NCBI C++ ToolKit
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1 /* $Id: msvc_makefile.cpp 99237 2023-03-01 16:35:07Z ucko $
2  * ===========================================================================
3  *
5  * National Center for Biotechnology Information
6  *
7  * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
8  * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
9  * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
10  * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
11  * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
12  * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
13  *
14  * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
15  * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
16  * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
17  * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
18  * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
19  * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
20  * purpose.
21  *
22  * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
23  *
24  * ===========================================================================
25  *
26  * Author: Viatcheslav Gorelenkov
27  *
28  */
30 #include <ncbi_pch.hpp>
31 #include "stl_msvc_usage.hpp"
32 #include "msvc_makefile.hpp"
33 #include "proj_builder_app.hpp"
34 #include "msvc_prj_defines.hpp"
36 #include <algorithm>
38 #include <corelib/ncbistr.hpp>
42 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
43 CMsvcMetaMakefile::CMsvcMetaMakefile(const string& file_path)
44 {
45 #if defined(NCBI_COMPILER_MSVC) || defined(NCBI_XCODE_BUILD) || defined(PSEUDO_XCODE)
46  if (CFile(file_path).Exists()) {
47  CNcbiIfstream ifs(file_path.c_str(), IOS_BASE::in | IOS_BASE::binary);
48  //read registry
49  m_MakeFile.Read(ifs);
50  //and remember dir from where it has been loaded
52 // LOG_POST(Info << "Using rules from " << file_path);
53  }
55 }
59 {
60  return m_MakeFile.Empty();
61 }
64  const string& value, const string& section, const string& opt)
65 {
66  if (value.empty() ||
69  return value;
70  }
71  string name(section+"_"+opt+"_"+value);
73  "Translate", name, value);
74 }
77 {
78  if (value.empty() ||
81  return value;
82  }
83  const CMsvcMetaMakefile& meta = GetApp().GetMetaMakefile();
85  string data(value), raw_macro, macro, definition;
86  string::size_type start, end, done = 0;
87  for (;;) {
88  if ((start = data.find("$(", done)) == string::npos) {
89  break;
90  }
91  end = data.find(")", start);
92  if (end == string::npos) {
93  break;
94  }
95  raw_macro = data.substr(start,end-start+1);
96  if (CSymResolver::IsDefine(raw_macro)) {
97  macro = CSymResolver::StripDefine(raw_macro);
98  definition = meta.m_MakeFile.Get("Translate", string("Macro_") + macro);
99  if (definition.empty()) {
100  done = end;
101  } else {
102  data = NStr::Replace(data, raw_macro, definition);
103  done = 0;
104  }
105  }
106  }
107  data = NStr::Replace(data, "@echo", "%40echo");
108  return data;
109 }
111 string CMsvcMetaMakefile::GetConfigurationOpt(const string& opt,
112  const SConfigInfo& config) const
113 {
114  string sec("Configuration");
115  return TranslateOpt( GetOpt(m_MakeFile, sec, opt, config), sec, opt);
116 }
118 string CMsvcMetaMakefile::GetCompilerOpt(const string& opt,
119  const SConfigInfo& config) const
120 {
121  string sec("Compiler");
122  return TranslateOpt( GetOpt(m_MakeFile, sec, opt, config), sec, opt);
123 }
126 string CMsvcMetaMakefile::GetLinkerOpt(const string& opt,
127  const SConfigInfo& config) const
128 {
129  string sec("Linker");
130  return TranslateOpt( GetOpt(m_MakeFile, sec, opt, config), sec, opt);
131 }
134 string CMsvcMetaMakefile::GetLibrarianOpt(const string& opt,
135  const SConfigInfo& config) const
136 {
137  string sec("Librarian");
138  return TranslateOpt( GetOpt(m_MakeFile, sec, opt, config), sec, opt);
139 }
143  (const string& opt, const SConfigInfo& config) const
144 {
145  string sec("ResourceCompiler");
146  return TranslateOpt( GetOpt(m_MakeFile, sec, opt, config), sec, opt);
147 }
150  const string& section, const string& opt, const SConfigInfo& config) const
151 {
152  return GetOpt(m_MakeFile, section, opt, config);
153 }
157 {
158  return GetPchInfo().m_UsePch;
159 }
163  (const string& project_id,
164  const string& source_file_full_path,
165  const string& tree_src_dir) const
166 {
167  const SPchInfo& pch_info = GetPchInfo();
169  if (find(pch_info.m_DontUsePchList.begin(),
170  pch_info.m_DontUsePchList.end(),
171  project_id) != pch_info.m_DontUsePchList.end()) {
172  return kEmptyStr;
173  }
175  string source_file_dir;
176  CDirEntry::SplitPath(source_file_full_path, &source_file_dir);
177  source_file_dir = CDirEntry::AddTrailingPathSeparator(source_file_dir);
179  size_t max_match = 0;
180  string pch_file;
181  bool found = false;
183  const string& branch_subdir = p->first;
184  string abs_branch_subdir =
185  CDirEntry::ConcatPath(tree_src_dir, branch_subdir);
186  abs_branch_subdir =
187  CDirEntry::AddTrailingPathSeparator(abs_branch_subdir);
188  if ( IsSubdir(abs_branch_subdir, source_file_dir) ) {
189  if ( branch_subdir.length() > max_match ) {
190  max_match = branch_subdir.length();
191  pch_file = p->second;
192  found = true;
193  }
194  }
195  }
196  if (found) {
197  return pch_file;
198  }
199  return m_PchInfo->m_DefaultPch;
200 }
204 {
205  if ( m_PchInfo.get() )
206  return *m_PchInfo;
208  (const_cast<CMsvcMetaMakefile&>(*this)).m_PchInfo.reset(new SPchInfo);
210  string use_pch_str = m_MakeFile.GetString("UsePch", "UsePch", "TRUE");
211  m_PchInfo->m_UsePch = NStr::StringToBool(use_pch_str);
212  m_PchInfo->m_PchUsageDefine = m_MakeFile.GetString("UsePch", "PchUsageDefine");
213  m_PchInfo->m_DefaultPch = m_MakeFile.GetString("UsePch", "DefaultPch");
214  string do_not_use_pch_str = m_MakeFile.GetString("UsePch", "DoNotUsePch");
216  string irrelevant[] = {"UsePch","PchUsageDefine","DefaultPch","DoNotUsePch",""};
218  list<string> projects_with_pch_dirs;
219  m_MakeFile.EnumerateEntries("UsePch", &projects_with_pch_dirs);
220  ITERATE(list<string>, p, projects_with_pch_dirs) {
221  const string& key = *p;
222  bool ok = true;
223  for (int i=0; ok && !irrelevant[i].empty(); ++i) {
224  ok = key != irrelevant[i];
225  }
226  if (!ok)
227  continue;
229  string val = m_MakeFile.GetString("UsePch", key, "-");
230  if ( val == "-" ) {
231  val = "";
232  }
234  m_PchInfo->m_PchUsageMap[tmp] = val;
235  }
236  return *m_PchInfo;
237 }
240 {
241  return GetPchInfo().m_PchUsageDefine;
242 }
243 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
244 string CreateMsvcProjectMakefileName(const string& project_name,
246 {
247  string name("Makefile.");
249  name += project_name + '.';
251  switch (type) {
252  case CProjKey::eApp:
253  name += "app.";
254  break;
255  case CProjKey::eLib:
256  name += "lib.";
257  break;
258  case CProjKey::eDll:
259  name += "dll.";
260  break;
261  case CProjKey::eMsvc:
264  name += "msvcproj.";
265  }
266  break;
267  case CProjKey::eDataSpec:
268  name += "dataspec.";
269  break;
270  case CProjKey::eUtility:
271  name += "utility.";
272  break;
273  default:
275  eProjectType,
277  break;
278  }
280  return name;
281 }
285 {
286  return CreateMsvcProjectMakefileName(project.m_Name,
287  project.m_ProjType);
288 }
291 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
292 CMsvcProjectMakefile::CMsvcProjectMakefile(const string& file_path, bool compound)
293  :CMsvcMetaMakefile(file_path)
294 {
296  m_FilePath = file_path;
297  m_Compound = compound;
298 }
302 {
303  return m_MakeFile.GetString("Common", "ProjectGUID");
304 }
306 bool CMsvcProjectMakefile::Redefine(const string& value, list<string>& redef) const
307 {
308  redef.clear();
309  if (IsEmpty()) {
310  return false;
311  }
312  string::size_type start, end;
313  if ((start = value.find("$(")) != string::npos &&
314  (end = value.find(")")) != string::npos && (end > start)) {
315  string raw_define = value.substr(start+2,end-start-2);
316  string new_val = m_MakeFile.GetString("Redefine", raw_define);
317  if (!new_val.empty()) {
318  redef.push_back("$(" + new_val + ")");
319  _TRACE(m_FilePath << " redefines: " << raw_define << " = " << new_val);
320  return true;
321  }
322  } else if (NStr::StartsWith(value, "@") && NStr::EndsWith(value, "@")) {
323  string raw_define = value.substr(1,value.length()-2);
324  string new_val = m_MakeFile.GetString("Redefine", raw_define);
325  if (!new_val.empty()) {
326  redef.push_back("@" + new_val + "@");
327  _TRACE(m_FilePath << " redefines: " << raw_define << " = " << new_val);
328  return true;
329  }
330  } else {
331  string new_val = m_MakeFile.GetString("Redefine", value);
332  if (!new_val.empty()) {
333  redef.clear();
335  _TRACE(m_FilePath << " redefines: " << value << " = " << new_val);
336  return true;
337  }
338  }
339  return false;
340 }
342 bool CMsvcProjectMakefile::Redefine(const list<string>& value, list<string>& redef) const
343 {
344  bool res=false;
345  redef.clear();
346  if (IsEmpty()) {
347  redef.insert(redef.end(),value.begin(), value.end());
348  } else {
349  list<string> newval;
350  ITERATE(list<string>, k, value) {
351  if (Redefine(*k,newval)) {
352  redef.insert(redef.end(),newval.begin(), newval.end());
353  res=true;
354  } else {
355  redef.push_back(*k);
356  }
357  }
358  }
359  return res;
360 }
362 void CMsvcProjectMakefile::Append( list<string>& values, const string& def) const
363 {
364  if (IsEmpty()) {
365  values.push_back(def);
366  } else {
367  list<string> redef;
368  if (Redefine(def,redef)) {
369  values.insert(values.end(), redef.begin(), redef.end());
370  } else {
371  values.push_back(def);
372  }
373  }
374 }
376 void CMsvcProjectMakefile::Append( list<string>& values, const list<string>& def) const
377 {
378  if (IsEmpty()) {
379  values.insert(values.end(), def.begin(), def.end());
380  } else {
381  ITERATE(list<string>, k, def) {
382  Append(values,*k);
383  }
384  }
385 }
387 bool CMsvcProjectMakefile::IsExcludeProject(bool default_val) const
388 {
389  string val = m_MakeFile.GetString("Common", "ExcludeProject");
391  if ( val.empty() )
392  return default_val;
394  return val != "FALSE";
395 }
399  list<string>* files) const
400 {
401  string files_string =
402  GetOpt(m_MakeFile, "AddToProject", "SourceFiles", config);
405 }
409  list<string>* lib_ids) const
410 {
411  string lib_string =
412  GetOpt(m_MakeFile, "AddToProject", "LIB", config);
415 }
419  list<string>* files) const
420 {
421  string files_string =
423  "ExcludedFromProject", "SourceFiles", config);
426 }
430  list<string>* lib_ids) const
431 {
432  string lib_string =
434  "ExcludedFromProject", "LIB", config);
437 }
441  list<string>* dirs) const
442 {
443  string dirs_string =
444  GetOpt(m_MakeFile, "AddToProject", "IncludeDirs", config);
447 }
450  list<string>* files) const
451 {
452  x_GetHeaders(config, "HeadersInInclude", files);
453 }
456  list<string>* files) const
457 {
458  x_GetHeaders(config, "HeadersInSrc", files);
459 }
462  const SConfigInfo& config, const string& entry, list<string>* files) const
463 {
464  string dirs_string = GetOpt(m_MakeFile, "AddToProject", entry, config);
465  string separator;
466  separator += CDirEntry::GetPathSeparator();
467  dirs_string = NStr::Replace(dirs_string,"/",separator);
468  dirs_string = NStr::Replace(dirs_string,"\\",separator);
470  files->clear();
472  if (files->empty() && !m_Compound) {
473  files->push_back("*.h");
474  files->push_back("*.hpp");
475  }
476 }
479  list<string>* files) const
480 {
481  files->clear();
482  files->push_back("*.inl");
483 }
486  list<string>* files) const
487 {
488  files->clear();
489  files->push_back("*.inl");
490 }
492 void
493 CMsvcProjectMakefile::GetCustomBuildInfo(list<SCustomBuildInfo>* info) const
494 {
495  info->clear();
497  string source_files_str =
498  m_MakeFile.GetString("CustomBuild", "SourceFiles");
499  if (source_files_str.empty()) {
500  return;
501  }
503  list<string> source_files;
506  ITERATE(list<string>, p, source_files){
507  const string& source_file = *p;
509  SCustomBuildInfo build_info;
510  string source_file_path_abs =
512  build_info.m_SourceFile =
513  CDirEntry::NormalizePath(source_file_path_abs);
514  build_info.m_CommandLine =
516  m_MakeFile.GetString(source_file, "CommandLine"));
517  build_info.m_Description =
518  m_MakeFile.GetString(source_file, "Description");
519  build_info.m_Outputs =
520  m_MakeFile.GetString(source_file, "Outputs");
521  build_info.m_AdditionalDependencies =
523  m_MakeFile.GetString(source_file, "AdditionalDependencies"));
525  if ( !build_info.IsEmpty() )
526  info->push_back(build_info);
527  }
528 }
530 void
532 {
533  info.m_Input = m_MakeFile.GetString(sec, "Input");
534  info.m_Output = m_MakeFile.GetString(sec, "Output");
535  info.m_Shell = m_MakeFile.GetString(sec, "Shell");
536  info.m_Script = m_MakeFile.GetString(sec, "Script");
537 }
541  list<string>* files) const
542 {
543  string files_string =
544  GetOpt(m_MakeFile, "AddToProject", "ResourceFiles", config);
547 }
549 void CMsvcProjectMakefile::GetExtraFiles(map<string, list<string> >* files_map) const
550 {
551  string prefix("ExtraFileGroup.");
552  list<string> sections;
553  m_MakeFile.EnumerateSections(&sections);
554  ITERATE(list<string>, s, sections) {
555  if (NStr::StartsWith(*s,prefix)) {
556  string section(*s);
557  string group_name = NStr::Replace(s->substr(prefix.size()),"_"," ");
558  string files_string = m_MakeFile.Get(section, "Files");
559  list<string> raw_files, files;
561  string fname;
562  bool started = false;
563  ITERATE(list<string>, f, raw_files) {
564  string part(*f);
565  if (part[0] == '\"' && !started) {
566  fname = part.substr(1);
567  started = true;
568  continue;
569  }
570  else if (part[part.size()-1] == '\"') {
571  fname += ' ';
572  fname += part.substr(0,part.size()-1);
573  }
574  else if (started) {
575  fname += ' ';
576  fname += part;
577  continue;
578  }
579  else {
580  fname = part;
581  }
582  files.push_back(fname);
583  fname.clear();
584  started = false;
585  }
586  if (!group_name.empty() && !files.empty()) {
587  (*files_map)[group_name] = files;
588  }
589  }
590  }
591 }
593 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
594 CMsvcProjectRuleMakefile::CMsvcProjectRuleMakefile(const string& file_path, bool compound)
595  :CMsvcProjectMakefile(file_path, compound)
596 {
597 }
601 {
602  string priority_string =
603  GetOpt(m_MakeFile, "Rule", "Priority", config);
605  if ( priority_string.empty() )
606  return 0;
608  return NStr::StringToInt(priority_string);
609 }
612 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
614  const string& reqs)
615 {
616  string name = "Makefile." + reqs;
617  switch (project_type) {
618  case CProjKey::eApp:
619  name += ".app";
620  break;
621  case CProjKey::eLib:
622  name += ".lib";
623  break;
624  case CProjKey::eDll:
625  name += ".dll";
626  break;
627  default:
628  break;
629  }
630  return name + "." + GetApp().GetRegSettings().m_MakefilesExt;
631 }
634  (CProjItem::TProjType project_type,
635  const CMsvcProjectMakefile* project_makefile,
636  const string& rules_basedir,
637  const list<string> requires_list)
638  :m_ProjectMakefile(project_makefile)
639 {
640  ITERATE(list<string>, p, requires_list) {
641  const string& reqs = *p;
642  string rule_path = rules_basedir;
643  rule_path =
644  CDirEntry::ConcatPath(rule_path,
645  s_CreateRuleMakefileFilename(project_type,
646  reqs));
648  TRule rule(new CMsvcProjectRuleMakefile(rule_path, project_type== CProjKey::eDll));
649  if ( !rule->IsEmpty() )
650  m_Rules.push_back(rule);
651  }
652 }
656 {
657 }
660 string CMsvcCombinedProjectMakefile::X(const string& opt, \
661  const SConfigInfo& config) const \
662 { \
663  string prj_val = m_ProjectMakefile->X(opt, config); \
664  if ( !prj_val.empty() ) \
665  return prj_val; \
666  string val; \
667  int priority = 0; \
668  ITERATE(TRules, p, m_Rules) { \
669  const TRule& rule = *p; \
670  string rule_val = rule->X(opt, config); \
671  if ( !rule_val.empty() && priority < rule->GetRulePriority(config)) { \
672  val = rule_val; \
673  priority = rule->GetRulePriority(config); \
674  } \
675  } \
676  return val; \
677 }
686 bool CMsvcCombinedProjectMakefile::IsExcludeProject(bool default_val) const
687 {
688  return m_ProjectMakefile->IsExcludeProject(default_val);
689 }
692 static void s_ConvertRelativePaths(const string& rule_base_dir,
693  const list<string>& rules_paths_list,
694  const string& project_base_dir,
695  list<string>* project_paths_list)
696 {
697  project_paths_list->clear();
698  ITERATE(list<string>, p, rules_paths_list) {
699  const string& rules_path = *p;
700  string rules_abs_path =
701  CDirEntry::ConcatPath(rule_base_dir, rules_path);
702  string project_path =
703  CDirEntry::CreateRelativePath(project_base_dir, rules_abs_path);
704  project_paths_list->push_back(project_path);
705  }
706 }
710 void CMsvcCombinedProjectMakefile::X(const SConfigInfo& config, \
711  list<string>* values_list) const \
712 { \
713  list<string> prj_val; \
714  m_ProjectMakefile->X(config, &prj_val); \
715  if ( !prj_val.empty() ) { \
716  *values_list = prj_val; \
717  return; \
718  } \
719  list<string> val; \
720  int priority = 0; \
721  ITERATE(TRules, p, m_Rules) { \
722  const TRule& rule = *p; \
723  list<string> rule_val; \
724  rule->X(config, &rule_val); \
725  if ( !rule_val.empty() && priority < rule->GetRulePriority(config)) { \
726  val = rule_val; \
727  priority = rule->GetRulePriority(config); \
728  } \
729  } \
730  *values_list = val; \
731 }
735 void CMsvcCombinedProjectMakefile::X(const SConfigInfo& config, \
736  list<string>* values_list) const \
737 { \
738  list<string> prj_val; \
739  m_ProjectMakefile->X(config, &prj_val); \
740  if ( !prj_val.empty() ) { \
741  *values_list = prj_val; \
742  return; \
743  } \
744  list<string> val; \
745  int priority = 0; \
746  string rule_base_dir; \
747  ITERATE(TRules, p, m_Rules) { \
748  const TRule& rule = *p; \
749  list<string> rule_val; \
750  rule->X(config, &rule_val); \
751  if ( !rule_val.empty() && priority < rule->GetRulePriority(config)) { \
752  val = rule_val; \
753  priority = rule->GetRulePriority(config); \
754  rule_base_dir = rule->m_ProjectBaseDir; \
755  } \
756  } \
757  s_ConvertRelativePaths(rule_base_dir, \
758  val, \
759  m_ProjectMakefile->m_ProjectBaseDir, \
760  values_list); \
761 }
775 void CMsvcCombinedProjectMakefile::GetExtraFiles(map<string, list<string> >* files) const
776 {
777  m_ProjectMakefile->GetExtraFiles(files); \
778  }
781  (list<SCustomBuildInfo>* info) const
782 {
784 }
787  (SCustomScriptInfo& info, const string& section) const
788 {
790 }
793 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
794 string GetConfigurationOpt(const IMsvcMetaMakefile& meta_file,
795  const IMsvcMetaMakefile& project_file,
796  const string& opt,
797  const SConfigInfo& config)
798 {
799  string val = project_file.GetConfigurationOpt(opt, config);
800  if ( val.empty() ) {
801  val = meta_file.GetConfigurationOpt(opt, config);
802  }
803  if (val == "-") {
804  return kEmptyStr;
805  }
806  return val;
807 }
809 string GetCompilerOpt(const IMsvcMetaMakefile& meta_file,
810  const IMsvcMetaMakefile& project_file,
811  const string& opt,
812  const SConfigInfo& config)
813 {
814  string val = project_file.GetCompilerOpt(opt, config);
816  val = meta_file.GetCompilerOpt(opt, config);
817  }
818  if (val == "-") {
819  return kEmptyStr;
820  }
821  return val;
822 }
825 string GetLinkerOpt(const IMsvcMetaMakefile& meta_file,
826  const IMsvcMetaMakefile& project_file,
827  const string& opt,
828  const SConfigInfo& config)
829 {
830  string val = project_file.GetLinkerOpt(opt, config);
832  val = meta_file.GetLinkerOpt(opt, config);
833  }
834  if (val == "-") {
835  return kEmptyStr;
836  }
837  return val;
838 }
841 string GetLibrarianOpt(const IMsvcMetaMakefile& meta_file,
842  const IMsvcMetaMakefile& project_file,
843  const string& opt,
844  const SConfigInfo& config)
845 {
846  string val = project_file.GetLibrarianOpt(opt, config);
848  val = meta_file.GetLibrarianOpt(opt, config);
849  }
850  if (val == "-") {
851  return kEmptyStr;
852  }
853  return val;
854 }
856 string GetResourceCompilerOpt(const IMsvcMetaMakefile& meta_file,
857  const IMsvcMetaMakefile& project_file,
858  const string& opt,
859  const SConfigInfo& config)
860 {
861  string val = project_file.GetResourceCompilerOpt(opt, config);
863  val = meta_file.GetResourceCompilerOpt(opt, config);
864  }
865  if (val == "-") {
866  return kEmptyStr;
867  }
868  return val;
869 }
CFile –.
Definition: ncbifile.hpp:1605
static EMsvcPlatform GetMsvcPlatform(void)
static EMsvcVersion GetMsvcVersion(void)
Combining of rules and project makefile.
virtual void GetCustomBuildInfo(list< SCustomBuildInfo > *info) const
TProjectMakefile m_ProjectMakefile
virtual bool IsExcludeProject(bool default_val) const
virtual void GetExtraFiles(map< string, list< string > > *files) const
void GetCustomScriptInfo(SCustomScriptInfo &info, const string &section) const
virtual ~CMsvcCombinedProjectMakefile(void)
CMsvcMetaMakefile –.
CPtbRegistry m_MakeFile
virtual string GetCompilerOpt(const string &opt, const SConfigInfo &config) const
bool IsPchEnabled(void) const
const SPchInfo & GetPchInfo(void) const
bool IsEmpty(void) const
virtual string GetResourceCompilerOpt(const string &opt, const SConfigInfo &config) const
virtual string GetLinkerOpt(const string &opt, const SConfigInfo &config) const
string GetUsePchThroughHeader(const string &project_id, const string &source_file_full_path, const string &tree_src_dir) const
virtual string GetLibrarianOpt(const string &opt, const SConfigInfo &config) const
string GetPchUsageDefine(void) const
static string TranslateOpt(const string &value, const string &section, const string &opt)
CMsvcMetaMakefile(const string &file_path)
static string TranslateCommand(const string &value)
virtual string GetConfigurationOpt(const string &opt, const SConfigInfo &config) const
unique_ptr< SPchInfo > m_PchInfo
string GetConfigOpt(const string &section, const string &opt, const SConfigInfo &config) const
CMsvcProjectMakefile –.
virtual void GetHeadersInInclude(const SConfigInfo &config, list< string > *files) const
virtual bool IsExcludeProject(bool default_val) const
virtual void GetResourceFiles(const SConfigInfo &config, list< string > *files) const
bool Redefine(const string &value, list< string > &redef) const
void x_GetHeaders(const SConfigInfo &config, const string &entry, list< string > *files) const
virtual void GetAdditionalIncludeDirs(const SConfigInfo &config, list< string > *files) const
virtual void GetCustomBuildInfo(list< SCustomBuildInfo > *info) const
virtual void GetInlinesInInclude(const SConfigInfo &config, list< string > *files) const
string GetGUID(void) const
virtual void GetHeadersInSrc(const SConfigInfo &config, list< string > *files) const
virtual void GetInlinesInSrc(const SConfigInfo &config, list< string > *files) const
void Append(list< string > &values, const string &def) const
virtual void GetAdditionalLIB(const SConfigInfo &config, list< string > *lib_ids) const
virtual void GetAdditionalSourceFiles(const SConfigInfo &config, list< string > *files) const
void GetCustomScriptInfo(SCustomScriptInfo &info, const string &section) const
virtual void GetExtraFiles(map< string, list< string > > *files) const
virtual void GetExcludedLIB(const SConfigInfo &config, list< string > *lib_ids) const
virtual void GetExcludedSourceFiles(const SConfigInfo &config, list< string > *files) const
Abstraction of rule for generation of project settings based on component usage.
int GetRulePriority(const SConfigInfo &config) const
string ProcessMacros(string data, bool preserve_unresolved=true) const
Definition: msvc_site.cpp:297
CProjBulderAppException –.
const CMsvcMetaMakefile & GetMetaMakefile(void)
const CMsvc7RegSettings & GetRegSettings(void)
const CMsvcSite & GetSite(void)
CProjItem –.
Definition: proj_item.hpp:54
TProjType m_ProjType
Type of the project.
Definition: proj_item.hpp:89
string m_Name
Name of atomic project.
Definition: proj_item.hpp:83
void EnumerateSections(list< string > *sections) const
void EnumerateEntries(const string &section, list< string > *entries) const
void Read(CNcbiIstream &is)
bool Empty(void) const
string Get(const string &section, const string &name) const
string GetString(const string &section, const string &name, const string &default_value=kEmptyStr) const
CRef –.
Definition: ncbiobj.hpp:618
static string StripDefine(const string &define)
Definition: resolver.cpp:75
static bool IsDefine(const string &param)
Definition: resolver.cpp:258
Interface of master msvc makefile.
virtual string GetResourceCompilerOpt(const string &opt, const SConfigInfo &config) const =0
virtual string GetCompilerOpt(const string &opt, const SConfigInfo &config) const =0
virtual string GetLibrarianOpt(const string &opt, const SConfigInfo &config) const =0
virtual string GetLinkerOpt(const string &opt, const SConfigInfo &config) const =0
virtual string GetConfigurationOpt(const string &opt, const SConfigInfo &config) const =0
The NCBI C++ standard methods for dealing with std::string.
static char tmp[3200]
Definition: utf8.c:42
static FILE * f
Definition: readconf.c:23
char data[12]
Definition: iconv.c:80
#define ITERATE(Type, Var, Cont)
ITERATE macro to sequence through container elements.
Definition: ncbimisc.hpp:815
#define _TRACE(message)
Definition: ncbidbg.hpp:122
#define NCBI_THROW(exception_class, err_code, message)
Generic macro to throw an exception, given the exception class, error code and message string.
Definition: ncbiexpt.hpp:704
static string NormalizePath(const string &path, EFollowLinks follow_links=eIgnoreLinks)
Normalize a path.
Definition: ncbifile.cpp:820
static string AddTrailingPathSeparator(const string &path)
Add trailing path separator, if needed.
Definition: ncbifile.cpp:455
static string CreateRelativePath(const string &path_from, const string &path_to)
Create a relative path between two points in the file system specified by their absolute paths.
Definition: ncbifile.cpp:599
static string ConvertToOSPath(const string &path)
Convert "path" on any OS to the current OS-dependent path.
Definition: ncbifile.cpp:745
static char GetPathSeparator(void)
Get path separator symbol specific for the current platform.
Definition: ncbifile.cpp:433
static string ConcatPath(const string &first, const string &second)
Concatenate two parts of the path for the current OS.
Definition: ncbifile.cpp:776
static void SplitPath(const string &path, string *dir=0, string *base=0, string *ext=0)
Split a path string into its basic components.
Definition: ncbifile.cpp:358
End previously defined NCBI scope.
Definition: ncbistl.hpp:103
Define ncbi namespace.
Definition: ncbistl.hpp:100
IO_PREFIX::ifstream CNcbiIfstream
Portable alias for ifstream.
Definition: ncbistre.hpp:439
static bool StringToBool(const CTempString str)
Convert string to bool.
Definition: ncbistr.cpp:2812
#define kEmptyStr
Definition: ncbistr.hpp:123
static int StringToInt(const CTempString str, TStringToNumFlags flags=0, int base=10)
Convert string to int.
Definition: ncbistr.cpp:630
static list< string > & Split(const CTempString str, const CTempString delim, list< string > &arr, TSplitFlags flags=0, vector< SIZE_TYPE > *token_pos=NULL)
Split a string using specified delimiters.
Definition: ncbistr.cpp:3452
static bool EndsWith(const CTempString str, const CTempString end, ECase use_case=eCase)
Check if a string ends with a specified suffix value.
Definition: ncbistr.hpp:5424
static string IntToString(int value, TNumToStringFlags flags=0, int base=10)
Convert int to string.
Definition: ncbistr.hpp:5078
static string & Replace(const string &src, const string &search, const string &replace, string &dst, SIZE_TYPE start_pos=0, SIZE_TYPE max_replace=0, SIZE_TYPE *num_replace=0)
Replace occurrences of a substring within a string.
Definition: ncbistr.cpp:3305
static bool StartsWith(const CTempString str, const CTempString start, ECase use_case=eCase)
Check if a string starts with a specified prefix value.
Definition: ncbistr.hpp:5406
@ fSplit_Truncate
Definition: ncbistr.hpp:2503
@ fSplit_CanQuote
Definition: ncbistr.hpp:2508
@ fSplit_MergeDelimiters
Merge adjacent delimiters.
Definition: ncbistr.hpp:2500
int i
static MDB_envinfo info
Definition: mdb_load.c:37
string GetLibrarianOpt(const IMsvcMetaMakefile &meta_file, const IMsvcMetaMakefile &project_file, const string &opt, const SConfigInfo &config)
string GetResourceCompilerOpt(const IMsvcMetaMakefile &meta_file, const IMsvcMetaMakefile &project_file, const string &opt, const SConfigInfo &config)
static string s_CreateRuleMakefileFilename(CProjItem::TProjType project_type, const string &reqs)
string GetConfigurationOpt(const IMsvcMetaMakefile &meta_file, const IMsvcMetaMakefile &project_file, const string &opt, const SConfigInfo &config)
Get option with taking into account 2 makefiles : matafile and project_file.
string GetCompilerOpt(const IMsvcMetaMakefile &meta_file, const IMsvcMetaMakefile &project_file, const string &opt, const SConfigInfo &config)
string GetLinkerOpt(const IMsvcMetaMakefile &meta_file, const IMsvcMetaMakefile &project_file, const string &opt, const SConfigInfo &config)
static void s_ConvertRelativePaths(const string &rule_base_dir, const list< string > &rules_paths_list, const string &project_base_dir, list< string > *project_paths_list)
string CreateMsvcProjectMakefileName(const string &project_name, CProjItem::TProjType type)
Create project makefile name.
Separator for list values in registry.
string GetOpt(const CPtbRegistry &registry, const string &section, const string &opt, const string &config)
bool IsSubdir(const string &abs_parent_dir, const string &abs_dir)
Is abs_dir a parent of abs_parent_dir.
const struct ncbi::grid::netcache::search::fields::KEY key
const GenericPointer< typename T::ValueType > T2 value
Definition: pointer.h:1227
std::istream & in(std::istream &in_, double &x_)
CProjBulderApp & GetApp(void)
access to App singleton
SConfigInfo –.
SCustomBuildInfo –.
string m_AdditionalDependencies
bool IsEmpty(void) const
Definition: type.c:6
Definition: token1.c:1
Modified on Fri Sep 20 14:58:10 2024 by rev. 669887