NCBI C++ ToolKit
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4 /* $Id: plugin_manager_impl.hpp 79476 2017-09-13 14:32:40Z sadyrovr $
5  * ===========================================================================
6  *
8  * National Center for Biotechnology Information
9  *
10  * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
11  * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
12  * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
13  * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
14  * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
15  * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
16  *
17  * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
18  * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
19  * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
20  * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
21  * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
22  * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
23  * purpose.
24  *
25  * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
26  *
27  * ===========================================================================
28  *
29  * Author: Anatoliy Kuznetsov
30  *
31  * File Description: Collection of classes to implement different
32  * plugin manager paradigms.
33  *
34  *
35  */
37 /// @file plugin_manager_impl.hpp
38 /// Helper classes and templates to implement plugins.
45 /** @addtogroup PluginMgr
46  *
47  * @{
48  */
51 /// Template class helps to implement one driver class factory.
52 ///
53 /// Class supports one driver, one version class factory
54 /// (the very basic one)
55 /// Template parameters are:
56 /// IFace - interface class
57 /// TDriver - driver class (implements IFace)
59 template <class IFace, class TDriver>
61 {
62 public:
64  typedef TDriver TImplementation;
65  typedef IFace TInterface;
70  /// Construction
71  ///
72  /// @param driver_name
73  /// Driver name string
74  /// @param patch_level
75  /// Patch level implemented by the driver.
76  /// By default corresponds to interface patch level.
77  CSimpleClassFactoryImpl(const string& driver_name, int patch_level = -1)
79  (TParent::GetDefaultDrvVers().GetMajor(),
80  TParent::GetDefaultDrvVers().GetMinor(),
81  patch_level >= 0 ?
82  patch_level : TParent::GetDefaultDrvVers().GetPatchLevel()),
83  m_DriverName(driver_name)
84  {
85  _ASSERT(!m_DriverName.empty());
86  }
88  /// Create instance of TDriver
89  virtual TInterface*
90  CreateInstance(const string& driver = kEmptyStr,
92  const TPluginManagerParamTree* /*params*/ = 0) const
93  {
94  TDriver* drv = 0;
95  if (driver.empty() || driver == m_DriverName) {
96  if (version.Match(NCBI_INTERFACE_VERSION(IFace))
98  drv = new TImplementation();
99  }
100  }
101  return drv;
102  }
104  void GetDriverVersions(TDriverList& info_list) const
105  {
106  info_list.push_back(TDriverInfo(m_DriverName, m_DriverVersionInfo));
107  }
109 protected:
110  /// Utility function to get an element of parameter tree
111  /// Throws an exception when mandatory parameter is missing
112  /// (or returns the deafult value)
113  string GetParam(const TPluginManagerParamTree* params,
114  const string& param_name,
115  bool mandatory,
116  const string& default_value) const
117  {
118  return
120  params, param_name, mandatory, default_value);
121  }
123  /// This version always defaults to the empty string so that it
124  /// can safely return a reference. (default_value may be
125  /// temporary in some cases.)
126  const string& GetParam(const TPluginManagerParamTree* params,
127  const string& param_name,
128  bool mandatory) const
129  {
130  return
131  TParent::GetParam(m_DriverName, params, param_name, mandatory);
132  }
134  /// Utility function to get an integer of parameter tree
135  /// Throws an exception when mandatory parameter is missing
136  /// (or returns the deafult value)
138  const string& param_name,
139  bool /* mandatory */,
140  int default_value) const
141  {
142  CConfig conf(params);
143  return conf.GetInt(m_DriverName,
144  param_name,
146  default_value);
147  }
149  /// Utility function to get an integer of parameter tree
150  /// Throws an exception when mandatory parameter is missing
151  /// (or returns the deafult value)
152  Uint8
154  const string& param_name,
155  bool /* mandatory */,
156  unsigned int default_value) const
157  {
158  CConfig conf(params);
159  return conf.GetDataSize(m_DriverName,
160  param_name,
162  default_value);
163  }
166  /// Utility function to get an bool of parameter tree
167  /// Throws an exception when mandatory parameter is missing
168  /// (or returns the deafult value)
170  const string& param_name,
171  bool /* mandatory */,
172  bool default_value) const
173  {
174  CConfig conf(params);
175  return conf.GetBool(m_DriverName,
176  param_name,
178  default_value);
180  }
183  /// Utility function to get a double of parameter tree
184  /// Throws an exception when mandatory parameter is missing
185  /// (or returns the default value)
187  const string& param_name,
188  bool /* mandatory */,
189  double default_value) const
190  {
191  CConfig conf(params);
192  return conf.GetDouble(m_DriverName,
193  param_name,
195  default_value);
197  }
200 protected:
202  string m_DriverName;
203 };
206 /// Template implements entry point
207 ///
208 /// The actual entry point is a C callable exported function
209 /// delegates the functionality to
210 /// CHostEntryPointImpl<>::NCBI_EntryPointImpl()
212 template<class TClassFactory>
214 {
215  typedef typename TClassFactory::TInterface TInterface;
219  typedef typename
221  typedef typename
223  typedef typename TClassFactory::SDriverInfo TCFDriverInfo;
226  /// Entry point implementation.
227  ///
228  /// @sa CPluginManager::FNCBI_EntryPoint
229  static void NCBI_EntryPointImpl(TDriverInfoList& info_list,
230  EEntryPointRequest method)
231  {
232  TClassFactory cf;
233  list<TCFDriverInfo> cf_info_list;
234  cf.GetDriverVersions(cf_info_list);
236  switch (method)
237  {
239  {
240  typename list<TCFDriverInfo>::const_iterator it =
241  cf_info_list.begin();
242  typename list<TCFDriverInfo>::const_iterator it_end =
243  cf_info_list.end();
245  for (; it != it_end; ++it) {
246  info_list.push_back(TDriverInfo(it->name, it->version));
247  }
249  }
250  break;
252  {
253  typename TDriverInfoList::iterator it1 = info_list.begin();
254  typename TDriverInfoList::iterator it1_end = info_list.end();
255  for(; it1 != it1_end; ++it1) {
256  // We do only an exact match here.
257  // A factory cannot be matched twice.
258  _ASSERT( it1->factory == NULL );
260  typename list<TCFDriverInfo>::iterator it2 =
261  cf_info_list.begin();
262  typename list<TCFDriverInfo>::iterator it2_end =
263  cf_info_list.end();
265  for (; it2 != it2_end; ++it2) {
266  if (it1->name == it2->name) {
267  // We do only an exact match here.
268  if (it1->version.Match(it2->version) ==
270  {
271  _ASSERT( it1->factory == NULL );
273  TClassFactory* cg = new TClassFactory();
274  IClassFactory<TInterface>* icf = cg;
275  it1->factory = icf;
276  }
277  }
278  } // for
280  } // for
282  }
283  break;
284  default:
285  _ASSERT(0);
286  } // switch
287  }
289 };
292 /* @} */
CPluginManager<> –.
Template class helps to implement one driver class factory.
definition of a Culling tree
Definition: ncbi_tree.hpp:100
CVersionInfo –.
IClassFactory<> –.
#define NULL
Definition: ncbistd.hpp:225
Uint8 GetDataSize(const string &driver_name, const string &param_name, EErrAction on_error, unsigned int default_value, const list< string > *synonyms=NULL)
Utility function to get an integer element of parameter tree Throws an exception when mandatory param...
double GetDouble(const string &driver_name, const string &param_name, EErrAction on_error, double default_value, const list< string > *synonyms=NULL)
Utility function to get a double element of parameter tree Throws an exception when mandatory paramet...
int GetInt(const string &driver_name, const string &param_name, EErrAction on_error, int default_value, const list< string > *synonyms=NULL)
Utility function to get an integer element of parameter tree Throws an exception when mandatory param...
bool GetBool(const string &driver_name, const string &param_name, EErrAction on_error, bool default_value, const list< string > *synonyms=NULL)
Utility function to get an integer element of parameter tree Throws an exception when mandatory param...
@ eErr_NoThrow
Return default value on error.
IClassFactory< IFace > TParent
CPluginManager< TInterface > TPluginManager
CSimpleClassFactoryImpl(const string &driver_name, int patch_level=-1)
virtual TInterface * CreateInstance(const string &driver=kEmptyStr, CVersionInfo version=TParent::GetDefaultDrvVers(), const TPluginManagerParamTree *=0) const
Create instance of TDriver.
double GetParamDouble(const TPluginManagerParamTree *params, const string &param_name, bool, double default_value) const
Utility function to get a double of parameter tree Throws an exception when mandatory parameter is mi...
static const CVersionInfo & GetDefaultDrvVers(void)
ncbi::TDriverList TDriverList
static void NCBI_EntryPointImpl(TDriverInfoList &info_list, EEntryPointRequest method)
Entry point implementation.
void GetDriverVersions(TDriverList &info_list) const
Versions of the interface exported by the factory.
const string & GetParam(const TPluginManagerParamTree *params, const string &param_name, bool mandatory) const
This version always defaults to the empty string so that it can safely return a reference.
TParent::SDriverInfo TDriverInfo
Macro to construct CVersionInfo class using interface name (relies on CInterfaceVersion class)
Uint8 GetParamDataSize(const TPluginManagerParamTree *params, const string &param_name, bool, unsigned int default_value) const
Utility function to get an integer of parameter tree Throws an exception when mandatory parameter is ...
TParent::TDriverList TDriverList
TClassFactory::SDriverInfo TCFDriverInfo
int GetParamInt(const TPluginManagerParamTree *params, const string &param_name, bool, int default_value) const
Utility function to get an integer of parameter tree Throws an exception when mandatory parameter is ...
string GetParam(const string &driver_name, const TPluginManagerParamTree *params, const string &param_name, bool mandatory, const string &default_value) const
Utility function to get an element of parameter tree Throws an exception when mandatory parameter is ...
CPluginManager< TInterface >::TDriverInfoList TDriverInfoList
CPluginManager< TInterface >::EEntryPointRequest EEntryPointRequest
TClassFactory::TInterface TInterface
ncbi::SDriverInfo SDriverInfo
bool GetParamBool(const TPluginManagerParamTree *params, const string &param_name, bool, bool default_value) const
Utility function to get an bool of parameter tree Throws an exception when mandatory parameter is mis...
list< SDriverInfo > TDriverInfoList
List of driver information.
CPluginManager< TInterface >::SDriverInfo TDriverInfo
Actions performed by the entry point.
string GetParam(const TPluginManagerParamTree *params, const string &param_name, bool mandatory, const string &default_value) const
Utility function to get an element of parameter tree Throws an exception when mandatory parameter is ...
@ eGetFactoryInfo
Add info about all drivers exported through the entry point to the end of list.
@ eInstantiateFactory
Scan the driver info list passed to the entry point for the [name,version] pairs exported by the give...
uint64_t Uint8
8-byte (64-bit) unsigned integer
Definition: ncbitype.h:105
End previously defined NCBI scope.
Definition: ncbistl.hpp:103
Define ncbi namespace.
Definition: ncbistl.hpp:100
#define kEmptyStr
Definition: ncbistr.hpp:123
@ eNonCompatible
major, minor does not match
@ eFullyCompatible
exactly the same version
const string version
version string
Definition: variables.hpp:66
Plugin manager (using class factory paradigm).
Template implements entry point.
Information about a driver, with maybe a pointer to an instantiated class factory that contains the d...
#define _ASSERT
Modified on Fri Sep 20 14:57:40 2024 by rev. 669887