objects::edit::EExistingText | NMacroUtil::ActionTypeToExistingTextOption (const string &action_type, const string &delimiter) |
objects::ECapChange | NMacroUtil::ConvertStringtoCapitalOption (const string &cap_name) |
objects::CSeq_entry_Handle | NMacroUtil::GetParentEntryForBioSource (const objects::CBioSource &bsrc, const objects::CSeq_entry_Handle &tse) |
CConstRef< objects::CBioseq > | NMacroUtil::GetBioseqForSeqdescObject (const CSerialObject *obj, const objects::CSeq_entry_Handle &tse) |
CObjectInfo | NMacroUtil::GetPrimitiveObjInfo (const CObjectInfo &info) |
void | NMacroUtil::GetPrimitiveObjectInfos (CMQueryNodeValue::TObs &objs, const CMQueryNodeValue::SResolvedField &info) |
void | NMacroUtil::GetPrimitiveObjInfosWithContainers (CMQueryNodeValue::TObs &objs, const CMQueryNodeValue::SResolvedField &info) |
CMQueryNodeValue::EType | NMacroUtil::GetPrimitiveFromRef (CMQueryNodeValue &node) |
void | NMacroUtil::SwapGbQualWithValues (CMQueryNodeValue::TObs &objs) |
void | NMacroUtil::RemoveGeneXref (objects::CSeq_feat &feat) |
void | NMacroUtil::RemoveEmptyDescriptors (objects::CBioseq &bseq) |
string | NMacroUtil::GetStringValue (CRef< CMQueryNodeValue > &value) |
| converts ints and doubles into string, by changing the type of the value More...
objects::CSeqFeatData::ESubtype | NMacroUtil::GetFeatSubtype (const string &feat_type) |
bool | NMacroUtil::StringsAreEquivalent (const string &name1, const string &name2) |
bool | NMacroUtil::GetLocusTagFromGene (const objects::CGene_ref &gene, string &locus_tag) |
bool | NMacroUtil::GetLocusTagFromProtRef (const objects::CSeq_feat &prot_feat, objects::CScope &scope, string &locus_tag) |
CRef< objects::CSeqdesc > | NMacroUtil::MakeNcbiAutofixUserObject () |
bool | NMacroUtil::FindNcbiAutofixUserObject (const objects::CSeq_entry_Handle &tse) |
objects::CRNA_ref::EType | NMacroUtil::GetRNAType (const string &rna_type) |
bool | NMacroUtil::IsBiosourceModifier (const string &field) |
bool | NMacroUtil::IsTaxname (CMQueryNodeValue::SResolvedField &res) |
void | NMacroUtil::CleanupForTaxnameChange (CObjectInfo oi) |
void | NMacroUtil::CleanupForTaxnameChange (CMQueryNodeValue::SResolvedField &res, CObjectInfo oi) |
bool | NMacroUtil::ApplyFirstName (objects::CName_std &std_name, const string &newValue, objects::edit::EExistingText existing_text) |
bool | NMacroUtil::RemoveFirstName (objects::CName_std &std_name) |
bool | NMacroUtil::ApplyMiddleInitial (objects::CName_std &std_name, const string &newValue, objects::edit::EExistingText existing_text) |
bool | NMacroUtil::RemoveMiddleInitial (objects::CName_std &std_name) |
unsigned | NMacroUtil::ApplyAuthorNames (objects::CAuth_list &auth_list, const string &newValue) |
EStructVoucherPart | NMacroUtil::GetSVPartFromString (const string voucher_part) |
bool | NMacroUtil::IsStructVoucherPart (const string &field) |
void | NMacroUtil::ConvertMultiSpaces (string &line, const string &delimiter) |
| replace any instance of 2 or more spaces with a single instance of 'delimiter' More...
string | NMacroUtil::TransformForCSV (const string &str) |
CLabel::ELabelType | NMacroUtil::NameToLabelType (const string &name) |
bool | NMacroUtil::IsSatelliteSubfield (const string &field) |
bool | NMacroUtil::IsMobileElementTSubfield (const string &field) |
EUnverifiedType | NMacroUtil::GetUnverifiedType (const string &value) |