68 :
m_Gis(make_pair(query_gi, subj_gi)) {}
Class to contain the gis of the aligned sequences.
CAlignedGis(std::pair< TGi, TGi > gis)
CAlignedGis(TGi query_gi, TGi subj_gi)
std::pair< TGi, TGi > m_Gis
#define END_SCOPE(ns)
End the previously defined scope.
#define BEGIN_SCOPE(ns)
Define a new scope.
strand of nucleic acid
Magic spell ;-) needed for some weird compilers... very empiric.
Miscellaneous common-use basic types and functionality.
const int kInvalidIntValue
std::vector< SeqAlign > TSeqAlignSet
Vector of neutral sequence alignments.
std::list< SeqLoc > TSeqLocList
ncbi::objects::ENa_strand TStrand
const double kInvalidDoubleValue
Neutral sequence alignment (for representing an HSP in BLAST)
int GetNumSegments() const
Return the number of segments in the HSP.
std::vector< TSeqPos > lengths
Lengths of aligned segments.
double bit_score
HSP bit score.
int num_ident
Number of identical residues.
CAlignedGis sequence_gis
Gis of the aligned sequences.
Default constructor, initializes all fields to kInvalid*Value or empty.
std::vector< int > starts
Query/Subject starting offsets.
int query_strand
Strand of the query sequence.
int subject_strand
Strand of the subject sequence.