Go to the documentation of this file.Go to the SVN repository for this file.
34 #include <wx/dialog.h>
42 virtual bool Show(
bool show = 1);
Include a standard set of the NCBI C++ Toolkit most basic headers.
End previously defined NCBI scope.
Define ncbi namespace.
Defines to provide correct exporting from DLLs in Windows.
void ReportUsage(const wxString &dialog_name)
Report opening & accepting events in the editing package.
void ReportSubWizardUsage(const string &action_name)
Report usage of the submission wizard dialog.
void SaveScriptFromLibrary(const string ¯o)
Save macro obtained from the library.
void ReportUsage(const wxString &dialog_name, const string &action_name)
Report events in the macro_flow_editor and in the macro_editor.
void SaveScriptCreated(const string ¯o)
Save macro created by the editor.
void ReportMacroToBeUpdated(const string &username, const string &filename, const string &action)
Report attempt to update a local macro script.
void SaveScriptToFile(const string ¯o, const string &filename)
Save macro to a file.
void ReportMacroExecution()
Report when a macro is executed.