55 CBlastNode(node_num, ncbi_args, args, bah, query_index, num_queries, mailbox), m_Input(
124 if(!isArchiveFormat) {
void CheckForFreqRatioFile(const string &rps_dbname, CRef< CBlastOptionsHandle > &opt_handle, bool isRpsblast)
CRef< blast::CRemoteBlast > InitializeRemoteBlast(CRef< blast::IQueryFactory > queries, CRef< blast::CBlastDatabaseArgs > db_args, CRef< blast::CBlastOptionsHandle > opts_hndl, bool verbose_output, const string &client_id, CRef< objects::CPssmWithParameters > pssm)
Initializes a CRemoteBlast instance for usage by command line BLAST binaries.
blast::SDataLoaderConfig InitializeQueryDataLoaderConfiguration(bool query_is_protein, CRef< blast::CLocalDbAdapter > db_adapter)
Initialize the data loader configuration for the query.
void SaveSearchStrategy(const CArgs &args, blast::CBlastAppArgs *cmdline_args, CRef< blast::IQueryFactory > queries, CRef< blast::CBlastOptionsHandle > opts_hndl, CRef< objects::CPssmWithParameters > pssm, unsigned int num_iters)
Save the search strategy corresponding to the current command line search.
void QueryBatchCleanup()
Clean up formatter scope and release.
bool RecoverSearchStrategy(const CArgs &args, blast::CBlastAppArgs *cmdline_args)
Recover search strategy from input file.
void InitializeSubject(CRef< blast::CBlastDatabaseArgs > db_args, CRef< blast::CBlastOptionsHandle > opts_hndl, bool is_remote_search, CRef< blast::CLocalDbAdapter > &db_adapter, CRef< objects::CScope > &scope)
Initializes the subject/database as well as its scope.
string GetCmdlineArgs(const CNcbiArguments &a)
void BlastFormatter_PreFetchSequenceData(const blast::CSearchResultSet &results, CRef< CScope > scope, blast::CFormattingArgs::EOutputFormat format_type)
This method optimize the retrieval of sequence data to scope.
bool UseXInclude(const CFormattingArgs &f, const string &s)
Utility functions for BLAST command line applications.
#define CATCH_ALL(exit_code)
Standard catch statement for all BLAST command line programs.
Command line binary exit code: success.
CRef< CBlastOptionsHandle > SetOptionsForSavedStrategy(const CArgs &args)
Combine the command line arguments into a CBlastOptions object recovered from saved search strategy.
CRef< CBlastOptionsHandle > SetOptions(const CArgs &args)
Extract the command line arguments into a CBlastOptionsHandle object.
CRef< CBlastDatabaseArgs > GetBlastDatabaseArgs() const
Get the BLAST database arguments.
bool ExecuteRemotely() const
Determine whether the search should be executed remotely or not.
bool ProduceDebugRemoteOutput() const
Return whether debug (verbose) output should be produced on remote searches (only available when comp...
CRef< CQueryOptionsArgs > GetQueryOptionsArgs() const
Get the options for the query sequence(s)
string GetClientId() const
Retrieve the client ID for remote requests.
CRef< CFormattingArgs > GetFormattingArgs() const
Get the formatting options.
bool ProduceDebugOutput() const
Return whether debug (verbose) output should be produced on remote searches (only available when comp...
Class to capture message from diag handler.
string GetDatabaseName() const
Get the BLAST database name.
void SendMsg(CBlastNodeMsg::EMsgType msg_type, void *ptr=NULL)
CBlastAppDiagHandler & GetDiagHandler()
const CNcbiArguments & GetArguments()
void SetState(EState state)
void SetQueriesLength(int l)
void SetStatus(int status)
Encapsulates ALL the BLAST algorithm's options.
void DebugDumpText(ostream &out, const string &bundle, unsigned int depth) const
CRef< CSearchResultSet > Run()
NCBI C++ Object Manager dependant implementation of IQueryFactory.
objects::ENa_strand GetStrand() const
Get strand to search in query sequence(s)
bool GetParseDeflines() const
Should the defline be parsed?
bool QueryIsProtein() const
Is the query sequence protein?
TSeqRange GetRange() const
Get query sequence range restriction.
bool UseLowercaseMasks() const
Use lowercase masking in FASTA input?
virtual CNcbiOstream & GetOutputStream()
Get the output stream.
virtual CNcbiIstream & GetInputStream()
Get the input stream.
CNcbiStrstream & GetOutputStrStream()
virtual int GetQueryBatchSize() const
CRPSTBlastnNode(int check_num, const CNcbiArguments &ncbi_args, const CArgs &args, CBlastAppDiagHandler &bah, const string &input, int query_index, int num_queries, CBlastNodeMailbox *mailbox=NULL)
virtual void * Main(void)
Derived (user-created) class must provide a real thread function.
virtual ~CRPSTBlastnNode(void)
CRef< CRPSTBlastnNodeArgs > m_CmdLineArgs
virtual int GetBlastResults(CNcbiOstream &os)
Search Results for All Queries.
const string kArgOutput
Output file name.
int GetDbGeneticCode() const
void ResetMessages(void)
Reset messgae buffer, erase all saved message.
int GetFilteringAlgorithm()
Retrieve the database filtering algorithm.
const CBlastOptions & GetOptions() const
Return the object which this object is a handle for.
int GetQueryGeneticCode() const
bool GetSumStatisticsMode() const
Sum statistics options.
CRef< CSearchResultSet > GetResultSet()
Submit the search (if necessary) and return the results.
void DoNotSaveMessages(void)
Call to turn off saving diag message, discard all saved message.
const char * GetMatrixName() const
list< CRef< objects::CBlast4_error > > & GetMessages(void)
Return list of saved diag messages.
#define ITERATE(Type, Var, Cont)
ITERATE macro to sequence through container elements.
void SetDiagPostPrefix(const char *prefix)
Specify a string to prefix all subsequent error postings with.
void Reset(void)
Reset reference object.
IO_PREFIX::ostream CNcbiOstream
Portable alias for ostream.
static string IntToString(int value, TNumToStringFlags flags=0, int base=10)
Convert int to string.
Main class to perform a BLAST search on the local machine.
Defines the CNcbiApplication and CAppException classes for creating NCBI applications.
NOTE: This file contains work in progress and the APIs are likely to change, please do not rely on th...
Declares the CRemoteBlast class.
Declares the CLocalRPSBlast class.
Main argument class for RPS TBLASTN application.
Configuration structure for the CBlastScopeSource.