| CPC_AnnotatedXRef::CPC_AnnotatedXRef (void) |
| CPC_AnnotatedXRef::~CPC_AnnotatedXRef (void) |
| CPC_AnnotatedXRef::CPC_AnnotatedXRef (const CPC_AnnotatedXRef &value) |
CPC_AnnotatedXRef & | CPC_AnnotatedXRef::operator= (const CPC_AnnotatedXRef &value) |
| CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base (void) |
virtual | CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::~CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base (void) |
static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues *ENUM_METHOD_NAME() | CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::EType (void) |
| Access to EType's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec. More...
bool | CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::IsSetXref (void) const |
| Cross-Reference Information Check if a value has been assigned to Xref data member. More...
bool | CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::CanGetXref (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetXref method. More...
void | CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::ResetXref (void) |
| Reset Xref data member. More...
const TXref & | CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::GetXref (void) const |
| Get the Xref member data. More...
void | CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::SetXref (TXref &value) |
| Assign a value to Xref data member. More...
TXref & | CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::SetXref (void) |
| Assign a value to Xref data member. More...
bool | CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::IsSetComment (void) const |
| Annotation qualifier describing Cross-Reference meaning Check if a value has been assigned to Comment data member. More...
bool | CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::CanGetComment (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetComment method. More...
void | CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::ResetComment (void) |
| Reset Comment data member. More...
const TComment & | CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::GetComment (void) const |
| Get the Comment member data. More...
void | CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::SetComment (const TComment &value) |
| Assign a value to Comment data member. More...
void | CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::SetComment (TComment &&value) |
TComment & | CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::SetComment (void) |
| Assign a value to Comment data member. More...
bool | CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::IsSetType (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Type data member. More...
bool | CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::CanGetType (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetType method. More...
void | CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::ResetType (void) |
| Reset Type data member. More...
TType | CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::GetType (void) const |
| Get the Type member data. More...
void | CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::SetType (TType value) |
| Assign a value to Type data member. More...
TType & | CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::SetType (void) |
| Assign a value to Type data member. More...
virtual void | CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
| CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base (const CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base &) |
CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base & | CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::operator= (const CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base &) |
| CPC_AssayContainer::CPC_AssayContainer (void) |
| CPC_AssayContainer::~CPC_AssayContainer (void) |
| CPC_AssayContainer::CPC_AssayContainer (const CPC_AssayContainer &value) |
CPC_AssayContainer & | CPC_AssayContainer::operator= (const CPC_AssayContainer &value) |
| CPC_AssayContainer_Base::CPC_AssayContainer_Base (void) |
virtual | CPC_AssayContainer_Base::~CPC_AssayContainer_Base (void) |
| CPC_AssayContainer_Base::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO () |
bool | CPC_AssayContainer_Base::IsSet (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayContainer_Base::CanGet (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call Get method. More...
void | CPC_AssayContainer_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset data member. More...
const Tdata & | CPC_AssayContainer_Base::Get (void) const |
| Get the member data. More...
Tdata & | CPC_AssayContainer_Base::Set (void) |
| Assign a value to data member. More...
| CPC_AssayContainer_Base::operator const Tdata & (void) const |
| Conversion operator to 'const Tdata' type. More...
| CPC_AssayContainer_Base::operator Tdata & (void) |
| Conversion operator to 'Tdata' type. More...
| CPC_AssayContainer_Base::CPC_AssayContainer_Base (const CPC_AssayContainer_Base &) |
CPC_AssayContainer_Base & | CPC_AssayContainer_Base::operator= (const CPC_AssayContainer_Base &) |
| CPC_AssayData::CPC_AssayData (void) |
| CPC_AssayData::~CPC_AssayData (void) |
| CPC_AssayData::CPC_AssayData (const CPC_AssayData &value) |
CPC_AssayData & | CPC_AssayData::operator= (const CPC_AssayData &value) |
| CPC_AssayData_Base::CPC_AssayData_Base (void) |
virtual | CPC_AssayData_Base::~CPC_AssayData_Base (void) |
| CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::C_Value (void) |
| CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::~C_Value (void) |
| CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO () |
void | CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
void | CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::ResetSelection (void) |
| Reset the selection (set it to e_not_set). More...
E_Choice | CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::Which (void) const |
| Which variant is currently selected. More...
void | CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::CheckSelected (E_Choice index) const |
| Verify selection, throw exception if it differs from the expected. More...
void | CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::ThrowInvalidSelection (E_Choice index) const |
| Throw 'InvalidSelection' exception. More...
static string | CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::SelectionName (E_Choice index) |
| Retrieve selection name (for diagnostic purposes). More...
void | CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset=eDoResetVariant) |
| Select the requested variant if needed. More...
void | CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset, CObjectMemoryPool *pool) |
| Select the requested variant if needed, allocating CObject variants from memory pool. More...
bool | CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::IsIval (void) const |
| Check if variant Ival is selected. More...
TIval | CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::GetIval (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TIval & | CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::SetIval (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::SetIval (TIval value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::IsFval (void) const |
| Check if variant Fval is selected. More...
TFval | CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::GetFval (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TFval & | CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::SetFval (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::SetFval (TFval value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::IsBval (void) const |
| Check if variant Bval is selected. More...
TBval | CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::GetBval (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TBval & | CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::SetBval (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::SetBval (TBval value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::IsSval (void) const |
| Check if variant Sval is selected. More...
const TSval & | CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::GetSval (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TSval & | CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::SetSval (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::SetSval (const TSval &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
| CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::C_Value (const C_Value &) |
C_Value & | CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::operator= (const C_Value &) |
void | CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::DoSelect (E_Choice index, CObjectMemoryPool *pool=0) |
bool | CPC_AssayData_Base::IsSetTid (void) const |
| Assay Result Field Type ID (TID) Note: Result Field ID's must be greater than "0" Check if a value has been assigned to Tid data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayData_Base::CanGetTid (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetTid method. More...
void | CPC_AssayData_Base::ResetTid (void) |
| Reset Tid data member. More...
TTid | CPC_AssayData_Base::GetTid (void) const |
| Get the Tid member data. More...
void | CPC_AssayData_Base::SetTid (TTid value) |
| Assign a value to Tid data member. More...
TTid & | CPC_AssayData_Base::SetTid (void) |
| Assign a value to Tid data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayData_Base::IsSetValue (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Value data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayData_Base::CanGetValue (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetValue method. More...
void | CPC_AssayData_Base::ResetValue (void) |
| Reset Value data member. More...
const TValue & | CPC_AssayData_Base::GetValue (void) const |
| Get the Value member data. More...
void | CPC_AssayData_Base::SetValue (TValue &value) |
| Assign a value to Value data member. More...
TValue & | CPC_AssayData_Base::SetValue (void) |
| Assign a value to Value data member. More...
virtual void | CPC_AssayData_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
| CPC_AssayData_Base::CPC_AssayData_Base (const CPC_AssayData_Base &) |
CPC_AssayData_Base & | CPC_AssayData_Base::operator= (const CPC_AssayData_Base &) |
| CPC_AssayDescription::CPC_AssayDescription (void) |
| CPC_AssayDescription::~CPC_AssayDescription (void) |
| CPC_AssayDescription::CPC_AssayDescription (const CPC_AssayDescription &value) |
CPC_AssayDescription & | CPC_AssayDescription::operator= (const CPC_AssayDescription &value) |
| CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CPC_AssayDescription_Base (void) |
virtual | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::~CPC_AssayDescription_Base (void) |
| CPC_AssayDescription_Base::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO () |
static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues *ENUM_METHOD_NAME() | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::EActivity_outcome_method (void) |
| Access to EActivity_outcome_method's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec. More...
static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues *ENUM_METHOD_NAME() | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ESubstance_type (void) |
| Access to ESubstance_type's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec. More...
static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues *ENUM_METHOD_NAME() | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::EProject_category (void) |
| Access to EProject_category's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetAid (void) const |
| Internal/External Tracking Information Assay Description ID/Version [Either valid ID or, if "aid-source" is used, a "0" dummy value] Note: Version is for internal use (only?) Note: A valid ID is greater than "0" Check if a value has been assigned to Aid data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetAid (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetAid method. More...
void | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetAid (void) |
| Reset Aid data member. More...
const TAid & | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetAid (void) const |
| Get the Aid member data. More...
void | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetAid (TAid &value) |
| Assign a value to Aid data member. More...
TAid & | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetAid (void) |
| Assign a value to Aid data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetAid_source (void) const |
| External Identifier for this Assay Description Note: May be used in-lieu of "aid" Note: This is non-optional if "aid" ID is "0" Check if a value has been assigned to Aid_source data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetAid_source (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetAid_source method. More...
void | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetAid_source (void) |
| Reset Aid_source data member. More...
const TAid_source & | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetAid_source (void) const |
| Get the Aid_source member data. More...
void | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetAid_source (TAid_source &value) |
| Assign a value to Aid_source data member. More...
TAid_source & | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetAid_source (void) |
| Assign a value to Aid_source data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetName (void) const |
| Assay Description Information Short Assay Name (for display purposes) Check if a value has been assigned to Name data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetName (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetName method. More...
void | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetName (void) |
| Reset Name data member. More...
const TName & | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetName (void) const |
| Get the Name member data. More...
void | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetName (const TName &value) |
| Assign a value to Name data member. More...
void | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetName (TName &&value) |
TName & | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetName (void) |
| Assign a value to Name data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetDescription (void) const |
| Description of Assay Check if a value has been assigned to Description data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetDescription (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetDescription method. More...
void | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetDescription (void) |
| Reset Description data member. More...
const TDescription & | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetDescription (void) const |
| Get the Description member data. More...
TDescription & | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetDescription (void) |
| Assign a value to Description data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetProtocol (void) const |
| Procedure used to generate results Check if a value has been assigned to Protocol data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetProtocol (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetProtocol method. More...
void | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetProtocol (void) |
| Reset Protocol data member. More...
const TProtocol & | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetProtocol (void) const |
| Get the Protocol member data. More...
TProtocol & | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetProtocol (void) |
| Assign a value to Protocol data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetComment (void) const |
| Comments or additional information Check if a value has been assigned to Comment data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetComment (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetComment method. More...
void | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetComment (void) |
| Reset Comment data member. More...
const TComment & | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetComment (void) const |
| Get the Comment member data. More...
TComment & | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetComment (void) |
| Assign a value to Comment data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetXref (void) const |
| Annotated Cross-Reference Information Check if a value has been assigned to Xref data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetXref (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetXref method. More...
void | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetXref (void) |
| Reset Xref data member. More...
const TXref & | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetXref (void) const |
| Get the Xref member data. More...
TXref & | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetXref (void) |
| Assign a value to Xref data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetResults (void) const |
| Allowed Assay Result Types Result Definitions (vector) Check if a value has been assigned to Results data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetResults (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetResults method. More...
void | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetResults (void) |
| Reset Results data member. More...
const TResults & | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetResults (void) const |
| Get the Results member data. More...
TResults & | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetResults (void) |
| Assign a value to Results data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetPub (void) const |
| Additional Information Depositor provided publications for this assay Check if a value has been assigned to Pub data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetPub (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetPub method. More...
void | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetPub (void) |
| Reset Pub data member. More...
const TPub & | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetPub (void) const |
| Get the Pub member data. More...
TPub & | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetPub (void) |
| Assign a value to Pub data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetRevision (void) const |
| Revision identifier for textual description Check if a value has been assigned to Revision data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetRevision (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetRevision method. More...
void | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetRevision (void) |
| Reset Revision data member. More...
TRevision | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetRevision (void) const |
| Get the Revision member data. More...
void | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetRevision (TRevision value) |
| Assign a value to Revision data member. More...
TRevision & | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetRevision (void) |
| Assign a value to Revision data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetTarget (void) const |
| Target information Check if a value has been assigned to Target data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetTarget (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetTarget method. More...
void | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetTarget (void) |
| Reset Target data member. More...
const TTarget & | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetTarget (void) const |
| Get the Target member data. More...
TTarget & | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetTarget (void) |
| Assign a value to Target data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetActivity_outcome_method (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Activity_outcome_method data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetActivity_outcome_method (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetActivity_outcome_method method. More...
void | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetActivity_outcome_method (void) |
| Reset Activity_outcome_method data member. More...
TActivity_outcome_method | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetActivity_outcome_method (void) const |
| Get the Activity_outcome_method member data. More...
void | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetActivity_outcome_method (TActivity_outcome_method value) |
| Assign a value to Activity_outcome_method data member. More...
TActivity_outcome_method & | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetActivity_outcome_method (void) |
| Assign a value to Activity_outcome_method data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetDr (void) const |
| Dose-Response Attribution Check if a value has been assigned to Dr data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetDr (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetDr method. More...
void | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetDr (void) |
| Reset Dr data member. More...
const TDr & | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetDr (void) const |
| Get the Dr member data. More...
TDr & | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetDr (void) |
| Assign a value to Dr data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetSubstance_type (void) const |
| to distinguish the type of substance used in the screening Check if a value has been assigned to Substance_type data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetSubstance_type (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetSubstance_type method. More...
void | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetSubstance_type (void) |
| Reset Substance_type data member. More...
TSubstance_type | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetSubstance_type (void) const |
| Get the Substance_type member data. More...
void | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetSubstance_type (TSubstance_type value) |
| Assign a value to Substance_type data member. More...
TSubstance_type & | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetSubstance_type (void) |
| Assign a value to Substance_type data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetGrant_number (void) const |
| Grant and project category information grant proposal number required for 'MLSCN' & 'MLPCN' projects Check if a value has been assigned to Grant_number data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetGrant_number (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetGrant_number method. More...
void | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetGrant_number (void) |
| Reset Grant_number data member. More...
const TGrant_number & | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetGrant_number (void) const |
| Get the Grant_number member data. More...
TGrant_number & | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetGrant_number (void) |
| Assign a value to Grant_number data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetProject_category (void) const |
| to distinguish projects funded through MLSCN, MLPCN or other mlscn: assay depositions from MLSCN screen center mlpcn: assay depositions from MLPCN screen center mlscn-ap: assay depositions from MLSCN assay provider mlpcn-ap: assay depositions from MLPCN assay provider required for 'MLSCN' & 'MLPCN' projects journal-article: to be deprecated; replaced by option 7,8 & 9 to better characterize data from literature literature-extracted: data from literature, extracted by curators literature-author: data from literature, submitted by author of articles literature-publisher: data from literature, submitted by journals/publishers rnaigi: RNAi screenings from RNAi Global Initiative Check if a value has been assigned to Project_category data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetProject_category (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetProject_category method. More...
void | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetProject_category (void) |
| Reset Project_category data member. More...
TProject_category | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetProject_category (void) const |
| Get the Project_category member data. More...
void | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetProject_category (TProject_category value) |
| Assign a value to Project_category data member. More...
TProject_category & | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetProject_category (void) |
| Assign a value to Project_category data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetIs_panel (void) const |
| annotation to indicate whether an assay is a panel, e.g. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetIs_panel (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetIs_panel method. More...
void | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetIs_panel (void) |
| Reset Is_panel data member. More...
TIs_panel | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetIs_panel (void) const |
| Get the Is_panel member data. More...
void | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetIs_panel (TIs_panel value) |
| Assign a value to Is_panel data member. More...
TIs_panel & | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetIs_panel (void) |
| Assign a value to Is_panel data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetAssay_group (void) const |
| annotation for assay gruop information, e.g. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetAssay_group (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetAssay_group method. More...
void | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetAssay_group (void) |
| Reset Assay_group data member. More...
const TAssay_group & | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetAssay_group (void) const |
| Get the Assay_group member data. More...
TAssay_group & | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetAssay_group (void) |
| Assign a value to Assay_group data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetPanel_info (void) const |
| for 'panel' type of bioassay only store assay panel member information Check if a value has been assigned to Panel_info data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetPanel_info (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetPanel_info method. More...
void | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetPanel_info (void) |
| Reset Panel_info data member. More...
const TPanel_info & | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetPanel_info (void) const |
| Get the Panel_info member data. More...
void | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetPanel_info (TPanel_info &value) |
| Assign a value to Panel_info data member. More...
TPanel_info & | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetPanel_info (void) |
| Assign a value to Panel_info data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetIs_mlp_late_stage (void) const |
| verification for 'late-stage-data' deposition Check if a value has been assigned to Is_mlp_late_stage data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetIs_mlp_late_stage (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetIs_mlp_late_stage method. More...
void | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetIs_mlp_late_stage (void) |
| Reset Is_mlp_late_stage data member. More...
TIs_mlp_late_stage | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetIs_mlp_late_stage (void) const |
| Get the Is_mlp_late_stage member data. More...
void | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetIs_mlp_late_stage (TIs_mlp_late_stage value) |
| Assign a value to Is_mlp_late_stage data member. More...
TIs_mlp_late_stage & | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetIs_mlp_late_stage (void) |
| Assign a value to Is_mlp_late_stage data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetCategorized_comment (void) const |
| to report categorized description/comment by associating with a category title Check if a value has been assigned to Categorized_comment data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetCategorized_comment (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetCategorized_comment method. More...
void | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetCategorized_comment (void) |
| Reset Categorized_comment data member. More...
const TCategorized_comment & | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetCategorized_comment (void) const |
| Get the Categorized_comment member data. More...
TCategorized_comment & | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetCategorized_comment (void) |
| Assign a value to Categorized_comment data member. More...
virtual void | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
| CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CPC_AssayDescription_Base (const CPC_AssayDescription_Base &) |
CPC_AssayDescription_Base & | CPC_AssayDescription_Base::operator= (const CPC_AssayDescription_Base &) |
| CPC_AssayDRAttr::CPC_AssayDRAttr (void) |
| CPC_AssayDRAttr::~CPC_AssayDRAttr (void) |
| CPC_AssayDRAttr::CPC_AssayDRAttr (const CPC_AssayDRAttr &value) |
CPC_AssayDRAttr & | CPC_AssayDRAttr::operator= (const CPC_AssayDRAttr &value) |
| CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base (void) |
virtual | CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::~CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base (void) |
static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues *ENUM_METHOD_NAME() | CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::EType (void) |
| Access to EType's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::IsSetId (void) const |
| Unique dose-response test set identifier Note: A valid ID is greater than "0" Check if a value has been assigned to Id data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::CanGetId (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetId method. More...
void | CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::ResetId (void) |
| Reset Id data member. More...
TId | CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::GetId (void) const |
| Get the Id member data. More...
void | CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::SetId (TId value) |
| Assign a value to Id data member. More...
TId & | CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::SetId (void) |
| Assign a value to Id data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::IsSetDescr (void) const |
| Dose-Response Curve Description (used as curve title) Check if a value has been assigned to Descr data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::CanGetDescr (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetDescr method. More...
void | CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::ResetDescr (void) |
| Reset Descr data member. More...
const TDescr & | CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::GetDescr (void) const |
| Get the Descr member data. More...
void | CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::SetDescr (const TDescr &value) |
| Assign a value to Descr data member. More...
void | CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::SetDescr (TDescr &&value) |
TDescr & | CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::SetDescr (void) |
| Assign a value to Descr data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::IsSetDn (void) const |
| Dose Axis Description (used as axis name) Check if a value has been assigned to Dn data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::CanGetDn (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetDn method. More...
void | CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::ResetDn (void) |
| Reset Dn data member. More...
const TDn & | CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::GetDn (void) const |
| Get the Dn member data. More...
void | CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::SetDn (const TDn &value) |
| Assign a value to Dn data member. More...
void | CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::SetDn (TDn &&value) |
TDn & | CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::SetDn (void) |
| Assign a value to Dn data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::IsSetRn (void) const |
| Response Axis Description (used as axis name) Check if a value has been assigned to Rn data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::CanGetRn (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetRn method. More...
void | CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::ResetRn (void) |
| Reset Rn data member. More...
const TRn & | CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::GetRn (void) const |
| Get the Rn member data. More...
void | CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::SetRn (const TRn &value) |
| Assign a value to Rn data member. More...
void | CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::SetRn (TRn &&value) |
TRn & | CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::SetRn (void) |
| Assign a value to Rn data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::IsSetType (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Type data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::CanGetType (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetType method. More...
void | CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::ResetType (void) |
| Reset Type data member. More...
TType | CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::GetType (void) const |
| Get the Type member data. More...
void | CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::SetType (TType value) |
| Assign a value to Type data member. More...
TType & | CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::SetType (void) |
| Assign a value to Type data member. More...
virtual void | CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
| CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base (const CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base &) |
CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base & | CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::operator= (const CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base &) |
| CPC_AssayPanel::CPC_AssayPanel (void) |
| CPC_AssayPanel::~CPC_AssayPanel (void) |
| CPC_AssayPanel::CPC_AssayPanel (const CPC_AssayPanel &value) |
CPC_AssayPanel & | CPC_AssayPanel::operator= (const CPC_AssayPanel &value) |
| CPC_AssayPanel_Base::CPC_AssayPanel_Base (void) |
virtual | CPC_AssayPanel_Base::~CPC_AssayPanel_Base (void) |
bool | CPC_AssayPanel_Base::IsSetName (void) const |
| short name for the panel, such as 'Kinase Profiling' Check if a value has been assigned to Name data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayPanel_Base::CanGetName (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetName method. More...
void | CPC_AssayPanel_Base::ResetName (void) |
| Reset Name data member. More...
const TName & | CPC_AssayPanel_Base::GetName (void) const |
| Get the Name member data. More...
void | CPC_AssayPanel_Base::SetName (const TName &value) |
| Assign a value to Name data member. More...
void | CPC_AssayPanel_Base::SetName (TName &&value) |
TName & | CPC_AssayPanel_Base::SetName (void) |
| Assign a value to Name data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayPanel_Base::IsSetDescr (void) const |
| short description of this panel Check if a value has been assigned to Descr data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayPanel_Base::CanGetDescr (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetDescr method. More...
void | CPC_AssayPanel_Base::ResetDescr (void) |
| Reset Descr data member. More...
const TDescr & | CPC_AssayPanel_Base::GetDescr (void) const |
| Get the Descr member data. More...
void | CPC_AssayPanel_Base::SetDescr (const TDescr &value) |
| Assign a value to Descr data member. More...
void | CPC_AssayPanel_Base::SetDescr (TDescr &&value) |
TDescr & | CPC_AssayPanel_Base::SetDescr (void) |
| Assign a value to Descr data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayPanel_Base::IsSetMember (void) const |
| store panel member information Check if a value has been assigned to Member data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayPanel_Base::CanGetMember (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetMember method. More...
void | CPC_AssayPanel_Base::ResetMember (void) |
| Reset Member data member. More...
const TMember & | CPC_AssayPanel_Base::GetMember (void) const |
| Get the Member member data. More...
TMember & | CPC_AssayPanel_Base::SetMember (void) |
| Assign a value to Member data member. More...
virtual void | CPC_AssayPanel_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
| CPC_AssayPanel_Base::CPC_AssayPanel_Base (const CPC_AssayPanel_Base &) |
CPC_AssayPanel_Base & | CPC_AssayPanel_Base::operator= (const CPC_AssayPanel_Base &) |
| CPC_AssayPanelMember::CPC_AssayPanelMember (void) |
| CPC_AssayPanelMember::~CPC_AssayPanelMember (void) |
| CPC_AssayPanelMember::CPC_AssayPanelMember (const CPC_AssayPanelMember &value) |
CPC_AssayPanelMember & | CPC_AssayPanelMember::operator= (const CPC_AssayPanelMember &value) |
| CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base (void) |
virtual | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::~CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base (void) |
| CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO () |
static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues *ENUM_METHOD_NAME() | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::EActivity_outcome_method (void) |
| Access to EActivity_outcome_method's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec. More...
bool | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::IsSetMid (void) const |
| ID for panel member if a kinase panel with 300 kinases, ID will range from 1 to 300 TIDs of the same panel member to be grouped based on panel member ID Check if a value has been assigned to Mid data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::CanGetMid (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetMid method. More...
void | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::ResetMid (void) |
| Reset Mid data member. More...
TMid | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::GetMid (void) const |
| Get the Mid member data. More...
void | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::SetMid (TMid value) |
| Assign a value to Mid data member. More...
TMid & | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::SetMid (void) |
| Assign a value to Mid data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::IsSetName (void) const |
| short name for this panel member Check if a value has been assigned to Name data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::CanGetName (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetName method. More...
void | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::ResetName (void) |
| Reset Name data member. More...
const TName & | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::GetName (void) const |
| Get the Name member data. More...
void | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::SetName (const TName &value) |
| Assign a value to Name data member. More...
void | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::SetName (TName &&value) |
TName & | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::SetName (void) |
| Assign a value to Name data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::IsSetDescription (void) const |
| description about specifics of this panel member such as about cell line, or target information Check if a value has been assigned to Description data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::CanGetDescription (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetDescription method. More...
void | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::ResetDescription (void) |
| Reset Description data member. More...
const TDescription & | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::GetDescription (void) const |
| Get the Description member data. More...
void | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::SetDescription (const TDescription &value) |
| Assign a value to Description data member. More...
void | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::SetDescription (TDescription &&value) |
TDescription & | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::SetDescription (void) |
| Assign a value to Description data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::IsSetProtocol (void) const |
| Specific procedure used to generate results for the panel member Check if a value has been assigned to Protocol data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::CanGetProtocol (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetProtocol method. More...
void | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::ResetProtocol (void) |
| Reset Protocol data member. More...
const TProtocol & | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::GetProtocol (void) const |
| Get the Protocol member data. More...
TProtocol & | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::SetProtocol (void) |
| Assign a value to Protocol data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::IsSetComment (void) const |
| Comments or additional information Check if a value has been assigned to Comment data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::CanGetComment (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetComment method. More...
void | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::ResetComment (void) |
| Reset Comment data member. More...
const TComment & | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::GetComment (void) const |
| Get the Comment member data. More...
TComment & | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::SetComment (void) |
| Assign a value to Comment data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::IsSetTarget (void) const |
| often provided for profiling assays across protein families Check if a value has been assigned to Target data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::CanGetTarget (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetTarget method. More...
void | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::ResetTarget (void) |
| Reset Target data member. More...
const TTarget & | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::GetTarget (void) const |
| Get the Target member data. More...
TTarget & | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::SetTarget (void) |
| Assign a value to Target data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::IsSetXref (void) const |
| annotated Cross-Reference Information Check if a value has been assigned to Xref data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::CanGetXref (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetXref method. More...
void | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::ResetXref (void) |
| Reset Xref data member. More...
const TXref & | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::GetXref (void) const |
| Get the Xref member data. More...
TXref & | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::SetXref (void) |
| Assign a value to Xref data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::IsSetActivity_outcome_method (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Activity_outcome_method data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::CanGetActivity_outcome_method (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetActivity_outcome_method method. More...
void | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::ResetActivity_outcome_method (void) |
| Reset Activity_outcome_method data member. More...
TActivity_outcome_method | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::GetActivity_outcome_method (void) const |
| Get the Activity_outcome_method member data. More...
void | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::SetActivity_outcome_method (TActivity_outcome_method value) |
| Assign a value to Activity_outcome_method data member. More...
TActivity_outcome_method & | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::SetActivity_outcome_method (void) |
| Assign a value to Activity_outcome_method data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::IsSetDr (void) const |
| Dose-Response Attribution within the panel member Check if a value has been assigned to Dr data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::CanGetDr (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetDr method. More...
void | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::ResetDr (void) |
| Reset Dr data member. More...
const TDr & | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::GetDr (void) const |
| Get the Dr member data. More...
TDr & | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::SetDr (void) |
| Assign a value to Dr data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::IsSetCategorized_comment (void) const |
| to report categorized description/comment by associating with a category title Check if a value has been assigned to Categorized_comment data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::CanGetCategorized_comment (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetCategorized_comment method. More...
void | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::ResetCategorized_comment (void) |
| Reset Categorized_comment data member. More...
const TCategorized_comment & | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::GetCategorized_comment (void) const |
| Get the Categorized_comment member data. More...
TCategorized_comment & | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::SetCategorized_comment (void) |
| Assign a value to Categorized_comment data member. More...
virtual void | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
| CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base (const CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base &) |
CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base & | CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::operator= (const CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base &) |
| CPC_AssayPanelTestResult::CPC_AssayPanelTestResult (void) |
| CPC_AssayPanelTestResult::~CPC_AssayPanelTestResult (void) |
| CPC_AssayPanelTestResult::CPC_AssayPanelTestResult (const CPC_AssayPanelTestResult &value) |
CPC_AssayPanelTestResult & | CPC_AssayPanelTestResult::operator= (const CPC_AssayPanelTestResult &value) |
| CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base (void) |
virtual | CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::~CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base (void) |
| CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO () |
static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues *ENUM_METHOD_NAME() | CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::EReadout_annot (void) |
| Access to EReadout_annot's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec. More...
bool | CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::IsSetMid (void) const |
| panel member ID, see PC-AssayPanelMemberInfo track association between a group of TIDs and panel member Check if a value has been assigned to Mid data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::CanGetMid (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetMid method. More...
void | CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::ResetMid (void) |
| Reset Mid data member. More...
TMid | CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::GetMid (void) const |
| Get the Mid member data. More...
void | CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::SetMid (TMid value) |
| Assign a value to Mid data member. More...
TMid & | CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::SetMid (void) |
| Assign a value to Mid data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::IsSetReadout_annot (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Readout_annot data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::CanGetReadout_annot (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetReadout_annot method. More...
void | CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::ResetReadout_annot (void) |
| Reset Readout_annot data member. More...
void | CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::SetDefaultReadout_annot (void) |
| Assign default value to Readout_annot data member. More...
TReadout_annot | CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::GetReadout_annot (void) const |
| Get the Readout_annot member data. More...
void | CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::SetReadout_annot (TReadout_annot value) |
| Assign a value to Readout_annot data member. More...
TReadout_annot & | CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::SetReadout_annot (void) |
| Assign a value to Readout_annot data member. More...
virtual void | CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
| CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base (const CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base &) |
CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base & | CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::operator= (const CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base &) |
| CPC_AssayResults::CPC_AssayResults (void) |
| CPC_AssayResults::~CPC_AssayResults (void) |
| CPC_AssayResults::CPC_AssayResults (const CPC_AssayResults &value) |
CPC_AssayResults & | CPC_AssayResults::operator= (const CPC_AssayResults &value) |
| CPC_AssayResults_Base::CPC_AssayResults_Base (void) |
virtual | CPC_AssayResults_Base::~CPC_AssayResults_Base (void) |
static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues *ENUM_METHOD_NAME() | CPC_AssayResults_Base::EOutcome (void) |
| Access to EOutcome's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec. More...
bool | CPC_AssayResults_Base::IsSetSid (void) const |
| Internal/External Tracking Information Tested Substance ID/Version [Either valid ID or, if "sid-source" is used, this is a "0" value] Note: A valid ID is greater than "0" Check if a value has been assigned to Sid data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayResults_Base::CanGetSid (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetSid method. More...
void | CPC_AssayResults_Base::ResetSid (void) |
| Reset Sid data member. More...
TSid | CPC_AssayResults_Base::GetSid (void) const |
| Get the Sid member data. More...
void | CPC_AssayResults_Base::SetSid (TSid value) |
| Assign a value to Sid data member. More...
TSid & | CPC_AssayResults_Base::SetSid (void) |
| Assign a value to Sid data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayResults_Base::IsSetSid_source (void) const |
| External Identifier for this Substance Note: May be used in-lieu of "sid" Note: This is non-optional if "sid" is "0" Check if a value has been assigned to Sid_source data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayResults_Base::CanGetSid_source (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetSid_source method. More...
void | CPC_AssayResults_Base::ResetSid_source (void) |
| Reset Sid_source data member. More...
const TSid_source & | CPC_AssayResults_Base::GetSid_source (void) const |
| Get the Sid_source member data. More...
void | CPC_AssayResults_Base::SetSid_source (TSid_source &value) |
| Assign a value to Sid_source data member. More...
TSid_source & | CPC_AssayResults_Base::SetSid_source (void) |
| Assign a value to Sid_source data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayResults_Base::IsSetVersion (void) const |
| Version identifier for this AID-SID Result Note: Incoming data should set this to be "0" Check if a value has been assigned to Version data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayResults_Base::CanGetVersion (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetVersion method. More...
void | CPC_AssayResults_Base::ResetVersion (void) |
| Reset Version data member. More...
TVersion | CPC_AssayResults_Base::GetVersion (void) const |
| Get the Version member data. More...
void | CPC_AssayResults_Base::SetVersion (TVersion value) |
| Assign a value to Version data member. More...
TVersion & | CPC_AssayResults_Base::SetVersion (void) |
| Assign a value to Version data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayResults_Base::IsSetComment (void) const |
| Data Annotation/Qualifier and URL to further Depositor Information Annotation or qualifier for this Result Check if a value has been assigned to Comment data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayResults_Base::CanGetComment (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetComment method. More...
void | CPC_AssayResults_Base::ResetComment (void) |
| Reset Comment data member. More...
const TComment & | CPC_AssayResults_Base::GetComment (void) const |
| Get the Comment member data. More...
void | CPC_AssayResults_Base::SetComment (const TComment &value) |
| Assign a value to Comment data member. More...
void | CPC_AssayResults_Base::SetComment (TComment &&value) |
TComment & | CPC_AssayResults_Base::SetComment (void) |
| Assign a value to Comment data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayResults_Base::IsSetOutcome (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Outcome data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayResults_Base::CanGetOutcome (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetOutcome method. More...
void | CPC_AssayResults_Base::ResetOutcome (void) |
| Reset Outcome data member. More...
void | CPC_AssayResults_Base::SetDefaultOutcome (void) |
| Assign default value to Outcome data member. More...
TOutcome | CPC_AssayResults_Base::GetOutcome (void) const |
| Get the Outcome member data. More...
void | CPC_AssayResults_Base::SetOutcome (TOutcome value) |
| Assign a value to Outcome data member. More...
TOutcome & | CPC_AssayResults_Base::SetOutcome (void) |
| Assign a value to Outcome data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayResults_Base::IsSetRank (void) const |
| Rank of Assay Outcome (for result ordering) Note: Larger numbers are more active Check if a value has been assigned to Rank data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayResults_Base::CanGetRank (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetRank method. More...
void | CPC_AssayResults_Base::ResetRank (void) |
| Reset Rank data member. More...
TRank | CPC_AssayResults_Base::GetRank (void) const |
| Get the Rank member data. More...
void | CPC_AssayResults_Base::SetRank (TRank value) |
| Assign a value to Rank data member. More...
TRank & | CPC_AssayResults_Base::SetRank (void) |
| Assign a value to Rank data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayResults_Base::IsSetData (void) const |
| Assay Data Reported for this SID (vector) Check if a value has been assigned to Data data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayResults_Base::CanGetData (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetData method. More...
void | CPC_AssayResults_Base::ResetData (void) |
| Reset Data data member. More...
const TData & | CPC_AssayResults_Base::GetData (void) const |
| Get the Data member data. More...
TData & | CPC_AssayResults_Base::SetData (void) |
| Assign a value to Data data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayResults_Base::IsSetUrl (void) const |
| Depositor provided URL for this Result Check if a value has been assigned to Url data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayResults_Base::CanGetUrl (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetUrl method. More...
void | CPC_AssayResults_Base::ResetUrl (void) |
| Reset Url data member. More...
const TUrl & | CPC_AssayResults_Base::GetUrl (void) const |
| Get the Url member data. More...
void | CPC_AssayResults_Base::SetUrl (const TUrl &value) |
| Assign a value to Url data member. More...
void | CPC_AssayResults_Base::SetUrl (TUrl &&value) |
TUrl & | CPC_AssayResults_Base::SetUrl (void) |
| Assign a value to Url data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayResults_Base::IsSetXref (void) const |
| annotated Cross-Reference Information to be removed, instead regulard TID will be generated which are then annotated by xref type Check if a value has been assigned to Xref data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayResults_Base::CanGetXref (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetXref method. More...
void | CPC_AssayResults_Base::ResetXref (void) |
| Reset Xref data member. More...
const TXref & | CPC_AssayResults_Base::GetXref (void) const |
| Get the Xref member data. More...
TXref & | CPC_AssayResults_Base::SetXref (void) |
| Assign a value to Xref data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayResults_Base::IsSetDate (void) const |
| Pubchem Release Date Check if a value has been assigned to Date data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayResults_Base::CanGetDate (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetDate method. More...
void | CPC_AssayResults_Base::ResetDate (void) |
| Reset Date data member. More...
const TDate & | CPC_AssayResults_Base::GetDate (void) const |
| Get the Date member data. More...
void | CPC_AssayResults_Base::SetDate (TDate &value) |
| Assign a value to Date data member. More...
TDate & | CPC_AssayResults_Base::SetDate (void) |
| Assign a value to Date data member. More...
virtual void | CPC_AssayResults_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
| CPC_AssayResults_Base::CPC_AssayResults_Base (const CPC_AssayResults_Base &) |
CPC_AssayResults_Base & | CPC_AssayResults_Base::operator= (const CPC_AssayResults_Base &) |
| CPC_AssaySubmit::CPC_AssaySubmit (void) |
| CPC_AssaySubmit::~CPC_AssaySubmit (void) |
| CPC_AssaySubmit::CPC_AssaySubmit (const CPC_AssaySubmit &value) |
CPC_AssaySubmit & | CPC_AssaySubmit::operator= (const CPC_AssaySubmit &value) |
| CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::CPC_AssaySubmit_Base (void) |
virtual | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::~CPC_AssaySubmit_Base (void) |
| CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::C_Assay (void) |
| CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::~C_Assay (void) |
| CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO () |
void | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
void | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::ResetSelection (void) |
| Reset the selection (set it to e_not_set). More...
E_Choice | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::Which (void) const |
| Which variant is currently selected. More...
void | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::CheckSelected (E_Choice index) const |
| Verify selection, throw exception if it differs from the expected. More...
void | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::ThrowInvalidSelection (E_Choice index) const |
| Throw 'InvalidSelection' exception. More...
static string | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::SelectionName (E_Choice index) |
| Retrieve selection name (for diagnostic purposes). More...
void | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset=eDoResetVariant) |
| Select the requested variant if needed. More...
void | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset, CObjectMemoryPool *pool) |
| Select the requested variant if needed, allocating CObject variants from memory pool. More...
bool | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::IsAid (void) const |
| Check if variant Aid is selected. More...
TAid | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::GetAid (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TAid & | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::SetAid (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::SetAid (TAid value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::IsAid_source (void) const |
| Check if variant Aid_source is selected. More...
const TAid_source & | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::GetAid_source (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TAid_source & | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::SetAid_source (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::SetAid_source (TAid_source &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::IsDescr (void) const |
| Check if variant Descr is selected. More...
const TDescr & | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::GetDescr (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TDescr & | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::SetDescr (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::SetDescr (TDescr &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::IsAidver (void) const |
| Check if variant Aidver is selected. More...
const TAidver & | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::GetAidver (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TAidver & | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::SetAidver (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::SetAidver (TAidver &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
| CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::C_Assay (const C_Assay &) |
C_Assay & | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::operator= (const C_Assay &) |
void | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::DoSelect (E_Choice index, CObjectMemoryPool *pool=0) |
bool | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::IsSetAssay (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Assay data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::CanGetAssay (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetAssay method. More...
void | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::ResetAssay (void) |
| Reset Assay data member. More...
const TAssay & | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::GetAssay (void) const |
| Get the Assay member data. More...
void | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::SetAssay (TAssay &value) |
| Assign a value to Assay data member. More...
TAssay & | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::SetAssay (void) |
| Assign a value to Assay data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::IsSetData (void) const |
| Assay Data Deposition (vector) Check if a value has been assigned to Data data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::CanGetData (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetData method. More...
void | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::ResetData (void) |
| Reset Data data member. More...
const TData & | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::GetData (void) const |
| Get the Data member data. More...
TData & | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::SetData (void) |
| Assign a value to Data data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::IsSetRevoke (void) const |
| List of SID's whose data is to be suppressed Check if a value has been assigned to Revoke data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::CanGetRevoke (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetRevoke method. More...
void | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::ResetRevoke (void) |
| Reset Revoke data member. More...
const TRevoke & | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::GetRevoke (void) const |
| Get the Revoke member data. More...
TRevoke & | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::SetRevoke (void) |
| Assign a value to Revoke data member. More...
virtual void | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
| CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::CPC_AssaySubmit_Base (const CPC_AssaySubmit_Base &) |
CPC_AssaySubmit_Base & | CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::operator= (const CPC_AssaySubmit_Base &) |
| CPC_AssayTargetInfo::CPC_AssayTargetInfo (void) |
| CPC_AssayTargetInfo::~CPC_AssayTargetInfo (void) |
| CPC_AssayTargetInfo::CPC_AssayTargetInfo (const CPC_AssayTargetInfo &value) |
CPC_AssayTargetInfo & | CPC_AssayTargetInfo::operator= (const CPC_AssayTargetInfo &value) |
| CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base (void) |
virtual | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::~CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base (void) |
static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues *ENUM_METHOD_NAME() | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::EMolecule_type (void) |
| Access to EMolecule_type's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec. More...
bool | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::IsSetName (void) const |
| Molecular name of target Check if a value has been assigned to Name data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::CanGetName (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetName method. More...
void | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::ResetName (void) |
| Reset Name data member. More...
const TName & | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::GetName (void) const |
| Get the Name member data. More...
void | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::SetName (const TName &value) |
| Assign a value to Name data member. More...
void | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::SetName (TName &&value) |
TName & | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::SetName (void) |
| Assign a value to Name data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::IsSetMol_id (void) const |
| NCBI database identifier of the target molecule Check if a value has been assigned to Mol_id data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::CanGetMol_id (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetMol_id method. More...
void | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::ResetMol_id (void) |
| Reset Mol_id data member. More...
TMol_id | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::GetMol_id (void) const |
| Get the Mol_id member data. More...
void | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::SetMol_id (TMol_id value) |
| Assign a value to Mol_id data member. More...
TMol_id & | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::SetMol_id (void) |
| Assign a value to Mol_id data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::IsSetMolecule_type (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Molecule_type data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::CanGetMolecule_type (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetMolecule_type method. More...
void | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::ResetMolecule_type (void) |
| Reset Molecule_type data member. More...
void | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::SetDefaultMolecule_type (void) |
| Assign default value to Molecule_type data member. More...
TMolecule_type | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::GetMolecule_type (void) const |
| Get the Molecule_type member data. More...
void | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::SetMolecule_type (TMolecule_type value) |
| Assign a value to Molecule_type data member. More...
TMolecule_type & | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::SetMolecule_type (void) |
| Assign a value to Molecule_type data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::IsSetOrganism (void) const |
| Target Organism Check if a value has been assigned to Organism data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::CanGetOrganism (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetOrganism method. More...
void | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::ResetOrganism (void) |
| Reset Organism data member. More...
const TOrganism & | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::GetOrganism (void) const |
| Get the Organism member data. More...
void | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::SetOrganism (TOrganism &value) |
| Assign a value to Organism data member. More...
TOrganism & | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::SetOrganism (void) |
| Assign a value to Organism data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::IsSetDescr (void) const |
| Target Description (e.g., cellular functionality and location) Check if a value has been assigned to Descr data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::CanGetDescr (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetDescr method. More...
void | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::ResetDescr (void) |
| Reset Descr data member. More...
const TDescr & | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::GetDescr (void) const |
| Get the Descr member data. More...
void | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::SetDescr (const TDescr &value) |
| Assign a value to Descr data member. More...
void | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::SetDescr (TDescr &&value) |
TDescr & | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::SetDescr (void) |
| Assign a value to Descr data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::IsSetComment (void) const |
| Comments or Additional Information Check if a value has been assigned to Comment data member. More...
bool | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::CanGetComment (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetComment method. More...
void | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::ResetComment (void) |
| Reset Comment data member. More...
const TComment & | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::GetComment (void) const |
| Get the Comment member data. More...
TComment & | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::SetComment (void) |
| Assign a value to Comment data member. More...
virtual void | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
| CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base (const CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base &) |
CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base & | CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::operator= (const CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base &) |
| CPC_CategorizedComment::CPC_CategorizedComment (void) |
| CPC_CategorizedComment::~CPC_CategorizedComment (void) |
| CPC_CategorizedComment::CPC_CategorizedComment (const CPC_CategorizedComment &value) |
CPC_CategorizedComment & | CPC_CategorizedComment::operator= (const CPC_CategorizedComment &value) |
| CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::CPC_CategorizedComment_Base (void) |
virtual | CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::~CPC_CategorizedComment_Base (void) |
| CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO () |
bool | CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::IsSetTitle (void) const |
| title for the description/comment Check if a value has been assigned to Title data member. More...
bool | CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::CanGetTitle (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetTitle method. More...
void | CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::ResetTitle (void) |
| Reset Title data member. More...
const TTitle & | CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::GetTitle (void) const |
| Get the Title member data. More...
void | CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::SetTitle (const TTitle &value) |
| Assign a value to Title data member. More...
void | CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::SetTitle (TTitle &&value) |
TTitle & | CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::SetTitle (void) |
| Assign a value to Title data member. More...
bool | CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::IsSetComment (void) const |
| description/comment content Check if a value has been assigned to Comment data member. More...
bool | CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::CanGetComment (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetComment method. More...
void | CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::ResetComment (void) |
| Reset Comment data member. More...
const TComment & | CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::GetComment (void) const |
| Get the Comment member data. More...
TComment & | CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::SetComment (void) |
| Assign a value to Comment data member. More...
virtual void | CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
| CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::CPC_CategorizedComment_Base (const CPC_CategorizedComment_Base &) |
CPC_CategorizedComment_Base & | CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::operator= (const CPC_CategorizedComment_Base &) |
| CPC_ConcentrationAttr::CPC_ConcentrationAttr (void) |
| CPC_ConcentrationAttr::~CPC_ConcentrationAttr (void) |
| CPC_ConcentrationAttr::CPC_ConcentrationAttr (const CPC_ConcentrationAttr &value) |
CPC_ConcentrationAttr & | CPC_ConcentrationAttr::operator= (const CPC_ConcentrationAttr &value) |
| CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base (void) |
virtual | CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::~CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base (void) |
| CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO () |
static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues *ENUM_METHOD_NAME() | CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::EUnit (void) |
| Access to EUnit's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec. More...
bool | CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::IsSetConcentration (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Concentration data member. More...
bool | CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::CanGetConcentration (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetConcentration method. More...
void | CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::ResetConcentration (void) |
| Reset Concentration data member. More...
TConcentration | CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::GetConcentration (void) const |
| Get the Concentration member data. More...
void | CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::SetConcentration (TConcentration value) |
| Assign a value to Concentration data member. More...
TConcentration & | CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::SetConcentration (void) |
| Assign a value to Concentration data member. More...
bool | CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::IsSetUnit (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Unit data member. More...
bool | CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::CanGetUnit (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetUnit method. More...
void | CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::ResetUnit (void) |
| Reset Unit data member. More...
TUnit | CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::GetUnit (void) const |
| Get the Unit member data. More...
void | CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::SetUnit (TUnit value) |
| Assign a value to Unit data member. More...
TUnit & | CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::SetUnit (void) |
| Assign a value to Unit data member. More...
bool | CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::IsSetDr_id (void) const |
| Dose-Response Attribution ID (if applicable) Check if a value has been assigned to Dr_id data member. More...
bool | CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::CanGetDr_id (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetDr_id method. More...
void | CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::ResetDr_id (void) |
| Reset Dr_id data member. More...
TDr_id | CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::GetDr_id (void) const |
| Get the Dr_id member data. More...
void | CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::SetDr_id (TDr_id value) |
| Assign a value to Dr_id data member. More...
TDr_id & | CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::SetDr_id (void) |
| Assign a value to Dr_id data member. More...
virtual void | CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
| CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base (const CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base &) |
CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base & | CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::operator= (const CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base &) |
| CPC_IntegerMinMax::CPC_IntegerMinMax (void) |
| CPC_IntegerMinMax::~CPC_IntegerMinMax (void) |
| CPC_IntegerMinMax::CPC_IntegerMinMax (const CPC_IntegerMinMax &value) |
CPC_IntegerMinMax & | CPC_IntegerMinMax::operator= (const CPC_IntegerMinMax &value) |
| CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base (void) |
virtual | CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::~CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base (void) |
bool | CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::IsSetMin (void) const |
| Minimum Value Allowed Check if a value has been assigned to Min data member. More...
bool | CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::CanGetMin (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetMin method. More...
void | CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::ResetMin (void) |
| Reset Min data member. More...
TMin | CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::GetMin (void) const |
| Get the Min member data. More...
void | CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::SetMin (TMin value) |
| Assign a value to Min data member. More...
TMin & | CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::SetMin (void) |
| Assign a value to Min data member. More...
bool | CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::IsSetMax (void) const |
| Maximum Value Allowed Check if a value has been assigned to Max data member. More...
bool | CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::CanGetMax (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetMax method. More...
void | CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::ResetMax (void) |
| Reset Max data member. More...
TMax | CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::GetMax (void) const |
| Get the Max member data. More...
void | CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::SetMax (TMax value) |
| Assign a value to Max data member. More...
TMax & | CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::SetMax (void) |
| Assign a value to Max data member. More...
virtual void | CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
| CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base (const CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base &) |
CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base & | CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::operator= (const CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base &) |
| CPC_RealMinMax::CPC_RealMinMax (void) |
| CPC_RealMinMax::~CPC_RealMinMax (void) |
| CPC_RealMinMax::CPC_RealMinMax (const CPC_RealMinMax &value) |
CPC_RealMinMax & | CPC_RealMinMax::operator= (const CPC_RealMinMax &value) |
| CPC_RealMinMax_Base::CPC_RealMinMax_Base (void) |
virtual | CPC_RealMinMax_Base::~CPC_RealMinMax_Base (void) |
bool | CPC_RealMinMax_Base::IsSetMin (void) const |
| Minimum Value Allowed Check if a value has been assigned to Min data member. More...
bool | CPC_RealMinMax_Base::CanGetMin (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetMin method. More...
void | CPC_RealMinMax_Base::ResetMin (void) |
| Reset Min data member. More...
TMin | CPC_RealMinMax_Base::GetMin (void) const |
| Get the Min member data. More...
void | CPC_RealMinMax_Base::SetMin (TMin value) |
| Assign a value to Min data member. More...
TMin & | CPC_RealMinMax_Base::SetMin (void) |
| Assign a value to Min data member. More...
bool | CPC_RealMinMax_Base::IsSetMax (void) const |
| Maximum Value Allowed Check if a value has been assigned to Max data member. More...
bool | CPC_RealMinMax_Base::CanGetMax (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetMax method. More...
void | CPC_RealMinMax_Base::ResetMax (void) |
| Reset Max data member. More...
TMax | CPC_RealMinMax_Base::GetMax (void) const |
| Get the Max member data. More...
void | CPC_RealMinMax_Base::SetMax (TMax value) |
| Assign a value to Max data member. More...
TMax & | CPC_RealMinMax_Base::SetMax (void) |
| Assign a value to Max data member. More...
virtual void | CPC_RealMinMax_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
| CPC_RealMinMax_Base::CPC_RealMinMax_Base (const CPC_RealMinMax_Base &) |
CPC_RealMinMax_Base & | CPC_RealMinMax_Base::operator= (const CPC_RealMinMax_Base &) |
| CPC_ResultType::CPC_ResultType (void) |
| CPC_ResultType::~CPC_ResultType (void) |
| CPC_ResultType::CPC_ResultType (const CPC_ResultType &value) |
CPC_ResultType & | CPC_ResultType::operator= (const CPC_ResultType &value) |
| CPC_ResultType_Base::CPC_ResultType_Base (void) |
virtual | CPC_ResultType_Base::~CPC_ResultType_Base (void) |
static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues *ENUM_METHOD_NAME() | CPC_ResultType_Base::EType (void) |
| Access to EType's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec. More...
| CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::C_Constraints (void) |
| CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::~C_Constraints (void) |
| CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO () |
void | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
void | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::ResetSelection (void) |
| Reset the selection (set it to e_not_set). More...
E_Choice | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::Which (void) const |
| Which variant is currently selected. More...
void | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::CheckSelected (E_Choice index) const |
| Verify selection, throw exception if it differs from the expected. More...
void | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::ThrowInvalidSelection (E_Choice index) const |
| Throw 'InvalidSelection' exception. More...
static string | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::SelectionName (E_Choice index) |
| Retrieve selection name (for diagnostic purposes). More...
void | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset=eDoResetVariant) |
| Select the requested variant if needed. More...
void | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset, CObjectMemoryPool *pool) |
| Select the requested variant if needed, allocating CObject variants from memory pool. More...
bool | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::IsFset (void) const |
| Check if variant Fset is selected. More...
const TFset & | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::GetFset (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TFset & | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::SetFset (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
bool | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::IsFmin (void) const |
| Check if variant Fmin is selected. More...
TFmin | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::GetFmin (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TFmin & | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::SetFmin (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::SetFmin (TFmin value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::IsFmax (void) const |
| Check if variant Fmax is selected. More...
TFmax | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::GetFmax (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TFmax & | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::SetFmax (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::SetFmax (TFmax value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::IsFrange (void) const |
| Check if variant Frange is selected. More...
const TFrange & | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::GetFrange (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TFrange & | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::SetFrange (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::SetFrange (TFrange &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::IsIset (void) const |
| Check if variant Iset is selected. More...
const TIset & | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::GetIset (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TIset & | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::SetIset (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
bool | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::IsImin (void) const |
| Check if variant Imin is selected. More...
TImin | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::GetImin (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TImin & | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::SetImin (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::SetImin (TImin value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::IsImax (void) const |
| Check if variant Imax is selected. More...
TImax | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::GetImax (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TImax & | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::SetImax (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::SetImax (TImax value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::IsIrange (void) const |
| Check if variant Irange is selected. More...
const TIrange & | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::GetIrange (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TIrange & | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::SetIrange (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::SetIrange (TIrange &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::IsSset (void) const |
| Check if variant Sset is selected. More...
const TSset & | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::GetSset (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TSset & | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::SetSset (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
| CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::C_Constraints (const C_Constraints &) |
C_Constraints & | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::operator= (const C_Constraints &) |
void | CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::DoSelect (E_Choice index, CObjectMemoryPool *pool=0) |
static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues *ENUM_METHOD_NAME() | CPC_ResultType_Base::EUnit (void) |
| Access to EUnit's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec. More...
static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues *ENUM_METHOD_NAME() | CPC_ResultType_Base::ETransform (void) |
| Access to ETransform's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec. More...
static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues *ENUM_METHOD_NAME() | CPC_ResultType_Base::EAnnot (void) |
| Access to EAnnot's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec. More...
bool | CPC_ResultType_Base::IsSetTid (void) const |
| Tracking or Description Information Assay Result Field Type ID (TID) Check if a value has been assigned to Tid data member. More...
bool | CPC_ResultType_Base::CanGetTid (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetTid method. More...
void | CPC_ResultType_Base::ResetTid (void) |
| Reset Tid data member. More...
TTid | CPC_ResultType_Base::GetTid (void) const |
| Get the Tid member data. More...
void | CPC_ResultType_Base::SetTid (TTid value) |
| Assign a value to Tid data member. More...
TTid & | CPC_ResultType_Base::SetTid (void) |
| Assign a value to Tid data member. More...
bool | CPC_ResultType_Base::IsSetName (void) const |
| Result Field Name (short name for display) Check if a value has been assigned to Name data member. More...
bool | CPC_ResultType_Base::CanGetName (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetName method. More...
void | CPC_ResultType_Base::ResetName (void) |
| Reset Name data member. More...
const TName & | CPC_ResultType_Base::GetName (void) const |
| Get the Name member data. More...
void | CPC_ResultType_Base::SetName (const TName &value) |
| Assign a value to Name data member. More...
void | CPC_ResultType_Base::SetName (TName &&value) |
TName & | CPC_ResultType_Base::SetName (void) |
| Assign a value to Name data member. More...
bool | CPC_ResultType_Base::IsSetDescription (void) const |
| Result Field Description Check if a value has been assigned to Description data member. More...
bool | CPC_ResultType_Base::CanGetDescription (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetDescription method. More...
void | CPC_ResultType_Base::ResetDescription (void) |
| Reset Description data member. More...
const TDescription & | CPC_ResultType_Base::GetDescription (void) const |
| Get the Description member data. More...
TDescription & | CPC_ResultType_Base::SetDescription (void) |
| Assign a value to Description data member. More...
bool | CPC_ResultType_Base::IsSetType (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Type data member. More...
bool | CPC_ResultType_Base::CanGetType (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetType method. More...
void | CPC_ResultType_Base::ResetType (void) |
| Reset Type data member. More...
TType | CPC_ResultType_Base::GetType (void) const |
| Get the Type member data. More...
void | CPC_ResultType_Base::SetType (TType value) |
| Assign a value to Type data member. More...
TType & | CPC_ResultType_Base::SetType (void) |
| Assign a value to Type data member. More...
bool | CPC_ResultType_Base::IsSetConstraints (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Constraints data member. More...
bool | CPC_ResultType_Base::CanGetConstraints (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetConstraints method. More...
void | CPC_ResultType_Base::ResetConstraints (void) |
| Reset Constraints data member. More...
const TConstraints & | CPC_ResultType_Base::GetConstraints (void) const |
| Get the Constraints member data. More...
void | CPC_ResultType_Base::SetConstraints (TConstraints &value) |
| Assign a value to Constraints data member. More...
TConstraints & | CPC_ResultType_Base::SetConstraints (void) |
| Assign a value to Constraints data member. More...
bool | CPC_ResultType_Base::IsSetUnit (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Unit data member. More...
bool | CPC_ResultType_Base::CanGetUnit (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetUnit method. More...
void | CPC_ResultType_Base::ResetUnit (void) |
| Reset Unit data member. More...
TUnit | CPC_ResultType_Base::GetUnit (void) const |
| Get the Unit member data. More...
void | CPC_ResultType_Base::SetUnit (TUnit value) |
| Assign a value to Unit data member. More...
TUnit & | CPC_ResultType_Base::SetUnit (void) |
| Assign a value to Unit data member. More...
bool | CPC_ResultType_Base::IsSetSunit (void) const |
| ATTENTION: sunit field is DEPRECATED. More...
bool | CPC_ResultType_Base::CanGetSunit (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetSunit method. More...
void | CPC_ResultType_Base::ResetSunit (void) |
| Reset Sunit data member. More...
const TSunit & | CPC_ResultType_Base::GetSunit (void) const |
| Get the Sunit member data. More...
void | CPC_ResultType_Base::SetSunit (const TSunit &value) |
| Assign a value to Sunit data member. More...
void | CPC_ResultType_Base::SetSunit (TSunit &&value) |
TSunit & | CPC_ResultType_Base::SetSunit (void) |
| Assign a value to Sunit data member. More...
bool | CPC_ResultType_Base::IsSetTransform (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Transform data member. More...
bool | CPC_ResultType_Base::CanGetTransform (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetTransform method. More...
void | CPC_ResultType_Base::ResetTransform (void) |
| Reset Transform data member. More...
TTransform | CPC_ResultType_Base::GetTransform (void) const |
| Get the Transform member data. More...
void | CPC_ResultType_Base::SetTransform (TTransform value) |
| Assign a value to Transform data member. More...
TTransform & | CPC_ResultType_Base::SetTransform (void) |
| Assign a value to Transform data member. More...
bool | CPC_ResultType_Base::IsSetStransform (void) const |
| ATTENTION: stransform field is DEPRECATED. More...
bool | CPC_ResultType_Base::CanGetStransform (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetStransform method. More...
void | CPC_ResultType_Base::ResetStransform (void) |
| Reset Stransform data member. More...
const TStransform & | CPC_ResultType_Base::GetStransform (void) const |
| Get the Stransform member data. More...
void | CPC_ResultType_Base::SetStransform (const TStransform &value) |
| Assign a value to Stransform data member. More...
void | CPC_ResultType_Base::SetStransform (TStransform &&value) |
TStransform & | CPC_ResultType_Base::SetStransform (void) |
| Assign a value to Stransform data member. More...
bool | CPC_ResultType_Base::IsSetTc (void) const |
| Tested concentration attribute Check if a value has been assigned to Tc data member. More...
bool | CPC_ResultType_Base::CanGetTc (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetTc method. More...
void | CPC_ResultType_Base::ResetTc (void) |
| Reset Tc data member. More...
const TTc & | CPC_ResultType_Base::GetTc (void) const |
| Get the Tc member data. More...
void | CPC_ResultType_Base::SetTc (TTc &value) |
| Assign a value to Tc data member. More...
TTc & | CPC_ResultType_Base::SetTc (void) |
| Assign a value to Tc data member. More...
bool | CPC_ResultType_Base::IsSetAc (void) const |
| if true, indicates that this TID field provides active concentration summary by reporting the concentration which produces 50% of the maximum possible biological response such as IC50, EC50, AC50, GI50 etc. More...
bool | CPC_ResultType_Base::CanGetAc (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetAc method. More...
void | CPC_ResultType_Base::ResetAc (void) |
| Reset Ac data member. More...
TAc | CPC_ResultType_Base::GetAc (void) const |
| Get the Ac member data. More...
void | CPC_ResultType_Base::SetAc (TAc value) |
| Assign a value to Ac data member. More...
TAc & | CPC_ResultType_Base::SetAc (void) |
| Assign a value to Ac data member. More...
bool | CPC_ResultType_Base::IsSetPanel_info (void) const |
| needed for panel assay only each panel member may have a number of TID columns reported such TIDs are grouped by panel member ID, see PC-AssayPanelMemberInfo Check if a value has been assigned to Panel_info data member. More...
bool | CPC_ResultType_Base::CanGetPanel_info (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetPanel_info method. More...
void | CPC_ResultType_Base::ResetPanel_info (void) |
| Reset Panel_info data member. More...
const TPanel_info & | CPC_ResultType_Base::GetPanel_info (void) const |
| Get the Panel_info member data. More...
void | CPC_ResultType_Base::SetPanel_info (TPanel_info &value) |
| Assign a value to Panel_info data member. More...
TPanel_info & | CPC_ResultType_Base::SetPanel_info (void) |
| Assign a value to Panel_info data member. More...
bool | CPC_ResultType_Base::IsSetAnnot (void) const |
| treat substance associated cross-reference as regular TID web servers would make a link to the corresponding record in Entrez databases treat substance associated target information as regular TID for example, for RNAi screening data, each 'substance' may correspond to a specific gene target Check if a value has been assigned to Annot data member. More...
bool | CPC_ResultType_Base::CanGetAnnot (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetAnnot method. More...
void | CPC_ResultType_Base::ResetAnnot (void) |
| Reset Annot data member. More...
TAnnot | CPC_ResultType_Base::GetAnnot (void) const |
| Get the Annot member data. More...
void | CPC_ResultType_Base::SetAnnot (TAnnot value) |
| Assign a value to Annot data member. More...
TAnnot & | CPC_ResultType_Base::SetAnnot (void) |
| Assign a value to Annot data member. More...
virtual void | CPC_ResultType_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
| CPC_ResultType_Base::CPC_ResultType_Base (const CPC_ResultType_Base &) |
CPC_ResultType_Base & | CPC_ResultType_Base::operator= (const CPC_ResultType_Base &) |