NCBI C++ ToolKit
typedef CBlobIdFor<int> CBlobIdInt |
Definition at line 151 of file blob_id.hpp.
typedef CBlobIdFor<const void*> CBlobIdPtr |
Definition at line 152 of file blob_id.hpp.
typedef CBlobIdFor<CSeq_id_Handle> CBlobIdSeq_id |
Definition at line 154 of file blob_id.hpp.
typedef CBlobIdFor<string> CBlobIdString |
Definition at line 153 of file blob_id.hpp.
typedef Converter CBlobIdFor< Value, Converter >::convert_to_string_type |
Definition at line 114 of file blob_id.hpp.
typedef EState SPrefetchTypes::EEvent |
Definition at line 67 of file prefetch_manager.hpp.
typedef int SRequestDetails::TAnnotBlobType |
Definition at line 86 of file data_loader.hpp.
Definition at line 554 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
Definition at line 76 of file data_loader.hpp.
Definition at line 75 of file data_loader.hpp.
typedef vector<CBioseq_Handle> CScope::TBioseqHandles |
typedef CBlobIdKey CDataLoader::TBlobId |
Definition at line 429 of file data_loader.hpp.
typedef CBlobIdKey CScope::TBlobId |
typedef int CBlobStateException::TBlobState |
Definition at line 162 of file objmgr_exception.hpp.
typedef int CDataLoader::TBlobVersion |
Definition at line 430 of file data_loader.hpp.
typedef vector<TIds> CDataLoader::TBulkIds |
Definition at line 386 of file data_loader.hpp.
typedef vector<TIds> CScope::TBulkIds |
typedef vector<CTSE_Handle> CScope::TCDD_Entries |
typedef vector<CTSE_Lock> CDataLoader::TCDD_Locks |
Definition at line 397 of file data_loader.hpp.
typedef CRef<CTSE_Chunk_Info> CDataLoader::TChunk |
Definition at line 230 of file data_loader.hpp.
typedef vector<TChunk> CDataLoader::TChunkSet |
Definition at line 231 of file data_loader.hpp.
typedef Container CStdSeq_idSource< Container >::TContainer |
Definition at line 246 of file prefetch_actions.hpp.
Definition at line 134 of file object_manager.hpp.
protected |
Definition at line 229 of file object_manager.hpp.
protected |
Definition at line 723 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
protected |
Definition at line 691 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
protected |
Definition at line 690 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
protected |
Definition at line 692 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
typedef CRef<IEditSaver> CDataLoader::TEditSaver |
Definition at line 461 of file data_loader.hpp.
typedef int CBlobStateException::TErrCode |
Definition at line 186 of file objmgr_exception.hpp.
typedef CRef<CInt_fuzz> CMappingRange::TFuzz |
Definition at line 95 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
protected |
Definition at line 695 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
typedef int CSeq_loc_Mapper_Base::TFuzzOption |
Definition at line 391 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
typedef int CScope::TGetFlags |
typedef vector<TGi> CDataLoader::TGis |
Definition at line 387 of file data_loader.hpp.
typedef vector<TGi> CScope::TGIs |
typedef vector<TRange> CGraphRanges::TGraphRanges |
Definition at line 240 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
typedef Handle CPrefetchComplete< Handle >::THandle |
Definition at line 168 of file prefetch_actions.hpp.
typedef CBioseq_Handle CPrefetchComplete< CBioseq_Handle >::THandle |
Definition at line 204 of file prefetch_actions.hpp.
typedef vector<bool> CDataLoader::THashKnown |
Definition at line 394 of file data_loader.hpp.
Definition at line 189 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
typedef map<CSeq_id_Handle, TRangeMap> CMappingRanges::TIdMap |
Definition at line 188 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
typedef vector<CSeq_id_Handle> CDataLoader::TIds |
Definition at line 283 of file data_loader.hpp.
Definition at line 64 of file prefetch.hpp.
typedef vector<CSeq_id_Handle> CPrefetchBioseqActionSource::TIds |
Definition at line 275 of file prefetch_actions.hpp.
typedef vector<CSeq_id_Handle> CPrefetchFeat_CIActionSource::TIds |
Definition at line 295 of file prefetch_actions.hpp.
typedef vector<CSeq_id_Handle> CScope::TIds |
typedef TContainer::const_iterator CStdSeq_idSource< Container >::TIterator |
Definition at line 247 of file prefetch_actions.hpp.
typedef vector<string> CDataLoader::TLabels |
Definition at line 388 of file data_loader.hpp.
typedef vector<string> CScope::TLabels |
private |
Definition at line 905 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
typedef vector<bool> CDataLoader::TLoaded |
Bulk loading interface for a small pieces of information per id.
The 'loaded' bit set (in/out) marks ids that already processed. If an element in 'loaded' is set on input then bulk methods should skip corresponding id, as it's already processed. Othewise, if the id is known and processed, the 'loaded' element will be set to true. Othewise, the 'loaded' element will remain false.
Definition at line 385 of file data_loader.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 258 of file object_manager.hpp.
Definition at line 285 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
typedef int CSeq_loc_Mapper_Base::TMapOptions |
Definition at line 374 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
protected |
Definition at line 716 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 259 of file object_manager.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 931 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
typedef THandle::TObject CPrefetchComplete< Handle >::TObject |
Definition at line 169 of file prefetch_actions.hpp.
typedef THandle::TObject CPrefetchComplete< CBioseq_Handle >::TObject |
Definition at line 205 of file prefetch_actions.hpp.
typedef TParam CParamLoaderMaker< TDataLoader, TParam >::TParamType |
Definition at line 153 of file data_loader.hpp.
typedef int CGC_Assembly_Parser::TParserFlags |
Definition at line 83 of file gc_assembly_parser.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 252 of file object_manager.hpp.
typedef unsigned int CPrefetchManager_Impl::TPriority |
Definition at line 65 of file prefetch_manager_impl.hpp.
typedef int CObjectManager::TPriority |
Definition at line 151 of file object_manager.hpp.
typedef int SPrefetchTypes::TPriority |
Definition at line 69 of file prefetch_manager.hpp.
typedef int CScope::TPriority |
typedef set<string> CDataLoader::TProcessedNAs |
Definition at line 233 of file data_loader.hpp.
typedef int SPrefetchTypes::TProgress |
Definition at line 70 of file prefetch_manager.hpp.
typedef CRange<TSeqPos> CMappingRange::TRange |
Definition at line 94 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
Definition at line 185 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
typedef CRange<TSeqPos> CGraphRanges::TRange |
Definition at line 239 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
protected |
Definition at line 684 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
typedef CRange<TSeqPos> SRequestDetails::TRange |
Definition at line 74 of file data_loader.hpp.
typedef pair<TFuzz, TFuzz> CMappingRange::TRangeFuzz |
Definition at line 96 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
protected |
Definition at line 696 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
Definition at line 187 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
protected |
Definition at line 686 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
Definition at line 186 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
protected |
Definition at line 685 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
protected |
Definition at line 720 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
protected |
Definition at line 719 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 268 of file object_manager.hpp.
typedef vector<string> CObjectManager::TRegisteredNames |
Definition at line 178 of file object_manager.hpp.
typedef SRegisterLoaderInfo<TDataLoader> CSimpleLoaderMaker< TDataLoader >::TRegisterInfo |
Definition at line 137 of file data_loader.hpp.
typedef SRegisterLoaderInfo<TDataLoader> CParamLoaderMaker< TDataLoader, TParam >::TRegisterInfo |
Definition at line 168 of file data_loader.hpp.
protected |
Definition at line 113 of file data_loader.hpp.
Definition at line 213 of file object_manager.hpp.
Definition at line 83 of file prefetch_actions.hpp.
typedef CFeat_CI CPrefetchFeat_CI::TResult |
Definition at line 117 of file prefetch_actions.hpp.
typedef CConstRef<TObject> CPrefetchComplete< Handle >::TResult |
Definition at line 170 of file prefetch_actions.hpp.
typedef CConstRef<TObject> CPrefetchComplete< CBioseq_Handle >::TResult |
Definition at line 206 of file prefetch_actions.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 267 of file object_manager.hpp.
typedef vector<CSeq_id_Handle> CScope::TSeq_id_Handles |
typedef set<CSeq_id_Handle> CDataLoader::TSeq_idSet |
Definition at line 268 of file data_loader.hpp.
Definition at line 95 of file gc_assembly_parser.hpp.
typedef vector<vector<CSeq_id_Handle> > CDataLoader::TSeqIdSets |
Definition at line 396 of file data_loader.hpp.
Definition at line 1022 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
protected |
Definition at line 721 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
typedef int CScope::TSequenceHash |
typedef vector<int> CDataLoader::TSequenceHashes |
Definition at line 393 of file data_loader.hpp.
typedef vector<TSequenceHash> CScope::TSequenceHashes |
typedef vector<TSeqPos> CDataLoader::TSequenceLengths |
Definition at line 390 of file data_loader.hpp.
typedef vector<TSeqPos> CScope::TSequenceLengths |
typedef vector<int> CDataLoader::TSequenceStates |
Definition at line 392 of file data_loader.hpp.
typedef vector<CBioseq_Handle::TBioseqStateFlags> CScope::TSequenceStates |
Get GenBank states of sequences Return (fState_not_found|fState_no_data) for sequences that aren't found.
typedef vector<CSeq_inst::TMol> CDataLoader::TSequenceTypes |
Definition at line 391 of file data_loader.hpp.
typedef vector<CSeq_inst::TMol> CScope::TSequenceTypes |
Get molecular types of sequences (protein/dna/rna) Return CSeq_inst::eMol_not_set for sequences that aren't found.
private |
Definition at line 257 of file object_manager.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 260 of file object_manager.hpp.
typedef vector< CRef<CMappingRange> > CMappingRanges::TSortedMappings |
Definition at line 190 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
protected |
Definition at line 687 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
protected |
Definition at line 724 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 904 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
Definition at line 575 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
Definition at line 1023 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
typedef vector<TTaxId> CDataLoader::TTaxIds |
Definition at line 389 of file data_loader.hpp.
typedef vector<TTaxId> CScope::TTaxIds |
typedef CBlobIdFor<Value, Converter> CBlobIdFor< Value, Converter >::TThisType |
Definition at line 115 of file blob_id.hpp.
typedef vector<CSeq_entry_Handle> CScope::TTSE_Handles |
typedef CTSE_Lock CDataLoader::TTSE_Lock |
Definition at line 228 of file data_loader.hpp.
typedef set<TTSE_Lock> CDataLoader::TTSE_LockSet |
Definition at line 229 of file data_loader.hpp.
Definition at line 395 of file data_loader.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 269 of file object_manager.hpp.
typedef Value CBlobIdFor< Value, Converter >::value_type |
Definition at line 113 of file blob_id.hpp.
enum CDataLoader::EChoice |
main blob is blob with sequence all other blobs are external and contain external annotations
Definition at line 210 of file data_loader.hpp.
Definition at line 60 of file annot_mapper_exception.hpp.
Enumerator | |
eColumnNotFound | Requested column is missing. |
eRowNotFound | Requested row is missing. |
eIncompatibleValueType | Data cannot be converted to asked type. |
eOtherError |
Definition at line 53 of file seq_table_exception.hpp.
Enumerator | |
eUnsupported | Unsupported type/flag. |
eOtherError |
Definition at line 126 of file gc_assembly_parser.hpp.
Definition at line 53 of file objmgr_exception.hpp.
Definition at line 75 of file objmgr_exception.hpp.
Enumerator | |
eCodingError | Incompatible coding selected. |
eDataError | Sequence data error. |
eOutOfRange | Attempt to access out-of-range iterator. |
Definition at line 95 of file objmgr_exception.hpp.
Definition at line 109 of file objmgr_exception.hpp.
Enumerator | |
eNotImplemented | |
eNoData | |
ePrivateData | |
eConnectionFailed | |
eCompressionError | |
eLoaderFailed | |
eNoConnection | |
eOtherError | |
eRepeatAgain | |
eBadConfig | |
eNotFound |
Definition at line 125 of file objmgr_exception.hpp.
Enumerator | |
eBlobStateError | |
eLoaderError | |
eOtherError |
Definition at line 157 of file objmgr_exception.hpp.
Enumerator | |
eNotImplemented | |
eBadSequenceType | |
eBadLocation | |
eNotUnique | |
eUnknownLength | |
eBadFeature | |
eBadResidue | |
eBadAlignment |
Definition at line 212 of file objmgr_exception.hpp.
Enumerator | |
eTimeLimitExceded | |
eSegmentsLimitExceded |
Definition at line 237 of file objmgr_exception.hpp.
Enumerator | |
eFailed |
Definition at line 140 of file prefetch_manager.hpp.
Enumerator | |
eCanceled |
Definition at line 152 of file prefetch_manager.hpp.
enum CScope::EExist |
Mapping direction used when initializing the mapper with a feature.
Enumerator | |
eLocationToProduct | Map from the feature's location to product. |
eProductToLocation | Map from the feature's product to location. |
Definition at line 345 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
enum CScope::EForceLoad |
private |
Enumerator | |
eGapPreserve | |
eGapRemove |
Definition at line 739 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
Destination of seq-id mapping through a GC-Assembly.
Definition at line 228 of file seq_loc_mapper.hpp.
enum CScope::EGetFlags |
Flags to control behavior of various meta-data getters fForceLoad instructs scope to ignore already loaded information and alway request data loader for data fThrowOnMissing instructs to throw an exeption if the requested data is missing - either sequence id cannot be found in any data loader or the sequence doesn't have the requested meta-data without the flag getter will return special value.
Enumerator | |
fForceLoad | ignore already loaded information and alway request data loader |
fThrowOnMissingSequence | fThrowOnMissingSequence will cause exception to be thrown if sequence not found. The exception type/code: CObjMgrException/eFindFailed
fThrowOnMissingData | fThrowOnMissingData will cause exception to be thrown if sequence is found but doesn't have the data The exception type/code: CObjMgrException/eMissingData
fThrowOnMissing | throw exception if sequence or requested data aren't found |
fDoNotRecalculate | avoid time-consuming recalculation of missing data |
Flag defining if the data loader is included in the "default" group.
Default data loaders can be added to a scope using CScope::AddDefaults().
Enumerator | |
eDefault | |
eNonDefault |
Definition at line 146 of file object_manager.hpp.
Options for interpretations of locations.
Enumerator | |
fAlign_Dense_seg_TotalRange | Ignore internal dense-seg structure - map each dense-seg according to the total ranges involved. |
fAlign_Sparse_ToFirst | Flags used to indicate mapping direction when mapping through a sparse-seg. Map to first-id |
fAlign_Sparse_ToSecond | Map to second-id. |
fMapSingleLevel | Flag used when mapping through a seq-map (this includes mapping through a bioseq or a GC-assembly). If set, each call to Map() goes only one level up or down, unlike normal mode which maps from any level as far up/down as possible. The result of mapping can be mapped further by making another call to Map(). |
fTrimMappedLocation | Enable trimming of source/destination ranges at sequence end. By default locations can stretch beyond sequence end. With trimming enabled the mapper will truncate ranges to fit sequence lengths. |
Definition at line 351 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
Result of seq-annot mapping.
Enumerator | |
eMapped_None | No annotation was mapped, the input seq-annot is unchanged. |
eMapped_Some | Some (not all) annotations were mapped. |
eMapped_All | All annotations were mapped, none was removed. |
Definition at line 557 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
private |
Enumerator | |
eMergeNone | |
eMergeAbutting | |
eMergeContained | |
eMergeBySeg | |
eMergeAll |
Definition at line 732 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
private |
Enumerator | |
fTrimSplicedSegs | |
fKeepNonmapping | |
fCheckStrand | |
fIncludeSrcLocs | |
fMixedAlignsAsSpliced | |
fErrorOnPartial |
Definition at line 915 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
enum CScope::EMissing |
Enumerator | |
eNon_locking_prefetch |
Definition at line 66 of file prefetch.hpp.
Enumerator | |
eNot_set | |
eSeq_loc | |
eSeq_feat | |
eSeq_align | |
eSeq_graph |
Definition at line 1056 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
Default data source priority.
Definition at line 153 of file object_manager.hpp.
enum CScope::EPriority |
Using CScope for virtual bioseqs created from GC-Assemblies.
Definition at line 238 of file seq_loc_mapper.hpp.
Enumerator | |
eSeqMap_Up | map from segments to the top level bioseq |
eSeqMap_Down | map from a segmented bioseq to segments |
Definition at line 78 of file seq_loc_mapper.hpp.
Enumerator | |
eSeq_unknown | |
eSeq_nuc | |
eSeq_prot |
Definition at line 583 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
Spliced-seg row indexing constants.
Enumerator | |
eSplicedRow_Prod | |
eSplicedRow_Gen |
Definition at line 377 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
Enumerator | |
eInvalid | |
eQueued | |
eStarted | |
eAdvanced | |
eCompleted | |
eCanceled | |
eFailed |
Definition at line 58 of file prefetch_manager.hpp.
enum CScope::ETSEKind |
Enumerator | |
fAnnotBlobNone | |
fAnnotBlobInternal | |
fAnnotBlobExternal | |
fAnnotBlobOrphan | |
fAnnotBlobAll |
Definition at line 77 of file data_loader.hpp.
Flags defining seq-annot mapping options.
Definition at line 539 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
Enumerator | |
fFuzzOption_CStyle | |
fFuzzOption_RemoveLimTlOrTr |
Definition at line 382 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
Parser options.
Definition at line 69 of file gc_assembly_parser.hpp.
protected |
Definition at line 369 of file object_manager.cpp.
References CObjectManager::eNonDefault, CObjectManager::kPriority_Default, CObjectManager::m_OM_Lock, CGuard< Resource, Lock, Unlock, ReportExceptions >::Release(), CObjectManager::x_FindDataSource(), and CObjectManager::x_RegisterLoader().
Referenced by CScope_Impl::AddDataLoader(), and CScope_Impl::RemoveDataLoader().
protected |
Definition at line 383 of file object_manager.cpp.
References _ASSERT, CObjectManager::m_OM_Lock, NCBI_THROW, CObjectManager::x_FindDataSource(), and CObjectManager::x_GetLoaderByName().
protected |
Definition at line 361 of file object_manager.cpp.
References CObjectManager::m_OM_Lock, and CObjectManager::m_setDefaultSource.
Referenced by CScope_Impl::AddDefaults().
protected |
Definition at line 418 of file object_manager.cpp.
References _ASSERT, CObjectManager::CDataSource, map_checker< Container >::insert(), CObjectManager::m_mapToSource, CObjectManager::m_OM_Lock, CGuard< Resource, Lock, Unlock, ReportExceptions >::Release(), CSeq_entry_Base::SetSeq(), rapidjson::source, and CObjectManager::x_FindDataSource().
Referenced by CScope_Impl::AddSharedBioseq().
protected |
Definition at line 440 of file object_manager.cpp.
References _ASSERT, CObjectManager::CDataSource, map_checker< Container >::insert(), CObjectManager::m_mapToSource, CObjectManager::m_OM_Lock, Ref(), CGuard< Resource, Lock, Unlock, ReportExceptions >::Release(), CBioseq_set_Base::SetAnnot(), CBioseq_set_Base::SetSeq_set(), CSeq_entry_Base::SetSet(), rapidjson::source, and CObjectManager::x_FindDataSource().
Referenced by CScope_Impl::AddSharedSeq_annot().
protected |
Definition at line 398 of file object_manager.cpp.
References _ASSERT, CObjectManager::CDataSource, map_checker< Container >::insert(), CObjectManager::m_mapToSource, CObjectManager::m_OM_Lock, CGuard< Resource, Lock, Unlock, ReportExceptions >::Release(), rapidjson::source, and CObjectManager::x_FindDataSource().
Referenced by CScope_Impl::AddSharedSeq_entry().
CRef< CPrefetchRequest > CPrefetchManager::AddAction | ( | IPrefetchAction * | action, |
IPrefetchListener * | listener = 0 |
) |
Definition at line 90 of file prefetch_manager.cpp.
References CPrefetchManager::AddAction().
CRef< CPrefetchRequest > CPrefetchManager_Impl::AddAction | ( | TPriority | priority, |
IPrefetchAction * | action, | ||
IPrefetchListener * | listener | ||
) |
Definition at line 235 of file prefetch_manager_impl.cpp.
References CThreadPool::AddTask(), CPrefetchManager_Impl::CPrefetchRequest, CObjectFor< T >::GetData(), CThreadPool::IsAborted(), CPrefetchManager_Impl::m_StateMutex, and CPrefetchManager_Impl::m_ThreadPool.
Referenced by CPrefetchManager::AddAction().
CRef< CPrefetchRequest > CPrefetchManager::AddAction | ( | TPriority | priority, |
IPrefetchAction * | action, | ||
IPrefetchListener * | listener = 0 |
) |
Definition at line 78 of file prefetch_manager.cpp.
References CPrefetchManager_Impl::AddAction(), CPrefetchManager::m_Impl, and NCBI_THROW.
Referenced by CPrefetchManager::AddAction(), CPrefetchSequence::EnqueNextAction(), CStdPrefetch::GetBioseqHandle(), CStdPrefetch::GetFeat_CI(), and CDemoApp::Run().
CBioseq_Handle CScope::AddBioseq | ( | CBioseq & | bioseq, |
TPriority | pri = kPriority_Default , |
EExist | action = eExist_Throw |
) |
Add bioseq, return bioseq handle.
Try to use unresolved seq-id from the bioseq, fail if all ids are already resolved to other sequences. Add object to the score with possibility to edit it directly. If the object is already in the scope the AddXxx() methods will throw an exception or return handle to existent object depending on the action argument.
Definition at line 530 of file scope.cpp.
References CScope_Impl::AddBioseq(), and CScope::m_Impl.
Referenced by CVDBBlastUtil::AddSubjectsToScope(), CProjectFileWriter::AddToScope(), CTrimN::apply(), CdBlaster::blast(), BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), CkCdRegion(), BLASTer::CreateNewPairwiseAlignmentsByBlast(), CSeqEntryGetSource::CSeqEntryGetSource(), CSimpleB2SWrapper::DoBlast2Seqs(), CReadBlastApp::dump_fasta_for_pretty_blast(), CSeqFormatter::DumpAll(), EmblAscii(), CBlastDBExtractor::ExtractFasta(), GenBankAscii(), GenBankAsciiOrig(), CDeflineGenerator::GenerateDefline(), LoadSequencesToScope(), CAsn2FastaApp::ObtainSeqEntryFromBioseq(), CSelectFeatureDlg::OnButtonLoadFile(), CFlatFileDemoDlg::OnLoadFileClick(), CdBlaster::psiBlast(), CGffExportJob::Run(), CGtfExportJob::Run(), CDemoApp::Run(), s_ConvertBioseqs2TSeqLocVector(), s_ConvertSubjects2TSeqLocVector(), s_CreateKmerCounts(), s_GetSequencesIntoScope(), CPsiBlastTestFixture::s_SetupSubject(), CClippedScorer::ScoreAlignments(), SpPrepareEntry(), sRunTest(), sUpdateCase(), CTestAction::TestOID(), CMacroFunction_TrimTerminalNs::TheFunction(), TrimSeqData(), CFastaOstream::Write(), CBlastDB_FastaFormatter::Write(), CIdMapperGCAssembly::x_AddAliasMappings(), CSeq_loc_Mapper::x_AddVirtualBioseq(), CIgBlast::x_AnnotateDomain(), CFlatGatherer::x_GatherFeaturesOnRange(), CBuffer_DataLoader::x_LoadData(), CPromote::x_MakeNewBioseq(), CBlastFormatterApp::x_QueryBioseqToSSeqLoc(), CBlastFormatterVdbApp::x_QueryBioseqToSSeqLoc(), CBlastFormat::x_ReverseQuery(), CBioseqContext::x_SetMapper(), CVectorTrimPanel::x_SetSeqData(), CPsiBl2SeqTestFixture::x_SetupSubject(), CFastaOstreamEx::x_WriteTranslatedCds(), XMLAscii(), and CAnnotWriterApp::xProcessInputObject().
CBioseq_Handle CScope::AddBioseq | ( | const CBioseq & | bioseq, |
TPriority | pri = kPriority_Default , |
EExist | action = eExist_Throw |
) |
Add shared Bioseq, scope will not modify it.
If edit handle is requested, scope will create a copy object. If the object is already in the scope the AddXxx() methods will throw an exception or return handle to existent object depending on the action argument.
Definition at line 554 of file scope.cpp.
References CScope_Impl::AddSharedBioseq(), and CScope::m_Impl.
void CMappingRanges::AddConversion | ( | CRef< CMappingRange > | cvt | ) |
Add new mapping range to the proper place.
Definition at line 446 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.cpp.
References map_checker< Container >::insert(), and CMappingRanges::m_IdMap.
Referenced by CMappingRanges::AddConversion(), s_DumpSequences_wRange(), CSeq_loc_Mapper_Base::x_AddConversion(), CSeq_loc_Mapper_Base::x_AdjustSeqTypesToProt(), CFeatureGraph::x_CreateMapRanges(), CBLASTSeqToolJob::x_CreateProjectItems(), and CSeq_loc_Mapper_Base::x_PreserveDestinationLocs().
CRef< CMappingRange > CMappingRanges::AddConversion | ( | CSeq_id_Handle | src_id, |
TSeqPos | src_from, | ||
TSeqPos | src_length, | ||
ENa_strand | src_strand, | ||
CSeq_id_Handle | dst_id, | ||
TSeqPos | dst_from, | ||
ENa_strand | dst_strand, | ||
bool | ext_to = false , |
int | frame = 0 , |
TSeqPos | dst_total_len = kInvalidSeqPos , |
TSeqPos | src_bioseq_len = kInvalidSeqPos , |
TSeqPos | dst_len = kInvalidSeqPos |
) |
Definition at line 454 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.cpp.
References CMappingRanges::AddConversion().
void CScope::AddDataLoader | ( | const string & | loader_name, |
TPriority | pri = kPriority_Default |
) |
Add data loader by name.
The loader (or its factory) must be known to Object Manager.
Definition at line 510 of file scope.cpp.
References CScope_Impl::AddDataLoader(), and CScope::m_Impl.
Referenced by CGBDocument::AttachDataLoader(), BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), CHugeFileProcess::ForEachEntry(), CCreateSeqHistForTpa::GetCreateSeqHistFromTpaCommand(), CGeneFinder::GetFeatViaSubsetThenExtremesIfPossible_Helper(), CDUpdater::getSequencesFromGB(), GetVDBScope(), CAlnMrgApp::LoadBlastDb(), CDLTestThread::Main(), CDLTest2Thread::Main(), TestUtil::CBlastOM::NewScope(), RemoteFetchLongNucleotideBioseq(), CDeltaBlastApp::Run(), CSeedTopApp::Run(), CGBProjectTool::Run(), CVectorScreen::Run(), CXcompareAnnotsApplication::Run(), CAsnCacheTestApplication::Run(), CDemoApp::Run(), CAsnvalThreadState::ValidateAsync(), and COligoSpecificityCheck::x_SequencesMappedToSameTarget().
void CScope::AddDefaults | ( | TPriority | pri = kPriority_Default | ) |
Add default data loaders from object manager.
Definition at line 504 of file scope.cpp.
References CScope_Impl::AddDefaults(), and CScope::m_Impl.
Referenced by CTableAnnotDataSource::AddSeqLoc(), CTableAnnotDataSource::AddSnpSeqLoc(), AutofixCommand(), AutofixCommandHugeMode(), BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), CAsnvalThreadState::BuildScope(), CBiosampleChkApp::BuildScope(), CTLSHandler::BuildScope(), BuildScope(), CFeatTableEdit::CFeatTableEdit(), CFlatFileParser::CFlatFileParser(), CGff2Writer::CGff2Writer(), CheckOneSpecificHost(), CIdMapperNumAssembly::CIdMapperNumAssembly(), CAnnotationASN1::CImplementationData::CImplementationData(), CleanupCommand(), CleanupHugeFileCommand(), CTestObjMgr::CreateBlastSearchQuery(), CTestObjMgr::CreateEmptySSeqLoc(), CTableAnnotDataSource::CreateFeature(), CGBDocument::CreateProjectScope(), CTableAnnotDataSource::CreateSnpFeature(), CTableAnnotDataSource::CreateSnps(), CTestObjMgr::CreateWholeSSeqLoc(), CAgpObjectLoader::Execute(), CAssemblyObjectLoader::Execute(), CBedObjectLoader::Execute(), CGBObjectLoader::Execute(), CGffObjectLoader::Execute(), CLBLASTObjectLoader::Execute(), CPhyObjectLoader::Execute(), CRMObjectLoader::Execute(), CChainer::FindSelenoproteinsClipProteinsToStartStop(), CSequenceEditingEventHandler::FixNonReciprocalLinks(), fta_parse_buf(), GetDeleteAllFeaturesCommand_Ex(), CGeneFinder::GetFeatViaSubsetThenExtremesIfPossible_Helper(), GetGIForSeqId(), CSeqFetchQueue::GetInstance(), GetResolveOrder(), GetScope(), CAlnBuildApp::GetScope(), CAlnTestApp::GetScope(), CAlnMrgApp::GetScope(), CPairwiseAlnApp::GetScope(), GetSeqIdsForGI(), CDUpdater::getSequencesFromGB(), TaxClient::GetTaxIDForSeqId(), CCleanupApp::HandleSeqID(), ImportFeatTblTesting(), CAltValidator::Init(), CCrossAlnDemoDlg::Init(), CAlignMultipleDemoDlg::Init(), CwxDemoAlignTableFrame::Init(), CSelectFeatureDlg::Init(), CHitMatrixDemoDlg::Init(), CFlatFileDemoDlg::Init(), CSeqGraphicDemoDlg::Init(), CSeqTextDemoDlg::Init(), IsSequenceFetchable(), CwxDemoAlignTableFrame::LoadAccession(), CwxDemoFeatureTableFrame::LoadAccession(), CAlnVwrApp::LoadDenseg(), CwxDemoAlignTableFrame::LoadFile(), CwxDemoFeatureTableFrame::LoadFile(), CSimpleOM::NewScope(), CSeqTextDemoDlg::OnFileClick(), CWinMaskUtil::CInputBioseq_CI::operator++(), OverlapsSameAccessionAlignment::OverlapsSameAccessionAlignment(), CBiosampleChkApp::ProcessFileList(), CBiosampleChkApp::ProcessList(), CHgvsReader::ReadSeqAnnot(), CSeqTestApplication::Render(), IEditingActionFeat::ResetScope(), RetrieveGi555WithTimeOut(), RetrieveLargeChromosomeWithTimeOut(), RetrieveLargeNuclSequence(), RetrieveLargeProteinWithTimeOut(), RetrievePartsOfLargeChromosome(), CGffExportJob::Run(), CGtfExportJob::Run(), CDemoContigAssemblyApp::Run(), CNgAlignApp::Run(), CProSplignApp::Run(), CIdMapperTestApp::Run(), CDemoSeqQaApp::Run(), CSplignApp::Run(), CSrcChkApp::Run(), CSeqDescrRetrievalJob::Run(), CAnalyzeShiftApp::Run(), CAnnotWriterApp::Run(), CAsn2FastaApp::Run(), CDiscRepApp::Run(), CAlignCleanupApplication::Run(), CTestCompartApplication::Run(), CDemoScoreBuilderApp::Run(), CCpGDemoApp::Run(), CGeneModelDemoApp::Run(), CRegexpLocApp::Run(), CAsnSubCacheCreateApplication::Run(), CGuideTreeApplication::Run(), CConversionApp::Run(), CHgvsToSeqfeatConverter::Run(), CId1FetchApp::Run(), CIdfetchApplication::Run(), CDemoApp::Run(), CMytestApplication::Run(), CObjConvProfile::Run(), CTestBMApp::Run(), CSampleAlnmgrApplication::Run(), VSRunSampleApplication::Run(), CSampleLds2Application::Run(), CFeatTreeSampleApp::Run(), CSampleObjmgrApplication::Run(), s_CreateScope(), s_MakeNewMasterSeq(), s_SetupWithMultipleQueriesAndSubjects(), SCoverageData::SCoverageData(), CScopedProcess::SeqEntryInitialize(), CChainer::CChainerImpl::SetFlagsForChains(), CChainer::CChainerImpl::SetGenomicRange(), CValidError_imp::SetScope(), CSequenceEditingEventHandler::SetTopLevelBioseqSetClass(), CSplitCacheApp::SetupCache(), BlastEngineTestFixture::setupQueryAndSubject(), setupQueryInfoForOffsetTranslation(), sParseFlatfile(), sRunTest(), sUpdateCase(), TestDataNotFound(), CSplitCacheApp::TestSplit(), CMacroFunction_RemoveSingleItemSet::TheFunction(), CMacroFunction_RenormalizeNucProtSet::TheFunction(), CTable2AsnValidator::ValCollect(), CTable2AsnValidator::Validate(), CValidError_bioseq::ValidateBioseq(), CValidError_annot::ValidateSeqAnnot(), CSequenceUpdater::x_AddCitSubToUpdatedSequence(), CSequenceUpdater::x_AttachFeaturesToNewSeq(), CCmdCleanup::x_CreateActionCmd(), CCmdPlaceProteinFeats::x_CreateActionCmd(), CMappingObjectLoader::x_CreateMapper(), CGBankLoadingJob::x_CreateProjectItems(), CEditBioseqSampleApp::x_CreateScope(), CSNPSearchJob::x_DoSearch(), CEntrezSearchJob::x_DoSearch(), CAsnSubCacheCreateApplication::x_EliminateIdsAlreadyInCache(), CCreateGeneModelTask::x_GetCommand(), CGapStatsApplication::x_GetScope(), x_GetSeqLocFromStream(), CSeqMasterIndex::x_Init(), CBlastHitMatrix::x_InitObjectManager(), CMultiAlignerFixture::x_InitScope(), CAppHitFilter::x_LoadConstraints(), seqmasks_io_fixture::x_LoadMaskedBioseq(), CAgpconvertApplication::x_LoadTemplate(), CSplitQueryTestFixture::x_PrepareBlastQueryStructures(), CAlnMultiCGIApplication::x_PreProcess(), CGenBankLoadOptionPanel::x_ProccessText(), CPrimeCacheApplication::x_Process_Ids(), CHugeFileDemoApp::x_ProcessFileTraditionally(), CCleanupApp::x_ProcessOneFile(), CClustererApplication::x_RunBinary(), CClustererApplication::x_RunSparse(), CMappingObjectLoader::x_ShowMappingDlg(), CSelectProjectOptions::x_ShowSelectProjectDialog(), CAssemblyListPanel::x_UpdateSearchTerm(), CGenbankIdResolve::xGetDefaultScope(), and CFeatureTableReader::xParseCdregions().
CSeq_entry_Handle CScope::AddGC_Assembly | ( | const CGC_Assembly & | gc_assembly, |
CGC_Assembly_Parser::FParserFlags | flags = CGC_Assembly_Parser::fDefault , |
TPriority | pri = kPriority_Default , |
EExist | action = eExist_Throw |
) |
Add GC-Assembly.
Sequences from the assembly are converted to bioseqs and added to the scope as a new top level seq-entry.
Definition at line 569 of file scope.cpp.
References CScope::AddTopLevelSeqEntry(), flags, and CGC_Assembly_Parser::GetTSE().
Definition at line 255 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
References COpenRange< Position >::CombineWith(), COpenRange< Position >::Empty(), CRange_Base::GetFrom(), CRange_Base::GetTo(), COpenRange< Position >::IsWhole(), CGraphRanges::m_Offset, CGraphRanges::m_Ranges, and CGraphRanges::m_TotalRange.
Referenced by CSeq_loc_Conversion::ConvertInterval(), CSeq_loc_Conversion::ConvertPoint(), and CSeq_loc_Mapper_Base::x_MapNextRange().
void CScope::AddScope | ( | CScope & | scope, |
TPriority | pri = kPriority_Default |
) |
Add the scope's datasources as a single group with the given priority All data sources (data loaders and explicitly added data) have priorities.
The scope scans data sources in order of increasing priorities to find the sequence you've requested. By default, explicitly added data have priority 9, and data loaders - priority 99, so the scope will first look in explicit data, then in data loaders. If you have conflicting data or loaders (e.g. GenBank and BLAST), you may need different priorities to make scope first look, for example, in BLAST, and then if sequence is not found - in GenBank. Note, that the priority you've specified for a data loader at registration time (RegisterInObjectManager()) is a new default for it, and can be overridden when you add the data loader to a scope.
Definition at line 516 of file scope.cpp.
References CScope_Impl::AddScope(), and CScope::m_Impl.
Referenced by CCleanup::CCleanup(), CSeq_loc_Mapper::CSeq_loc_Mapper(), CBlastFormatterApp::PrintFormattedOutput(), CBlastFormatterVdbApp::PrintFormattedOutput(), CVectorScreen::Run(), CXcompareAnnotsApplication::Run(), CCleanup::SetScope(), and CFindOverlapJob::x_CreateProjectItems().
CSeq_annot_Handle CScope::AddSeq_annot | ( | const CSeq_annot & | annot, |
TPriority | pri = kPriority_Default , |
EExist | action = eExist_Throw |
) |
Add shared Seq-annot, scope will not modify it.
If edit handle is requested, scope will create a copy object. If the object is already in the scope the AddXxx() methods will throw an exception or return handle to existent object depending on the action argument.
Definition at line 579 of file scope.cpp.
References CScope_Impl::AddSharedSeq_annot(), and CScope::m_Impl.
CSeq_annot_Handle CScope::AddSeq_annot | ( | CSeq_annot & | annot, |
TPriority | pri = kPriority_Default , |
EExist | action = eExist_Throw |
) |
Add Seq-annot, return its CSeq_annot_Handle.
Add object to the score with possibility to edit it directly. If the object is already in the scope the AddXxx() methods will throw an exception or return handle to existent object depending on the action argument.
Definition at line 538 of file scope.cpp.
References CScope_Impl::AddSeq_annot(), and CScope::m_Impl.
Referenced by AddSpanningSentinelFeat(), CProjectFileWriter::AddToScope(), CNewCleanup_imp::BasicCleanupSeqAnnotHandle(), BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), CFeatTableEdit::CFeatTableEdit(), CSourceFeatureItem::CSourceFeatureItem(), LoadScope(), CAsnvalThreadState::ProcessSeqAnnot(), CFeatureGenerator::SImplementation::RecomputePartialFlags(), CDemoApp::Run(), s_AttachAnnotToScope(), s_GetMappedFeat(), CBedWriter::WriteAnnot(), CVcfWriter::WriteAnnot(), and CGff2Writer::x_WriteAnnot().
CSeq_entry_Handle CScope::AddSeq_submit | ( | CSeq_submit & | submit, |
TPriority | pri = kPriority_Default |
) |
Add Seq-submit, return its CSeq_entry_Handle.
Add object to the score with possibility to edit it directly.
Definition at line 562 of file scope.cpp.
References CScope_Impl::AddSeq_submit(), and CScope::m_Impl.
Referenced by CDemoApp::Run().
CSeq_entry_Handle CScope::AddTopLevelSeqEntry | ( | const CSeq_entry & | top_entry, |
TPriority | pri = kPriority_Default , |
EExist | action = eExist_Throw |
) |
Add shared Seq-entry, scope will not modify it.
If edit handle is requested, scope will create a copy object. If the object is already in the scope the AddXxx() methods will throw an exception or return handle to existent object depending on the action argument.
Definition at line 546 of file scope.cpp.
References CScope_Impl::AddSharedSeq_entry(), and CScope::m_Impl.
CSeq_entry_Handle CScope::AddTopLevelSeqEntry | ( | CSeq_entry & | top_entry, |
TPriority | pri = kPriority_Default , |
EExist | action = eExist_Default |
) |
Add seq_entry, default priority is higher than for defaults or loaders Add object to the score with possibility to edit it directly.
If the object is already in the scope the AddXxx() methods will throw an exception or return handle to existent object depending on the action argument.
Definition at line 522 of file scope.cpp.
References CScope_Impl::AddSeq_entry(), and CScope::m_Impl.
Referenced by AddBioseqsToScope(), AddFastaToScope(), CScope::AddGC_Assembly(), CFeatureTableReader::AddProteins(), AddSentinelRNASeq(), CProjectFileWriter::AddToScope(), CAlignmentAssistant::AdjustBioseq(), AutofixCommand(), AutofixCommandHugeMode(), BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), CheckDeflineMatches(), CheckOneSpecificHost(), CheckPropagatedCDSLocation(), CheckRegulatoryFeatures(), CheckTargetedLocusEntry(), CleanupCommand(), CleanupHugeFileCommand(), CTable2AsnContext::CopyFeatureIdsToComments(), CAlnVec::CreateConsensus(), CSeq_loc_Mapper::CSeq_loc_Mapper(), CSeqEntrySource::CSeqEntrySource(), CNewCleanup_imp::EnteringEntry(), CAnnotationASN1::ExtractModels(), IEditingActionFeat::FindOrCreateProtFeat(), CEditingActionFeatGeneLocus::FindRelated(), CSequenceEditingEventHandler::FixNonReciprocalLinks(), CFlatFileGenerator::Generate(), CScore_CdsInternalStops::Get(), CBiosampleChkApp::GetBiosampleDescriptorsFromSeqEntry(), CEditSequenceEnds::GetCommand(), CEditSeqEndsWithAlign::GetCommand(), GetDeleteAllFeaturesCommand_Ex(), GetGoodSeqEntryWithFeatureIds(), GetScope(), CEditSequence::GetSequence(), CGbScopeLoader::HandleSeqEntry(), CCleanupApp::HandleSeqEntry(), CAsn2FastaApp::HandleSeqEntry(), ImportFeatTblTesting(), CwxDemoAlignTableFrame::LoadAccession(), CwxDemoFeatureTableFrame::LoadAccession(), CAlnVwrApp::LoadDenseg(), CAlnMrgApp::LoadFasta(), CwxDemoAlignTableFrame::LoadFile(), CwxDemoFeatureTableFrame::LoadFile(), LoadScope(), CAlnMrgApp::LoadSeqEntry(), CId1FetchApp::LookUpGI(), CTblastnNode::Main(), MakeRegulatoryFeatureTest(), MakeTrnaWithAnticodon(), CAsn2FastaApp::ObtainSeqEntryFromBioseqSet(), CAsn2FastaApp::ObtainSeqEntryFromSeqEntry(), CAsn2FastaApp::ObtainSeqEntryFromSeqSubmit(), CFlatFileDemoDlg::OnLoadFileClick(), CPrimeCacheApplication::CCacheBioseq::operator()(), SBlobCopier::operator()(), CWinMaskUtil::CInputBioseq_CI::operator++(), CMytestApplication::PlayAroundWithSuggestIntervals(), CTabularFormatter_StopCodonChanges::Print(), CSplitCacheApp::ProcessEntry(), CAsnvalThreadState::ProcessSeqDesc(), CBiosampleChkApp::ProcessSeqEntry(), CTLSHandler::ProcessSeqEntry(), CAsnvalThreadState::ProcessSeqEntry(), CAsnvalThreadState::ProcessSeqSubmit(), CAlnAsnReader::Read(), ReadBioSeqs(), CAsnvalThreadState::ReadClassMember(), ReadEntry(), ReadFromFile(), ReadMsa(), CGffExportJob::Run(), CGtfExportJob::Run(), CPsiBlastApp::Run(), CLocalFinderApp::Run(), CWinMaskDemoApplication::Run(), CVDBTblastnApp::Run(), CConversionApp::Run(), CDustMaskApplication::Run(), CDemoApp::Run(), SegMaskerApplication::Run(), CMytestApplication::Run(), CWinMaskApplication::Run(), s_AttachEntryToScope(), s_CreateScope(), s_GatherSources(), s_GetScope(), s_HasUnprocessedCdregions(), s_MakeNewMasterSeq(), CScopedProcess::SeqEntryInitialize(), CValidError_imp::SetScope(), CSequenceEditingEventHandler::SetTopLevelBioseqSetClass(), CValidError_imp::Setup(), CTable2AsnContext::SmartFeatureAnnotation(), CBlobSplitterImpl::Split(), sRunTest(), sUpdateCase(), TestFeatInsideGap(), TestForRecomb(), TestOneGapSeq(), TestRepeatRegion(), TestTrimForFrame(), CMacroFunction_RemoveSingleItemSet::TheFunction(), CMacroFunction_RenormalizeNucProtSet::TheFunction(), TryMiscWithNs(), TryOneCase(), TryOneCaseMixLoc(), TryOneCDSCase(), CTable2AsnValidator::ValCollect(), CValidError_imp::Validate(), CTable2AsnValidator::Validate(), CValidError_bioseq::ValidateBioseq(), CValidError_annot::ValidateSeqAnnot(), CFastaOstream::Write(), CSrcWriter::WriteSeqEntry(), CSequenceUpdater::x_AddCitSubToUpdatedSequence(), CSequenceUpdater::x_AttachFeaturesToNewSeq(), CLocalFileRestorer::x_AttachNewObject(), CPrimeCacheApplication::x_CacheSeqEntry(), CCmdCleanup::x_CreateActionCmd(), CCmdPlaceProteinFeats::x_CreateActionCmd(), CBlastFastaInputSource::x_FastaToSeqLoc(), CSraInputSource::x_GetNextSeq_loc(), x_GetSeqLocFromStream(), CSeqMasterIndex::x_Init(), CDeltaBlastTestFixture::x_InitScope(), CNgAlignApp::x_LoadExternalSequences(), seqmasks_io_fixture::x_LoadMaskedBioseq(), CAlnPrinterFixture::x_LoadSequences(), CHugeFileDemoApp::x_ProcessFileTraditionally(), CGapStatsApplication::x_ReadFileOrAccn(), CNgAlignApp::x_RecurseSeqEntry(), CTblastnApp::x_RunMTBySplitDB(), CCDSTranslationPanel::x_SetLocationForProtein(), CFeatureTableReader::xAddProteinToSeqEntry(), CFeatureTableReader::xParseCdregions(), CAnnotWriterApp::xProcessInputObject(), and CAnnotWriterApp::xTryProcessInputId().
void CScope::AttachAnnot | ( | CSeq_entry & | parent, |
CSeq_annot & | annot | ||
) |
Definition at line 617 of file scope.cpp.
References CSeq_entry_EditHandle::AttachAnnot(), and CScope::GetSeq_entryEditHandle().
void CScope::AttachEntry | ( | CSeq_entry & | parent, |
CSeq_entry & | entry | ||
) |
Definition at line 603 of file scope.cpp.
References CScope::GetSeq_entryEditHandle(), and CSeq_entry_EditHandle::SetSet().
CMappingRanges::TRangeIterator CMappingRanges::BeginMappingRanges | ( | CSeq_id_Handle | id, |
TSeqPos | from, | ||
TSeqPos | to | ||
) | const |
Get mapping ranges iterator for the given seq-id and range.
Definition at line 477 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.cpp.
References map_checker< Container >::end(), map_checker< Container >::find(), and CMappingRanges::m_IdMap.
Referenced by CReportEntry::x_GetAdjustment(), CSeq_loc_Mapper_Base::x_MapInterval(), and CSeq_loc_Mapper_Base::x_MapSeq_loc().
void CPrefetchManager::CancelAllTasks | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 97 of file prefetch_manager.cpp.
References CThreadPool::CancelTasks(), CThreadPool::fCancelExecutingTasks, CThreadPool::fCancelQueuedTasks, CPrefetchManager::m_Impl, and CPrefetchManager_Impl::m_ThreadPool.
virtual |
Reimplemented in CVDBGraphDataLoader, CSNPDataLoader, CHugeAsnDataLoader, CPSGDataLoader, CGBDataLoader_Native, CSplitDataLoader, CWGSDataLoader, CSRADataLoader, CCSRADataLoader, CBAMDataLoader, CDataLoaderPatcher, CLDS2_DataLoader, CBuffer_DataLoader, CBlastDbDataLoader, and CAsnCache_DataLoader.
Definition at line 282 of file data_loader.cpp.
Referenced by CDataLoaderPatcher::CanGetBlobById(), and CDataLoader::GetExternalAnnotRecords().
bool CMappingRange::CanMap | ( | TSeqPos | from, |
TSeqPos | to, | ||
bool | is_set_strand, | ||
ENa_strand | strand | ||
) | const |
Check if the interval can be mapped through this mapping range.
Strand direction is checked only if is_set_strand is true.
Definition at line 216 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.cpp.
References IsReverse(), CMappingRange::m_Src_from, and CMappingRange::m_Src_strand.
Referenced by CMappingRange::x_Map_Fuzz(), and CSeq_loc_Mapper_Base::x_MapNextRange().
inline |
Definition at line 117 of file blob_id.hpp.
Definition at line 160 of file blob_id.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 178 of file objmgr_exception.hpp.
References CException::x_Assign().
inline |
Definition at line 165 of file objmgr_exception.hpp.
References info, CException::x_Init(), and CException::x_InitErrCode().
inlineprotected |
Definition at line 198 of file objmgr_exception.hpp.
Referenced by CBlobStateException::GetErrCode(), and CBlobStateException::x_Clone().
private |
Definition at line 70 of file data_loader.cpp.
References CDataLoader::m_Name, and NStr::PtrToString().
protected |
Definition at line 63 of file data_loader.cpp.
References CDataLoader::m_Name, and NStr::PtrToString().
CGC_Assembly_Parser::CGC_Assembly_Parser | ( | const CGC_Assembly & | assembly, |
TParserFlags | flags = fDefault |
) |
Parse the assembly, convert it to seq-entry, collect additional information (top-level sequences etc).
Definition at line 68 of file gc_assembly_parser.cpp.
References CGC_Assembly_Parser::m_TSE, CRef< C, Locker >::Reset(), CGC_Assembly_Parser::x_InitSeq_entry(), and CGC_Assembly_Parser::x_ParseGCAssembly().
inline |
Definition at line 237 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.hpp.
virtual |
Definition at line 849 of file data_loader.cpp.
References CSeq_annot_Base::C_Data::e_Align, CSeq_annot_Base::C_Data::e_Ftable, CSeq_annot_Base::C_Data::e_Graph, CSeq_annot_Base::C_Data::e_not_set, CDataLoader::eAlign, CDataLoader::eAll, CDataLoader::eAnnot, CDataLoader::eBioseq, CDataLoader::eBioseqCore, CDataLoader::eBlob, CDataLoader::eExtAlign, CDataLoader::eExtAnnot, CDataLoader::eExtFeatures, CDataLoader::eExtGraph, CDataLoader::eFeatures, CDataLoader::eGraph, CDataLoader::eOrphanAnnot, CDataLoader::eSequence, SRequestDetails::fAnnotBlobAll, SRequestDetails::fAnnotBlobExternal, SRequestDetails::fAnnotBlobInternal, SRequestDetails::fAnnotBlobNone, SRequestDetails::fAnnotBlobOrphan, COpenRange< TSeqPos >::GetWhole(), map_checker< Container >::insert(), SRequestDetails::m_AnnotBlobType, SRequestDetails::m_NeedAnnots, SRequestDetails::m_NeedSeqData, and SRequestDetails::m_NeedSeqMap.
virtual |
Create a copy of the message.
The caller is responsible for destroying the copy.
Reimplemented from CMessage_Basic.
Definition at line 512 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.cpp.
References CSeq_loc_Mapper_Message::CSeq_loc_Mapper_Message().
CMappingRange::CMappingRange | ( | CSeq_id_Handle | src_id, |
TSeqPos | src_from, | ||
TSeqPos | src_length, | ||
ENa_strand | src_strand, | ||
CSeq_id_Handle | dst_id, | ||
TSeqPos | dst_from, | ||
ENa_strand | dst_strand, | ||
bool | ext_to = false , |
int | frame = 0 , |
TSeqPos | src_bioseq_len = kInvalidSeqPos , |
TSeqPos | dst_len = kInvalidSeqPos |
) |
Definition at line 187 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.cpp.
CMappingRanges::CMappingRanges | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 439 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.cpp.
private |
Definition at line 111 of file object_manager.cpp.
const CSeq_id_Handle & CSeq_loc_Mapper_Base::CollectSynonyms | ( | const CSeq_id_Handle & | id | ) | const |
Definition at line 2259 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.cpp.
References IMapper_Sequence_Info::CollectSynonyms(), map_checker< Container >::end(), map_checker< Container >::find(), CSeq_id::GetMatchingIds(), CSeq_loc_Mapper_Options::GetSeqInfo(), ITERATE, CSeq_loc_Mapper_Base::m_MapOptions, and CSeq_loc_Mapper_Base::m_SynonymMap.
Referenced by CSeq_loc_Mapper_Base::GetSeqTypeById(), CSeq_loc_Mapper_Base::GetSequenceLength(), s_GetBestSynonym(), CSeq_loc_Mapper_Base::SetSeqTypeById(), CSeq_loc_Mapper_Base::x_AddConversion(), CSeq_loc_Mapper_Base::x_ForceSeqTypes(), CSeq_loc_Mapper_Base::x_InitializeAlign(), and CSeq_loc_Mapper_Base::x_PreserveDestinationLocs().
void CSeq_loc_Mapper_Base::CollectSynonyms | ( | const CSeq_id_Handle & | id, |
TSynonyms & | synonyms | ||
) | const |
NOTE: In most cases CollectSynonyms(const CSeq_id_Handle& id) should be used instead, since it takes care of synonym storage and mapping.
This method does nothing but storing synonyms in the container.
Definition at line 2248 of file seq_loc_mapper_base.cpp.
References IMapper_Sequence_Info::CollectSynonyms(), set< Key, Compare >::empty(), CSeq_loc_Mapper_Options::GetSeqInfo(), set< Key, Compare >::insert(), and CSeq_loc_Mapper_Base::m_MapOptions.
pure virtual |
Collect all synonyms for the id including the id itself.
Any derived class must add at least the original id to the collection.
Implemented in CScope_Mapper_Sequence_Info, CTestMapperSeqInfo, CDefault_Mapper_Sequence_Info, and CExplicit_Mapper_Sequence_Info.
Referenced by CSeq_loc_Mapper_Base::CollectSynonyms().
inline |
Definition at line 156 of file data_loader.hpp.
References CLoaderMaker_Base::m_Name.
protected |
Definition at line 67 of file prefetch_actions.cpp.
References NCBI_THROW.
protected |
Definition at line 61 of file prefetch_actions.cpp.
CPrefetchBioseq::CPrefetchBioseq | ( | const CScopeSource & | scope, |
const CSeq_id_Handle & | id | ||
) |
Definition at line 78 of file prefetch_actions.cpp.
References NCBI_THROW.
CPrefetchBioseqActionSource::CPrefetchBioseqActionSource | ( | const CScopeSource & | scope, |
const TIds & | ids | ||
) |
Definition at line 329 of file prefetch_actions.cpp.
CPrefetchBioseqActionSource::CPrefetchBioseqActionSource | ( | const CScopeSource & | scope, |
ISeq_idSource * | ids | ||
) |
Definition at line 321 of file prefetch_actions.cpp.
CPrefetchComplete< CBioseq_Handle >::CPrefetchComplete | ( | const CScopeSource & | scope, |
const CSeq_id_Handle & | seq_id | ||
) |
Definition at line 165 of file prefetch_actions.cpp.
inlineexplicit |
Definition at line 173 of file prefetch_actions.hpp.
explicit |
Definition at line 159 of file prefetch_actions.cpp.
CPrefetchFeat_CI::CPrefetchFeat_CI | ( | const CBioseq_Handle & | bioseq, |
const CRange< TSeqPos > & | range, | ||
ENa_strand | strand, | ||
const SAnnotSelector & | selector | ||
) |
Definition at line 116 of file prefetch_actions.cpp.
CPrefetchFeat_CI::CPrefetchFeat_CI | ( | const CScopeSource & | scope, |
CConstRef< CSeq_loc > | loc, | ||
const SAnnotSelector & | selector | ||
) |
Definition at line 102 of file prefetch_actions.cpp.
References NCBI_THROW.
CPrefetchFeat_CI::CPrefetchFeat_CI | ( | const CScopeSource & | scope, |
const CSeq_id_Handle & | seq_id, | ||
const CRange< TSeqPos > & | range, | ||
ENa_strand | strand, | ||
const SAnnotSelector & | selector | ||
) |
Definition at line 128 of file prefetch_actions.cpp.
CPrefetchFeat_CIActionSource::CPrefetchFeat_CIActionSource | ( | const CScopeSource & | scope, |
const TIds & | ids, | ||
const SAnnotSelector & | sel | ||
) |
Definition at line 348 of file prefetch_actions.cpp.
CPrefetchFeat_CIActionSource::CPrefetchFeat_CIActionSource | ( | const CScopeSource & | scope, |
ISeq_idSource * | ids, | ||
const SAnnotSelector & | sel | ||
) |
Definition at line 358 of file prefetch_actions.cpp.
private |
explicit |
Definition at line 66 of file prefetch_manager.cpp.
CPrefetchManager::CPrefetchManager | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 60 of file prefetch_manager.cpp.
privatedelete |
CPrefetchManager_Impl::CPrefetchManager_Impl | ( | unsigned | max_threads, |
CThread::TRunMode | threads_mode | ||
) |
Definition at line 222 of file prefetch_manager_impl.cpp.
CPrefetchRequest::CPrefetchRequest | ( | CObjectFor< CMutex > * | state_mutex, |
IPrefetchAction * | action, | ||
IPrefetchListener * | listener, | ||
unsigned int | priority | ||
) |
Definition at line 121 of file prefetch_manager_impl.cpp.
CPrefetchSequence::CPrefetchSequence | ( | CPrefetchManager & | manager, |
IPrefetchActionSource * | source, | ||
size_t | active_size = 10 |
) |
Definition at line 132 of file prefetch_manager.cpp.
References CPrefetchSequence::EnqueNextAction(), and i.
inline |
Definition at line 149 of file