53 class CLexToken :
public CObject
56 CLexToken(
unsigned int token_type) { m_TokenType = token_type; m_HasError =
false; }
57 virtual ~CLexToken() {}
58 unsigned int GetTokenType() {
return m_TokenType; }
59 bool HasError () {
return m_HasError; }
61 virtual unsigned int GetInt() {
return 0; }
62 virtual string GetString() {
return ""; }
81 unsigned int m_TokenType;
85 typedef vector< CRef<CLexToken> > TLexTokenArray;
87 bool s_ParseLex (
string text, TLexTokenArray &token_list);
89 class CLexTokenString :
public CLexToken
92 CLexTokenString (
string token_data);
93 virtual ~CLexTokenString();
94 virtual string GetString() {
return m_TokenData; };
99 CLexTokenString::CLexTokenString(
string token_data) : CLexToken (e_String)
101 m_TokenData = token_data;
104 CLexTokenString::~CLexTokenString()
108 class CLexTokenInt :
public CLexToken
111 CLexTokenInt (
unsigned int token_data);
112 virtual ~CLexTokenInt ();
113 virtual unsigned int GetInt() {
return m_TokenData; };
115 unsigned int m_TokenData;
118 CLexTokenInt::CLexTokenInt(
unsigned int token_data) : CLexToken (e_Int)
120 m_TokenData = token_data;
123 CLexTokenInt::~CLexTokenInt()
127 class CLexTokenAccession :
public CLexToken {
129 CLexTokenAccession (
const string &token_data);
130 virtual ~CLexTokenAccession();
131 virtual string GetString(
void) {
return m_TokenData; };
136 CLexTokenAccession::CLexTokenAccession(
const string &token_data )
137 : CLexToken(e_Accession), m_TokenData(token_data)
141 CLexTokenAccession::~CLexTokenAccession()
145 class CLexTokenParenPair :
public CLexToken
148 CLexTokenParenPair (
unsigned int token_type,
string between_text);
149 virtual ~CLexTokenParenPair();
156 TLexTokenArray m_TokenList;
159 CLexTokenParenPair::CLexTokenParenPair(
unsigned int token_type,
string between_text) : CLexToken (token_type)
162 m_HasError = ! s_ParseLex (between_text, m_TokenList);
165 CLexTokenParenPair::~CLexTokenParenPair()
171 CRef<CSeq_loc> retval = ReadLocFromTokenList(m_TokenList,
id, helper);
173 if (m_TokenType == e_Complement) {
185 unsigned int list_pos;
186 TLexTokenArray before_comma_list;
187 vector <unsigned int> comma_pos;
190 if (token_list.size() < 1) {
195 for (list_pos = 0; list_pos < token_list.size(); list_pos++) {
196 if (token_list[list_pos]->GetTokenType() == CLexToken::e_Comma) {
197 comma_pos.push_back (list_pos);
201 if (comma_pos.size() > 0) {
204 for (
unsigned int k = 0; k < comma_pos.size(); k++) {
205 before_comma_list.clear();
206 while (list_pos < comma_pos[k]) {
207 before_comma_list.push_back (token_list[list_pos]);
210 add = ReadLocFromTokenList(before_comma_list,
id, helper);
225 before_comma_list.clear();
226 while (list_pos < token_list.size()) {
227 before_comma_list.push_back (token_list[list_pos]);
230 add = ReadLocFromTokenList(before_comma_list,
id, helper);
240 switch (token_list[0]->GetTokenType()) {
241 case CLexToken::e_Accession:
242 id =
new CSeq_id( token_list[0]->GetString() );
243 token_list.erase( token_list.begin() );
245 case CLexToken::e_Int:
246 if (token_list.size() == 1) {
248 retval =
new CSeq_loc (*
id, token_list[0]->GetInt() - 1);
249 }
else if (token_list[1]->GetTokenType() == CLexToken::e_DotDot) {
250 if (token_list.size() < 3 || token_list[2]->GetTokenType() != CLexToken::e_Int) {
254 if (token_list.size() > 4) {
258 if (token_list.size() == 4 && token_list[3]->GetTokenType() != CLexToken::e_RightPartial) {
263 retval =
new CSeq_loc (*
id, token_list[0]->GetInt() - 1, token_list[2]->GetInt() - 1);
265 if (retval && retval->
IsInt() &&
273 if (token_list.size() == 4) {
278 case CLexToken::e_LeftPartial:
279 if (token_list.size() < 2) {
282 }
else if (token_list.size() == 2) {
284 retval =
new CSeq_loc (*
id, token_list[1]->GetInt() - 1);
286 }
else if (token_list[2]->GetTokenType() == CLexToken::e_DotDot) {
287 if (token_list.size() < 4 || token_list[3]->GetTokenType() != CLexToken::e_Int) {
291 if (token_list.size() > 5) {
295 if (token_list.size() == 5 && token_list[4]->GetTokenType() != CLexToken::e_RightPartial) {
300 retval =
new CSeq_loc (*
id, token_list[1]->GetInt() - 1, token_list[3]->GetInt() - 1);
302 if (token_list.size() == 5) {
308 case CLexToken::e_ParenPair:
309 case CLexToken::e_Join:
310 case CLexToken::e_Order:
311 case CLexToken::e_Complement:
312 if (token_list.size() > 1) {
316 retval = token_list[0]->GetLocation(
id, helper);
318 case CLexToken::e_String:
320 case CLexToken::e_DotDot:
322 case CLexToken::e_RightPartial:
324 case CLexToken::e_Comma:
338 for (pos = 0; pos <
str.length(); pos++) {
339 if (!
unsigned char)
str[pos]) && (
str[pos] !=
'~')) {
347 size_t s_GetParenLen (
string text)
349 string::size_type
offset = 0;
350 unsigned int paren_count;
351 string::size_type next_quote;
360 while (
offset !=
text.length() && paren_count > 0) {
371 if (next_quote == string::npos) {
380 if (paren_count > 0) {
387 bool s_ParseLex (
string text, TLexTokenArray &token_list)
391 string::size_type paren_len,
offset = 0, end_pos;
406 if (end_pos == string::npos) {
416 case '0':
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
417 case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
case '9':
427 paren_len = s_GetParenLen(
428 if (paren_len == 0) {
431 token_list.push_back (
new CLexTokenParenPair (CLexToken::e_ParenPair,
offset + 1, paren_len - 2))));
432 if (token_list[token_list.size() - 1]->HasError()) {
444 paren_len = s_GetParenLen(
445 if (paren_len == 0) {
448 token_list.push_back (
new CLexTokenParenPair (CLexToken::e_Join,
offset + 1, paren_len - 2))));
462 paren_len = s_GetParenLen(
463 if (paren_len == 0) {
466 token_list.push_back (
new CLexTokenParenPair (CLexToken::e_Order,
offset + 1, paren_len - 2))));
478 paren_len = s_GetParenLen(
479 if (paren_len == 0) {
482 token_list.push_back (
new CLexTokenParenPair (CLexToken::e_Complement,
offset + 1, paren_len - 2))));
490 token_list.push_back (
new CLexToken (CLexToken::e_DotDot)));
495 token_list.push_back (
new CLexToken (CLexToken::e_DotDot)));
502 token_list.push_back (
new CLexToken (CLexToken::e_RightPartial)));
506 token_list.push_back (
new CLexToken (CLexToken::e_LeftPartial)));
511 token_list.push_back (
new CLexToken (CLexToken::e_Comma)));
516 token_list.push_back (
new CLexToken (CLexToken::e_DotDot)));
534 if(
text.c_str()[end_pos] ==
'.' ) {
540 if(
text.c_str()[end_pos] !=
':' ) {
583 TLexTokenArray token_list;
591 if (s_ParseLex (
text, token_list)) {
592 retval = CLexTokenParenPair::ReadLocFromTokenList (token_list, this_id, helper);
@ eExtreme_Positional
numerical value
User-defined methods of the data storage class.
virtual CRef< CSeq_loc > Seq_loc_Add(const CSeq_loc &loc1, const CSeq_loc &loc2, CSeq_loc::TOpFlags flags)
virtual ~CGetSeqLocFromStringHelper(void)
virtual CRef< CSeq_loc > GetRevComplement(const CSeq_loc &loc)
Wraps up any functionality needed that might be outside the scope of this library.
The NCBI C++ standard methods for dealing with std::string.
static string s_RemoveWhiteSpace(string str)
static const char * str(char *buf, int n)
unsigned int TSeqPos
Type for sequence locations and lengths.
void swap(NCBI_NS_NCBI::pair_base_member< T1, T2 > &pair1, NCBI_NS_NCBI::pair_base_member< T1, T2 > &pair2)
virtual void Assign(const CSerialObject &source, ESerialRecursionMode how=eRecursive)
Optimized implementation of CSerialObject::Assign, which is not so efficient.
virtual void Assign(const CSerialObject &source, ESerialRecursionMode how=eRecursive)
Override Assign() to incorporate cache invalidation.
void Add(const CSeq_loc &other)
Simple adding of seq-locs.
void SetPartialStart(bool val, ESeqLocExtremes ext)
set / remove e_Lim fuzz on start or stop (lt/gt - indicating partial interval)
void SetStrand(ENa_strand strand)
Set the strand for all of the location's ranges.
void SetPartialStop(bool val, ESeqLocExtremes ext)
void Reset(void)
Reset reference object.
End previously defined NCBI scope.
#define END_SCOPE(ns)
End the previously defined scope.
Define ncbi namespace.
#define BEGIN_SCOPE(ns)
Define a new scope.
static int StringToInt(const CTempString str, TStringToNumFlags flags=0, int base=10)
Convert string to int.
static bool IsBlank(const CTempString str, SIZE_TYPE pos=0)
Check if a string is blank (has no text).
static SIZE_TYPE Find(const CTempString str, const CTempString pattern, ECase use_case=eCase, EDirection direction=eForwardSearch, SIZE_TYPE occurrence=0)
Find the pattern in the string.
static bool StartsWith(const CTempString str, const CTempString start, ECase use_case=eCase)
Check if a string starts with a specified prefix value.
static bool EqualNocase(const CTempString s1, SIZE_TYPE pos, SIZE_TYPE n, const char *s2)
Case-insensitive equality of a substring with another string.
static bool Equal(const CTempString s1, SIZE_TYPE pos, SIZE_TYPE n, const char *s2, ECase use_case=eCase)
Test for equality of a substring with another string.
TFrom GetFrom(void) const
Get the From member data.
E_Choice Which(void) const
Which variant is currently selected.
TTo GetTo(void) const
Get the To member data.
bool IsInt(void) const
Check if variant Int is selected.
const TInt & GetInt(void) const
Get the variant data.
@ e_not_set
No variant selected.
static void text(MDB_val *v)
void copy(Njn::Matrix< S > *matrix_, const Njn::Matrix< T > &matrix0_)
CRef< CSeq_loc > GetSeqLocFromString(const string &text, const CSeq_id *id, CGetSeqLocFromStringHelper *helper)
CSeq_loc * GetReverseComplement(const CSeq_loc &loc, CReverseComplementHelper *helper)
Get reverse complement of the seq-loc (?).