NCBI C++ ToolKit
typedef CHG_Entry CHG_EntrySet_Base::C_E |
Definition at line 91 of file HG_EntrySet_.hpp.
typedef list< string > CHG_Gene_Base::TAliases |
Definition at line 95 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
Definition at line 86 of file HG_Alignment_.hpp.
typedef int CHG_Domain_Base::TBegin |
Definition at line 85 of file HG_Domain_.hpp.
typedef int CHG_Node_Base::TBranch_len |
Definition at line 106 of file HG_Node_.hpp.
typedef string CHG_Commentary_Base::TCaption |
Definition at line 93 of file HG_Commentary_.hpp.
typedef string CHG_Entry_Base::TCaption |
Definition at line 97 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
typedef string CHG_Node_Base::TCaption |
Definition at line 103 of file HG_Node_.hpp.
typedef string CHG_Domain_Base::TCdd_id |
Definition at line 88 of file HG_Domain_.hpp.
typedef string CHG_Domain_Base::TCdd_name |
Definition at line 89 of file HG_Domain_.hpp.
typedef list< CRef< CHG_Node > > CHG_Node_Base::TChildren |
Definition at line 105 of file HG_Node_.hpp.
typedef string CHG_Gene_Base::TChr |
Definition at line 106 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
typedef list< CRef< CHG_Commentary > > CHG_CommentarySet_Base::TCommentaries |
Definition at line 92 of file HG_CommentarySet_.hpp.
typedef list< CRef< CHG_CommentarySet > > CHG_Entry_Base::TCommentaries |
Definition at line 103 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
typedef CDate CHG_Entry_Base::TCr_date |
Definition at line 100 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
typedef bool CHG_Node_Base::TCurrent_node |
Definition at line 104 of file HG_Node_.hpp.
typedef list< CRef< CHG_Alignment > > CHG_AlignmentSet_Base::Tdata |
Definition at line 89 of file HG_AlignmentSet_.hpp.
typedef list< CRef< CHG_CommentarySet > > CHG_CommentaryContainer_Base::Tdata |
Definition at line 89 of file HG_CommentaryContainer_.hpp.
Definition at line 92 of file HG_Commentary_.hpp.
typedef list< CRef< CHG_Stats > > CHG_Entry_Base::TDistances |
Definition at line 102 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
typedef list< CRef< CHG_Domain > > CHG_Gene_Base::TDomains |
Definition at line 105 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
typedef int CHG_Domain_Base::TEnd |
Definition at line 86 of file HG_Domain_.hpp.
typedef list< CRef< CHG_Entry > > CHG_EntrySet_Base::TEntries |
Definition at line 92 of file HG_EntrySet_.hpp.
typedef list< CRef< CHG_Link > > CHG_Gene_Base::TGene_links |
Definition at line 103 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
typedef int CHG_Commentary_Base::TGeneid |
Definition at line 98 of file HG_Commentary_.hpp.
typedef int CHG_Gene_Base::TGeneid |
Definition at line 92 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
typedef list< CRef< CHG_Gene > > CHG_Entry_Base::TGenes |
Definition at line 99 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
typedef int CHG_Stats_Base::TGi1 |
Definition at line 81 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
typedef int CHG_Stats_Base::TGi2 |
Definition at line 82 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
typedef int CHG_Alignment_Base::THg_id |
Definition at line 85 of file HG_Alignment_.hpp.
typedef int CHG_CommentarySet_Base::THg_id |
Definition at line 90 of file HG_CommentarySet_.hpp.
typedef int CHG_Entry_Base::THg_id |
Definition at line 94 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
typedef string CHG_Link_Base::THypertext |
Definition at line 85 of file HG_Link_.hpp.
typedef CHG_Node_id CHG_Node_Base::TId |
Definition at line 102 of file HG_Node_.hpp.
typedef int CHG_Node_id_Base::TId |
Definition at line 90 of file HG_Node_id_.hpp.
typedef EId_type CHG_Node_id_Base::TId_type |
Definition at line 91 of file HG_Node_id_.hpp.
typedef double CHG_Stats_Base::TKa |
Definition at line 86 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
typedef double CHG_Stats_Base::TKnc |
Definition at line 89 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
typedef double CHG_Stats_Base::TKnr |
Definition at line 88 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
typedef double CHG_Stats_Base::TKs |
Definition at line 87 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
typedef CHG_Link CHG_Commentary_Base::TLink |
Definition at line 91 of file HG_Commentary_.hpp.
typedef CSeq_loc CHG_Gene_Base::TLocation |
Definition at line 107 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
typedef string CHG_Gene_Base::TLocus_tag |
Definition at line 108 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
Definition at line 94 of file HG_Alignment_.hpp.
Definition at line 112 of file HG_Commentary_.hpp.
Definition at line 101 of file HG_CommentarySet_.hpp.
Definition at line 100 of file HG_Domain_.hpp.
Definition at line 123 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
Definition at line 99 of file HG_EntrySet_.hpp.
Definition at line 131 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
Definition at line 94 of file HG_Link_.hpp.
Definition at line 118 of file HG_Node_.hpp.
Definition at line 99 of file HG_Node_id_.hpp.
Definition at line 106 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
typedef CHG_Node CHG_Entry_Base::TNode |
Definition at line 105 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
typedef string CHG_Gene_Base::TNuc_acc |
Definition at line 102 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
typedef double CHG_Stats_Base::TNuc_change |
Definition at line 83 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
typedef double CHG_Stats_Base::TNuc_change_jc |
Definition at line 84 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
typedef int CHG_Gene_Base::TNuc_gi |
Definition at line 101 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
typedef list< CRef< CHG_Commentary > > CHG_Commentary_Base::TOther_commentaries |
Definition at line 96 of file HG_Commentary_.hpp.
typedef list< CRef< CHG_Link > > CHG_Commentary_Base::TOther_links |
Definition at line 95 of file HG_Commentary_.hpp.
typedef int CHG_Gene_Base::TOtherid |
Definition at line 93 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 67 of file HG_Alignment.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 74 of file HG_Alignment_.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 67 of file HG_AlignmentSet.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 78 of file HG_AlignmentSet_.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 67 of file HG_Commentary.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 80 of file HG_Commentary_.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 67 of file HG_CommentaryContainer.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 78 of file HG_CommentaryContainer_.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 67 of file HG_CommentarySet.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 79 of file HG_CommentarySet_.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 67 of file HG_Domain.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 74 of file HG_Domain_.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 83 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 67 of file HG_EntrySet.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 80 of file HG_EntrySet_.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 81 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 67 of file HG_Link.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 74 of file HG_Link_.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 67 of file HG_Node.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 80 of file HG_Node_.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 67 of file HG_Node_id.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 70 of file HG_Node_id_.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 67 of file HG_Stats.hpp.
private |
Definition at line 70 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
typedef string CHG_Gene_Base::TProt_acc |
Definition at line 99 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
typedef double CHG_Stats_Base::TProt_change |
Definition at line 85 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
typedef int CHG_Gene_Base::TProt_gi |
Definition at line 98 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
typedef int CHG_Gene_Base::TProt_len |
Definition at line 100 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
typedef list< CRef< CHG_Link > > CHG_Gene_Base::TProt_links |
Definition at line 104 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
typedef string CHG_Commentary_Base::TProvider |
Definition at line 94 of file HG_Commentary_.hpp.
typedef int CHG_Domain_Base::TPssm_id |
Definition at line 87 of file HG_Domain_.hpp.
typedef bool CHG_Stats_Base::TRecip_best |
Definition at line 90 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
typedef string CHG_Gene_Base::TSymbol |
Definition at line 94 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
typedef int CHG_Commentary_Base::TTaxid |
Definition at line 97 of file HG_Commentary_.hpp.
typedef int CHG_Entry_Base::TTaxid |
Definition at line 98 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
typedef int CHG_Gene_Base::TTaxid |
Definition at line 97 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
typedef string CHG_CommentarySet_Base::TTitle |
Definition at line 91 of file HG_CommentarySet_.hpp.
typedef string CHG_Entry_Base::TTitle |
Definition at line 96 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
typedef string CHG_Gene_Base::TTitle |
Definition at line 96 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
typedef EType CHG_Node_Base::TType |
Definition at line 101 of file HG_Node_.hpp.
typedef CDate CHG_Entry_Base::TUp_date |
Definition at line 101 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
typedef string CHG_Link_Base::TUrl |
Definition at line 86 of file HG_Link_.hpp.
typedef int CHG_Entry_Base::TVersion |
Definition at line 95 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
typedef list< string > CHG_Entry_Base::TWarnings |
Definition at line 104 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
strong |
Enumerator | |
e__allMandatory | |
e_hg_id | |
e_alignment |
Definition at line 89 of file HG_Alignment_.hpp.
strong |
Enumerator | |
e__allMandatory | |
e_link | |
e_description | |
e_caption | |
e_provider | |
e_other_links | |
e_other_commentaries | |
e_taxid | |
e_geneid |
Definition at line 101 of file HG_Commentary_.hpp.
strong |
Enumerator | |
e__allMandatory | |
e_hg_id | |
e_title | |
e_commentaries |
Definition at line 95 of file HG_CommentarySet_.hpp.
strong |
Enumerator | |
e__allMandatory | |
e_begin | |
e_end | |
e_pssm_id | |
e_cdd_id | |
e_cdd_name |
Definition at line 92 of file HG_Domain_.hpp.
strong |
Enumerator | |
e__allMandatory | |
e_hg_id | |
e_version | |
e_title | |
e_caption | |
e_taxid | |
e_genes | |
e_cr_date | |
e_up_date | |
e_distances | |
e_commentaries | |
e_warnings | |
e_node |
Definition at line 108 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
strong |
Enumerator | |
e__allMandatory | |
e_entries |
Definition at line 95 of file HG_EntrySet_.hpp.
strong |
Enumerator | |
e__allMandatory | |
e_geneid | |
e_otherid | |
e_symbol | |
e_aliases | |
e_title | |
e_taxid | |
e_prot_gi | |
e_prot_acc | |
e_prot_len | |
e_nuc_gi | |
e_nuc_acc | |
e_gene_links | |
e_prot_links | |
e_domains | |
e_chr | |
e_location | |
e_locus_tag |
Definition at line 111 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
strong |
Enumerator | |
e__allMandatory | |
e_hypertext | |
e_url |
Definition at line 89 of file HG_Link_.hpp.
strong |
Enumerator | |
e__allMandatory | |
e_type | |
e_id | |
e_caption | |
e_current_node | |
e_children | |
e_branch_len |
Definition at line 109 of file HG_Node_.hpp.
strong |
Enumerator | |
e__allMandatory | |
e_id | |
e_id_type |
Definition at line 94 of file HG_Node_id_.hpp.
strong |
Enumerator | |
e__allMandatory | |
e_gi1 | |
e_gi2 | |
e_nuc_change | |
e_nuc_change_jc | |
e_prot_change | |
e_ka | |
e_ks | |
e_knr | |
e_knc | |
e_recip_best |
Definition at line 93 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
Enumerator | |
eId_type_none | |
eId_type_geneid | |
eId_type_hid |
Definition at line 80 of file HG_Node_id_.hpp.
enum CHG_Node_Base::EType |
Enumerator | |
eType_family | |
eType_ortholog | |
eType_paralog | |
eType_leaf |
Definition at line 90 of file HG_Node_.hpp.
inline |
Check if it is safe to call Get method.
Definition at line 158 of file HG_AlignmentSet_.hpp.
inline |
Check if it is safe to call Get method.
Definition at line 158 of file HG_CommentaryContainer_.hpp.
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetAliases method.
Definition at line 937 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetAlignment method.
Definition at line 251 of file HG_Alignment_.hpp.
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetBegin method.
Definition at line 327 of file HG_Domain_.hpp.
References CHG_Domain_Base::IsSetBegin().
Referenced by CHG_Domain_Base::GetBegin().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetBranch_len method.
Definition at line 577 of file HG_Node_.hpp.
References CHG_Node_Base::IsSetBranch_len().
Referenced by CHG_Node_Base::GetBranch_len().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetCaption method.
Definition at line 520 of file HG_Commentary_.hpp.
References CHG_Commentary_Base::IsSetCaption().
Referenced by CHG_Commentary_Base::GetCaption().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetCaption method.
Definition at line 732 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
References CHG_Entry_Base::IsSetCaption().
Referenced by CHG_Entry_Base::GetCaption().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetCaption method.
Definition at line 455 of file HG_Node_.hpp.
References CHG_Node_Base::IsSetCaption().
Referenced by CHG_Node_Base::GetCaption().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetCdd_id method.
Definition at line 468 of file HG_Domain_.hpp.
References CHG_Domain_Base::IsSetCdd_id().
Referenced by CHG_Domain_Base::GetCdd_id().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetCdd_name method.
Definition at line 515 of file HG_Domain_.hpp.
References CHG_Domain_Base::IsSetCdd_name().
Referenced by CHG_Domain_Base::GetCdd_name().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetChildren method.
Definition at line 552 of file HG_Node_.hpp.
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetChr method.
Definition at line 1366 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::IsSetChr().
Referenced by CHG_Gene_Base::GetChr().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetCommentaries method.
Definition at line 338 of file HG_CommentarySet_.hpp.
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetCommentaries method.
Definition at line 918 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetCr_date method.
Definition at line 851 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
References CHG_Entry_Base::IsSetCr_date().
Referenced by CHG_Entry_Base::GetCr_date().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetCurrent_node method.
Definition at line 502 of file HG_Node_.hpp.
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetDescription method.
Definition at line 473 of file HG_Commentary_.hpp.
References CHG_Commentary_Base::IsSetDescription().
Referenced by CHG_Commentary_Base::GetDescription().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetDistances method.
Definition at line 893 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetDomains method.
Definition at line 1341 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetEnd method.
Definition at line 374 of file HG_Domain_.hpp.
References CHG_Domain_Base::IsSetEnd().
Referenced by CHG_Domain_Base::GetEnd().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetEntries method.
Definition at line 166 of file HG_EntrySet_.hpp.
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetGene_links method.
Definition at line 1291 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
Referenced by CHG_Gene::CanGetLinks().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetGeneid method.
Definition at line 711 of file HG_Commentary_.hpp.
References CHG_Commentary_Base::IsSetGeneid().
Referenced by CHG_Commentary_Base::GetGeneid().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetGeneid method.
Definition at line 796 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::IsSetGeneid().
Referenced by CHG_Gene_Base::GetGeneid().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetGenes method.
Definition at line 826 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
Referenced by CHG_Entry::CanGetCore_genes().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetGi1 method.
Definition at line 520 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
References CHG_Stats_Base::IsSetGi1().
Referenced by CHG_Stats_Base::GetGi1().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetGi2 method.
Definition at line 567 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
References CHG_Stats_Base::IsSetGi2().
Referenced by CHG_Stats_Base::GetGi2().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetHg_id method.
Definition at line 204 of file HG_Alignment_.hpp.
References CHG_Alignment_Base::IsSetHg_id().
Referenced by CHG_Alignment_Base::GetHg_id().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetHg_id method.
Definition at line 244 of file HG_CommentarySet_.hpp.
References CHG_CommentarySet_Base::IsSetHg_id().
Referenced by CHG_CommentarySet_Base::GetHg_id().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetHg_id method.
Definition at line 591 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
References CHG_Entry_Base::IsSetHg_id().
Referenced by CHG_Entry_Base::GetHg_id().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetHypertext method.
Definition at line 206 of file HG_Link_.hpp.
References CHG_Link_Base::IsSetHypertext().
Referenced by CHG_Link_Base::GetHypertext().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetId method.
Definition at line 425 of file HG_Node_.hpp.
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetId method.
Definition at line 209 of file HG_Node_id_.hpp.
References CHG_Node_id_Base::IsSetId().
Referenced by CHG_Node_id_Base::GetId().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetId_type method.
Definition at line 256 of file HG_Node_id_.hpp.
References CHG_Node_id_Base::IsSetId_type().
Referenced by CHG_Node_id_Base::GetId_type().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetKa method.
Definition at line 755 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
References CHG_Stats_Base::IsSetKa().
Referenced by CHG_Stats_Base::GetKa().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetKnc method.
Definition at line 896 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
References CHG_Stats_Base::IsSetKnc().
Referenced by CHG_Stats_Base::GetKnc().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetKnr method.
Definition at line 849 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
References CHG_Stats_Base::IsSetKnr().
Referenced by CHG_Stats_Base::GetKnr().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetKs method.
Definition at line 802 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
References CHG_Stats_Base::IsSetKs().
Referenced by CHG_Stats_Base::GetKs().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetLink method.
Definition at line 443 of file HG_Commentary_.hpp.
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetLocation method.
Definition at line 1413 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::IsSetLocation().
Referenced by CHG_Gene_Base::GetLocation().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetLocus_tag method.
Definition at line 1434 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::IsSetLocus_tag().
Referenced by CHG_Gene_Base::GetLocus_tag().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetNode method.
Definition at line 968 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
References CHG_Entry_Base::IsSetNode().
Referenced by CHG_Entry_Base::GetNode().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetNuc_acc method.
Definition at line 1244 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::IsSetNuc_acc().
Referenced by CHG_Gene_Base::GetNuc_acc().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetNuc_change method.
Definition at line 614 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
References CHG_Stats_Base::IsSetNuc_change().
Referenced by CHG_Stats_Base::GetNuc_change().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetNuc_change_jc method.
Definition at line 661 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
References CHG_Stats_Base::IsSetNuc_change_jc().
Referenced by CHG_Stats_Base::GetNuc_change_jc().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetNuc_gi method.
Definition at line 1197 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::IsSetNuc_gi().
Referenced by CHG_Gene_Base::GetNuc_gi().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetOther_commentaries method.
Definition at line 639 of file HG_Commentary_.hpp.
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetOther_links method.
Definition at line 614 of file HG_Commentary_.hpp.
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetOtherid method.
Definition at line 843 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::IsSetOtherid().
Referenced by CHG_Gene_Base::GetOtherid().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetProt_acc method.
Definition at line 1103 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::IsSetProt_acc().
Referenced by CHG_Gene_Base::GetProt_acc().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetProt_change method.
Definition at line 708 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
References CHG_Stats_Base::IsSetProt_change().
Referenced by CHG_Stats_Base::GetProt_change().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetProt_gi method.
Definition at line 1056 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::IsSetProt_gi().
Referenced by CHG_Gene_Base::GetProt_gi().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetProt_len method.
Definition at line 1150 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::IsSetProt_len().
Referenced by CHG_Gene_Base::GetProt_len().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetProt_links method.
Definition at line 1316 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetProvider method.
Definition at line 567 of file HG_Commentary_.hpp.
References CHG_Commentary_Base::IsSetProvider().
Referenced by CHG_Commentary_Base::GetProvider().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetPssm_id method.
Definition at line 421 of file HG_Domain_.hpp.
References CHG_Domain_Base::IsSetPssm_id().
Referenced by CHG_Domain_Base::GetPssm_id().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetRecip_best method.
Definition at line 943 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
References CHG_Stats_Base::IsSetRecip_best().
Referenced by CHG_Stats_Base::GetRecip_best().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetSymbol method.
Definition at line 890 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::IsSetSymbol().
Referenced by CHG_Gene_Base::GetSymbol().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetTaxid method.
Definition at line 664 of file HG_Commentary_.hpp.
References CHG_Commentary_Base::IsSetTaxid().
Referenced by CHG_Commentary_Base::GetTaxid().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetTaxid method.
Definition at line 779 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
References CHG_Entry_Base::IsSetTaxid().
Referenced by CHG_Entry_Base::GetTaxid().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetTaxid method.
Definition at line 1009 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::IsSetTaxid().
Referenced by CHG_Gene_Base::GetTaxid().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetTitle method.
Definition at line 291 of file HG_CommentarySet_.hpp.
References CHG_CommentarySet_Base::IsSetTitle().
Referenced by CHG_CommentarySet_Base::GetTitle().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetTitle method.
Definition at line 685 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
References CHG_Entry_Base::IsSetTitle().
Referenced by CHG_Entry_Base::GetTitle().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetTitle method.
Definition at line 962 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::IsSetTitle().
Referenced by CHG_Gene_Base::GetTitle().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetType method.
Definition at line 378 of file HG_Node_.hpp.
References CHG_Node_Base::IsSetType().
Referenced by CHG_Node_Base::GetType().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetUp_date method.
Definition at line 872 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
References CHG_Entry_Base::IsSetUp_date().
Referenced by CHG_Entry_Base::GetUp_date().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetUrl method.
Definition at line 253 of file HG_Link_.hpp.
References CHG_Link_Base::IsSetUrl().
Referenced by CHG_Link_Base::GetUrl().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetVersion method.
Definition at line 638 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
References CHG_Entry_Base::IsSetVersion().
Referenced by CHG_Entry_Base::GetVersion().
inline |
Check if it is safe to call GetWarnings method.
Definition at line 943 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
private |
inline |
Definition at line 86 of file HG_Alignment.hpp.
private |
END_CLASS_INFO CHG_Alignment_Base::CHG_Alignment_Base | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 83 of file HG_Alignment_.cpp.
References CObject::IsAllocatedInPool(), CHG_Alignment_Base::m_set_State, and CHG_Alignment_Base::ResetAlignment().
private |
inline |
Definition at line 86 of file HG_AlignmentSet.hpp.
private |
END_CLASS_INFO CHG_AlignmentSet_Base::CHG_AlignmentSet_Base | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 68 of file HG_AlignmentSet_.cpp.
References CHG_AlignmentSet_Base::m_set_State.
private |
inline |
Definition at line 86 of file HG_Commentary.hpp.
private |
END_CLASS_INFO CHG_Commentary_Base::CHG_Commentary_Base | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 125 of file HG_Commentary_.cpp.
References CObject::IsAllocatedInPool(), CHG_Commentary_Base::m_set_State, and CHG_Commentary_Base::ResetLink().
private |
inline |
Definition at line 86 of file HG_CommentaryContainer.hpp.
private |
END_CLASS_INFO CHG_CommentaryContainer_Base::CHG_CommentaryContainer_Base | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 68 of file HG_CommentaryContainer_.cpp.
References CHG_CommentaryContainer_Base::m_set_State.
private |
inline |
Definition at line 86 of file HG_CommentarySet.hpp.
private |
END_CLASS_INFO CHG_CommentarySet_Base::CHG_CommentarySet_Base | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 83 of file HG_CommentarySet_.cpp.
References CHG_CommentarySet_Base::m_set_State.
private |
inline |
Definition at line 86 of file HG_Domain.hpp.
private |
END_CLASS_INFO CHG_Domain_Base::CHG_Domain_Base | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 86 of file HG_Domain_.cpp.
References CHG_Domain_Base::m_set_State.
private |
END_CLASS_INFO CHG_Entry_Base::CHG_Entry_Base | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 180 of file HG_Entry_.cpp.
References CHG_Entry_Base::m_set_State.
private |
inline |
Definition at line 86 of file HG_EntrySet.hpp.
private |
END_CLASS_INFO CHG_EntrySet_Base::CHG_EntrySet_Base | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 73 of file HG_EntrySet_.cpp.
References CHG_EntrySet_Base::m_set_State.
private |
END_CLASS_INFO CHG_Gene_Base::CHG_Gene_Base | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 178 of file HG_Gene_.cpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::m_set_State.
inline |
Definition at line 86 of file HG_Link.hpp.
private |
END_CLASS_INFO CHG_Link_Base::CHG_Link_Base | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 80 of file HG_Link_.cpp.
References CHG_Link_Base::m_set_State.
inline |
Definition at line 86 of file HG_Node.hpp.
private |
END_CLASS_INFO CHG_Node_Base::CHG_Node_Base | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 114 of file HG_Node_.cpp.
References CObject::IsAllocatedInPool(), CHG_Node_Base::m_set_State, and CHG_Node_Base::ResetId().
private |
inline |
Definition at line 86 of file HG_Node_id.hpp.
private |
END_CLASS_INFO CHG_Node_id_Base::CHG_Node_id_Base | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 78 of file HG_Node_id_.cpp.
References CHG_Node_id_Base::m_set_State.
inline |
Definition at line 86 of file HG_Stats.hpp.
private |
END_CLASS_INFO CHG_Stats_Base::CHG_Stats_Base | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 84 of file HG_Stats_.cpp.
References CHG_Stats_Base::m_set_State.
CHG_Alignment_Base::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO | ( | ) |
CHG_AlignmentSet_Base::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO | ( | ) |
CHG_Commentary_Base::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO | ( | ) |
CHG_CommentaryContainer_Base::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO | ( | ) |
CHG_CommentarySet_Base::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO | ( | ) |
static |
Access to EId_type's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec.
static |
Access to EType's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec.
inline |
Get the member data.
Definition at line 164 of file HG_AlignmentSet_.hpp.
References CHG_AlignmentSet_Base::m_data.
inline |
Get the member data.
Definition at line 164 of file HG_CommentaryContainer_.hpp.
References CHG_CommentaryContainer_Base::m_data.
inline |
Get the Aliases member data.
Definition at line 943 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::m_Aliases.
Referenced by CHG_Gene::GetLabel().
inline |
Get the Alignment member data.
Definition at line 257 of file HG_Alignment_.hpp.
References CHG_Alignment_Base::m_Alignment, and CHG_Alignment_Base::ResetAlignment().
inline |
Get the Begin member data.
Definition at line 340 of file HG_Domain_.hpp.
References CHG_Domain_Base::CanGetBegin(), CHG_Domain_Base::m_Begin, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Branch_len member data.
Definition at line 590 of file HG_Node_.hpp.
References CHG_Node_Base::CanGetBranch_len(), CHG_Node_Base::m_Branch_len, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Caption member data.
Definition at line 526 of file HG_Commentary_.hpp.
References CHG_Commentary_Base::CanGetCaption(), CHG_Commentary_Base::m_Caption, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Caption member data.
Definition at line 738 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
References CHG_Entry_Base::CanGetCaption(), CHG_Entry_Base::m_Caption, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Caption member data.
Definition at line 461 of file HG_Node_.hpp.
References CHG_Node_Base::CanGetCaption(), CHG_Node_Base::m_Caption, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Cdd_id member data.
Definition at line 474 of file HG_Domain_.hpp.
References CHG_Domain_Base::CanGetCdd_id(), CHG_Domain_Base::m_Cdd_id, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Cdd_name member data.
Definition at line 521 of file HG_Domain_.hpp.
References CHG_Domain_Base::CanGetCdd_name(), CHG_Domain_Base::m_Cdd_name, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Children member data.
Definition at line 558 of file HG_Node_.hpp.
References CHG_Node_Base::m_Children.
inline |
Get the Chr member data.
Definition at line 1372 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::CanGetChr(), CHG_Gene_Base::m_Chr, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Commentaries member data.
Definition at line 344 of file HG_CommentarySet_.hpp.
References CHG_CommentarySet_Base::m_Commentaries.
inline |
Get the Commentaries member data.
Definition at line 924 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
References CHG_Entry_Base::m_Commentaries.
inline |
Get the Cr_date member data.
Definition at line 857 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
References CHG_Entry_Base::CanGetCr_date(), CHG_Entry_Base::m_Cr_date, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Current_node member data.
Definition at line 521 of file HG_Node_.hpp.
References CHG_Node_Base::m_Current_node.
inline |
Get the Description member data.
Definition at line 479 of file HG_Commentary_.hpp.
References CHG_Commentary_Base::CanGetDescription(), CHG_Commentary_Base::m_Description, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Distances member data.
Definition at line 899 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
References CHG_Entry_Base::m_Distances.
inline |
Get the Domains member data.
Definition at line 1347 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::m_Domains.
inline |
Get the End member data.
Definition at line 387 of file HG_Domain_.hpp.
References CHG_Domain_Base::CanGetEnd(), CHG_Domain_Base::m_End, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Entries member data.
Definition at line 172 of file HG_EntrySet_.hpp.
References CHG_EntrySet_Base::m_Entries.
inline |
Get the Gene_links member data.
Definition at line 1297 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::m_Gene_links.
Referenced by CHG_Gene::GetLinks().
inline |
Get the Geneid member data.
Definition at line 724 of file HG_Commentary_.hpp.
References CHG_Commentary_Base::CanGetGeneid(), CHG_Commentary_Base::m_Geneid, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Geneid member data.
Definition at line 809 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::CanGetGeneid(), CHG_Gene_Base::m_Geneid, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
Referenced by CHG_Gene::x_GetGeneidLabel().
inline |
Get the Genes member data.
Definition at line 832 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
References CHG_Entry_Base::m_Genes.
Referenced by CHG_Entry::GetCore_genes().
inline |
Get the Gi1 member data.
Definition at line 533 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
References CHG_Stats_Base::CanGetGi1(), CHG_Stats_Base::m_Gi1, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Gi2 member data.
Definition at line 580 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
References CHG_Stats_Base::CanGetGi2(), CHG_Stats_Base::m_Gi2, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Hg_id member data.
Definition at line 217 of file HG_Alignment_.hpp.
References CHG_Alignment_Base::CanGetHg_id(), CHG_Alignment_Base::m_Hg_id, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Hg_id member data.
Definition at line 257 of file HG_CommentarySet_.hpp.
References CHG_CommentarySet_Base::CanGetHg_id(), CHG_CommentarySet_Base::m_Hg_id, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Hg_id member data.
Definition at line 604 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
References CHG_Entry_Base::CanGetHg_id(), CHG_Entry_Base::m_Hg_id, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Hypertext member data.
Definition at line 212 of file HG_Link_.hpp.
References CHG_Link_Base::CanGetHypertext(), CHG_Link_Base::m_Hypertext, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Id member data.
Definition at line 431 of file HG_Node_.hpp.
References CHG_Node_Base::m_Id, and CHG_Node_Base::ResetId().
inline |
Get the Id member data.
Definition at line 222 of file HG_Node_id_.hpp.
References CHG_Node_id_Base::CanGetId(), CHG_Node_id_Base::m_Id, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Id_type member data.
Definition at line 269 of file HG_Node_id_.hpp.
References CHG_Node_id_Base::CanGetId_type(), CHG_Node_id_Base::m_Id_type, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Ka member data.
Definition at line 768 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
References CHG_Stats_Base::CanGetKa(), CHG_Stats_Base::m_Ka, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Knc member data.
Definition at line 909 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
References CHG_Stats_Base::CanGetKnc(), CHG_Stats_Base::m_Knc, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Knr member data.
Definition at line 862 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
References CHG_Stats_Base::CanGetKnr(), CHG_Stats_Base::m_Knr, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Ks member data.
Definition at line 815 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
References CHG_Stats_Base::CanGetKs(), CHG_Stats_Base::m_Ks, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Link member data.
Definition at line 449 of file HG_Commentary_.hpp.
References CHG_Commentary_Base::m_Link, and CHG_Commentary_Base::ResetLink().
inline |
Get the Location member data.
Definition at line 1419 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::CanGetLocation(), CHG_Gene_Base::m_Location, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Locus_tag member data.
Definition at line 1440 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::CanGetLocus_tag(), CHG_Gene_Base::m_Locus_tag, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
Referenced by CHG_Gene::GetLabel().
inline |
Get the Node member data.
Definition at line 974 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
References CHG_Entry_Base::CanGetNode(), CHG_Entry_Base::m_Node, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Nuc_acc member data.
Definition at line 1250 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::CanGetNuc_acc(), CHG_Gene_Base::m_Nuc_acc, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Nuc_change member data.
Definition at line 627 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
References CHG_Stats_Base::CanGetNuc_change(), CHG_Stats_Base::m_Nuc_change, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Nuc_change_jc member data.
Definition at line 674 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
References CHG_Stats_Base::CanGetNuc_change_jc(), CHG_Stats_Base::m_Nuc_change_jc, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Nuc_gi member data.
Definition at line 1210 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::CanGetNuc_gi(), CHG_Gene_Base::m_Nuc_gi, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Other_commentaries member data.
Definition at line 645 of file HG_Commentary_.hpp.
References CHG_Commentary_Base::m_Other_commentaries.
inline |
Get the Other_links member data.
Definition at line 620 of file HG_Commentary_.hpp.
References CHG_Commentary_Base::m_Other_links.
inline |
Get the Otherid member data.
Definition at line 856 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::CanGetOtherid(), CHG_Gene_Base::m_Otherid, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Prot_acc member data.
Definition at line 1109 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::CanGetProt_acc(), CHG_Gene_Base::m_Prot_acc, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Prot_change member data.
Definition at line 721 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
References CHG_Stats_Base::CanGetProt_change(), CHG_Stats_Base::m_Prot_change, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Prot_gi member data.
Definition at line 1069 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::CanGetProt_gi(), CHG_Gene_Base::m_Prot_gi, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Prot_len member data.
Definition at line 1163 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::CanGetProt_len(), CHG_Gene_Base::m_Prot_len, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Prot_links member data.
Definition at line 1322 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::m_Prot_links.
inline |
Get the Provider member data.
Definition at line 573 of file HG_Commentary_.hpp.
References CHG_Commentary_Base::CanGetProvider(), CHG_Commentary_Base::m_Provider, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Pssm_id member data.
Definition at line 434 of file HG_Domain_.hpp.
References CHG_Domain_Base::CanGetPssm_id(), CHG_Domain_Base::m_Pssm_id, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Recip_best member data.
Definition at line 956 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
References CHG_Stats_Base::CanGetRecip_best(), CHG_Stats_Base::m_Recip_best, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Symbol member data.
Definition at line 896 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::CanGetSymbol(), CHG_Gene_Base::m_Symbol, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
Referenced by CHG_Gene::GetLabel().
inline |
Get the Taxid member data.
Definition at line 677 of file HG_Commentary_.hpp.
References CHG_Commentary_Base::CanGetTaxid(), CHG_Commentary_Base::m_Taxid, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Taxid member data.
Definition at line 792 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
References CHG_Entry_Base::CanGetTaxid(), CHG_Entry_Base::m_Taxid, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Taxid member data.
Definition at line 1022 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::CanGetTaxid(), CHG_Gene_Base::m_Taxid, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Title member data.
Definition at line 297 of file HG_CommentarySet_.hpp.
References CHG_CommentarySet_Base::CanGetTitle(), CHG_CommentarySet_Base::m_Title, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Title member data.
Definition at line 691 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
References CHG_Entry_Base::CanGetTitle(), CHG_Entry_Base::m_Title, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Title member data.
Definition at line 968 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::CanGetTitle(), CHG_Gene_Base::m_Title, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Type member data.
Definition at line 391 of file HG_Node_.hpp.
References CHG_Node_Base::CanGetType(), CHG_Node_Base::m_Type, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Up_date member data.
Definition at line 878 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
References CHG_Entry_Base::CanGetUp_date(), CHG_Entry_Base::m_Up_date, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Url member data.
Definition at line 259 of file HG_Link_.hpp.
References CHG_Link_Base::CanGetUrl(), CHG_Link_Base::m_Url, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Version member data.
Definition at line 651 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
References CHG_Entry_Base::CanGetVersion(), CHG_Entry_Base::m_Version, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().
inline |
Get the Warnings member data.
Definition at line 949 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
References CHG_Entry_Base::m_Warnings.
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to data member.
Data member is mandatory; its type is defined as 'typedef list< CRef< CHG_Alignment > > Tdata'
Definition at line 152 of file HG_AlignmentSet_.hpp.
References CHG_AlignmentSet_Base::m_set_State.
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to data member.
Data member is mandatory; its type is defined as 'typedef list< CRef< CHG_CommentarySet > > Tdata'
Definition at line 152 of file HG_CommentaryContainer_.hpp.
References CHG_CommentaryContainer_Base::m_set_State.
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Aliases data member.
Data member Aliases is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef list< string > TAliases'
Definition at line 931 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Gene::GetLabel().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Alignment data member.
Data member Alignment is mandatory; its type is defined as 'typedef CSeq_align TAlignment'
Definition at line 245 of file HG_Alignment_.hpp.
References CHG_Alignment_Base::m_Alignment.
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Begin data member.
Data member Begin is mandatory; its type is defined as 'typedef int TBegin'
Definition at line 321 of file HG_Domain_.hpp.
References CHG_Domain_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Domain_Base::CanGetBegin(), and CHG_Domain_Base::SetBegin().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Branch_len data member.
Data member Branch_len is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef int TBranch_len'
Definition at line 571 of file HG_Node_.hpp.
References CHG_Node_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Node_Base::CanGetBranch_len(), and CHG_Node_Base::SetBranch_len().
inline |
extra text Check if a value has been assigned to Caption data member.
Data member Caption is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef string TCaption'
Definition at line 514 of file HG_Commentary_.hpp.
References CHG_Commentary_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Commentary_Base::CanGetCaption(), and CHG_Commentary_Base::SetCaption().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Caption data member.
Data member Caption is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef string TCaption'
Definition at line 726 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
References CHG_Entry_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Entry_Base::CanGetCaption(), and CHG_Entry_Base::SetCaption().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Caption data member.
Data member Caption is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef string TCaption'
Definition at line 449 of file HG_Node_.hpp.
References CHG_Node_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Node_Base::CanGetCaption(), and CHG_Node_Base::SetCaption().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Cdd_id data member.
Data member Cdd_id is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef string TCdd_id'
Definition at line 462 of file HG_Domain_.hpp.
References CHG_Domain_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Domain_Base::CanGetCdd_id(), and CHG_Domain_Base::SetCdd_id().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Cdd_name data member.
Data member Cdd_name is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef string TCdd_name'
Definition at line 509 of file HG_Domain_.hpp.
References CHG_Domain_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Domain_Base::CanGetCdd_name(), and CHG_Domain_Base::SetCdd_name().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Children data member.
Data member Children is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef list< CRef< CHG_Node > > TChildren'
Definition at line 546 of file HG_Node_.hpp.
References CHG_Node_Base::m_set_State.
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Chr data member.
Data member Chr is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef string TChr'
Definition at line 1360 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Gene_Base::CanGetChr(), and CHG_Gene_Base::SetChr().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Commentaries data member.
Data member Commentaries is mandatory; its type is defined as 'typedef list< CRef< CHG_Commentary > > TCommentaries'
Definition at line 332 of file HG_CommentarySet_.hpp.
References CHG_CommentarySet_Base::m_set_State.
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Commentaries data member.
Data member Commentaries is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef list< CRef< CHG_CommentarySet > > TCommentaries'
Definition at line 912 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
References CHG_Entry_Base::m_set_State.
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Cr_date data member.
Data member Cr_date is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef CDate TCr_date'
Definition at line 845 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
References CHG_Entry_Base::m_Cr_date.
Referenced by CHG_Entry_Base::CanGetCr_date().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Current_node data member.
Data member Current_node is optional with default false; its type is defined as 'typedef bool TCurrent_node'
Definition at line 496 of file HG_Node_.hpp.
References CHG_Node_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Node_Base::SetCurrent_node().
inline |
main description Check if a value has been assigned to Description data member.
Data member Description is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef string TDescription'
Definition at line 467 of file HG_Commentary_.hpp.
References CHG_Commentary_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Commentary_Base::CanGetDescription(), and CHG_Commentary_Base::SetDescription().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Distances data member.
Data member Distances is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef list< CRef< CHG_Stats > > TDistances'
Definition at line 887 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
References CHG_Entry_Base::m_set_State.
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Domains data member.
Data member Domains is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef list< CRef< CHG_Domain > > TDomains'
Definition at line 1335 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::m_set_State.
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to End data member.
Data member End is mandatory; its type is defined as 'typedef int TEnd'
Definition at line 368 of file HG_Domain_.hpp.
References CHG_Domain_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Domain_Base::CanGetEnd(), and CHG_Domain_Base::SetEnd().
inline |
homologene entry Check if a value has been assigned to Entries data member.
Data member Entries is mandatory; its type is defined as 'typedef list< CRef< CHG_Entry > > TEntries'
Definition at line 160 of file HG_EntrySet_.hpp.
References CHG_EntrySet_Base::m_set_State.
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Gene_links data member.
Data member Gene_links is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef list< CRef< CHG_Link > > TGene_links'
Definition at line 1285 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Gene::IsSetLinks().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Geneid data member.
Data member Geneid is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef int TGeneid'
Definition at line 705 of file HG_Commentary_.hpp.
References CHG_Commentary_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Commentary_Base::CanGetGeneid(), and CHG_Commentary_Base::SetGeneid().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Geneid data member.
Data member Geneid is mandatory; its type is defined as 'typedef int TGeneid'
Definition at line 790 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Gene_Base::CanGetGeneid(), CHG_Gene::GetLabel(), and CHG_Gene_Base::SetGeneid().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Genes data member.
Data member Genes is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef list< CRef< CHG_Gene > > TGenes'
Definition at line 820 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
References CHG_Entry_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Entry::IsSetCore_genes().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Gi1 data member.
Data member Gi1 is mandatory; its type is defined as 'typedef int TGi1'
Definition at line 514 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
References CHG_Stats_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Stats_Base::CanGetGi1(), and CHG_Stats_Base::SetGi1().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Gi2 data member.
Data member Gi2 is mandatory; its type is defined as 'typedef int TGi2'
Definition at line 561 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
References CHG_Stats_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Stats_Base::CanGetGi2(), and CHG_Stats_Base::SetGi2().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Hg_id data member.
Data member Hg_id is mandatory; its type is defined as 'typedef int THg_id'
Definition at line 198 of file HG_Alignment_.hpp.
References CHG_Alignment_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Alignment_Base::CanGetHg_id(), and CHG_Alignment_Base::SetHg_id().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Hg_id data member.
Data member Hg_id is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef int THg_id'
Definition at line 238 of file HG_CommentarySet_.hpp.
References CHG_CommentarySet_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_CommentarySet_Base::CanGetHg_id(), and CHG_CommentarySet_Base::SetHg_id().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Hg_id data member.
Data member Hg_id is mandatory; its type is defined as 'typedef int THg_id'
Definition at line 585 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
References CHG_Entry_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Entry_Base::CanGetHg_id(), and CHG_Entry_Base::SetHg_id().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Hypertext data member.
Data member Hypertext is mandatory; its type is defined as 'typedef string THypertext'
Definition at line 200 of file HG_Link_.hpp.
References CHG_Link_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Link_Base::CanGetHypertext(), and CHG_Link_Base::SetHypertext().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Id data member.
Data member Id is mandatory; its type is defined as 'typedef CHG_Node_id TId'
Definition at line 419 of file HG_Node_.hpp.
References CHG_Node_Base::m_Id.
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Id data member.
Data member Id is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef int TId'
Definition at line 203 of file HG_Node_id_.hpp.
References CHG_Node_id_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Node_id_Base::CanGetId(), and CHG_Node_id_Base::SetId().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Id_type data member.
Data member Id_type is mandatory; its type is defined as 'typedef EId_type TId_type'
Definition at line 250 of file HG_Node_id_.hpp.
References CHG_Node_id_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Node_id_Base::CanGetId_type(), and CHG_Node_id_Base::SetId_type().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Ka data member.
Data member Ka is mandatory; its type is defined as 'typedef double TKa'
Definition at line 749 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
References CHG_Stats_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Stats_Base::CanGetKa(), and CHG_Stats_Base::SetKa().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Knc data member.
Data member Knc is mandatory; its type is defined as 'typedef double TKnc'
Definition at line 890 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
References CHG_Stats_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Stats_Base::CanGetKnc(), and CHG_Stats_Base::SetKnc().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Knr data member.
Data member Knr is mandatory; its type is defined as 'typedef double TKnr'
Definition at line 843 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
References CHG_Stats_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Stats_Base::CanGetKnr(), and CHG_Stats_Base::SetKnr().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Ks data member.
Data member Ks is mandatory; its type is defined as 'typedef double TKs'
Definition at line 796 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
References CHG_Stats_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Stats_Base::CanGetKs(), and CHG_Stats_Base::SetKs().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Link data member.
Data member Link is mandatory; its type is defined as 'typedef CHG_Link TLink'
Definition at line 437 of file HG_Commentary_.hpp.
References CHG_Commentary_Base::m_Link.
inline |
location on the genome Check if a value has been assigned to Location data member.
Data member Location is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef CSeq_loc TLocation'
Definition at line 1407 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::m_Location.
Referenced by CHG_Gene_Base::CanGetLocation().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Locus_tag data member.
Data member Locus_tag is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef string TLocus_tag'
Definition at line 1428 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Gene_Base::CanGetLocus_tag(), CHG_Gene::GetLabel(), and CHG_Gene_Base::SetLocus_tag().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Node data member.
Data member Node is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef CHG_Node TNode'
Definition at line 962 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
References CHG_Entry_Base::m_Node.
Referenced by CHG_Entry_Base::CanGetNode().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Nuc_acc data member.
Data member Nuc_acc is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef string TNuc_acc'
Definition at line 1238 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Gene_Base::CanGetNuc_acc(), and CHG_Gene_Base::SetNuc_acc().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Nuc_change data member.
Data member Nuc_change is mandatory; its type is defined as 'typedef double TNuc_change'
Definition at line 608 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
References CHG_Stats_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Stats_Base::CanGetNuc_change(), and CHG_Stats_Base::SetNuc_change().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Nuc_change_jc data member.
Data member Nuc_change_jc is mandatory; its type is defined as 'typedef double TNuc_change_jc'
Definition at line 655 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
References CHG_Stats_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Stats_Base::CanGetNuc_change_jc(), and CHG_Stats_Base::SetNuc_change_jc().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Nuc_gi data member.
Data member Nuc_gi is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef int TNuc_gi'
Definition at line 1191 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Gene_Base::CanGetNuc_gi(), and CHG_Gene_Base::SetNuc_gi().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Other_commentaries data member.
Data member Other_commentaries is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef list< CRef< CHG_Commentary > > TOther_commentaries'
Definition at line 633 of file HG_Commentary_.hpp.
References CHG_Commentary_Base::m_set_State.
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Other_links data member.
Data member Other_links is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef list< CRef< CHG_Link > > TOther_links'
Definition at line 608 of file HG_Commentary_.hpp.
References CHG_Commentary_Base::m_set_State.
inline |
internal use only!!!!! Check if a value has been assigned to Otherid data member.
Data member Otherid is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef int TOtherid'
Definition at line 837 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Gene_Base::CanGetOtherid(), and CHG_Gene_Base::SetOtherid().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Prot_acc data member.
Data member Prot_acc is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef string TProt_acc'
Definition at line 1097 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Gene_Base::CanGetProt_acc(), and CHG_Gene_Base::SetProt_acc().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Prot_change data member.
Data member Prot_change is mandatory; its type is defined as 'typedef double TProt_change'
Definition at line 702 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
References CHG_Stats_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Stats_Base::CanGetProt_change(), and CHG_Stats_Base::SetProt_change().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Prot_gi data member.
Data member Prot_gi is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef int TProt_gi'
Definition at line 1050 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Gene_Base::CanGetProt_gi(), and CHG_Gene_Base::SetProt_gi().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Prot_len data member.
Data member Prot_len is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef int TProt_len'
Definition at line 1144 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Gene_Base::CanGetProt_len(), and CHG_Gene_Base::SetProt_len().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Prot_links data member.
Data member Prot_links is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef list< CRef< CHG_Link > > TProt_links'
Definition at line 1310 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::m_set_State.
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Provider data member.
Data member Provider is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef string TProvider'
Definition at line 561 of file HG_Commentary_.hpp.
References CHG_Commentary_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Commentary_Base::CanGetProvider(), and CHG_Commentary_Base::SetProvider().
inline |
entrez uid Check if a value has been assigned to Pssm_id data member.
Data member Pssm_id is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef int TPssm_id'
Definition at line 415 of file HG_Domain_.hpp.
References CHG_Domain_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Domain_Base::CanGetPssm_id(), and CHG_Domain_Base::SetPssm_id().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Recip_best data member.
Data member Recip_best is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef bool TRecip_best'
Definition at line 937 of file HG_Stats_.hpp.
References CHG_Stats_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Stats_Base::CanGetRecip_best(), and CHG_Stats_Base::SetRecip_best().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Symbol data member.
Data member Symbol is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef string TSymbol'
Definition at line 884 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Gene_Base::CanGetSymbol(), CHG_Gene::GetLabel(), and CHG_Gene_Base::SetSymbol().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Taxid data member.
Data member Taxid is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef int TTaxid'
Definition at line 658 of file HG_Commentary_.hpp.
References CHG_Commentary_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Commentary_Base::CanGetTaxid(), and CHG_Commentary_Base::SetTaxid().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Taxid data member.
Data member Taxid is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef int TTaxid'
Definition at line 773 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
References CHG_Entry_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Entry_Base::CanGetTaxid(), and CHG_Entry_Base::SetTaxid().
inline |
taxid of gene node Check if a value has been assigned to Taxid data member.
Data member Taxid is mandatory; its type is defined as 'typedef int TTaxid'
Definition at line 1003 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Gene_Base::CanGetTaxid(), and CHG_Gene_Base::SetTaxid().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Title data member.
Data member Title is mandatory; its type is defined as 'typedef string TTitle'
Definition at line 285 of file HG_CommentarySet_.hpp.
References CHG_CommentarySet_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_CommentarySet_Base::CanGetTitle(), and CHG_CommentarySet_Base::SetTitle().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Title data member.
Data member Title is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef string TTitle'
Definition at line 679 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
References CHG_Entry_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Entry_Base::CanGetTitle(), and CHG_Entry_Base::SetTitle().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Title data member.
Data member Title is mandatory; its type is defined as 'typedef string TTitle'
Definition at line 956 of file HG_Gene_.hpp.
References CHG_Gene_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Gene_Base::CanGetTitle(), and CHG_Gene_Base::SetTitle().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Type data member.
Data member Type is mandatory; its type is defined as 'typedef EType TType'
Definition at line 372 of file HG_Node_.hpp.
References CHG_Node_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Node_Base::CanGetType(), and CHG_Node_Base::SetType().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Up_date data member.
Data member Up_date is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef CDate TUp_date'
Definition at line 866 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
References CHG_Entry_Base::m_Up_date.
Referenced by CHG_Entry_Base::CanGetUp_date().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Url data member.
Data member Url is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef string TUrl'
Definition at line 247 of file HG_Link_.hpp.
References CHG_Link_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Link_Base::CanGetUrl(), and CHG_Link_Base::SetUrl().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Version data member.
Data member Version is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef int TVersion'
Definition at line 632 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
References CHG_Entry_Base::m_set_State.
Referenced by CHG_Entry_Base::CanGetVersion(), and CHG_Entry_Base::SetVersion().
inline |
Check if a value has been assigned to Warnings data member.
Data member Warnings is optional; its type is defined as 'typedef list< string > TWarnings'
Definition at line 937 of file HG_Entry_.hpp.
References CHG_Entry_Base::m_set_State.
inline |
Conversion operator to 'const Tdata' type.
Definition at line 177 of file HG_AlignmentSet_.hpp.
inline |
Conversion operator to 'const Tdata' type.
Definition at line 177 of file HG_CommentaryContainer_.hpp.
inline |
Conversion operator to 'Tdata' type.
Definition at line 183 of file HG_AlignmentSet_.hpp.