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1 /* $Id: njn_localmaxstatutil.cpp 66684 2015-03-18 16:23:53Z vasilche $
2 * ===========================================================================
3 *
5 * National Center for Biotechnology Information
6 *
7 * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
8 * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
9 * the author's offical duties as a United States Government employee and
10 * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
11 * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
12 * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
13 *
14 * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
15 * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
16 * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
17 * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
18 * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
19 * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
20 * purpose.
21 *
22 * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
23 *
24 * ===========================================================================*/
26 /*****************************************************************************
28 File name: njn_localmaxstatutil.cpp
30 Author: John Spouge
32 Contents:
34 ******************************************************************************/
36 #include <ncbi_pch.hpp>
38 #include "njn_localmaxstatutil.hpp"
39 #include "njn_approx.hpp"
40 #include "njn_dynprogproblim.hpp"
41 #include "njn_integer.hpp"
42 #include "njn_memutil.hpp"
43 #include "njn_root.hpp"
45 #include "sls_alp_data.hpp"
47 // Kludge: limit optimization by ICC 10.x to avoid undesired references to
48 // __svml_exp2 (problematic to use from DLLs on x86_64 or at all on ia32).
49 #if defined(NCBI_COMPILER_ICC) && defined(__OPTIMIZE__) \
52 #endif
55 USING_SCOPE(blast);
58 void LocalMaxStatUtil::flatten ( // allocates memory for linear probabilities and scores
59 size_t dimension_, // dimension of equilProb_
60 const Int4 *const *scoreMatrix_, // packed scoring matrix [0...dimension_)[0...dimension2_)
61 const double *const *prob_, // prob_ [0...dimension_)[0...dimension2_) : distribution of scores sum to 1.0
62 size_t *dim_, // dimension of p_
63 Int4 **score_, // score [0...dim_) in increasing order
64 double **p_, // linear p_ [0...dim_) : distribution of scores
65 size_t dimension2_) // dimension2 of equilProb_
66 {
67  if (dimension2_ == 0) dimension2_ = dimension_;
69  size_t i = 0;
70  size_t j = 0;
72  double sum = 0.0;
74  for (i = 0; i < dimension_; i++)
75  {
76  for (j = 0; j < dimension2_; j++)
77  {
78  sum += prob_ [i][j];
79  }
80  }
82 #ifdef _DEBUG /* to eliminate compiler warning in release mode */
83  const double FUDGE = 20.0;
84 #endif
85  _ASSERT(Approx::relApprox (sum, 1.0, FUDGE * REL_TOL));
87  Int4 s = 0;
88  Int4 min = scoreMatrix_[0][0];
89  Int4 max = scoreMatrix_[0][0];
91  for (i = 0; i < dimension_; i++)
92  {
93  for (j = 0; j < dimension2_; j++)
94  {
95  if (scoreMatrix_ [i][j] < min)
96  min = scoreMatrix_ [i][j];
97  else if (max < scoreMatrix_ [i][j])
98  max = scoreMatrix_ [i][j];
99  }
100  }
102  assert (min <= max);
104  size_t dim = static_cast <size_t> (max - min + 1);
105  double *p = new double [dim];
106  for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) p [i] = 0.0;
108  for (i = 0; i < dimension_; i++)
109  {
110  for (j = 0; j < dimension2_; j++)
111  {
112  p [scoreMatrix_ [i][j] - min] += prob_ [i][j];
113  }
114  }
116  *dim_ = 0;
118  for (s = min; s <= max; s++)
119  {
120  if (0.0 < p [s - min]) ++*dim_;
121  }
123  *p_ = new double [*dim_];
124  *score_ = new Int4 [*dim_];
125  *dim_ = 0;
127  for (s = min; s <= max; s++)
128  {
129  if (0.0 < p [s - min]) {
130  (*score_) [*dim_] = s;
131  (*p_) [*dim_] = p [s - min];
132  ++*dim_;
133  }
134  }
136  delete [] p; p = 0;
137 }
140 size_t dimension_, // dimension of equilProb_
141 const Int4 *const *scoreMatrix_, // packed scoring matrix [0...dimension_)[0...dimension_)
142 const double *q_) // q_ [0...dimension_) : distribution of independent letters
143 {
144  size_t i = 0;
145  size_t j = 0;
147  double **prob = MemUtil::newMatrix <double> (dimension_, dimension_);
149  for (i = 0; i < dimension_; i++)
150  {
151  for (j = 0; j < dimension_; j++)
152  {
153  prob [i][j] = q_ [i] * q_ [j];
154  }
155  }
157  size_t dim = 0;
158  Int4 *score = 0;
159  double *p = 0;
161  flatten (dimension_, scoreMatrix_, prob, &dim, &score, &p);
163  MemUtil::deleteMatrix <double> (prob, dimension_, dimension_); prob = 0;
165  double lambdaHat = LocalMaxStatUtil::lambda (dim, score, p);
167  delete [] p; p = 0;
168  delete [] score; score = 0;
170  return lambdaHat;
171 }
174  size_t n_dimension = 0; // dimension of matrices
175  const Int4 *n_score = 0; // score_ [0...dimension_ - 1]
176  const double *n_prob = 0; // prob_ [0...dimension_ - 1]
177  Int4 n_morgue = 0; // score_ [0] - 1
178  Int4 n_entry = 0; // n_entry = 0 : weak descending ladder epoch ; n_entry = -1 : strict descending ladder epoch
181  size_t dimension_, // #(distinct values) of scores & probabilities (which are paired)
182  const Int4 *score_, // scores
183  const double *prob_, // probabilities
184  Int4 entry_ = 0) // entry_ = 0 : weak descending ladder epoch ; entry_ = -1 : strict descending ladder epoch
185  {
186  n_dimension = dimension_;
187  n_score = score_;
188  n_prob = prob_;
189  n_morgue = score_ [0] - 1;
190  n_entry = entry_;
191  }
194 # pragma optimization_level 1
195 #endif
196  double n_totalProbAssoc (double x_)
197  {
198  double sum = 0.0;
199  for (size_t i = 0; i < n_dimension; i++) {
200  sum += n_prob [i] * exp (x_ * static_cast <double> (n_score [i]));
201  }
202  return sum;
203  }
205  double n_meanPowerAssoc (double x_, Int4 power_ = 1L)
206  {
207  double sum = 0.0;
208  for (size_t i = 0; i < n_dimension; i++) {
209  sum += Integer::integerPower (static_cast <double> (n_score [i]), power_) *
210  n_prob [i] * exp (x_ * static_cast <double> (n_score [i]));
211  }
212  return sum;
213  }
215  double n_meanAssoc (double x_)
216  {
217  return n_meanPowerAssoc (x_);
218  }
220  void n_bracket (double *p_, double *q_)
221  {
222  const double FACTOR = 0.5;
223  *p_ = -log (n_prob [n_dimension - 1]) / static_cast <double> (n_score [n_dimension - 1]);
224  while (1.0 <= n_totalProbAssoc (*p_)) {
225  *p_ *= FACTOR;
226  }
227  *q_ = *p_ / FACTOR;
228  }
232 size_t dimension_, // #(distinct values) of scores & probabilities (which are paired)
233 const Int4 *score_, // scores in increasing order
234 const double *prob_) // corresponding probabilities
235 {
236  double mu = 0.0;
237  for (size_t i = 0; i < dimension_; i++) {
238  mu += static_cast <double> (score_ [i]) * prob_ [i];
239  }
240  return mu;
241 }
244 size_t dimension_, // #(distinct values)
245 const Int4 *score_, // values
246 const double *prob_) // probability of corresponding value
247 {
248  n_setParameters (dimension_, score_, prob_);
250  double p = 0.0;
251  double q = 0.0;
253  n_bracket (&p, &q);
255  return Root::bisection (1.0, n_totalProbAssoc, p, q, REL_TOL * fabs (p - q));
256 }
259 size_t dimension_, // #(distinct values) of scores & probabilities (which are paired)
260 const Int4 *score_, // scores in increasing order
261 const double *prob_, // corresponding probabilities
262 double lambda_, // lambda
263 Int4 power_) // power
264 {
265  n_setParameters (dimension_, score_, prob_);
267  if (lambda_ == 0.0) lambda_ = lambda (dimension_, score_, prob_);
269  return n_meanPowerAssoc (lambda_, power_);
270 }
273 size_t dimension_, // #(distinct values) of scores & probabilities (which are paired)
274 const Int4 *score_, // scores in increasing order
275 const double *prob_, // corresponding probabilities
276 double lambda_) // lambda
277 {
278  return muPowerAssoc (dimension_, score_, prob_, lambda_);
279 }
282 size_t dimension_, // #(distinct values)
283 const Int4 *score_, // values
284 const double *prob_, // probability of corresponding value
285 double lambda_) // lambda
286 // assumes logarithmic regime
287 {
288  n_setParameters (dimension_, score_, prob_);
290  if (lambda_ == 0.0) lambda_ = lambda (dimension_, score_, prob_);
292  double p = 0.0;
293  double q = 0.0;
294  n_bracket (&p, &q);
295  return Root::bisection (0.0, n_meanAssoc, 0.0, lambda_, REL_TOL * fabs (p - q));
296 }
299 size_t dimension_, // #(distinct values)
300 const Int4 *score_, // values
301 const double *prob_, // probability of corresponding value
302 double lambda_, // lambda
303 double thetaMin_) // argument of rate
304 // assumes logarithmic regime
305 {
306  n_setParameters (dimension_, score_, prob_);
308  if (thetaMin_ == 0.0) thetaMin_ = thetaMin (dimension_, score_, prob_, lambda_);
310  return n_totalProbAssoc (thetaMin_);
311 }
314 # pragma optimization_level 1
315 #endif
316 double LocalMaxStatUtil::r ( // r (theta)
317 size_t dimension_, // #(distinct values)
318 const Int4 *score_, // scores in increasing order
319 const double *prob_, // probability of corresponding value
320 double theta_) // argument of rate
321 // assumes logarithmic regime
322 {
323  double sum = 0.0;
324  for (size_t i = 0; i < dimension_; i++) {
325  sum += prob_ [i] * exp (theta_ * static_cast <double> (score_ [i]));
326  }
327  return sum;
328 }
330 Int4 LocalMaxStatUtil::delta ( // theta [minus delta] for ungapped sequence comparison
331 size_t dimension_, // #(distinct values) of scores & probabilities (which are paired)
332 const Int4 *score_) // scores
333 {
334  size_t i = 0;
336  Int4 delta = 0;
337  for (i = 0; i < dimension_; i++) {
338  delta = Integer::euclidAlgorithm <Int4> (delta, score_ [i]);
339  }
340  return delta;
341 }
343 double LocalMaxStatUtil::thetaMinusDelta ( // theta [minus delta] for ungapped sequence comparison
344 double lambda_, // lambda, the exponential rate for the local maximum
345 size_t dimension_, // #(distinct values) of scores & probabilities (which are paired)
346 const Int4 *score_) // scores
347 {
348  double del = static_cast <double> (delta (dimension_, score_));
349  return (1.0 - exp (-lambda_ * del)) / del;
350 }
353  Int4 n_step (Int4 oldValue_, size_t state_)
354  {
355  assert (state_ < n_dimension);
356  return n_morgue < oldValue_ ? oldValue_ + n_score [state_] : oldValue_;
357  }
359  Int4 n_bury (Int4 oldValue_, size_t state_)
360  {
361  assert (state_ < n_dimension);
362  return n_entry < oldValue_ ? oldValue_ : n_morgue;
363  }
367 size_t dimension_, // #(distinct values)
368 const Int4 *score_, // values
369 const double *prob_, // probability of corresponding value
370 double *eSumAlpha_, // expectation (sum [alpha])
371 double *eOneMinusExpSumAlpha_, // expectation [1.0 - exp (sum [alpha])]
372 bool isStrict_, // ? is this a strict descending ladder epoch
373 double lambda_, // lambda for repeats : default is lambda0_ below
374 size_t endW_, // maximum w plus 1
375 double *pAlphaW_, // probability {alpha = w} : pAlphaW_ [0, wEnd)
376 double *eOneMinusExpSumAlphaW_, // expectation [1.0 - exp (sum [alpha]); alpha = w] : eOneMinusExpSumAlphaW_ [0, wEnd)
377 double lambda0_, // lambda for flattened distribution (avoid recomputation)
378 double mu0_, // mean of flattened distribution (avoid recomputation)
379 double muAssoc0_, // mean of associated flattened distribution (avoid recomputation)
380 double thetaMin0_, // thetaMin of flattened distribution (avoid recomputation)
381 double rMin0_, // rMin of flattened distribution (avoid recomputation)
382 double time_, // get time for the dynamic programming computation
383 bool *terminated_) // ? Was the dynamic programming computation terminated prematurely ?
384 // assumes logarithmic regime
385 {
386  // Start dynamic programming probability calculation using notation in
387  //
388  // Mott R. and Tribe R. (1999)
389  // J. Computational Biology 6(1):91-112
390  //
391  // Karlin S. and Taylor H.M.(1981)
392  // A Second Course in Stochastic Processes, p. 480
393  //
394  // Note there is an error in Eq (6.19) there, which is corrected in Eq (6.20)
395  //
396  // This program uses departure into (-Inf, 0] not (-Inf, 0)
398  // avoid recomputation
399 #ifdef _DEBUG /* to eliminate compiler warning in release mode */
400  double mu0 = 0.0 == mu0_ ? mu (dimension_, score_, prob_) : mu0_;
401 #endif
402  _ASSERT(mu0 < 0.0);
403  double lambda0 = 0.0 == lambda0_ ? lambda (dimension_, score_, prob_) : lambda0_;
404  _ASSERT (0.0 < lambda0);
405  if (lambda_ == 0.0) lambda_ = lambda0;
406  _ASSERT (0.0 < lambda_);
407 #ifdef _DEBUG /* to eliminate compiler warning in release mode */
408  double muAssoc0 = 0.0 == muAssoc0_ ? muAssoc (dimension_, score_, prob_, lambda0) : muAssoc0_;
409 #endif
410  _ASSERT (0.0 < muAssoc0);
411  double thetaMin0 = 0.0 == thetaMin0_ ? thetaMin (dimension_, score_, prob_, lambda0) : thetaMin0_;
412  _ASSERT (0.0 < thetaMin0);
413  double rMin0 = 0.0 == rMin0_ ? rMin (dimension_, score_, prob_, lambda0, thetaMin0) : rMin0_;
414  _ASSERT (0.0 < rMin0 && rMin0 < 1.0);
416  const Int4 ITER_MIN = static_cast <Int4> ((log (REL_TOL * (1.0 - rMin0)) / log (rMin0)));
417  _ASSERT (0 < ITER_MIN);
418  const Int4 ITER = static_cast <Int4> (endW_) < ITER_MIN ? ITER_MIN : static_cast <Int4> (endW_);
419  _ASSERT (0 < ITER);
420  const Int4 Y_MAX = static_cast <Int4> (-log (REL_TOL) / lambda0);
422  Int4 entry = isStrict_ ? -1 : 0;
423  n_setParameters (dimension_, score_, prob_, entry);
426  double time0 = 0.0;
427  double time1 = 0.0;
428  if (time_ > 0.0) Sls::alp_data::get_current_time (time0);
430  DynProgProbLim dynProgProb (n_step, dimension_, prob_, score_ [0] - 1, Y_MAX);
432  if (pAlphaW_) pAlphaW_ [0] = 0.0;
433  if (eOneMinusExpSumAlphaW_) eOneMinusExpSumAlphaW_ [0] = 0.0;
435  dynProgProb.update (); // iterate random walk
437  Int4 value = 0;
439  if (eSumAlpha_) *eSumAlpha_ = 0.0;
440  if (eOneMinusExpSumAlpha_) *eOneMinusExpSumAlpha_ = 0.0;
442  for (size_t w = 1; w < static_cast <size_t> (ITER); w++) {
444  if (w < endW_) { // sum pAlphaW_ [w] and eOneMinusExpSumAlphaW_ [w]
446  if (pAlphaW_) pAlphaW_ [w] = 0.0;
447  if (eOneMinusExpSumAlphaW_) eOneMinusExpSumAlphaW_ [w] = 0.0;
449  for (value = score_ [0]; value <= entry; value++) {
450  if (pAlphaW_) pAlphaW_ [w] += dynProgProb.getProb (value);
451  if (eOneMinusExpSumAlphaW_) eOneMinusExpSumAlphaW_ [w] +=
452  dynProgProb.getProb (value) *
453  (1.0 - exp (lambda_ * static_cast <double> (value)));
454  }
455  }
457  for (value = score_ [0]; value <= entry; value++) {
458  if (eSumAlpha_) *eSumAlpha_ += dynProgProb.getProb (value) * static_cast <double> (value);
459  if (eOneMinusExpSumAlpha_) *eOneMinusExpSumAlpha_ += dynProgProb.getProb (value) *
460  (1.0 - exp (lambda_ * static_cast <double> (value)));
461  }
463  dynProgProb.setValueFct (n_bury);
464  dynProgProb.update (); // put probability into the morgue
466  dynProgProb.setValueFct (n_step);
467  dynProgProb.update (); // iterate random walk
469  if (time_ > 0.0)
470  {
471  Sls::alp_data::get_current_time (time1);
472  if (time1 - time0 > time_)
473  {
474  *terminated_ = true;
475  return;
476  }
477  }
479  }
481  for (value = score_ [0]; value <= entry; value++) {
482  if (eSumAlpha_) *eSumAlpha_ += dynProgProb.getProb (value) * static_cast <double> (value);
483  if (eOneMinusExpSumAlpha_) *eOneMinusExpSumAlpha_ += dynProgProb.getProb (value) *
484  (1.0 - exp (lambda_ * static_cast <double> (value)));
485  }
487  // check that not too much probability has been omitted
488  double prob = 0.0;
489  for (value = entry + 1; value < dynProgProb.getValueUpper (); value++) {
490  prob += dynProgProb.getProb (value);
491  }
492  prob += dynProgProb.getProbLost ();
494 #ifdef _DEBUG /* to eliminate compiler warning in release mode */
495  const double FUDGE = 2.0;
496 #endif
497  _ASSERT (prob <= FUDGE * static_cast <double> (dimension_) * REL_TOL);
498 }
501 size_t dimension_, // #(distinct values)
502 const Int4 *score_, // values
503 const double *prob_, // probability of corresponding value
504 double *eSumAlpha_, // expectation (sum [alpha])
505 double *eOneMinusExpSumAlpha_, // expectation [1.0 - exp (sum [alpha])]
506 bool isStrict_, // ? is this a strict descending ladder epoch
507 double lambda0_, // lambda for flattened distribution (avoid recomputation)
508 double mu0_, // mean of flattened distribution (avoid recomputation)
509 double muAssoc0_, // mean of associated flattened distribution (avoid recomputation)
510 double thetaMin0_, // thetaMin of flattened distribution (avoid recomputation)
511 double rMin0_, // rMin of flattened distribution (avoid recomputation)
512 double time_, // get time for the dynamic programming computation
513 bool *terminated_) // ? Was the dynamic programming computation terminated prematurely ?
514 {
515  descendingLadderEpochRepeat (dimension_, score_, prob_,
516  eSumAlpha_, eOneMinusExpSumAlpha_, isStrict_, 0.0, 0, 0, 0,
517  lambda0_, mu0_, muAssoc0_, thetaMin0_, rMin0_, time_, terminated_);
518 }
521 size_t dimension_, // #(distinct values) of scores & probabilities (which are paired)
522 const double *prob_) // corresponding probabilities
523 {
524  double sum = 0.0;
525  for (size_t i = 0; i < dimension_; i++) {
526  if (prob_ [i] < 0.0 || 1.0 < prob_ [i]) return false;
527  sum += prob_ [i];
528  }
529  return Approx::relApprox (sum, 1.0, REL_TOL);
530 }
533 size_t dimension_, // #(distinct values)
534 const Int4 *score_) // scores in increasing order
535 {
536  for (size_t i = 1; i < dimension_; i++) {
537  if (score_ [i] <= score_ [i - 1]) return false;
538  }
539  return true;
540 }
543 size_t dimension_, // #(distinct values) of scores & probabilities (which are paired)
544 const Int4 *score_, // scores in increasing order
545 const double *prob_) // corresponding probabilities
546 {
547  _ASSERT (score_);
548  _ASSERT (prob_);
549  if (! isScoreIncreasing (dimension_, score_)) return false;
550  if (! isProbDist (dimension_, prob_)) return false;
551  if (0.0 <= mu (dimension_, score_, prob_)) return false;
552  if (score_ [dimension_ - 1] <= 0.0) return false;
553  return true;
554 }
virtual void setValueFct(ValueFct *valueFct_)
virtual double getProb(Int4 value_) const
virtual void update()
virtual double getProbLost() const
virtual Int4 getValueUpper() const
int32_t Int4
4-byte (32-bit) signed integer
Definition: ncbitype.h:102
int i
Namespace for mathematical applications.
Definition: muParser.h:41
const GenericPointer< typename T::ValueType > T2 value
Definition: pointer.h:1227
#define fabs(v)
Definition: ncbi_dispd.c:46
bool relApprox(T x_, T y_, T eps_)
Definition: njn_approx.hpp:74
T max(T x_, T y_)
T prob(T x_)
T min(T x_, T y_)
Real integerPower(Real x, Int n)
const Int4 * n_score
Int4 n_step(Int4 oldValue_, size_t state_)
double n_totalProbAssoc(double x_)
double n_meanPowerAssoc(double x_, Int4 power_=1L)
Int4 n_entry
size_t n_dimension
void n_setParameters(size_t dimension_, const Int4 *score_, const double *prob_, Int4 entry_=0)
const double * n_prob
Int4 n_bury(Int4 oldValue_, size_t state_)
void n_bracket(double *p_, double *q_)
Int4 n_morgue
double n_meanAssoc(double x_)
double muAssoc(size_t dimension_, const Int4 *score_, const double *prob_, double lambda_=0.0)
Int4 delta(size_t dimension_, const Int4 *score_)
double mu(size_t dimension_, const Int4 *score_, const double *prob_)
const double REL_TOL
void descendingLadderEpochRepeat(size_t dimension_, const Int4 *score_, const double *prob_, double *eSumAlpha_=0, double *eOneMinusExpSumAlpha_=0, bool isStrict_=false, double lambda_=0.0, size_t endW_=0, double *pAlphaW_=0, double *eOneMinusExpSumAlphaW_=0, double lambda0_=0.0, double mu0_=0.0, double muAssoc0_=0.0, double thetaMin0_=0.0, double rMin0_=0.0, double time_=0.0, bool *terminated_=0)
double r(size_t dimension_, const Int4 *score_, const double *prob_, double theta_)
void flatten(size_t dimension_, const Int4 *const *scoreMatrix_, const double *const *prob_, size_t *dim_, Int4 **score_, double **p_, size_t dimension2_=0)
double lambda(size_t dimMatrix_, const Int4 *const *scoreMatrix_, const double *q_)
void descendingLadderEpoch(size_t dimension_, const Int4 *score_, const double *prob_, double *eSumAlpha_=0, double *eOneMinusExpSumAlpha_=0, bool isStrict_=false, double lambda0_=0.0, double mu0_=0.0, double muAssoc0_=0.0, double thetaMin0_=0.0, double rMin0_=0.0, double time_=0.0, bool *terminated_=0)
double rMin(size_t dimension_, const Int4 *score_, const double *prob_, double lambda_=0.0, double thetaMin_=0.0)
double thetaMinusDelta(double lambda_, size_t dimension_, const Int4 *score_)
bool isProbDist(size_t dimension_, const double *prob_)
double muPowerAssoc(size_t dimension_, const Int4 *score_, const double *prob_, double lambda_=0.0, Int4 power_=1)
bool isScoreIncreasing(size_t dimension_, const Int4 *score_)
double thetaMin(size_t dimension_, const Int4 *score_, const double *prob_, double lambda_=0.0)
bool isLogarithmic(size_t dimension_, const Int4 *score_, const double *prob_)
double bisection(double y_, double(*f_)(double, const T &), const T &param_, double p_, double q_, double tol_, double rtol_, Int4 *itmax_)
Definition: njn_root.hpp:339
#define assert(x)
Definition: srv_diag.hpp:58
#define _ASSERT
Modified on Fri Sep 20 14:57:36 2024 by rev. 669887