NCBI C++ ToolKit
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1 /* $Id: msvc_dlls_info.cpp 89181 2020-03-04 19:52:40Z gouriano $
2  * ===========================================================================
3  *
5  * National Center for Biotechnology Information
6  *
7  * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
8  * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
9  * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
10  * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
11  * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
12  * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
13  *
14  * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
15  * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
16  * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
17  * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
18  * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
19  * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
20  * purpose.
21  *
22  * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
23  *
24  * ===========================================================================
25  *
26  * Author: Viatcheslav Gorelenkov
27  *
28  */
30 #include <ncbi_pch.hpp>
31 #include "msvc_dlls_info.hpp"
32 #include "proj_builder_app.hpp"
33 #include "msvc_prj_defines.hpp"
34 #include "proj_projects.hpp"
35 #include "proj_tree_builder.hpp"
36 #include "msvc_project_context.hpp"
38 #include "msvc_dlls_info_utils.hpp"
39 #include "ptb_err_codes.hpp"
41 #include <corelib/ncbistre.hpp>
43 #include <algorithm>
48 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
50  CProjectItemsTree* tree_dst)
51 {
52  tree_dst->m_RootSrc = tree_src.m_RootSrc;
54  tree_dst->m_Projects.clear();
57  const CProjKey& proj_id = p->first;
58  const CProjItem& project = p->second;
60  if (proj_id.Type() == CProjKey::eDll) {
61  continue;
62  }
63  bool dll_hosted =
64  (proj_id.Type() == CProjKey::eLib) &&
65  !project.m_DllHost.empty();
66  if ( !dll_hosted) {
67  tree_dst->m_Projects[proj_id] = project;
68  }
69  }
70 }
72 static bool s_IsInTree(CProjKey::TProjType proj_type,
73  const string& proj_id,
74  const CProjectItemsTree* tree)
75 {
76  return tree->m_Projects.find
77  (CProjKey(proj_type,
78  proj_id)) !=
79  tree->m_Projects.end();
80 }
83 static void s_InitalizeDllProj(const string& dll_id,
84  CProjItem* dll,
85  const CProjectItemsTree& tree_src,
86  CProjectItemsTree* tree_dst)
87 {
88  list<CProjKey> new_depends;
89  ITERATE(list<CProjKey>, p, dll->m_Depends) {
91  const string& depend_id = p->Id();
92  const CProjectItemsTree* tree;
94  // Is this a dll?
95  if ( s_IsInTree(CProjKey::eDll, depend_id, tree = &tree_src) ||
96  s_IsInTree(CProjKey::eDll, depend_id, tree = &GetApp().GetWholeTree())) {
97  new_depends.push_back(CProjKey(CProjKey::eDll, depend_id));
98  } else {
99  if ( s_IsInTree(CProjKey::eApp, depend_id, tree = &tree_src) ||
100  s_IsInTree(CProjKey::eApp, depend_id, tree = &GetApp().GetWholeTree()) ) {
102  CProjKey depend_key(CProjKey::eApp, depend_id);
103  new_depends.push_back(depend_key);
104  tree_dst->m_Projects[depend_key] =
105  (tree->m_Projects.find(depend_key))->second;
106  }
107  else if ( s_IsInTree(CProjKey::eLib, depend_id, tree = &tree_src) ||
108  s_IsInTree(CProjKey::eLib, depend_id, tree = &GetApp().GetWholeTree()) ) {
110  string dll_host = tree->m_Projects.find(CProjKey(CProjKey::eLib, depend_id))->second.m_DllHost;
111  if (!dll_host.empty()) {
112  new_depends.push_back(CProjKey(CProjKey::eDll, dll_host));
113  } else {
114  CProjKey depend_key(CProjKey::eLib, depend_id);
115  new_depends.push_back(depend_key);
116  tree_dst->m_Projects[depend_key] =
117  (tree->m_Projects.find(depend_key))->second;
118  }
120  } else {
121  if (GetApp().m_AddMissingLibs) {
122  CProjKey depend_key(CProjKey::eLib, depend_id);
123  new_depends.push_back(depend_key);
124  }
126  "Missing dependency: " << depend_id);
127  }
128  }
129  }
130  dll->m_Depends = new_depends;
133  string dll_main = GetApp().GetProjectTreeInfo().m_Compilers;
134  dll_main = CDirEntry::ConcatPath(dll_main, GetApp().GetRegSettings().m_CompilersSubdir);
135  dll_main = CDirEntry::ConcatPath(dll_main, GetApp().GetBuildType().GetTypeStr());
136  dll_main = CDirEntry::ConcatPath(dll_main, "dll_main");
137  dll->m_Sources.push_back(CDirEntry::CreateRelativePath(dll->m_SourcesBaseDir, dll_main));
138  }
139 }
142 static void s_AddProjItemToDll(const CProjectItemsTree& tree_src,
143  const CProjItem& lib, CProjItem& dll)
144 {
145  // If this library is available as a third-party,
146  // then we'll require it
147  if (GetApp().GetSite().GetChoiceForLib(lib.m_ID)
148  == CMsvcSite::e3PartyLib ) {
149  CMsvcSite::SLibChoice choice =
151  dll.m_Requires.push_back(choice.m_3PartyLib);
152  dll.m_Requires.sort();
153  dll.m_Requires.unique();
154  return;
155  }
156  if (!lib.m_External) {
157  dll.m_External = false;
158  }
159  if (lib.m_StyleObjcpp) {
160  dll.m_StyleObjcpp = true;
161  }
163  CMsvcPrjProjectContext lib_context(lib);
164  // Define empty configuration list -- to skip configurable file
165  // generation on this step. They will be generated later.
166  const list<SConfigInfo> no_configs;
167  CMsvcPrjFilesCollector collector(lib_context, no_configs, lib);
169  // Sources - all pathes are relative to one dll->m_SourcesBaseDir
170  ITERATE(list<string>, p, collector.SourceFiles()) {
171  const string& rel_path = *p;
172  string abs_path =
173  CDirEntry::ConcatPath(lib_context.ProjectDir(), rel_path);
174  abs_path = CDirEntry::NormalizePath(abs_path);
176  // Register DLL source files as belongs to lib
177  // With .ext
179  (abs_path,
181  CProjKey(CProjKey::eLib, lib.m_ID) );
183  string dir;
184  string base;
185  CDirEntry::SplitPath(abs_path, &dir, &base);
186  string abs_source_path = dir + base;
188  string new_rel_path =
190  abs_source_path);
191  dll.m_Sources.push_back(new_rel_path);
192  }
193  dll.m_Sources.sort();
194  dll.m_Sources.unique();
196  copy(lib_context.IncludeDirsAbs().begin(),
197  lib_context.IncludeDirsAbs().end(), back_inserter(dll.m_Includes));
198  copy(lib_context.InlineDirsAbs().begin(),
199  lib_context.InlineDirsAbs().end(), back_inserter(dll.m_Inlines));
201  // Header files - also register them
202  ITERATE(list<string>, p, collector.HeaderFiles()) {
203  const string& rel_path = *p;
204  string abs_path =
205  CDirEntry::ConcatPath(lib_context.ProjectDir(), rel_path);
206  abs_path = CDirEntry::NormalizePath(abs_path);
208  (abs_path,
210  CProjKey(CProjKey::eLib, lib.m_ID) );
211  }
212  // Inline files - also register them
213  ITERATE(list<string>, p, collector.InlineFiles()) {
214  const string& rel_path = *p;
215  string abs_path =
216  CDirEntry::ConcatPath(lib_context.ProjectDir(), rel_path);
217  abs_path = CDirEntry::NormalizePath(abs_path);
219  (abs_path,
221  CProjKey(CProjKey::eLib, lib.m_ID) );
222  }
224  if (!collector.GetExtraFiles().empty()) {
225  const map<string, list<string> >& extra(collector.GetExtraFiles());
226  for (map<string, list<string> >::const_iterator g = extra.begin(); g != extra.end(); ++g) {
227  const list<string>& lst(g->second);
229  ITERATE(list<string>, f, lst) {
230  string abs_path = CDirEntry::NormalizePath(
231  CDirEntry::ConcatPath(lib_context.ProjectDir(), *f));
234  (abs_path,
236  CProjKey(CProjKey::eLib, lib.m_ID) );
238  string new_rel_path =
240  (dll.m_ExtraFiles[g->first]).push_back(new_rel_path);
241  }
242  }
243  }
244  copy(lib_context.GetCustomBuildInfo().begin(),
245  lib_context.GetCustomBuildInfo().end(), back_inserter(dll.m_CustomBuild));
247  // Depends
248  ITERATE(list<CProjKey>, p, lib.m_Depends) {
250  const CProjKey& depend_id = *p;
253  if (i != tree_src.m_Projects.end()) {
254  if (i->second.m_DllHost.empty()) {
255  dll.m_Depends.push_back(depend_id);
256  } else {
257  dll.m_Depends.push_back(CProjKey(CProjKey::eDll, i->second.m_DllHost));
258  }
259  } else {
260  string host = GetDllHost(tree_src,depend_id.Id());
261  if (!host.empty()) {
262  dll.m_Depends.push_back(CProjKey(CProjKey::eDll, host));
263  }
264  }
265  }
266  dll.m_Depends.sort();
267  dll.m_Depends.unique();
270  // m_Requires
271  copy(lib.m_Requires.begin(),
272  lib.m_Requires.end(), back_inserter(dll.m_Requires));
273  dll.m_Requires.sort();
274  dll.m_Requires.unique();
276  // Libs 3-Party
277  copy(lib.m_Libs3Party.begin(),
278  lib.m_Libs3Party.end(), back_inserter(dll.m_Libs3Party));
279  dll.m_Libs3Party.sort();
280  dll.m_Libs3Party.unique();
282  // m_IncludeDirs
283  copy(lib.m_IncludeDirs.begin(),
284  lib.m_IncludeDirs.end(), back_inserter(dll.m_IncludeDirs));
285  dll.m_IncludeDirs.sort();
286  dll.m_IncludeDirs.unique();
288  // m_DatatoolSources
289  copy(lib.m_DatatoolSources.begin(),
290  lib.m_DatatoolSources.end(), back_inserter(dll.m_DatatoolSources));
291  dll.m_DatatoolSources.sort();
292  dll.m_DatatoolSources.unique();
294  // m_Defines
295  copy(lib.m_Defines.begin(),
296  lib.m_Defines.end(), back_inserter(dll.m_Defines));
297  dll.m_Defines.sort();
298  dll.m_Defines.unique();
300  // watchers
301  if (!lib.m_Watchers.empty()) {
302  if (!dll.m_Watchers.empty()) {
303  dll.m_Watchers += " ";
304  }
305  dll.m_Watchers += lib.m_Watchers;
306  }
307  {{
308  string makefile_name =
310  lib.m_Name);
311  CSimpleMakeFileContents makefile(makefile_name,eMakeType_Undefined);
313  makefile.m_Contents.find("NCBI_C_LIBS");
315  list<string> ncbi_clibs;
316  if (p != makefile.m_Contents.end()) {
317  SAppProjectT::CreateNcbiCToolkitLibs(makefile, &ncbi_clibs);
319  dll.m_Libs3Party.push_back("NCBI_C_LIBS");
320  dll.m_Libs3Party.sort();
321  dll.m_Libs3Party.unique();
323  copy(ncbi_clibs.begin(),
324  ncbi_clibs.end(),
325  back_inserter(dll.m_NcbiCLibs));
326  dll.m_NcbiCLibs.sort();
327  dll.m_NcbiCLibs.unique();
329  }
330  }}
332  // m_NcbiCLibs
333  copy(lib.m_NcbiCLibs.begin(),
334  lib.m_NcbiCLibs.end(), back_inserter(dll.m_NcbiCLibs));
335  dll.m_NcbiCLibs.sort();
336  dll.m_NcbiCLibs.unique();
338  dll.m_MakeType = max(lib.m_MakeType, dll.m_MakeType);
339 }
342 {
343  set<string> dll_to_erase;
345  const CProjKey& key = p->first;
346  CProjItem& project = p->second;
347  if (key.Type() == CProjKey::eDll) {
348  ITERATE( list<string>, h, project.m_HostedLibs) {
350  i = tree.m_Projects.find(CProjKey(CProjKey::eLib, *h));
351  if (i != tree.m_Projects.end()) {
352  if (*h != key.Id()) {
353  i->second.m_DllHost = key.Id();
354  i = tree.m_Projects.find(CProjKey(CProjKey::eDll, *h));
355  if (i != tree.m_Projects.end()) {
356  dll_to_erase.insert(*h);
357  }
358  } else if (i->second.m_DllHost.empty()) {
359  i->second.m_DllHost = key.Id();
360  }
361  }
362  }
363  }
364  }
365  ITERATE(set<string>, d, dll_to_erase) {
367  i = tree.m_Projects.find(CProjKey(CProjKey::eDll, *d));
368  if (i != tree.m_Projects.end()) {
369  tree.m_Projects.erase(i);
370  }
371  }
372 }
374 string GetDllHost(const CProjectItemsTree& tree, const string& lib)
375 {
376  ITERATE(CProjectItemsTree::TProjects, p, tree.m_Projects) {
377  const CProjKey& key = p->first;
378  const CProjItem& project = p->second;
379  if (key.Type() == CProjKey::eDll) {
380  ITERATE( list<string>, h, project.m_HostedLibs) {
381  if (*h == lib) {
382  return key.Id();
383  }
384  }
385  }
386  }
387  return kEmptyStr;
388 }
390 void CreateDllBuildTree(const CProjectItemsTree& tree_src,
391  CProjectItemsTree* tree_dst)
392 {
393  tree_dst->m_RootSrc = tree_src.m_RootSrc;
395  FilterOutDllHostedProjects(tree_src, tree_dst);
397  list<string> dll_ids;
398  CreateDllsList(tree_src, &dll_ids);
400  list<string> dll_depends_ids;
401  CollectDllsDepends(tree_src, dll_ids, &dll_depends_ids);
402  copy(dll_depends_ids.begin(),
403  dll_depends_ids.end(), back_inserter(dll_ids));
404  dll_ids.sort();
405  dll_ids.unique();
407  ITERATE(list<string>, p, dll_ids) {
409  const string& dll_id = *p;
411  d = tree_src.m_Projects.find(CProjKey(CProjKey::eDll, dll_id));
412  if (d == tree_src.m_Projects.end()) {
414  if (d == GetApp().GetWholeTree().m_Projects.end()) {
415  PTB_ERROR_EX(kEmptyStr, ePTB_ProjectNotFound, "DLL project not found: " << dll_id);
416  continue;
417  }
418  }
419  CProjItem dll( d->second);
420  s_InitalizeDllProj(dll_id, &dll, tree_src, tree_dst);
423  bool is_empty = true;
424  string str_log;
425  ITERATE(list<string>, n, dll.m_HostedLibs) {
426  const string& lib_id = *n;
427  k = tree_src.m_Projects.find(CProjKey(CProjKey::eLib,lib_id));
428  if (k == tree_src.m_Projects.end()) {
430  if (k != GetApp().GetWholeTree().m_Projects.end()) {
431  const CProjItem& lib = k->second;
432  s_AddProjItemToDll(tree_src, lib, dll);
433  is_empty = false;
434  } else if (GetApp().GetSite().GetChoiceForLib(lib_id)
435  == CMsvcSite::e3PartyLib ) {
436  CMsvcSite::SLibChoice choice =
437  GetApp().GetSite().GetLibChoiceForLib(lib_id);
438  dll.m_Requires.push_back(choice.m_3PartyLib);
439  dll.m_Requires.sort();
440  dll.m_Requires.unique();
441  } else {
442  str_log += " " + lib_id;
443  }
444  continue;
445  }
446  const CProjItem& lib = k->second;
447  s_AddProjItemToDll(tree_src, lib, dll);
448  is_empty = false;
449  }
450  if ( !is_empty ) {
451  tree_dst->m_Projects[CProjKey(CProjKey::eDll, dll_id)] = dll;
452  if ( !str_log.empty() ) {
453  string path = CDirEntry::ConcatPath(dll.m_SourcesBaseDir, dll_id);
456  "Missing libraries not found: " << str_log);
457  }
458  } else {
459  string path = CDirEntry::ConcatPath(dll.m_SourcesBaseDir, dll_id);
462  "Skipped empty project: " << dll_id);
463  }
464  }
467  list<CProjKey> new_depends;
468  CProjItem& project = p->second;
469  ITERATE(list<CProjKey>, n, project.m_Depends) {
470  const CProjKey& depend_id = *n;
472  bool found = false;
473  for (int pass=0; !found && pass<2; ++pass) {
474  const CProjectItemsTree& tree = pass ? tree_src : *tree_dst;
475  CProjectItemsTree::TProjects::const_iterator i = tree.m_Projects.find(depend_id);
476  if (i != tree.m_Projects.end()) {
477  if (i->second.m_DllHost.empty()) {
478  new_depends.push_back(depend_id);
479  } else {
480  new_depends.push_back(CProjKey(CProjKey::eDll, i->second.m_DllHost));
481  }
482  found = true;
483  if (pass == 1 && GetApp().m_AddMissingLibs &&
484  i->second.m_MakeType >= eMakeType_Excluded) {
485  copy(i->second.m_Depends.begin(), i->second.m_Depends.end(),
486  back_inserter(new_depends));
487  }
488  } else /* if (!GetApp().m_ScanWholeTree)*/ {
489  ITERATE(CProjectItemsTree::TProjects, d, tree.m_Projects) {
490  const list<string>& lst = d->second.m_HostedLibs;
491  if ( find (lst.begin(), lst.end(), depend_id.Id()) != lst.end()) {
492  new_depends.push_back(d->first);
493  found = true;
494  break;
495  }
496  }
497  }
498  }
499  if (!found) {
500  string path = CDirEntry::ConcatPath(project.m_SourcesBaseDir, project.m_ID);
501  if (!SMakeProjectT::IsConfigurableDefine(depend_id.Id())) {
502  if (GetApp().m_AddMissingLibs) {
503  new_depends.push_back(depend_id);
504  } else {
506  "Depends on missing project: " << depend_id.Id());
507  }
508  }
510  }
511  }
512  new_depends.sort();
513  new_depends.unique();
514  project.m_Depends = new_depends;
515  }
516 }
519 void CreateDllsList(const CProjectItemsTree& tree_src,
520  list<string>* dll_ids)
521 {
522  dll_ids->clear();
524  set<string> dll_set;
527  if ( !p->second.m_DllHost.empty() ) {
528  dll_set.insert(p->second.m_DllHost);
529  }
530  }
531  copy(dll_set.begin(), dll_set.end(), back_inserter(*dll_ids));
532 }
535 void CollectDllsDepends(const CProjectItemsTree& tree_src,
536  const list<string>& dll_ids,
537  list<string>* dll_depends_ids)
538 {
539  size_t depends_cnt = dll_depends_ids->size();
541  ITERATE(list<string>, p, dll_ids) {
543  const string& dll_id = *p;
545  i = tree_src.m_Projects.find( CProjKey(CProjKey::eDll,dll_id));
546  if (i != tree_src.m_Projects.end()) {
547  ITERATE(list<CProjKey>, n, i->second.m_Depends) {
548  if ( tree_src.m_Projects.find( CProjKey(CProjKey::eDll,n->Id())) !=
549  tree_src.m_Projects.end() &&
550  find(dll_ids.begin(), dll_ids.end(), n->Id()) == dll_ids.end()) {
551  dll_depends_ids->push_back(n->Id());
552  }
553  }
554  }
555  }
557  dll_depends_ids->sort();
558  dll_depends_ids->unique();
559  if ( !(dll_depends_ids->size() > depends_cnt) )
560  return;
562  list<string> total_dll_ids(dll_ids);
563  copy(dll_depends_ids->begin(),
564  dll_depends_ids->end(), back_inserter(total_dll_ids));
565  total_dll_ids.sort();
566  total_dll_ids.unique();
568  CollectDllsDepends(tree_src, total_dll_ids, dll_depends_ids);
569 }
void RegisterExtraFile(const string &inl_file_path, const CProjKey &dll_project_id, const CProjKey &lib_project_id)
void RegisterSource(const string &src_file_path, const CProjKey &dll_project_id, const CProjKey &lib_project_id)
void RegisterInline(const string &inl_file_path, const CProjKey &dll_project_id, const CProjKey &lib_project_id)
void RegisterHeader(const string &hrd_file_path, const CProjKey &dll_project_id, const CProjKey &lib_project_id)
static string GetVcprojExt(void)
static EMsvcPlatform GetMsvcPlatform(void)
const map< string, list< string > > GetExtraFiles(void) const
const list< string > & HeaderFiles(void) const
const list< string > & SourceFiles(void) const
const list< string > & InlineFiles(void) const
CMsvcPrjProjectContext –.
const string & ProjectDir(void) const
const list< SCustomBuildInfo > & GetCustomBuildInfo(void) const
const list< string > & IncludeDirsAbs(void) const
const list< string > & InlineDirsAbs(void) const
SLibChoice GetLibChoiceForLib(const string &lib_id) const
Definition: msvc_site.cpp:666
CDllSrcFilesDistr & GetDllFilesDistr(void)
const SProjectTreeInfo & GetProjectTreeInfo(void)
const CProjectItemsTree & GetWholeTree(void)
const CMsvcSite & GetSite(void)
CProjItem –.
Definition: proj_item.hpp:54
list< string > m_Requires
What this project requires to have (in user site).
Definition: proj_item.hpp:106
list< string > m_IncludeDirs
Resolved contents of CPPFLAG ( -I<m_IncludeDir> -I/..) Absolute pathes.
Definition: proj_item.hpp:113
list< string > m_Sources
List of source files without extension ( *.cpp or *.c ) - with relative pathes from m_SourcesBaseDir.
Definition: proj_item.hpp:99
bool m_StyleObjcpp
Definition: proj_item.hpp:149
list< CProjKey > m_Depends
What projects this project is depend upon (IDs).
Definition: proj_item.hpp:102
list< CDataToolGeneratedSrc > m_DatatoolSources
Source files *.asn , *.dtd to be processed by datatool app.
Definition: proj_item.hpp:116
bool m_External
Definition: proj_item.hpp:148
EMakeFileType m_MakeType
Type of the project.
Definition: proj_item.hpp:125
string m_ID
ID of atomic project.
Definition: proj_item.hpp:86
list< string > m_Defines
Defines like USE_MS_DBLIB.
Definition: proj_item.hpp:119
list< string > m_HostedLibs
Definition: proj_item.hpp:131
list< string > m_Inlines
Definition: proj_item.hpp:141
string m_DllHost
Definition: proj_item.hpp:130
string m_Watchers
Definition: proj_item.hpp:136
list< string > m_Includes
Definition: proj_item.hpp:140
list< string > m_NcbiCLibs
Libraries from NCBI C Toolkit to link with.
Definition: proj_item.hpp:122
string m_Name
Name of atomic project.
Definition: proj_item.hpp:83
list< string > m_Libs3Party
Resolved contents of LIBS flag (Third-party libs)
Definition: proj_item.hpp:109
string m_SourcesBaseDir
Base directory of source files (....c++/src/a/ )
Definition: proj_item.hpp:92
list< SCustomBuildInfo > m_CustomBuild
Definition: proj_item.hpp:144
map< string, list< string > > m_ExtraFiles
Definition: proj_item.hpp:142
CProjKey –.
const string & Id(void) const
Definition: proj_item.cpp:112
TProjType Type(void) const
Definition: proj_item.cpp:106
CProjectItemsTree –.
Definition: proj_tree.hpp:54
TProjects m_Projects
Definition: proj_tree.hpp:70
string m_RootSrc
Root directory of Project Tree.
Definition: proj_tree.hpp:63
CSimpleMakeFileContents –.
const_iterator begin() const
Definition: map.hpp:151
const_iterator end() const
Definition: map.hpp:152
bool empty() const
Definition: map.hpp:149
void clear()
Definition: map.hpp:169
const_iterator find(const key_type &key) const
Definition: map.hpp:153
iterator_bool insert(const value_type &val)
Definition: set.hpp:149
const_iterator begin() const
Definition: set.hpp:135
const_iterator end() const
Definition: set.hpp:136
iter erase(iter)
Definition: tree_msvc7.hpp:546
pre_order_iterator end() const
Definition: tree_msvc7.hpp:579
@ eMakeType_Undefined
@ eMakeType_Excluded
static FILE * f
Definition: readconf.c:23
#define ITERATE(Type, Var, Cont)
ITERATE macro to sequence through container elements.
Definition: ncbimisc.hpp:815
#define NON_CONST_ITERATE(Type, Var, Cont)
Non constant version of ITERATE macro.
Definition: ncbimisc.hpp:822
static string NormalizePath(const string &path, EFollowLinks follow_links=eIgnoreLinks)
Normalize a path.
Definition: ncbifile.cpp:820
static string CreateRelativePath(const string &path_from, const string &path_to)
Create a relative path between two points in the file system specified by their absolute paths.
Definition: ncbifile.cpp:599
static string ConcatPath(const string &first, const string &second)
Concatenate two parts of the path for the current OS.
Definition: ncbifile.cpp:776
static void SplitPath(const string &path, string *dir=0, string *base=0, string *ext=0)
Split a path string into its basic components.
Definition: ncbifile.cpp:358
End previously defined NCBI scope.
Definition: ncbistl.hpp:103
Define ncbi namespace.
Definition: ncbistl.hpp:100
#define kEmptyStr
Definition: ncbistr.hpp:123
int i
yy_size_t n
static bool s_IsInTree(CProjKey::TProjType proj_type, const string &proj_id, const CProjectItemsTree *tree)
static void s_AddProjItemToDll(const CProjectItemsTree &tree_src, const CProjItem &lib, CProjItem &dll)
void CreateDllsList(const CProjectItemsTree &tree_src, list< string > *dll_ids)
static void s_InitalizeDllProj(const string &dll_id, CProjItem *dll, const CProjectItemsTree &tree_src, CProjectItemsTree *tree_dst)
void CollectDllsDepends(const CProjectItemsTree &tree_src, const list< string > &dll_ids, list< string > *dll_depends_ids)
void FilterOutDllHostedProjects(const CProjectItemsTree &tree_src, CProjectItemsTree *tree_dst)
void AnalyzeDllData(CProjectItemsTree &tree)
void CreateDllBuildTree(const CProjectItemsTree &tree_src, CProjectItemsTree *tree_dst)
string GetDllHost(const CProjectItemsTree &tree, const string &lib)
const struct ncbi::grid::netcache::search::fields::KEY key
NCBI C++ stream class wrappers for triggering between "new" and "old" C++ stream libraries.
T max(T x_, T y_)
void copy(Njn::Matrix< S > *matrix_, const Njn::Matrix< T > &matrix0_)
Definition: njn_matrix.hpp:613
CProjBulderApp & GetApp(void)
access to App singleton
#define PTB_ERROR_EX(file, err_code, msg)
@ ePTB_MissingDependency
@ ePTB_ProjectExcluded
@ ePTB_ProjectNotFound
@ ePTB_ConfigurationError
#define PTB_WARNING_EX(file, err_code, msg)
static void CreateNcbiCToolkitLibs(const CSimpleMakeFileContents &makefile, list< string > *libs_list)
static bool IsConfigurableDefine(const string &define)
static string CreateMakeAppLibFileName(const string &base_dir, const string &projname, SMakeInInfo::TMakeinType type=SMakeInInfo::eUnknown)
string m_Compilers
<compilers> branch of tree
Definition: proj_utils.hpp:74
int g(Seg_Gsm *spe, Seq_Mtf *psm, Thd_Gsm *tdg)
Definition: thrddgri.c:44
Modified on Fri Sep 20 14:57:26 2024 by rev. 669887