NCBI C++ ToolKit
Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Enumerator | Functions | Variables
Code generated by DATATOOL from 'pcassay.asn' (module 'NCBI-PCAssay')
+ Collaboration diagram for Code generated by DATATOOL from 'pcassay.asn' (module 'NCBI-PCAssay'):


class  CPC_AnnotatedXRef
 CPC_AnnotatedXRef –. More...
class  CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base
 Annotated Cross-Reference (XRef) Information to allow the XRef to be qualified, as to its meaning or context. More...
class  CPC_AssayContainer
 CPC_AssayContainer –. More...
class  CPC_AssayContainer_Base
 EXPORTS ; Container for multiple Assay Data Submissions. More...
class  CPC_AssayData
 CPC_AssayData –. More...
class  CPC_AssayData_Base
 Assay Readouts/Results for a Tested Substance. More...
class  CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value
 Assay Result, must be the same type as defined for TID. More...
class  CPC_AssayDescription
 CPC_AssayDescription –. More...
class  CPC_AssayDescription_Base
 Assay Description provided by an Organization that describes the assay/protocol performed and defines the measured end-points and parameters to be stored. More...
class  CPC_AssayDRAttr
 CPC_AssayDRAttr –. More...
class  CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base
 Assay Dose-response attribute information used to define a set of readouts as being part of a dose-response curve (for curve plotting/analysis) More...
class  CPC_AssayPanel
 CPC_AssayPanel –. More...
class  CPC_AssayPanel_Base
 Description for Panel Assay Describe general information about the panel, and link to information for each panel member. More...
class  CPC_AssayPanelMember
 CPC_AssayPanelMember –. More...
class  CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base
 Specific information about each panel member(or component), such as target, cell line name, cross-reference ... More...
class  CPC_AssayPanelTestResult
 CPC_AssayPanelTestResult –. More...
class  CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base
 CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base –. More...
class  CPC_AssayResults
 CPC_AssayResults –. More...
class  CPC_AssayResults_Base
 Container for multiple Assay Result Sets PC-AssayResultsSet ::= SEQUENCE OF PC-AssayResults Assay Results provided for a given Substance tested, with respect to the results types defined in the referenced Assay Description. More...
class  CPC_AssaySubmit
 CPC_AssaySubmit –. More...
class  CPC_AssaySubmit_Base
 Container for Data Depositions and Assay Definitions. More...
class  CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay
 Assay Description or pre-existing Identifier. More...
class  CPC_AssayTargetInfo
 CPC_AssayTargetInfo –. More...
class  CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base
 Molecular target information provides by organization describes the functionality of the target, facilitates the linking between PubChem bioassays, and the linking between target molecule to other NCBI resources. More...
class  CPC_CategorizedComment
 CPC_CategorizedComment –. More...
class  CPC_CategorizedComment_Base
 Definition for Categorized description/comment This field is added to provide flexibility for depositors to present textual description/comments in a desirable way and to facilitate information validation by the depositor and data exchange with PubChem. More...
class  CPC_ConcentrationAttr
 CPC_ConcentrationAttr –. More...
class  CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base
 The concentration attribute is to indicate that the readout under this test result field is biological concentration-response data, the attribute provides the value and unit of the tested concentration. More...
class  CPC_IntegerMinMax
 CPC_IntegerMinMax –. More...
class  CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base
 Mininum and Maximum Constraints on an Integer Value (used for validating incoming data) More...
class  CPC_RealMinMax
 CPC_RealMinMax –. More...
class  CPC_RealMinMax_Base
 Mininum and Maximum Constraints on a Real Value (used for validating incoming data) More...
class  CPC_ResultType
 CPC_ResultType –. More...
class  CPC_ResultType_Base
 Definition of Allowed Result Types for a given Assay. More...
class  CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints
 Allowed Values, used for validating incoming data If type is "float". More...


typedef CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base CPC_AnnotatedXRef::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::Tparent
typedef CPC_XRefData CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::TXref
typedef string CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::TComment
typedef int CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::TType
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 4 > CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_AssayContainer_Base CPC_AssayContainer::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_AssayContainer_Base::Tparent
typedef list< CRef< CPC_AssaySubmit > > CPC_AssayContainer_Base::Tdata
typedef CPC_AssayData_Base CPC_AssayData::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_AssayData_Base::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::Tparent
typedef int CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::TIval
typedef double CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::TFval
typedef bool CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::TBval
typedef string CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::TSval
typedef int CPC_AssayData_Base::TTid
typedef C_Value CPC_AssayData_Base::TValue
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 3 > CPC_AssayData_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_AssayDescription_Base CPC_AssayDescription::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_AssayDescription_Base::Tparent
typedef CPC_ID CPC_AssayDescription_Base::TAid
typedef CPC_Source CPC_AssayDescription_Base::TAid_source
typedef string CPC_AssayDescription_Base::TName
typedef list< stringCPC_AssayDescription_Base::TDescription
typedef list< stringCPC_AssayDescription_Base::TProtocol
typedef list< stringCPC_AssayDescription_Base::TComment
typedef list< CRef< CPC_AnnotatedXRef > > CPC_AssayDescription_Base::TXref
typedef vector< CRef< CPC_ResultType > > CPC_AssayDescription_Base::TResults
typedef list< CRef< CPub > > CPC_AssayDescription_Base::TPub
typedef int CPC_AssayDescription_Base::TRevision
typedef list< CRef< CPC_AssayTargetInfo > > CPC_AssayDescription_Base::TTarget
typedef int CPC_AssayDescription_Base::TActivity_outcome_method
typedef list< CRef< CPC_AssayDRAttr > > CPC_AssayDescription_Base::TDr
typedef int CPC_AssayDescription_Base::TSubstance_type
typedef list< stringCPC_AssayDescription_Base::TGrant_number
typedef int CPC_AssayDescription_Base::TProject_category
typedef bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::TIs_panel
typedef list< stringCPC_AssayDescription_Base::TAssay_group
typedef CPC_AssayPanel CPC_AssayDescription_Base::TPanel_info
typedef bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::TIs_mlp_late_stage
typedef list< CRef< CPC_CategorizedComment > > CPC_AssayDescription_Base::TCategorized_comment
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 22 > CPC_AssayDescription_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base CPC_AssayDRAttr::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::Tparent
typedef int CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::TId
typedef string CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::TDescr
typedef string CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::TDn
typedef string CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::TRn
typedef int CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::TType
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 6 > CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_AssayPanel_Base CPC_AssayPanel::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_AssayPanel_Base::Tparent
typedef string CPC_AssayPanel_Base::TName
typedef string CPC_AssayPanel_Base::TDescr
typedef list< CRef< CPC_AssayPanelMember > > CPC_AssayPanel_Base::TMember
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 4 > CPC_AssayPanel_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base CPC_AssayPanelMember::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::Tparent
typedef int CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::TMid
typedef string CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::TName
typedef string CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::TDescription
typedef list< stringCPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::TProtocol
typedef list< stringCPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::TComment
typedef list< CRef< CPC_AssayTargetInfo > > CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::TTarget
typedef list< CRef< CPC_AnnotatedXRef > > CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::TXref
typedef int CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::TActivity_outcome_method
typedef list< CRef< CPC_AssayDRAttr > > CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::TDr
typedef list< CRef< CPC_CategorizedComment > > CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::TCategorized_comment
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 11 > CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base CPC_AssayPanelTestResult::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::Tparent
typedef int CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::TMid
typedef int CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::TReadout_annot
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 3 > CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_AssayResults_Base CPC_AssayResults::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_AssayResults_Base::Tparent
typedef int CPC_AssayResults_Base::TSid
typedef CPC_Source CPC_AssayResults_Base::TSid_source
typedef int CPC_AssayResults_Base::TVersion
typedef string CPC_AssayResults_Base::TComment
typedef int CPC_AssayResults_Base::TOutcome
typedef int CPC_AssayResults_Base::TRank
typedef vector< CRef< CPC_AssayData > > CPC_AssayResults_Base::TData
typedef string CPC_AssayResults_Base::TUrl
typedef list< CRef< CPC_AnnotatedXRef > > CPC_AssayResults_Base::TXref
typedef CDate CPC_AssayResults_Base::TDate
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 11 > CPC_AssayResults_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_AssaySubmit_Base CPC_AssaySubmit::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::Tparent
typedef int CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::TAid
typedef CPC_Source CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::TAid_source
typedef CPC_AssayDescription CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::TDescr
typedef CPC_ID CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::TAidver
typedef C_Assay CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::TAssay
typedef vector< CRef< CPC_AssayResults > > CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::TData
typedef vector< intCPC_AssaySubmit_Base::TRevoke
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 4 > CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base CPC_AssayTargetInfo::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::Tparent
typedef string CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::TName
typedef int CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::TMol_id
typedef int CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::TMolecule_type
typedef CBioSource CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::TOrganism
typedef string CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::TDescr
typedef list< stringCPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::TComment
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 7 > CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_CategorizedComment_Base CPC_CategorizedComment::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::Tparent
typedef string CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::TTitle
typedef list< stringCPC_CategorizedComment_Base::TComment
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 3 > CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base CPC_ConcentrationAttr::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::Tparent
typedef double CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::TConcentration
typedef int CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::TUnit
typedef int CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::TDr_id
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 4 > CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base CPC_IntegerMinMax::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::Tparent
typedef int CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::TMin
typedef int CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::TMax
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 3 > CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_RealMinMax_Base CPC_RealMinMax::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_RealMinMax_Base::Tparent
typedef double CPC_RealMinMax_Base::TMin
typedef double CPC_RealMinMax_Base::TMax
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 3 > CPC_RealMinMax_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_ResultType_Base CPC_ResultType::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_ResultType_Base::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::Tparent
typedef list< double > CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::TFset
typedef double CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::TFmin
typedef double CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::TFmax
typedef CPC_RealMinMax CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::TFrange
typedef list< intCPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::TIset
typedef int CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::TImin
typedef int CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::TImax
typedef CPC_IntegerMinMax CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::TIrange
typedef list< stringCPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::TSset
typedef int CPC_ResultType_Base::TTid
typedef string CPC_ResultType_Base::TName
typedef list< stringCPC_ResultType_Base::TDescription
typedef int CPC_ResultType_Base::TType
typedef C_Constraints CPC_ResultType_Base::TConstraints
typedef int CPC_ResultType_Base::TUnit
typedef string CPC_ResultType_Base::TSunit
typedef int CPC_ResultType_Base::TTransform
typedef string CPC_ResultType_Base::TStransform
typedef CPC_ConcentrationAttr CPC_ResultType_Base::TTc
typedef bool CPC_ResultType_Base::TAc
typedef CPC_AssayPanelTestResult CPC_ResultType_Base::TPanel_info
typedef int CPC_ResultType_Base::TAnnot
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 14 > CPC_ResultType_Base::TmemberIndex


enum  CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::EType { CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::eType_pcit = 1 , CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::eType_pgene = 2 , CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::eType_pcit = 1 , CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::eType_pgene = 2 }
enum class  CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::e_xref , CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::e_comment , CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::e_type ,
  CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::e_xref , CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::e_comment , CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::e_type
enum  CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::E_Choice {
  CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::e_not_set = 0 , CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::e_Ival , CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::e_Fval , CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::e_Bval ,
  CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::e_Sval , CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::e_not_set = 0 , CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::e_Ival , CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::e_Fval ,
  CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::e_Bval , CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::e_Sval
 Choice variants. More...
enum  CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::E_ChoiceStopper { CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::e_MaxChoice = 5 , CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::e_MaxChoice = 5 }
 Maximum+1 value of the choice variant enumerator. More...
enum class  CPC_AssayData_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CPC_AssayData_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_AssayData_Base::e_tid , CPC_AssayData_Base::e_value , CPC_AssayData_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 ,
  CPC_AssayData_Base::e_tid , CPC_AssayData_Base::e_value
enum  CPC_AssayDescription_Base::EActivity_outcome_method {
  CPC_AssayDescription_Base::eActivity_outcome_method_other = 0 , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::eActivity_outcome_method_screening = 1 , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::eActivity_outcome_method_confirmatory = 2 , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::eActivity_outcome_method_summary = 3 ,
  CPC_AssayDescription_Base::eActivity_outcome_method_other = 0 , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::eActivity_outcome_method_screening = 1 , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::eActivity_outcome_method_confirmatory = 2 , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::eActivity_outcome_method_summary = 3
 Assay Outcome Qualifier. More...
enum  CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ESubstance_type {
  CPC_AssayDescription_Base::eSubstance_type_small_molecule = 1 , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::eSubstance_type_nucleotide = 2 , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::eSubstance_type_other = 255 , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::eSubstance_type_small_molecule = 1 ,
  CPC_AssayDescription_Base::eSubstance_type_nucleotide = 2 , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::eSubstance_type_other = 255
enum  CPC_AssayDescription_Base::EProject_category {
  CPC_AssayDescription_Base::eProject_category_mlscn = 1 , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::eProject_category_mlpcn = 2 , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::eProject_category_mlscn_ap = 3 , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::eProject_category_mlpcn_ap = 4 ,
  CPC_AssayDescription_Base::eProject_category_journal_article = 5 , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::eProject_category_assay_vendor = 6 , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::eProject_category_literature_extracted = 7 , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::eProject_category_literature_author = 8 ,
  CPC_AssayDescription_Base::eProject_category_literature_publisher = 9 , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::eProject_category_rnaigi = 10 , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::eProject_category_other = 255 , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::eProject_category_mlscn = 1 ,
  CPC_AssayDescription_Base::eProject_category_mlpcn = 2 , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::eProject_category_mlscn_ap = 3 , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::eProject_category_mlpcn_ap = 4 , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::eProject_category_journal_article = 5 ,
  CPC_AssayDescription_Base::eProject_category_assay_vendor = 6 , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::eProject_category_literature_extracted = 7 , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::eProject_category_literature_author = 8 , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::eProject_category_literature_publisher = 9 ,
  CPC_AssayDescription_Base::eProject_category_rnaigi = 10 , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::eProject_category_other = 255
enum class  CPC_AssayDescription_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CPC_AssayDescription_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::e_aid , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::e_aid_source , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::e_name ,
  CPC_AssayDescription_Base::e_description , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::e_protocol , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::e_comment , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::e_xref ,
  CPC_AssayDescription_Base::e_results , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::e_pub , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::e_revision , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::e_target ,
  CPC_AssayDescription_Base::e_activity_outcome_method , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::e_dr , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::e_substance_type , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::e_grant_number ,
  CPC_AssayDescription_Base::e_project_category , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::e_is_panel , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::e_assay_group , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::e_panel_info ,
  CPC_AssayDescription_Base::e_is_mlp_late_stage , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::e_categorized_comment , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::e_aid ,
  CPC_AssayDescription_Base::e_aid_source , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::e_name , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::e_description , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::e_protocol ,
  CPC_AssayDescription_Base::e_comment , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::e_xref , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::e_results , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::e_revision ,
  CPC_AssayDescription_Base::e_target , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::e_activity_outcome_method , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::e_dr , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::e_substance_type ,
  CPC_AssayDescription_Base::e_grant_number , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::e_project_category , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::e_assay_group , CPC_AssayDescription_Base::e_categorized_comment
enum  CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::EType { CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::eType_experimental = 0 , CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::eType_calculated = 1 , CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::eType_experimental = 0 , CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::eType_calculated = 1 }
enum class  CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::e_id , CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::e_descr , CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::e_dn ,
  CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::e_rn , CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::e_type , CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::e_id ,
  CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::e_descr , CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::e_dn , CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::e_rn , CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::e_type
enum class  CPC_AssayPanel_Base::E_memberIndex { CPC_AssayPanel_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_AssayPanel_Base::e_name , CPC_AssayPanel_Base::e_descr , CPC_AssayPanel_Base::e_member }
enum  CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::EActivity_outcome_method { CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::eActivity_outcome_method_other = 0 , CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::eActivity_outcome_method_screening = 1 , CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::eActivity_outcome_method_confirmatory = 2 , CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::eActivity_outcome_method_summary = 3 }
 Assay Outcome Qualifier. More...
enum class  CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::e_mid , CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::e_name , CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::e_description ,
  CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::e_protocol , CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::e_comment , CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::e_target , CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::e_xref ,
  CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::e_activity_outcome_method , CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::e_dr , CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::e_categorized_comment
enum  CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::EReadout_annot { CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::eReadout_annot_regular = 1 , CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::eReadout_annot_outcome = 2 , CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::eReadout_annot_score = 3 , CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::eReadout_annot_ac = 4 }
enum class  CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::E_memberIndex { CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::e_mid , CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::e_readout_annot }
enum  CPC_AssayResults_Base::EOutcome {
  CPC_AssayResults_Base::eOutcome_inactive = 1 , CPC_AssayResults_Base::eOutcome_active = 2 , CPC_AssayResults_Base::eOutcome_inconclusive = 3 , CPC_AssayResults_Base::eOutcome_unspecified = 4 ,
  CPC_AssayResults_Base::eOutcome_probe = 5 , CPC_AssayResults_Base::eOutcome_inactive = 1 , CPC_AssayResults_Base::eOutcome_active = 2 , CPC_AssayResults_Base::eOutcome_inconclusive = 3 ,
  CPC_AssayResults_Base::eOutcome_unspecified = 4 , CPC_AssayResults_Base::eOutcome_probe = 5
 Assay Result Data for this Sample Note: Users need populate only those "tid"s, for which there is data, in any order. More...
enum class  CPC_AssayResults_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CPC_AssayResults_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_AssayResults_Base::e_sid , CPC_AssayResults_Base::e_sid_source , CPC_AssayResults_Base::e_version ,
  CPC_AssayResults_Base::e_comment , CPC_AssayResults_Base::e_outcome , CPC_AssayResults_Base::e_rank , CPC_AssayResults_Base::e_data ,
  CPC_AssayResults_Base::e_url , CPC_AssayResults_Base::e_xref , CPC_AssayResults_Base::e_date , CPC_AssayResults_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 ,
  CPC_AssayResults_Base::e_sid , CPC_AssayResults_Base::e_sid_source , CPC_AssayResults_Base::e_version , CPC_AssayResults_Base::e_comment ,
  CPC_AssayResults_Base::e_outcome , CPC_AssayResults_Base::e_rank , CPC_AssayResults_Base::e_data , CPC_AssayResults_Base::e_url ,
  CPC_AssayResults_Base::e_xref , CPC_AssayResults_Base::e_date
enum  CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::E_Choice {
  CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::e_not_set = 0 , CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::e_Aid , CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::e_Aid_source , CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::e_Descr ,
  CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::e_Aidver , CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::e_not_set = 0 , CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::e_Aid , CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::e_Aid_source ,
  CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::e_Descr , CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::e_Aidver
 Choice variants. More...
enum  CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::E_ChoiceStopper { CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::e_MaxChoice = 5 , CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::e_MaxChoice = 5 }
 Maximum+1 value of the choice variant enumerator. More...
enum class  CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::e_assay , CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::e_data , CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::e_revoke ,
  CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::e_assay , CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::e_data , CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::e_revoke
enum  CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::EMolecule_type {
  CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::eMolecule_type_protein = 1 , CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::eMolecule_type_dna = 2 , CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::eMolecule_type_rna = 3 , CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::eMolecule_type_gene = 4 ,
  CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::eMolecule_type_biosystem = 5 , CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::eMolecule_type_other = 255
 Assay Target Type. More...
enum class  CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::e_name , CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::e_mol_id , CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::e_molecule_type ,
  CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::e_organism , CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::e_descr , CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::e_comment , CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 ,
  CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::e_name , CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::e_mol_id , CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::e_organism , CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::e_descr ,
enum class  CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::e_title , CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::e_comment , CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 ,
  CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::e_title , CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::e_comment
enum  CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::EUnit { CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::eUnit_um = 5 , CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::eUnit_um = 5 }
 Units for Concentration. More...
enum class  CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::e_concentration , CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::e_unit , CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::e_dr_id ,
  CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::e_concentration , CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::e_unit , CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::e_dr_id
enum class  CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::e_min , CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::e_max , CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 ,
  CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::e_min , CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::e_max
enum class  CPC_RealMinMax_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CPC_RealMinMax_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_RealMinMax_Base::e_min , CPC_RealMinMax_Base::e_max , CPC_RealMinMax_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 ,
  CPC_RealMinMax_Base::e_min , CPC_RealMinMax_Base::e_max
enum  CPC_ResultType_Base::EType {
  CPC_ResultType_Base::eType_float = 1 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eType_int = 2 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eType_bool = 3 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eType_string = 4 ,
  CPC_ResultType_Base::eType_float = 1 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eType_int = 2 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eType_bool = 3 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eType_string = 4
 Result Data Type and Validation Information Result Data Type. More...
enum  CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::E_Choice {
  CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::e_not_set = 0 , CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::e_Fset , CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::e_Fmin , CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::e_Fmax ,
  CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::e_Frange , CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::e_Iset , CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::e_Imin , CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::e_Imax ,
  CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::e_Irange , CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::e_Sset , CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::e_not_set = 0 , CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::e_Fset ,
  CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::e_Fmin , CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::e_Fmax , CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::e_Frange , CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::e_Iset ,
  CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::e_Imin , CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::e_Imax , CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::e_Irange , CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::e_Sset
 Choice variants. More...
enum  CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::E_ChoiceStopper { CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::e_MaxChoice = 10 , CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::e_MaxChoice = 10 }
 Maximum+1 value of the choice variant enumerator. More...
enum  CPC_ResultType_Base::EUnit {
  CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_ppt = 1 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_ppm = 2 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_ppb = 3 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_mm = 4 ,
  CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_um = 5 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_nm = 6 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_pm = 7 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_fm = 8 ,
  CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_mgml = 9 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_ugml = 10 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_ngml = 11 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_pgml = 12 ,
  CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_fgml = 13 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_m = 14 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_percent = 15 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_ratio = 16 ,
  CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_sec = 17 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_rsec = 18 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_min = 19 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_rmin = 20 ,
  CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_day = 21 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_rday = 22 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_ml_min_kg = 23 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_l_kg = 24 ,
  CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_hr_ng_ml = 25 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_cm_sec = 26 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_mg_kg = 27 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_none = 254 ,
  CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_unspecified = 255 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_ppt = 1 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_ppm = 2 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_ppb = 3 ,
  CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_mm = 4 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_um = 5 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_nm = 6 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_pm = 7 ,
  CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_fm = 8 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_mgml = 9 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_ugml = 10 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_ngml = 11 ,
  CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_pgml = 12 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_fgml = 13 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_m = 14 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_percent = 15 ,
  CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_ratio = 16 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_sec = 17 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_rsec = 18 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_min = 19 ,
  CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_rmin = 20 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_day = 21 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_rday = 22 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_ml_min_kg = 23 ,
  CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_l_kg = 24 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_hr_ng_ml = 25 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_cm_sec = 26 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_mg_kg = 27 ,
  CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_none = 254 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eUnit_unspecified = 255
 Unit information provides the units for the values reported for this TID. More...
enum  CPC_ResultType_Base::ETransform {
  CPC_ResultType_Base::eTransform_linear = 1 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eTransform_ln = 2 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eTransform_log = 3 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eTransform_reciprocal = 4 ,
  CPC_ResultType_Base::eTransform_negative = 5 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eTransform_nlog = 6 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eTransform_nln = 7 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eTransform_linear = 1 ,
  CPC_ResultType_Base::eTransform_ln = 2 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eTransform_log = 3 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eTransform_reciprocal = 4 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eTransform_negative = 5 ,
  CPC_ResultType_Base::eTransform_nlog = 6 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eTransform_nln = 7
 Value Transform information qualifies the values reported for this TID. More...
enum  CPC_ResultType_Base::EAnnot {
  CPC_ResultType_Base::eAnnot_pmid = 1 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eAnnot_mmdb = 2 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eAnnot_url = 3 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eAnnot_protein_gi = 4 ,
  CPC_ResultType_Base::eAnnot_nucleotide_gi = 5 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eAnnot_taxonomy = 6 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eAnnot_mim = 7 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eAnnot_gene = 8 ,
  CPC_ResultType_Base::eAnnot_probe = 9 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eAnnot_aid = 10 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eAnnot_sid = 11 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eAnnot_cid = 12 ,
  CPC_ResultType_Base::eAnnot_protein_target_gi = 13 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eAnnot_biosystems_target_id = 14 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eAnnot_target_name = 15 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eAnnot_target_descr = 16 ,
  CPC_ResultType_Base::eAnnot_target_tax_id = 17 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eAnnot_gene_target_id = 18 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eAnnot_dna_nucleotide_target_gi = 19 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eAnnot_rna_nucleotide_target_gi = 20 ,
  CPC_ResultType_Base::eAnnot_pmid = 1 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eAnnot_mmdb = 2 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eAnnot_url = 3 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eAnnot_taxonomy = 6 ,
  CPC_ResultType_Base::eAnnot_mim = 7 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eAnnot_gene = 8 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eAnnot_probe = 9 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eAnnot_aid = 10 ,
  CPC_ResultType_Base::eAnnot_sid = 11 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eAnnot_cid = 12 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eAnnot_target_name = 15 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eAnnot_target_descr = 16 ,
  CPC_ResultType_Base::eAnnot_target_tax_id = 17 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eAnnot_gene_target_id = 18 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eAnnot_protein_target_accession = 21 , CPC_ResultType_Base::eAnnot_nucleotide_target_accession = 22 ,
  CPC_ResultType_Base::eAnnot_other = 255
enum class  CPC_ResultType_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CPC_ResultType_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_ResultType_Base::e_tid , CPC_ResultType_Base::e_name , CPC_ResultType_Base::e_description ,
  CPC_ResultType_Base::e_type , CPC_ResultType_Base::e_constraints , CPC_ResultType_Base::e_unit , CPC_ResultType_Base::e_sunit ,
  CPC_ResultType_Base::e_transform , CPC_ResultType_Base::e_stransform , CPC_ResultType_Base::e_tc , CPC_ResultType_Base::e_ac ,
  CPC_ResultType_Base::e_panel_info , CPC_ResultType_Base::e_annot , CPC_ResultType_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_ResultType_Base::e_tid ,
  CPC_ResultType_Base::e_name , CPC_ResultType_Base::e_description , CPC_ResultType_Base::e_type , CPC_ResultType_Base::e_constraints ,
  CPC_ResultType_Base::e_unit , CPC_ResultType_Base::e_sunit , CPC_ResultType_Base::e_transform , CPC_ResultType_Base::e_tc ,
  CPC_ResultType_Base::e_ac , CPC_ResultType_Base::e_ac_qualifier , CPC_ResultType_Base::e_annot


 CPC_AnnotatedXRef::CPC_AnnotatedXRef (void)
 CPC_AnnotatedXRef::~CPC_AnnotatedXRef (void)
 CPC_AnnotatedXRef::CPC_AnnotatedXRef (const CPC_AnnotatedXRef &value)
CPC_AnnotatedXRefCPC_AnnotatedXRef::operator= (const CPC_AnnotatedXRef &value)
 CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base (void)
virtual CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::~CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base (void)
static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues *ENUM_METHOD_NAME() CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::EType (void)
 Access to EType's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec. More...
bool CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::IsSetXref (void) const
 Cross-Reference Information Check if a value has been assigned to Xref data member. More...
bool CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::CanGetXref (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetXref method. More...
void CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::ResetXref (void)
 Reset Xref data member. More...
const TXrefCPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::GetXref (void) const
 Get the Xref member data. More...
void CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::SetXref (TXref &value)
 Assign a value to Xref data member. More...
TXrefCPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::SetXref (void)
 Assign a value to Xref data member. More...
bool CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::IsSetComment (void) const
 Annotation qualifier describing Cross-Reference meaning Check if a value has been assigned to Comment data member. More...
bool CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::CanGetComment (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetComment method. More...
void CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::ResetComment (void)
 Reset Comment data member. More...
const TCommentCPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::GetComment (void) const
 Get the Comment member data. More...
void CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::SetComment (const TComment &value)
 Assign a value to Comment data member. More...
void CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::SetComment (TComment &&value)
TCommentCPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::SetComment (void)
 Assign a value to Comment data member. More...
bool CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::IsSetType (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Type data member. More...
bool CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::CanGetType (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetType method. More...
void CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::ResetType (void)
 Reset Type data member. More...
TType CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::GetType (void) const
 Get the Type member data. More...
void CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::SetType (TType value)
 Assign a value to Type data member. More...
TTypeCPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::SetType (void)
 Assign a value to Type data member. More...
virtual void CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base (const CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base &)
CPC_AnnotatedXRef_BaseCPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::operator= (const CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base &)
 CPC_AssayContainer::CPC_AssayContainer (void)
 CPC_AssayContainer::~CPC_AssayContainer (void)
 CPC_AssayContainer::CPC_AssayContainer (const CPC_AssayContainer &value)
CPC_AssayContainerCPC_AssayContainer::operator= (const CPC_AssayContainer &value)
 CPC_AssayContainer_Base::CPC_AssayContainer_Base (void)
virtual CPC_AssayContainer_Base::~CPC_AssayContainer_Base (void)
bool CPC_AssayContainer_Base::IsSet (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayContainer_Base::CanGet (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call Get method. More...
void CPC_AssayContainer_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset data member. More...
const TdataCPC_AssayContainer_Base::Get (void) const
 Get the member data. More...
TdataCPC_AssayContainer_Base::Set (void)
 Assign a value to data member. More...
 CPC_AssayContainer_Base::operator const Tdata & (void) const
 Conversion operator to 'const Tdata' type. More...
 CPC_AssayContainer_Base::operator Tdata & (void)
 Conversion operator to 'Tdata' type. More...
 CPC_AssayContainer_Base::CPC_AssayContainer_Base (const CPC_AssayContainer_Base &)
CPC_AssayContainer_BaseCPC_AssayContainer_Base::operator= (const CPC_AssayContainer_Base &)
 CPC_AssayData::CPC_AssayData (void)
 CPC_AssayData::~CPC_AssayData (void)
 CPC_AssayData::CPC_AssayData (const CPC_AssayData &value)
CPC_AssayDataCPC_AssayData::operator= (const CPC_AssayData &value)
 CPC_AssayData_Base::CPC_AssayData_Base (void)
virtual CPC_AssayData_Base::~CPC_AssayData_Base (void)
 CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::C_Value (void)
 CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::~C_Value (void)
void CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
void CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::ResetSelection (void)
 Reset the selection (set it to e_not_set). More...
E_Choice CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::Which (void) const
 Which variant is currently selected. More...
void CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::CheckSelected (E_Choice index) const
 Verify selection, throw exception if it differs from the expected. More...
void CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::ThrowInvalidSelection (E_Choice index) const
 Throw 'InvalidSelection' exception. More...
static string CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::SelectionName (E_Choice index)
 Retrieve selection name (for diagnostic purposes). More...
void CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset=eDoResetVariant)
 Select the requested variant if needed. More...
void CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset, CObjectMemoryPool *pool)
 Select the requested variant if needed, allocating CObject variants from memory pool. More...
bool CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::IsIval (void) const
 Check if variant Ival is selected. More...
TIval CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::GetIval (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TIvalCPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::SetIval (void)
 Select the variant. More...
void CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::SetIval (TIval value)
 Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::IsFval (void) const
 Check if variant Fval is selected. More...
TFval CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::GetFval (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TFvalCPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::SetFval (void)
 Select the variant. More...
void CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::SetFval (TFval value)
 Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::IsBval (void) const
 Check if variant Bval is selected. More...
TBval CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::GetBval (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TBvalCPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::SetBval (void)
 Select the variant. More...
void CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::SetBval (TBval value)
 Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::IsSval (void) const
 Check if variant Sval is selected. More...
const TSvalCPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::GetSval (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TSvalCPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::SetSval (void)
 Select the variant. More...
void CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::SetSval (const TSval &value)
 Select the variant and set its data. More...
 CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::C_Value (const C_Value &)
C_ValueCPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::operator= (const C_Value &)
void CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::DoSelect (E_Choice index, CObjectMemoryPool *pool=0)
bool CPC_AssayData_Base::IsSetTid (void) const
 Assay Result Field Type ID (TID) Note: Result Field ID's must be greater than "0" Check if a value has been assigned to Tid data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayData_Base::CanGetTid (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetTid method. More...
void CPC_AssayData_Base::ResetTid (void)
 Reset Tid data member. More...
TTid CPC_AssayData_Base::GetTid (void) const
 Get the Tid member data. More...
void CPC_AssayData_Base::SetTid (TTid value)
 Assign a value to Tid data member. More...
TTidCPC_AssayData_Base::SetTid (void)
 Assign a value to Tid data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayData_Base::IsSetValue (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Value data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayData_Base::CanGetValue (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetValue method. More...
void CPC_AssayData_Base::ResetValue (void)
 Reset Value data member. More...
const TValueCPC_AssayData_Base::GetValue (void) const
 Get the Value member data. More...
void CPC_AssayData_Base::SetValue (TValue &value)
 Assign a value to Value data member. More...
TValueCPC_AssayData_Base::SetValue (void)
 Assign a value to Value data member. More...
virtual void CPC_AssayData_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CPC_AssayData_Base::CPC_AssayData_Base (const CPC_AssayData_Base &)
CPC_AssayData_BaseCPC_AssayData_Base::operator= (const CPC_AssayData_Base &)
 CPC_AssayDescription::CPC_AssayDescription (void)
 CPC_AssayDescription::~CPC_AssayDescription (void)
 CPC_AssayDescription::CPC_AssayDescription (const CPC_AssayDescription &value)
CPC_AssayDescriptionCPC_AssayDescription::operator= (const CPC_AssayDescription &value)
 CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CPC_AssayDescription_Base (void)
virtual CPC_AssayDescription_Base::~CPC_AssayDescription_Base (void)
static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues *ENUM_METHOD_NAME() CPC_AssayDescription_Base::EActivity_outcome_method (void)
 Access to EActivity_outcome_method's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec. More...
static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues *ENUM_METHOD_NAME() CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ESubstance_type (void)
 Access to ESubstance_type's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec. More...
static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues *ENUM_METHOD_NAME() CPC_AssayDescription_Base::EProject_category (void)
 Access to EProject_category's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetAid (void) const
 Internal/External Tracking Information Assay Description ID/Version [Either valid ID or, if "aid-source" is used, a "0" dummy value] Note: Version is for internal use (only?) Note: A valid ID is greater than "0" Check if a value has been assigned to Aid data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetAid (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetAid method. More...
void CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetAid (void)
 Reset Aid data member. More...
const TAidCPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetAid (void) const
 Get the Aid member data. More...
void CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetAid (TAid &value)
 Assign a value to Aid data member. More...
TAidCPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetAid (void)
 Assign a value to Aid data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetAid_source (void) const
 External Identifier for this Assay Description Note: May be used in-lieu of "aid" Note: This is non-optional if "aid" ID is "0" Check if a value has been assigned to Aid_source data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetAid_source (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetAid_source method. More...
void CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetAid_source (void)
 Reset Aid_source data member. More...
const TAid_sourceCPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetAid_source (void) const
 Get the Aid_source member data. More...
void CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetAid_source (TAid_source &value)
 Assign a value to Aid_source data member. More...
TAid_sourceCPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetAid_source (void)
 Assign a value to Aid_source data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetName (void) const
 Assay Description Information Short Assay Name (for display purposes) Check if a value has been assigned to Name data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetName (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetName method. More...
void CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetName (void)
 Reset Name data member. More...
const TNameCPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetName (void) const
 Get the Name member data. More...
void CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetName (const TName &value)
 Assign a value to Name data member. More...
void CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetName (TName &&value)
TNameCPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetName (void)
 Assign a value to Name data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetDescription (void) const
 Description of Assay Check if a value has been assigned to Description data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetDescription (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetDescription method. More...
void CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetDescription (void)
 Reset Description data member. More...
const TDescriptionCPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetDescription (void) const
 Get the Description member data. More...
TDescriptionCPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetDescription (void)
 Assign a value to Description data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetProtocol (void) const
 Procedure used to generate results Check if a value has been assigned to Protocol data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetProtocol (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetProtocol method. More...
void CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetProtocol (void)
 Reset Protocol data member. More...
const TProtocolCPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetProtocol (void) const
 Get the Protocol member data. More...
TProtocolCPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetProtocol (void)
 Assign a value to Protocol data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetComment (void) const
 Comments or additional information Check if a value has been assigned to Comment data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetComment (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetComment method. More...
void CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetComment (void)
 Reset Comment data member. More...
const TCommentCPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetComment (void) const
 Get the Comment member data. More...
TCommentCPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetComment (void)
 Assign a value to Comment data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetXref (void) const
 Annotated Cross-Reference Information Check if a value has been assigned to Xref data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetXref (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetXref method. More...
void CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetXref (void)
 Reset Xref data member. More...
const TXrefCPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetXref (void) const
 Get the Xref member data. More...
TXrefCPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetXref (void)
 Assign a value to Xref data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetResults (void) const
 Allowed Assay Result Types Result Definitions (vector) Check if a value has been assigned to Results data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetResults (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetResults method. More...
void CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetResults (void)
 Reset Results data member. More...
const TResultsCPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetResults (void) const
 Get the Results member data. More...
TResultsCPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetResults (void)
 Assign a value to Results data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetPub (void) const
 Additional Information Depositor provided publications for this assay Check if a value has been assigned to Pub data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetPub (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetPub method. More...
void CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetPub (void)
 Reset Pub data member. More...
const TPubCPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetPub (void) const
 Get the Pub member data. More...
TPubCPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetPub (void)
 Assign a value to Pub data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetRevision (void) const
 Revision identifier for textual description Check if a value has been assigned to Revision data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetRevision (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetRevision method. More...
void CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetRevision (void)
 Reset Revision data member. More...
TRevision CPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetRevision (void) const
 Get the Revision member data. More...
void CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetRevision (TRevision value)
 Assign a value to Revision data member. More...
TRevisionCPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetRevision (void)
 Assign a value to Revision data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetTarget (void) const
 Target information Check if a value has been assigned to Target data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetTarget (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetTarget method. More...
void CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetTarget (void)
 Reset Target data member. More...
const TTargetCPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetTarget (void) const
 Get the Target member data. More...
TTargetCPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetTarget (void)
 Assign a value to Target data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetActivity_outcome_method (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Activity_outcome_method data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetActivity_outcome_method (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetActivity_outcome_method method. More...
void CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetActivity_outcome_method (void)
 Reset Activity_outcome_method data member. More...
TActivity_outcome_method CPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetActivity_outcome_method (void) const
 Get the Activity_outcome_method member data. More...
void CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetActivity_outcome_method (TActivity_outcome_method value)
 Assign a value to Activity_outcome_method data member. More...
TActivity_outcome_methodCPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetActivity_outcome_method (void)
 Assign a value to Activity_outcome_method data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetDr (void) const
 Dose-Response Attribution Check if a value has been assigned to Dr data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetDr (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetDr method. More...
void CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetDr (void)
 Reset Dr data member. More...
const TDrCPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetDr (void) const
 Get the Dr member data. More...
TDrCPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetDr (void)
 Assign a value to Dr data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetSubstance_type (void) const
 to distinguish the type of substance used in the screening Check if a value has been assigned to Substance_type data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetSubstance_type (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetSubstance_type method. More...
void CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetSubstance_type (void)
 Reset Substance_type data member. More...
TSubstance_type CPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetSubstance_type (void) const
 Get the Substance_type member data. More...
void CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetSubstance_type (TSubstance_type value)
 Assign a value to Substance_type data member. More...
TSubstance_typeCPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetSubstance_type (void)
 Assign a value to Substance_type data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetGrant_number (void) const
 Grant and project category information grant proposal number required for 'MLSCN' & 'MLPCN' projects Check if a value has been assigned to Grant_number data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetGrant_number (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetGrant_number method. More...
void CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetGrant_number (void)
 Reset Grant_number data member. More...
const TGrant_numberCPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetGrant_number (void) const
 Get the Grant_number member data. More...
TGrant_numberCPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetGrant_number (void)
 Assign a value to Grant_number data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetProject_category (void) const
 to distinguish projects funded through MLSCN, MLPCN or other mlscn: assay depositions from MLSCN screen center mlpcn: assay depositions from MLPCN screen center mlscn-ap: assay depositions from MLSCN assay provider mlpcn-ap: assay depositions from MLPCN assay provider required for 'MLSCN' & 'MLPCN' projects journal-article: to be deprecated; replaced by option 7,8 & 9 to better characterize data from literature literature-extracted: data from literature, extracted by curators literature-author: data from literature, submitted by author of articles literature-publisher: data from literature, submitted by journals/publishers rnaigi: RNAi screenings from RNAi Global Initiative Check if a value has been assigned to Project_category data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetProject_category (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetProject_category method. More...
void CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetProject_category (void)
 Reset Project_category data member. More...
TProject_category CPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetProject_category (void) const
 Get the Project_category member data. More...
void CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetProject_category (TProject_category value)
 Assign a value to Project_category data member. More...
TProject_categoryCPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetProject_category (void)
 Assign a value to Project_category data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetIs_panel (void) const
 annotation to indicate whether an assay is a panel, e.g. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetIs_panel (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetIs_panel method. More...
void CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetIs_panel (void)
 Reset Is_panel data member. More...
TIs_panel CPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetIs_panel (void) const
 Get the Is_panel member data. More...
void CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetIs_panel (TIs_panel value)
 Assign a value to Is_panel data member. More...
TIs_panelCPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetIs_panel (void)
 Assign a value to Is_panel data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetAssay_group (void) const
 annotation for assay gruop information, e.g. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetAssay_group (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetAssay_group method. More...
void CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetAssay_group (void)
 Reset Assay_group data member. More...
const TAssay_groupCPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetAssay_group (void) const
 Get the Assay_group member data. More...
TAssay_groupCPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetAssay_group (void)
 Assign a value to Assay_group data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetPanel_info (void) const
 for 'panel' type of bioassay only store assay panel member information Check if a value has been assigned to Panel_info data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetPanel_info (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetPanel_info method. More...
void CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetPanel_info (void)
 Reset Panel_info data member. More...
const TPanel_infoCPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetPanel_info (void) const
 Get the Panel_info member data. More...
void CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetPanel_info (TPanel_info &value)
 Assign a value to Panel_info data member. More...
TPanel_infoCPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetPanel_info (void)
 Assign a value to Panel_info data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetIs_mlp_late_stage (void) const
 verification for 'late-stage-data' deposition Check if a value has been assigned to Is_mlp_late_stage data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetIs_mlp_late_stage (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetIs_mlp_late_stage method. More...
void CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetIs_mlp_late_stage (void)
 Reset Is_mlp_late_stage data member. More...
TIs_mlp_late_stage CPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetIs_mlp_late_stage (void) const
 Get the Is_mlp_late_stage member data. More...
void CPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetIs_mlp_late_stage (TIs_mlp_late_stage value)
 Assign a value to Is_mlp_late_stage data member. More...
TIs_mlp_late_stageCPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetIs_mlp_late_stage (void)
 Assign a value to Is_mlp_late_stage data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::IsSetCategorized_comment (void) const
 to report categorized description/comment by associating with a category title Check if a value has been assigned to Categorized_comment data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CanGetCategorized_comment (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetCategorized_comment method. More...
void CPC_AssayDescription_Base::ResetCategorized_comment (void)
 Reset Categorized_comment data member. More...
const TCategorized_commentCPC_AssayDescription_Base::GetCategorized_comment (void) const
 Get the Categorized_comment member data. More...
TCategorized_commentCPC_AssayDescription_Base::SetCategorized_comment (void)
 Assign a value to Categorized_comment data member. More...
virtual void CPC_AssayDescription_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CPC_AssayDescription_Base::CPC_AssayDescription_Base (const CPC_AssayDescription_Base &)
CPC_AssayDescription_BaseCPC_AssayDescription_Base::operator= (const CPC_AssayDescription_Base &)
 CPC_AssayDRAttr::CPC_AssayDRAttr (void)
 CPC_AssayDRAttr::~CPC_AssayDRAttr (void)
 CPC_AssayDRAttr::CPC_AssayDRAttr (const CPC_AssayDRAttr &value)
CPC_AssayDRAttrCPC_AssayDRAttr::operator= (const CPC_AssayDRAttr &value)
 CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base (void)
virtual CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::~CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base (void)
static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues *ENUM_METHOD_NAME() CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::EType (void)
 Access to EType's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec. More...
bool CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::IsSetId (void) const
 Unique dose-response test set identifier Note: A valid ID is greater than "0" Check if a value has been assigned to Id data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::CanGetId (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetId method. More...
void CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::ResetId (void)
 Reset Id data member. More...
TId CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::GetId (void) const
 Get the Id member data. More...
void CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::SetId (TId value)
 Assign a value to Id data member. More...
TIdCPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::SetId (void)
 Assign a value to Id data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::IsSetDescr (void) const
 Dose-Response Curve Description (used as curve title) Check if a value has been assigned to Descr data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::CanGetDescr (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetDescr method. More...
void CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::ResetDescr (void)
 Reset Descr data member. More...
const TDescrCPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::GetDescr (void) const
 Get the Descr member data. More...
void CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::SetDescr (const TDescr &value)
 Assign a value to Descr data member. More...
void CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::SetDescr (TDescr &&value)
TDescrCPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::SetDescr (void)
 Assign a value to Descr data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::IsSetDn (void) const
 Dose Axis Description (used as axis name) Check if a value has been assigned to Dn data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::CanGetDn (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetDn method. More...
void CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::ResetDn (void)
 Reset Dn data member. More...
const TDnCPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::GetDn (void) const
 Get the Dn member data. More...
void CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::SetDn (const TDn &value)
 Assign a value to Dn data member. More...
void CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::SetDn (TDn &&value)
TDnCPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::SetDn (void)
 Assign a value to Dn data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::IsSetRn (void) const
 Response Axis Description (used as axis name) Check if a value has been assigned to Rn data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::CanGetRn (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetRn method. More...
void CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::ResetRn (void)
 Reset Rn data member. More...
const TRnCPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::GetRn (void) const
 Get the Rn member data. More...
void CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::SetRn (const TRn &value)
 Assign a value to Rn data member. More...
void CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::SetRn (TRn &&value)
TRnCPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::SetRn (void)
 Assign a value to Rn data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::IsSetType (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Type data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::CanGetType (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetType method. More...
void CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::ResetType (void)
 Reset Type data member. More...
TType CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::GetType (void) const
 Get the Type member data. More...
void CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::SetType (TType value)
 Assign a value to Type data member. More...
TTypeCPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::SetType (void)
 Assign a value to Type data member. More...
virtual void CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base (const CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base &)
CPC_AssayDRAttr_BaseCPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::operator= (const CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base &)
 CPC_AssayPanel::CPC_AssayPanel (void)
 CPC_AssayPanel::~CPC_AssayPanel (void)
 CPC_AssayPanel::CPC_AssayPanel (const CPC_AssayPanel &value)
CPC_AssayPanelCPC_AssayPanel::operator= (const CPC_AssayPanel &value)
 CPC_AssayPanel_Base::CPC_AssayPanel_Base (void)
virtual CPC_AssayPanel_Base::~CPC_AssayPanel_Base (void)
bool CPC_AssayPanel_Base::IsSetName (void) const
 short name for the panel, such as 'Kinase Profiling' Check if a value has been assigned to Name data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayPanel_Base::CanGetName (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetName method. More...
void CPC_AssayPanel_Base::ResetName (void)
 Reset Name data member. More...
const TNameCPC_AssayPanel_Base::GetName (void) const
 Get the Name member data. More...
void CPC_AssayPanel_Base::SetName (const TName &value)
 Assign a value to Name data member. More...
void CPC_AssayPanel_Base::SetName (TName &&value)
TNameCPC_AssayPanel_Base::SetName (void)
 Assign a value to Name data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayPanel_Base::IsSetDescr (void) const
 short description of this panel Check if a value has been assigned to Descr data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayPanel_Base::CanGetDescr (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetDescr method. More...
void CPC_AssayPanel_Base::ResetDescr (void)
 Reset Descr data member. More...
const TDescrCPC_AssayPanel_Base::GetDescr (void) const
 Get the Descr member data. More...
void CPC_AssayPanel_Base::SetDescr (const TDescr &value)
 Assign a value to Descr data member. More...
void CPC_AssayPanel_Base::SetDescr (TDescr &&value)
TDescrCPC_AssayPanel_Base::SetDescr (void)
 Assign a value to Descr data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayPanel_Base::IsSetMember (void) const
 store panel member information Check if a value has been assigned to Member data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayPanel_Base::CanGetMember (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetMember method. More...
void CPC_AssayPanel_Base::ResetMember (void)
 Reset Member data member. More...
const TMemberCPC_AssayPanel_Base::GetMember (void) const
 Get the Member member data. More...
TMemberCPC_AssayPanel_Base::SetMember (void)
 Assign a value to Member data member. More...
virtual void CPC_AssayPanel_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CPC_AssayPanel_Base::CPC_AssayPanel_Base (const CPC_AssayPanel_Base &)
CPC_AssayPanel_BaseCPC_AssayPanel_Base::operator= (const CPC_AssayPanel_Base &)
 CPC_AssayPanelMember::CPC_AssayPanelMember (void)
 CPC_AssayPanelMember::~CPC_AssayPanelMember (void)
 CPC_AssayPanelMember::CPC_AssayPanelMember (const CPC_AssayPanelMember &value)
CPC_AssayPanelMemberCPC_AssayPanelMember::operator= (const CPC_AssayPanelMember &value)
 CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base (void)
virtual CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::~CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base (void)
static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues *ENUM_METHOD_NAME() CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::EActivity_outcome_method (void)
 Access to EActivity_outcome_method's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec. More...
bool CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::IsSetMid (void) const
 ID for panel member if a kinase panel with 300 kinases, ID will range from 1 to 300 TIDs of the same panel member to be grouped based on panel member ID Check if a value has been assigned to Mid data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::CanGetMid (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetMid method. More...
void CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::ResetMid (void)
 Reset Mid data member. More...
TMid CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::GetMid (void) const
 Get the Mid member data. More...
void CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::SetMid (TMid value)
 Assign a value to Mid data member. More...
TMidCPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::SetMid (void)
 Assign a value to Mid data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::IsSetName (void) const
 short name for this panel member Check if a value has been assigned to Name data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::CanGetName (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetName method. More...
void CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::ResetName (void)
 Reset Name data member. More...
const TNameCPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::GetName (void) const
 Get the Name member data. More...
void CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::SetName (const TName &value)
 Assign a value to Name data member. More...
void CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::SetName (TName &&value)
TNameCPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::SetName (void)
 Assign a value to Name data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::IsSetDescription (void) const
 description about specifics of this panel member such as about cell line, or target information Check if a value has been assigned to Description data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::CanGetDescription (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetDescription method. More...
void CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::ResetDescription (void)
 Reset Description data member. More...
const TDescriptionCPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::GetDescription (void) const
 Get the Description member data. More...
void CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::SetDescription (const TDescription &value)
 Assign a value to Description data member. More...
void CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::SetDescription (TDescription &&value)
TDescriptionCPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::SetDescription (void)
 Assign a value to Description data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::IsSetProtocol (void) const
 Specific procedure used to generate results for the panel member Check if a value has been assigned to Protocol data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::CanGetProtocol (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetProtocol method. More...
void CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::ResetProtocol (void)
 Reset Protocol data member. More...
const TProtocolCPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::GetProtocol (void) const
 Get the Protocol member data. More...
TProtocolCPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::SetProtocol (void)
 Assign a value to Protocol data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::IsSetComment (void) const
 Comments or additional information Check if a value has been assigned to Comment data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::CanGetComment (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetComment method. More...
void CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::ResetComment (void)
 Reset Comment data member. More...
const TCommentCPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::GetComment (void) const
 Get the Comment member data. More...
TCommentCPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::SetComment (void)
 Assign a value to Comment data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::IsSetTarget (void) const
 often provided for profiling assays across protein families Check if a value has been assigned to Target data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::CanGetTarget (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetTarget method. More...
void CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::ResetTarget (void)
 Reset Target data member. More...
const TTargetCPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::GetTarget (void) const
 Get the Target member data. More...
TTargetCPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::SetTarget (void)
 Assign a value to Target data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::IsSetXref (void) const
 annotated Cross-Reference Information Check if a value has been assigned to Xref data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::CanGetXref (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetXref method. More...
void CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::ResetXref (void)
 Reset Xref data member. More...
const TXrefCPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::GetXref (void) const
 Get the Xref member data. More...
TXrefCPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::SetXref (void)
 Assign a value to Xref data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::IsSetActivity_outcome_method (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Activity_outcome_method data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::CanGetActivity_outcome_method (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetActivity_outcome_method method. More...
void CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::ResetActivity_outcome_method (void)
 Reset Activity_outcome_method data member. More...
TActivity_outcome_method CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::GetActivity_outcome_method (void) const
 Get the Activity_outcome_method member data. More...
void CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::SetActivity_outcome_method (TActivity_outcome_method value)
 Assign a value to Activity_outcome_method data member. More...
TActivity_outcome_methodCPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::SetActivity_outcome_method (void)
 Assign a value to Activity_outcome_method data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::IsSetDr (void) const
 Dose-Response Attribution within the panel member Check if a value has been assigned to Dr data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::CanGetDr (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetDr method. More...
void CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::ResetDr (void)
 Reset Dr data member. More...
const TDrCPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::GetDr (void) const
 Get the Dr member data. More...
TDrCPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::SetDr (void)
 Assign a value to Dr data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::IsSetCategorized_comment (void) const
 to report categorized description/comment by associating with a category title Check if a value has been assigned to Categorized_comment data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::CanGetCategorized_comment (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetCategorized_comment method. More...
void CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::ResetCategorized_comment (void)
 Reset Categorized_comment data member. More...
const TCategorized_commentCPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::GetCategorized_comment (void) const
 Get the Categorized_comment member data. More...
TCategorized_commentCPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::SetCategorized_comment (void)
 Assign a value to Categorized_comment data member. More...
virtual void CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base (const CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base &)
CPC_AssayPanelMember_BaseCPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::operator= (const CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base &)
 CPC_AssayPanelTestResult::CPC_AssayPanelTestResult (void)
 CPC_AssayPanelTestResult::~CPC_AssayPanelTestResult (void)
 CPC_AssayPanelTestResult::CPC_AssayPanelTestResult (const CPC_AssayPanelTestResult &value)
CPC_AssayPanelTestResultCPC_AssayPanelTestResult::operator= (const CPC_AssayPanelTestResult &value)
 CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base (void)
virtual CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::~CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base (void)
static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues *ENUM_METHOD_NAME() CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::EReadout_annot (void)
 Access to EReadout_annot's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec. More...
bool CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::IsSetMid (void) const
 panel member ID, see PC-AssayPanelMemberInfo track association between a group of TIDs and panel member Check if a value has been assigned to Mid data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::CanGetMid (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetMid method. More...
void CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::ResetMid (void)
 Reset Mid data member. More...
TMid CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::GetMid (void) const
 Get the Mid member data. More...
void CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::SetMid (TMid value)
 Assign a value to Mid data member. More...
TMidCPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::SetMid (void)
 Assign a value to Mid data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::IsSetReadout_annot (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Readout_annot data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::CanGetReadout_annot (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetReadout_annot method. More...
void CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::ResetReadout_annot (void)
 Reset Readout_annot data member. More...
void CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::SetDefaultReadout_annot (void)
 Assign default value to Readout_annot data member. More...
TReadout_annot CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::GetReadout_annot (void) const
 Get the Readout_annot member data. More...
void CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::SetReadout_annot (TReadout_annot value)
 Assign a value to Readout_annot data member. More...
TReadout_annotCPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::SetReadout_annot (void)
 Assign a value to Readout_annot data member. More...
virtual void CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base (const CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base &)
CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_BaseCPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::operator= (const CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base &)
 CPC_AssayResults::CPC_AssayResults (void)
 CPC_AssayResults::~CPC_AssayResults (void)
 CPC_AssayResults::CPC_AssayResults (const CPC_AssayResults &value)
CPC_AssayResultsCPC_AssayResults::operator= (const CPC_AssayResults &value)
 CPC_AssayResults_Base::CPC_AssayResults_Base (void)
virtual CPC_AssayResults_Base::~CPC_AssayResults_Base (void)
static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues *ENUM_METHOD_NAME() CPC_AssayResults_Base::EOutcome (void)
 Access to EOutcome's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec. More...
bool CPC_AssayResults_Base::IsSetSid (void) const
 Internal/External Tracking Information Tested Substance ID/Version [Either valid ID or, if "sid-source" is used, this is a "0" value] Note: A valid ID is greater than "0" Check if a value has been assigned to Sid data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayResults_Base::CanGetSid (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetSid method. More...
void CPC_AssayResults_Base::ResetSid (void)
 Reset Sid data member. More...
TSid CPC_AssayResults_Base::GetSid (void) const
 Get the Sid member data. More...
void CPC_AssayResults_Base::SetSid (TSid value)
 Assign a value to Sid data member. More...
TSidCPC_AssayResults_Base::SetSid (void)
 Assign a value to Sid data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayResults_Base::IsSetSid_source (void) const
 External Identifier for this Substance Note: May be used in-lieu of "sid" Note: This is non-optional if "sid" is "0" Check if a value has been assigned to Sid_source data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayResults_Base::CanGetSid_source (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetSid_source method. More...
void CPC_AssayResults_Base::ResetSid_source (void)
 Reset Sid_source data member. More...
const TSid_sourceCPC_AssayResults_Base::GetSid_source (void) const
 Get the Sid_source member data. More...
void CPC_AssayResults_Base::SetSid_source (TSid_source &value)
 Assign a value to Sid_source data member. More...
TSid_sourceCPC_AssayResults_Base::SetSid_source (void)
 Assign a value to Sid_source data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayResults_Base::IsSetVersion (void) const
 Version identifier for this AID-SID Result Note: Incoming data should set this to be "0" Check if a value has been assigned to Version data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayResults_Base::CanGetVersion (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetVersion method. More...
void CPC_AssayResults_Base::ResetVersion (void)
 Reset Version data member. More...
TVersion CPC_AssayResults_Base::GetVersion (void) const
 Get the Version member data. More...
void CPC_AssayResults_Base::SetVersion (TVersion value)
 Assign a value to Version data member. More...
TVersionCPC_AssayResults_Base::SetVersion (void)
 Assign a value to Version data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayResults_Base::IsSetComment (void) const
 Data Annotation/Qualifier and URL to further Depositor Information Annotation or qualifier for this Result Check if a value has been assigned to Comment data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayResults_Base::CanGetComment (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetComment method. More...
void CPC_AssayResults_Base::ResetComment (void)
 Reset Comment data member. More...
const TCommentCPC_AssayResults_Base::GetComment (void) const
 Get the Comment member data. More...
void CPC_AssayResults_Base::SetComment (const TComment &value)
 Assign a value to Comment data member. More...
void CPC_AssayResults_Base::SetComment (TComment &&value)
TCommentCPC_AssayResults_Base::SetComment (void)
 Assign a value to Comment data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayResults_Base::IsSetOutcome (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Outcome data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayResults_Base::CanGetOutcome (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetOutcome method. More...
void CPC_AssayResults_Base::ResetOutcome (void)
 Reset Outcome data member. More...
void CPC_AssayResults_Base::SetDefaultOutcome (void)
 Assign default value to Outcome data member. More...
TOutcome CPC_AssayResults_Base::GetOutcome (void) const
 Get the Outcome member data. More...
void CPC_AssayResults_Base::SetOutcome (TOutcome value)
 Assign a value to Outcome data member. More...
TOutcomeCPC_AssayResults_Base::SetOutcome (void)
 Assign a value to Outcome data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayResults_Base::IsSetRank (void) const
 Rank of Assay Outcome (for result ordering) Note: Larger numbers are more active Check if a value has been assigned to Rank data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayResults_Base::CanGetRank (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetRank method. More...
void CPC_AssayResults_Base::ResetRank (void)
 Reset Rank data member. More...
TRank CPC_AssayResults_Base::GetRank (void) const
 Get the Rank member data. More...
void CPC_AssayResults_Base::SetRank (TRank value)
 Assign a value to Rank data member. More...
TRankCPC_AssayResults_Base::SetRank (void)
 Assign a value to Rank data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayResults_Base::IsSetData (void) const
 Assay Data Reported for this SID (vector) Check if a value has been assigned to Data data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayResults_Base::CanGetData (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetData method. More...
void CPC_AssayResults_Base::ResetData (void)
 Reset Data data member. More...
const TDataCPC_AssayResults_Base::GetData (void) const
 Get the Data member data. More...
TDataCPC_AssayResults_Base::SetData (void)
 Assign a value to Data data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayResults_Base::IsSetUrl (void) const
 Depositor provided URL for this Result Check if a value has been assigned to Url data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayResults_Base::CanGetUrl (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetUrl method. More...
void CPC_AssayResults_Base::ResetUrl (void)
 Reset Url data member. More...
const TUrlCPC_AssayResults_Base::GetUrl (void) const
 Get the Url member data. More...
void CPC_AssayResults_Base::SetUrl (const TUrl &value)
 Assign a value to Url data member. More...
void CPC_AssayResults_Base::SetUrl (TUrl &&value)
TUrlCPC_AssayResults_Base::SetUrl (void)
 Assign a value to Url data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayResults_Base::IsSetXref (void) const
 annotated Cross-Reference Information to be removed, instead regulard TID will be generated which are then annotated by xref type Check if a value has been assigned to Xref data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayResults_Base::CanGetXref (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetXref method. More...
void CPC_AssayResults_Base::ResetXref (void)
 Reset Xref data member. More...
const TXrefCPC_AssayResults_Base::GetXref (void) const
 Get the Xref member data. More...
TXrefCPC_AssayResults_Base::SetXref (void)
 Assign a value to Xref data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayResults_Base::IsSetDate (void) const
 Pubchem Release Date Check if a value has been assigned to Date data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayResults_Base::CanGetDate (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetDate method. More...
void CPC_AssayResults_Base::ResetDate (void)
 Reset Date data member. More...
const TDateCPC_AssayResults_Base::GetDate (void) const
 Get the Date member data. More...
void CPC_AssayResults_Base::SetDate (TDate &value)
 Assign a value to Date data member. More...
TDateCPC_AssayResults_Base::SetDate (void)
 Assign a value to Date data member. More...
virtual void CPC_AssayResults_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CPC_AssayResults_Base::CPC_AssayResults_Base (const CPC_AssayResults_Base &)
CPC_AssayResults_BaseCPC_AssayResults_Base::operator= (const CPC_AssayResults_Base &)
 CPC_AssaySubmit::CPC_AssaySubmit (void)
 CPC_AssaySubmit::~CPC_AssaySubmit (void)
 CPC_AssaySubmit::CPC_AssaySubmit (const CPC_AssaySubmit &value)
CPC_AssaySubmitCPC_AssaySubmit::operator= (const CPC_AssaySubmit &value)
 CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::CPC_AssaySubmit_Base (void)
virtual CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::~CPC_AssaySubmit_Base (void)
 CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::C_Assay (void)
 CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::~C_Assay (void)
void CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
void CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::ResetSelection (void)
 Reset the selection (set it to e_not_set). More...
E_Choice CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::Which (void) const
 Which variant is currently selected. More...
void CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::CheckSelected (E_Choice index) const
 Verify selection, throw exception if it differs from the expected. More...
void CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::ThrowInvalidSelection (E_Choice index) const
 Throw 'InvalidSelection' exception. More...
static string CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::SelectionName (E_Choice index)
 Retrieve selection name (for diagnostic purposes). More...
void CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset=eDoResetVariant)
 Select the requested variant if needed. More...
void CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset, CObjectMemoryPool *pool)
 Select the requested variant if needed, allocating CObject variants from memory pool. More...
bool CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::IsAid (void) const
 Check if variant Aid is selected. More...
TAid CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::GetAid (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TAidCPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::SetAid (void)
 Select the variant. More...
void CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::SetAid (TAid value)
 Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::IsAid_source (void) const
 Check if variant Aid_source is selected. More...
const TAid_sourceCPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::GetAid_source (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TAid_sourceCPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::SetAid_source (void)
 Select the variant. More...
void CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::SetAid_source (TAid_source &value)
 Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::IsDescr (void) const
 Check if variant Descr is selected. More...
const TDescrCPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::GetDescr (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TDescrCPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::SetDescr (void)
 Select the variant. More...
void CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::SetDescr (TDescr &value)
 Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::IsAidver (void) const
 Check if variant Aidver is selected. More...
const TAidverCPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::GetAidver (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TAidverCPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::SetAidver (void)
 Select the variant. More...
void CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::SetAidver (TAidver &value)
 Select the variant and set its data. More...
 CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::C_Assay (const C_Assay &)
C_AssayCPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::operator= (const C_Assay &)
void CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::DoSelect (E_Choice index, CObjectMemoryPool *pool=0)
bool CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::IsSetAssay (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Assay data member. More...
bool CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::CanGetAssay (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetAssay method. More...
void CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::ResetAssay (void)
 Reset Assay data member. More...
const TAssayCPC_AssaySubmit_Base::GetAssay (void) const
 Get the Assay member data. More...
void CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::SetAssay (TAssay &value)
 Assign a value to Assay data member. More...
TAssayCPC_AssaySubmit_Base::SetAssay (void)
 Assign a value to Assay data member. More...
bool CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::IsSetData (void) const
 Assay Data Deposition (vector) Check if a value has been assigned to Data data member. More...
bool CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::CanGetData (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetData method. More...
void CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::ResetData (void)
 Reset Data data member. More...
const TDataCPC_AssaySubmit_Base::GetData (void) const
 Get the Data member data. More...
TDataCPC_AssaySubmit_Base::SetData (void)
 Assign a value to Data data member. More...
bool CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::IsSetRevoke (void) const
 List of SID's whose data is to be suppressed Check if a value has been assigned to Revoke data member. More...
bool CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::CanGetRevoke (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetRevoke method. More...
void CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::ResetRevoke (void)
 Reset Revoke data member. More...
const TRevokeCPC_AssaySubmit_Base::GetRevoke (void) const
 Get the Revoke member data. More...
TRevokeCPC_AssaySubmit_Base::SetRevoke (void)
 Assign a value to Revoke data member. More...
virtual void CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::CPC_AssaySubmit_Base (const CPC_AssaySubmit_Base &)
CPC_AssaySubmit_BaseCPC_AssaySubmit_Base::operator= (const CPC_AssaySubmit_Base &)
 CPC_AssayTargetInfo::CPC_AssayTargetInfo (void)
 CPC_AssayTargetInfo::~CPC_AssayTargetInfo (void)
 CPC_AssayTargetInfo::CPC_AssayTargetInfo (const CPC_AssayTargetInfo &value)
CPC_AssayTargetInfoCPC_AssayTargetInfo::operator= (const CPC_AssayTargetInfo &value)
 CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base (void)
virtual CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::~CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base (void)
static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues *ENUM_METHOD_NAME() CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::EMolecule_type (void)
 Access to EMolecule_type's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec. More...
bool CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::IsSetName (void) const
 Molecular name of target Check if a value has been assigned to Name data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::CanGetName (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetName method. More...
void CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::ResetName (void)
 Reset Name data member. More...
const TNameCPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::GetName (void) const
 Get the Name member data. More...
void CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::SetName (const TName &value)
 Assign a value to Name data member. More...
void CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::SetName (TName &&value)
TNameCPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::SetName (void)
 Assign a value to Name data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::IsSetMol_id (void) const
 NCBI database identifier of the target molecule Check if a value has been assigned to Mol_id data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::CanGetMol_id (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetMol_id method. More...
void CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::ResetMol_id (void)
 Reset Mol_id data member. More...
TMol_id CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::GetMol_id (void) const
 Get the Mol_id member data. More...
void CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::SetMol_id (TMol_id value)
 Assign a value to Mol_id data member. More...
TMol_idCPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::SetMol_id (void)
 Assign a value to Mol_id data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::IsSetMolecule_type (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Molecule_type data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::CanGetMolecule_type (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetMolecule_type method. More...
void CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::ResetMolecule_type (void)
 Reset Molecule_type data member. More...
void CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::SetDefaultMolecule_type (void)
 Assign default value to Molecule_type data member. More...
TMolecule_type CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::GetMolecule_type (void) const
 Get the Molecule_type member data. More...
void CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::SetMolecule_type (TMolecule_type value)
 Assign a value to Molecule_type data member. More...
TMolecule_typeCPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::SetMolecule_type (void)
 Assign a value to Molecule_type data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::IsSetOrganism (void) const
 Target Organism Check if a value has been assigned to Organism data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::CanGetOrganism (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetOrganism method. More...
void CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::ResetOrganism (void)
 Reset Organism data member. More...
const TOrganismCPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::GetOrganism (void) const
 Get the Organism member data. More...
void CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::SetOrganism (TOrganism &value)
 Assign a value to Organism data member. More...
TOrganismCPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::SetOrganism (void)
 Assign a value to Organism data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::IsSetDescr (void) const
 Target Description (e.g., cellular functionality and location) Check if a value has been assigned to Descr data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::CanGetDescr (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetDescr method. More...
void CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::ResetDescr (void)
 Reset Descr data member. More...
const TDescrCPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::GetDescr (void) const
 Get the Descr member data. More...
void CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::SetDescr (const TDescr &value)
 Assign a value to Descr data member. More...
void CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::SetDescr (TDescr &&value)
TDescrCPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::SetDescr (void)
 Assign a value to Descr data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::IsSetComment (void) const
 Comments or Additional Information Check if a value has been assigned to Comment data member. More...
bool CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::CanGetComment (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetComment method. More...
void CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::ResetComment (void)
 Reset Comment data member. More...
const TCommentCPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::GetComment (void) const
 Get the Comment member data. More...
TCommentCPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::SetComment (void)
 Assign a value to Comment data member. More...
virtual void CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base (const CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base &)
CPC_AssayTargetInfo_BaseCPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::operator= (const CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base &)
 CPC_CategorizedComment::CPC_CategorizedComment (void)
 CPC_CategorizedComment::~CPC_CategorizedComment (void)
 CPC_CategorizedComment::CPC_CategorizedComment (const CPC_CategorizedComment &value)
CPC_CategorizedCommentCPC_CategorizedComment::operator= (const CPC_CategorizedComment &value)
 CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::CPC_CategorizedComment_Base (void)
virtual CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::~CPC_CategorizedComment_Base (void)
 CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO ()
bool CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::IsSetTitle (void) const
 title for the description/comment Check if a value has been assigned to Title data member. More...
bool CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::CanGetTitle (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetTitle method. More...
void CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::ResetTitle (void)
 Reset Title data member. More...
const TTitleCPC_CategorizedComment_Base::GetTitle (void) const
 Get the Title member data. More...
void CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::SetTitle (const TTitle &value)
 Assign a value to Title data member. More...
void CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::SetTitle (TTitle &&value)
TTitleCPC_CategorizedComment_Base::SetTitle (void)
 Assign a value to Title data member. More...
bool CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::IsSetComment (void) const
 description/comment content Check if a value has been assigned to Comment data member. More...
bool CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::CanGetComment (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetComment method. More...
void CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::ResetComment (void)
 Reset Comment data member. More...
const TCommentCPC_CategorizedComment_Base::GetComment (void) const
 Get the Comment member data. More...
TCommentCPC_CategorizedComment_Base::SetComment (void)
 Assign a value to Comment data member. More...
virtual void CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::CPC_CategorizedComment_Base (const CPC_CategorizedComment_Base &)
CPC_CategorizedComment_BaseCPC_CategorizedComment_Base::operator= (const CPC_CategorizedComment_Base &)
 CPC_ConcentrationAttr::CPC_ConcentrationAttr (void)
 CPC_ConcentrationAttr::~CPC_ConcentrationAttr (void)
 CPC_ConcentrationAttr::CPC_ConcentrationAttr (const CPC_ConcentrationAttr &value)
CPC_ConcentrationAttrCPC_ConcentrationAttr::operator= (const CPC_ConcentrationAttr &value)
 CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base (void)
virtual CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::~CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base (void)
 CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO ()
static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues *ENUM_METHOD_NAME() CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::EUnit (void)
 Access to EUnit's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec. More...
bool CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::IsSetConcentration (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Concentration data member. More...
bool CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::CanGetConcentration (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetConcentration method. More...
void CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::ResetConcentration (void)
 Reset Concentration data member. More...
TConcentration CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::GetConcentration (void) const
 Get the Concentration member data. More...
void CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::SetConcentration (TConcentration value)
 Assign a value to Concentration data member. More...
TConcentrationCPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::SetConcentration (void)
 Assign a value to Concentration data member. More...
bool CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::IsSetUnit (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Unit data member. More...
bool CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::CanGetUnit (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetUnit method. More...
void CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::ResetUnit (void)
 Reset Unit data member. More...
TUnit CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::GetUnit (void) const
 Get the Unit member data. More...
void CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::SetUnit (TUnit value)
 Assign a value to Unit data member. More...
TUnitCPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::SetUnit (void)
 Assign a value to Unit data member. More...
bool CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::IsSetDr_id (void) const
 Dose-Response Attribution ID (if applicable) Check if a value has been assigned to Dr_id data member. More...
bool CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::CanGetDr_id (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetDr_id method. More...
void CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::ResetDr_id (void)
 Reset Dr_id data member. More...
TDr_id CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::GetDr_id (void) const
 Get the Dr_id member data. More...
void CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::SetDr_id (TDr_id value)
 Assign a value to Dr_id data member. More...
TDr_idCPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::SetDr_id (void)
 Assign a value to Dr_id data member. More...
virtual void CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base (const CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base &)
CPC_ConcentrationAttr_BaseCPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::operator= (const CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base &)
 CPC_IntegerMinMax::CPC_IntegerMinMax (void)
 CPC_IntegerMinMax::~CPC_IntegerMinMax (void)
 CPC_IntegerMinMax::CPC_IntegerMinMax (const CPC_IntegerMinMax &value)
CPC_IntegerMinMaxCPC_IntegerMinMax::operator= (const CPC_IntegerMinMax &value)
 CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base (void)
virtual CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::~CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base (void)
bool CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::IsSetMin (void) const
 Minimum Value Allowed Check if a value has been assigned to Min data member. More...
bool CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::CanGetMin (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetMin method. More...
void CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::ResetMin (void)
 Reset Min data member. More...
TMin CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::GetMin (void) const
 Get the Min member data. More...
void CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::SetMin (TMin value)
 Assign a value to Min data member. More...
TMinCPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::SetMin (void)
 Assign a value to Min data member. More...
bool CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::IsSetMax (void) const
 Maximum Value Allowed Check if a value has been assigned to Max data member. More...
bool CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::CanGetMax (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetMax method. More...
void CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::ResetMax (void)
 Reset Max data member. More...
TMax CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::GetMax (void) const
 Get the Max member data. More...
void CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::SetMax (TMax value)
 Assign a value to Max data member. More...
TMaxCPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::SetMax (void)
 Assign a value to Max data member. More...
virtual void CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base (const CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base &)
CPC_IntegerMinMax_BaseCPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::operator= (const CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base &)
 CPC_RealMinMax::CPC_RealMinMax (void)
 CPC_RealMinMax::~CPC_RealMinMax (void)
 CPC_RealMinMax::CPC_RealMinMax (const CPC_RealMinMax &value)
CPC_RealMinMaxCPC_RealMinMax::operator= (const CPC_RealMinMax &value)
 CPC_RealMinMax_Base::CPC_RealMinMax_Base (void)
virtual CPC_RealMinMax_Base::~CPC_RealMinMax_Base (void)
bool CPC_RealMinMax_Base::IsSetMin (void) const
 Minimum Value Allowed Check if a value has been assigned to Min data member. More...
bool CPC_RealMinMax_Base::CanGetMin (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetMin method. More...
void CPC_RealMinMax_Base::ResetMin (void)
 Reset Min data member. More...
TMin CPC_RealMinMax_Base::GetMin (void) const
 Get the Min member data. More...
void CPC_RealMinMax_Base::SetMin (TMin value)
 Assign a value to Min data member. More...
TMinCPC_RealMinMax_Base::SetMin (void)
 Assign a value to Min data member. More...
bool CPC_RealMinMax_Base::IsSetMax (void) const
 Maximum Value Allowed Check if a value has been assigned to Max data member. More...
bool CPC_RealMinMax_Base::CanGetMax (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetMax method. More...
void CPC_RealMinMax_Base::ResetMax (void)
 Reset Max data member. More...
TMax CPC_RealMinMax_Base::GetMax (void) const
 Get the Max member data. More...
void CPC_RealMinMax_Base::SetMax (TMax value)
 Assign a value to Max data member. More...
TMaxCPC_RealMinMax_Base::SetMax (void)
 Assign a value to Max data member. More...
virtual void CPC_RealMinMax_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CPC_RealMinMax_Base::CPC_RealMinMax_Base (const CPC_RealMinMax_Base &)
CPC_RealMinMax_BaseCPC_RealMinMax_Base::operator= (const CPC_RealMinMax_Base &)
 CPC_ResultType::CPC_ResultType (void)
 CPC_ResultType::~CPC_ResultType (void)
 CPC_ResultType::CPC_ResultType (const CPC_ResultType &value)
CPC_ResultTypeCPC_ResultType::operator= (const CPC_ResultType &value)
 CPC_ResultType_Base::CPC_ResultType_Base (void)
virtual CPC_ResultType_Base::~CPC_ResultType_Base (void)
static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues *ENUM_METHOD_NAME() CPC_ResultType_Base::EType (void)
 Access to EType's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec. More...
 CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::C_Constraints (void)
 CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::~C_Constraints (void)
 CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO ()
void CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
void CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::ResetSelection (void)
 Reset the selection (set it to e_not_set). More...
E_Choice CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::Which (void) const
 Which variant is currently selected. More...
void CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::CheckSelected (E_Choice index) const
 Verify selection, throw exception if it differs from the expected. More...
void CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::ThrowInvalidSelection (E_Choice index) const
 Throw 'InvalidSelection' exception. More...
static string CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::SelectionName (E_Choice index)
 Retrieve selection name (for diagnostic purposes). More...
void CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset=eDoResetVariant)
 Select the requested variant if needed. More...
void CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset, CObjectMemoryPool *pool)
 Select the requested variant if needed, allocating CObject variants from memory pool. More...
bool CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::IsFset (void) const
 Check if variant Fset is selected. More...
const TFsetCPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::GetFset (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TFsetCPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::SetFset (void)
 Select the variant. More...
bool CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::IsFmin (void) const
 Check if variant Fmin is selected. More...
TFmin CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::GetFmin (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TFminCPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::SetFmin (void)
 Select the variant. More...
void CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::SetFmin (TFmin value)
 Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::IsFmax (void) const
 Check if variant Fmax is selected. More...
TFmax CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::GetFmax (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TFmaxCPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::SetFmax (void)
 Select the variant. More...
void CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::SetFmax (TFmax value)
 Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::IsFrange (void) const
 Check if variant Frange is selected. More...
const TFrangeCPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::GetFrange (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TFrangeCPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::SetFrange (void)
 Select the variant. More...
void CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::SetFrange (TFrange &value)
 Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::IsIset (void) const
 Check if variant Iset is selected. More...
const TIsetCPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::GetIset (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TIsetCPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::SetIset (void)
 Select the variant. More...
bool CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::IsImin (void) const
 Check if variant Imin is selected. More...
TImin CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::GetImin (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TIminCPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::SetImin (void)
 Select the variant. More...
void CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::SetImin (TImin value)
 Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::IsImax (void) const
 Check if variant Imax is selected. More...
TImax CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::GetImax (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TImaxCPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::SetImax (void)
 Select the variant. More...
void CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::SetImax (TImax value)
 Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::IsIrange (void) const
 Check if variant Irange is selected. More...
const TIrangeCPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::GetIrange (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TIrangeCPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::SetIrange (void)
 Select the variant. More...
void CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::SetIrange (TIrange &value)
 Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::IsSset (void) const
 Check if variant Sset is selected. More...
const TSsetCPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::GetSset (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TSsetCPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::SetSset (void)
 Select the variant. More...
 CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::C_Constraints (const C_Constraints &)
C_ConstraintsCPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::operator= (const C_Constraints &)
void CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::DoSelect (E_Choice index, CObjectMemoryPool *pool=0)
static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues *ENUM_METHOD_NAME() CPC_ResultType_Base::EUnit (void)
 Access to EUnit's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec. More...
static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues *ENUM_METHOD_NAME() CPC_ResultType_Base::ETransform (void)
 Access to ETransform's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec. More...
static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues *ENUM_METHOD_NAME() CPC_ResultType_Base::EAnnot (void)
 Access to EAnnot's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec. More...
bool CPC_ResultType_Base::IsSetTid (void) const
 Tracking or Description Information Assay Result Field Type ID (TID) Check if a value has been assigned to Tid data member. More...
bool CPC_ResultType_Base::CanGetTid (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetTid method. More...
void CPC_ResultType_Base::ResetTid (void)
 Reset Tid data member. More...
TTid CPC_ResultType_Base::GetTid (void) const
 Get the Tid member data. More...
void CPC_ResultType_Base::SetTid (TTid value)
 Assign a value to Tid data member. More...
TTidCPC_ResultType_Base::SetTid (void)
 Assign a value to Tid data member. More...
bool CPC_ResultType_Base::IsSetName (void) const
 Result Field Name (short name for display) Check if a value has been assigned to Name data member. More...
bool CPC_ResultType_Base::CanGetName (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetName method. More...
void CPC_ResultType_Base::ResetName (void)
 Reset Name data member. More...
const TNameCPC_ResultType_Base::GetName (void) const
 Get the Name member data. More...
void CPC_ResultType_Base::SetName (const TName &value)
 Assign a value to Name data member. More...
void CPC_ResultType_Base::SetName (TName &&value)
TNameCPC_ResultType_Base::SetName (void)
 Assign a value to Name data member. More...
bool CPC_ResultType_Base::IsSetDescription (void) const
 Result Field Description Check if a value has been assigned to Description data member. More...
bool CPC_ResultType_Base::CanGetDescription (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetDescription method. More...
void CPC_ResultType_Base::ResetDescription (void)
 Reset Description data member. More...
const TDescriptionCPC_ResultType_Base::GetDescription (void) const
 Get the Description member data. More...
TDescriptionCPC_ResultType_Base::SetDescription (void)
 Assign a value to Description data member. More...
bool CPC_ResultType_Base::IsSetType (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Type data member. More...
bool CPC_ResultType_Base::CanGetType (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetType method. More...
void CPC_ResultType_Base::ResetType (void)
 Reset Type data member. More...
TType CPC_ResultType_Base::GetType (void) const
 Get the Type member data. More...
void CPC_ResultType_Base::SetType (TType value)
 Assign a value to Type data member. More...
TTypeCPC_ResultType_Base::SetType (void)
 Assign a value to Type data member. More...
bool CPC_ResultType_Base::IsSetConstraints (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Constraints data member. More...
bool CPC_ResultType_Base::CanGetConstraints (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetConstraints method. More...
void CPC_ResultType_Base::ResetConstraints (void)
 Reset Constraints data member. More...
const TConstraintsCPC_ResultType_Base::GetConstraints (void) const
 Get the Constraints member data. More...
void CPC_ResultType_Base::SetConstraints (TConstraints &value)
 Assign a value to Constraints data member. More...
TConstraintsCPC_ResultType_Base::SetConstraints (void)
 Assign a value to Constraints data member. More...
bool CPC_ResultType_Base::IsSetUnit (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Unit data member. More...
bool CPC_ResultType_Base::CanGetUnit (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetUnit method. More...
void CPC_ResultType_Base::ResetUnit (void)
 Reset Unit data member. More...
TUnit CPC_ResultType_Base::GetUnit (void) const
 Get the Unit member data. More...
void CPC_ResultType_Base::SetUnit (TUnit value)
 Assign a value to Unit data member. More...
TUnitCPC_ResultType_Base::SetUnit (void)
 Assign a value to Unit data member. More...
bool CPC_ResultType_Base::IsSetSunit (void) const
 ATTENTION: sunit field is DEPRECATED. More...
bool CPC_ResultType_Base::CanGetSunit (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetSunit method. More...
void CPC_ResultType_Base::ResetSunit (void)
 Reset Sunit data member. More...
const TSunitCPC_ResultType_Base::GetSunit (void) const
 Get the Sunit member data. More...
void CPC_ResultType_Base::SetSunit (const TSunit &value)
 Assign a value to Sunit data member. More...
void CPC_ResultType_Base::SetSunit (TSunit &&value)
TSunitCPC_ResultType_Base::SetSunit (void)
 Assign a value to Sunit data member. More...
bool CPC_ResultType_Base::IsSetTransform (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Transform data member. More...
bool CPC_ResultType_Base::CanGetTransform (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetTransform method. More...
void CPC_ResultType_Base::ResetTransform (void)
 Reset Transform data member. More...
TTransform CPC_ResultType_Base::GetTransform (void) const
 Get the Transform member data. More...
void CPC_ResultType_Base::SetTransform (TTransform value)
 Assign a value to Transform data member. More...
TTransformCPC_ResultType_Base::SetTransform (void)
 Assign a value to Transform data member. More...
bool CPC_ResultType_Base::IsSetStransform (void) const
 ATTENTION: stransform field is DEPRECATED. More...
bool CPC_ResultType_Base::CanGetStransform (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetStransform method. More...
void CPC_ResultType_Base::ResetStransform (void)
 Reset Stransform data member. More...
const TStransformCPC_ResultType_Base::GetStransform (void) const
 Get the Stransform member data. More...
void CPC_ResultType_Base::SetStransform (const TStransform &value)
 Assign a value to Stransform data member. More...
void CPC_ResultType_Base::SetStransform (TStransform &&value)
TStransformCPC_ResultType_Base::SetStransform (void)
 Assign a value to Stransform data member. More...
bool CPC_ResultType_Base::IsSetTc (void) const
 Tested concentration attribute Check if a value has been assigned to Tc data member. More...
bool CPC_ResultType_Base::CanGetTc (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetTc method. More...
void CPC_ResultType_Base::ResetTc (void)
 Reset Tc data member. More...
const TTcCPC_ResultType_Base::GetTc (void) const
 Get the Tc member data. More...
void CPC_ResultType_Base::SetTc (TTc &value)
 Assign a value to Tc data member. More...
TTcCPC_ResultType_Base::SetTc (void)
 Assign a value to Tc data member. More...
bool CPC_ResultType_Base::IsSetAc (void) const
 if true, indicates that this TID field provides active concentration summary by reporting the concentration which produces 50% of the maximum possible biological response such as IC50, EC50, AC50, GI50 etc. More...
bool CPC_ResultType_Base::CanGetAc (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetAc method. More...
void CPC_ResultType_Base::ResetAc (void)
 Reset Ac data member. More...
TAc CPC_ResultType_Base::GetAc (void) const
 Get the Ac member data. More...
void CPC_ResultType_Base::SetAc (TAc value)
 Assign a value to Ac data member. More...
TAcCPC_ResultType_Base::SetAc (void)
 Assign a value to Ac data member. More...
bool CPC_ResultType_Base::IsSetPanel_info (void) const
 needed for panel assay only each panel member may have a number of TID columns reported such TIDs are grouped by panel member ID, see PC-AssayPanelMemberInfo Check if a value has been assigned to Panel_info data member. More...
bool CPC_ResultType_Base::CanGetPanel_info (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetPanel_info method. More...
void CPC_ResultType_Base::ResetPanel_info (void)
 Reset Panel_info data member. More...
const TPanel_infoCPC_ResultType_Base::GetPanel_info (void) const
 Get the Panel_info member data. More...
void CPC_ResultType_Base::SetPanel_info (TPanel_info &value)
 Assign a value to Panel_info data member. More...
TPanel_infoCPC_ResultType_Base::SetPanel_info (void)
 Assign a value to Panel_info data member. More...
bool CPC_ResultType_Base::IsSetAnnot (void) const
 treat substance associated cross-reference as regular TID web servers would make a link to the corresponding record in Entrez databases treat substance associated target information as regular TID for example, for RNAi screening data, each 'substance' may correspond to a specific gene target Check if a value has been assigned to Annot data member. More...
bool CPC_ResultType_Base::CanGetAnnot (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetAnnot method. More...
void CPC_ResultType_Base::ResetAnnot (void)
 Reset Annot data member. More...
TAnnot CPC_ResultType_Base::GetAnnot (void) const
 Get the Annot member data. More...
void CPC_ResultType_Base::SetAnnot (TAnnot value)
 Assign a value to Annot data member. More...
TAnnotCPC_ResultType_Base::SetAnnot (void)
 Assign a value to Annot data member. More...
virtual void CPC_ResultType_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CPC_ResultType_Base::CPC_ResultType_Base (const CPC_ResultType_Base &)
CPC_ResultType_BaseCPC_ResultType_Base::operator= (const CPC_ResultType_Base &)


Uint4 CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::m_set_State [1]
CRef< TXrefCPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::m_Xref
string CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::m_Comment
int CPC_AnnotatedXRef_Base::m_Type
Uint4 CPC_AssayContainer_Base::m_set_State [1]
list< CRef< CPC_AssaySubmit > > CPC_AssayContainer_Base::m_data
E_Choice CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::m_choice
static const char *const CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::sm_SelectionNames []
TIval   CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::m_Ival
TFval   CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::m_Fval
TBval   CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::m_Bval
NCBI_NS_NCBI::CUnionBuffer< NCBI_NS_STD::string >   CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::m_string
void *   CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::m_dummy_pointer_for_alignment
union {
   TIval   CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::m_Ival
   TFval   CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::m_Fval
   TBval   CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::m_Bval
   NCBI_NS_NCBI::CUnionBuffer< NCBI_NS_STD::string >   CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::m_string
   void *   CPC_AssayData_Base::C_Value::m_dummy_pointer_for_alignment
Uint4 CPC_AssayData_Base::m_set_State [1]
int CPC_AssayData_Base::m_Tid
CRef< TValueCPC_AssayData_Base::m_Value
Uint4 CPC_AssayDescription_Base::m_set_State [2]
CRef< TAidCPC_AssayDescription_Base::m_Aid
CRef< TAid_sourceCPC_AssayDescription_Base::m_Aid_source
string CPC_AssayDescription_Base::m_Name
list< stringCPC_AssayDescription_Base::m_Description
list< stringCPC_AssayDescription_Base::m_Protocol
list< stringCPC_AssayDescription_Base::m_Comment
list< CRef< CPC_AnnotatedXRef > > CPC_AssayDescription_Base::m_Xref
vector< CRef< CPC_ResultType > > CPC_AssayDescription_Base::m_Results
list< CRef< CPub > > CPC_AssayDescription_Base::m_Pub
int CPC_AssayDescription_Base::m_Revision
list< CRef< CPC_AssayTargetInfo > > CPC_AssayDescription_Base::m_Target
int CPC_AssayDescription_Base::m_Activity_outcome_method
list< CRef< CPC_AssayDRAttr > > CPC_AssayDescription_Base::m_Dr
int CPC_AssayDescription_Base::m_Substance_type
list< stringCPC_AssayDescription_Base::m_Grant_number
int CPC_AssayDescription_Base::m_Project_category
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::m_Is_panel
list< stringCPC_AssayDescription_Base::m_Assay_group
CRef< TPanel_infoCPC_AssayDescription_Base::m_Panel_info
bool CPC_AssayDescription_Base::m_Is_mlp_late_stage
list< CRef< CPC_CategorizedComment > > CPC_AssayDescription_Base::m_Categorized_comment
Uint4 CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::m_set_State [1]
int CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::m_Id
string CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::m_Descr
string CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::m_Dn
string CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::m_Rn
int CPC_AssayDRAttr_Base::m_Type
Uint4 CPC_AssayPanel_Base::m_set_State [1]
string CPC_AssayPanel_Base::m_Name
string CPC_AssayPanel_Base::m_Descr
list< CRef< CPC_AssayPanelMember > > CPC_AssayPanel_Base::m_Member
Uint4 CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::m_set_State [1]
int CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::m_Mid
string CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::m_Name
string CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::m_Description
list< stringCPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::m_Protocol
list< stringCPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::m_Comment
list< CRef< CPC_AssayTargetInfo > > CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::m_Target
list< CRef< CPC_AnnotatedXRef > > CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::m_Xref
int CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::m_Activity_outcome_method
list< CRef< CPC_AssayDRAttr > > CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::m_Dr
list< CRef< CPC_CategorizedComment > > CPC_AssayPanelMember_Base::m_Categorized_comment
Uint4 CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::m_set_State [1]
int CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::m_Mid
int CPC_AssayPanelTestResult_Base::m_Readout_annot
Uint4 CPC_AssayResults_Base::m_set_State [1]
int CPC_AssayResults_Base::m_Sid
CRef< TSid_sourceCPC_AssayResults_Base::m_Sid_source
int CPC_AssayResults_Base::m_Version
string CPC_AssayResults_Base::m_Comment
int CPC_AssayResults_Base::m_Outcome
int CPC_AssayResults_Base::m_Rank
vector< CRef< CPC_AssayData > > CPC_AssayResults_Base::m_Data
string CPC_AssayResults_Base::m_Url
list< CRef< CPC_AnnotatedXRef > > CPC_AssayResults_Base::m_Xref
CRef< TDateCPC_AssayResults_Base::m_Date
E_Choice CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::m_choice
static const char *const CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::sm_SelectionNames []
TAid   CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::m_Aid
NCBI_NS_NCBI::CSerialObject *   CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::m_object
union {
   TAid   CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::m_Aid
   NCBI_NS_NCBI::CSerialObject *   CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::C_Assay::m_object
Uint4 CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::m_set_State [1]
CRef< TAssayCPC_AssaySubmit_Base::m_Assay
vector< CRef< CPC_AssayResults > > CPC_AssaySubmit_Base::m_Data
vector< intCPC_AssaySubmit_Base::m_Revoke
Uint4 CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::m_set_State [1]
string CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::m_Name
int CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::m_Mol_id
int CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::m_Molecule_type
CRef< TOrganismCPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::m_Organism
string CPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::m_Descr
list< stringCPC_AssayTargetInfo_Base::m_Comment
Uint4 CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::m_set_State [1]
string CPC_CategorizedComment_Base::m_Title
list< stringCPC_CategorizedComment_Base::m_Comment
Uint4 CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::m_set_State [1]
double CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::m_Concentration
int CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::m_Unit
int CPC_ConcentrationAttr_Base::m_Dr_id
Uint4 CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::m_set_State [1]
int CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::m_Min
int CPC_IntegerMinMax_Base::m_Max
Uint4 CPC_RealMinMax_Base::m_set_State [1]
double CPC_RealMinMax_Base::m_Min
double CPC_RealMinMax_Base::m_Max
E_Choice CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::m_choice
static const char *const CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::sm_SelectionNames []
NCBI_NS_NCBI::CUnionBuffer< TFset >   CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::m_Fset
TFmin   CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::m_Fmin
TFmax   CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::m_Fmax
NCBI_NS_NCBI::CUnionBuffer< TIset >   CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::m_Iset
TImin   CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::m_Imin
TImax   CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::m_Imax
NCBI_NS_NCBI::CUnionBuffer< TSset >   CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::m_Sset
NCBI_NS_NCBI::CSerialObject *   CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::m_object
union {
   NCBI_NS_NCBI::CUnionBuffer< TFset >   CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::m_Fset
   TFmin   CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::m_Fmin
   TFmax   CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::m_Fmax
   NCBI_NS_NCBI::CUnionBuffer< TIset >   CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::m_Iset
   TImin   CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::m_Imin
   TImax   CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::m_Imax
   NCBI_NS_NCBI::CUnionBuffer< TSset >   CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::m_Sset
   NCBI_NS_NCBI::CSerialObject *   CPC_ResultType_Base::C_Constraints::m_object
Uint4 CPC_ResultType_Base::m_set_State [1]
int CPC_ResultType_Base::m_Tid
string CPC_ResultType_Base::m_Name
list< stringCPC_ResultType_Base::m_Description
int CPC_ResultType_Base::m_Type
CRef< TConstraintsCPC_ResultType_Base::m_Constraints
int CPC_ResultType_Base::m_Unit
string CPC_ResultType_Base::m_Sunit
int CPC_ResultType_Base::m_Transform
string CPC_ResultType_Base::m_Stransform
CRef< TTcCPC_ResultType_Base::m_Tc
bool CPC_ResultType_Base::m_Ac
CRef< TPanel_infoCPC_ResultType_Base::m_Panel_info
int CPC_ResultType_Base::m_Annot

Detailed Description

Typedef Documentation

◆ TAc

Definition at line 552 of file PC_ResultType_.hpp.

◆ TActivity_outcome_method [1/2]

Definition at line 152 of file PC_AssayDescription_.hpp.

◆ TActivity_outcome_method [2/2]

Definition at line 112 of file PC_AssayPanelMember_.hpp.

◆ TAid [1/2]

Definition at line 141 of file PC_AssayDescription_.hpp.

◆ TAid [2/2]

Definition at line 172 of file PC_AssaySubmit_.hpp.

◆ TAid_source [1/2]

Definition at line 142 of file PC_AssayDescription_.hpp.

◆ TAid_source [2/2]

Definition at line 173 of file PC_AssaySubmit_.hpp.

◆ TAidver

Definition at line 175 of file PC_AssaySubmit_.hpp.

◆ TAnnot

Definition at line 554 of file PC_ResultType_.hpp.

◆ TAssay

Definition at line 303 of file PC_AssaySubmit_.hpp.

◆ TAssay_group

Definition at line 158 of file PC_AssayDescription_.hpp.

◆ TBval

Definition at line 167 of file PC_AssayData_.hpp.

◆ TCategorized_comment [1/2]

Definition at line 161 of file PC_AssayDescription_.hpp.

◆ TCategorized_comment [2/2]

Definition at line 114 of file PC_AssayPanelMember_.hpp.

◆ TComment [1/6]

Definition at line 99 of file PC_AnnotatedXRef_.hpp.

◆ TComment [2/6]

Definition at line 146 of file PC_AssayDescription_.hpp.

◆ TComment [3/6]

Definition at line 109 of file PC_AssayPanelMember_.hpp.

◆ TComment [4/6]

Definition at line 115 of file PC_AssayResults_.hpp.

◆ TComment [5/6]

Definition at line 110 of file PC_AssayTargetInfo_.hpp.

◆ TComment [6/6]

Definition at line 90 of file PC_CategorizedComment_.hpp.

◆ TConcentration

Definition at line 90 of file PC_ConcentrationAttr_.hpp.

◆ TConstraints

Definition at line 546 of file PC_ResultType_.hpp.

◆ Tdata

Definition at line 91 of file PC_AssayContainer_.hpp.

◆ TData [1/2]

Definition at line 118 of file PC_AssayResults_.hpp.

◆ TData [2/2]

Definition at line 304 of file PC_AssaySubmit_.hpp.

◆ TDate

Definition at line 121 of file PC_AssayResults_.hpp.

◆ TDescr [1/4]

Definition at line 96 of file PC_AssayDRAttr_.hpp.

◆ TDescr [2/4]

Definition at line 93 of file PC_AssayPanel_.hpp.

◆ TDescr [3/4]

Definition at line 174 of file PC_AssaySubmit_.hpp.

◆ TDescr [4/4]

Definition at line 109 of file PC_AssayTargetInfo_.hpp.

◆ TDescription [1/3]

Definition at line 144 of file PC_AssayDescription_.hpp.

◆ TDescription [2/3]

Definition at line 107 of file PC_AssayPanelMember_.hpp.

◆ TDescription [3/3]

Definition at line 544 of file PC_ResultType_.hpp.

◆ TDn

Definition at line 97 of file PC_AssayDRAttr_.hpp.

◆ TDr [1/2]

Definition at line 153 of file PC_AssayDescription_.hpp.

◆ TDr [2/2]

Definition at line 113 of file PC_AssayPanelMember_.hpp.

◆ TDr_id

Definition at line 92 of file PC_ConcentrationAttr_.hpp.

◆ TFmax

Definition at line 193 of file PC_ResultType_.hpp.

◆ TFmin

Definition at line 192 of file PC_ResultType_.hpp.

◆ TFrange

Definition at line 194 of file PC_ResultType_.hpp.

◆ TFset

Definition at line 191 of file PC_ResultType_.hpp.

◆ TFval

Definition at line 166 of file PC_AssayData_.hpp.

◆ TGrant_number

Definition at line 155 of file PC_AssayDescription_.hpp.

◆ TId

Definition at line 95 of file PC_AssayDRAttr_.hpp.

◆ TImax

Definition at line 197 of file PC_ResultType_.hpp.

◆ TImin

Definition at line 196 of file PC_ResultType_.hpp.

◆ TIrange

Definition at line 198 of file PC_ResultType_.hpp.

◆ TIs_mlp_late_stage

Definition at line 160 of file PC_AssayDescription_.hpp.

◆ TIs_panel

Definition at line 157 of file PC_AssayDescription_.hpp.

◆ TIset

Definition at line 195 of file PC_ResultType_.hpp.

◆ TIval

Definition at line 165 of file PC_AssayData_.hpp.

◆ TMax [1/2]

Definition at line 83 of file PC_IntegerMinMax_.hpp.

◆ TMax [2/2]

typedef double CPC_RealMinMax_Base::TMax

Definition at line 83 of file PC_RealMinMax_.hpp.

◆ TMember

Definition at line 94 of file PC_AssayPanel_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [1/15]

Definition at line 109 of file PC_AnnotatedXRef_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [2/15]

Definition at line 311 of file PC_AssayData_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [3/15]

Definition at line 188 of file PC_AssayDescription_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [4/15]

Definition at line 110 of file PC_AssayDRAttr_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [5/15]

Definition at line 103 of file PC_AssayPanel_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [6/15]

Definition at line 130 of file PC_AssayPanelMember_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [7/15]

Definition at line 100 of file PC_AssayPanelTestResult_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [8/15]

Definition at line 137 of file PC_AssayResults_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [9/15]

Definition at line 314 of file PC_AssaySubmit_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [10/15]

Definition at line 122 of file PC_AssayTargetInfo_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [11/15]

Definition at line 98 of file PC_CategorizedComment_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [12/15]

Definition at line 101 of file PC_ConcentrationAttr_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [13/15]

Definition at line 91 of file PC_IntegerMinMax_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [14/15]

Definition at line 91 of file PC_RealMinMax_.hpp.

◆ TmemberIndex [15/15]

Definition at line 573 of file PC_ResultType_.hpp.

◆ TMid [1/2]

Definition at line 105 of file PC_AssayPanelMember_.hpp.

◆ TMid [2/2]

Definition at line 91 of file PC_AssayPanelTestResult_.hpp.

◆ TMin [1/2]

Definition at line 82 of file PC_IntegerMinMax_.hpp.

◆ TMin [2/2]

typedef double CPC_RealMinMax_Base::TMin

Definition at line 82 of file PC_RealMinMax_.hpp.

◆ TMol_id

Definition at line 106 of file PC_AssayTargetInfo_.hpp.

◆ TMolecule_type

Definition at line 107 of file PC_AssayTargetInfo_.hpp.

◆ TName [1/5]

Definition at line 143 of file PC_AssayDescription_.hpp.

◆ TName [2/5]

Definition at line 92 of file PC_AssayPanel_.hpp.

◆ TName [3/5]

Definition at line 106 of file PC_AssayPanelMember_.hpp.

◆ TName [4/5]

Definition at line 105 of file PC_AssayTargetInfo_.hpp.

◆ TName [5/5]

Definition at line 543 of file PC_ResultType_.hpp.

◆ TOrganism

Definition at line 108 of file PC_AssayTargetInfo_.hpp.

◆ TOutcome

Definition at line 116 of file PC_AssayResults_.hpp.

◆ TPanel_info [1/2]

Definition at line 159 of file PC_AssayDescription_.hpp.

◆ TPanel_info [2/2]

Definition at line 553 of file PC_ResultType_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [1/35]

Definition at line 67 of file PC_AnnotatedXRef.hpp.

◆ Tparent [2/35]

Definition at line 79 of file PC_AnnotatedXRef_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [3/35]

Definition at line 67 of file PC_AssayContainer.hpp.

◆ Tparent [4/35]

Definition at line 80 of file PC_AssayContainer_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [5/35]

Definition at line 67 of file PC_AssayData.hpp.

◆ Tparent [6/35]

Definition at line 75 of file PC_AssayData_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [7/35]

Definition at line 93 of file PC_AssayData_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [8/35]

Definition at line 67 of file PC_AssayDescription.hpp.

◆ Tparent [9/35]

Definition at line 93 of file PC_AssayDescription_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [10/35]

Definition at line 67 of file PC_AssayDRAttr.hpp.

◆ Tparent [11/35]

Definition at line 76 of file PC_AssayDRAttr_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [12/35]

Definition at line 67 of file PC_AssayPanel.hpp.

◆ Tparent [13/35]

Definition at line 81 of file PC_AssayPanel_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [14/35]

Definition at line 67 of file PC_AssayPanelMember.hpp.

◆ Tparent [15/35]

Definition at line 83 of file PC_AssayPanelMember_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [16/35]

Definition at line 67 of file PC_AssayPanelTestResult.hpp.

◆ Tparent [17/35]

Definition at line 70 of file PC_AssayPanelTestResult_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [18/35]

Definition at line 67 of file PC_AssayResults.hpp.

◆ Tparent [19/35]

Definition at line 87 of file PC_AssayResults_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [20/35]

Definition at line 67 of file PC_AssaySubmit.hpp.

◆ Tparent [21/35]

Definition at line 82 of file PC_AssaySubmit_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [22/35]

Definition at line 100 of file PC_AssaySubmit_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [23/35]

Definition at line 67 of file PC_AssayTargetInfo.hpp.

◆ Tparent [24/35]

Definition at line 81 of file PC_AssayTargetInfo_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [25/35]

Definition at line 67 of file PC_CategorizedComment.hpp.

◆ Tparent [26/35]

Definition at line 78 of file PC_CategorizedComment_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [27/35]

Definition at line 67 of file PC_ConcentrationAttr.hpp.

◆ Tparent [28/35]

Definition at line 71 of file PC_ConcentrationAttr_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [29/35]

Definition at line 67 of file PC_IntegerMinMax.hpp.

◆ Tparent [30/35]

Definition at line 71 of file PC_IntegerMinMax_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [31/35]

Definition at line 67 of file PC_RealMinMax.hpp.

◆ Tparent [32/35]

Definition at line 71 of file PC_RealMinMax_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [33/35]

Definition at line 67 of file PC_ResultType.hpp.

◆ Tparent [34/35]

Definition at line 83 of file PC_ResultType_.hpp.

◆ Tparent [35/35]

Definition at line 114 of file PC_ResultType_.hpp.

◆ TProject_category

Definition at line 156 of file PC_AssayDescription_.hpp.

◆ TProtocol [1/2]

Definition at line 145 of file PC_AssayDescription_.hpp.

◆ TProtocol [2/2]

Definition at line 108 of file PC_AssayPanelMember_.hpp.

◆ TPub

Definition at line 149 of file PC_AssayDescription_.hpp.

◆ TRank

Definition at line 117 of file PC_AssayResults_.hpp.

◆ TReadout_annot

Definition at line 92 of file PC_AssayPanelTestResult_.hpp.

◆ TResults

Definition at line 148 of file PC_AssayDescription_.hpp.

◆ TRevision

Definition at line 150 of file PC_AssayDescription_.hpp.

◆ TRevoke

Definition at line 305 of file PC_AssaySubmit_.hpp.

◆ TRn

Definition at line 98 of file PC_AssayDRAttr_.hpp.

◆ TSid

Definition at line 112 of file PC_AssayResults_.hpp.

◆ TSid_source

Definition at line 113 of file PC_AssayResults_.hpp.

◆ TSset

Definition at line 199 of file PC_ResultType_.hpp.

◆ TStransform

Definition at line 550 of file PC_ResultType_.hpp.

◆ TSubstance_type

Definition at line 154 of file PC_AssayDescription_.hpp.

◆ TSunit

Definition at line 548 of file PC_ResultType_.hpp.

◆ TSval

Definition at line 168 of file PC_AssayData_.hpp.

◆ TTarget [1/2]

Definition at line 151 of file PC_AssayDescription_.hpp.

◆ TTarget [2/2]

Definition at line 110 of file PC_AssayPanelMember_.hpp.

◆ TTc

Definition at line 551 of file PC_ResultType_.hpp.

◆ TTid [1/2]

Definition at line 302 of file PC_AssayData_.hpp.

◆ TTid [2/2]

Definition at line 542 of file PC_ResultType_.hpp.

◆ TTitle

Definition at line 89 of file PC_CategorizedComment_.hpp.

◆ TTransform

Definition at line 549 of file PC_ResultType_.hpp.

◆ TType [1/3]

Definition at line 100 of file PC_AnnotatedXRef_.hpp.

◆ TType [2/3]

Definition at line 99 of file PC_AssayDRAttr_.hpp.

◆ TType [3/3]

Definition at line 545 of file PC_ResultType_.hpp.

◆ TUnit [1/2]

Definition at line 91 of file PC_ConcentrationAttr_.hpp.

◆ TUnit [2/2]

Definition at line 547 of file PC_ResultType_.hpp.

◆ TUrl

Definition at line 119 of file PC_AssayResults_.hpp.

◆ TValue

Definition at line 303 of file PC_AssayData_.hpp.

◆ TVersion

Definition at line 114 of file PC_AssayResults_.hpp.

◆ TXref [1/4]

Definition at line 98 of file PC_AnnotatedXRef_.hpp.

◆ TXref [2/4]

Definition at line 147 of file PC_AssayDescription_.hpp.

◆ TXref [3/4]

Definition at line 111 of file PC_AssayPanelMember_.hpp.

◆ TXref [4/4]

Definition at line 120 of file PC_AssayResults_.hpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ E_Choice [1/3]

Choice variants.


No variant selected.


No variant selected.


Definition at line 105 of file PC_AssayData_.hpp.

◆ E_Choice [2/3]

Choice variants.


No variant selected.


Assay Identifier.


External Assay Identifier.


Assay Description (new or updated)


Assay Identifier/Version (for internal use)


No variant selected.


Assay Identifier.


External Assay Identifier.


Assay Description (new or updated)


Assay Identifier/Version (for internal use)

Definition at line 112 of file PC_AssaySubmit_.hpp.

◆ E_Choice [3/3]

Choice variants.


No variant selected.


Allowed values must be equal to one of these.


Allowed values (x) must be [ fmin <= x ].


Allowed values (x) must be [ x <= fmax ].


Minimum/Maximum Range [ min <= x <= max ].


If type is "int" Allowed values must be equal to one of these.


Allowed values (x) must be [ imin <= x ].


Allowed values (x) must be [ x <= imax ].


Minimum/Maximum Range [ min <= x <= max ].


If type is "string" Allowed values must be equal to one of these.


No variant selected.


Allowed values must be equal to one of these.


Allowed values (x) must be [ fmin <= x ].


Allowed values (x) must be [ x <= fmax ].


Minimum/Maximum Range [ min <= x <= max ].


If type is "int" Allowed values must be equal to one of these.


Allowed values (x) must be [ imin <= x ].


Allowed values (x) must be [ x <= imax ].


Minimum/Maximum Range [ min <= x <= max ].


If type is "string" Allowed values must be equal to one of these.