| CAaInterval_Base::CAaInterval_Base (void) |
virtual | CAaInterval_Base::~CAaInterval_Base (void) |
bool | CAaInterval_Base::IsSetStart (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Start data member. More...
bool | CAaInterval_Base::CanGetStart (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetStart method. More...
void | CAaInterval_Base::ResetStart (void) |
| Reset Start data member. More...
const TStart & | CAaInterval_Base::GetStart (void) const |
| Get the Start member data. More...
void | CAaInterval_Base::SetStart (TStart &value) |
| Assign a value to Start data member. More...
TStart & | CAaInterval_Base::SetStart (void) |
| Assign a value to Start data member. More...
bool | CAaInterval_Base::IsSetStop (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Stop data member. More...
bool | CAaInterval_Base::CanGetStop (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetStop method. More...
void | CAaInterval_Base::ResetStop (void) |
| Reset Stop data member. More...
const TStop & | CAaInterval_Base::GetStop (void) const |
| Get the Stop member data. More...
void | CAaInterval_Base::SetStop (TStop &value) |
| Assign a value to Stop data member. More...
TStop & | CAaInterval_Base::SetStop (void) |
| Assign a value to Stop data member. More...
virtual void | CAaInterval_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
| CAaInterval_Base::CAaInterval_Base (const CAaInterval_Base &) |
CAaInterval_Base & | CAaInterval_Base::operator= (const CAaInterval_Base &) |
| CAaLocation_Base::CAaLocation_Base (void) |
virtual | CAaLocation_Base::~CAaLocation_Base (void) |
virtual void | CAaLocation_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
virtual void | CAaLocation_Base::ResetSelection (void) |
| Reset the selection (set it to e_not_set). More...
E_Choice | CAaLocation_Base::Which (void) const |
| Which variant is currently selected. More...
void | CAaLocation_Base::CheckSelected (E_Choice index) const |
| Verify selection, throw exception if it differs from the expected. More...
void | CAaLocation_Base::ThrowInvalidSelection (E_Choice index) const |
| Throw 'InvalidSelection' exception. More...
static string | CAaLocation_Base::SelectionName (E_Choice index) |
| Retrieve selection name (for diagnostic purposes). More...
void | CAaLocation_Base::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset=eDoResetVariant) |
| Select the requested variant if needed. More...
void | CAaLocation_Base::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset, CObjectMemoryPool *pool) |
| Select the requested variant if needed, allocating CObject variants from memory pool. More...
bool | CAaLocation_Base::IsSite (void) const |
| Check if variant Site is selected. More...
const TSite & | CAaLocation_Base::GetSite (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TSite & | CAaLocation_Base::SetSite (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CAaLocation_Base::SetSite (TSite &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CAaLocation_Base::IsRange (void) const |
| Check if variant Range is selected. More...
const TRange & | CAaLocation_Base::GetRange (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TRange & | CAaLocation_Base::SetRange (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CAaLocation_Base::SetRange (TRange &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CAaLocation_Base::IsInt (void) const |
| Check if variant Int is selected. More...
const TInt & | CAaLocation_Base::GetInt (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TInt & | CAaLocation_Base::SetInt (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CAaLocation_Base::SetInt (TInt &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
| CAaLocation_Base::CAaLocation_Base (const CAaLocation_Base &) |
CAaLocation_Base & | CAaLocation_Base::operator= (const CAaLocation_Base &) |
void | CAaLocation_Base::DoSelect (E_Choice index, CObjectMemoryPool *pool=0) |
| CAaSite::CAaSite (void) |
| CAaSite::~CAaSite (void) |
| CAaSite::CAaSite (const CAaSite &value) |
CAaSite & | CAaSite::operator= (const CAaSite &value) |
| CAaSite_Base::CAaSite_Base (void) |
virtual | CAaSite_Base::~CAaSite_Base (void) |
bool | CAaSite_Base::IsSetIndex (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Index data member. More...
bool | CAaSite_Base::CanGetIndex (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetIndex method. More...
void | CAaSite_Base::ResetIndex (void) |
| Reset Index data member. More...
TIndex | CAaSite_Base::GetIndex (void) const |
| Get the Index member data. More...
void | CAaSite_Base::SetIndex (TIndex value) |
| Assign a value to Index data member. More...
TIndex & | CAaSite_Base::SetIndex (void) |
| Assign a value to Index data member. More...
bool | CAaSite_Base::IsSetAa (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Aa data member. More...
bool | CAaSite_Base::CanGetAa (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetAa method. More...
void | CAaSite_Base::ResetAa (void) |
| Reset Aa data member. More...
const TAa & | CAaSite_Base::GetAa (void) const |
| Get the Aa member data. More...
void | CAaSite_Base::SetAa (const TAa &value) |
| Assign a value to Aa data member. More...
void | CAaSite_Base::SetAa (TAa &&value) |
TAa & | CAaSite_Base::SetAa (void) |
| Assign a value to Aa data member. More...
virtual void | CAaSite_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
| CAaSite_Base::CAaSite_Base (const CAaSite_Base &) |
CAaSite_Base & | CAaSite_Base::operator= (const CAaSite_Base &) |
| CAaSiteRange::CAaSiteRange (void) |
| CAaSiteRange::~CAaSiteRange (void) |
| CAaSiteRange::CAaSiteRange (const CAaSiteRange &value) |
CAaSiteRange & | CAaSiteRange::operator= (const CAaSiteRange &value) |
| CAaSiteRange_Base::CAaSiteRange_Base (void) |
virtual | CAaSiteRange_Base::~CAaSiteRange_Base (void) |
bool | CAaSiteRange_Base::IsSetStart (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Start data member. More...
bool | CAaSiteRange_Base::CanGetStart (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetStart method. More...
void | CAaSiteRange_Base::ResetStart (void) |
| Reset Start data member. More...
const TStart & | CAaSiteRange_Base::GetStart (void) const |
| Get the Start member data. More...
void | CAaSiteRange_Base::SetStart (TStart &value) |
| Assign a value to Start data member. More...
TStart & | CAaSiteRange_Base::SetStart (void) |
| Assign a value to Start data member. More...
bool | CAaSiteRange_Base::IsSetStop (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Stop data member. More...
bool | CAaSiteRange_Base::CanGetStop (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetStop method. More...
void | CAaSiteRange_Base::ResetStop (void) |
| Reset Stop data member. More...
const TStop & | CAaSiteRange_Base::GetStop (void) const |
| Get the Stop member data. More...
void | CAaSiteRange_Base::SetStop (TStop &value) |
| Assign a value to Stop data member. More...
TStop & | CAaSiteRange_Base::SetStop (void) |
| Assign a value to Stop data member. More...
virtual void | CAaSiteRange_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
| CAaSiteRange_Base::CAaSiteRange_Base (const CAaSiteRange_Base &) |
CAaSiteRange_Base & | CAaSiteRange_Base::operator= (const CAaSiteRange_Base &) |
| CConversion::CConversion (void) |
| CConversion::~CConversion (void) |
| CConversion::CConversion (const CConversion &value) |
CConversion & | CConversion::operator= (const CConversion &value) |
| CConversion_Base::CConversion_Base (void) |
virtual | CConversion_Base::~CConversion_Base (void) |
bool | CConversion_Base::IsSetLoc (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Loc data member. More...
bool | CConversion_Base::CanGetLoc (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetLoc method. More...
void | CConversion_Base::ResetLoc (void) |
| Reset Loc data member. More...
const TLoc & | CConversion_Base::GetLoc (void) const |
| Get the Loc member data. More...
void | CConversion_Base::SetLoc (TLoc &value) |
| Assign a value to Loc data member. More...
TLoc & | CConversion_Base::SetLoc (void) |
| Assign a value to Loc data member. More...
bool | CConversion_Base::IsSetOrigin (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Origin data member. More...
bool | CConversion_Base::CanGetOrigin (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetOrigin method. More...
void | CConversion_Base::ResetOrigin (void) |
| Reset Origin data member. More...
const TOrigin & | CConversion_Base::GetOrigin (void) const |
| Get the Origin member data. More...
void | CConversion_Base::SetOrigin (TOrigin &value) |
| Assign a value to Origin data member. More...
TOrigin & | CConversion_Base::SetOrigin (void) |
| Assign a value to Origin data member. More...
virtual void | CConversion_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
| CConversion_Base::CConversion_Base (const CConversion_Base &) |
CConversion_Base & | CConversion_Base::operator= (const CConversion_Base &) |
| CCount::CCount (void) |
| CCount::~CCount (void) |
| CCount::CCount (const CCount &value) |
CCount & | CCount::operator= (const CCount &value) |
| CCount_Base::CCount_Base (void) |
virtual | CCount_Base::~CCount_Base (void) |
| CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Range (void) |
| CCount_Base::C_Range::~C_Range (void) |
| CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Start::C_Start (void) |
| CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Start::~C_Start (void) |
| CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Start::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO () |
void | CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Start::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
void | CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Start::ResetSelection (void) |
| Reset the selection (set it to e_not_set). More...
E_Choice | CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Start::Which (void) const |
| Which variant is currently selected. More...
void | CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Start::CheckSelected (E_Choice index) const |
| Verify selection, throw exception if it differs from the expected. More...
void | CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Start::ThrowInvalidSelection (E_Choice index) const |
| Throw 'InvalidSelection' exception. More...
static string | CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Start::SelectionName (E_Choice index) |
| Retrieve selection name (for diagnostic purposes). More...
void | CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Start::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset=eDoResetVariant) |
| Select the requested variant if needed. More...
void | CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Start::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset, CObjectMemoryPool *pool) |
| Select the requested variant if needed, allocating CObject variants from memory pool. More...
bool | CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Start::IsVal (void) const |
| Check if variant Val is selected. More...
TVal | CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Start::GetVal (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TVal & | CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Start::SetVal (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Start::SetVal (TVal value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Start::IsUnknown (void) const |
| Check if variant Unknown is selected. More...
void | CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Start::SetUnknown (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
| CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Start::C_Start (const C_Start &) |
C_Start & | CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Start::operator= (const C_Start &) |
void | CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Start::DoSelect (E_Choice index, CObjectMemoryPool *pool=0) |
| CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Stop::C_Stop (void) |
| CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Stop::~C_Stop (void) |
| CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Stop::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO () |
void | CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Stop::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
void | CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Stop::ResetSelection (void) |
| Reset the selection (set it to e_not_set). More...
E_Choice | CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Stop::Which (void) const |
| Which variant is currently selected. More...
void | CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Stop::CheckSelected (E_Choice index) const |
| Verify selection, throw exception if it differs from the expected. More...
void | CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Stop::ThrowInvalidSelection (E_Choice index) const |
| Throw 'InvalidSelection' exception. More...
static string | CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Stop::SelectionName (E_Choice index) |
| Retrieve selection name (for diagnostic purposes). More...
void | CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Stop::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset=eDoResetVariant) |
| Select the requested variant if needed. More...
void | CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Stop::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset, CObjectMemoryPool *pool) |
| Select the requested variant if needed, allocating CObject variants from memory pool. More...
bool | CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Stop::IsVal (void) const |
| Check if variant Val is selected. More...
TVal | CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Stop::GetVal (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TVal & | CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Stop::SetVal (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Stop::SetVal (TVal value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Stop::IsUnknown (void) const |
| Check if variant Unknown is selected. More...
void | CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Stop::SetUnknown (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
| CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Stop::C_Stop (const C_Stop &) |
C_Stop & | CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Stop::operator= (const C_Stop &) |
void | CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Stop::DoSelect (E_Choice index, CObjectMemoryPool *pool=0) |
bool | CCount_Base::C_Range::IsSetStart (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Start data member. More...
bool | CCount_Base::C_Range::CanGetStart (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetStart method. More...
void | CCount_Base::C_Range::ResetStart (void) |
| Reset Start data member. More...
const TStart & | CCount_Base::C_Range::GetStart (void) const |
| Get the Start member data. More...
void | CCount_Base::C_Range::SetStart (TStart &value) |
| Assign a value to Start data member. More...
TStart & | CCount_Base::C_Range::SetStart (void) |
| Assign a value to Start data member. More...
bool | CCount_Base::C_Range::IsSetStop (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Stop data member. More...
bool | CCount_Base::C_Range::CanGetStop (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetStop method. More...
void | CCount_Base::C_Range::ResetStop (void) |
| Reset Stop data member. More...
const TStop & | CCount_Base::C_Range::GetStop (void) const |
| Get the Stop member data. More...
void | CCount_Base::C_Range::SetStop (TStop &value) |
| Assign a value to Stop data member. More...
TStop & | CCount_Base::C_Range::SetStop (void) |
| Assign a value to Stop data member. More...
void | CCount_Base::C_Range::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
| CCount_Base::C_Range::C_Range (const C_Range &) |
C_Range & | CCount_Base::C_Range::operator= (const C_Range &) |
virtual void | CCount_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
virtual void | CCount_Base::ResetSelection (void) |
| Reset the selection (set it to e_not_set). More...
E_Choice | CCount_Base::Which (void) const |
| Which variant is currently selected. More...
void | CCount_Base::CheckSelected (E_Choice index) const |
| Verify selection, throw exception if it differs from the expected. More...
void | CCount_Base::ThrowInvalidSelection (E_Choice index) const |
| Throw 'InvalidSelection' exception. More...
static string | CCount_Base::SelectionName (E_Choice index) |
| Retrieve selection name (for diagnostic purposes). More...
void | CCount_Base::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset=eDoResetVariant) |
| Select the requested variant if needed. More...
void | CCount_Base::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset, CObjectMemoryPool *pool) |
| Select the requested variant if needed, allocating CObject variants from memory pool. More...
bool | CCount_Base::IsUnknown (void) const |
| Check if variant Unknown is selected. More...
void | CCount_Base::SetUnknown (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
bool | CCount_Base::IsVal (void) const |
| Check if variant Val is selected. More...
TVal | CCount_Base::GetVal (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TVal & | CCount_Base::SetVal (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CCount_Base::SetVal (TVal value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CCount_Base::IsFuzzy_val (void) const |
| Check if variant Fuzzy_val is selected. More...
TFuzzy_val | CCount_Base::GetFuzzy_val (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TFuzzy_val & | CCount_Base::SetFuzzy_val (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CCount_Base::SetFuzzy_val (TFuzzy_val value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CCount_Base::IsRange (void) const |
| Check if variant Range is selected. More...
const TRange & | CCount_Base::GetRange (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TRange & | CCount_Base::SetRange (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CCount_Base::SetRange (TRange &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
| CCount_Base::CCount_Base (const CCount_Base &) |
CCount_Base & | CCount_Base::operator= (const CCount_Base &) |
void | CCount_Base::DoSelect (E_Choice index, CObjectMemoryPool *pool=0) |
| CCtermExtension::CCtermExtension (void) |
| CCtermExtension::~CCtermExtension (void) |
| CCtermExtension::CCtermExtension (const CCtermExtension &value) |
CCtermExtension & | CCtermExtension::operator= (const CCtermExtension &value) |
| CCtermExtension_Base::CCtermExtension_Base (void) |
virtual | CCtermExtension_Base::~CCtermExtension_Base (void) |
| CCtermExtension_Base::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO () |
bool | CCtermExtension_Base::IsSetRefStop (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to RefStop data member. More...
bool | CCtermExtension_Base::CanGetRefStop (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetRefStop method. More...
void | CCtermExtension_Base::ResetRefStop (void) |
| Reset RefStop data member. More...
TRefStop | CCtermExtension_Base::GetRefStop (void) const |
| Get the RefStop member data. More...
void | CCtermExtension_Base::SetRefStop (TRefStop value) |
| Assign a value to RefStop data member. More...
TRefStop & | CCtermExtension_Base::SetRefStop (void) |
| Assign a value to RefStop data member. More...
bool | CCtermExtension_Base::IsSetNewAa (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to NewAa data member. More...
bool | CCtermExtension_Base::CanGetNewAa (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetNewAa method. More...
void | CCtermExtension_Base::ResetNewAa (void) |
| Reset NewAa data member. More...
const TNewAa & | CCtermExtension_Base::GetNewAa (void) const |
| Get the NewAa member data. More...
void | CCtermExtension_Base::SetNewAa (const TNewAa &value) |
| Assign a value to NewAa data member. More...
void | CCtermExtension_Base::SetNewAa (TNewAa &&value) |
TNewAa & | CCtermExtension_Base::SetNewAa (void) |
| Assign a value to NewAa data member. More...
bool | CCtermExtension_Base::IsSetLength (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Length data member. More...
bool | CCtermExtension_Base::CanGetLength (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetLength method. More...
void | CCtermExtension_Base::ResetLength (void) |
| Reset Length data member. More...
const TLength & | CCtermExtension_Base::GetLength (void) const |
| Get the Length member data. More...
void | CCtermExtension_Base::SetLength (TLength &value) |
| Assign a value to Length data member. More...
TLength & | CCtermExtension_Base::SetLength (void) |
| Assign a value to Length data member. More...
virtual void | CCtermExtension_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
| CCtermExtension_Base::CCtermExtension_Base (const CCtermExtension_Base &) |
CCtermExtension_Base & | CCtermExtension_Base::operator= (const CCtermExtension_Base &) |
| CDeletion::CDeletion (void) |
| CDeletion::~CDeletion (void) |
| CDeletion::CDeletion (const CDeletion &value) |
CDeletion & | CDeletion::operator= (const CDeletion &value) |
| CDeletion_Base::CDeletion_Base (void) |
virtual | CDeletion_Base::~CDeletion_Base (void) |
bool | CDeletion_Base::IsSetLoc (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Loc data member. More...
bool | CDeletion_Base::CanGetLoc (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetLoc method. More...
void | CDeletion_Base::ResetLoc (void) |
| Reset Loc data member. More...
const TLoc & | CDeletion_Base::GetLoc (void) const |
| Get the Loc member data. More...
void | CDeletion_Base::SetLoc (TLoc &value) |
| Assign a value to Loc data member. More...
TLoc & | CDeletion_Base::SetLoc (void) |
| Assign a value to Loc data member. More...
bool | CDeletion_Base::IsSetRaw_seq (void) const |
| can optionally specify the deleted sequence Check if a value has been assigned to Raw_seq data member. More...
bool | CDeletion_Base::CanGetRaw_seq (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetRaw_seq method. More...
void | CDeletion_Base::ResetRaw_seq (void) |
| Reset Raw_seq data member. More...
const TRaw_seq & | CDeletion_Base::GetRaw_seq (void) const |
| Get the Raw_seq member data. More...
void | CDeletion_Base::SetRaw_seq (const TRaw_seq &value) |
| Assign a value to Raw_seq data member. More...
void | CDeletion_Base::SetRaw_seq (TRaw_seq &&value) |
TRaw_seq & | CDeletion_Base::SetRaw_seq (void) |
| Assign a value to Raw_seq data member. More...
virtual void | CDeletion_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
| CDeletion_Base::CDeletion_Base (const CDeletion_Base &) |
CDeletion_Base & | CDeletion_Base::operator= (const CDeletion_Base &) |
| CDelins::CDelins (void) |
| CDelins::~CDelins (void) |
| CDelins::CDelins (const CDelins &value) |
CDelins & | CDelins::operator= (const CDelins &value) |
| CDelins_Base::CDelins_Base (void) |
virtual | CDelins_Base::~CDelins_Base (void) |
| CDelins_Base::C_Inserted_seq_info::C_Inserted_seq_info (void) |
| CDelins_Base::C_Inserted_seq_info::~C_Inserted_seq_info (void) |
| CDelins_Base::C_Inserted_seq_info::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO () |
void | CDelins_Base::C_Inserted_seq_info::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
void | CDelins_Base::C_Inserted_seq_info::ResetSelection (void) |
| Reset the selection (set it to e_not_set). More...
E_Choice | CDelins_Base::C_Inserted_seq_info::Which (void) const |
| Which variant is currently selected. More...
void | CDelins_Base::C_Inserted_seq_info::CheckSelected (E_Choice index) const |
| Verify selection, throw exception if it differs from the expected. More...
void | CDelins_Base::C_Inserted_seq_info::ThrowInvalidSelection (E_Choice index) const |
| Throw 'InvalidSelection' exception. More...
static string | CDelins_Base::C_Inserted_seq_info::SelectionName (E_Choice index) |
| Retrieve selection name (for diagnostic purposes). More...
void | CDelins_Base::C_Inserted_seq_info::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset=eDoResetVariant) |
| Select the requested variant if needed. More...
void | CDelins_Base::C_Inserted_seq_info::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset, CObjectMemoryPool *pool) |
| Select the requested variant if needed, allocating CObject variants from memory pool. More...
bool | CDelins_Base::C_Inserted_seq_info::IsIdentifier (void) const |
| Check if variant Identifier is selected. More...
const TIdentifier & | CDelins_Base::C_Inserted_seq_info::GetIdentifier (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TIdentifier & | CDelins_Base::C_Inserted_seq_info::SetIdentifier (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CDelins_Base::C_Inserted_seq_info::SetIdentifier (const TIdentifier &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CDelins_Base::C_Inserted_seq_info::IsRaw_seq (void) const |
| Check if variant Raw_seq is selected. More...
const TRaw_seq & | CDelins_Base::C_Inserted_seq_info::GetRaw_seq (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TRaw_seq & | CDelins_Base::C_Inserted_seq_info::SetRaw_seq (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CDelins_Base::C_Inserted_seq_info::SetRaw_seq (const TRaw_seq &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CDelins_Base::C_Inserted_seq_info::IsCount (void) const |
| Check if variant Count is selected. More...
const TCount & | CDelins_Base::C_Inserted_seq_info::GetCount (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TCount & | CDelins_Base::C_Inserted_seq_info::SetCount (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CDelins_Base::C_Inserted_seq_info::SetCount (TCount &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CDelins_Base::C_Inserted_seq_info::IsSubseq (void) const |
| Check if variant Subseq is selected. More...
const TSubseq & | CDelins_Base::C_Inserted_seq_info::GetSubseq (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TSubseq & | CDelins_Base::C_Inserted_seq_info::SetSubseq (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CDelins_Base::C_Inserted_seq_info::SetSubseq (TSubseq &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
| CDelins_Base::C_Inserted_seq_info::C_Inserted_seq_info (const C_Inserted_seq_info &) |
C_Inserted_seq_info & | CDelins_Base::C_Inserted_seq_info::operator= (const C_Inserted_seq_info &) |
void | CDelins_Base::C_Inserted_seq_info::DoSelect (E_Choice index, CObjectMemoryPool *pool=0) |
bool | CDelins_Base::IsSetLoc (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Loc data member. More...
bool | CDelins_Base::CanGetLoc (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetLoc method. More...
void | CDelins_Base::ResetLoc (void) |
| Reset Loc data member. More...
const TLoc & | CDelins_Base::GetLoc (void) const |
| Get the Loc member data. More...
void | CDelins_Base::SetLoc (TLoc &value) |
| Assign a value to Loc data member. More...
TLoc & | CDelins_Base::SetLoc (void) |
| Assign a value to Loc data member. More...
bool | CDelins_Base::IsSetDeleted_raw_seq (void) const |
| can optionally specify the deleted sequence Check if a value has been assigned to Deleted_raw_seq data member. More...
bool | CDelins_Base::CanGetDeleted_raw_seq (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetDeleted_raw_seq method. More...
void | CDelins_Base::ResetDeleted_raw_seq (void) |
| Reset Deleted_raw_seq data member. More...
const TDeleted_raw_seq & | CDelins_Base::GetDeleted_raw_seq (void) const |
| Get the Deleted_raw_seq member data. More...
void | CDelins_Base::SetDeleted_raw_seq (const TDeleted_raw_seq &value) |
| Assign a value to Deleted_raw_seq data member. More...
void | CDelins_Base::SetDeleted_raw_seq (TDeleted_raw_seq &&value) |
TDeleted_raw_seq & | CDelins_Base::SetDeleted_raw_seq (void) |
| Assign a value to Deleted_raw_seq data member. More...
bool | CDelins_Base::IsSetInserted_seq_info (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Inserted_seq_info data member. More...
bool | CDelins_Base::CanGetInserted_seq_info (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetInserted_seq_info method. More...
void | CDelins_Base::ResetInserted_seq_info (void) |
| Reset Inserted_seq_info data member. More...
const TInserted_seq_info & | CDelins_Base::GetInserted_seq_info (void) const |
| Get the Inserted_seq_info member data. More...
void | CDelins_Base::SetInserted_seq_info (TInserted_seq_info &value) |
| Assign a value to Inserted_seq_info data member. More...
TInserted_seq_info & | CDelins_Base::SetInserted_seq_info (void) |
| Assign a value to Inserted_seq_info data member. More...
virtual void | CDelins_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
| CDelins_Base::CDelins_Base (const CDelins_Base &) |
CDelins_Base & | CDelins_Base::operator= (const CDelins_Base &) |
| CDuplication::CDuplication (void) |
| CDuplication::~CDuplication (void) |
| CDuplication::CDuplication (const CDuplication &value) |
CDuplication & | CDuplication::operator= (const CDuplication &value) |
| CDuplication_Base::CDuplication_Base (void) |
virtual | CDuplication_Base::~CDuplication_Base (void) |
| CDuplication_Base::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO () |
bool | CDuplication_Base::IsSetLoc (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Loc data member. More...
bool | CDuplication_Base::CanGetLoc (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetLoc method. More...
void | CDuplication_Base::ResetLoc (void) |
| Reset Loc data member. More...
const TLoc & | CDuplication_Base::GetLoc (void) const |
| Get the Loc member data. More...
void | CDuplication_Base::SetLoc (TLoc &value) |
| Assign a value to Loc data member. More...
TLoc & | CDuplication_Base::SetLoc (void) |
| Assign a value to Loc data member. More...
bool | CDuplication_Base::IsSetRaw_seq (void) const |
| can optionally specify the sequence duplicated sequence Check if a value has been assigned to Raw_seq data member. More...
bool | CDuplication_Base::CanGetRaw_seq (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetRaw_seq method. More...
void | CDuplication_Base::ResetRaw_seq (void) |
| Reset Raw_seq data member. More...
const TRaw_seq & | CDuplication_Base::GetRaw_seq (void) const |
| Get the Raw_seq member data. More...
void | CDuplication_Base::SetRaw_seq (const TRaw_seq &value) |
| Assign a value to Raw_seq data member. More...
void | CDuplication_Base::SetRaw_seq (TRaw_seq &&value) |
TRaw_seq & | CDuplication_Base::SetRaw_seq (void) |
| Assign a value to Raw_seq data member. More...
virtual void | CDuplication_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
| CDuplication_Base::CDuplication_Base (const CDuplication_Base &) |
CDuplication_Base & | CDuplication_Base::operator= (const CDuplication_Base &) |
| CFrameshift::CFrameshift (void) |
| CFrameshift::~CFrameshift (void) |
| CFrameshift::CFrameshift (const CFrameshift &value) |
CFrameshift & | CFrameshift::operator= (const CFrameshift &value) |
| CFrameshift_Base::CFrameshift_Base (void) |
virtual | CFrameshift_Base::~CFrameshift_Base (void) |
virtual void | CFrameshift_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
virtual void | CFrameshift_Base::ResetSelection (void) |
| Reset the selection (set it to e_not_set). More...
E_Choice | CFrameshift_Base::Which (void) const |
| Which variant is currently selected. More...
void | CFrameshift_Base::CheckSelected (E_Choice index) const |
| Verify selection, throw exception if it differs from the expected. More...
void | CFrameshift_Base::ThrowInvalidSelection (E_Choice index) const |
| Throw 'InvalidSelection' exception. More...
static string | CFrameshift_Base::SelectionName (E_Choice index) |
| Retrieve selection name (for diagnostic purposes). More...
void | CFrameshift_Base::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset=eDoResetVariant) |
| Select the requested variant if needed. More...
void | CFrameshift_Base::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset, CObjectMemoryPool *pool) |
| Select the requested variant if needed, allocating CObject variants from memory pool. More...
bool | CFrameshift_Base::IsAasite (void) const |
| Check if variant Aasite is selected. More...
const TAasite & | CFrameshift_Base::GetAasite (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TAasite & | CFrameshift_Base::SetAasite (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CFrameshift_Base::SetAasite (TAasite &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CFrameshift_Base::IsStopcodon (void) const |
| Check if variant Stopcodon is selected. More...
void | CFrameshift_Base::SetStopcodon (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
| CFrameshift_Base::CFrameshift_Base (const CFrameshift_Base &) |
CFrameshift_Base & | CFrameshift_Base::operator= (const CFrameshift_Base &) |
void | CFrameshift_Base::DoSelect (E_Choice index, CObjectMemoryPool *pool=0) |
| CInsertion::CInsertion (void) |
| CInsertion::~CInsertion (void) |
| CInsertion::CInsertion (const CInsertion &value) |
CInsertion & | CInsertion::operator= (const CInsertion &value) |
| CInsertion_Base::CInsertion_Base (void) |
virtual | CInsertion_Base::~CInsertion_Base (void) |
| CInsertion_Base::C_Seqinfo::C_Seqinfo (void) |
| CInsertion_Base::C_Seqinfo::~C_Seqinfo (void) |
| CInsertion_Base::C_Seqinfo::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO () |
void | CInsertion_Base::C_Seqinfo::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
void | CInsertion_Base::C_Seqinfo::ResetSelection (void) |
| Reset the selection (set it to e_not_set). More...
E_Choice | CInsertion_Base::C_Seqinfo::Which (void) const |
| Which variant is currently selected. More...
void | CInsertion_Base::C_Seqinfo::CheckSelected (E_Choice index) const |
| Verify selection, throw exception if it differs from the expected. More...
void | CInsertion_Base::C_Seqinfo::ThrowInvalidSelection (E_Choice index) const |
| Throw 'InvalidSelection' exception. More...
static string | CInsertion_Base::C_Seqinfo::SelectionName (E_Choice index) |
| Retrieve selection name (for diagnostic purposes). More...
void | CInsertion_Base::C_Seqinfo::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset=eDoResetVariant) |
| Select the requested variant if needed. More...
void | CInsertion_Base::C_Seqinfo::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset, CObjectMemoryPool *pool) |
| Select the requested variant if needed, allocating CObject variants from memory pool. More...
bool | CInsertion_Base::C_Seqinfo::IsIdentifier (void) const |
| Check if variant Identifier is selected. More...
const TIdentifier & | CInsertion_Base::C_Seqinfo::GetIdentifier (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TIdentifier & | CInsertion_Base::C_Seqinfo::SetIdentifier (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CInsertion_Base::C_Seqinfo::SetIdentifier (const TIdentifier &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CInsertion_Base::C_Seqinfo::IsRaw_seq (void) const |
| Check if variant Raw_seq is selected. More...
const TRaw_seq & | CInsertion_Base::C_Seqinfo::GetRaw_seq (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TRaw_seq & | CInsertion_Base::C_Seqinfo::SetRaw_seq (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CInsertion_Base::C_Seqinfo::SetRaw_seq (const TRaw_seq &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CInsertion_Base::C_Seqinfo::IsCount (void) const |
| Check if variant Count is selected. More...
const TCount & | CInsertion_Base::C_Seqinfo::GetCount (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TCount & | CInsertion_Base::C_Seqinfo::SetCount (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CInsertion_Base::C_Seqinfo::SetCount (TCount &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CInsertion_Base::C_Seqinfo::IsSubseq (void) const |
| Check if variant Subseq is selected. More...
const TSubseq & | CInsertion_Base::C_Seqinfo::GetSubseq (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TSubseq & | CInsertion_Base::C_Seqinfo::SetSubseq (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CInsertion_Base::C_Seqinfo::SetSubseq (TSubseq &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
| CInsertion_Base::C_Seqinfo::C_Seqinfo (const C_Seqinfo &) |
C_Seqinfo & | CInsertion_Base::C_Seqinfo::operator= (const C_Seqinfo &) |
void | CInsertion_Base::C_Seqinfo::DoSelect (E_Choice index, CObjectMemoryPool *pool=0) |
bool | CInsertion_Base::IsSetInt (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Int data member. More...
bool | CInsertion_Base::CanGetInt (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetInt method. More...
void | CInsertion_Base::ResetInt (void) |
| Reset Int data member. More...
const TInt & | CInsertion_Base::GetInt (void) const |
| Get the Int member data. More...
void | CInsertion_Base::SetInt (TInt &value) |
| Assign a value to Int data member. More...
TInt & | CInsertion_Base::SetInt (void) |
| Assign a value to Int data member. More...
bool | CInsertion_Base::IsSetSeqinfo (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Seqinfo data member. More...
bool | CInsertion_Base::CanGetSeqinfo (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetSeqinfo method. More...
void | CInsertion_Base::ResetSeqinfo (void) |
| Reset Seqinfo data member. More...
const TSeqinfo & | CInsertion_Base::GetSeqinfo (void) const |
| Get the Seqinfo member data. More...
void | CInsertion_Base::SetSeqinfo (TSeqinfo &value) |
| Assign a value to Seqinfo data member. More...
TSeqinfo & | CInsertion_Base::SetSeqinfo (void) |
| Assign a value to Seqinfo data member. More...
virtual void | CInsertion_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
| CInsertion_Base::CInsertion_Base (const CInsertion_Base &) |
CInsertion_Base & | CInsertion_Base::operator= (const CInsertion_Base &) |
| CInversion::CInversion (void) |
| CInversion::~CInversion (void) |
| CInversion::CInversion (const CInversion &value) |
CInversion & | CInversion::operator= (const CInversion &value) |
| CInversion_Base::CInversion_Base (void) |
virtual | CInversion_Base::~CInversion_Base (void) |
bool | CInversion_Base::IsSetNtint (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Ntint data member. More...
bool | CInversion_Base::CanGetNtint (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetNtint method. More...
void | CInversion_Base::ResetNtint (void) |
| Reset Ntint data member. More...
const TNtint & | CInversion_Base::GetNtint (void) const |
| Get the Ntint member data. More...
void | CInversion_Base::SetNtint (TNtint &value) |
| Assign a value to Ntint data member. More...
TNtint & | CInversion_Base::SetNtint (void) |
| Assign a value to Ntint data member. More...
bool | CInversion_Base::IsSetRaw_seq (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Raw_seq data member. More...
bool | CInversion_Base::CanGetRaw_seq (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetRaw_seq method. More...
void | CInversion_Base::ResetRaw_seq (void) |
| Reset Raw_seq data member. More...
const TRaw_seq & | CInversion_Base::GetRaw_seq (void) const |
| Get the Raw_seq member data. More...
void | CInversion_Base::SetRaw_seq (const TRaw_seq &value) |
| Assign a value to Raw_seq data member. More...
void | CInversion_Base::SetRaw_seq (TRaw_seq &&value) |
TRaw_seq & | CInversion_Base::SetRaw_seq (void) |
| Assign a value to Raw_seq data member. More...
bool | CInversion_Base::IsSetSize (void) const |
| optionall specify the size of the inverted sequence Check if a value has been assigned to Size data member. More...
bool | CInversion_Base::CanGetSize (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetSize method. More...
void | CInversion_Base::ResetSize (void) |
| Reset Size data member. More...
TSize | CInversion_Base::GetSize (void) const |
| Get the Size member data. More...
void | CInversion_Base::SetSize (TSize value) |
| Assign a value to Size data member. More...
TSize & | CInversion_Base::SetSize (void) |
| Assign a value to Size data member. More...
virtual void | CInversion_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
| CInversion_Base::CInversion_Base (const CInversion_Base &) |
CInversion_Base & | CInversion_Base::operator= (const CInversion_Base &) |
| CNaIdentity::CNaIdentity (void) |
| CNaIdentity::~CNaIdentity (void) |
| CNaIdentity::CNaIdentity (const CNaIdentity &value) |
CNaIdentity & | CNaIdentity::operator= (const CNaIdentity &value) |
| CNaIdentity_Base::CNaIdentity_Base (void) |
virtual | CNaIdentity_Base::~CNaIdentity_Base (void) |
bool | CNaIdentity_Base::IsSetLoc (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Loc data member. More...
bool | CNaIdentity_Base::CanGetLoc (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetLoc method. More...
void | CNaIdentity_Base::ResetLoc (void) |
| Reset Loc data member. More...
const TLoc & | CNaIdentity_Base::GetLoc (void) const |
| Get the Loc member data. More...
void | CNaIdentity_Base::SetLoc (TLoc &value) |
| Assign a value to Loc data member. More...
TLoc & | CNaIdentity_Base::SetLoc (void) |
| Assign a value to Loc data member. More...
bool | CNaIdentity_Base::IsSetNucleotide (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Nucleotide data member. More...
bool | CNaIdentity_Base::CanGetNucleotide (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetNucleotide method. More...
void | CNaIdentity_Base::ResetNucleotide (void) |
| Reset Nucleotide data member. More...
const TNucleotide & | CNaIdentity_Base::GetNucleotide (void) const |
| Get the Nucleotide member data. More...
void | CNaIdentity_Base::SetNucleotide (const TNucleotide &value) |
| Assign a value to Nucleotide data member. More...
void | CNaIdentity_Base::SetNucleotide (TNucleotide &&value) |
TNucleotide & | CNaIdentity_Base::SetNucleotide (void) |
| Assign a value to Nucleotide data member. More...
virtual void | CNaIdentity_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
| CNaIdentity_Base::CNaIdentity_Base (const CNaIdentity_Base &) |
CNaIdentity_Base & | CNaIdentity_Base::operator= (const CNaIdentity_Base &) |
| CNaSub::CNaSub (void) |
| CNaSub::~CNaSub (void) |
| CNaSub::CNaSub (const CNaSub &value) |
CNaSub & | CNaSub::operator= (const CNaSub &value) |
| CNaSub_Base::CNaSub_Base (void) |
virtual | CNaSub_Base::~CNaSub_Base (void) |
bool | CNaSub_Base::IsSetLoc (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Loc data member. More...
bool | CNaSub_Base::CanGetLoc (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetLoc method. More...
void | CNaSub_Base::ResetLoc (void) |
| Reset Loc data member. More...
const TLoc & | CNaSub_Base::GetLoc (void) const |
| Get the Loc member data. More...
void | CNaSub_Base::SetLoc (TLoc &value) |
| Assign a value to Loc data member. More...
TLoc & | CNaSub_Base::SetLoc (void) |
| Assign a value to Loc data member. More...
bool | CNaSub_Base::IsSetInitial (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Initial data member. More...
bool | CNaSub_Base::CanGetInitial (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetInitial method. More...
void | CNaSub_Base::ResetInitial (void) |
| Reset Initial data member. More...
const TInitial & | CNaSub_Base::GetInitial (void) const |
| Get the Initial member data. More...
void | CNaSub_Base::SetInitial (const TInitial &value) |
| Assign a value to Initial data member. More...
void | CNaSub_Base::SetInitial (TInitial &&value) |
TInitial & | CNaSub_Base::SetInitial (void) |
| Assign a value to Initial data member. More...
bool | CNaSub_Base::IsSetFinal (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Final data member. More...
bool | CNaSub_Base::CanGetFinal (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetFinal method. More...
void | CNaSub_Base::ResetFinal (void) |
| Reset Final data member. More...
const TFinal & | CNaSub_Base::GetFinal (void) const |
| Get the Final member data. More...
void | CNaSub_Base::SetFinal (const TFinal &value) |
| Assign a value to Final data member. More...
void | CNaSub_Base::SetFinal (TFinal &&value) |
TFinal & | CNaSub_Base::SetFinal (void) |
| Assign a value to Final data member. More...
virtual void | CNaSub_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
| CNaSub_Base::CNaSub_Base (const CNaSub_Base &) |
CNaSub_Base & | CNaSub_Base::operator= (const CNaSub_Base &) |
| CNtermExtension::CNtermExtension (void) |
| CNtermExtension::~CNtermExtension (void) |
| CNtermExtension::CNtermExtension (const CNtermExtension &value) |
CNtermExtension & | CNtermExtension::operator= (const CNtermExtension &value) |
| CNtermExtension_Base::CNtermExtension_Base (void) |
virtual | CNtermExtension_Base::~CNtermExtension_Base (void) |
| CNtermExtension_Base::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO () |
bool | CNtermExtension_Base::IsSetNewStart (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to NewStart data member. More...
bool | CNtermExtension_Base::CanGetNewStart (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetNewStart method. More...
void | CNtermExtension_Base::ResetNewStart (void) |
| Reset NewStart data member. More...
const TNewStart & | CNtermExtension_Base::GetNewStart (void) const |
| Get the NewStart member data. More...
void | CNtermExtension_Base::SetNewStart (TNewStart &value) |
| Assign a value to NewStart data member. More...
TNewStart & | CNtermExtension_Base::SetNewStart (void) |
| Assign a value to NewStart data member. More...
bool | CNtermExtension_Base::IsSetNewAa (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to NewAa data member. More...
bool | CNtermExtension_Base::CanGetNewAa (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetNewAa method. More...
void | CNtermExtension_Base::ResetNewAa (void) |
| Reset NewAa data member. More...
const TNewAa & | CNtermExtension_Base::GetNewAa (void) const |
| Get the NewAa member data. More...
void | CNtermExtension_Base::SetNewAa (const TNewAa &value) |
| Assign a value to NewAa data member. More...
void | CNtermExtension_Base::SetNewAa (TNewAa &&value) |
TNewAa & | CNtermExtension_Base::SetNewAa (void) |
| Assign a value to NewAa data member. More...
virtual void | CNtermExtension_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
| CNtermExtension_Base::CNtermExtension_Base (const CNtermExtension_Base &) |
CNtermExtension_Base & | CNtermExtension_Base::operator= (const CNtermExtension_Base &) |
| CNtInterval::CNtInterval (void) |
| CNtInterval::~CNtInterval (void) |
| CNtInterval::CNtInterval (const CNtInterval &value) |
CNtInterval & | CNtInterval::operator= (const CNtInterval &value) |
| CNtInterval_Base::CNtInterval_Base (void) |
virtual | CNtInterval_Base::~CNtInterval_Base (void) |
bool | CNtInterval_Base::IsSetStart (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Start data member. More...
bool | CNtInterval_Base::CanGetStart (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetStart method. More...
void | CNtInterval_Base::ResetStart (void) |
| Reset Start data member. More...
const TStart & | CNtInterval_Base::GetStart (void) const |
| Get the Start member data. More...
void | CNtInterval_Base::SetStart (TStart &value) |
| Assign a value to Start data member. More...
TStart & | CNtInterval_Base::SetStart (void) |
| Assign a value to Start data member. More...
bool | CNtInterval_Base::IsSetStop (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Stop data member. More...
bool | CNtInterval_Base::CanGetStop (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetStop method. More...
void | CNtInterval_Base::ResetStop (void) |
| Reset Stop data member. More...
const TStop & | CNtInterval_Base::GetStop (void) const |
| Get the Stop member data. More...
void | CNtInterval_Base::SetStop (TStop &value) |
| Assign a value to Stop data member. More...
TStop & | CNtInterval_Base::SetStop (void) |
| Assign a value to Stop data member. More...
virtual void | CNtInterval_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
| CNtInterval_Base::CNtInterval_Base (const CNtInterval_Base &) |
CNtInterval_Base & | CNtInterval_Base::operator= (const CNtInterval_Base &) |
| CNtIntLimit::CNtIntLimit (void) |
| CNtIntLimit::~CNtIntLimit (void) |
| CNtIntLimit::CNtIntLimit (const CNtIntLimit &value) |
CNtIntLimit & | CNtIntLimit::operator= (const CNtIntLimit &value) |
| CNtIntLimit_Base::CNtIntLimit_Base (void) |
virtual | CNtIntLimit_Base::~CNtIntLimit_Base (void) |
virtual void | CNtIntLimit_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
virtual void | CNtIntLimit_Base::ResetSelection (void) |
| Reset the selection (set it to e_not_set). More...
E_Choice | CNtIntLimit_Base::Which (void) const |
| Which variant is currently selected. More...
void | CNtIntLimit_Base::CheckSelected (E_Choice index) const |
| Verify selection, throw exception if it differs from the expected. More...
void | CNtIntLimit_Base::ThrowInvalidSelection (E_Choice index) const |
| Throw 'InvalidSelection' exception. More...
static string | CNtIntLimit_Base::SelectionName (E_Choice index) |
| Retrieve selection name (for diagnostic purposes). More...
void | CNtIntLimit_Base::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset=eDoResetVariant) |
| Select the requested variant if needed. More...
void | CNtIntLimit_Base::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset, CObjectMemoryPool *pool) |
| Select the requested variant if needed, allocating CObject variants from memory pool. More...
bool | CNtIntLimit_Base::IsSite (void) const |
| Check if variant Site is selected. More...
const TSite & | CNtIntLimit_Base::GetSite (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TSite & | CNtIntLimit_Base::SetSite (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CNtIntLimit_Base::SetSite (TSite &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CNtIntLimit_Base::IsRange (void) const |
| Check if variant Range is selected. More...
const TRange & | CNtIntLimit_Base::GetRange (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TRange & | CNtIntLimit_Base::SetRange (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CNtIntLimit_Base::SetRange (TRange &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
| CNtIntLimit_Base::CNtIntLimit_Base (const CNtIntLimit_Base &) |
CNtIntLimit_Base & | CNtIntLimit_Base::operator= (const CNtIntLimit_Base &) |
void | CNtIntLimit_Base::DoSelect (E_Choice index, CObjectMemoryPool *pool=0) |
| CNtLocation::CNtLocation (void) |
| CNtLocation::~CNtLocation (void) |
| CNtLocation::CNtLocation (const CNtLocation &value) |
CNtLocation & | CNtLocation::operator= (const CNtLocation &value) |
| CNtLocation_Base::CNtLocation_Base (void) |
virtual | CNtLocation_Base::~CNtLocation_Base (void) |
virtual void | CNtLocation_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
virtual void | CNtLocation_Base::ResetSelection (void) |
| Reset the selection (set it to e_not_set). More...
E_Choice | CNtLocation_Base::Which (void) const |
| Which variant is currently selected. More...
void | CNtLocation_Base::CheckSelected (E_Choice index) const |
| Verify selection, throw exception if it differs from the expected. More...
void | CNtLocation_Base::ThrowInvalidSelection (E_Choice index) const |
| Throw 'InvalidSelection' exception. More...
static string | CNtLocation_Base::SelectionName (E_Choice index) |
| Retrieve selection name (for diagnostic purposes). More...
void | CNtLocation_Base::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset=eDoResetVariant) |
| Select the requested variant if needed. More...
void | CNtLocation_Base::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset, CObjectMemoryPool *pool) |
| Select the requested variant if needed, allocating CObject variants from memory pool. More...
bool | CNtLocation_Base::IsSite (void) const |
| Check if variant Site is selected. More...
const TSite & | CNtLocation_Base::GetSite (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TSite & | CNtLocation_Base::SetSite (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CNtLocation_Base::SetSite (TSite &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CNtLocation_Base::IsRange (void) const |
| Check if variant Range is selected. More...
const TRange & | CNtLocation_Base::GetRange (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TRange & | CNtLocation_Base::SetRange (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CNtLocation_Base::SetRange (TRange &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CNtLocation_Base::IsInt (void) const |
| Check if variant Int is selected. More...
const TInt & | CNtLocation_Base::GetInt (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TInt & | CNtLocation_Base::SetInt (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CNtLocation_Base::SetInt (TInt &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
| CNtLocation_Base::CNtLocation_Base (const CNtLocation_Base &) |
CNtLocation_Base & | CNtLocation_Base::operator= (const CNtLocation_Base &) |
void | CNtLocation_Base::DoSelect (E_Choice index, CObjectMemoryPool *pool=0) |
| CNtSite::CNtSite (void) |
| CNtSite::~CNtSite (void) |
| CNtSite::CNtSite (const CNtSite &value) |
CNtSite & | CNtSite::operator= (const CNtSite &value) |
| CNtSite_Base::CNtSite_Base (void) |
virtual | CNtSite_Base::~CNtSite_Base (void) |
| CNtSite_Base::C_Base::C_Base (void) |
| CNtSite_Base::C_Base::~C_Base (void) |
void | CNtSite_Base::C_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
void | CNtSite_Base::C_Base::ResetSelection (void) |
| Reset the selection (set it to e_not_set). More...
E_Choice | CNtSite_Base::C_Base::Which (void) const |
| Which variant is currently selected. More...
void | CNtSite_Base::C_Base::CheckSelected (E_Choice index) const |
| Verify selection, throw exception if it differs from the expected. More...
void | CNtSite_Base::C_Base::ThrowInvalidSelection (E_Choice index) const |
| Throw 'InvalidSelection' exception. More...
static string | CNtSite_Base::C_Base::SelectionName (E_Choice index) |
| Retrieve selection name (for diagnostic purposes). More...
void | CNtSite_Base::C_Base::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset=eDoResetVariant) |
| Select the requested variant if needed. More...
void | CNtSite_Base::C_Base::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset, CObjectMemoryPool *pool) |
| Select the requested variant if needed, allocating CObject variants from memory pool. More...
bool | CNtSite_Base::C_Base::IsVal (void) const |
| Check if variant Val is selected. More...
TVal | CNtSite_Base::C_Base::GetVal (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TVal & | CNtSite_Base::C_Base::SetVal (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CNtSite_Base::C_Base::SetVal (TVal value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CNtSite_Base::C_Base::IsUnknown (void) const |
| Check if variant Unknown is selected. More...
void | CNtSite_Base::C_Base::SetUnknown (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
| CNtSite_Base::C_Base::C_Base (const C_Base &) |
C_Base & | CNtSite_Base::C_Base::operator= (const C_Base &) |
void | CNtSite_Base::C_Base::DoSelect (E_Choice index, CObjectMemoryPool *pool=0) |
| CNtSite_Base::C_Offset::C_Offset (void) |
| CNtSite_Base::C_Offset::~C_Offset (void) |
void | CNtSite_Base::C_Offset::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
void | CNtSite_Base::C_Offset::ResetSelection (void) |
| Reset the selection (set it to e_not_set). More...
E_Choice | CNtSite_Base::C_Offset::Which (void) const |
| Which variant is currently selected. More...
void | CNtSite_Base::C_Offset::CheckSelected (E_Choice index) const |
| Verify selection, throw exception if it differs from the expected. More...
void | CNtSite_Base::C_Offset::ThrowInvalidSelection (E_Choice index) const |
| Throw 'InvalidSelection' exception. More...
static string | CNtSite_Base::C_Offset::SelectionName (E_Choice index) |
| Retrieve selection name (for diagnostic purposes). More...
void | CNtSite_Base::C_Offset::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset=eDoResetVariant) |
| Select the requested variant if needed. More...
void | CNtSite_Base::C_Offset::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset, CObjectMemoryPool *pool) |
| Select the requested variant if needed, allocating CObject variants from memory pool. More...
bool | CNtSite_Base::C_Offset::IsVal (void) const |
| Check if variant Val is selected. More...
TVal | CNtSite_Base::C_Offset::GetVal (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TVal & | CNtSite_Base::C_Offset::SetVal (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CNtSite_Base::C_Offset::SetVal (TVal value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CNtSite_Base::C_Offset::IsPlus_unknown (void) const |
| Check if variant Plus_unknown is selected. More...
void | CNtSite_Base::C_Offset::SetPlus_unknown (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
bool | CNtSite_Base::C_Offset::IsMinus_unknown (void) const |
| Check if variant Minus_unknown is selected. More...
void | CNtSite_Base::C_Offset::SetMinus_unknown (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
| CNtSite_Base::C_Offset::C_Offset (const C_Offset &) |
C_Offset & | CNtSite_Base::C_Offset::operator= (const C_Offset &) |
void | CNtSite_Base::C_Offset::DoSelect (E_Choice index, CObjectMemoryPool *pool=0) |
| CNtSite_Base::C_Utr::C_Utr (void) |
| CNtSite_Base::C_Utr::~C_Utr (void) |
void | CNtSite_Base::C_Utr::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
void | CNtSite_Base::C_Utr::ResetSelection (void) |
| Reset the selection (set it to e_not_set). More...
E_Choice | CNtSite_Base::C_Utr::Which (void) const |
| Which variant is currently selected. More...
void | CNtSite_Base::C_Utr::CheckSelected (E_Choice index) const |
| Verify selection, throw exception if it differs from the expected. More...
void | CNtSite_Base::C_Utr::ThrowInvalidSelection (E_Choice index) const |
| Throw 'InvalidSelection' exception. More...
static string | CNtSite_Base::C_Utr::SelectionName (E_Choice index) |
| Retrieve selection name (for diagnostic purposes). More...
void | CNtSite_Base::C_Utr::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset=eDoResetVariant) |
| Select the requested variant if needed. More...
void | CNtSite_Base::C_Utr::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset, CObjectMemoryPool *pool) |
| Select the requested variant if needed, allocating CObject variants from memory pool. More...
bool | CNtSite_Base::C_Utr::IsFive_prime (void) const |
| Check if variant Five_prime is selected. More...
void | CNtSite_Base::C_Utr::SetFive_prime (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
bool | CNtSite_Base::C_Utr::IsThree_prime (void) const |
| Check if variant Three_prime is selected. More...
void | CNtSite_Base::C_Utr::SetThree_prime (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
| CNtSite_Base::C_Utr::C_Utr (const C_Utr &) |
C_Utr & | CNtSite_Base::C_Utr::operator= (const C_Utr &) |
void | CNtSite_Base::C_Utr::DoSelect (E_Choice index, CObjectMemoryPool *pool=0) |
bool | CNtSite_Base::IsSetSeqid (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Seqid data member. More...
bool | CNtSite_Base::CanGetSeqid (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetSeqid method. More...
void | CNtSite_Base::ResetSeqid (void) |
| Reset Seqid data member. More...
const TSeqid & | CNtSite_Base::GetSeqid (void) const |
| Get the Seqid member data. More...
void | CNtSite_Base::SetSeqid (const TSeqid &value) |
| Assign a value to Seqid data member. More...
void | CNtSite_Base::SetSeqid (TSeqid &&value) |
TSeqid & | CNtSite_Base::SetSeqid (void) |
| Assign a value to Seqid data member. More...
bool | CNtSite_Base::IsSetSeqtype (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Seqtype data member. More...
bool | CNtSite_Base::CanGetSeqtype (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetSeqtype method. More...
void | CNtSite_Base::ResetSeqtype (void) |
| Reset Seqtype data member. More...
TSeqtype | CNtSite_Base::GetSeqtype (void) const |
| Get the Seqtype member data. More...
void | CNtSite_Base::SetSeqtype (TSeqtype value) |
| Assign a value to Seqtype data member. More...
TSeqtype & | CNtSite_Base::SetSeqtype (void) |
| Assign a value to Seqtype data member. More...
bool | CNtSite_Base::IsSetBase (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Base data member. More...
bool | CNtSite_Base::CanGetBase (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetBase method. More...
void | CNtSite_Base::ResetBase (void) |
| Reset Base data member. More...
const TBase & | CNtSite_Base::GetBase (void) const |
| Get the Base member data. More...
void | CNtSite_Base::SetBase (TBase &value) |
| Assign a value to Base data member. More...
TBase & | CNtSite_Base::SetBase (void) |
| Assign a value to Base data member. More...
bool | CNtSite_Base::IsSetOffset (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Offset data member. More...
bool | CNtSite_Base::CanGetOffset (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetOffset method. More...
void | CNtSite_Base::ResetOffset (void) |
| Reset Offset data member. More...
const TOffset & | CNtSite_Base::GetOffset (void) const |
| Get the Offset member data. More...
void | CNtSite_Base::SetOffset (TOffset &value) |
| Assign a value to Offset data member. More...
TOffset & | CNtSite_Base::SetOffset (void) |
| Assign a value to Offset data member. More...
bool | CNtSite_Base::IsSetUtr (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Utr data member. More...
bool | CNtSite_Base::CanGetUtr (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetUtr method. More...
void | CNtSite_Base::ResetUtr (void) |
| Reset Utr data member. More...
const TUtr & | CNtSite_Base::GetUtr (void) const |
| Get the Utr member data. More...
void | CNtSite_Base::SetUtr (TUtr &value) |
| Assign a value to Utr data member. More...
TUtr & | CNtSite_Base::SetUtr (void) |
| Assign a value to Utr data member. More...
bool | CNtSite_Base::IsSetStrand_minus (void) const |
| TRUE implies opposite transcriptional orientation to to the reference sequence Check if a value has been assigned to Strand_minus data member. More...
bool | CNtSite_Base::CanGetStrand_minus (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetStrand_minus method. More...
void | CNtSite_Base::ResetStrand_minus (void) |
| Reset Strand_minus data member. More...
void | CNtSite_Base::SetDefaultStrand_minus (void) |
| Assign default value to Strand_minus data member. More...
TStrand_minus | CNtSite_Base::GetStrand_minus (void) const |
| Get the Strand_minus member data. More...
void | CNtSite_Base::SetStrand_minus (TStrand_minus value) |
| Assign a value to Strand_minus data member. More...
TStrand_minus & | CNtSite_Base::SetStrand_minus (void) |
| Assign a value to Strand_minus data member. More...
bool | CNtSite_Base::IsSetFuzzy (void) const |
| TRUE implies HGVS subexpression of the form (base + offset), Check if a value has been assigned to Fuzzy data member. More...
bool | CNtSite_Base::CanGetFuzzy (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetFuzzy method. More...
void | CNtSite_Base::ResetFuzzy (void) |
| Reset Fuzzy data member. More...
void | CNtSite_Base::SetDefaultFuzzy (void) |
| Assign default value to Fuzzy data member. More...
TFuzzy | CNtSite_Base::GetFuzzy (void) const |
| Get the Fuzzy member data. More...
void | CNtSite_Base::SetFuzzy (TFuzzy value) |
| Assign a value to Fuzzy data member. More...
TFuzzy & | CNtSite_Base::SetFuzzy (void) |
| Assign a value to Fuzzy data member. More...
bool | CNtSite_Base::IsSetFuzzy_offset (void) const |
| TRUE implies HGVS subexpression of the form base+(offset) Check if a value has been assigned to Fuzzy_offset data member. More...
bool | CNtSite_Base::CanGetFuzzy_offset (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetFuzzy_offset method. More...
void | CNtSite_Base::ResetFuzzy_offset (void) |
| Reset Fuzzy_offset data member. More...
void | CNtSite_Base::SetDefaultFuzzy_offset (void) |
| Assign default value to Fuzzy_offset data member. More...
TFuzzy_offset | CNtSite_Base::GetFuzzy_offset (void) const |
| Get the Fuzzy_offset member data. More...
void | CNtSite_Base::SetFuzzy_offset (TFuzzy_offset value) |
| Assign a value to Fuzzy_offset data member. More...
TFuzzy_offset & | CNtSite_Base::SetFuzzy_offset (void) |
| Assign a value to Fuzzy_offset data member. More...
virtual void | CNtSite_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
| CNtSite_Base::CNtSite_Base (const CNtSite_Base &) |
CNtSite_Base & | CNtSite_Base::operator= (const CNtSite_Base &) |
| CNtSiteRange::CNtSiteRange (void) |
| CNtSiteRange::~CNtSiteRange (void) |
| CNtSiteRange::CNtSiteRange (const CNtSiteRange &value) |
CNtSiteRange & | CNtSiteRange::operator= (const CNtSiteRange &value) |
| CNtSiteRange_Base::CNtSiteRange_Base (void) |
virtual | CNtSiteRange_Base::~CNtSiteRange_Base (void) |
bool | CNtSiteRange_Base::IsSetStart (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Start data member. More...
bool | CNtSiteRange_Base::CanGetStart (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetStart method. More...
void | CNtSiteRange_Base::ResetStart (void) |
| Reset Start data member. More...
const TStart & | CNtSiteRange_Base::GetStart (void) const |
| Get the Start member data. More...
void | CNtSiteRange_Base::SetStart (TStart &value) |
| Assign a value to Start data member. More...
TStart & | CNtSiteRange_Base::SetStart (void) |
| Assign a value to Start data member. More...
bool | CNtSiteRange_Base::IsSetStop (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Stop data member. More...
bool | CNtSiteRange_Base::CanGetStop (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetStop method. More...
void | CNtSiteRange_Base::ResetStop (void) |
| Reset Stop data member. More...
const TStop & | CNtSiteRange_Base::GetStop (void) const |
| Get the Stop member data. More...
void | CNtSiteRange_Base::SetStop (TStop &value) |
| Assign a value to Stop data member. More...
TStop & | CNtSiteRange_Base::SetStop (void) |
| Assign a value to Stop data member. More...
virtual void | CNtSiteRange_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
| CNtSiteRange_Base::CNtSiteRange_Base (const CNtSiteRange_Base &) |
CNtSiteRange_Base & | CNtSiteRange_Base::operator= (const CNtSiteRange_Base &) |
| CProteinExtension::CProteinExtension (void) |
| CProteinExtension::~CProteinExtension (void) |
| CProteinExtension::CProteinExtension (const CProteinExtension &value) |
CProteinExtension & | CProteinExtension::operator= (const CProteinExtension &value) |
| CProteinExtension_Base::CProteinExtension_Base (void) |
virtual | CProteinExtension_Base::~CProteinExtension_Base (void) |
| CProteinExtension_Base::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO () |
virtual void | CProteinExtension_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
virtual void | CProteinExtension_Base::ResetSelection (void) |
| Reset the selection (set it to e_not_set). More...
E_Choice | CProteinExtension_Base::Which (void) const |
| Which variant is currently selected. More...
void | CProteinExtension_Base::CheckSelected (E_Choice index) const |
| Verify selection, throw exception if it differs from the expected. More...
void | CProteinExtension_Base::ThrowInvalidSelection (E_Choice index) const |
| Throw 'InvalidSelection' exception. More...
static string | CProteinExtension_Base::SelectionName (E_Choice index) |
| Retrieve selection name (for diagnostic purposes). More...
void | CProteinExtension_Base::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset=eDoResetVariant) |
| Select the requested variant if needed. More...
void | CProteinExtension_Base::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset, CObjectMemoryPool *pool) |
| Select the requested variant if needed, allocating CObject variants from memory pool. More...
bool | CProteinExtension_Base::IsNterm_ext (void) const |
| Check if variant Nterm_ext is selected. More...
const TNterm_ext & | CProteinExtension_Base::GetNterm_ext (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TNterm_ext & | CProteinExtension_Base::SetNterm_ext (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CProteinExtension_Base::SetNterm_ext (TNterm_ext &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CProteinExtension_Base::IsCterm_ext (void) const |
| Check if variant Cterm_ext is selected. More...
const TCterm_ext & | CProteinExtension_Base::GetCterm_ext (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TCterm_ext & | CProteinExtension_Base::SetCterm_ext (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CProteinExtension_Base::SetCterm_ext (TCterm_ext &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
| CProteinExtension_Base::CProteinExtension_Base (const CProteinExtension_Base &) |
CProteinExtension_Base & | CProteinExtension_Base::operator= (const CProteinExtension_Base &) |
void | CProteinExtension_Base::DoSelect (E_Choice index, CObjectMemoryPool *pool=0) |
| CProteinSub::CProteinSub (void) |
| CProteinSub::~CProteinSub (void) |
| CProteinSub::CProteinSub (const CProteinSub &value) |
CProteinSub & | CProteinSub::operator= (const CProteinSub &value) |
| CProteinSub_Base::CProteinSub_Base (void) |
virtual | CProteinSub_Base::~CProteinSub_Base (void) |
static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues *ENUM_METHOD_NAME() | CProteinSub_Base::EType (void) |
| Access to EType's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec. More...
bool | CProteinSub_Base::IsSetType (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Type data member. More...
bool | CProteinSub_Base::CanGetType (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetType method. More...
void | CProteinSub_Base::ResetType (void) |
| Reset Type data member. More...
TType | CProteinSub_Base::GetType (void) const |
| Get the Type member data. More...
void | CProteinSub_Base::SetType (TType value) |
| Assign a value to Type data member. More...
TType & | CProteinSub_Base::SetType (void) |
| Assign a value to Type data member. More...
bool | CProteinSub_Base::IsSetInitial (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Initial data member. More...
bool | CProteinSub_Base::CanGetInitial (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetInitial method. More...
void | CProteinSub_Base::ResetInitial (void) |
| Reset Initial data member. More...
const TInitial & | CProteinSub_Base::GetInitial (void) const |
| Get the Initial member data. More...
void | CProteinSub_Base::SetInitial (TInitial &value) |
| Assign a value to Initial data member. More...
TInitial & | CProteinSub_Base::SetInitial (void) |
| Assign a value to Initial data member. More...
bool | CProteinSub_Base::IsSetFinal (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Final data member. More...
bool | CProteinSub_Base::CanGetFinal (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetFinal method. More...
void | CProteinSub_Base::ResetFinal (void) |
| Reset Final data member. More...
const TFinal & | CProteinSub_Base::GetFinal (void) const |
| Get the Final member data. More...
void | CProteinSub_Base::SetFinal (const TFinal &value) |
| Assign a value to Final data member. More...
void | CProteinSub_Base::SetFinal (TFinal &&value) |
TFinal & | CProteinSub_Base::SetFinal (void) |
| Assign a value to Final data member. More...
virtual void | CProteinSub_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
| CProteinSub_Base::CProteinSub_Base (const CProteinSub_Base &) |
CProteinSub_Base & | CProteinSub_Base::operator= (const CProteinSub_Base &) |
| CRepeat::CRepeat (void) |
| CRepeat::~CRepeat (void) |
| CRepeat::CRepeat (const CRepeat &value) |
CRepeat & | CRepeat::operator= (const CRepeat &value) |
| CRepeat_Base::CRepeat_Base (void) |
virtual | CRepeat_Base::~CRepeat_Base (void) |
bool | CRepeat_Base::IsSetLoc (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Loc data member. More...
bool | CRepeat_Base::CanGetLoc (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetLoc method. More...
void | CRepeat_Base::ResetLoc (void) |
| Reset Loc data member. More...
const TLoc & | CRepeat_Base::GetLoc (void) const |
| Get the Loc member data. More...
void | CRepeat_Base::SetLoc (TLoc &value) |
| Assign a value to Loc data member. More...
TLoc & | CRepeat_Base::SetLoc (void) |
| Assign a value to Loc data member. More...
bool | CRepeat_Base::IsSetCount (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Count data member. More...
bool | CRepeat_Base::CanGetCount (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetCount method. More...
void | CRepeat_Base::ResetCount (void) |
| Reset Count data member. More...
const TCount & | CRepeat_Base::GetCount (void) const |
| Get the Count member data. More...
void | CRepeat_Base::SetCount (TCount &value) |
| Assign a value to Count data member. More...
TCount & | CRepeat_Base::SetCount (void) |
| Assign a value to Count data member. More...
bool | CRepeat_Base::IsSetRaw_seq (void) const |
| Used if ntloc is a site, not an interval Check if a value has been assigned to Raw_seq data member. More...
bool | CRepeat_Base::CanGetRaw_seq (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetRaw_seq method. More...
void | CRepeat_Base::ResetRaw_seq (void) |
| Reset Raw_seq data member. More...
const TRaw_seq & | CRepeat_Base::GetRaw_seq (void) const |
| Get the Raw_seq member data. More...
void | CRepeat_Base::SetRaw_seq (const TRaw_seq &value) |
| Assign a value to Raw_seq data member. More...
void | CRepeat_Base::SetRaw_seq (TRaw_seq &&value) |
TRaw_seq & | CRepeat_Base::SetRaw_seq (void) |
| Assign a value to Raw_seq data member. More...
virtual void | CRepeat_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
| CRepeat_Base::CRepeat_Base (const CRepeat_Base &) |
CRepeat_Base & | CRepeat_Base::operator= (const CRepeat_Base &) |
| CSeqInterval::CSeqInterval (void) |
| CSeqInterval::~CSeqInterval (void) |
| CSeqInterval::CSeqInterval (const CSeqInterval &value) |
CSeqInterval & | CSeqInterval::operator= (const CSeqInterval &value) |
| CSeqInterval_Base::CSeqInterval_Base (void) |
virtual | CSeqInterval_Base::~CSeqInterval_Base (void) |
virtual void | CSeqInterval_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
virtual void | CSeqInterval_Base::ResetSelection (void) |
| Reset the selection (set it to e_not_set). More...
E_Choice | CSeqInterval_Base::Which (void) const |
| Which variant is currently selected. More...
void | CSeqInterval_Base::CheckSelected (E_Choice index) const |
| Verify selection, throw exception if it differs from the expected. More...
void | CSeqInterval_Base::ThrowInvalidSelection (E_Choice index) const |
| Throw 'InvalidSelection' exception. More...
static string | CSeqInterval_Base::SelectionName (E_Choice index) |
| Retrieve selection name (for diagnostic purposes). More...
void | CSeqInterval_Base::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset=eDoResetVariant) |
| Select the requested variant if needed. More...
void | CSeqInterval_Base::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset, CObjectMemoryPool *pool) |
| Select the requested variant if needed, allocating CObject variants from memory pool. More...
bool | CSeqInterval_Base::IsAaint (void) const |
| Check if variant Aaint is selected. More...
const TAaint & | CSeqInterval_Base::GetAaint (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TAaint & | CSeqInterval_Base::SetAaint (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CSeqInterval_Base::SetAaint (TAaint &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CSeqInterval_Base::IsNtint (void) const |
| Check if variant Ntint is selected. More...
const TNtint & | CSeqInterval_Base::GetNtint (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TNtint & | CSeqInterval_Base::SetNtint (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CSeqInterval_Base::SetNtint (TNtint &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
| CSeqInterval_Base::CSeqInterval_Base (const CSeqInterval_Base &) |
CSeqInterval_Base & | CSeqInterval_Base::operator= (const CSeqInterval_Base &) |
void | CSeqInterval_Base::DoSelect (E_Choice index, CObjectMemoryPool *pool=0) |
| CSeqLocation::CSeqLocation (void) |
| CSeqLocation::~CSeqLocation (void) |
| CSeqLocation::CSeqLocation (const CSeqLocation &value) |
CSeqLocation & | CSeqLocation::operator= (const CSeqLocation &value) |
| CSeqLocation_Base::CSeqLocation_Base (void) |
virtual | CSeqLocation_Base::~CSeqLocation_Base (void) |
virtual void | CSeqLocation_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
virtual void | CSeqLocation_Base::ResetSelection (void) |
| Reset the selection (set it to e_not_set). More...
E_Choice | CSeqLocation_Base::Which (void) const |
| Which variant is currently selected. More...
void | CSeqLocation_Base::CheckSelected (E_Choice index) const |
| Verify selection, throw exception if it differs from the expected. More...
void | CSeqLocation_Base::ThrowInvalidSelection (E_Choice index) const |
| Throw 'InvalidSelection' exception. More...
static string | CSeqLocation_Base::SelectionName (E_Choice index) |
| Retrieve selection name (for diagnostic purposes). More...
void | CSeqLocation_Base::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset=eDoResetVariant) |
| Select the requested variant if needed. More...
void | CSeqLocation_Base::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset, CObjectMemoryPool *pool) |
| Select the requested variant if needed, allocating CObject variants from memory pool. More...
bool | CSeqLocation_Base::IsAaloc (void) const |
| Check if variant Aaloc is selected. More...
const TAaloc & | CSeqLocation_Base::GetAaloc (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TAaloc & | CSeqLocation_Base::SetAaloc (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CSeqLocation_Base::SetAaloc (TAaloc &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CSeqLocation_Base::IsNtloc (void) const |
| Check if variant Ntloc is selected. More...
const TNtloc & | CSeqLocation_Base::GetNtloc (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TNtloc & | CSeqLocation_Base::SetNtloc (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CSeqLocation_Base::SetNtloc (TNtloc &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
| CSeqLocation_Base::CSeqLocation_Base (const CSeqLocation_Base &) |
CSeqLocation_Base & | CSeqLocation_Base::operator= (const CSeqLocation_Base &) |
void | CSeqLocation_Base::DoSelect (E_Choice index, CObjectMemoryPool *pool=0) |
| CSequenceVariant::CSequenceVariant (void) |
| CSequenceVariant::~CSequenceVariant (void) |
| CSequenceVariant::CSequenceVariant (const CSequenceVariant &value) |
CSequenceVariant & | CSequenceVariant::operator= (const CSequenceVariant &value) |
| CSequenceVariant_Base::CSequenceVariant_Base (void) |
virtual | CSequenceVariant_Base::~CSequenceVariant_Base (void) |
| CSequenceVariant_Base::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO () |
static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues *ENUM_METHOD_NAME() | CSequenceVariant_Base::EComplex (void) |
| Access to EComplex's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec. More...
bool | CSequenceVariant_Base::IsSetSeqtype (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Seqtype data member. More...
bool | CSequenceVariant_Base::CanGetSeqtype (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetSeqtype method. More...
void | CSequenceVariant_Base::ResetSeqtype (void) |
| Reset Seqtype data member. More...
TSeqtype | CSequenceVariant_Base::GetSeqtype (void) const |
| Get the Seqtype member data. More...
void | CSequenceVariant_Base::SetSeqtype (TSeqtype value) |
| Assign a value to Seqtype data member. More...
TSeqtype & | CSequenceVariant_Base::SetSeqtype (void) |
| Assign a value to Seqtype data member. More...
bool | CSequenceVariant_Base::IsSetSubvariants (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Subvariants data member. More...
bool | CSequenceVariant_Base::CanGetSubvariants (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetSubvariants method. More...
void | CSequenceVariant_Base::ResetSubvariants (void) |
| Reset Subvariants data member. More...
const TSubvariants & | CSequenceVariant_Base::GetSubvariants (void) const |
| Get the Subvariants member data. More...
TSubvariants & | CSequenceVariant_Base::SetSubvariants (void) |
| Assign a value to Subvariants data member. More...
bool | CSequenceVariant_Base::IsSetComplex (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Complex data member. More...
bool | CSequenceVariant_Base::CanGetComplex (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetComplex method. More...
void | CSequenceVariant_Base::ResetComplex (void) |
| Reset Complex data member. More...
TComplex | CSequenceVariant_Base::GetComplex (void) const |
| Get the Complex member data. More...
void | CSequenceVariant_Base::SetComplex (TComplex value) |
| Assign a value to Complex data member. More...
TComplex & | CSequenceVariant_Base::SetComplex (void) |
| Assign a value to Complex data member. More...
virtual void | CSequenceVariant_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
| CSequenceVariant_Base::CSequenceVariant_Base (const CSequenceVariant_Base &) |
CSequenceVariant_Base & | CSequenceVariant_Base::operator= (const CSequenceVariant_Base &) |
| CSimpleVariant::CSimpleVariant (void) |
| CSimpleVariant::~CSimpleVariant (void) |
| CSimpleVariant::CSimpleVariant (const CSimpleVariant &value) |
CSimpleVariant & | CSimpleVariant::operator= (const CSimpleVariant &value) |
| CSimpleVariant_Base::CSimpleVariant_Base (void) |
virtual | CSimpleVariant_Base::~CSimpleVariant_Base (void) |
| CSimpleVariant_Base::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO () |
| CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::C_Type (void) |
| CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::~C_Type (void) |
| CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO () |
void | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
void | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::ResetSelection (void) |
| Reset the selection (set it to e_not_set). More...
E_Choice | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::Which (void) const |
| Which variant is currently selected. More...
void | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::CheckSelected (E_Choice index) const |
| Verify selection, throw exception if it differs from the expected. More...
void | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::ThrowInvalidSelection (E_Choice index) const |
| Throw 'InvalidSelection' exception. More...
static string | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::SelectionName (E_Choice index) |
| Retrieve selection name (for diagnostic purposes). More...
void | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset=eDoResetVariant) |
| Select the requested variant if needed. More...
void | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset, CObjectMemoryPool *pool) |
| Select the requested variant if needed, allocating CObject variants from memory pool. More...
bool | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::IsNa_identity (void) const |
| Check if variant Na_identity is selected. More...
const TNa_identity & | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::GetNa_identity (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TNa_identity & | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::SetNa_identity (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::SetNa_identity (TNa_identity &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::IsNa_sub (void) const |
| Check if variant Na_sub is selected. More...
const TNa_sub & | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::GetNa_sub (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TNa_sub & | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::SetNa_sub (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::SetNa_sub (TNa_sub &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::IsProt_sub (void) const |
| Check if variant Prot_sub is selected. More...
const TProt_sub & | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::GetProt_sub (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TProt_sub & | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::SetProt_sub (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::SetProt_sub (TProt_sub &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::IsProt_silent (void) const |
| Check if variant Prot_silent is selected. More...
const TProt_silent & | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::GetProt_silent (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TProt_silent & | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::SetProt_silent (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::SetProt_silent (TProt_silent &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::IsDel (void) const |
| Check if variant Del is selected. More...
const TDel & | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::GetDel (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TDel & | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::SetDel (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::SetDel (TDel &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::IsDup (void) const |
| Check if variant Dup is selected. More...
const TDup & | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::GetDup (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TDup & | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::SetDup (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::SetDup (TDup &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::IsInv (void) const |
| Check if variant Inv is selected. More...
const TInv & | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::GetInv (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TInv & | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::SetInv (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::SetInv (TInv &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::IsIns (void) const |
| Check if variant Ins is selected. More...
const TIns & | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::GetIns (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TIns & | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::SetIns (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::SetIns (TIns &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::IsConv (void) const |
| Check if variant Conv is selected. More...
const TConv & | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::GetConv (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TConv & | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::SetConv (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::SetConv (TConv &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::IsDelins (void) const |
| Check if variant Delins is selected. More...
const TDelins & | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::GetDelins (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TDelins & | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::SetDelins (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::SetDelins (TDelins &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::IsRepeat (void) const |
| Check if variant Repeat is selected. More...
const TRepeat & | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::GetRepeat (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TRepeat & | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::SetRepeat (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::SetRepeat (TRepeat &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::IsProt_ext (void) const |
| Check if variant Prot_ext is selected. More...
const TProt_ext & | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::GetProt_ext (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TProt_ext & | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::SetProt_ext (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::SetProt_ext (TProt_ext &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::IsFrameshift (void) const |
| Check if variant Frameshift is selected. More...
const TFrameshift & | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::GetFrameshift (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TFrameshift & | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::SetFrameshift (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::SetFrameshift (TFrameshift &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
| CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::C_Type (const C_Type &) |
C_Type & | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::operator= (const C_Type &) |
void | CSimpleVariant_Base::C_Type::DoSelect (E_Choice index, CObjectMemoryPool *pool=0) |
bool | CSimpleVariant_Base::IsSetType (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Type data member. More...
bool | CSimpleVariant_Base::CanGetType (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetType method. More...
void | CSimpleVariant_Base::ResetType (void) |
| Reset Type data member. More...
const TType & | CSimpleVariant_Base::GetType (void) const |
| Get the Type member data. More...
void | CSimpleVariant_Base::SetType (TType &value) |
| Assign a value to Type data member. More...
TType & | CSimpleVariant_Base::SetType (void) |
| Assign a value to Type data member. More...
bool | CSimpleVariant_Base::IsSetFuzzy (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Fuzzy data member. More...
bool | CSimpleVariant_Base::CanGetFuzzy (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetFuzzy method. More...
void | CSimpleVariant_Base::ResetFuzzy (void) |
| Reset Fuzzy data member. More...
void | CSimpleVariant_Base::SetDefaultFuzzy (void) |
| Assign default value to Fuzzy data member. More...
TFuzzy | CSimpleVariant_Base::GetFuzzy (void) const |
| Get the Fuzzy member data. More...
void | CSimpleVariant_Base::SetFuzzy (TFuzzy value) |
| Assign a value to Fuzzy data member. More...
TFuzzy & | CSimpleVariant_Base::SetFuzzy (void) |
| Assign a value to Fuzzy data member. More...
virtual void | CSimpleVariant_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
| CSimpleVariant_Base::CSimpleVariant_Base (const CSimpleVariant_Base &) |
CSimpleVariant_Base & | CSimpleVariant_Base::operator= (const CSimpleVariant_Base &) |
| CSimpleVariantSeq::CSimpleVariantSeq (void) |
| CSimpleVariantSeq::~CSimpleVariantSeq (void) |
| CSimpleVariantSeq::CSimpleVariantSeq (const CSimpleVariantSeq &value) |
CSimpleVariantSeq & | CSimpleVariantSeq::operator= (const CSimpleVariantSeq &value) |
| CSimpleVariantSeq_Base::CSimpleVariantSeq_Base (void) |
virtual | CSimpleVariantSeq_Base::~CSimpleVariantSeq_Base (void) |
| CSimpleVariantSeq_Base::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO () |
bool | CSimpleVariantSeq_Base::IsSetVariants (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Variants data member. More...
bool | CSimpleVariantSeq_Base::CanGetVariants (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetVariants method. More...
void | CSimpleVariantSeq_Base::ResetVariants (void) |
| Reset Variants data member. More...
const TVariants & | CSimpleVariantSeq_Base::GetVariants (void) const |
| Get the Variants member data. More...
TVariants & | CSimpleVariantSeq_Base::SetVariants (void) |
| Assign a value to Variants data member. More...
bool | CSimpleVariantSeq_Base::IsSetSisters (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Sisters data member. More...
bool | CSimpleVariantSeq_Base::CanGetSisters (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetSisters method. More...
void | CSimpleVariantSeq_Base::ResetSisters (void) |
| Reset Sisters data member. More...
void | CSimpleVariantSeq_Base::SetDefaultSisters (void) |
| Assign default value to Sisters data member. More...
TSisters | CSimpleVariantSeq_Base::GetSisters (void) const |
| Get the Sisters member data. More...
void | CSimpleVariantSeq_Base::SetSisters (TSisters value) |
| Assign a value to Sisters data member. More...
TSisters & | CSimpleVariantSeq_Base::SetSisters (void) |
| Assign a value to Sisters data member. More...
bool | CSimpleVariantSeq_Base::IsSetFuzzy (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Fuzzy data member. More...
bool | CSimpleVariantSeq_Base::CanGetFuzzy (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetFuzzy method. More...
void | CSimpleVariantSeq_Base::ResetFuzzy (void) |
| Reset Fuzzy data member. More...
void | CSimpleVariantSeq_Base::SetDefaultFuzzy (void) |
| Assign default value to Fuzzy data member. More...
TFuzzy | CSimpleVariantSeq_Base::GetFuzzy (void) const |
| Get the Fuzzy member data. More...
void | CSimpleVariantSeq_Base::SetFuzzy (TFuzzy value) |
| Assign a value to Fuzzy data member. More...
TFuzzy & | CSimpleVariantSeq_Base::SetFuzzy (void) |
| Assign a value to Fuzzy data member. More...
virtual void | CSimpleVariantSeq_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
| CSimpleVariantSeq_Base::CSimpleVariantSeq_Base (const CSimpleVariantSeq_Base &) |
CSimpleVariantSeq_Base & | CSimpleVariantSeq_Base::operator= (const CSimpleVariantSeq_Base &) |
| CSubsequence::CSubsequence (void) |
| CSubsequence::~CSubsequence (void) |
| CSubsequence::CSubsequence (const CSubsequence &value) |
CSubsequence & | CSubsequence::operator= (const CSubsequence &value) |
| CSubsequence_Base::CSubsequence_Base (void) |
virtual | CSubsequence_Base::~CSubsequence_Base (void) |
| CSubsequence_Base::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO () |
bool | CSubsequence_Base::IsSetIdentifier (void) const |
| For example, an accession id Check if a value has been assigned to Identifier data member. More...
bool | CSubsequence_Base::CanGetIdentifier (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetIdentifier method. More...
void | CSubsequence_Base::ResetIdentifier (void) |
| Reset Identifier data member. More...
const TIdentifier & | CSubsequence_Base::GetIdentifier (void) const |
| Get the Identifier member data. More...
void | CSubsequence_Base::SetIdentifier (const TIdentifier &value) |
| Assign a value to Identifier data member. More...
void | CSubsequence_Base::SetIdentifier (TIdentifier &&value) |
TIdentifier & | CSubsequence_Base::SetIdentifier (void) |
| Assign a value to Identifier data member. More...
bool | CSubsequence_Base::IsSetType (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Type data member. More...
bool | CSubsequence_Base::CanGetType (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetType method. More...
void | CSubsequence_Base::ResetType (void) |
| Reset Type data member. More...
TType | CSubsequence_Base::GetType (void) const |
| Get the Type member data. More...
void | CSubsequence_Base::SetType (TType value) |
| Assign a value to Type data member. More...
TType & | CSubsequence_Base::SetType (void) |
| Assign a value to Type data member. More...
bool | CSubsequence_Base::IsSetInt (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Int data member. More...
bool | CSubsequence_Base::CanGetInt (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetInt method. More...
void | CSubsequence_Base::ResetInt (void) |
| Reset Int data member. More...
const TInt & | CSubsequence_Base::GetInt (void) const |
| Get the Int member data. More...
void | CSubsequence_Base::SetInt (TInt &value) |
| Assign a value to Int data member. More...
TInt & | CSubsequence_Base::SetInt (void) |
| Assign a value to Int data member. More...
virtual void | CSubsequence_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
| CSubsequence_Base::CSubsequence_Base (const CSubsequence_Base &) |
CSubsequence_Base & | CSubsequence_Base::operator= (const CSubsequence_Base &) |
| CVariant::CVariant (void) |
| CVariant::~CVariant (void) |
| CVariant::CVariant (const CVariant &value) |
CVariant & | CVariant::operator= (const CVariant &value) |
| CVariant_Base::CVariant_Base (void) |
virtual | CVariant_Base::~CVariant_Base (void) |
virtual void | CVariant_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
virtual void | CVariant_Base::ResetSelection (void) |
| Reset the selection (set it to e_not_set). More...
E_Choice | CVariant_Base::Which (void) const |
| Which variant is currently selected. More...
void | CVariant_Base::CheckSelected (E_Choice index) const |
| Verify selection, throw exception if it differs from the expected. More...
void | CVariant_Base::ThrowInvalidSelection (E_Choice index) const |
| Throw 'InvalidSelection' exception. More...
static string | CVariant_Base::SelectionName (E_Choice index) |
| Retrieve selection name (for diagnostic purposes). More...
void | CVariant_Base::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset=eDoResetVariant) |
| Select the requested variant if needed. More...
void | CVariant_Base::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset, CObjectMemoryPool *pool) |
| Select the requested variant if needed, allocating CObject variants from memory pool. More...
bool | CVariant_Base::IsSimple (void) const |
| Check if variant Simple is selected. More...
const TSimple & | CVariant_Base::GetSimple (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TSimple & | CVariant_Base::SetSimple (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CVariant_Base::SetSimple (TSimple &value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool | CVariant_Base::IsSpecial (void) const |
| Check if variant Special is selected. More...
TSpecial | CVariant_Base::GetSpecial (void) const |
| Get the variant data. More...
TSpecial & | CVariant_Base::SetSpecial (void) |
| Select the variant. More...
void | CVariant_Base::SetSpecial (TSpecial value) |
| Select the variant and set its data. More...
| CVariant_Base::CVariant_Base (const CVariant_Base &) |
CVariant_Base & | CVariant_Base::operator= (const CVariant_Base &) |
void | CVariant_Base::DoSelect (E_Choice index, CObjectMemoryPool *pool=0) |
| CVariantExpression::CVariantExpression (void) |
| CVariantExpression::~CVariantExpression (void) |
| CVariantExpression::CVariantExpression (const CVariantExpression &value) |
CVariantExpression & | CVariantExpression::operator= (const CVariantExpression &value) |
| CVariantExpression_Base::CVariantExpression_Base (void) |
virtual | CVariantExpression_Base::~CVariantExpression_Base (void) |
| CVariantExpression_Base::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO () |
bool | CVariantExpression_Base::IsSetInput_expr (void) const |
| contains the input expression to be parsed Check if a value has been assigned to Input_expr data member. More...
bool | CVariantExpression_Base::CanGetInput_expr (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetInput_expr method. More...
void | CVariantExpression_Base::ResetInput_expr (void) |
| Reset Input_expr data member. More...
const TInput_expr & | CVariantExpression_Base::GetInput_expr (void) const |
| Get the Input_expr member data. More...
void | CVariantExpression_Base::SetInput_expr (const TInput_expr &value) |
| Assign a value to Input_expr data member. More...
void | CVariantExpression_Base::SetInput_expr (TInput_expr &&value) |
TInput_expr & | CVariantExpression_Base::SetInput_expr (void) |
| Assign a value to Input_expr data member. More...
bool | CVariantExpression_Base::IsSetReference_id (void) const |
| contains the accession id or other identifier for the reference sequence Check if a value has been assigned to Reference_id data member. More...
bool | CVariantExpression_Base::CanGetReference_id (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetReference_id method. More...
void | CVariantExpression_Base::ResetReference_id (void) |
| Reset Reference_id data member. More...
const TReference_id & | CVariantExpression_Base::GetReference_id (void) const |
| Get the Reference_id member data. More...
void | CVariantExpression_Base::SetReference_id (const TReference_id &value) |
| Assign a value to Reference_id data member. More...
void | CVariantExpression_Base::SetReference_id (TReference_id &&value) |
TReference_id & | CVariantExpression_Base::SetReference_id (void) |
| Assign a value to Reference_id data member. More...
bool | CVariantExpression_Base::IsSetSequence_variant (void) const |
| Check if a value has been assigned to Sequence_variant data member. More...
bool | CVariantExpression_Base::CanGetSequence_variant (void) const |
| Check if it is safe to call GetSequence_variant method. More...
void | CVariantExpression_Base::ResetSequence_variant (void) |
| Reset Sequence_variant data member. More...
const TSequence_variant & | CVariantExpression_Base::GetSequence_variant (void) const |
| Get the Sequence_variant member data. More...
void | CVariantExpression_Base::SetSequence_variant (TSequence_variant &value) |
| Assign a value to Sequence_variant data member. More...
TSequence_variant & | CVariantExpression_Base::SetSequence_variant (void) |
| Assign a value to Sequence_variant data member. More...
virtual void | CVariantExpression_Base::Reset (void) |
| Reset the whole object. More...
| CVariantExpression_Base::CVariantExpression_Base (const CVariantExpression_Base &) |