NCBI C++ ToolKit
Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
Code generated by DATATOOL from 'gbseq.asn' (module 'NCBI-GBSeq')
+ Collaboration diagram for Code generated by DATATOOL from 'gbseq.asn' (module 'NCBI-GBSeq'):


class  CGBAltSeqData
 CGBAltSeqData –. More...
class  CGBAltSeqData_Base
 CGBAltSeqData_Base –. More...
class  CGBAltSeqItem
 CGBAltSeqItem –. More...
class  CGBAltSeqItem_Base
 CGBAltSeqItem_Base –. More...
class  CGBAuthor
 CGBAuthor –. More...
class  CGBAuthor_Base
 CGBAuthor_Base –. More...
class  CGBComment
 CGBComment –. More...
class  CGBComment_Base
 CGBComment_Base –. More...
class  CGBCommentParagraph
 CGBCommentParagraph –. More...
class  CGBCommentParagraph_Base
 CGBCommentParagraph_Base –. More...
class  CGBFeature
 CGBFeature –. More...
class  CGBFeature_Base
 CGBFeature_Base –. More...
class  CGBFeatureSet
 CGBFeatureSet –. More...
class  CGBFeatureSet_Base
 CGBFeatureSet_Base –. More...
class  CGBInterval
 CGBInterval –. More...
class  CGBInterval_Base
 CGBInterval_Base –. More...
class  CGBKeyword
 CGBKeyword –. More...
class  CGBKeyword_Base
 CGBKeyword_Base –. More...
class  CGBQualifier
 CGBQualifier –. More...
class  CGBQualifier_Base
 CGBQualifier_Base –. More...
class  CGBReference
 CGBReference –. More...
class  CGBReference_Base
 CGBReference_Base –. More...
class  CGBSecondary_accn
 CGBSecondary_accn –. More...
class  CGBSecondary_accn_Base
 CGBSecondary_accn_Base –. More...
class  CGBSeq
 CGBSeq –. More...
class  CGBSeq_Base
 CGBSeq_Base –. More...
class  CGBSeqid
 CGBSeqid –. More...
class  CGBSeqid_Base
 CGBSeqid_Base –. More...
class  CGBSet
 CGBSet –. More...
class  CGBSet_Base
 ******** GBSeq represents the elements in a GenBank style report of a sequence with some small additions to structure and support for protein (GenPept) versions of GenBank format as seen in Entrez. More...
class  CGBStrucComment
 CGBStrucComment –. More...
class  CGBStrucComment_Base
 CGBStrucComment_Base –. More...
class  CGBStrucCommentItem
 CGBStrucCommentItem –. More...
class  CGBStrucCommentItem_Base
 CGBStrucCommentItem_Base –. More...
class  CGBXref
 CGBXref –. More...
class  CGBXref_Base
 CGBXref_Base –. More...


typedef CGBAltSeqData_Base CGBAltSeqData::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CGBAltSeqData_Base::Tparent
typedef string CGBAltSeqData_Base::TName
typedef list< CRef< CGBAltSeqItem > > CGBAltSeqData_Base::TItems
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 3 > CGBAltSeqData_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CGBAltSeqItem_Base CGBAltSeqItem::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CGBAltSeqItem_Base::Tparent
typedef CGBInterval CGBAltSeqItem_Base::TInterval
typedef bool CGBAltSeqItem_Base::TIsgap
typedef int CGBAltSeqItem_Base::TGap_length
typedef string CGBAltSeqItem_Base::TGap_type
typedef string CGBAltSeqItem_Base::TGap_linkage
typedef string CGBAltSeqItem_Base::TGap_comment
typedef string CGBAltSeqItem_Base::TFirst_accn
typedef string CGBAltSeqItem_Base::TLast_accn
typedef string CGBAltSeqItem_Base::TValue
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 10 > CGBAltSeqItem_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CGBAuthor_Base CGBAuthor::Tparent
typedef CStringAliasBase< stringCGBAuthor_Base::Tparent
typedef CGBComment_Base CGBComment::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CGBComment_Base::Tparent
typedef string CGBComment_Base::TType
typedef list< CGBCommentParagraphCGBComment_Base::TParagraphs
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 3 > CGBComment_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CGBCommentParagraph_Base CGBCommentParagraph::Tparent
typedef CStringAliasBase< stringCGBCommentParagraph_Base::Tparent
typedef CGBFeature_Base CGBFeature::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CGBFeature_Base::Tparent
typedef string CGBFeature_Base::TKey
typedef string CGBFeature_Base::TLocation
typedef list< CRef< CGBInterval > > CGBFeature_Base::TIntervals
typedef string CGBFeature_Base::TOperator
typedef bool CGBFeature_Base::TPartial5
typedef bool CGBFeature_Base::TPartial3
typedef list< CRef< CGBQualifier > > CGBFeature_Base::TQuals
typedef list< CRef< CGBXref > > CGBFeature_Base::TXrefs
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 9 > CGBFeature_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CGBFeatureSet_Base CGBFeatureSet::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CGBFeatureSet_Base::Tparent
typedef string CGBFeatureSet_Base::TAnnot_source
typedef list< CRef< CGBFeature > > CGBFeatureSet_Base::TFeatures
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 3 > CGBFeatureSet_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CGBInterval_Base CGBInterval::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CGBInterval_Base::Tparent
typedef TSeqPos CGBInterval_Base::TFrom
typedef TSeqPos CGBInterval_Base::TTo
typedef TSeqPos CGBInterval_Base::TPoint
typedef bool CGBInterval_Base::TIscomp
typedef bool CGBInterval_Base::TInterbp
typedef string CGBInterval_Base::TAccession
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 7 > CGBInterval_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CGBKeyword_Base CGBKeyword::Tparent
typedef CStringAliasBase< stringCGBKeyword_Base::Tparent
typedef CGBQualifier_Base CGBQualifier::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CGBQualifier_Base::Tparent
typedef string CGBQualifier_Base::TName
typedef string CGBQualifier_Base::TValue
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 3 > CGBQualifier_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CGBReference_Base CGBReference::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CGBReference_Base::Tparent
typedef string CGBReference_Base::TReference
typedef string CGBReference_Base::TPosition
typedef list< CGBAuthorCGBReference_Base::TAuthors
typedef string CGBReference_Base::TConsortium
typedef string CGBReference_Base::TTitle
typedef string CGBReference_Base::TJournal
typedef list< CRef< CGBXref > > CGBReference_Base::TXref
typedef int CGBReference_Base::TPubmed
typedef string CGBReference_Base::TRemark
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 10 > CGBReference_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CGBSecondary_accn_Base CGBSecondary_accn::Tparent
typedef CStringAliasBase< stringCGBSecondary_accn_Base::Tparent
typedef CGBSeq_Base CGBSeq::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CGBSeq_Base::Tparent
typedef string CGBSeq_Base::TLocus
typedef TSeqPos CGBSeq_Base::TLength
typedef string CGBSeq_Base::TStrandedness
typedef string CGBSeq_Base::TMoltype
typedef string CGBSeq_Base::TTopology
typedef string CGBSeq_Base::TDivision
typedef string CGBSeq_Base::TUpdate_date
typedef string CGBSeq_Base::TCreate_date
typedef string CGBSeq_Base::TUpdate_release
typedef string CGBSeq_Base::TCreate_release
typedef string CGBSeq_Base::TDefinition
typedef string CGBSeq_Base::TPrimary_accession
typedef string CGBSeq_Base::TEntry_version
typedef string CGBSeq_Base::TAccession_version
typedef list< CGBSeqidCGBSeq_Base::TOther_seqids
typedef list< CGBSecondary_accnCGBSeq_Base::TSecondary_accessions
typedef string CGBSeq_Base::TProject
typedef list< CGBKeywordCGBSeq_Base::TKeywords
typedef string CGBSeq_Base::TSegment
typedef string CGBSeq_Base::TSource
typedef string CGBSeq_Base::TOrganism
typedef string CGBSeq_Base::TTaxonomy
typedef list< CRef< CGBReference > > CGBSeq_Base::TReferences
typedef string CGBSeq_Base::TComment
typedef list< CRef< CGBComment > > CGBSeq_Base::TComment_set
typedef list< CRef< CGBStrucComment > > CGBSeq_Base::TStruc_comments
typedef string CGBSeq_Base::TPrimary
typedef string CGBSeq_Base::TSource_db
typedef string CGBSeq_Base::TDatabase_reference
typedef list< CRef< CGBFeature > > CGBSeq_Base::TFeature_table
typedef list< CRef< CGBFeatureSet > > CGBSeq_Base::TFeature_set
typedef string CGBSeq_Base::TSequence
typedef string CGBSeq_Base::TContig
typedef list< CRef< CGBAltSeqData > > CGBSeq_Base::TAlt_seq
typedef list< CRef< CGBXref > > CGBSeq_Base::TXrefs
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 36 > CGBSeq_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CGBSeqid_Base CGBSeqid::Tparent
typedef CStringAliasBase< stringCGBSeqid_Base::Tparent
typedef CGBSet_Base CGBSet::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CGBSet_Base::Tparent
typedef list< CRef< CGBSeq > > CGBSet_Base::Tdata
typedef CGBStrucComment_Base CGBStrucComment::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CGBStrucComment_Base::Tparent
typedef string CGBStrucComment_Base::TName
typedef list< CRef< CGBStrucCommentItem > > CGBStrucComment_Base::TItems
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 3 > CGBStrucComment_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CGBStrucCommentItem_Base CGBStrucCommentItem::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::Tparent
typedef string CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::TTag
typedef string CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::TValue
typedef string CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::TUrl
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 4 > CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CGBXref_Base CGBXref::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CGBXref_Base::Tparent
typedef string CGBXref_Base::TDbname
typedef string CGBXref_Base::TId
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 3 > CGBXref_Base::TmemberIndex


enum class  CGBAltSeqData_Base::E_memberIndex { CGBAltSeqData_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CGBAltSeqData_Base::e_name , CGBAltSeqData_Base::e_items }
enum class  CGBAltSeqItem_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CGBAltSeqItem_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CGBAltSeqItem_Base::e_interval , CGBAltSeqItem_Base::e_isgap , CGBAltSeqItem_Base::e_gap_length ,
  CGBAltSeqItem_Base::e_gap_type , CGBAltSeqItem_Base::e_gap_linkage , CGBAltSeqItem_Base::e_gap_comment , CGBAltSeqItem_Base::e_first_accn ,
  CGBAltSeqItem_Base::e_last_accn , CGBAltSeqItem_Base::e_value
enum class  CGBComment_Base::E_memberIndex { CGBComment_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CGBComment_Base::e_type , CGBComment_Base::e_paragraphs }
enum class  CGBFeature_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CGBFeature_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CGBFeature_Base::e_key , CGBFeature_Base::e_location , CGBFeature_Base::e_intervals ,
  CGBFeature_Base::e_operator , CGBFeature_Base::e_partial5 , CGBFeature_Base::e_partial3 , CGBFeature_Base::e_quals ,
enum class  CGBFeatureSet_Base::E_memberIndex { CGBFeatureSet_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CGBFeatureSet_Base::e_annot_source , CGBFeatureSet_Base::e_features }
enum class  CGBInterval_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CGBInterval_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CGBInterval_Base::e_from , CGBInterval_Base::e_to , CGBInterval_Base::e_point ,
  CGBInterval_Base::e_iscomp , CGBInterval_Base::e_interbp , CGBInterval_Base::e_accession
enum class  CGBQualifier_Base::E_memberIndex { CGBQualifier_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CGBQualifier_Base::e_name , CGBQualifier_Base::e_value }
enum class  CGBReference_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CGBReference_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CGBReference_Base::e_reference , CGBReference_Base::e_position , CGBReference_Base::e_authors ,
  CGBReference_Base::e_consortium , CGBReference_Base::e_title , CGBReference_Base::e_journal , CGBReference_Base::e_xref ,
  CGBReference_Base::e_pubmed , CGBReference_Base::e_remark
enum class  CGBSeq_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CGBSeq_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CGBSeq_Base::e_locus , CGBSeq_Base::e_length , CGBSeq_Base::e_strandedness ,
  CGBSeq_Base::e_moltype , CGBSeq_Base::e_topology , CGBSeq_Base::e_division , CGBSeq_Base::e_update_date ,
  CGBSeq_Base::e_create_date , CGBSeq_Base::e_update_release , CGBSeq_Base::e_create_release , CGBSeq_Base::e_definition ,
  CGBSeq_Base::e_primary_accession , CGBSeq_Base::e_entry_version , CGBSeq_Base::e_accession_version , CGBSeq_Base::e_other_seqids ,
  CGBSeq_Base::e_secondary_accessions , CGBSeq_Base::e_project , CGBSeq_Base::e_keywords , CGBSeq_Base::e_segment ,
  CGBSeq_Base::e_source , CGBSeq_Base::e_organism , CGBSeq_Base::e_taxonomy , CGBSeq_Base::e_references ,
  CGBSeq_Base::e_comment , CGBSeq_Base::e_comment_set , CGBSeq_Base::e_struc_comments , CGBSeq_Base::e_primary ,
  CGBSeq_Base::e_source_db , CGBSeq_Base::e_database_reference , CGBSeq_Base::e_feature_table , CGBSeq_Base::e_feature_set ,
  CGBSeq_Base::e_sequence , CGBSeq_Base::e_contig , CGBSeq_Base::e_alt_seq , CGBSeq_Base::e_xrefs
enum class  CGBStrucComment_Base::E_memberIndex { CGBStrucComment_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CGBStrucComment_Base::e_name , CGBStrucComment_Base::e_items }
enum class  CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::E_memberIndex { CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::e_tag , CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::e_value , CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::e_url }
enum class  CGBXref_Base::E_memberIndex { CGBXref_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CGBXref_Base::e_dbname , CGBXref_Base::e_id }


 CGBAltSeqData::CGBAltSeqData (void)
 CGBAltSeqData::~CGBAltSeqData (void)
 CGBAltSeqData::CGBAltSeqData (const CGBAltSeqData &value)
CGBAltSeqDataCGBAltSeqData::operator= (const CGBAltSeqData &value)
 CGBAltSeqData_Base::CGBAltSeqData_Base (void)
virtual CGBAltSeqData_Base::~CGBAltSeqData_Base (void)
bool CGBAltSeqData_Base::IsSetName (void) const
 e.g., contig, wgs, scaffold, cage, genome Check if a value has been assigned to Name data member. More...
bool CGBAltSeqData_Base::CanGetName (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetName method. More...
void CGBAltSeqData_Base::ResetName (void)
 Reset Name data member. More...
const TNameCGBAltSeqData_Base::GetName (void) const
 Get the Name member data. More...
void CGBAltSeqData_Base::SetName (const TName &value)
 Assign a value to Name data member. More...
void CGBAltSeqData_Base::SetName (TName &&value)
TNameCGBAltSeqData_Base::SetName (void)
 Assign a value to Name data member. More...
bool CGBAltSeqData_Base::IsSetItems (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Items data member. More...
bool CGBAltSeqData_Base::CanGetItems (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetItems method. More...
void CGBAltSeqData_Base::ResetItems (void)
 Reset Items data member. More...
const TItemsCGBAltSeqData_Base::GetItems (void) const
 Get the Items member data. More...
TItemsCGBAltSeqData_Base::SetItems (void)
 Assign a value to Items data member. More...
virtual void CGBAltSeqData_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CGBAltSeqData_Base::CGBAltSeqData_Base (const CGBAltSeqData_Base &)
CGBAltSeqData_BaseCGBAltSeqData_Base::operator= (const CGBAltSeqData_Base &)
 CGBAltSeqItem::CGBAltSeqItem (void)
 CGBAltSeqItem::~CGBAltSeqItem (void)
 CGBAltSeqItem::CGBAltSeqItem (const CGBAltSeqItem &value)
CGBAltSeqItemCGBAltSeqItem::operator= (const CGBAltSeqItem &value)
 CGBAltSeqItem_Base::CGBAltSeqItem_Base (void)
virtual CGBAltSeqItem_Base::~CGBAltSeqItem_Base (void)
bool CGBAltSeqItem_Base::IsSetInterval (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Interval data member. More...
bool CGBAltSeqItem_Base::CanGetInterval (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetInterval method. More...
void CGBAltSeqItem_Base::ResetInterval (void)
 Reset Interval data member. More...
const TIntervalCGBAltSeqItem_Base::GetInterval (void) const
 Get the Interval member data. More...
void CGBAltSeqItem_Base::SetInterval (TInterval &value)
 Assign a value to Interval data member. More...
TIntervalCGBAltSeqItem_Base::SetInterval (void)
 Assign a value to Interval data member. More...
bool CGBAltSeqItem_Base::IsSetIsgap (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Isgap data member. More...
bool CGBAltSeqItem_Base::CanGetIsgap (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetIsgap method. More...
void CGBAltSeqItem_Base::ResetIsgap (void)
 Reset Isgap data member. More...
TIsgap CGBAltSeqItem_Base::GetIsgap (void) const
 Get the Isgap member data. More...
void CGBAltSeqItem_Base::SetIsgap (TIsgap value)
 Assign a value to Isgap data member. More...
TIsgapCGBAltSeqItem_Base::SetIsgap (void)
 Assign a value to Isgap data member. More...
bool CGBAltSeqItem_Base::IsSetGap_length (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Gap_length data member. More...
bool CGBAltSeqItem_Base::CanGetGap_length (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetGap_length method. More...
void CGBAltSeqItem_Base::ResetGap_length (void)
 Reset Gap_length data member. More...
TGap_length CGBAltSeqItem_Base::GetGap_length (void) const
 Get the Gap_length member data. More...
void CGBAltSeqItem_Base::SetGap_length (TGap_length value)
 Assign a value to Gap_length data member. More...
TGap_lengthCGBAltSeqItem_Base::SetGap_length (void)
 Assign a value to Gap_length data member. More...
bool CGBAltSeqItem_Base::IsSetGap_type (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Gap_type data member. More...
bool CGBAltSeqItem_Base::CanGetGap_type (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetGap_type method. More...
void CGBAltSeqItem_Base::ResetGap_type (void)
 Reset Gap_type data member. More...
const TGap_typeCGBAltSeqItem_Base::GetGap_type (void) const
 Get the Gap_type member data. More...
void CGBAltSeqItem_Base::SetGap_type (const TGap_type &value)
 Assign a value to Gap_type data member. More...
void CGBAltSeqItem_Base::SetGap_type (TGap_type &&value)
TGap_typeCGBAltSeqItem_Base::SetGap_type (void)
 Assign a value to Gap_type data member. More...
bool CGBAltSeqItem_Base::IsSetGap_linkage (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Gap_linkage data member. More...
bool CGBAltSeqItem_Base::CanGetGap_linkage (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetGap_linkage method. More...
void CGBAltSeqItem_Base::ResetGap_linkage (void)
 Reset Gap_linkage data member. More...
const TGap_linkageCGBAltSeqItem_Base::GetGap_linkage (void) const
 Get the Gap_linkage member data. More...
void CGBAltSeqItem_Base::SetGap_linkage (const TGap_linkage &value)
 Assign a value to Gap_linkage data member. More...
void CGBAltSeqItem_Base::SetGap_linkage (TGap_linkage &&value)
TGap_linkageCGBAltSeqItem_Base::SetGap_linkage (void)
 Assign a value to Gap_linkage data member. More...
bool CGBAltSeqItem_Base::IsSetGap_comment (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Gap_comment data member. More...
bool CGBAltSeqItem_Base::CanGetGap_comment (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetGap_comment method. More...
void CGBAltSeqItem_Base::ResetGap_comment (void)
 Reset Gap_comment data member. More...
const TGap_commentCGBAltSeqItem_Base::GetGap_comment (void) const
 Get the Gap_comment member data. More...
void CGBAltSeqItem_Base::SetGap_comment (const TGap_comment &value)
 Assign a value to Gap_comment data member. More...
void CGBAltSeqItem_Base::SetGap_comment (TGap_comment &&value)
TGap_commentCGBAltSeqItem_Base::SetGap_comment (void)
 Assign a value to Gap_comment data member. More...
bool CGBAltSeqItem_Base::IsSetFirst_accn (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to First_accn data member. More...
bool CGBAltSeqItem_Base::CanGetFirst_accn (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetFirst_accn method. More...
void CGBAltSeqItem_Base::ResetFirst_accn (void)
 Reset First_accn data member. More...
const TFirst_accnCGBAltSeqItem_Base::GetFirst_accn (void) const
 Get the First_accn member data. More...
void CGBAltSeqItem_Base::SetFirst_accn (const TFirst_accn &value)
 Assign a value to First_accn data member. More...
void CGBAltSeqItem_Base::SetFirst_accn (TFirst_accn &&value)
TFirst_accnCGBAltSeqItem_Base::SetFirst_accn (void)
 Assign a value to First_accn data member. More...
bool CGBAltSeqItem_Base::IsSetLast_accn (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Last_accn data member. More...
bool CGBAltSeqItem_Base::CanGetLast_accn (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetLast_accn method. More...
void CGBAltSeqItem_Base::ResetLast_accn (void)
 Reset Last_accn data member. More...
const TLast_accnCGBAltSeqItem_Base::GetLast_accn (void) const
 Get the Last_accn member data. More...
void CGBAltSeqItem_Base::SetLast_accn (const TLast_accn &value)
 Assign a value to Last_accn data member. More...
void CGBAltSeqItem_Base::SetLast_accn (TLast_accn &&value)
TLast_accnCGBAltSeqItem_Base::SetLast_accn (void)
 Assign a value to Last_accn data member. More...
bool CGBAltSeqItem_Base::IsSetValue (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Value data member. More...
bool CGBAltSeqItem_Base::CanGetValue (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetValue method. More...
void CGBAltSeqItem_Base::ResetValue (void)
 Reset Value data member. More...
const TValueCGBAltSeqItem_Base::GetValue (void) const
 Get the Value member data. More...
void CGBAltSeqItem_Base::SetValue (const TValue &value)
 Assign a value to Value data member. More...
void CGBAltSeqItem_Base::SetValue (TValue &&value)
TValueCGBAltSeqItem_Base::SetValue (void)
 Assign a value to Value data member. More...
virtual void CGBAltSeqItem_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CGBAltSeqItem_Base::CGBAltSeqItem_Base (const CGBAltSeqItem_Base &)
CGBAltSeqItem_BaseCGBAltSeqItem_Base::operator= (const CGBAltSeqItem_Base &)
 CGBAuthor::CGBAuthor (void)
 CGBAuthor::CGBAuthor (const std::string &value)
 Explicit constructor from the primitive type. More...
 CGBAuthor_Base::CGBAuthor_Base (void)
 CGBAuthor_Base::CGBAuthor_Base (const string &data)
NCBI_NS_NCBI::CNcbiOstreamoperator<< (NCBI_NS_NCBI::CNcbiOstream &str, const CGBAuthor_Base &obj)
NCBI_NS_NCBI::CNcbiIstreamoperator>> (NCBI_NS_NCBI::CNcbiIstream &str, CGBAuthor_Base &obj)
 CGBComment::CGBComment (void)
 CGBComment::~CGBComment (void)
 CGBComment::CGBComment (const CGBComment &value)
CGBCommentCGBComment::operator= (const CGBComment &value)
 CGBComment_Base::CGBComment_Base (void)
virtual CGBComment_Base::~CGBComment_Base (void)
bool CGBComment_Base::IsSetType (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Type data member. More...
bool CGBComment_Base::CanGetType (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetType method. More...
void CGBComment_Base::ResetType (void)
 Reset Type data member. More...
const TTypeCGBComment_Base::GetType (void) const
 Get the Type member data. More...
void CGBComment_Base::SetType (const TType &value)
 Assign a value to Type data member. More...
void CGBComment_Base::SetType (TType &&value)
TTypeCGBComment_Base::SetType (void)
 Assign a value to Type data member. More...
bool CGBComment_Base::IsSetParagraphs (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Paragraphs data member. More...
bool CGBComment_Base::CanGetParagraphs (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetParagraphs method. More...
void CGBComment_Base::ResetParagraphs (void)
 Reset Paragraphs data member. More...
const TParagraphsCGBComment_Base::GetParagraphs (void) const
 Get the Paragraphs member data. More...
TParagraphsCGBComment_Base::SetParagraphs (void)
 Assign a value to Paragraphs data member. More...
virtual void CGBComment_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CGBComment_Base::CGBComment_Base (const CGBComment_Base &)
CGBComment_BaseCGBComment_Base::operator= (const CGBComment_Base &)
 CGBCommentParagraph::CGBCommentParagraph (void)
 CGBCommentParagraph::CGBCommentParagraph (const std::string &value)
 Explicit constructor from the primitive type. More...
 CGBCommentParagraph_Base::CGBCommentParagraph_Base (void)
 CGBCommentParagraph_Base::CGBCommentParagraph_Base (const string &data)
NCBI_NS_NCBI::CNcbiOstreamoperator<< (NCBI_NS_NCBI::CNcbiOstream &str, const CGBCommentParagraph_Base &obj)
NCBI_NS_NCBI::CNcbiIstreamoperator>> (NCBI_NS_NCBI::CNcbiIstream &str, CGBCommentParagraph_Base &obj)
 CGBFeature::CGBFeature (void)
 CGBFeature::~CGBFeature (void)
 CGBFeature::CGBFeature (const CGBFeature &value)
CGBFeatureCGBFeature::operator= (const CGBFeature &value)
 CGBFeature_Base::CGBFeature_Base (void)
virtual CGBFeature_Base::~CGBFeature_Base (void)
bool CGBFeature_Base::IsSetKey (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Key data member. More...
bool CGBFeature_Base::CanGetKey (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetKey method. More...
void CGBFeature_Base::ResetKey (void)
 Reset Key data member. More...
const TKeyCGBFeature_Base::GetKey (void) const
 Get the Key member data. More...
void CGBFeature_Base::SetKey (const TKey &value)
 Assign a value to Key data member. More...
void CGBFeature_Base::SetKey (TKey &&value)
TKeyCGBFeature_Base::SetKey (void)
 Assign a value to Key data member. More...
bool CGBFeature_Base::IsSetLocation (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Location data member. More...
bool CGBFeature_Base::CanGetLocation (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetLocation method. More...
void CGBFeature_Base::ResetLocation (void)
 Reset Location data member. More...
const TLocationCGBFeature_Base::GetLocation (void) const
 Get the Location member data. More...
void CGBFeature_Base::SetLocation (const TLocation &value)
 Assign a value to Location data member. More...
void CGBFeature_Base::SetLocation (TLocation &&value)
TLocationCGBFeature_Base::SetLocation (void)
 Assign a value to Location data member. More...
bool CGBFeature_Base::IsSetIntervals (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Intervals data member. More...
bool CGBFeature_Base::CanGetIntervals (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetIntervals method. More...
void CGBFeature_Base::ResetIntervals (void)
 Reset Intervals data member. More...
const TIntervalsCGBFeature_Base::GetIntervals (void) const
 Get the Intervals member data. More...
TIntervalsCGBFeature_Base::SetIntervals (void)
 Assign a value to Intervals data member. More...
bool CGBFeature_Base::IsSetOperator (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Operator data member. More...
bool CGBFeature_Base::CanGetOperator (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetOperator method. More...
void CGBFeature_Base::ResetOperator (void)
 Reset Operator data member. More...
const TOperatorCGBFeature_Base::GetOperator (void) const
 Get the Operator member data. More...
void CGBFeature_Base::SetOperator (const TOperator &value)
 Assign a value to Operator data member. More...
void CGBFeature_Base::SetOperator (TOperator &&value)
TOperatorCGBFeature_Base::SetOperator (void)
 Assign a value to Operator data member. More...
bool CGBFeature_Base::IsSetPartial5 (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Partial5 data member. More...
bool CGBFeature_Base::CanGetPartial5 (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetPartial5 method. More...
void CGBFeature_Base::ResetPartial5 (void)
 Reset Partial5 data member. More...
TPartial5 CGBFeature_Base::GetPartial5 (void) const
 Get the Partial5 member data. More...
void CGBFeature_Base::SetPartial5 (TPartial5 value)
 Assign a value to Partial5 data member. More...
TPartial5CGBFeature_Base::SetPartial5 (void)
 Assign a value to Partial5 data member. More...
bool CGBFeature_Base::IsSetPartial3 (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Partial3 data member. More...
bool CGBFeature_Base::CanGetPartial3 (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetPartial3 method. More...
void CGBFeature_Base::ResetPartial3 (void)
 Reset Partial3 data member. More...
TPartial3 CGBFeature_Base::GetPartial3 (void) const
 Get the Partial3 member data. More...
void CGBFeature_Base::SetPartial3 (TPartial3 value)
 Assign a value to Partial3 data member. More...
TPartial3CGBFeature_Base::SetPartial3 (void)
 Assign a value to Partial3 data member. More...
bool CGBFeature_Base::IsSetQuals (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Quals data member. More...
bool CGBFeature_Base::CanGetQuals (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetQuals method. More...
void CGBFeature_Base::ResetQuals (void)
 Reset Quals data member. More...
const TQualsCGBFeature_Base::GetQuals (void) const
 Get the Quals member data. More...
TQualsCGBFeature_Base::SetQuals (void)
 Assign a value to Quals data member. More...
bool CGBFeature_Base::IsSetXrefs (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Xrefs data member. More...
bool CGBFeature_Base::CanGetXrefs (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetXrefs method. More...
void CGBFeature_Base::ResetXrefs (void)
 Reset Xrefs data member. More...
const TXrefsCGBFeature_Base::GetXrefs (void) const
 Get the Xrefs member data. More...
TXrefsCGBFeature_Base::SetXrefs (void)
 Assign a value to Xrefs data member. More...
virtual void CGBFeature_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CGBFeature_Base::CGBFeature_Base (const CGBFeature_Base &)
CGBFeature_BaseCGBFeature_Base::operator= (const CGBFeature_Base &)
 CGBFeatureSet::CGBFeatureSet (void)
 CGBFeatureSet::~CGBFeatureSet (void)
 CGBFeatureSet::CGBFeatureSet (const CGBFeatureSet &value)
CGBFeatureSetCGBFeatureSet::operator= (const CGBFeatureSet &value)
 CGBFeatureSet_Base::CGBFeatureSet_Base (void)
virtual CGBFeatureSet_Base::~CGBFeatureSet_Base (void)
bool CGBFeatureSet_Base::IsSetAnnot_source (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Annot_source data member. More...
bool CGBFeatureSet_Base::CanGetAnnot_source (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetAnnot_source method. More...
void CGBFeatureSet_Base::ResetAnnot_source (void)
 Reset Annot_source data member. More...
const TAnnot_sourceCGBFeatureSet_Base::GetAnnot_source (void) const
 Get the Annot_source member data. More...
void CGBFeatureSet_Base::SetAnnot_source (const TAnnot_source &value)
 Assign a value to Annot_source data member. More...
void CGBFeatureSet_Base::SetAnnot_source (TAnnot_source &&value)
TAnnot_sourceCGBFeatureSet_Base::SetAnnot_source (void)
 Assign a value to Annot_source data member. More...
bool CGBFeatureSet_Base::IsSetFeatures (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Features data member. More...
bool CGBFeatureSet_Base::CanGetFeatures (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetFeatures method. More...
void CGBFeatureSet_Base::ResetFeatures (void)
 Reset Features data member. More...
const TFeaturesCGBFeatureSet_Base::GetFeatures (void) const
 Get the Features member data. More...
TFeaturesCGBFeatureSet_Base::SetFeatures (void)
 Assign a value to Features data member. More...
virtual void CGBFeatureSet_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CGBFeatureSet_Base::CGBFeatureSet_Base (const CGBFeatureSet_Base &)
CGBFeatureSet_BaseCGBFeatureSet_Base::operator= (const CGBFeatureSet_Base &)
 CGBInterval::CGBInterval (void)
 CGBInterval::~CGBInterval (void)
 CGBInterval::CGBInterval (const CGBInterval &value)
CGBIntervalCGBInterval::operator= (const CGBInterval &value)
 CGBInterval_Base::CGBInterval_Base (void)
virtual CGBInterval_Base::~CGBInterval_Base (void)
bool CGBInterval_Base::IsSetFrom (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to From data member. More...
bool CGBInterval_Base::CanGetFrom (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetFrom method. More...
void CGBInterval_Base::ResetFrom (void)
 Reset From data member. More...
TFrom CGBInterval_Base::GetFrom (void) const
 Get the From member data. More...
void CGBInterval_Base::SetFrom (TFrom value)
 Assign a value to From data member. More...
TFromCGBInterval_Base::SetFrom (void)
 Assign a value to From data member. More...
bool CGBInterval_Base::IsSetTo (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to To data member. More...
bool CGBInterval_Base::CanGetTo (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetTo method. More...
void CGBInterval_Base::ResetTo (void)
 Reset To data member. More...
TTo CGBInterval_Base::GetTo (void) const
 Get the To member data. More...
void CGBInterval_Base::SetTo (TTo value)
 Assign a value to To data member. More...
TToCGBInterval_Base::SetTo (void)
 Assign a value to To data member. More...
bool CGBInterval_Base::IsSetPoint (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Point data member. More...
bool CGBInterval_Base::CanGetPoint (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetPoint method. More...
void CGBInterval_Base::ResetPoint (void)
 Reset Point data member. More...
TPoint CGBInterval_Base::GetPoint (void) const
 Get the Point member data. More...
void CGBInterval_Base::SetPoint (TPoint value)
 Assign a value to Point data member. More...
TPointCGBInterval_Base::SetPoint (void)
 Assign a value to Point data member. More...
bool CGBInterval_Base::IsSetIscomp (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Iscomp data member. More...
bool CGBInterval_Base::CanGetIscomp (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetIscomp method. More...
void CGBInterval_Base::ResetIscomp (void)
 Reset Iscomp data member. More...
TIscomp CGBInterval_Base::GetIscomp (void) const
 Get the Iscomp member data. More...
void CGBInterval_Base::SetIscomp (TIscomp value)
 Assign a value to Iscomp data member. More...
TIscompCGBInterval_Base::SetIscomp (void)
 Assign a value to Iscomp data member. More...
bool CGBInterval_Base::IsSetInterbp (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Interbp data member. More...
bool CGBInterval_Base::CanGetInterbp (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetInterbp method. More...
void CGBInterval_Base::ResetInterbp (void)
 Reset Interbp data member. More...
TInterbp CGBInterval_Base::GetInterbp (void) const
 Get the Interbp member data. More...
void CGBInterval_Base::SetInterbp (TInterbp value)
 Assign a value to Interbp data member. More...
TInterbpCGBInterval_Base::SetInterbp (void)
 Assign a value to Interbp data member. More...
bool CGBInterval_Base::IsSetAccession (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Accession data member. More...
bool CGBInterval_Base::CanGetAccession (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetAccession method. More...
void CGBInterval_Base::ResetAccession (void)
 Reset Accession data member. More...
const TAccessionCGBInterval_Base::GetAccession (void) const
 Get the Accession member data. More...
void CGBInterval_Base::SetAccession (const TAccession &value)
 Assign a value to Accession data member. More...
void CGBInterval_Base::SetAccession (TAccession &&value)
TAccessionCGBInterval_Base::SetAccession (void)
 Assign a value to Accession data member. More...
virtual void CGBInterval_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CGBInterval_Base::CGBInterval_Base (const CGBInterval_Base &)
CGBInterval_BaseCGBInterval_Base::operator= (const CGBInterval_Base &)
 CGBKeyword::CGBKeyword (void)
 CGBKeyword::CGBKeyword (const std::string &value)
 Explicit constructor from the primitive type. More...
 CGBKeyword_Base::CGBKeyword_Base (void)
 CGBKeyword_Base::CGBKeyword_Base (const string &data)
NCBI_NS_NCBI::CNcbiOstreamoperator<< (NCBI_NS_NCBI::CNcbiOstream &str, const CGBKeyword_Base &obj)
NCBI_NS_NCBI::CNcbiIstreamoperator>> (NCBI_NS_NCBI::CNcbiIstream &str, CGBKeyword_Base &obj)
 CGBQualifier::CGBQualifier (void)
 CGBQualifier::~CGBQualifier (void)
 CGBQualifier::CGBQualifier (const CGBQualifier &value)
CGBQualifierCGBQualifier::operator= (const CGBQualifier &value)
 CGBQualifier_Base::CGBQualifier_Base (void)
virtual CGBQualifier_Base::~CGBQualifier_Base (void)
bool CGBQualifier_Base::IsSetName (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Name data member. More...
bool CGBQualifier_Base::CanGetName (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetName method. More...
void CGBQualifier_Base::ResetName (void)
 Reset Name data member. More...
const TNameCGBQualifier_Base::GetName (void) const
 Get the Name member data. More...
void CGBQualifier_Base::SetName (const TName &value)
 Assign a value to Name data member. More...
void CGBQualifier_Base::SetName (TName &&value)
TNameCGBQualifier_Base::SetName (void)
 Assign a value to Name data member. More...
bool CGBQualifier_Base::IsSetValue (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Value data member. More...
bool CGBQualifier_Base::CanGetValue (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetValue method. More...
void CGBQualifier_Base::ResetValue (void)
 Reset Value data member. More...
const TValueCGBQualifier_Base::GetValue (void) const
 Get the Value member data. More...
void CGBQualifier_Base::SetValue (const TValue &value)
 Assign a value to Value data member. More...
void CGBQualifier_Base::SetValue (TValue &&value)
TValueCGBQualifier_Base::SetValue (void)
 Assign a value to Value data member. More...
virtual void CGBQualifier_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CGBQualifier_Base::CGBQualifier_Base (const CGBQualifier_Base &)
CGBQualifier_BaseCGBQualifier_Base::operator= (const CGBQualifier_Base &)
 CGBReference::CGBReference (void)
 CGBReference::~CGBReference (void)
 CGBReference::CGBReference (const CGBReference &value)
CGBReferenceCGBReference::operator= (const CGBReference &value)
 CGBReference_Base::CGBReference_Base (void)
virtual CGBReference_Base::~CGBReference_Base (void)
bool CGBReference_Base::IsSetReference (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Reference data member. More...
bool CGBReference_Base::CanGetReference (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetReference method. More...
void CGBReference_Base::ResetReference (void)
 Reset Reference data member. More...
const TReferenceCGBReference_Base::GetReference (void) const
 Get the Reference member data. More...
void CGBReference_Base::SetReference (const TReference &value)
 Assign a value to Reference data member. More...
void CGBReference_Base::SetReference (TReference &&value)
TReferenceCGBReference_Base::SetReference (void)
 Assign a value to Reference data member. More...
bool CGBReference_Base::IsSetPosition (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Position data member. More...
bool CGBReference_Base::CanGetPosition (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetPosition method. More...
void CGBReference_Base::ResetPosition (void)
 Reset Position data member. More...
const TPositionCGBReference_Base::GetPosition (void) const
 Get the Position member data. More...
void CGBReference_Base::SetPosition (const TPosition &value)
 Assign a value to Position data member. More...
void CGBReference_Base::SetPosition (TPosition &&value)
TPositionCGBReference_Base::SetPosition (void)
 Assign a value to Position data member. More...
bool CGBReference_Base::IsSetAuthors (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Authors data member. More...
bool CGBReference_Base::CanGetAuthors (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetAuthors method. More...
void CGBReference_Base::ResetAuthors (void)
 Reset Authors data member. More...
const TAuthorsCGBReference_Base::GetAuthors (void) const
 Get the Authors member data. More...
TAuthorsCGBReference_Base::SetAuthors (void)
 Assign a value to Authors data member. More...
bool CGBReference_Base::IsSetConsortium (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Consortium data member. More...
bool CGBReference_Base::CanGetConsortium (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetConsortium method. More...
void CGBReference_Base::ResetConsortium (void)
 Reset Consortium data member. More...
const TConsortiumCGBReference_Base::GetConsortium (void) const
 Get the Consortium member data. More...
void CGBReference_Base::SetConsortium (const TConsortium &value)
 Assign a value to Consortium data member. More...
void CGBReference_Base::SetConsortium (TConsortium &&value)
TConsortiumCGBReference_Base::SetConsortium (void)
 Assign a value to Consortium data member. More...
bool CGBReference_Base::IsSetTitle (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Title data member. More...
bool CGBReference_Base::CanGetTitle (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetTitle method. More...
void CGBReference_Base::ResetTitle (void)
 Reset Title data member. More...
const TTitleCGBReference_Base::GetTitle (void) const
 Get the Title member data. More...
void CGBReference_Base::SetTitle (const TTitle &value)
 Assign a value to Title data member. More...
void CGBReference_Base::SetTitle (TTitle &&value)
TTitleCGBReference_Base::SetTitle (void)
 Assign a value to Title data member. More...
bool CGBReference_Base::IsSetJournal (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Journal data member. More...
bool CGBReference_Base::CanGetJournal (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetJournal method. More...
void CGBReference_Base::ResetJournal (void)
 Reset Journal data member. More...
const TJournalCGBReference_Base::GetJournal (void) const
 Get the Journal member data. More...
void CGBReference_Base::SetJournal (const TJournal &value)
 Assign a value to Journal data member. More...
void CGBReference_Base::SetJournal (TJournal &&value)
TJournalCGBReference_Base::SetJournal (void)
 Assign a value to Journal data member. More...
bool CGBReference_Base::IsSetXref (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Xref data member. More...
bool CGBReference_Base::CanGetXref (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetXref method. More...
void CGBReference_Base::ResetXref (void)
 Reset Xref data member. More...
const TXrefCGBReference_Base::GetXref (void) const
 Get the Xref member data. More...
TXrefCGBReference_Base::SetXref (void)
 Assign a value to Xref data member. More...
bool CGBReference_Base::IsSetPubmed (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Pubmed data member. More...
bool CGBReference_Base::CanGetPubmed (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetPubmed method. More...
void CGBReference_Base::ResetPubmed (void)
 Reset Pubmed data member. More...
TPubmed CGBReference_Base::GetPubmed (void) const
 Get the Pubmed member data. More...
void CGBReference_Base::SetPubmed (TPubmed value)
 Assign a value to Pubmed data member. More...
TPubmedCGBReference_Base::SetPubmed (void)
 Assign a value to Pubmed data member. More...
bool CGBReference_Base::IsSetRemark (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Remark data member. More...
bool CGBReference_Base::CanGetRemark (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetRemark method. More...
void CGBReference_Base::ResetRemark (void)
 Reset Remark data member. More...
const TRemarkCGBReference_Base::GetRemark (void) const
 Get the Remark member data. More...
void CGBReference_Base::SetRemark (const TRemark &value)
 Assign a value to Remark data member. More...
void CGBReference_Base::SetRemark (TRemark &&value)
TRemarkCGBReference_Base::SetRemark (void)
 Assign a value to Remark data member. More...
virtual void CGBReference_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CGBReference_Base::CGBReference_Base (const CGBReference_Base &)
CGBReference_BaseCGBReference_Base::operator= (const CGBReference_Base &)
 CGBSecondary_accn::CGBSecondary_accn (void)
 CGBSecondary_accn::CGBSecondary_accn (const std::string &value)
 Explicit constructor from the primitive type. More...
 CGBSecondary_accn_Base::CGBSecondary_accn_Base (void)
 CGBSecondary_accn_Base::CGBSecondary_accn_Base (const string &data)
NCBI_NS_NCBI::CNcbiOstreamoperator<< (NCBI_NS_NCBI::CNcbiOstream &str, const CGBSecondary_accn_Base &obj)
NCBI_NS_NCBI::CNcbiIstreamoperator>> (NCBI_NS_NCBI::CNcbiIstream &str, CGBSecondary_accn_Base &obj)
 CGBSeq::CGBSeq (void)
 CGBSeq::~CGBSeq (void)
 CGBSeq::CGBSeq (const CGBSeq &value)
CGBSeqCGBSeq::operator= (const CGBSeq &value)
 CGBSeq_Base::CGBSeq_Base (void)
virtual CGBSeq_Base::~CGBSeq_Base (void)
bool CGBSeq_Base::IsSetLocus (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Locus data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetLocus (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetLocus method. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::ResetLocus (void)
 Reset Locus data member. More...
const TLocusCGBSeq_Base::GetLocus (void) const
 Get the Locus member data. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetLocus (const TLocus &value)
 Assign a value to Locus data member. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetLocus (TLocus &&value)
TLocusCGBSeq_Base::SetLocus (void)
 Assign a value to Locus data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::IsSetLength (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Length data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetLength (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetLength method. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::ResetLength (void)
 Reset Length data member. More...
TLength CGBSeq_Base::GetLength (void) const
 Get the Length member data. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetLength (TLength value)
 Assign a value to Length data member. More...
TLengthCGBSeq_Base::SetLength (void)
 Assign a value to Length data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::IsSetStrandedness (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Strandedness data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetStrandedness (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetStrandedness method. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::ResetStrandedness (void)
 Reset Strandedness data member. More...
const TStrandednessCGBSeq_Base::GetStrandedness (void) const
 Get the Strandedness member data. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetStrandedness (const TStrandedness &value)
 Assign a value to Strandedness data member. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetStrandedness (TStrandedness &&value)
TStrandednessCGBSeq_Base::SetStrandedness (void)
 Assign a value to Strandedness data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::IsSetMoltype (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Moltype data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetMoltype (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetMoltype method. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::ResetMoltype (void)
 Reset Moltype data member. More...
const TMoltypeCGBSeq_Base::GetMoltype (void) const
 Get the Moltype member data. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetMoltype (const TMoltype &value)
 Assign a value to Moltype data member. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetMoltype (TMoltype &&value)
TMoltypeCGBSeq_Base::SetMoltype (void)
 Assign a value to Moltype data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::IsSetTopology (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Topology data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetTopology (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetTopology method. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::ResetTopology (void)
 Reset Topology data member. More...
const TTopologyCGBSeq_Base::GetTopology (void) const
 Get the Topology member data. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetTopology (const TTopology &value)
 Assign a value to Topology data member. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetTopology (TTopology &&value)
TTopologyCGBSeq_Base::SetTopology (void)
 Assign a value to Topology data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::IsSetDivision (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Division data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetDivision (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetDivision method. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::ResetDivision (void)
 Reset Division data member. More...
const TDivisionCGBSeq_Base::GetDivision (void) const
 Get the Division member data. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetDivision (const TDivision &value)
 Assign a value to Division data member. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetDivision (TDivision &&value)
TDivisionCGBSeq_Base::SetDivision (void)
 Assign a value to Division data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::IsSetUpdate_date (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Update_date data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetUpdate_date (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetUpdate_date method. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::ResetUpdate_date (void)
 Reset Update_date data member. More...
const TUpdate_dateCGBSeq_Base::GetUpdate_date (void) const
 Get the Update_date member data. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetUpdate_date (const TUpdate_date &value)
 Assign a value to Update_date data member. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetUpdate_date (TUpdate_date &&value)
TUpdate_dateCGBSeq_Base::SetUpdate_date (void)
 Assign a value to Update_date data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::IsSetCreate_date (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Create_date data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetCreate_date (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetCreate_date method. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::ResetCreate_date (void)
 Reset Create_date data member. More...
const TCreate_dateCGBSeq_Base::GetCreate_date (void) const
 Get the Create_date member data. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetCreate_date (const TCreate_date &value)
 Assign a value to Create_date data member. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetCreate_date (TCreate_date &&value)
TCreate_dateCGBSeq_Base::SetCreate_date (void)
 Assign a value to Create_date data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::IsSetUpdate_release (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Update_release data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetUpdate_release (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetUpdate_release method. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::ResetUpdate_release (void)
 Reset Update_release data member. More...
const TUpdate_releaseCGBSeq_Base::GetUpdate_release (void) const
 Get the Update_release member data. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetUpdate_release (const TUpdate_release &value)
 Assign a value to Update_release data member. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetUpdate_release (TUpdate_release &&value)
TUpdate_releaseCGBSeq_Base::SetUpdate_release (void)
 Assign a value to Update_release data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::IsSetCreate_release (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Create_release data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetCreate_release (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetCreate_release method. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::ResetCreate_release (void)
 Reset Create_release data member. More...
const TCreate_releaseCGBSeq_Base::GetCreate_release (void) const
 Get the Create_release member data. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetCreate_release (const TCreate_release &value)
 Assign a value to Create_release data member. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetCreate_release (TCreate_release &&value)
TCreate_releaseCGBSeq_Base::SetCreate_release (void)
 Assign a value to Create_release data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::IsSetDefinition (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Definition data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetDefinition (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetDefinition method. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::ResetDefinition (void)
 Reset Definition data member. More...
const TDefinitionCGBSeq_Base::GetDefinition (void) const
 Get the Definition member data. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetDefinition (const TDefinition &value)
 Assign a value to Definition data member. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetDefinition (TDefinition &&value)
TDefinitionCGBSeq_Base::SetDefinition (void)
 Assign a value to Definition data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::IsSetPrimary_accession (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Primary_accession data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetPrimary_accession (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetPrimary_accession method. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::ResetPrimary_accession (void)
 Reset Primary_accession data member. More...
const TPrimary_accessionCGBSeq_Base::GetPrimary_accession (void) const
 Get the Primary_accession member data. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetPrimary_accession (const TPrimary_accession &value)
 Assign a value to Primary_accession data member. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetPrimary_accession (TPrimary_accession &&value)
TPrimary_accessionCGBSeq_Base::SetPrimary_accession (void)
 Assign a value to Primary_accession data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::IsSetEntry_version (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Entry_version data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetEntry_version (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetEntry_version method. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::ResetEntry_version (void)
 Reset Entry_version data member. More...
const TEntry_versionCGBSeq_Base::GetEntry_version (void) const
 Get the Entry_version member data. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetEntry_version (const TEntry_version &value)
 Assign a value to Entry_version data member. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetEntry_version (TEntry_version &&value)
TEntry_versionCGBSeq_Base::SetEntry_version (void)
 Assign a value to Entry_version data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::IsSetAccession_version (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Accession_version data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetAccession_version (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetAccession_version method. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::ResetAccession_version (void)
 Reset Accession_version data member. More...
const TAccession_versionCGBSeq_Base::GetAccession_version (void) const
 Get the Accession_version member data. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetAccession_version (const TAccession_version &value)
 Assign a value to Accession_version data member. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetAccession_version (TAccession_version &&value)
TAccession_versionCGBSeq_Base::SetAccession_version (void)
 Assign a value to Accession_version data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::IsSetOther_seqids (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Other_seqids data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetOther_seqids (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetOther_seqids method. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::ResetOther_seqids (void)
 Reset Other_seqids data member. More...
const TOther_seqidsCGBSeq_Base::GetOther_seqids (void) const
 Get the Other_seqids member data. More...
TOther_seqidsCGBSeq_Base::SetOther_seqids (void)
 Assign a value to Other_seqids data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::IsSetSecondary_accessions (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Secondary_accessions data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetSecondary_accessions (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetSecondary_accessions method. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::ResetSecondary_accessions (void)
 Reset Secondary_accessions data member. More...
const TSecondary_accessionsCGBSeq_Base::GetSecondary_accessions (void) const
 Get the Secondary_accessions member data. More...
TSecondary_accessionsCGBSeq_Base::SetSecondary_accessions (void)
 Assign a value to Secondary_accessions data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::IsSetProject (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Project data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetProject (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetProject method. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::ResetProject (void)
 Reset Project data member. More...
const TProjectCGBSeq_Base::GetProject (void) const
 Get the Project member data. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetProject (const TProject &value)
 Assign a value to Project data member. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetProject (TProject &&value)
TProjectCGBSeq_Base::SetProject (void)
 Assign a value to Project data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::IsSetKeywords (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Keywords data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetKeywords (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetKeywords method. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::ResetKeywords (void)
 Reset Keywords data member. More...
const TKeywordsCGBSeq_Base::GetKeywords (void) const
 Get the Keywords member data. More...
TKeywordsCGBSeq_Base::SetKeywords (void)
 Assign a value to Keywords data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::IsSetSegment (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Segment data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetSegment (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetSegment method. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::ResetSegment (void)
 Reset Segment data member. More...
const TSegmentCGBSeq_Base::GetSegment (void) const
 Get the Segment member data. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetSegment (const TSegment &value)
 Assign a value to Segment data member. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetSegment (TSegment &&value)
TSegmentCGBSeq_Base::SetSegment (void)
 Assign a value to Segment data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::IsSetSource (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Source data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetSource (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetSource method. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::ResetSource (void)
 Reset Source data member. More...
const TSourceCGBSeq_Base::GetSource (void) const
 Get the Source member data. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetSource (const TSource &value)
 Assign a value to Source data member. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetSource (TSource &&value)
TSourceCGBSeq_Base::SetSource (void)
 Assign a value to Source data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::IsSetOrganism (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Organism data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetOrganism (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetOrganism method. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::ResetOrganism (void)
 Reset Organism data member. More...
const TOrganismCGBSeq_Base::GetOrganism (void) const
 Get the Organism member data. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetOrganism (const TOrganism &value)
 Assign a value to Organism data member. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetOrganism (TOrganism &&value)
TOrganismCGBSeq_Base::SetOrganism (void)
 Assign a value to Organism data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::IsSetTaxonomy (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Taxonomy data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetTaxonomy (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetTaxonomy method. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::ResetTaxonomy (void)
 Reset Taxonomy data member. More...
const TTaxonomyCGBSeq_Base::GetTaxonomy (void) const
 Get the Taxonomy member data. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetTaxonomy (const TTaxonomy &value)
 Assign a value to Taxonomy data member. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetTaxonomy (TTaxonomy &&value)
TTaxonomyCGBSeq_Base::SetTaxonomy (void)
 Assign a value to Taxonomy data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::IsSetReferences (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to References data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetReferences (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetReferences method. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::ResetReferences (void)
 Reset References data member. More...
const TReferencesCGBSeq_Base::GetReferences (void) const
 Get the References member data. More...
TReferencesCGBSeq_Base::SetReferences (void)
 Assign a value to References data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::IsSetComment (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Comment data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetComment (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetComment method. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::ResetComment (void)
 Reset Comment data member. More...
const TCommentCGBSeq_Base::GetComment (void) const
 Get the Comment member data. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetComment (const TComment &value)
 Assign a value to Comment data member. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetComment (TComment &&value)
TCommentCGBSeq_Base::SetComment (void)
 Assign a value to Comment data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::IsSetComment_set (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Comment_set data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetComment_set (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetComment_set method. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::ResetComment_set (void)
 Reset Comment_set data member. More...
const TComment_setCGBSeq_Base::GetComment_set (void) const
 Get the Comment_set member data. More...
TComment_setCGBSeq_Base::SetComment_set (void)
 Assign a value to Comment_set data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::IsSetStruc_comments (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Struc_comments data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetStruc_comments (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetStruc_comments method. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::ResetStruc_comments (void)
 Reset Struc_comments data member. More...
const TStruc_commentsCGBSeq_Base::GetStruc_comments (void) const
 Get the Struc_comments member data. More...
TStruc_commentsCGBSeq_Base::SetStruc_comments (void)
 Assign a value to Struc_comments data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::IsSetPrimary (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Primary data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetPrimary (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetPrimary method. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::ResetPrimary (void)
 Reset Primary data member. More...
const TPrimaryCGBSeq_Base::GetPrimary (void) const
 Get the Primary member data. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetPrimary (const TPrimary &value)
 Assign a value to Primary data member. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetPrimary (TPrimary &&value)
TPrimaryCGBSeq_Base::SetPrimary (void)
 Assign a value to Primary data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::IsSetSource_db (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Source_db data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetSource_db (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetSource_db method. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::ResetSource_db (void)
 Reset Source_db data member. More...
const TSource_dbCGBSeq_Base::GetSource_db (void) const
 Get the Source_db member data. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetSource_db (const TSource_db &value)
 Assign a value to Source_db data member. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetSource_db (TSource_db &&value)
TSource_dbCGBSeq_Base::SetSource_db (void)
 Assign a value to Source_db data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::IsSetDatabase_reference (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Database_reference data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetDatabase_reference (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetDatabase_reference method. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::ResetDatabase_reference (void)
 Reset Database_reference data member. More...
const TDatabase_referenceCGBSeq_Base::GetDatabase_reference (void) const
 Get the Database_reference member data. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetDatabase_reference (const TDatabase_reference &value)
 Assign a value to Database_reference data member. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetDatabase_reference (TDatabase_reference &&value)
TDatabase_referenceCGBSeq_Base::SetDatabase_reference (void)
 Assign a value to Database_reference data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::IsSetFeature_table (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Feature_table data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetFeature_table (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetFeature_table method. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::ResetFeature_table (void)
 Reset Feature_table data member. More...
const TFeature_tableCGBSeq_Base::GetFeature_table (void) const
 Get the Feature_table member data. More...
TFeature_tableCGBSeq_Base::SetFeature_table (void)
 Assign a value to Feature_table data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::IsSetFeature_set (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Feature_set data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetFeature_set (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetFeature_set method. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::ResetFeature_set (void)
 Reset Feature_set data member. More...
const TFeature_setCGBSeq_Base::GetFeature_set (void) const
 Get the Feature_set member data. More...
TFeature_setCGBSeq_Base::SetFeature_set (void)
 Assign a value to Feature_set data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::IsSetSequence (void) const
 Optional for contig, wgs, etc. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetSequence (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetSequence method. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::ResetSequence (void)
 Reset Sequence data member. More...
const TSequenceCGBSeq_Base::GetSequence (void) const
 Get the Sequence member data. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetSequence (const TSequence &value)
 Assign a value to Sequence data member. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetSequence (TSequence &&value)
TSequenceCGBSeq_Base::SetSequence (void)
 Assign a value to Sequence data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::IsSetContig (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Contig data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetContig (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetContig method. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::ResetContig (void)
 Reset Contig data member. More...
const TContigCGBSeq_Base::GetContig (void) const
 Get the Contig member data. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetContig (const TContig &value)
 Assign a value to Contig data member. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::SetContig (TContig &&value)
TContigCGBSeq_Base::SetContig (void)
 Assign a value to Contig data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::IsSetAlt_seq (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Alt_seq data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetAlt_seq (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetAlt_seq method. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::ResetAlt_seq (void)
 Reset Alt_seq data member. More...
const TAlt_seqCGBSeq_Base::GetAlt_seq (void) const
 Get the Alt_seq member data. More...
TAlt_seqCGBSeq_Base::SetAlt_seq (void)
 Assign a value to Alt_seq data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::IsSetXrefs (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Xrefs data member. More...
bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetXrefs (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetXrefs method. More...
void CGBSeq_Base::ResetXrefs (void)
 Reset Xrefs data member. More...
const TXrefsCGBSeq_Base::GetXrefs (void) const
 Get the Xrefs member data. More...
TXrefsCGBSeq_Base::SetXrefs (void)
 Assign a value to Xrefs data member. More...
virtual void CGBSeq_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CGBSeq_Base::CGBSeq_Base (const CGBSeq_Base &)
CGBSeq_BaseCGBSeq_Base::operator= (const CGBSeq_Base &)
 CGBSeqid::CGBSeqid (void)
 CGBSeqid::CGBSeqid (const std::string &value)
 Explicit constructor from the primitive type. More...
 CGBSeqid_Base::CGBSeqid_Base (void)
 CGBSeqid_Base::CGBSeqid_Base (const string &data)
NCBI_NS_NCBI::CNcbiOstreamoperator<< (NCBI_NS_NCBI::CNcbiOstream &str, const CGBSeqid_Base &obj)
NCBI_NS_NCBI::CNcbiIstreamoperator>> (NCBI_NS_NCBI::CNcbiIstream &str, CGBSeqid_Base &obj)
 CGBSet::CGBSet (void)
 CGBSet::~CGBSet (void)
 CGBSet::CGBSet (const CGBSet &value)
CGBSetCGBSet::operator= (const CGBSet &value)
 CGBSet_Base::CGBSet_Base (void)
virtual CGBSet_Base::~CGBSet_Base (void)
bool CGBSet_Base::IsSet (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to data member. More...
bool CGBSet_Base::CanGet (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call Get method. More...
void CGBSet_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset data member. More...
const TdataCGBSet_Base::Get (void) const
 Get the member data. More...
TdataCGBSet_Base::Set (void)
 Assign a value to data member. More...
 CGBSet_Base::operator const Tdata & (void) const
 Conversion operator to 'const Tdata' type. More...
 CGBSet_Base::operator Tdata & (void)
 Conversion operator to 'Tdata' type. More...
 CGBSet_Base::CGBSet_Base (const CGBSet_Base &)
CGBSet_BaseCGBSet_Base::operator= (const CGBSet_Base &)
 CGBStrucComment::CGBStrucComment (void)
 CGBStrucComment::~CGBStrucComment (void)
 CGBStrucComment::CGBStrucComment (const CGBStrucComment &value)
CGBStrucCommentCGBStrucComment::operator= (const CGBStrucComment &value)
 CGBStrucComment_Base::CGBStrucComment_Base (void)
virtual CGBStrucComment_Base::~CGBStrucComment_Base (void)
bool CGBStrucComment_Base::IsSetName (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Name data member. More...
bool CGBStrucComment_Base::CanGetName (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetName method. More...
void CGBStrucComment_Base::ResetName (void)
 Reset Name data member. More...
const TNameCGBStrucComment_Base::GetName (void) const
 Get the Name member data. More...
void CGBStrucComment_Base::SetName (const TName &value)
 Assign a value to Name data member. More...
void CGBStrucComment_Base::SetName (TName &&value)
TNameCGBStrucComment_Base::SetName (void)
 Assign a value to Name data member. More...
bool CGBStrucComment_Base::IsSetItems (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Items data member. More...
bool CGBStrucComment_Base::CanGetItems (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetItems method. More...
void CGBStrucComment_Base::ResetItems (void)
 Reset Items data member. More...
const TItemsCGBStrucComment_Base::GetItems (void) const
 Get the Items member data. More...
TItemsCGBStrucComment_Base::SetItems (void)
 Assign a value to Items data member. More...
virtual void CGBStrucComment_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CGBStrucComment_Base::CGBStrucComment_Base (const CGBStrucComment_Base &)
CGBStrucComment_BaseCGBStrucComment_Base::operator= (const CGBStrucComment_Base &)
 CGBStrucCommentItem::CGBStrucCommentItem (void)
 CGBStrucCommentItem::~CGBStrucCommentItem (void)
 CGBStrucCommentItem::CGBStrucCommentItem (const CGBStrucCommentItem &value)
CGBStrucCommentItemCGBStrucCommentItem::operator= (const CGBStrucCommentItem &value)
 CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::CGBStrucCommentItem_Base (void)
virtual CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::~CGBStrucCommentItem_Base (void)
bool CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::IsSetTag (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Tag data member. More...
bool CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::CanGetTag (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetTag method. More...
void CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::ResetTag (void)
 Reset Tag data member. More...
const TTagCGBStrucCommentItem_Base::GetTag (void) const
 Get the Tag member data. More...
void CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::SetTag (const TTag &value)
 Assign a value to Tag data member. More...
void CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::SetTag (TTag &&value)
TTagCGBStrucCommentItem_Base::SetTag (void)
 Assign a value to Tag data member. More...
bool CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::IsSetValue (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Value data member. More...
bool CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::CanGetValue (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetValue method. More...
void CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::ResetValue (void)
 Reset Value data member. More...
const TValueCGBStrucCommentItem_Base::GetValue (void) const
 Get the Value member data. More...
void CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::SetValue (const TValue &value)
 Assign a value to Value data member. More...
void CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::SetValue (TValue &&value)
TValueCGBStrucCommentItem_Base::SetValue (void)
 Assign a value to Value data member. More...
bool CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::IsSetUrl (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Url data member. More...
bool CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::CanGetUrl (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetUrl method. More...
void CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::ResetUrl (void)
 Reset Url data member. More...
const TUrlCGBStrucCommentItem_Base::GetUrl (void) const
 Get the Url member data. More...
void CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::SetUrl (const TUrl &value)
 Assign a value to Url data member. More...
void CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::SetUrl (TUrl &&value)
TUrlCGBStrucCommentItem_Base::SetUrl (void)
 Assign a value to Url data member. More...
virtual void CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::CGBStrucCommentItem_Base (const CGBStrucCommentItem_Base &)
CGBStrucCommentItem_BaseCGBStrucCommentItem_Base::operator= (const CGBStrucCommentItem_Base &)
 CGBXref::CGBXref (void)
 CGBXref::~CGBXref (void)
 CGBXref::CGBXref (const CGBXref &value)
CGBXrefCGBXref::operator= (const CGBXref &value)
 CGBXref_Base::CGBXref_Base (void)
virtual CGBXref_Base::~CGBXref_Base (void)
bool CGBXref_Base::IsSetDbname (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Dbname data member. More...
bool CGBXref_Base::CanGetDbname (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetDbname method. More...
void CGBXref_Base::ResetDbname (void)
 Reset Dbname data member. More...
const TDbnameCGBXref_Base::GetDbname (void) const
 Get the Dbname member data. More...
void CGBXref_Base::SetDbname (const TDbname &value)
 Assign a value to Dbname data member. More...
void CGBXref_Base::SetDbname (TDbname &&value)
TDbnameCGBXref_Base::SetDbname (void)
 Assign a value to Dbname data member. More...
bool CGBXref_Base::IsSetId (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Id data member. More...
bool CGBXref_Base::CanGetId (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetId method. More...
void CGBXref_Base::ResetId (void)
 Reset Id data member. More...
const TIdCGBXref_Base::GetId (void) const
 Get the Id member data. More...
void CGBXref_Base::SetId (const TId &value)
 Assign a value to Id data member. More...
void CGBXref_Base::SetId (TId &&value)
TIdCGBXref_Base::SetId (void)
 Assign a value to Id data member. More...
virtual void CGBXref_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CGBXref_Base::CGBXref_Base (const CGBXref_Base &)
CGBXref_BaseCGBXref_Base::operator= (const CGBXref_Base &)


Uint4 CGBAltSeqData_Base::m_set_State [1]
string CGBAltSeqData_Base::m_Name
list< CRef< CGBAltSeqItem > > CGBAltSeqData_Base::m_Items
Uint4 CGBAltSeqItem_Base::m_set_State [1]
CRef< TIntervalCGBAltSeqItem_Base::m_Interval
bool CGBAltSeqItem_Base::m_Isgap
int CGBAltSeqItem_Base::m_Gap_length
string CGBAltSeqItem_Base::m_Gap_type
string CGBAltSeqItem_Base::m_Gap_linkage
string CGBAltSeqItem_Base::m_Gap_comment
string CGBAltSeqItem_Base::m_First_accn
string CGBAltSeqItem_Base::m_Last_accn
string CGBAltSeqItem_Base::m_Value
Uint4 CGBComment_Base::m_set_State [1]
string CGBComment_Base::m_Type
list< CGBCommentParagraphCGBComment_Base::m_Paragraphs
Uint4 CGBFeature_Base::m_set_State [1]
string CGBFeature_Base::m_Key
string CGBFeature_Base::m_Location
list< CRef< CGBInterval > > CGBFeature_Base::m_Intervals
string CGBFeature_Base::m_Operator
bool CGBFeature_Base::m_Partial5
bool CGBFeature_Base::m_Partial3
list< CRef< CGBQualifier > > CGBFeature_Base::m_Quals
list< CRef< CGBXref > > CGBFeature_Base::m_Xrefs
Uint4 CGBFeatureSet_Base::m_set_State [1]
string CGBFeatureSet_Base::m_Annot_source
list< CRef< CGBFeature > > CGBFeatureSet_Base::m_Features
Uint4 CGBInterval_Base::m_set_State [1]
TSeqPos CGBInterval_Base::m_From
TSeqPos CGBInterval_Base::m_To
TSeqPos CGBInterval_Base::m_Point
bool CGBInterval_Base::m_Iscomp
bool CGBInterval_Base::m_Interbp
string CGBInterval_Base::m_Accession
Uint4 CGBQualifier_Base::m_set_State [1]
string CGBQualifier_Base::m_Name
string CGBQualifier_Base::m_Value
Uint4 CGBReference_Base::m_set_State [1]
string CGBReference_Base::m_Reference
string CGBReference_Base::m_Position
list< CGBAuthorCGBReference_Base::m_Authors
string CGBReference_Base::m_Consortium
string CGBReference_Base::m_Title
string CGBReference_Base::m_Journal
list< CRef< CGBXref > > CGBReference_Base::m_Xref
int CGBReference_Base::m_Pubmed
string CGBReference_Base::m_Remark
Uint4 CGBSeq_Base::m_set_State [3]
string CGBSeq_Base::m_Locus
TSeqPos CGBSeq_Base::m_Length
string CGBSeq_Base::m_Strandedness
string CGBSeq_Base::m_Moltype
string CGBSeq_Base::m_Topology
string CGBSeq_Base::m_Division
string CGBSeq_Base::m_Update_date
string CGBSeq_Base::m_Create_date
string CGBSeq_Base::m_Update_release
string CGBSeq_Base::m_Create_release
string CGBSeq_Base::m_Definition
string CGBSeq_Base::m_Primary_accession
string CGBSeq_Base::m_Entry_version
string CGBSeq_Base::m_Accession_version
list< CGBSeqidCGBSeq_Base::m_Other_seqids
list< CGBSecondary_accnCGBSeq_Base::m_Secondary_accessions
string CGBSeq_Base::m_Project
list< CGBKeywordCGBSeq_Base::m_Keywords
string CGBSeq_Base::m_Segment
string CGBSeq_Base::m_Source
string CGBSeq_Base::m_Organism
string CGBSeq_Base::m_Taxonomy
list< CRef< CGBReference > > CGBSeq_Base::m_References
string CGBSeq_Base::m_Comment
list< CRef< CGBComment > > CGBSeq_Base::m_Comment_set
list< CRef< CGBStrucComment > > CGBSeq_Base::m_Struc_comments
string CGBSeq_Base::m_Primary
string CGBSeq_Base::m_Source_db
string CGBSeq_Base::m_Database_reference
list< CRef< CGBFeature > > CGBSeq_Base::m_Feature_table
list< CRef< CGBFeatureSet > > CGBSeq_Base::m_Feature_set
string CGBSeq_Base::m_Sequence
string CGBSeq_Base::m_Contig
list< CRef< CGBAltSeqData > > CGBSeq_Base::m_Alt_seq
list< CRef< CGBXref > > CGBSeq_Base::m_Xrefs
Uint4 CGBSet_Base::m_set_State [1]
list< CRef< CGBSeq > > CGBSet_Base::m_data
Uint4 CGBStrucComment_Base::m_set_State [1]
string CGBStrucComment_Base::m_Name
list< CRef< CGBStrucCommentItem > > CGBStrucComment_Base::m_Items
Uint4 CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::m_set_State [1]
string CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::m_Tag
string CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::m_Value
string CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::m_Url
Uint4 CGBXref_Base::m_set_State [1]
string CGBXref_Base::m_Dbname
string CGBXref_Base::m_Id

Detailed Description

Typedef Documentation

◆ TAccession

Definition at line 90 of file GBInterval_.hpp.

◆ TAccession_version

Definition at line 112 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ TAlt_seq

Definition at line 132 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ TAnnot_source

Definition at line 90 of file GBFeatureSet_.hpp.

◆ TAuthors

Definition at line 93 of file GBReference_.hpp.

◆ TComment

Definition at line 122 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ TComment_set

Definition at line 123 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ TConsortium

Definition at line 94 of file GBReference_.hpp.

◆ TContig

Definition at line 131 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ TCreate_date

Definition at line 106 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ TCreate_release

Definition at line 108 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ Tdata

typedef list< CRef< CGBSeq > > CGBSet_Base::Tdata

Definition at line 162 of file GBSet_.hpp.

◆ TDatabase_reference

Definition at line 127 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ TDbname

Definition at line 85 of file GBXref_.hpp.

◆ TDefinition

Definition at line 109 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ TDivision

Definition at line 104 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ TEntry_version

Definition at line 111 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ TFeature_set

Definition at line 129 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ TFeature_table

Definition at line 128 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ TFeatures

Definition at line 91 of file GBFeatureSet_.hpp.

◆ TFirst_accn

Definition at line 95 of file GBAltSeqItem_.hpp.

◆ TFrom

Definition at line 85 of file GBInterval_.hpp.

◆ TGap_comment

Definition at line 94 of file GBAltSeqItem_.hpp.

◆ TGap_length

Definition at line 91 of file GBAltSeqItem_.hpp.

◆ TGap_linkage

Definition at line 93 of file GBAltSeqItem_.hpp.

◆ TGap_type

Definition at line 92 of file GBAltSeqItem_.hpp.

◆ TId

Definition at line 86 of file GBXref_.hpp.

◆ TInterbp

Definition at line 89 of file GBInterval_.hpp.

◆ TInterval

Definition at line 89 of file GBAltSeqItem_.hpp.

◆ TIntervals

Definition at line 94 of file GBFeature_.hpp.

◆ TIscomp

Definition at line 88 of file GBInterval_.hpp.

◆ TIsgap

Definition at line 90 of file GBAltSeqItem_.hpp.

◆ TItems [1/2]

Definition at line 91 of file GBAltSeqData_.hpp.

◆ TItems [2/2]

Definition at line 91 of file GBStrucComment_.hpp.

◆ TJournal

Definition at line 96 of file GBReference_.hpp.

◆ TKey

Definition at line 92 of file GBFeature_.hpp.

◆ TKeywords

Definition at line 116 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ TLast_accn

Definition at line 96 of file GBAltSeqItem_.hpp.

◆ TLength

Definition at line 100 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ TLocation

Definition at line 93 of file GBFeature_.hpp.

◆ TLocus

Definition at line 99 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [1/12]

Definition at line 99 of file GBAltSeqData_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [2/12]

Definition at line 112 of file GBAltSeqItem_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [3/12]

Definition at line 96 of file GBComment_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [4/12]

Definition at line 113 of file GBFeature_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [5/12]

Definition at line 99 of file GBFeatureSet_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [6/12]

Definition at line 102 of file GBInterval_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [7/12]

Definition at line 94 of file GBQualifier_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [8/12]

Definition at line 114 of file GBReference_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [9/12]

Definition at line 174 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [10/12]

Definition at line 99 of file GBStrucComment_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [11/12]

Definition at line 96 of file GBStrucCommentItem_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [12/12]

Definition at line 94 of file GBXref_.hpp.

◆ TMoltype

Definition at line 102 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ TName [1/3]

Definition at line 90 of file GBAltSeqData_.hpp.

◆ TName [2/3]

Definition at line 85 of file GBQualifier_.hpp.

◆ TName [3/3]

Definition at line 90 of file GBStrucComment_.hpp.

◆ TOperator

Definition at line 95 of file GBFeature_.hpp.

◆ TOrganism

Definition at line 119 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ TOther_seqids

Definition at line 113 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ TParagraphs

Definition at line 88 of file GBComment_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [1/36]

Definition at line 67 of file GBAltSeqData.hpp.

◆ Tparent [2/36]

Definition at line 79 of file GBAltSeqData_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [3/36]

Definition at line 67 of file GBAltSeqItem.hpp.

◆ Tparent [4/36]

Definition at line 78 of file GBAltSeqItem_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [5/36]

Definition at line 67 of file GBAuthor.hpp.

◆ Tparent [6/36]

Definition at line 74 of file GBAuthor_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [7/36]

Definition at line 67 of file GBComment.hpp.

◆ Tparent [8/36]

Definition at line 76 of file GBComment_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [9/36]

Definition at line 67 of file GBCommentParagraph.hpp.

◆ Tparent [10/36]

Definition at line 74 of file GBCommentParagraph_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [11/36]

Definition at line 67 of file GBFeature.hpp.

◆ Tparent [12/36]

Definition at line 81 of file GBFeature_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [13/36]

Definition at line 67 of file GBFeatureSet.hpp.

◆ Tparent [14/36]

Definition at line 79 of file GBFeatureSet_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [15/36]

Definition at line 67 of file GBInterval.hpp.

◆ Tparent [16/36]

Definition at line 74 of file GBInterval_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [17/36]

Definition at line 67 of file GBKeyword.hpp.

◆ Tparent [18/36]

Definition at line 74 of file GBKeyword_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [19/36]

Definition at line 67 of file GBQualifier.hpp.

◆ Tparent [20/36]

Definition at line 74 of file GBQualifier_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [21/36]

Definition at line 67 of file GBReference.hpp.

◆ Tparent [22/36]

Definition at line 80 of file GBReference_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [23/36]

Definition at line 67 of file GBSecondary_accn.hpp.

◆ Tparent [24/36]

Definition at line 74 of file GBSecondary_accn_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [25/36]

typedef CGBSeq_Base CGBSeq::Tparent

Definition at line 67 of file GBSeq.hpp.

◆ Tparent [26/36]

Definition at line 88 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [27/36]

Definition at line 67 of file GBSeqid.hpp.

◆ Tparent [28/36]

Definition at line 74 of file GBSeqid_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [29/36]

typedef CGBSet_Base CGBSet::Tparent

Definition at line 67 of file GBSet.hpp.

◆ Tparent [30/36]

Definition at line 151 of file GBSet_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [31/36]

Definition at line 67 of file GBStrucComment.hpp.

◆ Tparent [32/36]

Definition at line 79 of file GBStrucComment_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [33/36]

Definition at line 67 of file GBStrucCommentItem.hpp.

◆ Tparent [34/36]

Definition at line 74 of file GBStrucCommentItem_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [35/36]

typedef CGBXref_Base CGBXref::Tparent

Definition at line 67 of file GBXref.hpp.

◆ Tparent [36/36]

Definition at line 74 of file GBXref_.hpp.

◆ TPartial3

Definition at line 97 of file GBFeature_.hpp.

◆ TPartial5

Definition at line 96 of file GBFeature_.hpp.

◆ TPoint

Definition at line 87 of file GBInterval_.hpp.

◆ TPosition

Definition at line 92 of file GBReference_.hpp.

◆ TPrimary

Definition at line 125 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ TPrimary_accession

Definition at line 110 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ TProject

Definition at line 115 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ TPubmed

Definition at line 98 of file GBReference_.hpp.

◆ TQuals

Definition at line 98 of file GBFeature_.hpp.

◆ TReference

Definition at line 91 of file GBReference_.hpp.

◆ TReferences

Definition at line 121 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ TRemark

Definition at line 99 of file GBReference_.hpp.

◆ TSecondary_accessions

Definition at line 114 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ TSegment

Definition at line 117 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ TSequence

Definition at line 130 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ TSource

Definition at line 118 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ TSource_db

Definition at line 126 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ TStrandedness

Definition at line 101 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ TStruc_comments

Definition at line 124 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ TTag

Definition at line 85 of file GBStrucCommentItem_.hpp.

◆ TTaxonomy

Definition at line 120 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ TTitle

Definition at line 95 of file GBReference_.hpp.

◆ TTo

Definition at line 86 of file GBInterval_.hpp.

◆ TTopology

Definition at line 103 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ TType

Definition at line 87 of file GBComment_.hpp.

◆ TUpdate_date

Definition at line 105 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ TUpdate_release

Definition at line 107 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ TUrl

Definition at line 87 of file GBStrucCommentItem_.hpp.

◆ TValue [1/3]

Definition at line 97 of file GBAltSeqItem_.hpp.

◆ TValue [2/3]

Definition at line 86 of file GBQualifier_.hpp.

◆ TValue [3/3]

Definition at line 86 of file GBStrucCommentItem_.hpp.

◆ TXref

Definition at line 97 of file GBReference_.hpp.

◆ TXrefs [1/2]

typedef list< CRef< CGBXref > > CGBFeature_Base::TXrefs

Definition at line 99 of file GBFeature_.hpp.

◆ TXrefs [2/2]

typedef list< CRef< CGBXref > > CGBSeq_Base::TXrefs

Definition at line 133 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ E_memberIndex [1/12]


Definition at line 94 of file GBAltSeqData_.hpp.

◆ E_memberIndex [2/12]


Definition at line 100 of file GBAltSeqItem_.hpp.

◆ E_memberIndex [3/12]


Definition at line 91 of file GBComment_.hpp.

◆ E_memberIndex [4/12]


Definition at line 102 of file GBFeature_.hpp.

◆ E_memberIndex [5/12]


Definition at line 94 of file GBFeatureSet_.hpp.

◆ E_memberIndex [6/12]


Definition at line 93 of file GBInterval_.hpp.

◆ E_memberIndex [7/12]


Definition at line 89 of file GBQualifier_.hpp.

◆ E_memberIndex [8/12]


Definition at line 102 of file GBReference_.hpp.

◆ E_memberIndex [9/12]


Definition at line 136 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ E_memberIndex [10/12]


Definition at line 94 of file GBStrucComment_.hpp.

◆ E_memberIndex [11/12]


Definition at line 90 of file GBStrucCommentItem_.hpp.

◆ E_memberIndex [12/12]


Definition at line 89 of file GBXref_.hpp.

Function Documentation

◆ CanGet()

bool CGBSet_Base::CanGet ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call Get method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 231 of file GBSet_.hpp.

◆ CanGetAccession()

bool CGBInterval_Base::CanGetAccession ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetAccession method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 600 of file GBInterval_.hpp.

References CGBInterval_Base::IsSetAccession().

Referenced by CGBInterval_Base::GetAccession().

◆ CanGetAccession_version()

bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetAccession_version ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetAccession_version method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 2114 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

References CGBSeq_Base::IsSetAccession_version().

Referenced by CGBSeq_Base::GetAccession_version().

◆ CanGetAlt_seq()

bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetAlt_seq ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetAlt_seq method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 2878 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ CanGetAnnot_source()

bool CGBFeatureSet_Base::CanGetAnnot_source ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetAnnot_source method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 204 of file GBFeatureSet_.hpp.

References CGBFeatureSet_Base::IsSetAnnot_source().

Referenced by CGBFeatureSet_Base::GetAnnot_source().

◆ CanGetAuthors()

bool CGBReference_Base::CanGetAuthors ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetAuthors method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 578 of file GBReference_.hpp.

◆ CanGetComment()

bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetComment ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetComment method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 2496 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

References CGBSeq_Base::IsSetComment().

Referenced by CGBSeq_Base::GetComment().

◆ CanGetComment_set()

bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetComment_set ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetComment_set method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 2543 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ CanGetConsortium()

bool CGBReference_Base::CanGetConsortium ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetConsortium method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 603 of file GBReference_.hpp.

References CGBReference_Base::IsSetConsortium().

Referenced by CGBReference_Base::GetConsortium().

◆ CanGetContig()

bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetContig ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetContig method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 2831 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

References CGBSeq_Base::IsSetContig().

Referenced by CGBSeq_Base::GetContig().

◆ CanGetCreate_date()

bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetCreate_date ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetCreate_date method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1832 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

References CGBSeq_Base::IsSetCreate_date().

Referenced by CGBSeq_Base::GetCreate_date().

◆ CanGetCreate_release()

bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetCreate_release ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetCreate_release method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1926 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

References CGBSeq_Base::IsSetCreate_release().

Referenced by CGBSeq_Base::GetCreate_release().

◆ CanGetDatabase_reference()

bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetDatabase_reference ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetDatabase_reference method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 2687 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

References CGBSeq_Base::IsSetDatabase_reference().

Referenced by CGBSeq_Base::GetDatabase_reference().

◆ CanGetDbname()

bool CGBXref_Base::CanGetDbname ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetDbname method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 206 of file GBXref_.hpp.

References CGBXref_Base::IsSetDbname().

Referenced by CGBXref_Base::GetDbname().

◆ CanGetDefinition()

bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetDefinition ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetDefinition method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1973 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

References CGBSeq_Base::IsSetDefinition().

Referenced by CGBSeq_Base::GetDefinition().

◆ CanGetDivision()

bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetDivision ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetDivision method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1738 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

References CGBSeq_Base::IsSetDivision().

Referenced by CGBSeq_Base::GetDivision().

◆ CanGetEntry_version()

bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetEntry_version ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetEntry_version method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 2067 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

References CGBSeq_Base::IsSetEntry_version().

Referenced by CGBSeq_Base::GetEntry_version().

◆ CanGetFeature_set()

bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetFeature_set ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetFeature_set method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 2759 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ CanGetFeature_table()

bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetFeature_table ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetFeature_table method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 2734 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ CanGetFeatures()

bool CGBFeatureSet_Base::CanGetFeatures ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetFeatures method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 251 of file GBFeatureSet_.hpp.

◆ CanGetFirst_accn()

bool CGBAltSeqItem_Base::CanGetFirst_accn ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetFirst_accn method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 750 of file GBAltSeqItem_.hpp.

References CGBAltSeqItem_Base::IsSetFirst_accn().

Referenced by CGBAltSeqItem_Base::GetFirst_accn().

◆ CanGetFrom()

bool CGBInterval_Base::CanGetFrom ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetFrom method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 365 of file GBInterval_.hpp.

References CGBInterval_Base::IsSetFrom().

Referenced by CGBInterval_Base::GetFrom().

◆ CanGetGap_comment()

bool CGBAltSeqItem_Base::CanGetGap_comment ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetGap_comment method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 703 of file GBAltSeqItem_.hpp.

References CGBAltSeqItem_Base::IsSetGap_comment().

Referenced by CGBAltSeqItem_Base::GetGap_comment().

◆ CanGetGap_length()

bool CGBAltSeqItem_Base::CanGetGap_length ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetGap_length method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 562 of file GBAltSeqItem_.hpp.

References CGBAltSeqItem_Base::IsSetGap_length().

Referenced by CGBAltSeqItem_Base::GetGap_length().

◆ CanGetGap_linkage()

bool CGBAltSeqItem_Base::CanGetGap_linkage ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetGap_linkage method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 656 of file GBAltSeqItem_.hpp.

References CGBAltSeqItem_Base::IsSetGap_linkage().

Referenced by CGBAltSeqItem_Base::GetGap_linkage().

◆ CanGetGap_type()

bool CGBAltSeqItem_Base::CanGetGap_type ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetGap_type method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 609 of file GBAltSeqItem_.hpp.

References CGBAltSeqItem_Base::IsSetGap_type().

Referenced by CGBAltSeqItem_Base::GetGap_type().

◆ CanGetId()

bool CGBXref_Base::CanGetId ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetId method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 253 of file GBXref_.hpp.

References CGBXref_Base::IsSetId().

Referenced by CGBXref_Base::GetId().

◆ CanGetInterbp()

bool CGBInterval_Base::CanGetInterbp ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetInterbp method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 553 of file GBInterval_.hpp.

References CGBInterval_Base::IsSetInterbp().

Referenced by CGBInterval_Base::GetInterbp().

◆ CanGetInterval()

bool CGBAltSeqItem_Base::CanGetInterval ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetInterval method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 494 of file GBAltSeqItem_.hpp.

References CGBAltSeqItem_Base::IsSetInterval().

Referenced by CGBAltSeqItem_Base::GetInterval().

◆ CanGetIntervals()

bool CGBFeature_Base::CanGetIntervals ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetIntervals method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 530 of file GBFeature_.hpp.

◆ CanGetIscomp()

bool CGBInterval_Base::CanGetIscomp ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetIscomp method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 506 of file GBInterval_.hpp.

References CGBInterval_Base::IsSetIscomp().

Referenced by CGBInterval_Base::GetIscomp().

◆ CanGetIsgap()

bool CGBAltSeqItem_Base::CanGetIsgap ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetIsgap method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 515 of file GBAltSeqItem_.hpp.

References CGBAltSeqItem_Base::IsSetIsgap().

Referenced by CGBAltSeqItem_Base::GetIsgap().

◆ CanGetItems() [1/2]

bool CGBAltSeqData_Base::CanGetItems ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetItems method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 252 of file GBAltSeqData_.hpp.

◆ CanGetItems() [2/2]

bool CGBStrucComment_Base::CanGetItems ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetItems method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 251 of file GBStrucComment_.hpp.

◆ CanGetJournal()

bool CGBReference_Base::CanGetJournal ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetJournal method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 697 of file GBReference_.hpp.

References CGBReference_Base::IsSetJournal().

Referenced by CGBReference_Base::GetJournal().

◆ CanGetKey()

bool CGBFeature_Base::CanGetKey ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetKey method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 436 of file GBFeature_.hpp.

References CGBFeature_Base::IsSetKey().

Referenced by CGBFeature_Base::GetKey().

◆ CanGetKeywords()

bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetKeywords ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetKeywords method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 2258 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ CanGetLast_accn()

bool CGBAltSeqItem_Base::CanGetLast_accn ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetLast_accn method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 797 of file GBAltSeqItem_.hpp.

References CGBAltSeqItem_Base::IsSetLast_accn().

Referenced by CGBAltSeqItem_Base::GetLast_accn().

◆ CanGetLength()

bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetLength ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetLength method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1550 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

References CGBSeq_Base::IsSetLength().

Referenced by CGBSeq_Base::GetLength().

◆ CanGetLocation()

bool CGBFeature_Base::CanGetLocation ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetLocation method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 483 of file GBFeature_.hpp.

References CGBFeature_Base::IsSetLocation().

Referenced by CGBFeature_Base::GetLocation().

◆ CanGetLocus()

bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetLocus ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetLocus method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1503 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

References CGBSeq_Base::IsSetLocus().

Referenced by CGBSeq_Base::GetLocus().

◆ CanGetMoltype()

bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetMoltype ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetMoltype method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1644 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

References CGBSeq_Base::IsSetMoltype().

Referenced by CGBSeq_Base::GetMoltype().

◆ CanGetName() [1/3]

bool CGBAltSeqData_Base::CanGetName ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetName method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 205 of file GBAltSeqData_.hpp.

References CGBAltSeqData_Base::IsSetName().

Referenced by CGBAltSeqData_Base::GetName().

◆ CanGetName() [2/3]

bool CGBQualifier_Base::CanGetName ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetName method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 206 of file GBQualifier_.hpp.

References CGBQualifier_Base::IsSetName().

Referenced by CGBQualifier_Base::GetName().

◆ CanGetName() [3/3]

bool CGBStrucComment_Base::CanGetName ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetName method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 204 of file GBStrucComment_.hpp.

References CGBStrucComment_Base::IsSetName().

Referenced by CGBStrucComment_Base::GetName().

◆ CanGetOperator()

bool CGBFeature_Base::CanGetOperator ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetOperator method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 555 of file GBFeature_.hpp.

References CGBFeature_Base::IsSetOperator().

Referenced by CGBFeature_Base::GetOperator().

◆ CanGetOrganism()

bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetOrganism ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetOrganism method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 2377 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

References CGBSeq_Base::IsSetOrganism().

Referenced by CGBSeq_Base::GetOrganism().

◆ CanGetOther_seqids()

bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetOther_seqids ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetOther_seqids method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 2161 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ CanGetParagraphs()

bool CGBComment_Base::CanGetParagraphs ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetParagraphs method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 248 of file GBComment_.hpp.

◆ CanGetPartial3()

bool CGBFeature_Base::CanGetPartial3 ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetPartial3 method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 649 of file GBFeature_.hpp.

References CGBFeature_Base::IsSetPartial3().

Referenced by CGBFeature_Base::GetPartial3().

◆ CanGetPartial5()

bool CGBFeature_Base::CanGetPartial5 ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetPartial5 method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 602 of file GBFeature_.hpp.

References CGBFeature_Base::IsSetPartial5().

Referenced by CGBFeature_Base::GetPartial5().

◆ CanGetPoint()

bool CGBInterval_Base::CanGetPoint ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetPoint method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 459 of file GBInterval_.hpp.

References CGBInterval_Base::IsSetPoint().

Referenced by CGBInterval_Base::GetPoint().

◆ CanGetPosition()

bool CGBReference_Base::CanGetPosition ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetPosition method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 531 of file GBReference_.hpp.

References CGBReference_Base::IsSetPosition().

Referenced by CGBReference_Base::GetPosition().

◆ CanGetPrimary()

bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetPrimary ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetPrimary method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 2593 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

References CGBSeq_Base::IsSetPrimary().

Referenced by CGBSeq_Base::GetPrimary().

◆ CanGetPrimary_accession()

bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetPrimary_accession ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetPrimary_accession method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 2020 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

References CGBSeq_Base::IsSetPrimary_accession().

Referenced by CGBSeq_Base::GetPrimary_accession().

◆ CanGetProject()

bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetProject ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetProject method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 2211 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

References CGBSeq_Base::IsSetProject().

Referenced by CGBSeq_Base::GetProject().

◆ CanGetPubmed()

bool CGBReference_Base::CanGetPubmed ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetPubmed method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 769 of file GBReference_.hpp.

References CGBReference_Base::IsSetPubmed().

Referenced by CGBReference_Base::GetPubmed().

◆ CanGetQuals()

bool CGBFeature_Base::CanGetQuals ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetQuals method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 696 of file GBFeature_.hpp.

◆ CanGetReference()

bool CGBReference_Base::CanGetReference ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetReference method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 484 of file GBReference_.hpp.

References CGBReference_Base::IsSetReference().

Referenced by CGBReference_Base::GetReference().

◆ CanGetReferences()

bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetReferences ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetReferences method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 2471 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ CanGetRemark()

bool CGBReference_Base::CanGetRemark ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetRemark method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 816 of file GBReference_.hpp.

References CGBReference_Base::IsSetRemark().

Referenced by CGBReference_Base::GetRemark().

◆ CanGetSecondary_accessions()

bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetSecondary_accessions ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetSecondary_accessions method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 2186 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ CanGetSegment()

bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetSegment ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetSegment method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 2283 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

References CGBSeq_Base::IsSetSegment().

Referenced by CGBSeq_Base::GetSegment().

◆ CanGetSequence()

bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetSequence ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetSequence method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 2784 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

References CGBSeq_Base::IsSetSequence().

Referenced by CGBSeq_Base::GetSequence().

◆ CanGetSource()

bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetSource ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetSource method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 2330 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

References CGBSeq_Base::IsSetSource().

Referenced by CGBSeq_Base::GetSource().

◆ CanGetSource_db()

bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetSource_db ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetSource_db method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 2640 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

References CGBSeq_Base::IsSetSource_db().

Referenced by CGBSeq_Base::GetSource_db().

◆ CanGetStrandedness()

bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetStrandedness ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetStrandedness method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1597 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

References CGBSeq_Base::IsSetStrandedness().

Referenced by CGBSeq_Base::GetStrandedness().

◆ CanGetStruc_comments()

bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetStruc_comments ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetStruc_comments method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 2568 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ CanGetTag()

bool CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::CanGetTag ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetTag method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 247 of file GBStrucCommentItem_.hpp.

References CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::IsSetTag().

Referenced by CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::GetTag().

◆ CanGetTaxonomy()

bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetTaxonomy ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetTaxonomy method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 2424 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

References CGBSeq_Base::IsSetTaxonomy().

Referenced by CGBSeq_Base::GetTaxonomy().

◆ CanGetTitle()

bool CGBReference_Base::CanGetTitle ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetTitle method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 650 of file GBReference_.hpp.

References CGBReference_Base::IsSetTitle().

Referenced by CGBReference_Base::GetTitle().

◆ CanGetTo()

bool CGBInterval_Base::CanGetTo ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetTo method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 412 of file GBInterval_.hpp.

References CGBInterval_Base::IsSetTo().

Referenced by CGBInterval_Base::GetTo().

◆ CanGetTopology()

bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetTopology ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetTopology method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1691 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

References CGBSeq_Base::IsSetTopology().

Referenced by CGBSeq_Base::GetTopology().

◆ CanGetType()

bool CGBComment_Base::CanGetType ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetType method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 201 of file GBComment_.hpp.

References CGBComment_Base::IsSetType().

Referenced by CGBComment_Base::GetType().

◆ CanGetUpdate_date()

bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetUpdate_date ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetUpdate_date method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1785 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

References CGBSeq_Base::IsSetUpdate_date().

Referenced by CGBSeq_Base::GetUpdate_date().

◆ CanGetUpdate_release()

bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetUpdate_release ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetUpdate_release method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 1879 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

References CGBSeq_Base::IsSetUpdate_release().

Referenced by CGBSeq_Base::GetUpdate_release().

◆ CanGetUrl()

bool CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::CanGetUrl ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetUrl method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 341 of file GBStrucCommentItem_.hpp.

References CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::IsSetUrl().

Referenced by CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::GetUrl().

◆ CanGetValue() [1/3]

bool CGBAltSeqItem_Base::CanGetValue ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetValue method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 844 of file GBAltSeqItem_.hpp.

References CGBAltSeqItem_Base::IsSetValue().

Referenced by CGBAltSeqItem_Base::GetValue().

◆ CanGetValue() [2/3]

bool CGBQualifier_Base::CanGetValue ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetValue method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 253 of file GBQualifier_.hpp.

References CGBQualifier_Base::IsSetValue().

Referenced by CGBQualifier_Base::GetValue().

◆ CanGetValue() [3/3]

bool CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::CanGetValue ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetValue method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 294 of file GBStrucCommentItem_.hpp.

References CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::IsSetValue().

Referenced by CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::GetValue().

◆ CanGetXref()

bool CGBReference_Base::CanGetXref ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetXref method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 744 of file GBReference_.hpp.

◆ CanGetXrefs() [1/2]

bool CGBFeature_Base::CanGetXrefs ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetXrefs method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 721 of file GBFeature_.hpp.

◆ CanGetXrefs() [2/2]

bool CGBSeq_Base::CanGetXrefs ( void  ) const

Check if it is safe to call GetXrefs method.

  • true, if the data member is getatable.
  • false, otherwise.

Definition at line 2903 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

◆ CGBAltSeqData() [1/2]

CGBAltSeqData::CGBAltSeqData ( const CGBAltSeqData value)

◆ CGBAltSeqData() [2/2]

CGBAltSeqData::CGBAltSeqData ( void  )

Definition at line 86 of file GBAltSeqData.hpp.

◆ CGBAltSeqData_Base() [1/2]

CGBAltSeqData_Base::CGBAltSeqData_Base ( const CGBAltSeqData_Base )

◆ CGBAltSeqData_Base() [2/2]

END_CLASS_INFO CGBAltSeqData_Base::CGBAltSeqData_Base ( void  )

Definition at line 81 of file GBAltSeqData_.cpp.

References CGBAltSeqData_Base::m_set_State.

◆ CGBAltSeqItem() [1/2]

CGBAltSeqItem::CGBAltSeqItem ( const CGBAltSeqItem value)

◆ CGBAltSeqItem() [2/2]

CGBAltSeqItem::CGBAltSeqItem ( void  )

Definition at line 86 of file GBAltSeqItem.hpp.

◆ CGBAltSeqItem_Base() [1/2]

CGBAltSeqItem_Base::CGBAltSeqItem_Base ( const CGBAltSeqItem_Base )

◆ CGBAltSeqItem_Base() [2/2]

END_CLASS_INFO CGBAltSeqItem_Base::CGBAltSeqItem_Base ( void  )

Definition at line 136 of file GBAltSeqItem_.cpp.

References CGBAltSeqItem_Base::m_set_State.

◆ CGBAuthor() [1/2]

CGBAuthor::CGBAuthor ( const std::string value)

Explicit constructor from the primitive type.

Definition at line 72 of file GBAuthor.hpp.

◆ CGBAuthor() [2/2]

CGBAuthor::CGBAuthor ( void  )

Definition at line 69 of file GBAuthor.hpp.

◆ CGBAuthor_Base() [1/2]

CGBAuthor_Base::CGBAuthor_Base ( const string data)

Definition at line 100 of file GBAuthor_.hpp.

◆ CGBAuthor_Base() [2/2]

CGBAuthor_Base::CGBAuthor_Base ( void  )

Definition at line 95 of file GBAuthor_.hpp.

◆ CGBComment() [1/2]

CGBComment::CGBComment ( const CGBComment value)

◆ CGBComment() [2/2]

CGBComment::CGBComment ( void  )

Definition at line 86 of file GBComment.hpp.

◆ CGBComment_Base() [1/2]

CGBComment_Base::CGBComment_Base ( const CGBComment_Base )

◆ CGBComment_Base() [2/2]

END_CLASS_INFO CGBComment_Base::CGBComment_Base ( void  )

Definition at line 80 of file GBComment_.cpp.

References CGBComment_Base::m_set_State.

◆ CGBCommentParagraph() [1/2]

CGBCommentParagraph::CGBCommentParagraph ( const std::string value)

Explicit constructor from the primitive type.

Definition at line 72 of file GBCommentParagraph.hpp.

◆ CGBCommentParagraph() [2/2]

CGBCommentParagraph::CGBCommentParagraph ( void  )

Definition at line 69 of file GBCommentParagraph.hpp.

◆ CGBCommentParagraph_Base() [1/2]

CGBCommentParagraph_Base::CGBCommentParagraph_Base ( const string data)

Definition at line 100 of file GBCommentParagraph_.hpp.

◆ CGBCommentParagraph_Base() [2/2]

CGBCommentParagraph_Base::CGBCommentParagraph_Base ( void  )

Definition at line 95 of file GBCommentParagraph_.hpp.

◆ CGBFeature() [1/2]

CGBFeature::CGBFeature ( const CGBFeature value)

◆ CGBFeature() [2/2]

CGBFeature::CGBFeature ( void  )

Definition at line 86 of file GBFeature.hpp.

◆ CGBFeature_Base() [1/2]

CGBFeature_Base::CGBFeature_Base ( const CGBFeature_Base )

◆ CGBFeature_Base() [2/2]

END_CLASS_INFO CGBFeature_Base::CGBFeature_Base ( void  )

Definition at line 119 of file GBFeature_.cpp.

References CGBFeature_Base::m_set_State.

◆ CGBFeatureSet() [1/2]

CGBFeatureSet::CGBFeatureSet ( const CGBFeatureSet value)

◆ CGBFeatureSet() [2/2]

CGBFeatureSet::CGBFeatureSet ( void  )

Definition at line 86 of file GBFeatureSet.hpp.

◆ CGBFeatureSet_Base() [1/2]

CGBFeatureSet_Base::CGBFeatureSet_Base ( const CGBFeatureSet_Base )

◆ CGBFeatureSet_Base() [2/2]

END_CLASS_INFO CGBFeatureSet_Base::CGBFeatureSet_Base ( void  )

Definition at line 81 of file GBFeatureSet_.cpp.

References CGBFeatureSet_Base::m_set_State.

◆ CGBInterval() [1/2]

CGBInterval::CGBInterval ( const CGBInterval value)

◆ CGBInterval() [2/2]

CGBInterval::CGBInterval ( void  )

Definition at line 86 of file GBInterval.hpp.

◆ CGBInterval_Base() [1/2]

CGBInterval_Base::CGBInterval_Base ( const CGBInterval_Base )

◆ CGBInterval_Base() [2/2]

END_CLASS_INFO CGBInterval_Base::CGBInterval_Base ( void  )

Definition at line 82 of file GBInterval_.cpp.

References CGBInterval_Base::m_set_State.

◆ CGBKeyword() [1/2]

CGBKeyword::CGBKeyword ( const std::string value)

Explicit constructor from the primitive type.

Definition at line 72 of file GBKeyword.hpp.

◆ CGBKeyword() [2/2]

CGBKeyword::CGBKeyword ( void  )

Definition at line 69 of file GBKeyword.hpp.

◆ CGBKeyword_Base() [1/2]

CGBKeyword_Base::CGBKeyword_Base ( const string data)

Definition at line 100 of file GBKeyword_.hpp.

◆ CGBKeyword_Base() [2/2]

CGBKeyword_Base::CGBKeyword_Base ( void  )

Definition at line 95 of file GBKeyword_.hpp.

◆ CGBQualifier() [1/2]

CGBQualifier::CGBQualifier ( const CGBQualifier value)

◆ CGBQualifier() [2/2]

CGBQualifier::CGBQualifier ( void  )

Definition at line 86 of file GBQualifier.hpp.

◆ CGBQualifier_Base() [1/2]

CGBQualifier_Base::CGBQualifier_Base ( const CGBQualifier_Base )

◆ CGBQualifier_Base() [2/2]

END_CLASS_INFO CGBQualifier_Base::CGBQualifier_Base ( void  )

Definition at line 80 of file GBQualifier_.cpp.

References CGBQualifier_Base::m_set_State.

◆ CGBReference() [1/2]

CGBReference::CGBReference ( const CGBReference value)

◆ CGBReference() [2/2]

CGBReference::CGBReference ( void  )

Definition at line 86 of file GBReference.hpp.

◆ CGBReference_Base() [1/2]

CGBReference_Base::CGBReference_Base ( const CGBReference_Base )

◆ CGBReference_Base() [2/2]

END_CLASS_INFO CGBReference_Base::CGBReference_Base ( void  )

Definition at line 131 of file GBReference_.cpp.

References CGBReference_Base::m_set_State.

◆ CGBSecondary_accn() [1/2]

CGBSecondary_accn::CGBSecondary_accn ( const std::string value)

Explicit constructor from the primitive type.

Definition at line 72 of file GBSecondary_accn.hpp.

◆ CGBSecondary_accn() [2/2]

CGBSecondary_accn::CGBSecondary_accn ( void  )

Definition at line 69 of file GBSecondary_accn.hpp.

◆ CGBSecondary_accn_Base() [1/2]

CGBSecondary_accn_Base::CGBSecondary_accn_Base ( const string data)

Definition at line 100 of file GBSecondary_accn_.hpp.

◆ CGBSecondary_accn_Base() [2/2]

CGBSecondary_accn_Base::CGBSecondary_accn_Base ( void  )

Definition at line 95 of file GBSecondary_accn_.hpp.

◆ CGBSeq() [1/2]

CGBSeq::CGBSeq ( const CGBSeq value)

◆ CGBSeq() [2/2]

CGBSeq::CGBSeq ( void  )

Definition at line 86 of file GBSeq.hpp.

◆ CGBSeq_Base() [1/2]

CGBSeq_Base::CGBSeq_Base ( const CGBSeq_Base )

◆ CGBSeq_Base() [2/2]

END_CLASS_INFO CGBSeq_Base::CGBSeq_Base ( void  )

Definition at line 345 of file GBSeq_.cpp.

References CGBSeq_Base::m_set_State.

◆ CGBSeqid() [1/2]

CGBSeqid::CGBSeqid ( const std::string value)

Explicit constructor from the primitive type.

Definition at line 72 of file GBSeqid.hpp.

◆ CGBSeqid() [2/2]

CGBSeqid::CGBSeqid ( void  )

Definition at line 69 of file GBSeqid.hpp.

◆ CGBSeqid_Base() [1/2]

CGBSeqid_Base::CGBSeqid_Base ( const string data)

Definition at line 100 of file GBSeqid_.hpp.

◆ CGBSeqid_Base() [2/2]

CGBSeqid_Base::CGBSeqid_Base ( void  )

Definition at line 95 of file GBSeqid_.hpp.

◆ CGBSet() [1/2]

CGBSet::CGBSet ( const CGBSet value)

◆ CGBSet() [2/2]

CGBSet::CGBSet ( void  )

Definition at line 86 of file GBSet.hpp.

◆ CGBSet_Base() [1/2]

CGBSet_Base::CGBSet_Base ( const CGBSet_Base )

◆ CGBSet_Base() [2/2]

END_CLASS_INFO CGBSet_Base::CGBSet_Base ( void  )

Definition at line 68 of file GBSet_.cpp.

References CGBSet_Base::m_set_State.

◆ CGBStrucComment() [1/2]

CGBStrucComment::CGBStrucComment ( const CGBStrucComment value)

◆ CGBStrucComment() [2/2]

CGBStrucComment::CGBStrucComment ( void  )

Definition at line 86 of file GBStrucComment.hpp.

◆ CGBStrucComment_Base() [1/2]

CGBStrucComment_Base::CGBStrucComment_Base ( const CGBStrucComment_Base )

◆ CGBStrucComment_Base() [2/2]

END_CLASS_INFO CGBStrucComment_Base::CGBStrucComment_Base ( void  )

Definition at line 81 of file GBStrucComment_.cpp.

References CGBStrucComment_Base::m_set_State.

◆ CGBStrucCommentItem() [1/2]

CGBStrucCommentItem::CGBStrucCommentItem ( const CGBStrucCommentItem value)

◆ CGBStrucCommentItem() [2/2]

CGBStrucCommentItem::CGBStrucCommentItem ( void  )

Definition at line 86 of file GBStrucCommentItem.hpp.

◆ CGBStrucCommentItem_Base() [1/2]

CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::CGBStrucCommentItem_Base ( const CGBStrucCommentItem_Base )

◆ CGBStrucCommentItem_Base() [2/2]

END_CLASS_INFO CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::CGBStrucCommentItem_Base ( void  )

Definition at line 88 of file GBStrucCommentItem_.cpp.

References CGBStrucCommentItem_Base::m_set_State.

◆ CGBXref() [1/2]

CGBXref::CGBXref ( const CGBXref value)

◆ CGBXref() [2/2]

CGBXref::CGBXref ( void  )

Definition at line 86 of file GBXref.hpp.

◆ CGBXref_Base() [1/2]

CGBXref_Base::CGBXref_Base ( const CGBXref_Base )

◆ CGBXref_Base() [2/2]

END_CLASS_INFO CGBXref_Base::CGBXref_Base ( void  )

Definition at line 80 of file GBXref_.cpp.

References CGBXref_Base::m_set_State.





































◆ Get()

const CGBSet_Base::Tdata & CGBSet_Base::Get ( void  ) const

Get the member data.

Reference to the member data.

Definition at line 237 of file GBSet_.hpp.

References CGBSet_Base::m_data.

◆ GetAccession()

const CGBInterval_Base::TAccession & CGBInterval_Base::GetAccession ( void  ) const

Get the Accession member data.

Reference to the member data.

Definition at line 606 of file GBInterval_.hpp.

References CGBInterval_Base::CanGetAccession(), CGBInterval_Base::m_Accession, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().

◆ GetAccession_version()

const CGBSeq_Base::TAccession_version & CGBSeq_Base::GetAccession_version ( void  ) const

Get the Accession_version member data.

Reference to the member data.

Definition at line 2120 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

References CGBSeq_Base::CanGetAccession_version(), CGBSeq_Base::m_Accession_version, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().

◆ GetAlt_seq()

const CGBSeq_Base::TAlt_seq & CGBSeq_Base::GetAlt_seq ( void  ) const

Get the Alt_seq member data.

Reference to the member data.

Definition at line 2884 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

References CGBSeq_Base::m_Alt_seq.

◆ GetAnnot_source()

const CGBFeatureSet_Base::TAnnot_source & CGBFeatureSet_Base::GetAnnot_source ( void  ) const

Get the Annot_source member data.

Reference to the member data.

Definition at line 210 of file GBFeatureSet_.hpp.

References CGBFeatureSet_Base::CanGetAnnot_source(), CGBFeatureSet_Base::m_Annot_source, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().

◆ GetAuthors()

const CGBReference_Base::TAuthors & CGBReference_Base::GetAuthors ( void  ) const

Get the Authors member data.

Reference to the member data.

Definition at line 584 of file GBReference_.hpp.

References CGBReference_Base::m_Authors.

◆ GetComment()

const CGBSeq_Base::TComment & CGBSeq_Base::GetComment ( void  ) const

Get the Comment member data.

Reference to the member data.

Definition at line 2502 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

References CGBSeq_Base::CanGetComment(), CGBSeq_Base::m_Comment, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().

◆ GetComment_set()

const CGBSeq_Base::TComment_set & CGBSeq_Base::GetComment_set ( void  ) const

Get the Comment_set member data.

Reference to the member data.

Definition at line 2549 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

References CGBSeq_Base::m_Comment_set.

◆ GetConsortium()

const CGBReference_Base::TConsortium & CGBReference_Base::GetConsortium ( void  ) const

Get the Consortium member data.

Reference to the member data.

Definition at line 609 of file GBReference_.hpp.

References CGBReference_Base::CanGetConsortium(), CGBReference_Base::m_Consortium, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().

◆ GetContig()

const CGBSeq_Base::TContig & CGBSeq_Base::GetContig ( void  ) const

Get the Contig member data.

Reference to the member data.

Definition at line 2837 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

References CGBSeq_Base::CanGetContig(), CGBSeq_Base::m_Contig, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().

◆ GetCreate_date()

const CGBSeq_Base::TCreate_date & CGBSeq_Base::GetCreate_date ( void  ) const

Get the Create_date member data.

Reference to the member data.

Definition at line 1838 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

References CGBSeq_Base::CanGetCreate_date(), CGBSeq_Base::m_Create_date, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().

◆ GetCreate_release()

const CGBSeq_Base::TCreate_release & CGBSeq_Base::GetCreate_release ( void  ) const

Get the Create_release member data.

Reference to the member data.

Definition at line 1932 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

References CGBSeq_Base::CanGetCreate_release(), CGBSeq_Base::m_Create_release, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().

◆ GetDatabase_reference()

const CGBSeq_Base::TDatabase_reference & CGBSeq_Base::GetDatabase_reference ( void  ) const

Get the Database_reference member data.

Reference to the member data.

Definition at line 2693 of file GBSeq_.hpp.

References CGBSeq_Base::CanGetDatabase_reference(), CGBSeq_Base::m_Database_reference, and CSerialObject::ThrowUnassigned().

◆ GetDbname()