NCBI C++ ToolKit
Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Enumerator | Functions | Variables
Code generated by DATATOOL from 'cn3d.asn' (module 'NCBI-Cn3d')
+ Collaboration diagram for Code generated by DATATOOL from 'cn3d.asn' (module 'NCBI-Cn3d'):


class  CCn3d_backbone_label_style
 CCn3d_backbone_label_style –. More...
class  CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base
 style blob for backbone labels More...
class  CCn3d_backbone_style
 CCn3d_backbone_style –. More...
class  CCn3d_backbone_style_Base
 style blob for backbones only More...
class  CCn3d_color
 CCn3d_color –. More...
class  CCn3d_color_Base
 RGB triplet, interpreted (after division by the scale-factor) as floating point values which should range from [0..1]. More...
class  CCn3d_general_style
 CCn3d_general_style –. More...
class  CCn3d_general_style_Base
 style blob for other objects More...
class  CCn3d_GL_matrix
 CCn3d_GL_matrix –. More...
class  CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base
 a GL-ordered transformation matrix More...
class  CCn3d_molecule_location
 CCn3d_molecule_location –. More...
class  CCn3d_molecule_location_Base
 set of locations on a particular chain More...
class  CCn3d_object_location
 CCn3d_object_location –. More...
class  CCn3d_object_location_Base
 set of locations on a particular structure object (e.g., a PDB/MMDB structure), which may include multiple ranges of residues each on multiple chains. More...
class  CCn3d_residue_range
 CCn3d_residue_range –. More...
class  CCn3d_residue_range_Base
 a range of residues in a chain, identified by MMDB residue-id (e.g., numbered from 1) More...
class  CCn3d_style_dictionary
 CCn3d_style_dictionary –. More...
class  CCn3d_style_dictionary_Base
 the global settings, and a lookup table of styles for user annotations. More...
class  CCn3d_style_settings
 CCn3d_style_settings –. More...
class  CCn3d_style_settings_Base
 rendering settings for Cn3D (mirrors StyleSettings class) More...
class  CCn3d_style_settings_set
 CCn3d_style_settings_set –. More...
class  CCn3d_style_settings_set_Base
 CCn3d_style_settings_set_Base –. More...
class  CCn3d_style_table_id
 CCn3d_style_table_id –. More...
class  CCn3d_style_table_id_Base
 CCn3d_style_table_id_Base –. More...
class  CCn3d_style_table_item
 CCn3d_style_table_item –. More...
class  CCn3d_style_table_item_Base
 CCn3d_style_table_item_Base –. More...
class  CCn3d_user_annotation
 CCn3d_user_annotation –. More...
class  CCn3d_user_annotation_Base
 information for an individual user annotation More...
class  CCn3d_user_annotations
 CCn3d_user_annotations –. More...
class  CCn3d_user_annotations_Base
 The list of annotations for a given CDD/mime. More...
class  CCn3d_vector
 CCn3d_vector –. More...
class  CCn3d_vector_Base
 a floating point 3d vector More...
class  CCn3d_view_settings
 CCn3d_view_settings –. More...
class  CCn3d_view_settings_Base
 parameters used to set up the camera in Cn3D More...


typedef CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base CCn3d_backbone_label_style::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::Tparent
typedef int CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::TSpacing
typedef EType CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::TType
typedef ENumber CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::TNumber
typedef bool CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::TTermini
typedef bool CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::TWhite
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 6 > CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CCn3d_backbone_style_Base CCn3d_backbone_style::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::Tparent
typedef ECn3d_backbone_type CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::TType
typedef ECn3d_drawing_style CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::TStyle
typedef ECn3d_color_scheme CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::TColor_scheme
typedef CCn3d_color CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::TUser_color
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 5 > CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CCn3d_color_Base CCn3d_color::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CCn3d_color_Base::Tparent
typedef int CCn3d_color_Base::TScale_factor
typedef int CCn3d_color_Base::TRed
typedef int CCn3d_color_Base::TGreen
typedef int CCn3d_color_Base::TBlue
typedef int CCn3d_color_Base::TAlpha
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 6 > CCn3d_color_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CCn3d_general_style_Base CCn3d_general_style::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CCn3d_general_style_Base::Tparent
typedef bool CCn3d_general_style_Base::TIs_on
typedef ECn3d_drawing_style CCn3d_general_style_Base::TStyle
typedef ECn3d_color_scheme CCn3d_general_style_Base::TColor_scheme
typedef CCn3d_color CCn3d_general_style_Base::TUser_color
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 5 > CCn3d_general_style_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base CCn3d_GL_matrix::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::Tparent
typedef double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::TM0
typedef double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::TM1
typedef double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::TM2
typedef double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::TM3
typedef double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::TM4
typedef double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::TM5
typedef double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::TM6
typedef double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::TM7
typedef double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::TM8
typedef double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::TM9
typedef double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::TM10
typedef double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::TM11
typedef double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::TM12
typedef double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::TM13
typedef double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::TM14
typedef double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::TM15
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 17 > CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CCn3d_molecule_location_Base CCn3d_molecule_location::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CCn3d_molecule_location_Base::Tparent
typedef CMolecule_id CCn3d_molecule_location_Base::TMolecule_id
typedef list< CRef< CCn3d_residue_range > > CCn3d_molecule_location_Base::TResidues
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 3 > CCn3d_molecule_location_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CCn3d_object_location_Base CCn3d_object_location::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CCn3d_object_location_Base::Tparent
typedef CBiostruc_id CCn3d_object_location_Base::TStructure_id
typedef list< CRef< CCn3d_molecule_location > > CCn3d_object_location_Base::TResidues
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 3 > CCn3d_object_location_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CCn3d_residue_range_Base CCn3d_residue_range::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CCn3d_residue_range_Base::Tparent
typedef CResidue_id CCn3d_residue_range_Base::TFrom
typedef CResidue_id CCn3d_residue_range_Base::TTo
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 3 > CCn3d_residue_range_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CCn3d_style_dictionary_Base CCn3d_style_dictionary::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CCn3d_style_dictionary_Base::Tparent
typedef CCn3d_style_settings CCn3d_style_dictionary_Base::TGlobal_style
typedef list< CRef< CCn3d_style_table_item > > CCn3d_style_dictionary_Base::TStyle_table
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 3 > CCn3d_style_dictionary_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CCn3d_style_settings_Base CCn3d_style_settings::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CCn3d_style_settings_Base::Tparent
typedef string CCn3d_style_settings_Base::TName
typedef CCn3d_backbone_style CCn3d_style_settings_Base::TProtein_backbone
typedef CCn3d_backbone_style CCn3d_style_settings_Base::TNucleotide_backbone
typedef CCn3d_general_style CCn3d_style_settings_Base::TProtein_sidechains
typedef CCn3d_general_style CCn3d_style_settings_Base::TNucleotide_sidechains
typedef CCn3d_general_style CCn3d_style_settings_Base::THeterogens
typedef CCn3d_general_style CCn3d_style_settings_Base::TSolvents
typedef CCn3d_general_style CCn3d_style_settings_Base::TConnections
typedef CCn3d_general_style CCn3d_style_settings_Base::THelix_objects
typedef CCn3d_general_style CCn3d_style_settings_Base::TStrand_objects
typedef bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::TVirtual_disulfides_on
typedef CCn3d_color CCn3d_style_settings_Base::TVirtual_disulfide_color
typedef bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::THydrogens_on
typedef CCn3d_color CCn3d_style_settings_Base::TBackground_color
typedef int CCn3d_style_settings_Base::TScale_factor
typedef int CCn3d_style_settings_Base::TSpace_fill_proportion
typedef int CCn3d_style_settings_Base::TBall_radius
typedef int CCn3d_style_settings_Base::TStick_radius
typedef int CCn3d_style_settings_Base::TTube_radius
typedef int CCn3d_style_settings_Base::TTube_worm_radius
typedef int CCn3d_style_settings_Base::THelix_radius
typedef int CCn3d_style_settings_Base::TStrand_width
typedef int CCn3d_style_settings_Base::TStrand_thickness
typedef CCn3d_backbone_label_style CCn3d_style_settings_Base::TProtein_labels
typedef CCn3d_backbone_label_style CCn3d_style_settings_Base::TNucleotide_labels
typedef bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::TIon_labels
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 27 > CCn3d_style_settings_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CCn3d_style_settings_set_Base CCn3d_style_settings_set::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CCn3d_style_settings_set_Base::Tparent
typedef list< CRef< CCn3d_style_settings > > CCn3d_style_settings_set_Base::Tdata
typedef CCn3d_style_table_id_Base CCn3d_style_table_id::Tparent
typedef CStdAliasBase< intCCn3d_style_table_id_Base::Tparent
typedef CCn3d_style_table_item_Base CCn3d_style_table_item::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CCn3d_style_table_item_Base::Tparent
typedef CCn3d_style_table_id CCn3d_style_table_item_Base::TId
typedef CCn3d_style_settings CCn3d_style_table_item_Base::TStyle
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 3 > CCn3d_style_table_item_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CCn3d_user_annotation_Base CCn3d_user_annotation::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::Tparent
typedef string CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::TName
typedef string CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::TDescription
typedef CCn3d_style_table_id CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::TStyle_id
typedef list< CRef< CCn3d_object_location > > CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::TResidues
typedef bool CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::TIs_on
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 6 > CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CCn3d_user_annotations_Base CCn3d_user_annotations::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CCn3d_user_annotations_Base::Tparent
typedef list< CRef< CCn3d_user_annotation > > CCn3d_user_annotations_Base::TAnnotations
typedef CCn3d_view_settings CCn3d_user_annotations_Base::TView
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 3 > CCn3d_user_annotations_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CCn3d_vector_Base CCn3d_vector::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CCn3d_vector_Base::Tparent
typedef double CCn3d_vector_Base::TX
typedef double CCn3d_vector_Base::TY
typedef double CCn3d_vector_Base::TZ
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 4 > CCn3d_vector_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CCn3d_view_settings_Base CCn3d_view_settings::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CCn3d_view_settings_Base::Tparent
typedef double CCn3d_view_settings_Base::TCamera_distance
typedef double CCn3d_view_settings_Base::TCamera_angle_rad
typedef double CCn3d_view_settings_Base::TCamera_look_at_X
typedef double CCn3d_view_settings_Base::TCamera_look_at_Y
typedef double CCn3d_view_settings_Base::TCamera_clip_near
typedef double CCn3d_view_settings_Base::TCamera_clip_far
typedef CCn3d_GL_matrix CCn3d_view_settings_Base::TMatrix
typedef CCn3d_vector CCn3d_view_settings_Base::TRotation_center
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 9 > CCn3d_view_settings_Base::TmemberIndex


enum  CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::EType { CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::eType_one_letter = 1 , CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::eType_three_letter = 2 }
enum  CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::ENumber { CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::eNumber_none = 0 , CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::eNumber_sequential = 1 , CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::eNumber_pdb = 2 }
enum class  CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::e_spacing , CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::e_type , CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::e_number ,
  CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::e_termini , CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::e_white
enum class  CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::e_type , CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::e_style , CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::e_color_scheme ,
enum  ECn3d_backbone_type { eCn3d_backbone_type_off = 1 , eCn3d_backbone_type_trace = 2 , eCn3d_backbone_type_partial = 3 , eCn3d_backbone_type_complete = 4 }
 values of enumerations must match those in cn3d/style_manager.hpp! for different types of backbones More...
enum class  CCn3d_color_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CCn3d_color_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CCn3d_color_Base::e_scale_factor , CCn3d_color_Base::e_red , CCn3d_color_Base::e_green ,
  CCn3d_color_Base::e_blue , CCn3d_color_Base::e_alpha
enum  ECn3d_color_scheme {
  eCn3d_color_scheme_element = 1 , eCn3d_color_scheme_object = 2 , eCn3d_color_scheme_molecule = 3 , eCn3d_color_scheme_domain = 4 ,
  eCn3d_color_scheme_residue = 20 , eCn3d_color_scheme_secondary_structure = 5 , eCn3d_color_scheme_user_select = 6 , eCn3d_color_scheme_aligned = 7 ,
  eCn3d_color_scheme_identity = 8 , eCn3d_color_scheme_variety = 9 , eCn3d_color_scheme_weighted_variety = 10 , eCn3d_color_scheme_information_content = 11 ,
  eCn3d_color_scheme_fit = 12 , eCn3d_color_scheme_block_fit = 17 , eCn3d_color_scheme_block_z_fit = 18 , eCn3d_color_scheme_block_row_fit = 19 ,
  eCn3d_color_scheme_temperature = 13 , eCn3d_color_scheme_hydrophobicity = 14 , eCn3d_color_scheme_charge = 15 , eCn3d_color_scheme_rainbow = 16
 available color schemes (not all necessarily applicable to all objects) More...
enum  ECn3d_drawing_style {
  eCn3d_drawing_style_wire = 1 , eCn3d_drawing_style_tubes = 2 , eCn3d_drawing_style_ball_and_stick = 3 , eCn3d_drawing_style_space_fill = 4 ,
  eCn3d_drawing_style_wire_worm = 5 , eCn3d_drawing_style_tube_worm = 6 , eCn3d_drawing_style_with_arrows = 7 , eCn3d_drawing_style_without_arrows = 8
 atom/bond/object rendering styles for atoms and bonds More...
enum class  CCn3d_general_style_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CCn3d_general_style_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CCn3d_general_style_Base::e_is_on , CCn3d_general_style_Base::e_style , CCn3d_general_style_Base::e_color_scheme ,
enum class  CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::e_m0 , CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::e_m1 , CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::e_m2 ,
  CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::e_m3 , CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::e_m4 , CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::e_m5 , CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::e_m6 ,
  CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::e_m7 , CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::e_m8 , CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::e_m9 , CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::e_m10 ,
  CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::e_m11 , CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::e_m12 , CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::e_m13 , CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::e_m14 ,
enum class  CCn3d_molecule_location_Base::E_memberIndex { CCn3d_molecule_location_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CCn3d_molecule_location_Base::e_molecule_id , CCn3d_molecule_location_Base::e_residues }
enum class  CCn3d_object_location_Base::E_memberIndex { CCn3d_object_location_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CCn3d_object_location_Base::e_structure_id , CCn3d_object_location_Base::e_residues }
enum class  CCn3d_residue_range_Base::E_memberIndex { CCn3d_residue_range_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CCn3d_residue_range_Base::e_from , CCn3d_residue_range_Base::e_to }
enum class  CCn3d_style_dictionary_Base::E_memberIndex { CCn3d_style_dictionary_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CCn3d_style_dictionary_Base::e_global_style , CCn3d_style_dictionary_Base::e_style_table }
enum class  CCn3d_style_settings_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CCn3d_style_settings_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CCn3d_style_settings_Base::e_name , CCn3d_style_settings_Base::e_protein_backbone , CCn3d_style_settings_Base::e_nucleotide_backbone ,
  CCn3d_style_settings_Base::e_protein_sidechains , CCn3d_style_settings_Base::e_nucleotide_sidechains , CCn3d_style_settings_Base::e_heterogens , CCn3d_style_settings_Base::e_solvents ,
  CCn3d_style_settings_Base::e_connections , CCn3d_style_settings_Base::e_helix_objects , CCn3d_style_settings_Base::e_strand_objects , CCn3d_style_settings_Base::e_virtual_disulfides_on ,
  CCn3d_style_settings_Base::e_virtual_disulfide_color , CCn3d_style_settings_Base::e_hydrogens_on , CCn3d_style_settings_Base::e_background_color , CCn3d_style_settings_Base::e_scale_factor ,
  CCn3d_style_settings_Base::e_space_fill_proportion , CCn3d_style_settings_Base::e_ball_radius , CCn3d_style_settings_Base::e_stick_radius , CCn3d_style_settings_Base::e_tube_radius ,
  CCn3d_style_settings_Base::e_tube_worm_radius , CCn3d_style_settings_Base::e_helix_radius , CCn3d_style_settings_Base::e_strand_width , CCn3d_style_settings_Base::e_strand_thickness ,
  CCn3d_style_settings_Base::e_protein_labels , CCn3d_style_settings_Base::e_nucleotide_labels , CCn3d_style_settings_Base::e_ion_labels
enum class  CCn3d_style_table_item_Base::E_memberIndex { CCn3d_style_table_item_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CCn3d_style_table_item_Base::e_id , CCn3d_style_table_item_Base::e_style }
enum class  CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::e_name , CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::e_description , CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::e_style_id ,
  CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::e_residues , CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::e_is_on
enum class  CCn3d_user_annotations_Base::E_memberIndex { CCn3d_user_annotations_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CCn3d_user_annotations_Base::e_annotations , CCn3d_user_annotations_Base::e_view }
enum class  CCn3d_vector_Base::E_memberIndex { CCn3d_vector_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CCn3d_vector_Base::e_x , CCn3d_vector_Base::e_y , CCn3d_vector_Base::e_z }
enum class  CCn3d_view_settings_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CCn3d_view_settings_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CCn3d_view_settings_Base::e_camera_distance , CCn3d_view_settings_Base::e_camera_angle_rad , CCn3d_view_settings_Base::e_camera_look_at_X ,
  CCn3d_view_settings_Base::e_camera_look_at_Y , CCn3d_view_settings_Base::e_camera_clip_near , CCn3d_view_settings_Base::e_camera_clip_far , CCn3d_view_settings_Base::e_matrix ,


 CCn3d_backbone_label_style::CCn3d_backbone_label_style (void)
 CCn3d_backbone_label_style::~CCn3d_backbone_label_style (void)
 CCn3d_backbone_label_style::CCn3d_backbone_label_style (const CCn3d_backbone_label_style &value)
CCn3d_backbone_label_styleCCn3d_backbone_label_style::operator= (const CCn3d_backbone_label_style &value)
 CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base (void)
virtual CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::~CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base (void)
 CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO ()
static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues *ENUM_METHOD_NAME() CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::EType (void)
 Access to EType's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec. More...
static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues *ENUM_METHOD_NAME() CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::ENumber (void)
 Access to ENumber's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec. More...
bool CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::IsSetSpacing (void) const
 zero means none Check if a value has been assigned to Spacing data member. More...
bool CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::CanGetSpacing (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetSpacing method. More...
void CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::ResetSpacing (void)
 Reset Spacing data member. More...
TSpacing CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::GetSpacing (void) const
 Get the Spacing member data. More...
void CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::SetSpacing (TSpacing value)
 Assign a value to Spacing data member. More...
TSpacingCCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::SetSpacing (void)
 Assign a value to Spacing data member. More...
bool CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::IsSetType (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Type data member. More...
bool CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::CanGetType (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetType method. More...
void CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::ResetType (void)
 Reset Type data member. More...
TType CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::GetType (void) const
 Get the Type member data. More...
void CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::SetType (TType value)
 Assign a value to Type data member. More...
TTypeCCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::SetType (void)
 Assign a value to Type data member. More...
bool CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::IsSetNumber (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Number data member. More...
bool CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::CanGetNumber (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetNumber method. More...
void CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::ResetNumber (void)
 Reset Number data member. More...
TNumber CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::GetNumber (void) const
 Get the Number member data. More...
void CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::SetNumber (TNumber value)
 Assign a value to Number data member. More...
TNumberCCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::SetNumber (void)
 Assign a value to Number data member. More...
bool CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::IsSetTermini (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Termini data member. More...
bool CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::CanGetTermini (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetTermini method. More...
void CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::ResetTermini (void)
 Reset Termini data member. More...
TTermini CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::GetTermini (void) const
 Get the Termini member data. More...
void CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::SetTermini (TTermini value)
 Assign a value to Termini data member. More...
TTerminiCCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::SetTermini (void)
 Assign a value to Termini data member. More...
bool CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::IsSetWhite (void) const
 all white, or (if false) color of alpha carbon Check if a value has been assigned to White data member. More...
bool CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::CanGetWhite (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetWhite method. More...
void CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::ResetWhite (void)
 Reset White data member. More...
TWhite CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::GetWhite (void) const
 Get the White member data. More...
void CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::SetWhite (TWhite value)
 Assign a value to White data member. More...
TWhiteCCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::SetWhite (void)
 Assign a value to White data member. More...
virtual void CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base (const CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base &)
CCn3d_backbone_label_style_BaseCCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::operator= (const CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base &)
 CCn3d_backbone_style::CCn3d_backbone_style (void)
 CCn3d_backbone_style::~CCn3d_backbone_style (void)
 CCn3d_backbone_style::CCn3d_backbone_style (const CCn3d_backbone_style &value)
CCn3d_backbone_styleCCn3d_backbone_style::operator= (const CCn3d_backbone_style &value)
 CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::CCn3d_backbone_style_Base (void)
virtual CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::~CCn3d_backbone_style_Base (void)
 CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO ()
bool CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::IsSetType (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Type data member. More...
bool CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::CanGetType (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetType method. More...
void CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::ResetType (void)
 Reset Type data member. More...
TType CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::GetType (void) const
 Get the Type member data. More...
void CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::SetType (TType value)
 Assign a value to Type data member. More...
TTypeCCn3d_backbone_style_Base::SetType (void)
 Assign a value to Type data member. More...
bool CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::IsSetStyle (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Style data member. More...
bool CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::CanGetStyle (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetStyle method. More...
void CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::ResetStyle (void)
 Reset Style data member. More...
TStyle CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::GetStyle (void) const
 Get the Style member data. More...
void CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::SetStyle (TStyle value)
 Assign a value to Style data member. More...
TStyleCCn3d_backbone_style_Base::SetStyle (void)
 Assign a value to Style data member. More...
bool CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::IsSetColor_scheme (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Color_scheme data member. More...
bool CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::CanGetColor_scheme (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetColor_scheme method. More...
void CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::ResetColor_scheme (void)
 Reset Color_scheme data member. More...
TColor_scheme CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::GetColor_scheme (void) const
 Get the Color_scheme member data. More...
void CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::SetColor_scheme (TColor_scheme value)
 Assign a value to Color_scheme data member. More...
TColor_schemeCCn3d_backbone_style_Base::SetColor_scheme (void)
 Assign a value to Color_scheme data member. More...
bool CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::IsSetUser_color (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to User_color data member. More...
bool CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::CanGetUser_color (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetUser_color method. More...
void CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::ResetUser_color (void)
 Reset User_color data member. More...
const TUser_colorCCn3d_backbone_style_Base::GetUser_color (void) const
 Get the User_color member data. More...
void CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::SetUser_color (TUser_color &value)
 Assign a value to User_color data member. More...
TUser_colorCCn3d_backbone_style_Base::SetUser_color (void)
 Assign a value to User_color data member. More...
virtual void CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::CCn3d_backbone_style_Base (const CCn3d_backbone_style_Base &)
CCn3d_backbone_style_BaseCCn3d_backbone_style_Base::operator= (const CCn3d_backbone_style_Base &)
 CCn3d_color::CCn3d_color (void)
 CCn3d_color::~CCn3d_color (void)
 CCn3d_color::CCn3d_color (const CCn3d_color &value)
CCn3d_colorCCn3d_color::operator= (const CCn3d_color &value)
 CCn3d_color_Base::CCn3d_color_Base (void)
virtual CCn3d_color_Base::~CCn3d_color_Base (void)
bool CCn3d_color_Base::IsSetScale_factor (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Scale_factor data member. More...
bool CCn3d_color_Base::CanGetScale_factor (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetScale_factor method. More...
void CCn3d_color_Base::ResetScale_factor (void)
 Reset Scale_factor data member. More...
void CCn3d_color_Base::SetDefaultScale_factor (void)
 Assign default value to Scale_factor data member. More...
TScale_factor CCn3d_color_Base::GetScale_factor (void) const
 Get the Scale_factor member data. More...
void CCn3d_color_Base::SetScale_factor (TScale_factor value)
 Assign a value to Scale_factor data member. More...
TScale_factorCCn3d_color_Base::SetScale_factor (void)
 Assign a value to Scale_factor data member. More...
bool CCn3d_color_Base::IsSetRed (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Red data member. More...
bool CCn3d_color_Base::CanGetRed (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetRed method. More...
void CCn3d_color_Base::ResetRed (void)
 Reset Red data member. More...
TRed CCn3d_color_Base::GetRed (void) const
 Get the Red member data. More...
void CCn3d_color_Base::SetRed (TRed value)
 Assign a value to Red data member. More...
TRedCCn3d_color_Base::SetRed (void)
 Assign a value to Red data member. More...
bool CCn3d_color_Base::IsSetGreen (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Green data member. More...
bool CCn3d_color_Base::CanGetGreen (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetGreen method. More...
void CCn3d_color_Base::ResetGreen (void)
 Reset Green data member. More...
TGreen CCn3d_color_Base::GetGreen (void) const
 Get the Green member data. More...
void CCn3d_color_Base::SetGreen (TGreen value)
 Assign a value to Green data member. More...
TGreenCCn3d_color_Base::SetGreen (void)
 Assign a value to Green data member. More...
bool CCn3d_color_Base::IsSetBlue (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Blue data member. More...
bool CCn3d_color_Base::CanGetBlue (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetBlue method. More...
void CCn3d_color_Base::ResetBlue (void)
 Reset Blue data member. More...
TBlue CCn3d_color_Base::GetBlue (void) const
 Get the Blue member data. More...
void CCn3d_color_Base::SetBlue (TBlue value)
 Assign a value to Blue data member. More...
TBlueCCn3d_color_Base::SetBlue (void)
 Assign a value to Blue data member. More...
bool CCn3d_color_Base::IsSetAlpha (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Alpha data member. More...
bool CCn3d_color_Base::CanGetAlpha (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetAlpha method. More...
void CCn3d_color_Base::ResetAlpha (void)
 Reset Alpha data member. More...
void CCn3d_color_Base::SetDefaultAlpha (void)
 Assign default value to Alpha data member. More...
TAlpha CCn3d_color_Base::GetAlpha (void) const
 Get the Alpha member data. More...
void CCn3d_color_Base::SetAlpha (TAlpha value)
 Assign a value to Alpha data member. More...
TAlphaCCn3d_color_Base::SetAlpha (void)
 Assign a value to Alpha data member. More...
virtual void CCn3d_color_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CCn3d_color_Base::CCn3d_color_Base (const CCn3d_color_Base &)
CCn3d_color_BaseCCn3d_color_Base::operator= (const CCn3d_color_Base &)
 CCn3d_general_style::CCn3d_general_style (void)
 CCn3d_general_style::~CCn3d_general_style (void)
 CCn3d_general_style::CCn3d_general_style (const CCn3d_general_style &value)
CCn3d_general_styleCCn3d_general_style::operator= (const CCn3d_general_style &value)
 CCn3d_general_style_Base::CCn3d_general_style_Base (void)
virtual CCn3d_general_style_Base::~CCn3d_general_style_Base (void)
 CCn3d_general_style_Base::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO ()
bool CCn3d_general_style_Base::IsSetIs_on (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Is_on data member. More...
bool CCn3d_general_style_Base::CanGetIs_on (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetIs_on method. More...
void CCn3d_general_style_Base::ResetIs_on (void)
 Reset Is_on data member. More...
TIs_on CCn3d_general_style_Base::GetIs_on (void) const
 Get the Is_on member data. More...
void CCn3d_general_style_Base::SetIs_on (TIs_on value)
 Assign a value to Is_on data member. More...
TIs_onCCn3d_general_style_Base::SetIs_on (void)
 Assign a value to Is_on data member. More...
bool CCn3d_general_style_Base::IsSetStyle (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Style data member. More...
bool CCn3d_general_style_Base::CanGetStyle (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetStyle method. More...
void CCn3d_general_style_Base::ResetStyle (void)
 Reset Style data member. More...
TStyle CCn3d_general_style_Base::GetStyle (void) const
 Get the Style member data. More...
void CCn3d_general_style_Base::SetStyle (TStyle value)
 Assign a value to Style data member. More...
TStyleCCn3d_general_style_Base::SetStyle (void)
 Assign a value to Style data member. More...
bool CCn3d_general_style_Base::IsSetColor_scheme (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Color_scheme data member. More...
bool CCn3d_general_style_Base::CanGetColor_scheme (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetColor_scheme method. More...
void CCn3d_general_style_Base::ResetColor_scheme (void)
 Reset Color_scheme data member. More...
TColor_scheme CCn3d_general_style_Base::GetColor_scheme (void) const
 Get the Color_scheme member data. More...
void CCn3d_general_style_Base::SetColor_scheme (TColor_scheme value)
 Assign a value to Color_scheme data member. More...
TColor_schemeCCn3d_general_style_Base::SetColor_scheme (void)
 Assign a value to Color_scheme data member. More...
bool CCn3d_general_style_Base::IsSetUser_color (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to User_color data member. More...
bool CCn3d_general_style_Base::CanGetUser_color (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetUser_color method. More...
void CCn3d_general_style_Base::ResetUser_color (void)
 Reset User_color data member. More...
const TUser_colorCCn3d_general_style_Base::GetUser_color (void) const
 Get the User_color member data. More...
void CCn3d_general_style_Base::SetUser_color (TUser_color &value)
 Assign a value to User_color data member. More...
TUser_colorCCn3d_general_style_Base::SetUser_color (void)
 Assign a value to User_color data member. More...
virtual void CCn3d_general_style_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CCn3d_general_style_Base::CCn3d_general_style_Base (const CCn3d_general_style_Base &)
CCn3d_general_style_BaseCCn3d_general_style_Base::operator= (const CCn3d_general_style_Base &)
 CCn3d_GL_matrix::CCn3d_GL_matrix (void)
 CCn3d_GL_matrix::~CCn3d_GL_matrix (void)
 CCn3d_GL_matrix::CCn3d_GL_matrix (const CCn3d_GL_matrix &value)
CCn3d_GL_matrixCCn3d_GL_matrix::operator= (const CCn3d_GL_matrix &value)
 CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base (void)
virtual CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::~CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base (void)
bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::IsSetM0 (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to M0 data member. More...
bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::CanGetM0 (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetM0 method. More...
void CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::ResetM0 (void)
 Reset M0 data member. More...
TM0 CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::GetM0 (void) const
 Get the M0 member data. More...
void CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::SetM0 (TM0 value)
 Assign a value to M0 data member. More...
TM0CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::SetM0 (void)
 Assign a value to M0 data member. More...
bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::IsSetM1 (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to M1 data member. More...
bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::CanGetM1 (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetM1 method. More...
void CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::ResetM1 (void)
 Reset M1 data member. More...
TM1 CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::GetM1 (void) const
 Get the M1 member data. More...
void CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::SetM1 (TM1 value)
 Assign a value to M1 data member. More...
TM1CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::SetM1 (void)
 Assign a value to M1 data member. More...
bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::IsSetM2 (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to M2 data member. More...
bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::CanGetM2 (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetM2 method. More...
void CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::ResetM2 (void)
 Reset M2 data member. More...
TM2 CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::GetM2 (void) const
 Get the M2 member data. More...
void CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::SetM2 (TM2 value)
 Assign a value to M2 data member. More...
TM2CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::SetM2 (void)
 Assign a value to M2 data member. More...
bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::IsSetM3 (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to M3 data member. More...
bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::CanGetM3 (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetM3 method. More...
void CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::ResetM3 (void)
 Reset M3 data member. More...
TM3 CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::GetM3 (void) const
 Get the M3 member data. More...
void CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::SetM3 (TM3 value)
 Assign a value to M3 data member. More...
TM3CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::SetM3 (void)
 Assign a value to M3 data member. More...
bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::IsSetM4 (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to M4 data member. More...
bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::CanGetM4 (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetM4 method. More...
void CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::ResetM4 (void)
 Reset M4 data member. More...
TM4 CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::GetM4 (void) const
 Get the M4 member data. More...
void CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::SetM4 (TM4 value)
 Assign a value to M4 data member. More...
TM4CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::SetM4 (void)
 Assign a value to M4 data member. More...
bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::IsSetM5 (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to M5 data member. More...
bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::CanGetM5 (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetM5 method. More...
void CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::ResetM5 (void)
 Reset M5 data member. More...
TM5 CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::GetM5 (void) const
 Get the M5 member data. More...
void CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::SetM5 (TM5 value)
 Assign a value to M5 data member. More...
TM5CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::SetM5 (void)
 Assign a value to M5 data member. More...
bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::IsSetM6 (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to M6 data member. More...
bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::CanGetM6 (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetM6 method. More...
void CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::ResetM6 (void)
 Reset M6 data member. More...
TM6 CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::GetM6 (void) const
 Get the M6 member data. More...
void CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::SetM6 (TM6 value)
 Assign a value to M6 data member. More...
TM6CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::SetM6 (void)
 Assign a value to M6 data member. More...
bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::IsSetM7 (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to M7 data member. More...
bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::CanGetM7 (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetM7 method. More...
void CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::ResetM7 (void)
 Reset M7 data member. More...
TM7 CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::GetM7 (void) const
 Get the M7 member data. More...
void CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::SetM7 (TM7 value)
 Assign a value to M7 data member. More...
TM7CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::SetM7 (void)
 Assign a value to M7 data member. More...
bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::IsSetM8 (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to M8 data member. More...
bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::CanGetM8 (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetM8 method. More...
void CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::ResetM8 (void)
 Reset M8 data member. More...
TM8 CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::GetM8 (void) const
 Get the M8 member data. More...
void CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::SetM8 (TM8 value)
 Assign a value to M8 data member. More...
TM8CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::SetM8 (void)
 Assign a value to M8 data member. More...
bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::IsSetM9 (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to M9 data member. More...
bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::CanGetM9 (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetM9 method. More...
void CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::ResetM9 (void)
 Reset M9 data member. More...
TM9 CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::GetM9 (void) const
 Get the M9 member data. More...
void CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::SetM9 (TM9 value)
 Assign a value to M9 data member. More...
TM9CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::SetM9 (void)
 Assign a value to M9 data member. More...
bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::IsSetM10 (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to M10 data member. More...
bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::CanGetM10 (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetM10 method. More...
void CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::ResetM10 (void)
 Reset M10 data member. More...
TM10 CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::GetM10 (void) const
 Get the M10 member data. More...
void CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::SetM10 (TM10 value)
 Assign a value to M10 data member. More...
TM10CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::SetM10 (void)
 Assign a value to M10 data member. More...
bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::IsSetM11 (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to M11 data member. More...
bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::CanGetM11 (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetM11 method. More...
void CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::ResetM11 (void)
 Reset M11 data member. More...
TM11 CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::GetM11 (void) const
 Get the M11 member data. More...
void CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::SetM11 (TM11 value)
 Assign a value to M11 data member. More...
TM11CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::SetM11 (void)
 Assign a value to M11 data member. More...
bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::IsSetM12 (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to M12 data member. More...
bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::CanGetM12 (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetM12 method. More...
void CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::ResetM12 (void)
 Reset M12 data member. More...
TM12 CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::GetM12 (void) const
 Get the M12 member data. More...
void CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::SetM12 (TM12 value)
 Assign a value to M12 data member. More...
TM12CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::SetM12 (void)
 Assign a value to M12 data member. More...
bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::IsSetM13 (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to M13 data member. More...
bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::CanGetM13 (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetM13 method. More...
void CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::ResetM13 (void)
 Reset M13 data member. More...
TM13 CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::GetM13 (void) const
 Get the M13 member data. More...
void CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::SetM13 (TM13 value)
 Assign a value to M13 data member. More...
TM13CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::SetM13 (void)
 Assign a value to M13 data member. More...
bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::IsSetM14 (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to M14 data member. More...
bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::CanGetM14 (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetM14 method. More...
void CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::ResetM14 (void)
 Reset M14 data member. More...
TM14 CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::GetM14 (void) const
 Get the M14 member data. More...
void CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::SetM14 (TM14 value)
 Assign a value to M14 data member. More...
TM14CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::SetM14 (void)
 Assign a value to M14 data member. More...
bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::IsSetM15 (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to M15 data member. More...
bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::CanGetM15 (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetM15 method. More...
void CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::ResetM15 (void)
 Reset M15 data member. More...
TM15 CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::GetM15 (void) const
 Get the M15 member data. More...
void CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::SetM15 (TM15 value)
 Assign a value to M15 data member. More...
TM15CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::SetM15 (void)
 Assign a value to M15 data member. More...
virtual void CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base (const CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base &)
CCn3d_GL_matrix_BaseCCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::operator= (const CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base &)
 CCn3d_molecule_location::CCn3d_molecule_location (void)
 CCn3d_molecule_location::~CCn3d_molecule_location (void)
 CCn3d_molecule_location::CCn3d_molecule_location (const CCn3d_molecule_location &value)
CCn3d_molecule_locationCCn3d_molecule_location::operator= (const CCn3d_molecule_location &value)
 CCn3d_molecule_location_Base::CCn3d_molecule_location_Base (void)
virtual CCn3d_molecule_location_Base::~CCn3d_molecule_location_Base (void)
 CCn3d_molecule_location_Base::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO ()
bool CCn3d_molecule_location_Base::IsSetMolecule_id (void) const
 MMDB molecule id which residues; whole molecule implied if absent Check if a value has been assigned to Molecule_id data member. More...
bool CCn3d_molecule_location_Base::CanGetMolecule_id (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetMolecule_id method. More...
void CCn3d_molecule_location_Base::ResetMolecule_id (void)
 Reset Molecule_id data member. More...
const TMolecule_idCCn3d_molecule_location_Base::GetMolecule_id (void) const
 Get the Molecule_id member data. More...
void CCn3d_molecule_location_Base::SetMolecule_id (const TMolecule_id &value)
 Assign a value to Molecule_id data member. More...
TMolecule_idCCn3d_molecule_location_Base::SetMolecule_id (void)
 Assign a value to Molecule_id data member. More...
bool CCn3d_molecule_location_Base::IsSetResidues (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Residues data member. More...
bool CCn3d_molecule_location_Base::CanGetResidues (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetResidues method. More...
void CCn3d_molecule_location_Base::ResetResidues (void)
 Reset Residues data member. More...
const TResiduesCCn3d_molecule_location_Base::GetResidues (void) const
 Get the Residues member data. More...
TResiduesCCn3d_molecule_location_Base::SetResidues (void)
 Assign a value to Residues data member. More...
virtual void CCn3d_molecule_location_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CCn3d_molecule_location_Base::CCn3d_molecule_location_Base (const CCn3d_molecule_location_Base &)
CCn3d_molecule_location_BaseCCn3d_molecule_location_Base::operator= (const CCn3d_molecule_location_Base &)
 CCn3d_object_location::CCn3d_object_location (void)
 CCn3d_object_location::~CCn3d_object_location (void)
 CCn3d_object_location::CCn3d_object_location (const CCn3d_object_location &value)
CCn3d_object_locationCCn3d_object_location::operator= (const CCn3d_object_location &value)
 CCn3d_object_location_Base::CCn3d_object_location_Base (void)
virtual CCn3d_object_location_Base::~CCn3d_object_location_Base (void)
 CCn3d_object_location_Base::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO ()
bool CCn3d_object_location_Base::IsSetStructure_id (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Structure_id data member. More...
bool CCn3d_object_location_Base::CanGetStructure_id (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetStructure_id method. More...
void CCn3d_object_location_Base::ResetStructure_id (void)
 Reset Structure_id data member. More...
const TStructure_idCCn3d_object_location_Base::GetStructure_id (void) const
 Get the Structure_id member data. More...
void CCn3d_object_location_Base::SetStructure_id (TStructure_id &value)
 Assign a value to Structure_id data member. More...
TStructure_idCCn3d_object_location_Base::SetStructure_id (void)
 Assign a value to Structure_id data member. More...
bool CCn3d_object_location_Base::IsSetResidues (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Residues data member. More...
bool CCn3d_object_location_Base::CanGetResidues (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetResidues method. More...
void CCn3d_object_location_Base::ResetResidues (void)
 Reset Residues data member. More...
const TResiduesCCn3d_object_location_Base::GetResidues (void) const
 Get the Residues member data. More...
TResiduesCCn3d_object_location_Base::SetResidues (void)
 Assign a value to Residues data member. More...
virtual void CCn3d_object_location_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CCn3d_object_location_Base::CCn3d_object_location_Base (const CCn3d_object_location_Base &)
CCn3d_object_location_BaseCCn3d_object_location_Base::operator= (const CCn3d_object_location_Base &)
 CCn3d_residue_range::CCn3d_residue_range (void)
 CCn3d_residue_range::~CCn3d_residue_range (void)
 CCn3d_residue_range::CCn3d_residue_range (const CCn3d_residue_range &value)
CCn3d_residue_rangeCCn3d_residue_range::operator= (const CCn3d_residue_range &value)
 CCn3d_residue_range_Base::CCn3d_residue_range_Base (void)
virtual CCn3d_residue_range_Base::~CCn3d_residue_range_Base (void)
 CCn3d_residue_range_Base::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO ()
bool CCn3d_residue_range_Base::IsSetFrom (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to From data member. More...
bool CCn3d_residue_range_Base::CanGetFrom (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetFrom method. More...
void CCn3d_residue_range_Base::ResetFrom (void)
 Reset From data member. More...
const TFromCCn3d_residue_range_Base::GetFrom (void) const
 Get the From member data. More...
void CCn3d_residue_range_Base::SetFrom (const TFrom &value)
 Assign a value to From data member. More...
TFromCCn3d_residue_range_Base::SetFrom (void)
 Assign a value to From data member. More...
bool CCn3d_residue_range_Base::IsSetTo (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to To data member. More...
bool CCn3d_residue_range_Base::CanGetTo (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetTo method. More...
void CCn3d_residue_range_Base::ResetTo (void)
 Reset To data member. More...
const TToCCn3d_residue_range_Base::GetTo (void) const
 Get the To member data. More...
void CCn3d_residue_range_Base::SetTo (const TTo &value)
 Assign a value to To data member. More...
TToCCn3d_residue_range_Base::SetTo (void)
 Assign a value to To data member. More...
virtual void CCn3d_residue_range_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CCn3d_residue_range_Base::CCn3d_residue_range_Base (const CCn3d_residue_range_Base &)
CCn3d_residue_range_BaseCCn3d_residue_range_Base::operator= (const CCn3d_residue_range_Base &)
 CCn3d_style_dictionary::CCn3d_style_dictionary (void)
 CCn3d_style_dictionary::~CCn3d_style_dictionary (void)
 CCn3d_style_dictionary::CCn3d_style_dictionary (const CCn3d_style_dictionary &value)
CCn3d_style_dictionaryCCn3d_style_dictionary::operator= (const CCn3d_style_dictionary &value)
 CCn3d_style_dictionary_Base::CCn3d_style_dictionary_Base (void)
virtual CCn3d_style_dictionary_Base::~CCn3d_style_dictionary_Base (void)
 CCn3d_style_dictionary_Base::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO ()
bool CCn3d_style_dictionary_Base::IsSetGlobal_style (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Global_style data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_dictionary_Base::CanGetGlobal_style (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetGlobal_style method. More...
void CCn3d_style_dictionary_Base::ResetGlobal_style (void)
 Reset Global_style data member. More...
const TGlobal_styleCCn3d_style_dictionary_Base::GetGlobal_style (void) const
 Get the Global_style member data. More...
void CCn3d_style_dictionary_Base::SetGlobal_style (TGlobal_style &value)
 Assign a value to Global_style data member. More...
TGlobal_styleCCn3d_style_dictionary_Base::SetGlobal_style (void)
 Assign a value to Global_style data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_dictionary_Base::IsSetStyle_table (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Style_table data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_dictionary_Base::CanGetStyle_table (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetStyle_table method. More...
void CCn3d_style_dictionary_Base::ResetStyle_table (void)
 Reset Style_table data member. More...
const TStyle_tableCCn3d_style_dictionary_Base::GetStyle_table (void) const
 Get the Style_table member data. More...
TStyle_tableCCn3d_style_dictionary_Base::SetStyle_table (void)
 Assign a value to Style_table data member. More...
virtual void CCn3d_style_dictionary_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CCn3d_style_dictionary_Base::CCn3d_style_dictionary_Base (const CCn3d_style_dictionary_Base &)
CCn3d_style_dictionary_BaseCCn3d_style_dictionary_Base::operator= (const CCn3d_style_dictionary_Base &)
 CCn3d_style_settings::CCn3d_style_settings (void)
 CCn3d_style_settings::~CCn3d_style_settings (void)
 CCn3d_style_settings::CCn3d_style_settings (const CCn3d_style_settings &value)
CCn3d_style_settingsCCn3d_style_settings::operator= (const CCn3d_style_settings &value)
 CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CCn3d_style_settings_Base (void)
virtual CCn3d_style_settings_Base::~CCn3d_style_settings_Base (void)
 CCn3d_style_settings_Base::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO ()
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::IsSetName (void) const
 a name (for favorites) Check if a value has been assigned to Name data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetName (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetName method. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::ResetName (void)
 Reset Name data member. More...
const TNameCCn3d_style_settings_Base::GetName (void) const
 Get the Name member data. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetName (const TName &value)
 Assign a value to Name data member. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetName (TName &&value)
TNameCCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetName (void)
 Assign a value to Name data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::IsSetProtein_backbone (void) const
 backbone styles Check if a value has been assigned to Protein_backbone data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetProtein_backbone (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetProtein_backbone method. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::ResetProtein_backbone (void)
 Reset Protein_backbone data member. More...
const TProtein_backboneCCn3d_style_settings_Base::GetProtein_backbone (void) const
 Get the Protein_backbone member data. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetProtein_backbone (TProtein_backbone &value)
 Assign a value to Protein_backbone data member. More...
TProtein_backboneCCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetProtein_backbone (void)
 Assign a value to Protein_backbone data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::IsSetNucleotide_backbone (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Nucleotide_backbone data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetNucleotide_backbone (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetNucleotide_backbone method. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::ResetNucleotide_backbone (void)
 Reset Nucleotide_backbone data member. More...
const TNucleotide_backboneCCn3d_style_settings_Base::GetNucleotide_backbone (void) const
 Get the Nucleotide_backbone member data. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetNucleotide_backbone (TNucleotide_backbone &value)
 Assign a value to Nucleotide_backbone data member. More...
TNucleotide_backboneCCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetNucleotide_backbone (void)
 Assign a value to Nucleotide_backbone data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::IsSetProtein_sidechains (void) const
 styles for other stuff Check if a value has been assigned to Protein_sidechains data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetProtein_sidechains (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetProtein_sidechains method. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::ResetProtein_sidechains (void)
 Reset Protein_sidechains data member. More...
const TProtein_sidechainsCCn3d_style_settings_Base::GetProtein_sidechains (void) const
 Get the Protein_sidechains member data. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetProtein_sidechains (TProtein_sidechains &value)
 Assign a value to Protein_sidechains data member. More...
TProtein_sidechainsCCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetProtein_sidechains (void)
 Assign a value to Protein_sidechains data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::IsSetNucleotide_sidechains (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Nucleotide_sidechains data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetNucleotide_sidechains (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetNucleotide_sidechains method. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::ResetNucleotide_sidechains (void)
 Reset Nucleotide_sidechains data member. More...
const TNucleotide_sidechainsCCn3d_style_settings_Base::GetNucleotide_sidechains (void) const
 Get the Nucleotide_sidechains member data. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetNucleotide_sidechains (TNucleotide_sidechains &value)
 Assign a value to Nucleotide_sidechains data member. More...
TNucleotide_sidechainsCCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetNucleotide_sidechains (void)
 Assign a value to Nucleotide_sidechains data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::IsSetHeterogens (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Heterogens data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetHeterogens (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetHeterogens method. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::ResetHeterogens (void)
 Reset Heterogens data member. More...
const THeterogensCCn3d_style_settings_Base::GetHeterogens (void) const
 Get the Heterogens member data. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetHeterogens (THeterogens &value)
 Assign a value to Heterogens data member. More...
THeterogensCCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetHeterogens (void)
 Assign a value to Heterogens data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::IsSetSolvents (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Solvents data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetSolvents (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetSolvents method. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::ResetSolvents (void)
 Reset Solvents data member. More...
const TSolventsCCn3d_style_settings_Base::GetSolvents (void) const
 Get the Solvents member data. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetSolvents (TSolvents &value)
 Assign a value to Solvents data member. More...
TSolventsCCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetSolvents (void)
 Assign a value to Solvents data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::IsSetConnections (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Connections data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetConnections (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetConnections method. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::ResetConnections (void)
 Reset Connections data member. More...
const TConnectionsCCn3d_style_settings_Base::GetConnections (void) const
 Get the Connections member data. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetConnections (TConnections &value)
 Assign a value to Connections data member. More...
TConnectionsCCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetConnections (void)
 Assign a value to Connections data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::IsSetHelix_objects (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Helix_objects data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetHelix_objects (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetHelix_objects method. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::ResetHelix_objects (void)
 Reset Helix_objects data member. More...
const THelix_objectsCCn3d_style_settings_Base::GetHelix_objects (void) const
 Get the Helix_objects member data. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetHelix_objects (THelix_objects &value)
 Assign a value to Helix_objects data member. More...
THelix_objectsCCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetHelix_objects (void)
 Assign a value to Helix_objects data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::IsSetStrand_objects (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Strand_objects data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetStrand_objects (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetStrand_objects method. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::ResetStrand_objects (void)
 Reset Strand_objects data member. More...
const TStrand_objectsCCn3d_style_settings_Base::GetStrand_objects (void) const
 Get the Strand_objects member data. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetStrand_objects (TStrand_objects &value)
 Assign a value to Strand_objects data member. More...
TStrand_objectsCCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetStrand_objects (void)
 Assign a value to Strand_objects data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::IsSetVirtual_disulfides_on (void) const
 virtual disulfides Check if a value has been assigned to Virtual_disulfides_on data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetVirtual_disulfides_on (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetVirtual_disulfides_on method. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::ResetVirtual_disulfides_on (void)
 Reset Virtual_disulfides_on data member. More...
TVirtual_disulfides_on CCn3d_style_settings_Base::GetVirtual_disulfides_on (void) const
 Get the Virtual_disulfides_on member data. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetVirtual_disulfides_on (TVirtual_disulfides_on value)
 Assign a value to Virtual_disulfides_on data member. More...
TVirtual_disulfides_onCCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetVirtual_disulfides_on (void)
 Assign a value to Virtual_disulfides_on data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::IsSetVirtual_disulfide_color (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Virtual_disulfide_color data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetVirtual_disulfide_color (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetVirtual_disulfide_color method. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::ResetVirtual_disulfide_color (void)
 Reset Virtual_disulfide_color data member. More...
const TVirtual_disulfide_colorCCn3d_style_settings_Base::GetVirtual_disulfide_color (void) const
 Get the Virtual_disulfide_color member data. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetVirtual_disulfide_color (TVirtual_disulfide_color &value)
 Assign a value to Virtual_disulfide_color data member. More...
TVirtual_disulfide_colorCCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetVirtual_disulfide_color (void)
 Assign a value to Virtual_disulfide_color data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::IsSetHydrogens_on (void) const
 hydrogens Check if a value has been assigned to Hydrogens_on data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetHydrogens_on (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetHydrogens_on method. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::ResetHydrogens_on (void)
 Reset Hydrogens_on data member. More...
THydrogens_on CCn3d_style_settings_Base::GetHydrogens_on (void) const
 Get the Hydrogens_on member data. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetHydrogens_on (THydrogens_on value)
 Assign a value to Hydrogens_on data member. More...
THydrogens_onCCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetHydrogens_on (void)
 Assign a value to Hydrogens_on data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::IsSetBackground_color (void) const
 background floating point parameters - scale-factor applies to all the following: Check if a value has been assigned to Background_color data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetBackground_color (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetBackground_color method. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::ResetBackground_color (void)
 Reset Background_color data member. More...
const TBackground_colorCCn3d_style_settings_Base::GetBackground_color (void) const
 Get the Background_color member data. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetBackground_color (TBackground_color &value)
 Assign a value to Background_color data member. More...
TBackground_colorCCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetBackground_color (void)
 Assign a value to Background_color data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::IsSetScale_factor (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Scale_factor data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetScale_factor (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetScale_factor method. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::ResetScale_factor (void)
 Reset Scale_factor data member. More...
TScale_factor CCn3d_style_settings_Base::GetScale_factor (void) const
 Get the Scale_factor member data. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetScale_factor (TScale_factor value)
 Assign a value to Scale_factor data member. More...
TScale_factorCCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetScale_factor (void)
 Assign a value to Scale_factor data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::IsSetSpace_fill_proportion (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Space_fill_proportion data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetSpace_fill_proportion (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetSpace_fill_proportion method. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::ResetSpace_fill_proportion (void)
 Reset Space_fill_proportion data member. More...
TSpace_fill_proportion CCn3d_style_settings_Base::GetSpace_fill_proportion (void) const
 Get the Space_fill_proportion member data. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetSpace_fill_proportion (TSpace_fill_proportion value)
 Assign a value to Space_fill_proportion data member. More...
TSpace_fill_proportionCCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetSpace_fill_proportion (void)
 Assign a value to Space_fill_proportion data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::IsSetBall_radius (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Ball_radius data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetBall_radius (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetBall_radius method. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::ResetBall_radius (void)
 Reset Ball_radius data member. More...
TBall_radius CCn3d_style_settings_Base::GetBall_radius (void) const
 Get the Ball_radius member data. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetBall_radius (TBall_radius value)
 Assign a value to Ball_radius data member. More...
TBall_radiusCCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetBall_radius (void)
 Assign a value to Ball_radius data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::IsSetStick_radius (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Stick_radius data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetStick_radius (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetStick_radius method. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::ResetStick_radius (void)
 Reset Stick_radius data member. More...
TStick_radius CCn3d_style_settings_Base::GetStick_radius (void) const
 Get the Stick_radius member data. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetStick_radius (TStick_radius value)
 Assign a value to Stick_radius data member. More...
TStick_radiusCCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetStick_radius (void)
 Assign a value to Stick_radius data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::IsSetTube_radius (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Tube_radius data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetTube_radius (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetTube_radius method. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::ResetTube_radius (void)
 Reset Tube_radius data member. More...
TTube_radius CCn3d_style_settings_Base::GetTube_radius (void) const
 Get the Tube_radius member data. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetTube_radius (TTube_radius value)
 Assign a value to Tube_radius data member. More...
TTube_radiusCCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetTube_radius (void)
 Assign a value to Tube_radius data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::IsSetTube_worm_radius (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Tube_worm_radius data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetTube_worm_radius (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetTube_worm_radius method. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::ResetTube_worm_radius (void)
 Reset Tube_worm_radius data member. More...
TTube_worm_radius CCn3d_style_settings_Base::GetTube_worm_radius (void) const
 Get the Tube_worm_radius member data. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetTube_worm_radius (TTube_worm_radius value)
 Assign a value to Tube_worm_radius data member. More...
TTube_worm_radiusCCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetTube_worm_radius (void)
 Assign a value to Tube_worm_radius data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::IsSetHelix_radius (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Helix_radius data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetHelix_radius (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetHelix_radius method. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::ResetHelix_radius (void)
 Reset Helix_radius data member. More...
THelix_radius CCn3d_style_settings_Base::GetHelix_radius (void) const
 Get the Helix_radius member data. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetHelix_radius (THelix_radius value)
 Assign a value to Helix_radius data member. More...
THelix_radiusCCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetHelix_radius (void)
 Assign a value to Helix_radius data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::IsSetStrand_width (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Strand_width data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetStrand_width (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetStrand_width method. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::ResetStrand_width (void)
 Reset Strand_width data member. More...
TStrand_width CCn3d_style_settings_Base::GetStrand_width (void) const
 Get the Strand_width member data. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetStrand_width (TStrand_width value)
 Assign a value to Strand_width data member. More...
TStrand_widthCCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetStrand_width (void)
 Assign a value to Strand_width data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::IsSetStrand_thickness (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Strand_thickness data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetStrand_thickness (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetStrand_thickness method. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::ResetStrand_thickness (void)
 Reset Strand_thickness data member. More...
TStrand_thickness CCn3d_style_settings_Base::GetStrand_thickness (void) const
 Get the Strand_thickness member data. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetStrand_thickness (TStrand_thickness value)
 Assign a value to Strand_thickness data member. More...
TStrand_thicknessCCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetStrand_thickness (void)
 Assign a value to Strand_thickness data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::IsSetProtein_labels (void) const
 backbone labels (no labels if not present) Check if a value has been assigned to Protein_labels data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetProtein_labels (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetProtein_labels method. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::ResetProtein_labels (void)
 Reset Protein_labels data member. More...
const TProtein_labelsCCn3d_style_settings_Base::GetProtein_labels (void) const
 Get the Protein_labels member data. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetProtein_labels (TProtein_labels &value)
 Assign a value to Protein_labels data member. More...
TProtein_labelsCCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetProtein_labels (void)
 Assign a value to Protein_labels data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::IsSetNucleotide_labels (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Nucleotide_labels data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetNucleotide_labels (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetNucleotide_labels method. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::ResetNucleotide_labels (void)
 Reset Nucleotide_labels data member. More...
const TNucleotide_labelsCCn3d_style_settings_Base::GetNucleotide_labels (void) const
 Get the Nucleotide_labels member data. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetNucleotide_labels (TNucleotide_labels &value)
 Assign a value to Nucleotide_labels data member. More...
TNucleotide_labelsCCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetNucleotide_labels (void)
 Assign a value to Nucleotide_labels data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::IsSetIon_labels (void) const
 ion labels Check if a value has been assigned to Ion_labels data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetIon_labels (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetIon_labels method. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::ResetIon_labels (void)
 Reset Ion_labels data member. More...
TIon_labels CCn3d_style_settings_Base::GetIon_labels (void) const
 Get the Ion_labels member data. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetIon_labels (TIon_labels value)
 Assign a value to Ion_labels data member. More...
TIon_labelsCCn3d_style_settings_Base::SetIon_labels (void)
 Assign a value to Ion_labels data member. More...
virtual void CCn3d_style_settings_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CCn3d_style_settings_Base (const CCn3d_style_settings_Base &)
CCn3d_style_settings_BaseCCn3d_style_settings_Base::operator= (const CCn3d_style_settings_Base &)
 CCn3d_style_settings_set::CCn3d_style_settings_set (void)
 CCn3d_style_settings_set::~CCn3d_style_settings_set (void)
 CCn3d_style_settings_set::CCn3d_style_settings_set (const CCn3d_style_settings_set &value)
CCn3d_style_settings_setCCn3d_style_settings_set::operator= (const CCn3d_style_settings_set &value)
 CCn3d_style_settings_set_Base::CCn3d_style_settings_set_Base (void)
virtual CCn3d_style_settings_set_Base::~CCn3d_style_settings_set_Base (void)
 CCn3d_style_settings_set_Base::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO ()
bool CCn3d_style_settings_set_Base::IsSet (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_settings_set_Base::CanGet (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call Get method. More...
void CCn3d_style_settings_set_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset data member. More...
const TdataCCn3d_style_settings_set_Base::Get (void) const
 Get the member data. More...
TdataCCn3d_style_settings_set_Base::Set (void)
 Assign a value to data member. More...
 CCn3d_style_settings_set_Base::operator const Tdata & (void) const
 Conversion operator to 'const Tdata' type. More...
 CCn3d_style_settings_set_Base::operator Tdata & (void)
 Conversion operator to 'Tdata' type. More...
 CCn3d_style_settings_set_Base::CCn3d_style_settings_set_Base (const CCn3d_style_settings_set_Base &)
CCn3d_style_settings_set_BaseCCn3d_style_settings_set_Base::operator= (const CCn3d_style_settings_set_Base &)
 CCn3d_style_table_id::CCn3d_style_table_id (void)
 CCn3d_style_table_id::CCn3d_style_table_id (const int &value)
 Explicit constructor from the primitive type. More...
 CCn3d_style_table_id_Base::CCn3d_style_table_id_Base (void)
 CCn3d_style_table_id_Base::DECLARE_STD_ALIAS_TYPE_INFO ()
 CCn3d_style_table_id_Base::CCn3d_style_table_id_Base (const int &data)
NCBI_NS_NCBI::CNcbiOstreamoperator<< (NCBI_NS_NCBI::CNcbiOstream &str, const CCn3d_style_table_id_Base &obj)
NCBI_NS_NCBI::CNcbiIstreamoperator>> (NCBI_NS_NCBI::CNcbiIstream &str, CCn3d_style_table_id_Base &obj)
 CCn3d_style_table_item::CCn3d_style_table_item (void)
 CCn3d_style_table_item::~CCn3d_style_table_item (void)
 CCn3d_style_table_item::CCn3d_style_table_item (const CCn3d_style_table_item &value)
CCn3d_style_table_itemCCn3d_style_table_item::operator= (const CCn3d_style_table_item &value)
 CCn3d_style_table_item_Base::CCn3d_style_table_item_Base (void)
virtual CCn3d_style_table_item_Base::~CCn3d_style_table_item_Base (void)
 CCn3d_style_table_item_Base::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO ()
bool CCn3d_style_table_item_Base::IsSetId (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Id data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_table_item_Base::CanGetId (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetId method. More...
void CCn3d_style_table_item_Base::ResetId (void)
 Reset Id data member. More...
const TIdCCn3d_style_table_item_Base::GetId (void) const
 Get the Id member data. More...
void CCn3d_style_table_item_Base::SetId (const TId &value)
 Assign a value to Id data member. More...
TIdCCn3d_style_table_item_Base::SetId (void)
 Assign a value to Id data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_table_item_Base::IsSetStyle (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Style data member. More...
bool CCn3d_style_table_item_Base::CanGetStyle (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetStyle method. More...
void CCn3d_style_table_item_Base::ResetStyle (void)
 Reset Style data member. More...
const TStyleCCn3d_style_table_item_Base::GetStyle (void) const
 Get the Style member data. More...
void CCn3d_style_table_item_Base::SetStyle (TStyle &value)
 Assign a value to Style data member. More...
TStyleCCn3d_style_table_item_Base::SetStyle (void)
 Assign a value to Style data member. More...
virtual void CCn3d_style_table_item_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CCn3d_style_table_item_Base::CCn3d_style_table_item_Base (const CCn3d_style_table_item_Base &)
CCn3d_style_table_item_BaseCCn3d_style_table_item_Base::operator= (const CCn3d_style_table_item_Base &)
 CCn3d_user_annotation::CCn3d_user_annotation (void)
 CCn3d_user_annotation::~CCn3d_user_annotation (void)
 CCn3d_user_annotation::CCn3d_user_annotation (const CCn3d_user_annotation &value)
CCn3d_user_annotationCCn3d_user_annotation::operator= (const CCn3d_user_annotation &value)
 CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::CCn3d_user_annotation_Base (void)
virtual CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::~CCn3d_user_annotation_Base (void)
 CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO ()
bool CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::IsSetName (void) const
 a (short) name for this annotation Check if a value has been assigned to Name data member. More...
bool CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::CanGetName (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetName method. More...
void CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::ResetName (void)
 Reset Name data member. More...
const TNameCCn3d_user_annotation_Base::GetName (void) const
 Get the Name member data. More...
void CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::SetName (const TName &value)
 Assign a value to Name data member. More...
void CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::SetName (TName &&value)
TNameCCn3d_user_annotation_Base::SetName (void)
 Assign a value to Name data member. More...
bool CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::IsSetDescription (void) const
 an optional longer description Check if a value has been assigned to Description data member. More...
bool CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::CanGetDescription (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetDescription method. More...
void CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::ResetDescription (void)
 Reset Description data member. More...
const TDescriptionCCn3d_user_annotation_Base::GetDescription (void) const
 Get the Description member data. More...
void CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::SetDescription (const TDescription &value)
 Assign a value to Description data member. More...
void CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::SetDescription (TDescription &&value)
TDescriptionCCn3d_user_annotation_Base::SetDescription (void)
 Assign a value to Description data member. More...
bool CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::IsSetStyle_id (void) const
 how to draw this annotation Check if a value has been assigned to Style_id data member. More...
bool CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::CanGetStyle_id (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetStyle_id method. More...
void CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::ResetStyle_id (void)
 Reset Style_id data member. More...
const TStyle_idCCn3d_user_annotation_Base::GetStyle_id (void) const
 Get the Style_id member data. More...
void CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::SetStyle_id (const TStyle_id &value)
 Assign a value to Style_id data member. More...
TStyle_idCCn3d_user_annotation_Base::SetStyle_id (void)
 Assign a value to Style_id data member. More...
bool CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::IsSetResidues (void) const
 which residues to cover Check if a value has been assigned to Residues data member. More...
bool CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::CanGetResidues (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetResidues method. More...
void CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::ResetResidues (void)
 Reset Residues data member. More...
const TResiduesCCn3d_user_annotation_Base::GetResidues (void) const
 Get the Residues member data. More...
TResiduesCCn3d_user_annotation_Base::SetResidues (void)
 Assign a value to Residues data member. More...
bool CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::IsSetIs_on (void) const
 whether this annotation is to be turned on in Cn3D Check if a value has been assigned to Is_on data member. More...
bool CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::CanGetIs_on (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetIs_on method. More...
void CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::ResetIs_on (void)
 Reset Is_on data member. More...
TIs_on CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::GetIs_on (void) const
 Get the Is_on member data. More...
void CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::SetIs_on (TIs_on value)
 Assign a value to Is_on data member. More...
TIs_onCCn3d_user_annotation_Base::SetIs_on (void)
 Assign a value to Is_on data member. More...
virtual void CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::CCn3d_user_annotation_Base (const CCn3d_user_annotation_Base &)
CCn3d_user_annotation_BaseCCn3d_user_annotation_Base::operator= (const CCn3d_user_annotation_Base &)
 CCn3d_user_annotations::CCn3d_user_annotations (void)
 CCn3d_user_annotations::~CCn3d_user_annotations (void)
 CCn3d_user_annotations::CCn3d_user_annotations (const CCn3d_user_annotations &value)
CCn3d_user_annotationsCCn3d_user_annotations::operator= (const CCn3d_user_annotations &value)
 CCn3d_user_annotations_Base::CCn3d_user_annotations_Base (void)
virtual CCn3d_user_annotations_Base::~CCn3d_user_annotations_Base (void)
 CCn3d_user_annotations_Base::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO ()
bool CCn3d_user_annotations_Base::IsSetAnnotations (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Annotations data member. More...
bool CCn3d_user_annotations_Base::CanGetAnnotations (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetAnnotations method. More...
void CCn3d_user_annotations_Base::ResetAnnotations (void)
 Reset Annotations data member. More...
const TAnnotationsCCn3d_user_annotations_Base::GetAnnotations (void) const
 Get the Annotations member data. More...
TAnnotationsCCn3d_user_annotations_Base::SetAnnotations (void)
 Assign a value to Annotations data member. More...
bool CCn3d_user_annotations_Base::IsSetView (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to View data member. More...
bool CCn3d_user_annotations_Base::CanGetView (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetView method. More...
void CCn3d_user_annotations_Base::ResetView (void)
 Reset View data member. More...
const TViewCCn3d_user_annotations_Base::GetView (void) const
 Get the View member data. More...
void CCn3d_user_annotations_Base::SetView (TView &value)
 Assign a value to View data member. More...
TViewCCn3d_user_annotations_Base::SetView (void)
 Assign a value to View data member. More...
virtual void CCn3d_user_annotations_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CCn3d_user_annotations_Base::CCn3d_user_annotations_Base (const CCn3d_user_annotations_Base &)
CCn3d_user_annotations_BaseCCn3d_user_annotations_Base::operator= (const CCn3d_user_annotations_Base &)
 CCn3d_vector::CCn3d_vector (void)
 CCn3d_vector::~CCn3d_vector (void)
 CCn3d_vector::CCn3d_vector (const CCn3d_vector &value)
CCn3d_vectorCCn3d_vector::operator= (const CCn3d_vector &value)
 CCn3d_vector_Base::CCn3d_vector_Base (void)
virtual CCn3d_vector_Base::~CCn3d_vector_Base (void)
bool CCn3d_vector_Base::IsSetX (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to X data member. More...
bool CCn3d_vector_Base::CanGetX (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetX method. More...
void CCn3d_vector_Base::ResetX (void)
 Reset X data member. More...
TX CCn3d_vector_Base::GetX (void) const
 Get the X member data. More...
void CCn3d_vector_Base::SetX (TX value)
 Assign a value to X data member. More...
TXCCn3d_vector_Base::SetX (void)
 Assign a value to X data member. More...
bool CCn3d_vector_Base::IsSetY (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Y data member. More...
bool CCn3d_vector_Base::CanGetY (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetY method. More...
void CCn3d_vector_Base::ResetY (void)
 Reset Y data member. More...
TY CCn3d_vector_Base::GetY (void) const
 Get the Y member data. More...
void CCn3d_vector_Base::SetY (TY value)
 Assign a value to Y data member. More...
TYCCn3d_vector_Base::SetY (void)
 Assign a value to Y data member. More...
bool CCn3d_vector_Base::IsSetZ (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Z data member. More...
bool CCn3d_vector_Base::CanGetZ (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetZ method. More...
void CCn3d_vector_Base::ResetZ (void)
 Reset Z data member. More...
TZ CCn3d_vector_Base::GetZ (void) const
 Get the Z member data. More...
void CCn3d_vector_Base::SetZ (TZ value)
 Assign a value to Z data member. More...
TZCCn3d_vector_Base::SetZ (void)
 Assign a value to Z data member. More...
virtual void CCn3d_vector_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CCn3d_vector_Base::CCn3d_vector_Base (const CCn3d_vector_Base &)
CCn3d_vector_BaseCCn3d_vector_Base::operator= (const CCn3d_vector_Base &)
 CCn3d_view_settings::CCn3d_view_settings (void)
 CCn3d_view_settings::~CCn3d_view_settings (void)
 CCn3d_view_settings::CCn3d_view_settings (const CCn3d_view_settings &value)
CCn3d_view_settingsCCn3d_view_settings::operator= (const CCn3d_view_settings &value)
 CCn3d_view_settings_Base::CCn3d_view_settings_Base (void)
virtual CCn3d_view_settings_Base::~CCn3d_view_settings_Base (void)
 CCn3d_view_settings_Base::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO ()
bool CCn3d_view_settings_Base::IsSetCamera_distance (void) const
 camera on +Z axis this distance from origin Check if a value has been assigned to Camera_distance data member. More...
bool CCn3d_view_settings_Base::CanGetCamera_distance (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetCamera_distance method. More...
void CCn3d_view_settings_Base::ResetCamera_distance (void)
 Reset Camera_distance data member. More...
TCamera_distance CCn3d_view_settings_Base::GetCamera_distance (void) const
 Get the Camera_distance member data. More...
void CCn3d_view_settings_Base::SetCamera_distance (TCamera_distance value)
 Assign a value to Camera_distance data member. More...
TCamera_distanceCCn3d_view_settings_Base::SetCamera_distance (void)
 Assign a value to Camera_distance data member. More...
bool CCn3d_view_settings_Base::IsSetCamera_angle_rad (void) const
 camera angle Check if a value has been assigned to Camera_angle_rad data member. More...
bool CCn3d_view_settings_Base::CanGetCamera_angle_rad (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetCamera_angle_rad method. More...
void CCn3d_view_settings_Base::ResetCamera_angle_rad (void)
 Reset Camera_angle_rad data member. More...
TCamera_angle_rad CCn3d_view_settings_Base::GetCamera_angle_rad (void) const
 Get the Camera_angle_rad member data. More...
void CCn3d_view_settings_Base::SetCamera_angle_rad (TCamera_angle_rad value)
 Assign a value to Camera_angle_rad data member. More...
TCamera_angle_radCCn3d_view_settings_Base::SetCamera_angle_rad (void)
 Assign a value to Camera_angle_rad data member. More...
bool CCn3d_view_settings_Base::IsSetCamera_look_at_X (void) const
 X,Y of point in Z=0 plane camera points at Check if a value has been assigned to Camera_look_at_X data member. More...
bool CCn3d_view_settings_Base::CanGetCamera_look_at_X (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetCamera_look_at_X method. More...
void CCn3d_view_settings_Base::ResetCamera_look_at_X (void)
 Reset Camera_look_at_X data member. More...
TCamera_look_at_X CCn3d_view_settings_Base::GetCamera_look_at_X (void) const
 Get the Camera_look_at_X member data. More...
void CCn3d_view_settings_Base::SetCamera_look_at_X (TCamera_look_at_X value)
 Assign a value to Camera_look_at_X data member. More...
TCamera_look_at_XCCn3d_view_settings_Base::SetCamera_look_at_X (void)
 Assign a value to Camera_look_at_X data member. More...
bool CCn3d_view_settings_Base::IsSetCamera_look_at_Y (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Camera_look_at_Y data member. More...
bool CCn3d_view_settings_Base::CanGetCamera_look_at_Y (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetCamera_look_at_Y method. More...
void CCn3d_view_settings_Base::ResetCamera_look_at_Y (void)
 Reset Camera_look_at_Y data member. More...
TCamera_look_at_Y CCn3d_view_settings_Base::GetCamera_look_at_Y (void) const
 Get the Camera_look_at_Y member data. More...
void CCn3d_view_settings_Base::SetCamera_look_at_Y (TCamera_look_at_Y value)
 Assign a value to Camera_look_at_Y data member. More...
TCamera_look_at_YCCn3d_view_settings_Base::SetCamera_look_at_Y (void)
 Assign a value to Camera_look_at_Y data member. More...
bool CCn3d_view_settings_Base::IsSetCamera_clip_near (void) const
 distance of clipping planes from camera Check if a value has been assigned to Camera_clip_near data member. More...
bool CCn3d_view_settings_Base::CanGetCamera_clip_near (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetCamera_clip_near method. More...
void CCn3d_view_settings_Base::ResetCamera_clip_near (void)
 Reset Camera_clip_near data member. More...
TCamera_clip_near CCn3d_view_settings_Base::GetCamera_clip_near (void) const
 Get the Camera_clip_near member data. More...
void CCn3d_view_settings_Base::SetCamera_clip_near (TCamera_clip_near value)
 Assign a value to Camera_clip_near data member. More...
TCamera_clip_nearCCn3d_view_settings_Base::SetCamera_clip_near (void)
 Assign a value to Camera_clip_near data member. More...
bool CCn3d_view_settings_Base::IsSetCamera_clip_far (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Camera_clip_far data member. More...
bool CCn3d_view_settings_Base::CanGetCamera_clip_far (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetCamera_clip_far method. More...
void CCn3d_view_settings_Base::ResetCamera_clip_far (void)
 Reset Camera_clip_far data member. More...
TCamera_clip_far CCn3d_view_settings_Base::GetCamera_clip_far (void) const
 Get the Camera_clip_far member data. More...
void CCn3d_view_settings_Base::SetCamera_clip_far (TCamera_clip_far value)
 Assign a value to Camera_clip_far data member. More...
TCamera_clip_farCCn3d_view_settings_Base::SetCamera_clip_far (void)
 Assign a value to Camera_clip_far data member. More...
bool CCn3d_view_settings_Base::IsSetMatrix (void) const
 transformation of objects in the scene Check if a value has been assigned to Matrix data member. More...
bool CCn3d_view_settings_Base::CanGetMatrix (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetMatrix method. More...
void CCn3d_view_settings_Base::ResetMatrix (void)
 Reset Matrix data member. More...
const TMatrixCCn3d_view_settings_Base::GetMatrix (void) const
 Get the Matrix member data. More...
void CCn3d_view_settings_Base::SetMatrix (TMatrix &value)
 Assign a value to Matrix data member. More...
TMatrixCCn3d_view_settings_Base::SetMatrix (void)
 Assign a value to Matrix data member. More...
bool CCn3d_view_settings_Base::IsSetRotation_center (void) const
 center of rotation of whole scene Check if a value has been assigned to Rotation_center data member. More...
bool CCn3d_view_settings_Base::CanGetRotation_center (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetRotation_center method. More...
void CCn3d_view_settings_Base::ResetRotation_center (void)
 Reset Rotation_center data member. More...
const TRotation_centerCCn3d_view_settings_Base::GetRotation_center (void) const
 Get the Rotation_center member data. More...
void CCn3d_view_settings_Base::SetRotation_center (TRotation_center &value)
 Assign a value to Rotation_center data member. More...
TRotation_centerCCn3d_view_settings_Base::SetRotation_center (void)
 Assign a value to Rotation_center data member. More...
virtual void CCn3d_view_settings_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CCn3d_view_settings_Base::CCn3d_view_settings_Base (const CCn3d_view_settings_Base &)
CCn3d_view_settings_BaseCCn3d_view_settings_Base::operator= (const CCn3d_view_settings_Base &)


Uint4 CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::m_set_State [1]
int CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::m_Spacing
EType CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::m_Type
ENumber CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::m_Number
bool CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::m_Termini
bool CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::m_White
Uint4 CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::m_set_State [1]
ECn3d_backbone_type CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::m_Type
ECn3d_drawing_style CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::m_Style
ECn3d_color_scheme CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::m_Color_scheme
CRef< TUser_colorCCn3d_backbone_style_Base::m_User_color
Uint4 CCn3d_color_Base::m_set_State [1]
int CCn3d_color_Base::m_Scale_factor
int CCn3d_color_Base::m_Red
int CCn3d_color_Base::m_Green
int CCn3d_color_Base::m_Blue
int CCn3d_color_Base::m_Alpha
Uint4 CCn3d_general_style_Base::m_set_State [1]
bool CCn3d_general_style_Base::m_Is_on
ECn3d_drawing_style CCn3d_general_style_Base::m_Style
ECn3d_color_scheme CCn3d_general_style_Base::m_Color_scheme
CRef< TUser_colorCCn3d_general_style_Base::m_User_color
Uint4 CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::m_set_State [1]
double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::m_M0
double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::m_M1
double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::m_M2
double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::m_M3
double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::m_M4
double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::m_M5
double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::m_M6
double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::m_M7
double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::m_M8
double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::m_M9
double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::m_M10
double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::m_M11
double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::m_M12
double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::m_M13
double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::m_M14
double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::m_M15
Uint4 CCn3d_molecule_location_Base::m_set_State [1]
CMolecule_id CCn3d_molecule_location_Base::m_Molecule_id
list< CRef< CCn3d_residue_range > > CCn3d_molecule_location_Base::m_Residues
Uint4 CCn3d_object_location_Base::m_set_State [1]
CRef< TStructure_idCCn3d_object_location_Base::m_Structure_id
list< CRef< CCn3d_molecule_location > > CCn3d_object_location_Base::m_Residues
Uint4 CCn3d_residue_range_Base::m_set_State [1]
CResidue_id CCn3d_residue_range_Base::m_From
CResidue_id CCn3d_residue_range_Base::m_To
Uint4 CCn3d_style_dictionary_Base::m_set_State [1]
CRef< TGlobal_styleCCn3d_style_dictionary_Base::m_Global_style
list< CRef< CCn3d_style_table_item > > CCn3d_style_dictionary_Base::m_Style_table
Uint4 CCn3d_style_settings_Base::m_set_State [2]
string CCn3d_style_settings_Base::m_Name
CRef< TProtein_backboneCCn3d_style_settings_Base::m_Protein_backbone
CRef< TNucleotide_backboneCCn3d_style_settings_Base::m_Nucleotide_backbone
CRef< TProtein_sidechainsCCn3d_style_settings_Base::m_Protein_sidechains
CRef< TNucleotide_sidechainsCCn3d_style_settings_Base::m_Nucleotide_sidechains
CRef< THeterogensCCn3d_style_settings_Base::m_Heterogens
CRef< TSolventsCCn3d_style_settings_Base::m_Solvents
CRef< TConnectionsCCn3d_style_settings_Base::m_Connections
CRef< THelix_objectsCCn3d_style_settings_Base::m_Helix_objects
CRef< TStrand_objectsCCn3d_style_settings_Base::m_Strand_objects
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::m_Virtual_disulfides_on
CRef< TVirtual_disulfide_colorCCn3d_style_settings_Base::m_Virtual_disulfide_color
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::m_Hydrogens_on
CRef< TBackground_colorCCn3d_style_settings_Base::m_Background_color
int CCn3d_style_settings_Base::m_Scale_factor
int CCn3d_style_settings_Base::m_Space_fill_proportion
int CCn3d_style_settings_Base::m_Ball_radius
int CCn3d_style_settings_Base::m_Stick_radius
int CCn3d_style_settings_Base::m_Tube_radius
int CCn3d_style_settings_Base::m_Tube_worm_radius
int CCn3d_style_settings_Base::m_Helix_radius
int CCn3d_style_settings_Base::m_Strand_width
int CCn3d_style_settings_Base::m_Strand_thickness
CRef< TProtein_labelsCCn3d_style_settings_Base::m_Protein_labels
CRef< TNucleotide_labelsCCn3d_style_settings_Base::m_Nucleotide_labels
bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::m_Ion_labels
Uint4 CCn3d_style_settings_set_Base::m_set_State [1]
list< CRef< CCn3d_style_settings > > CCn3d_style_settings_set_Base::m_data
Uint4 CCn3d_style_table_item_Base::m_set_State [1]
CCn3d_style_table_id CCn3d_style_table_item_Base::m_Id
CRef< TStyleCCn3d_style_table_item_Base::m_Style
Uint4 CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::m_set_State [1]
string CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::m_Name
string CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::m_Description
CCn3d_style_table_id CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::m_Style_id
list< CRef< CCn3d_object_location > > CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::m_Residues
bool CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::m_Is_on
Uint4 CCn3d_user_annotations_Base::m_set_State [1]
list< CRef< CCn3d_user_annotation > > CCn3d_user_annotations_Base::m_Annotations
CRef< TViewCCn3d_user_annotations_Base::m_View
Uint4 CCn3d_vector_Base::m_set_State [1]
double CCn3d_vector_Base::m_X
double CCn3d_vector_Base::m_Y
double CCn3d_vector_Base::m_Z
Uint4 CCn3d_view_settings_Base::m_set_State [1]
double CCn3d_view_settings_Base::m_Camera_distance
double CCn3d_view_settings_Base::m_Camera_angle_rad
double CCn3d_view_settings_Base::m_Camera_look_at_X
double CCn3d_view_settings_Base::m_Camera_look_at_Y
double CCn3d_view_settings_Base::m_Camera_clip_near
double CCn3d_view_settings_Base::m_Camera_clip_far
CRef< TMatrixCCn3d_view_settings_Base::m_Matrix
CRef< TRotation_centerCCn3d_view_settings_Base::m_Rotation_center

Detailed Description

Typedef Documentation

◆ TAlpha

Definition at line 90 of file Cn3d_color_.hpp.

◆ TAnnotations

Definition at line 96 of file Cn3d_user_annotations_.hpp.

◆ TBackground_color

Definition at line 106 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

◆ TBall_radius

Definition at line 109 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

◆ TBlue

Definition at line 89 of file Cn3d_color_.hpp.

◆ TCamera_angle_rad

Definition at line 88 of file Cn3d_view_settings_.hpp.

◆ TCamera_clip_far

Definition at line 92 of file Cn3d_view_settings_.hpp.

◆ TCamera_clip_near

Definition at line 91 of file Cn3d_view_settings_.hpp.

◆ TCamera_distance

Definition at line 87 of file Cn3d_view_settings_.hpp.

◆ TCamera_look_at_X

Definition at line 89 of file Cn3d_view_settings_.hpp.

◆ TCamera_look_at_Y

Definition at line 90 of file Cn3d_view_settings_.hpp.

◆ TColor_scheme [1/2]

Definition at line 94 of file Cn3d_backbone_style_.hpp.

◆ TColor_scheme [2/2]

Definition at line 93 of file Cn3d_general_style_.hpp.

◆ TConnections

Definition at line 100 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

◆ Tdata

Definition at line 89 of file Cn3d_style_settings_set_.hpp.

◆ TDescription

Definition at line 93 of file Cn3d_user_annotation_.hpp.

◆ TFrom

Definition at line 87 of file Cn3d_residue_range_.hpp.

◆ TGlobal_style

Definition at line 91 of file Cn3d_style_dictionary_.hpp.

◆ TGreen

Definition at line 88 of file Cn3d_color_.hpp.

◆ THelix_objects

Definition at line 101 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

◆ THelix_radius

Definition at line 113 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

◆ THeterogens

Definition at line 98 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

◆ THydrogens_on

Definition at line 105 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

◆ TId

Definition at line 89 of file Cn3d_style_table_item_.hpp.

◆ TIon_labels

Definition at line 118 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

◆ TIs_on [1/2]

Definition at line 91 of file Cn3d_general_style_.hpp.

◆ TIs_on [2/2]

Definition at line 96 of file Cn3d_user_annotation_.hpp.

◆ TM0

typedef double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::TM0

Definition at line 82 of file Cn3d_GL_matrix_.hpp.

◆ TM1

typedef double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::TM1

Definition at line 83 of file Cn3d_GL_matrix_.hpp.

◆ TM10

Definition at line 92 of file Cn3d_GL_matrix_.hpp.

◆ TM11

Definition at line 93 of file Cn3d_GL_matrix_.hpp.

◆ TM12

Definition at line 94 of file Cn3d_GL_matrix_.hpp.

◆ TM13

Definition at line 95 of file Cn3d_GL_matrix_.hpp.

◆ TM14

Definition at line 96 of file Cn3d_GL_matrix_.hpp.

◆ TM15

Definition at line 97 of file Cn3d_GL_matrix_.hpp.

◆ TM2

typedef double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::TM2

Definition at line 84 of file Cn3d_GL_matrix_.hpp.

◆ TM3

typedef double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::TM3

Definition at line 85 of file Cn3d_GL_matrix_.hpp.

◆ TM4

typedef double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::TM4

Definition at line 86 of file Cn3d_GL_matrix_.hpp.

◆ TM5

typedef double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::TM5

Definition at line 87 of file Cn3d_GL_matrix_.hpp.

◆ TM6

typedef double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::TM6

Definition at line 88 of file Cn3d_GL_matrix_.hpp.

◆ TM7

typedef double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::TM7

Definition at line 89 of file Cn3d_GL_matrix_.hpp.

◆ TM8

typedef double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::TM8

Definition at line 90 of file Cn3d_GL_matrix_.hpp.

◆ TM9

typedef double CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::TM9

Definition at line 91 of file Cn3d_GL_matrix_.hpp.

◆ TMatrix

Definition at line 93 of file Cn3d_view_settings_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [1/15]

Definition at line 114 of file Cn3d_backbone_label_style_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [2/15]

Definition at line 105 of file Cn3d_backbone_style_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [3/15]

Definition at line 101 of file Cn3d_color_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [4/15]

Definition at line 104 of file Cn3d_general_style_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [5/15]

Definition at line 119 of file Cn3d_GL_matrix_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [6/15]

Definition at line 100 of file Cn3d_molecule_location_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [7/15]

Definition at line 102 of file Cn3d_object_location_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [8/15]

Definition at line 96 of file Cn3d_residue_range_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [9/15]

Definition at line 100 of file Cn3d_style_dictionary_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [10/15]

Definition at line 150 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [11/15]

Definition at line 98 of file Cn3d_style_table_item_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [12/15]

Definition at line 107 of file Cn3d_user_annotation_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [13/15]

Definition at line 105 of file Cn3d_user_annotations_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [14/15]

Definition at line 93 of file Cn3d_vector_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [15/15]

Definition at line 108 of file Cn3d_view_settings_.hpp.

◆ TMolecule_id

Definition at line 91 of file Cn3d_molecule_location_.hpp.

◆ TName [1/2]

Definition at line 93 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

◆ TName [2/2]

Definition at line 92 of file Cn3d_user_annotation_.hpp.

◆ TNucleotide_backbone

Definition at line 95 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

◆ TNucleotide_labels

Definition at line 117 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

◆ TNucleotide_sidechains

Definition at line 97 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

◆ TNumber

Definition at line 101 of file Cn3d_backbone_label_style_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [1/34]

Definition at line 67 of file Cn3d_backbone_label_style.hpp.

◆ Tparent [2/34]

Definition at line 71 of file Cn3d_backbone_label_style_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [3/34]

Definition at line 67 of file Cn3d_backbone_style.hpp.

◆ Tparent [4/34]

Definition at line 81 of file Cn3d_backbone_style_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [5/34]

Definition at line 67 of file Cn3d_color.hpp.

◆ Tparent [6/34]

Definition at line 75 of file Cn3d_color_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [7/34]

Definition at line 67 of file Cn3d_general_style.hpp.

◆ Tparent [8/34]

Definition at line 80 of file Cn3d_general_style_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [9/34]

Definition at line 67 of file Cn3d_GL_matrix.hpp.

◆ Tparent [10/34]

Definition at line 71 of file Cn3d_GL_matrix_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [11/34]

Definition at line 67 of file Cn3d_molecule_location.hpp.

◆ Tparent [12/34]

Definition at line 80 of file Cn3d_molecule_location_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [13/34]

Definition at line 67 of file Cn3d_object_location.hpp.

◆ Tparent [14/34]

Definition at line 82 of file Cn3d_object_location_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [15/34]

Definition at line 67 of file Cn3d_residue_range.hpp.

◆ Tparent [16/34]

Definition at line 76 of file Cn3d_residue_range_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [17/34]

Definition at line 67 of file Cn3d_style_dictionary.hpp.

◆ Tparent [18/34]

Definition at line 80 of file Cn3d_style_dictionary_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [19/34]

Definition at line 67 of file Cn3d_style_settings.hpp.

◆ Tparent [20/34]

Definition at line 82 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [21/34]

Definition at line 67 of file Cn3d_style_settings_set.hpp.

◆ Tparent [22/34]

Definition at line 78 of file Cn3d_style_settings_set_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [23/34]

Definition at line 67 of file Cn3d_style_table_id.hpp.

◆ Tparent [24/34]

Definition at line 70 of file Cn3d_style_table_id_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [25/34]

Definition at line 67 of file Cn3d_style_table_item.hpp.

◆ Tparent [26/34]

Definition at line 78 of file Cn3d_style_table_item_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [27/34]

Definition at line 67 of file Cn3d_user_annotation.hpp.

◆ Tparent [28/34]

Definition at line 81 of file Cn3d_user_annotation_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [29/34]

Definition at line 67 of file Cn3d_user_annotations.hpp.

◆ Tparent [30/34]

Definition at line 85 of file Cn3d_user_annotations_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [31/34]

Definition at line 67 of file Cn3d_vector.hpp.

◆ Tparent [32/34]

Definition at line 71 of file Cn3d_vector_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [33/34]

Definition at line 67 of file Cn3d_view_settings.hpp.

◆ Tparent [34/34]

Definition at line 76 of file Cn3d_view_settings_.hpp.

◆ TProtein_backbone

Definition at line 94 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

◆ TProtein_labels

Definition at line 116 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

◆ TProtein_sidechains

Definition at line 96 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

◆ TRed

Definition at line 87 of file Cn3d_color_.hpp.

◆ TResidues [1/3]

Definition at line 92 of file Cn3d_molecule_location_.hpp.

◆ TResidues [2/3]

Definition at line 94 of file Cn3d_object_location_.hpp.

◆ TResidues [3/3]

Definition at line 95 of file Cn3d_user_annotation_.hpp.

◆ TRotation_center

Definition at line 94 of file Cn3d_view_settings_.hpp.

◆ TScale_factor [1/2]

Definition at line 86 of file Cn3d_color_.hpp.

◆ TScale_factor [2/2]

Definition at line 107 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

◆ TSolvents

Definition at line 99 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

◆ TSpace_fill_proportion

Definition at line 108 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

◆ TSpacing

Definition at line 99 of file Cn3d_backbone_label_style_.hpp.

◆ TStick_radius

Definition at line 110 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

◆ TStrand_objects

Definition at line 102 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

◆ TStrand_thickness

Definition at line 115 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

◆ TStrand_width

Definition at line 114 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

◆ TStructure_id

Definition at line 93 of file Cn3d_object_location_.hpp.

◆ TStyle [1/3]

Definition at line 93 of file Cn3d_backbone_style_.hpp.

◆ TStyle [2/3]

Definition at line 92 of file Cn3d_general_style_.hpp.

◆ TStyle [3/3]

Definition at line 90 of file Cn3d_style_table_item_.hpp.

◆ TStyle_id

Definition at line 94 of file Cn3d_user_annotation_.hpp.

◆ TStyle_table

Definition at line 92 of file Cn3d_style_dictionary_.hpp.

◆ TTermini

Definition at line 102 of file Cn3d_backbone_label_style_.hpp.

◆ TTo

Definition at line 88 of file Cn3d_residue_range_.hpp.

◆ TTube_radius

Definition at line 111 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

◆ TTube_worm_radius

Definition at line 112 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

◆ TType [1/2]

Definition at line 100 of file Cn3d_backbone_label_style_.hpp.

◆ TType [2/2]

Definition at line 92 of file Cn3d_backbone_style_.hpp.

◆ TUser_color [1/2]

Definition at line 95 of file Cn3d_backbone_style_.hpp.

◆ TUser_color [2/2]

Definition at line 94 of file Cn3d_general_style_.hpp.

◆ TView

Definition at line 97 of file Cn3d_user_annotations_.hpp.

◆ TVirtual_disulfide_color

Definition at line 104 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

◆ TVirtual_disulfides_on

Definition at line 103 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

◆ TWhite

Definition at line 103 of file Cn3d_backbone_label_style_.hpp.

◆ TX

typedef double CCn3d_vector_Base::TX

Definition at line 82 of file Cn3d_vector_.hpp.

◆ TY

typedef double CCn3d_vector_Base::TY

Definition at line 83 of file Cn3d_vector_.hpp.

◆ TZ

typedef double CCn3d_vector_Base::TZ

Definition at line 84 of file Cn3d_vector_.hpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ E_memberIndex [1/15]


Definition at line 106 of file Cn3d_backbone_label_style_.hpp.

◆ E_memberIndex [2/15]


Definition at line 98 of file Cn3d_backbone_style_.hpp.

◆ E_memberIndex [3/15]


Definition at line 93 of file Cn3d_color_.hpp.

◆ E_memberIndex [4/15]


Definition at line 97 of file Cn3d_general_style_.hpp.

◆ E_memberIndex [5/15]


Definition at line 100 of file Cn3d_GL_matrix_.hpp.

◆ E_memberIndex [6/15]


Definition at line 95 of file Cn3d_molecule_location_.hpp.

◆ E_memberIndex [7/15]


Definition at line 97 of file Cn3d_object_location_.hpp.

◆ E_memberIndex [8/15]


Definition at line 91 of file Cn3d_residue_range_.hpp.

◆ E_memberIndex [9/15]


Definition at line 95 of file Cn3d_style_dictionary_.hpp.

◆ E_memberIndex [10/15]


Definition at line 121 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

◆ E_memberIndex [11/15]


Definition at line 93 of file Cn3d_style_table_item_.hpp.

◆ E_memberIndex [12/15]


Definition at line 99 of file Cn3d_user_annotation_.hpp.

◆ E_memberIndex [13/15]


Definition at line 100 of file Cn3d_user_annotations_.hpp.

◆ E_memberIndex [14/15]


Definition at line 87 of file Cn3d_vector_.hpp.

◆ E_memberIndex [15/15]


Definition at line 97 of file Cn3d_view_settings_.hpp.

◆ ECn3d_backbone_type

values of enumerations must match those in cn3d/style_manager.hpp! for different types of backbones

Access to ECn3d_backbone_type's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec.


Definition at line 65 of file Cn3d_backbone_type_.hpp.

◆ ECn3d_color_scheme

available color schemes (not all necessarily applicable to all objects)

Access to ECn3d_color_scheme's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec.


different alignment conservation coloring (currently only for proteins)


other schemes


Definition at line 65 of file Cn3d_color_scheme_.hpp.

◆ ECn3d_drawing_style

atom/bond/object rendering styles for atoms and bonds

Access to ECn3d_drawing_style's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec.


for 3d-objects


Definition at line 65 of file Cn3d_drawing_style_.hpp.

◆ ENumber


from 1, by residues present, to match sequence


use number assigned by PDB

Definition at line 89 of file Cn3d_backbone_label_style_.hpp.

◆ EType


Definition at line 81 of file Cn3d_backbone_label_style_.hpp.

Function Documentation

◆ CanGet()

bool CCn3d_style_settings_set_Base::CanGet ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call Get method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 158 of file Cn3d_style_settings_set_.hpp.

◆ CanGetAlpha()

bool CCn3d_color_Base::CanGetAlpha ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetAlpha method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 522 of file Cn3d_color_.hpp.

◆ CanGetAnnotations()

bool CCn3d_user_annotations_Base::CanGetAnnotations ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetAnnotations method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 209 of file Cn3d_user_annotations_.hpp.

◆ CanGetBackground_color()

bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetBackground_color ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetBackground_color method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1623 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

◆ CanGetBall_radius()

bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetBall_radius ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetBall_radius method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1747 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

References CCn3d_style_settings_Base::IsSetBall_radius().

Referenced by CCn3d_style_settings_Base::GetBall_radius().

◆ CanGetBlue()

bool CCn3d_color_Base::CanGetBlue ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetBlue method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 475 of file Cn3d_color_.hpp.

References CCn3d_color_Base::IsSetBlue().

Referenced by CCn3d_color_Base::GetBlue().

◆ CanGetCamera_angle_rad()

bool CCn3d_view_settings_Base::CanGetCamera_angle_rad ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetCamera_angle_rad method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 499 of file Cn3d_view_settings_.hpp.

References CCn3d_view_settings_Base::IsSetCamera_angle_rad().

Referenced by CCn3d_view_settings_Base::GetCamera_angle_rad().

◆ CanGetCamera_clip_far()

bool CCn3d_view_settings_Base::CanGetCamera_clip_far ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetCamera_clip_far method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 687 of file Cn3d_view_settings_.hpp.

References CCn3d_view_settings_Base::IsSetCamera_clip_far().

Referenced by CCn3d_view_settings_Base::GetCamera_clip_far().

◆ CanGetCamera_clip_near()

bool CCn3d_view_settings_Base::CanGetCamera_clip_near ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetCamera_clip_near method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 640 of file Cn3d_view_settings_.hpp.

References CCn3d_view_settings_Base::IsSetCamera_clip_near().

Referenced by CCn3d_view_settings_Base::GetCamera_clip_near().

◆ CanGetCamera_distance()

bool CCn3d_view_settings_Base::CanGetCamera_distance ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetCamera_distance method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 452 of file Cn3d_view_settings_.hpp.

References CCn3d_view_settings_Base::IsSetCamera_distance().

Referenced by CCn3d_view_settings_Base::GetCamera_distance().

◆ CanGetCamera_look_at_X()

bool CCn3d_view_settings_Base::CanGetCamera_look_at_X ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetCamera_look_at_X method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 546 of file Cn3d_view_settings_.hpp.

References CCn3d_view_settings_Base::IsSetCamera_look_at_X().

Referenced by CCn3d_view_settings_Base::GetCamera_look_at_X().

◆ CanGetCamera_look_at_Y()

bool CCn3d_view_settings_Base::CanGetCamera_look_at_Y ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetCamera_look_at_Y method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 593 of file Cn3d_view_settings_.hpp.

References CCn3d_view_settings_Base::IsSetCamera_look_at_Y().

Referenced by CCn3d_view_settings_Base::GetCamera_look_at_Y().

◆ CanGetColor_scheme() [1/2]

bool CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::CanGetColor_scheme ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetColor_scheme method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 385 of file Cn3d_backbone_style_.hpp.

References CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::IsSetColor_scheme().

Referenced by CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::GetColor_scheme().

◆ CanGetColor_scheme() [2/2]

bool CCn3d_general_style_Base::CanGetColor_scheme ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetColor_scheme method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 384 of file Cn3d_general_style_.hpp.

References CCn3d_general_style_Base::IsSetColor_scheme().

Referenced by CCn3d_general_style_Base::GetColor_scheme().

◆ CanGetConnections()

bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetConnections ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetConnections method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1409 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

◆ CanGetDescription()

bool CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::CanGetDescription ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetDescription method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 379 of file Cn3d_user_annotation_.hpp.

References CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::IsSetDescription().

Referenced by CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::GetDescription().

◆ CanGetFrom()

bool CCn3d_residue_range_Base::CanGetFrom ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetFrom method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 206 of file Cn3d_residue_range_.hpp.

References CCn3d_residue_range_Base::IsSetFrom().

Referenced by CCn3d_residue_range_Base::GetFrom().

◆ CanGetGlobal_style()

bool CCn3d_style_dictionary_Base::CanGetGlobal_style ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetGlobal_style method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 204 of file Cn3d_style_dictionary_.hpp.

◆ CanGetGreen()

bool CCn3d_color_Base::CanGetGreen ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetGreen method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 428 of file Cn3d_color_.hpp.

References CCn3d_color_Base::IsSetGreen().

Referenced by CCn3d_color_Base::GetGreen().

◆ CanGetHelix_objects()

bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetHelix_objects ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetHelix_objects method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1439 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

◆ CanGetHelix_radius()

bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetHelix_radius ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetHelix_radius method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1935 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

References CCn3d_style_settings_Base::IsSetHelix_radius().

Referenced by CCn3d_style_settings_Base::GetHelix_radius().

◆ CanGetHeterogens()

bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetHeterogens ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetHeterogens method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1349 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

◆ CanGetHydrogens_on()

bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetHydrogens_on ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetHydrogens_on method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1576 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

References CCn3d_style_settings_Base::IsSetHydrogens_on().

Referenced by CCn3d_style_settings_Base::GetHydrogens_on().

◆ CanGetId()

bool CCn3d_style_table_item_Base::CanGetId ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetId method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 208 of file Cn3d_style_table_item_.hpp.

References CCn3d_style_table_item_Base::IsSetId().

Referenced by CCn3d_style_table_item_Base::GetId().

◆ CanGetIon_labels()

bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetIon_labels ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetIon_labels method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 2118 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

References CCn3d_style_settings_Base::IsSetIon_labels().

Referenced by CCn3d_style_settings_Base::GetIon_labels().

◆ CanGetIs_on() [1/2]

bool CCn3d_general_style_Base::CanGetIs_on ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetIs_on method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 290 of file Cn3d_general_style_.hpp.

References CCn3d_general_style_Base::IsSetIs_on().

Referenced by CCn3d_general_style_Base::GetIs_on().

◆ CanGetIs_on() [2/2]

bool CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::CanGetIs_on ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetIs_on method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 493 of file Cn3d_user_annotation_.hpp.

References CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::IsSetIs_on().

Referenced by CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::GetIs_on().

◆ CanGetM0()

bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::CanGetM0 ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetM0 method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 761 of file Cn3d_GL_matrix_.hpp.

References CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::IsSetM0().

Referenced by CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::GetM0().

◆ CanGetM1()

bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::CanGetM1 ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetM1 method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 808 of file Cn3d_GL_matrix_.hpp.

References CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::IsSetM1().

Referenced by CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::GetM1().

◆ CanGetM10()

bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::CanGetM10 ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetM10 method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1231 of file Cn3d_GL_matrix_.hpp.

References CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::IsSetM10().

Referenced by CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::GetM10().

◆ CanGetM11()

bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::CanGetM11 ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetM11 method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1278 of file Cn3d_GL_matrix_.hpp.

References CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::IsSetM11().

Referenced by CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::GetM11().

◆ CanGetM12()

bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::CanGetM12 ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetM12 method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1325 of file Cn3d_GL_matrix_.hpp.

References CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::IsSetM12().

Referenced by CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::GetM12().

◆ CanGetM13()

bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::CanGetM13 ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetM13 method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1372 of file Cn3d_GL_matrix_.hpp.

References CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::IsSetM13().

Referenced by CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::GetM13().

◆ CanGetM14()

bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::CanGetM14 ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetM14 method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1419 of file Cn3d_GL_matrix_.hpp.

References CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::IsSetM14().

Referenced by CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::GetM14().

◆ CanGetM15()

bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::CanGetM15 ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetM15 method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1466 of file Cn3d_GL_matrix_.hpp.

References CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::IsSetM15().

Referenced by CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::GetM15().

◆ CanGetM2()

bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::CanGetM2 ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetM2 method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 855 of file Cn3d_GL_matrix_.hpp.

References CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::IsSetM2().

Referenced by CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::GetM2().

◆ CanGetM3()

bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::CanGetM3 ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetM3 method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 902 of file Cn3d_GL_matrix_.hpp.

References CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::IsSetM3().

Referenced by CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::GetM3().

◆ CanGetM4()

bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::CanGetM4 ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetM4 method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 949 of file Cn3d_GL_matrix_.hpp.

References CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::IsSetM4().

Referenced by CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::GetM4().

◆ CanGetM5()

bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::CanGetM5 ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetM5 method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 996 of file Cn3d_GL_matrix_.hpp.

References CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::IsSetM5().

Referenced by CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::GetM5().

◆ CanGetM6()

bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::CanGetM6 ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetM6 method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1043 of file Cn3d_GL_matrix_.hpp.

References CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::IsSetM6().

Referenced by CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::GetM6().

◆ CanGetM7()

bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::CanGetM7 ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetM7 method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1090 of file Cn3d_GL_matrix_.hpp.

References CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::IsSetM7().

Referenced by CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::GetM7().

◆ CanGetM8()

bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::CanGetM8 ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetM8 method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1137 of file Cn3d_GL_matrix_.hpp.

References CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::IsSetM8().

Referenced by CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::GetM8().

◆ CanGetM9()

bool CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::CanGetM9 ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetM9 method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1184 of file Cn3d_GL_matrix_.hpp.

References CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::IsSetM9().

Referenced by CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::GetM9().

◆ CanGetMatrix()

bool CCn3d_view_settings_Base::CanGetMatrix ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetMatrix method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 734 of file Cn3d_view_settings_.hpp.

◆ CanGetMolecule_id()

bool CCn3d_molecule_location_Base::CanGetMolecule_id ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetMolecule_id method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 206 of file Cn3d_molecule_location_.hpp.

References CCn3d_molecule_location_Base::IsSetMolecule_id().

Referenced by CCn3d_molecule_location_Base::GetMolecule_id().

◆ CanGetName() [1/2]

bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetName ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetName method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1182 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

References CCn3d_style_settings_Base::IsSetName().

Referenced by CCn3d_style_settings_Base::GetName().

◆ CanGetName() [2/2]

bool CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::CanGetName ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetName method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 332 of file Cn3d_user_annotation_.hpp.

References CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::IsSetName().

Referenced by CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::GetName().

◆ CanGetNucleotide_backbone()

bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetNucleotide_backbone ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetNucleotide_backbone method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1259 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

◆ CanGetNucleotide_labels()

bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetNucleotide_labels ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetNucleotide_labels method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 2097 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

References CCn3d_style_settings_Base::IsSetNucleotide_labels().

Referenced by CCn3d_style_settings_Base::GetNucleotide_labels().

◆ CanGetNucleotide_sidechains()

bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetNucleotide_sidechains ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetNucleotide_sidechains method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1319 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

◆ CanGetNumber()

bool CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::CanGetNumber ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetNumber method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 434 of file Cn3d_backbone_label_style_.hpp.

References CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::IsSetNumber().

Referenced by CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::GetNumber().

◆ CanGetProtein_backbone()

bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetProtein_backbone ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetProtein_backbone method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1229 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

◆ CanGetProtein_labels()

bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetProtein_labels ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetProtein_labels method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 2076 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

References CCn3d_style_settings_Base::IsSetProtein_labels().

Referenced by CCn3d_style_settings_Base::GetProtein_labels().

◆ CanGetProtein_sidechains()

bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetProtein_sidechains ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetProtein_sidechains method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1289 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

◆ CanGetRed()

bool CCn3d_color_Base::CanGetRed ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetRed method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 381 of file Cn3d_color_.hpp.

References CCn3d_color_Base::IsSetRed().

Referenced by CCn3d_color_Base::GetRed().

◆ CanGetResidues() [1/3]

bool CCn3d_molecule_location_Base::CanGetResidues ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetResidues method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 248 of file Cn3d_molecule_location_.hpp.

◆ CanGetResidues() [2/3]

bool CCn3d_object_location_Base::CanGetResidues ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetResidues method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 236 of file Cn3d_object_location_.hpp.

◆ CanGetResidues() [3/3]

bool CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::CanGetResidues ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetResidues method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 468 of file Cn3d_user_annotation_.hpp.

◆ CanGetRotation_center()

bool CCn3d_view_settings_Base::CanGetRotation_center ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetRotation_center method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 764 of file Cn3d_view_settings_.hpp.

◆ CanGetScale_factor() [1/2]

bool CCn3d_color_Base::CanGetScale_factor ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetScale_factor method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 331 of file Cn3d_color_.hpp.

◆ CanGetScale_factor() [2/2]

bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetScale_factor ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetScale_factor method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1653 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

References CCn3d_style_settings_Base::IsSetScale_factor().

Referenced by CCn3d_style_settings_Base::GetScale_factor().

◆ CanGetSolvents()

bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetSolvents ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetSolvents method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1379 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

◆ CanGetSpace_fill_proportion()

bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetSpace_fill_proportion ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetSpace_fill_proportion method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1700 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

References CCn3d_style_settings_Base::IsSetSpace_fill_proportion().

Referenced by CCn3d_style_settings_Base::GetSpace_fill_proportion().

◆ CanGetSpacing()

bool CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::CanGetSpacing ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetSpacing method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 340 of file Cn3d_backbone_label_style_.hpp.

References CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::IsSetSpacing().

Referenced by CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::GetSpacing().

◆ CanGetStick_radius()

bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetStick_radius ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetStick_radius method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1794 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

References CCn3d_style_settings_Base::IsSetStick_radius().

Referenced by CCn3d_style_settings_Base::GetStick_radius().

◆ CanGetStrand_objects()

bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetStrand_objects ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetStrand_objects method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1469 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

◆ CanGetStrand_thickness()

bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetStrand_thickness ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetStrand_thickness method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 2029 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

References CCn3d_style_settings_Base::IsSetStrand_thickness().

Referenced by CCn3d_style_settings_Base::GetStrand_thickness().

◆ CanGetStrand_width()

bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetStrand_width ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetStrand_width method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1982 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

References CCn3d_style_settings_Base::IsSetStrand_width().

Referenced by CCn3d_style_settings_Base::GetStrand_width().

◆ CanGetStructure_id()

bool CCn3d_object_location_Base::CanGetStructure_id ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetStructure_id method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 206 of file Cn3d_object_location_.hpp.

◆ CanGetStyle() [1/3]

bool CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::CanGetStyle ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetStyle method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 338 of file Cn3d_backbone_style_.hpp.

References CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::IsSetStyle().

Referenced by CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::GetStyle().

◆ CanGetStyle() [2/3]

bool CCn3d_general_style_Base::CanGetStyle ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetStyle method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 337 of file Cn3d_general_style_.hpp.

References CCn3d_general_style_Base::IsSetStyle().

Referenced by CCn3d_general_style_Base::GetStyle().

◆ CanGetStyle() [3/3]

bool CCn3d_style_table_item_Base::CanGetStyle ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetStyle method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 250 of file Cn3d_style_table_item_.hpp.

◆ CanGetStyle_id()

bool CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::CanGetStyle_id ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetStyle_id method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 426 of file Cn3d_user_annotation_.hpp.

References CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::IsSetStyle_id().

Referenced by CCn3d_user_annotation_Base::GetStyle_id().

◆ CanGetStyle_table()

bool CCn3d_style_dictionary_Base::CanGetStyle_table ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetStyle_table method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 234 of file Cn3d_style_dictionary_.hpp.

◆ CanGetTermini()

bool CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::CanGetTermini ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetTermini method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 481 of file Cn3d_backbone_label_style_.hpp.

References CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::IsSetTermini().

Referenced by CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::GetTermini().

◆ CanGetTo()

bool CCn3d_residue_range_Base::CanGetTo ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetTo method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 248 of file Cn3d_residue_range_.hpp.

References CCn3d_residue_range_Base::IsSetTo().

Referenced by CCn3d_residue_range_Base::GetTo().

◆ CanGetTube_radius()

bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetTube_radius ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetTube_radius method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1841 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

References CCn3d_style_settings_Base::IsSetTube_radius().

Referenced by CCn3d_style_settings_Base::GetTube_radius().

◆ CanGetTube_worm_radius()

bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetTube_worm_radius ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetTube_worm_radius method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1888 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

References CCn3d_style_settings_Base::IsSetTube_worm_radius().

Referenced by CCn3d_style_settings_Base::GetTube_worm_radius().

◆ CanGetType() [1/2]

bool CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::CanGetType ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetType method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 387 of file Cn3d_backbone_label_style_.hpp.

References CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::IsSetType().

Referenced by CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::GetType().

◆ CanGetType() [2/2]

bool CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::CanGetType ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetType method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 291 of file Cn3d_backbone_style_.hpp.

References CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::IsSetType().

Referenced by CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::GetType().

◆ CanGetUser_color() [1/2]

bool CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::CanGetUser_color ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetUser_color method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 432 of file Cn3d_backbone_style_.hpp.

◆ CanGetUser_color() [2/2]

bool CCn3d_general_style_Base::CanGetUser_color ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetUser_color method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 431 of file Cn3d_general_style_.hpp.

◆ CanGetView()

bool CCn3d_user_annotations_Base::CanGetView ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetView method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 234 of file Cn3d_user_annotations_.hpp.

References CCn3d_user_annotations_Base::IsSetView().

Referenced by CCn3d_user_annotations_Base::GetView().

◆ CanGetVirtual_disulfide_color()

bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetVirtual_disulfide_color ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetVirtual_disulfide_color method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1546 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

◆ CanGetVirtual_disulfides_on()

bool CCn3d_style_settings_Base::CanGetVirtual_disulfides_on ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetVirtual_disulfides_on method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1499 of file Cn3d_style_settings_.hpp.

References CCn3d_style_settings_Base::IsSetVirtual_disulfides_on().

Referenced by CCn3d_style_settings_Base::GetVirtual_disulfides_on().

◆ CanGetWhite()

bool CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::CanGetWhite ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetWhite method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 528 of file Cn3d_backbone_label_style_.hpp.

References CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::IsSetWhite().

Referenced by CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::GetWhite().

◆ CanGetX()

bool CCn3d_vector_Base::CanGetX ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetX method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 241 of file Cn3d_vector_.hpp.

References CCn3d_vector_Base::IsSetX().

Referenced by CCn3d_vector_Base::GetX().

◆ CanGetY()

bool CCn3d_vector_Base::CanGetY ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetY method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 288 of file Cn3d_vector_.hpp.

References CCn3d_vector_Base::IsSetY().

Referenced by CCn3d_vector_Base::GetY().

◆ CanGetZ()

bool CCn3d_vector_Base::CanGetZ ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetZ method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 335 of file Cn3d_vector_.hpp.

References CCn3d_vector_Base::IsSetZ().

Referenced by CCn3d_vector_Base::GetZ().

◆ CCn3d_backbone_label_style() [1/2]

CCn3d_backbone_label_style::CCn3d_backbone_label_style ( const CCn3d_backbone_label_style value)

◆ CCn3d_backbone_label_style() [2/2]

CCn3d_backbone_label_style::CCn3d_backbone_label_style ( void  )

Definition at line 86 of file Cn3d_backbone_label_style.hpp.

◆ CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base() [1/2]

CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base ( const CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base )

◆ CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base() [2/2]

END_CLASS_INFO CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base::CCn3d_backbone_label_style_Base ( void  )

◆ CCn3d_backbone_style() [1/2]

CCn3d_backbone_style::CCn3d_backbone_style ( const CCn3d_backbone_style value)

◆ CCn3d_backbone_style() [2/2]

CCn3d_backbone_style::CCn3d_backbone_style ( void  )

Definition at line 86 of file Cn3d_backbone_style.hpp.

◆ CCn3d_backbone_style_Base() [1/2]

CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::CCn3d_backbone_style_Base ( const CCn3d_backbone_style_Base )

◆ CCn3d_backbone_style_Base() [2/2]

END_CLASS_INFO CCn3d_backbone_style_Base::CCn3d_backbone_style_Base ( void  )

◆ CCn3d_color() [1/2]

CCn3d_color::CCn3d_color ( const CCn3d_color value)

◆ CCn3d_color() [2/2]

CCn3d_color::CCn3d_color ( void  )

Definition at line 86 of file Cn3d_color.hpp.

◆ CCn3d_color_Base() [1/2]

CCn3d_color_Base::CCn3d_color_Base ( const CCn3d_color_Base )

◆ CCn3d_color_Base() [2/2]

END_CLASS_INFO CCn3d_color_Base::CCn3d_color_Base ( void  )

Definition at line 74 of file Cn3d_color_.cpp.

References CCn3d_color_Base::m_set_State.

◆ CCn3d_general_style() [1/2]

CCn3d_general_style::CCn3d_general_style ( const CCn3d_general_style value)

◆ CCn3d_general_style() [2/2]

CCn3d_general_style::CCn3d_general_style ( void  )

Definition at line 86 of file Cn3d_general_style.hpp.

◆ CCn3d_general_style_Base() [1/2]

CCn3d_general_style_Base::CCn3d_general_style_Base ( const CCn3d_general_style_Base )

◆ CCn3d_general_style_Base() [2/2]

END_CLASS_INFO CCn3d_general_style_Base::CCn3d_general_style_Base ( void  )

◆ CCn3d_GL_matrix() [1/2]

CCn3d_GL_matrix::CCn3d_GL_matrix ( const CCn3d_GL_matrix value)

◆ CCn3d_GL_matrix() [2/2]

CCn3d_GL_matrix::CCn3d_GL_matrix ( void  )

Definition at line 86 of file Cn3d_GL_matrix.hpp.

◆ CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base() [1/2]

CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base ( const CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base )

◆ CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base() [2/2]

END_CLASS_INFO CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base ( void  )

Definition at line 96 of file Cn3d_GL_matrix_.cpp.

References CCn3d_GL_matrix_Base::m_set_State.

◆ CCn3d_molecule_location() [1/2]

CCn3d_molecule_location::CCn3d_molecule_location ( const CCn3d_molecule_location value)

◆ CCn3d_molecule_location() [2/2]

CCn3d_molecule_location::CCn3d_molecule_location ( void  )

Definition at line 86 of file Cn3d_molecule_location.hpp.

◆ CCn3d_molecule_location_Base() [1/2]

CCn3d_molecule_location_Base::CCn3d_molecule_location_Base ( const CCn3d_molecule_location_Base )

◆ CCn3d_molecule_location_Base() [2/2]

END_CLASS_INFO CCn3d_molecule_location_Base::CCn3d_molecule_location_Base ( void  )

◆ CCn3d_object_location() [1/2]

CCn3d_object_location::CCn3d_object_location ( const CCn3d_object_location value)

◆ CCn3d_object_location() [2/2]

CCn3d_object_location::CCn3d_object_location ( void  )