarFactory ( IToolBarContributor factory)

the service assumes ownership of the given factory (will delete it)

Implements IToolBarService.

Definition at line 240 of file window_manager_service_impl.cpp.

References _ASSERT, ERR_POST, Error(), LOG_POST, CWindowManagerService::m_ToolBarFactories, CWindowManagerService::m_WindowManager, and NULL.

◆ AddToolBarFactory() [2/2]

virtual void IToolBarService::AddToolBarFactory ( IToolBarContributor factory)
pure virtual

the service assumes ownership of the given factory (will delete it)

Implemented in CWindowManagerService.

Referenced by CFrameworkDemoGUI::PostCreateWindow().

◆ AddToWorkbench() [1/2]

void CViewManagerService::AddToWorkbench ( IView view,
bool  bFloat 

◆ AddToWorkbench() [2/2]

virtual void IViewManagerService::AddToWorkbench ( IView view,
bool  bFloat = false 
pure virtual

adds view to Workbench and connects to the services the view must be already initialized

Implemented in CViewManagerService.

Referenced by CProjectService::AddProjectView(), CSimpleProjectView::CreateView(), CFrameworkDemoGUI::x_AddClient(), and CFrameworkDemoGUI::x_AddView().

◆ AppendMenuItems() [1/3]

void CDiagConsoleList::AppendMenuItems ( wxMenu &  aMenu)

◆ AppendMenuItems() [2/3]

void CEventTablePanel::AppendMenuItems ( wxMenu &  aMenu)

Definition at line 373 of file event_view.cpp.

References CEventTablePanel::eCmdDetails, and wxT.

Referenced by CEventTablePanel::OnContextMenu().

◆ AppendMenuItems() [3/3]

void CTaskTablePanel::AppendMenuItems ( wxMenu &  aMenu)

◆ ApplyLayout() [1/2]

void CWindowManagerService::ApplyLayout ( const objects::CUser_object &  layout)

◆ ApplyLayout() [2/2]

virtual void IWindowManagerService::ApplyLayout ( const objects::CUser_object &  layout)
pure virtual

Implemented in CWindowManagerService.

◆ AutoCreateDefaultDataSource()

virtual bool IUIDataSourceType::AutoCreateDefaultDataSource ( )
pure virtual

returns "true" if this type needs to create a default instance of the Data Source at start-up

Implemented in CGenBankUIDataSourceType, CBamUIDataSourceType, CNetBLASTUIDataSourceType, and CLBLASTUIDataSourceType.

Referenced by CUIDataSourceService::x_InitDefaultDataSources().

◆ CancelBackgrounded() [1/3]

void CAppJobTask::CancelBackgrounded ( )

make a request to cancel backgrounded task (not called for foreground tasks)

Reimplemented from CAppTask.

Definition at line 203 of file app_job_task.cpp.

References _ASSERT, CAppJobDispatcher::CancelJob(), IAppTask::eBackgrounded, CAppJobDispatcher::eInvalidJobID, CAppJobDispatcher::GetInstance(), CAppJobTask::m_JobID, CAppTask::m_Listener, and CAppTask::m_State.

◆ CancelBackgrounded() [2/3]

void CJobUITask::CancelBackgrounded ( )

make a request to cancel backgrounded task (not called for foreground tasks)

Reimplemented from CAppTask.

Definition at line 100 of file job_ui_task.cpp.

References CAppJobDispatcher::CancelJob(), CAppJobDispatcher::GetInstance(), CJobUITask::m_Canceled, and CJobUITask::m_JobID.

◆ CancelBackgrounded() [3/3]

virtual void IAppTask::CancelBackgrounded ( )
pure virtual

make a request to cancel backgrounded task (not called for foreground tasks)

Implemented in CJobUITask, CCompositeAppTask, CAppTask, CAppJobTask, and CProjectLoadingTask.

Referenced by CAppTaskService::CancelTask(), and CAppTaskService::PreShutDownService().

◆ CancelTask()

bool CAppTaskService::CancelTask ( IAppTask task,
bool  throw_on_error = true 

Places a request to cancel a backgrounded task.

It is guaranteed that Task Manager will not further execute the task on the main thread, however subcomponents of the task may still continue to run on a background thread.

task- task to cancel
throw_on_error- flag to throw an exception on error or return false
true if taks was canceled

Definition at line 321 of file app_task_service.cpp.

References CSyncQueue_AccessGuard< Type, Container, Traits >::Begin(), IAppTask::CancelBackgrounded(), map_checker< Container >::end(), CSyncQueue_AccessGuard< Type, Container, Traits >::End(), CSyncQueue_AccessGuard< Type, Container, Traits >::Erase(), map_checker< Container >::find(), IAppTask::GetDescr(), CRef< C, Locker >::GetPointer(), Info(), kCancelFatal, kCancelUnknown, LOG_POST, CAppTaskService::m_BackgoundedTasks, CAppTaskService::m_Mutex, CAppTaskService::m_PendingTasks, NCBI_THROW, and sGetMessageAndReport().

Referenced by CTaskTablePanel::OnCancel().

◆ CanCreateView() [1/2]

bool CViewManagerService::CanCreateView ( const string type_ui_name)

◆ CanCreateView() [2/2]

virtual bool IViewManagerService::CanCreateView ( const string type_ui_name)
pure virtual

Implemented in CViewManagerService.

◆ CanShutDown() [1/3]

bool CWorkbench::CanShutDown ( )

Implements IWorkbench.

Definition at line 239 of file workbench_impl.cpp.

References IWorkbenchAdvisor::CanShutDown(), and CWorkbench::m_Advisor.

◆ CanShutDown() [2/3]

virtual bool IWorkbenchAdvisor::CanShutDown ( )
pure virtual

Implemented in CFrameworkDemoGUI.

Referenced by CWorkbench::CanShutDown().

◆ CanShutDown() [3/3]

virtual bool IWorkbench::CanShutDown ( )
pure virtual

Implemented in CWorkbench.

Referenced by CWorkbenchFrame::OnCloseWindow().

◆ CAppExportTask()

CAppExportTask::CAppExportTask ( IAppJob job,
const wxString  fileName 


Definition at line 43 of file app_export_task.cpp.

◆ CAppJobTask() [1/2]

&CAppJobTask::OnAppJobProgress CAppJobTask::CAppJobTask ( bool  visible,
const string descr = kEmptyStr,
int  prog_rep_period = 5,
const string engine_name = "ThreadPool",
int  display_delay = 0 

Definition at line 59 of file app_job_task.cpp.

◆ CAppJobTask() [2/2]

CAppJobTask::CAppJobTask ( IAppJob job,
bool  visible,
const string descr = kEmptyStr,
int  prog_rep_period = 5,
const string engine_name = "ThreadPool",
int  display_delay = 0 

Definition at line 73 of file app_job_task.cpp.

References CAppTask::m_Descr, and CAppJobTask::m_Job.

◆ CAppOptionsDlg() [1/2]

CAppOptionsDlg::CAppOptionsDlg ( )

Definition at line 61 of file app_options_dlg.cpp.

References Init().

◆ CAppOptionsDlg() [2/2]

CAppOptionsDlg::CAppOptionsDlg ( wxWindow *  parent,
const wxString &  caption = wxT("App Options"),
const wxPoint &  pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize &  size = wxSize(400, 300),

◆ CAppPackagesDlg() [1/2]

CAppPackagesDlg::CAppPackagesDlg ( )

Definition at line 73 of file app_packages_dlg.cpp.

References Init().

◆ CAppPackagesDlg() [2/2]

CAppPackagesDlg::CAppPackagesDlg ( wxWindow *  parent,
CPkgManager pkgManager,
const wxString &  caption = _("Configure Packages"),
const wxPoint &  pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize &  size = wxSize(400, 300),

◆ CAppTaskService()

CAppTaskService::CAppTaskService ( )

◆ CAppTaskServiceEvent()

CAppTaskServiceEvent::CAppTaskServiceEvent ( IAppTask task,
EType  type 

Definition at line 195 of file app_task_service.hpp.

◆ CAppTaskServiceGuiUpdateEvent()

CAppTaskServiceGuiUpdateEvent::CAppTaskServiceGuiUpdateEvent ( )

Definition at line 63 of file app_task_service.hpp.

◆ CDiagConsoleCache()

CDiagConsoleCache::CDiagConsoleCache ( size_t  size)

Definition at line 61 of file diag_console_list.hpp.

◆ CDiagConsoleList() [1/2]

CDiagConsoleList::CDiagConsoleList ( )

Definition at line 59 of file diag_console_list.cpp.

◆ CDiagConsoleList() [2/2]

CDiagConsoleList::CDiagConsoleList ( wxWindow *  parent,
wxWindowID  id = wxID_ANY,
const wxPoint &  pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize &  size = wxDefaultSize,
long  style = wxBORDER_NONE 

◆ CDiagConsolePanel()

CDiagConsolePanel::CDiagConsolePanel ( )

Definition at line 77 of file diag_panel.cpp.

References Init().

◆ CDiagConsoleView()

CDiagConsoleView::CDiagConsoleView ( )

Definition at line 330 of file diag_panel.cpp.

◆ CEventLogService()

CEventLogService::CEventLogService ( )


Definition at line 102 of file event_log_service_impl.cpp.

◆ CEventRecord()

CEventRecord::CEventRecord ( EType  type,
const string title = kEmptyStr,
const string descr = kEmptyStr,
const TTime time = 0 

Definition at line 43 of file event_log_service_impl.cpp.

◆ CEventRecordDetailsDlg() [1/2]

CEventRecordDetailsDlg::CEventRecordDetailsDlg ( )

Definition at line 53 of file event_record_details_dlg.cpp.

References Init().

◆ CEventRecordDetailsDlg() [2/2]

CEventRecordDetailsDlg::CEventRecordDetailsDlg ( wxWindow *  parent,
const wxString &  caption = wxT("Event Details"),
const wxPoint &  pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize &  size = wxSize(400, 300),

◆ CEventTablePanel()

CEventTablePanel::CEventTablePanel ( )

Definition at line 217 of file event_view.cpp.

References Init().

◆ CEventView()

CEventView::CEventView ( )

Definition at line 496 of file event_view.cpp.

◆ CEventViewModel()

CEventViewModel::CEventViewModel ( IEventLogService service)

◆ CItemSelectionPanel() [1/2]

CItemSelectionPanel::CItemSelectionPanel ( )

Definition at line 69 of file item_selection_panel.cpp.

References Init().

◆ CItemSelectionPanel() [2/2]

CItemSelectionPanel::CItemSelectionPanel ( wxWindow *  parent,
const wxPoint &  pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize &  size = wxDefaultSize,

◆ CJobUITask()

CJobUITask::CJobUITask ( const string descr,
CAppJobDispatcher::TJobID  jobID 


Definition at line 47 of file job_ui_task.cpp.

◆ CLogServiceEvent()

CLogServiceEvent::CLogServiceEvent ( )

Definition at line 59 of file event_log_service_impl.hpp.

◆ Close()

virtual bool IUIDataSource::Close ( )
pure virtual

◆ CloseAllClients() [1/2]

void CWindowManagerService::CloseAllClients ( )

◆ CloseAllClients() [2/2]

virtual void IWindowManagerService::CloseAllClients ( )
pure virtual

◆ CloseClient() [1/2]

void CWindowManagerService::CloseClient ( IWMClient client)

remove client(s) from Window Manager these functions do not disconnect clients from other services

Implements IWindowManagerService.

Definition at line 121 of file window_manager_service_impl.cpp.

References _ASSERT, client, CWindowManager::CloseClient(), and CWindowManagerService::m_WindowManager.

◆ CloseClient() [2/2]

virtual void IWindowManagerService::CloseClient ( IWMClient client)
pure virtual

remove client(s) from Window Manager these functions do not disconnect clients from other services

Implemented in CWindowManagerService.

Referenced by CFrameworkDemoGUI::OnCloseViewClick(), and CViewManagerService::RemoveFromWorkbench().

◆ CloseClients() [1/2]

void CWindowManagerService::CloseClients ( const TClients clients)

◆ CloseClients() [2/2]

virtual void IWindowManagerService::CloseClients ( const TClients clients)
pure virtual

Implemented in CWindowManagerService.

◆ CMenuService()

CMenuService::CMenuService ( )



Definition at line 57 of file menu_service_impl.cpp.

References wxT.

◆ CMessageSlot()

CMessageSlot::CMessageSlot ( wxStatusBar *  parent)


Definition at line 326 of file status_bar_service_impl.cpp.

◆ CMessageSlotPopupWindow()

CMessageSlotPopupWindow::CMessageSlotPopupWindow ( CMessageSlot slot,
wxRect  slot_rect,
const IEventRecord record,
int  show_event_view_cmd 

◆ CMsgGuard()

IStatusBarService::CMsgGuard::CMsgGuard ( const string )

Definition at line 76 of file status_bar_service.hpp.

◆ Consumer_SetLocator()

template<class T >
void Consumer_SetLocator ( T obj,
IServiceLocator locator 

◆ CPackageInfo()

CPackageInfo::CPackageInfo ( )

Definition at line 69 of file pkg_manager.hpp.

◆ CPkgManager()

CPkgManager::CPkgManager ( )

Definition at line 59 of file pkg_manager.cpp.

◆ Create() [1/10]

bool CDiagConsolePanel::Create ( wxWindow *  parent,
wxWindowID  id = 10030,
const wxPoint &  pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize &  size = wxSize(400, 300),
long  style = 0 

◆ Create() [2/10]

bool CAppOptionsDlg::Create ( wxWindow *  parent,
const wxString &  caption = wxT("App Options"),
const wxPoint &  pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize &  size = wxSize(400, 300),

◆ Create() [3/10]

bool CAppPackagesDlg::Create ( wxWindow *  parent,
const wxString &  caption = _("Configure Packages"),
const wxPoint &  pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize &  size = wxSize(400, 300),

◆ Create() [4/10]

bool CEventRecordDetailsDlg::Create ( wxWindow *  parent,
const wxString &  caption = wxT("Event Details"),
const wxPoint &  pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize &  size = wxSize(400, 300),

◆ Create() [5/10]

bool CItemSelectionPanel::Create ( wxWindow *  parent,
const wxPoint &  pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize &  size = wxDefaultSize,

◆ Create() [6/10]

bool CStatusMessageSlotPanel::Create ( wxWindow *  parent,
const wxPoint &  pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize &  size = wxSize(300, 100),
long  style = 0 

◆ Create() [7/10]

bool CTaskDetailsDlg::Create ( wxWindow *  parent,
const wxString &  caption = _("Task Details"),
const wxPoint &  pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize &  size = wxSize(400, 300),

◆ Create() [8/10]

void CEventTablePanel::Create ( wxWindow *  parent,
wxWindowID  id = wxID_ANY,
const wxPoint &  pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize &  size = wxDefaultSize 

◆ Create() [9/10]

void CTaskTablePanel::Create ( wxWindow *  parent,
wxWindowID  id = wxID_ANY,
const wxPoint &  pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize &  size = wxDefaultSize 

◆ Create() [10/10]

bool CDiagConsoleList::Create ( wxWindow *  parent,
wxWindowID  id = wxID_ANY,
const wxPoint &  pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize &  size = wxDefaultSize,
long  style = wxBORDER_NONE 

◆ CreateClient()

IWMClient * CViewManagerService::CreateClient ( const TFingerprint fingerprint,
wxWindow *  parent 

creates a client by fingerprint returns NULL if fingerprint is not recognized.

Implements IWMClientFactory.

Definition at line 454 of file view_manager_service_impl.cpp.

References client, CViewManagerService::CreateViewInstanceByFingerprint(), CRef< C, Locker >::GetPointer(), CViewManagerService::x_DoAddToWorkbench(), and CViewManagerService::x_LoadViewSettings().

◆ CreateControls() [1/9]

void CAppOptionsDlg::CreateControls ( )

◆ CreateControls() [2/9]

void CAppPackagesDlg::CreateControls ( )

◆ CreateControls() [3/9]

void CDiagConsolePanel::CreateControls ( )

◆ CreateControls() [4/9]

void CEventRecordDetailsDlg::CreateControls ( )

◆ CreateControls() [5/9]

void CEventTablePanel::CreateControls ( )

◆ CreateControls() [6/9]

void CItemSelectionPanel::CreateControls ( )

◆ CreateControls() [7/9]

void CStatusMessageSlotPanel::CreateControls ( )

◆ CreateControls() [8/9]

void CTaskDetailsDlg::CreateControls ( )

◆ CreateControls() [9/9]

void CTaskTablePanel::CreateControls ( )

◆ CreateDataSource()

virtual IUIDataSource* IUIDataSourceType::CreateDataSource ( )
pure virtual

◆ CreateEventLogAction()

virtual IEventLogAction* IAppTask::CreateEventLogAction ( )
pure virtual

returns an action for activating task results (optional, can return NULL)

Implemented in CAppTask.

◆ CreateEvtHandler()

virtual wxEvtHandler* IUIDataSource::CreateEvtHandler ( )

◆ CreateInstance() [1/4]

IView * CDiagConsoleViewFactory::CreateInstance ( ) const

creates a view instance

Implements IViewFactory.

Definition at line 455 of file diag_panel.cpp.

◆ CreateInstance() [2/4]

IView * CEventViewFactory::CreateInstance ( ) const

creates a view instance

Implements IViewFactory.

Definition at line 640 of file event_view.cpp.

◆ CreateInstance() [3/4]

IView * CTaskViewFactory::CreateInstance ( ) const

creates a view instance

Implements IViewFactory.

Definition at line 710 of file task_view.cpp.

◆ CreateInstance() [4/4]

virtual IView* IViewFactory::CreateInstance ( ) const
pure virtual

◆ CreateInstanceByFingerprint() [1/4]

IView * CDiagConsoleViewFactory::CreateInstanceByFingerprint ( const TFingerprint fingerprint) const

if fingerprint is recognized - creates and returns a new instance

Implements IViewFactory.

Definition at line 461 of file diag_panel.cpp.

References GetLabel(), CDiagConsoleView::m_TypeDescr, and NULL.

◆ CreateInstanceByFingerprint() [2/4]

IView * CEventViewFactory::CreateInstanceByFingerprint ( const TFingerprint fingerprint) const

if fingerprint is recognized - creates and returns a new instance

Implements IViewFactory.

Definition at line 646 of file event_view.cpp.

References GetLabel(), CEventView::m_TypeDescr, and NULL.

◆ CreateInstanceByFingerprint() [3/4]

IView * CTaskViewFactory::CreateInstanceByFingerprint ( const TFingerprint fingerprint) const

if fingerprint is recognized - creates and returns a new instance

Implements IViewFactory.

Definition at line 716 of file task_view.cpp.

References GetLabel(), CTaskView::m_TypeDescr, and NULL.

◆ CreateInstanceByFingerprint() [4/4]

virtual IView* IViewFactory::CreateInstanceByFingerprint ( const TFingerprint fingerprint) const
pure virtual

◆ CreateModel() [1/2]

void CTaskTablePanel::CreateModel ( CAppTaskService task_srv)

◆ CreateModel() [2/2]

void CEventTablePanel::CreateModel ( IEventLogService service)

◆ CreateSettingsPage()

virtual wxWindow* IOptionsDlgExtension::CreateSettingsPage ( wxWindow *  parent)
pure virtual

◆ CreateStatusBar()

wxStatusBar * CStatusBarService::CreateStatusBar ( wxFrame *  frame)

◆ CreateViewInstance() [1/2]

CIRef< IView > CViewManagerService::CreateViewInstance ( const string type_ui_name)

◆ CreateViewInstance() [2/2]

virtual CIRef<IView> IViewManagerService::CreateViewInstance ( const string type_ui_name)
pure virtual

create a view instance of the specified type

Implemented in CViewManagerService.

Referenced by CProjectService::AddProjectView(), CMPCrossAlignView::InitView(), and CFrameworkDemoGUI::x_AddView().

◆ CreateViewInstanceByFingerprint() [1/2]

virtual CIRef<IView> IViewManagerService::CreateViewInstanceByFingerprint ( const IWMClient::CFingerprint fingerprint)
pure virtual

create a view instance of the specified type

Implemented in CViewManagerService.

◆ CreateViewInstanceByFingerprint() [2/2]

CIRef< IView > CViewManagerService::CreateViewInstanceByFingerprint ( const TFingerprint fingerprint)

create a view instance of the specified type

Implements IViewManagerService.

Definition at line 190 of file view_manager_service_impl.cpp.

References IViewFactory::CreateInstanceByFingerprint(), CViewManagerService::m_ViewNameToFactory, and NON_CONST_ITERATE.

Referenced by CViewManagerService::CreateClient().

◆ CreateViewWindow() [1/4]

void CDiagConsoleView::CreateViewWindow ( wxWindow *  parent)

create Window corresponding to the view

Implements IView.

Definition at line 356 of file diag_panel.cpp.

References CDiagConsolePanel::Create(), CDiagConsoleView::m_Panel, and SYMBOL_CWXDIAGPANEL_IDNAME.

◆ CreateViewWindow() [2/4]

void CEventView::CreateViewWindow ( wxWindow *  parent)

create Window corresponding to the view

Implements IView.

Definition at line 588 of file event_view.cpp.

References CEventTablePanel::Create(), CEventView::m_Panel, and wxID_ANY.

◆ CreateViewWindow() [3/4]

void CTaskView::CreateViewWindow ( wxWindow *  parent)

create Window corresponding to the view

Implements IView.

Definition at line 607 of file task_view.cpp.

References CTaskTablePanel::Create(), CTaskView::m_Panel, and wxID_ANY.

◆ CreateViewWindow() [4/4]

virtual void IView::CreateViewWindow ( wxWindow *  parent)
pure virtual

◆ CStatusBarService()

CStatusBarService::CStatusBarService ( )

◆ CStatusBarServiceEvtHandler()

CStatusBarServiceEvtHandler::CStatusBarServiceEvtHandler ( CStatusBarService service)

◆ CStatusMessageSlotPanel() [1/2]

CStatusMessageSlotPanel::CStatusMessageSlotPanel ( )

Definition at line 58 of file status_message_slot_panel.cpp.

References Init().

◆ CStatusMessageSlotPanel() [2/2]

CStatusMessageSlotPanel::CStatusMessageSlotPanel ( wxWindow *  parent,
const wxPoint &  pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize &  size = wxSize(300, 100),
long  style = 0 

◆ CTaskDetailsDlg() [1/2]

CTaskDetailsDlg::CTaskDetailsDlg ( )

Definition at line 60 of file task_details_dlg.cpp.

References Init().

◆ CTaskDetailsDlg() [2/2]

CTaskDetailsDlg::CTaskDetailsDlg ( wxWindow *  parent,
const wxString &  caption = _("Task Details"),
const wxPoint &  pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize &  size = wxSize(400, 300),

◆ CTaskRecord()

CAppTaskService::CTaskRecord::CTaskRecord ( )

Definition at line 89 of file app_task_service.hpp.

◆ CTaskTablePanel()

CTaskTablePanel::CTaskTablePanel ( )

Definition at line 253 of file task_view.cpp.

References Init().

◆ CTaskView()

CTaskView::CTaskView ( )

Definition at line 574 of file task_view.cpp.

◆ CTaskViewModel()

CTaskViewModel::CTaskViewModel ( CAppTaskService task_srv)

◆ CViewManagerService()

CViewManagerService::CViewManagerService ( )

Definition at line 53 of file view_manager_service_impl.cpp.

◆ CViewTypeDescriptor()

CViewTypeDescriptor::CViewTypeDescriptor ( const string label,
const string icon_alias,
const string hint,
const string description,
const string help_id,
const string category,
bool  singleton 

◆ CWindowManagerService()

CWindowManagerService::CWindowManagerService ( )

Definition at line 42 of file window_manager_service_impl.cpp.

◆ CWorkbench()

CWorkbench::CWorkbench ( IWorkbenchAdvisor advisor)



Definition at line 67 of file workbench_impl.cpp.

References _ASSERT.

◆ CWorkbenchFrame() [1/2]

CWorkbenchFrame::CWorkbenchFrame ( )


Definition at line 70 of file workbench_frame.cpp.

◆ CWorkbenchFrame() [2/2]

CWorkbenchFrame::CWorkbenchFrame ( wxWindow *  parent,
wxWindowID  id,
const wxString &  caption,
const wxPoint &  pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize &  size = wxDefaultSize,
long  style = wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE 

Definition at line 75 of file workbench_frame.cpp.

References _TRACE, format, and NULL.




CAppTaskService::DECLARE_EVENT_MAP ( )


CDiagConsoleList::DECLARE_EVENT_MAP ( )




CStatusBarService::DECLARE_EVENT_MAP ( )




CDiagConsolePanel::DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE ( )


CStatusBarServiceEvtHandler::DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE ( )

◆ DeleteToolBarFactory() [1/2]

void CWindowManagerService::DeleteToolBarFactory ( IToolBarContributor factory)

forces deleting of the factory

Implements IToolBarService.

Definition at line 261 of file window_manager_service_impl.cpp.

References _ASSERT, ERR_POST, and CWindowManagerService::m_ToolBarFactories.

◆ DeleteToolBarFactory() [2/2]

virtual void IToolBarService::DeleteToolBarFactory ( IToolBarContributor factory)
pure virtual

forces deleting of the factory

Implemented in CWindowManagerService.

◆ DependsOn()

bool CPkgManager::DependsOn ( const CPackageInfo pkg,
const string pkg_name 
) const

◆ DestroyModel() [1/2]

void CEventTablePanel::DestroyModel ( )

◆ DestroyModel() [2/2]

void CTaskTablePanel::DestroyModel ( )

◆ DestroyViewWindow() [1/4]

void CDiagConsoleView::DestroyViewWindow ( )

destroy Window corresponding to the view

Implements IView.

Definition at line 363 of file diag_panel.cpp.

References CDiagConsoleView::m_Panel, and NULL.

◆ DestroyViewWindow() [2/4]

void CEventView::DestroyViewWindow ( )

destroy Window corresponding to the view

Implements IView.

Definition at line 595 of file event_view.cpp.

References CEventView::m_Panel, and NULL.

◆ DestroyViewWindow() [3/4]

void CTaskView::DestroyViewWindow ( )

destroy Window corresponding to the view

Implements IView.

Definition at line 613 of file task_view.cpp.

References CTaskView::m_Panel, and NULL.

◆ DestroyViewWindow() [4/4]

virtual void IView::DestroyViewWindow ( )
pure virtual

◆ ForwardKeyEventsTo()

void CWorkbenchFrame::ForwardKeyEventsTo ( CDockManager manager)

◆ GetActiveClient() [1/2]

IWMClient * CWindowManagerService::GetActiveClient ( )

returns Active client (i.e. client that has focus)

Implements IWindowManagerService.

Definition at line 149 of file window_manager_service_impl.cpp.

References _ASSERT, CWindowManager::GetActiveClient(), and CWindowManagerService::m_WindowManager.

◆ GetActiveClient() [2/2]

virtual IWMClient* IWindowManagerService::GetActiveClient ( )
pure virtual

returns Active client (i.e. client that has focus)

Implemented in CWindowManagerService.

Referenced by CFrameworkDemoGUI::OnCloseViewClick().

◆ GetAllClients() [1/2]

void CWindowManagerService::GetAllClients ( TClients clients)

returns a list of all registered IWMClients

Implements IWindowManagerService.

Definition at line 142 of file window_manager_service_impl.cpp.

References _ASSERT, CWindowManager::GetAllClients(), and CWindowManagerService::m_WindowManager.

◆ GetAllClients() [2/2]

virtual void IWindowManagerService::GetAllClients ( TClients clients)
pure virtual

returns a list of all registered IWMClients

Implemented in CWindowManagerService.

Referenced by CViewManagerService::ShutDownService(), and CFrameworkDemoGUI::x_CloseAllViews().

◆ GetAppTaskService() [1/2]

CAppTaskService * CWorkbench::GetAppTaskService ( )

Implements IWorkbench.

Definition at line 300 of file workbench_impl.cpp.

References CWorkbench::m_AppTaskService.

Referenced by CIndexerAppModeExtension::OnFileOpen().

◆ GetAppTaskService() [2/2]

virtual CAppTaskService* IWorkbench::GetAppTaskService ( )
pure virtual

◆ GetAppTitle()

virtual string IWorkbenchAdvisor::GetAppTitle ( )
pure virtual

get application title

Implemented in CFrameworkDemoGUI.

Referenced by CWorkbench::x_InitMainFrame().

◆ GetBackgroundedTasks()

void CAppTaskService::GetBackgroundedTasks ( TRecRefVec tasks)

◆ GetBasePkgs()

void CPkgManager::GetBasePkgs ( const string pkg_name,
vector< string > &  basePkgs 
) const

◆ GetBitmapResource() [1/7]

wxBitmap CAppOptionsDlg::GetBitmapResource ( const wxString &  name)

Definition at line 156 of file app_options_dlg.cpp.

◆ GetBitmapResource() [2/7]

wxBitmap CAppPackagesDlg::GetBitmapResource ( const wxString &  name)

Definition at line 229 of file app_packages_dlg.cpp.

◆ GetBitmapResource() [3/7]

wxBitmap CDiagConsolePanel::GetBitmapResource ( const wxString &  name)

Definition at line 177 of file diag_panel.cpp.

◆ GetBitmapResource() [4/7]

wxBitmap CEventRecordDetailsDlg::GetBitmapResource ( const wxString &  name)

Definition at line 117 of file event_record_details_dlg.cpp.

◆ GetBitmapResource() [5/7]

wxBitmap CItemSelectionPanel::GetBitmapResource ( const wxString &  name)

Definition at line 403 of file item_selection_panel.cpp.

◆ GetBitmapResource() [6/7]

wxBitmap CStatusMessageSlotPanel::GetBitmapResource ( const wxString &  name)

Definition at line 142 of file status_message_slot_panel.cpp.

◆ GetBitmapResource() [7/7]

wxBitmap CTaskDetailsDlg::GetBitmapResource ( const wxString &  name)

Definition at line 173 of file task_details_dlg.cpp.

◆ GetCategory() [1/2]

string CViewTypeDescriptor::GetCategory ( ) const

get view category (used for view grouping in UI)

Definition at line 541 of file view_manager_service_impl.cpp.

References CViewTypeDescriptor::m_Category.

Referenced by CViewManagerService::x_GetViewRegistryPath().

◆ GetCategory() [2/2]

virtual string IItemWithDescription::GetCategory ( )
pure virtual

◆ GetClientLabel() [1/3]

string CDiagConsoleView::GetClientLabel ( IWMClient::ELabel  ltype = IWMClient::eDefault) const

returns the client label (name) to be displayed in UI

Implements IWMClient.

Definition at line 378 of file diag_panel.cpp.

References CUIObject::GetLabel(), and CDiagConsoleView::m_TypeDescr.

◆ GetClientLabel() [2/3]

string CEventView::GetClientLabel ( IWMClient::ELabel  ltype = IWMClient::eDefault) const

returns the client label (name) to be displayed in UI

Implements IWMClient.

Definition at line 524 of file event_view.cpp.

References CUIObject::GetLabel(), and CEventView::m_TypeDescr.

◆ GetClientLabel() [3/3]

string CTaskView::GetClientLabel ( IWMClient::ELabel  ltype = IWMClient::eDefault) const

returns the client label (name) to be displayed in UI

Implements IWMClient.

Definition at line 632 of file task_view.cpp.

References CUIObject::GetLabel(), and CTaskView::m_TypeDescr.

◆ GetColor() [1/3]

const CRgbaColor * CDiagConsoleView::GetColor ( ) const

returns a color associated with the client, n/a if NULL

Implements IWMClient.

Definition at line 390 of file diag_panel.cpp.

References NULL.

◆ GetColor() [2/3]

const CRgbaColor * CEventView::GetColor ( ) const

returns a color associated with the client, n/a if NULL

Implements IWMClient.

Definition at line 536 of file event_view.cpp.

References NULL.

◆ GetColor() [3/3]

const CRgbaColor * CTaskView::GetColor ( ) const

returns a color associated with the client, n/a if NULL

Implements IWMClient.

Definition at line 644 of file task_view.cpp.

References NULL.

◆ GetColumnName() [1/2]

wxString CEventViewModel::GetColumnName ( int  col_idx) const

Returns a default name for the column using spreadsheet conventions: A, B, C, ...

Z, AA, AB, etc. If column cannot be found, returns an empty name. AnyType has a type of string.

There is one static instance of string inside, so it is refilled every next call. It is enough for drawing purposes, but if someone needs more, (s)he should implement more.

Reimplemented from CwxAbstractTableModel.

Definition at line 151 of file event_view.cpp.

References CEventViewModel::m_Names, and ToWxString().

◆ GetColumnName() [2/2]

wxString CTaskViewModel::GetColumnName ( int  col_idx) const

Returns a default name for the column using spreadsheet conventions: A, B, C, ...

Z, AA, AB, etc. If column cannot be found, returns an empty name. AnyType has a type of string.

There is one static instance of string inside, so it is refilled every next call. It is enough for drawing purposes, but if someone needs more, (s)he should implement more.

Reimplemented from CwxAbstractTableModel.

Definition at line 155 of file task_view.cpp.

References CTaskViewModel::m_Names, and ToWxString().

◆ GetColumnType() [1/2]

wxString CEventViewModel::GetColumnType ( int  col_idx) const

Tries to extract actual type from row 0 value if it exists.

Otherwise returns typeid(int) [anyway it is of no use in abcence of data]

Reimplemented from CwxAbstractTableModel.

Definition at line 145 of file event_view.cpp.

References wxT.

◆ GetColumnType() [2/2]

wxString CTaskViewModel::GetColumnType ( int  col_idx) const

Tries to extract actual type from row 0 value if it exists.

Otherwise returns typeid(int) [anyway it is of no use in abcence of data]

Reimplemented from CwxAbstractTableModel.

Definition at line 149 of file task_view.cpp.

References wxT.

◆ GetCommandHandler() [1/3]

virtual wxEvtHandler* CDiagConsoleView::GetCommandHandler ( )

returns a pointer to the command handler (for menu commands and updates)

Implements IWMClient.

Definition at line 164 of file diag_panel.hpp.

References CDiagConsoleView::GetWindow().

◆ GetCommandHandler() [2/3]

wxEvtHandler * CEventView::GetCommandHandler ( )

returns a pointer to the command handler (for menu commands and updates)

Implements IWMClient.

Definition at line 517 of file event_view.cpp.

References _ASSERT, CEventTablePanel::GetTable(), CEventView::m_Panel, and table.

◆ GetCommandHandler() [3/3]

virtual wxEvtHandler* CTaskView::GetCommandHandler ( )

returns a pointer to the command handler (for menu commands and updates)

Implements IWMClient.

Definition at line 216 of file task_view.hpp.

References CTaskView::GetWindow().

◆ GetCompatibleToolBars()

virtual void IToolBarContext::GetCompatibleToolBars ( vector< string > &  names)
pure virtual

returns the names of toolbars compatible with this class (toolbars that are relevant and useful in the context of this class)

Implemented in CTableViewWithTextViewNav, CVcfTableView, CTextView, CSequinDesktopView, CViewGraphic, CFeatTableView, CTableView, and CProjectViewBase.

◆ GetDefaultCommand()

virtual int IUIDataSource::GetDefaultCommand ( void  )

◆ GetDependentPkgs()

void CPkgManager::GetDependentPkgs ( const string pkg_name,
vector< string > &  dependents 
) const

Definition at line 540 of file pkg_manager.cpp.

References CPkgManager::DependsOn(), ITERATE, and NStr::ToUpper().

Referenced by CAppPackagesDlg::OnEnablePkg().

◆ GetDescr() [1/3]

virtual string IAppTask::GetDescr ( ) const
pure virtual

◆ GetDescr() [2/3]