NCBI C++ ToolKit
#include <ncbi_pch.hpp>
#include <objects/seqset/Seq_entry.hpp>
#include <objects/submit/Seq_submit.hpp>
#include <objects/submit/Submit_block.hpp>
#include <objects/submit/Contact_info.hpp>
#include <objects/biblio/Author.hpp>
#include <objects/biblio/Affil.hpp>
#include <objects/general/Person_id.hpp>
#include <objects/general/Name_std.hpp>
#include <objects/general/User_object.hpp>
#include <objects/general/User_field.hpp>
#include <objects/general/Object_id.hpp>
#include <objects/seqfeat/BioSource.hpp>
#include <objects/seqfeat/Org_ref.hpp>
#include <objects/seqfeat/OrgName.hpp>
#include <objects/seqfeat/PCRReactionSet.hpp>
#include <objects/seqfeat/PCRReaction.hpp>
#include <objects/seqfeat/PCRPrimerSet.hpp>
#include <objects/seqfeat/PCRPrimer.hpp>
#include <objects/seqfeat/PCRPrimerSeq.hpp>
#include <objects/seqfeat/Imp_feat.hpp>
#include <objects/seqset/Bioseq_set.hpp>
#include <objects/seqfeat/Seq_feat.hpp>
#include <objects/seqfeat/SeqFeatData.hpp>
#include <objects/seq/Bioseq.hpp>
#include <objects/seq/Seq_ext.hpp>
#include <objects/seq/Delta_ext.hpp>
#include <objects/seq/Delta_seq.hpp>
#include <objects/seq/Seq_literal.hpp>
#include <objects/seq/Seq_data.hpp>
#include <objects/seq/IUPACaa.hpp>
#include <objects/seqloc/Seq_id.hpp>
#include <objmgr/seqdesc_ci.hpp>
#include <objmgr/bioseq_ci.hpp>
#include <objmgr/feat_ci.hpp>
#include <objmgr/seq_vector.hpp>
#include <gui/widgets/wx/wx_utils.hpp>
#include <gui/widgets/object_list/object_list_widget.hpp>
#include <gui/objutils/cmd_composite.hpp>
#include <gui/objutils/cmd_create_desc.hpp>
#include <gui/objutils/cmd_create_feat.hpp>
#include <gui/objutils/cmd_change_seq_feat.hpp>
#include <gui/objutils/cmd_del_desc.hpp>
#include <gui/objutils/cmd_del_seq_feat.hpp>
#include <gui/objutils/descriptor_change.hpp>
#include <gui/objutils/cmd_add_seqentry.hpp>
#include <gui/objutils/cmd_change_bioseq_set.hpp>
#include <gui/widgets/wx/file_extensions.hpp>
#include <gui/widgets/wx/csv_exporter.hpp>
#include <gui/widgets/edit/field_type_constants.hpp>
#include <gui/widgets/edit/biosource_autocomplete.hpp>
#include <gui/packages/pkg_sequence_edit/subprep_util.hpp>
#include <gui/packages/pkg_sequence_edit/featedit_util.hpp>
#include <objects/seqtable/SeqTable_multi_data.hpp>
#include <objects/seqtable/SeqTable_column_info.hpp>
#include <objmgr/util/sequence.hpp>
#include <objects/seqalign/Seq_align.hpp>
#include <objects/seqalign/Spliced_seg.hpp>
#include <objects/seqalign/Spliced_exon.hpp>
#include <objects/seqloc/Seq_loc.hpp>
#include <objects/seqfeat/Cdregion.hpp>
#include <objects/seqfeat/Feat_id.hpp>
#include <algo/align/prosplign/prosplign.hpp>
#include <objtools/readers/source_mod_parser.hpp>
#include <objects/seq/Seq_annot.hpp>
#include <wx/msgdlg.h>
#include <objtools/edit/cds_fix.hpp>
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Functions | |
TWizardNameList | GetWizardNameList () |
CSourceRequirements::EWizardType | GetWizardTypeFromName (string wizard_name) |
static bool | OneRowOk (CRef< objects::CSeq_id > id, CRef< objects::CSeqTable_column > id_col, objects::CSeq_entry_Handle seh) |
void | FixTableAfterImport (CRef< objects::CSeq_table > input_table) |
string | FindBadRows (CRef< objects::CSeq_table > src, CRef< objects::CSeq_table > dst, objects::CSeq_entry_Handle seh) |
CRef< objects::CSeqTable_column > | FindSeqIDColumn (const objects::CSeq_table &table) |
int | FindRowForSeqId (CRef< objects::CSeqTable_column > id_col, CRef< objects::CSeq_id > id) |
int | CountColumnRowConflicts (CRef< objects::CSeqTable_column > dst_id, CRef< objects::CSeqTable_column > dst_col, CRef< objects::CSeqTable_column > src_id, CRef< objects::CSeqTable_column > src_col) |
int | CountTableColumnConflicts (CRef< objects::CSeq_table > dst, const objects::CSeq_table &src) |
void | DeleteTableRow (CRef< objects::CSeq_table > table, int row) |
static void | CombineColumns (CRef< objects::CSeqTable_column > dst_id, CRef< objects::CSeqTable_column > dst_col, CRef< objects::CSeqTable_column > src_id, CRef< objects::CSeqTable_column > src_col) |
int | CombineTables (CRef< objects::CSeq_table > dst, const objects::CSeq_table &src) |
bool | SaveTableFile (wxWindow *parent, wxString &save_file_dir, wxString &save_file_name, CRef< objects::CSeq_table > values_table) |
bool | AreAllColumnValuesTheSame (CRef< objects::CSeqTable_column > col, string default_val) |
bool | AreAnyColumnValuesMissing (CRef< objects::CSeqTable_column > col) |
bool | DoesColumnHaveValue (CRef< objects::CSeqTable_column > col, string val) |
bool | AreAnyColumnValuesPresent (CRef< objects::CSeqTable_column > col, string default_val) |
static void | s_ExtendIntervalToEnd (objects::CSeq_interval &ival, objects::CBioseq_Handle bsh) |
bool | AddProteinToSeqEntry (const objects::CSeq_entry *protein, objects::CSeq_entry_Handle seh, CRef< CCmdComposite > cmd, bool create_general_only) |
static void | s_ReportMixError () |
void | ParseTitlesToNewSeqEntries (CRef< objects::CSeq_entry > entry) |
bool | AddSeqEntryToSeqEntry (const objects::CSeq_entry *entry, objects::CSeq_entry_Handle seh, CRef< CCmdComposite > cmd, bool &has_nuc, bool &has_prot, bool create_general_only) |
string | CheckFeatureAnnotation (objects::CSeq_entry_Handle entry, bool &is_ok) |
vector< string > | GetTrueFalseList () |
bool | IsSynonymForTrue (const string &val) |
bool | IsSynonymForFalse (const string &val) |
bool | IsTrueFalseList (const vector< string > &choices) |
int | AddFeatureToSeqTable (const objects::CSeq_feat &f, CRef< objects::CSeq_table > table) |
static bool | s_OkToAddFeature (const objects::CSeq_feat &f1, const objects::CSeq_feat &f2, const TFeatureSeqTableColumnList &reqs) |
CRef< objects::CSeq_table > | GetFeaturesFromSeqEntry (objects::CSeq_entry_Handle entry, const objects::CSeq_feat &feat, const TFeatureSeqTableColumnList &reqs) |
void | AddFeatureSeqTableRowToSeqEntry (CRef< objects::CSeq_table > table, objects::CSeq_entry_Handle entry, objects::CSeqFeatData::ESubtype subtype, unsigned int row, TFeatureSeqTableColumnList &vecColEditFactories, CRef< CCmdComposite > cmd) |
CRef< CCmdComposite > | AddFeatureSeqTableToSeqEntry (CRef< objects::CSeq_table > table, objects::CSeq_entry_Handle entry, objects::CSeqFeatData::ESubtype subtype, const TFeatureSeqTableColumnList &reqs, const TFeatureSeqTableColumnList &opts) |
void | MergeStringVectors (vector< string > &problems, vector< string > add) |
static void | AddProblemsToColumn (CRef< objects::CSeqTable_column > val_col, CRef< CFeatureSeqTableColumnBase > rule_col, vector< string > &problems) |
void | RemoveProblemsColumn (CRef< objects::CSeq_table > values_table) |
CRef< CFeatureSeqTableColumnBase > | GetColumnRuleForFeatureSeqTable (CRef< objects::CSeqTable_column > col, const TFeatureSeqTableColumnList &reqs, const TFeatureSeqTableColumnList &opts) |
void | AddProblemsColumnToFeatureSeqTable (CRef< objects::CSeq_table > table, const TFeatureSeqTableColumnList &reqs, const TFeatureSeqTableColumnList &opts) |
bool | HasLocalIntFeatureId (const objects::CSeq_feat &feat) |
CRef< CCmdComposite > | RemoveMatchingFeaturesWithoutLocalIntFeatureIdsFromSeqEntry (objects::CSeq_entry_Handle entry, const objects::CSeq_feat &feat, const TFeatureSeqTableColumnList &reqs) |
wxString | GetAsnSqnExtensions () |
bool | IsWizardObject (const objects::CUser_object &user) |
CRef< objects::CUser_object > | MakeWizardObject () |
void | SetWizardFieldInSeqEntryNoUndo (objects::CSeq_entry_Handle entry, string field_name, string value) |
bool | IsBankItSubmissionObject (const objects::CUser_object &user) |
CRef< objects::CUser_object > | MakeBankItSubmissionObject () |
string | GetFieldFromWizardObject (const objects::CUser_object &user, string field_name) |
string | GetDescAlternateEmailAddress (const objects::CSeqdesc &desc) |
string | GetAlternateEmailAddress (objects::CSeq_entry_Handle entry) |
void | SetUserAlternateEmailAddress (objects::CUser_object &u, string alt_email) |
void | SetAlternateEmailAddress (objects::CSeq_entry_Handle entry, string alt_email) |
bool | IsValidEmail (string email) |
static void | AddIdsFromSeqEntryToTable (const objects::CSeq_entry &entry, CRef< objects::CSeqTable_column > id_col, CRef< objects::CSeqTable_column > pos_col, CRef< objects::CSeqTable_column > np_col, CRef< objects::CSeqTable_column > title_col, int &pos, size_t &row) |
static CRef< objects::CSeqTable_column > | s_MakeIdTableIdCol () |
static CRef< objects::CSeqTable_column > | s_MakePosCol () |
static CRef< objects::CSeqTable_column > | s_MakeNpCol () |
static CRef< objects::CSeqTable_column > | s_MakeTitleCol () |
void | AddIdsFromSeqEntryToTable (const objects::CSeq_entry &entry, CRef< objects::CSeq_table > table) |
CRef< objects::CSeq_table > | GetIdsFromSeqEntry (const objects::CSeq_entry &entry) |
static string | GetIdValueFromColumn (CRef< objects::CSeqTable_column > id_col, int pos) |
CRef< objects::CSeqTable_column > | GetSeqIdProblems (CRef< objects::CSeq_table > new_ids, CRef< objects::CSeq_table > old_ids, size_t max_len) |
string | SummarizeIdProblems (CRef< objects::CSeqTable_column > problems) |
CRef< objects::CSeqTable_column > | GetReplacementSeqIds (CRef< objects::CSeq_table > new_ids, CRef< objects::CSeq_table > old_ids, size_t max_len) |
static void | TransformSeqAnnot (objects::CSeq_annot &annot, CRef< objects::CSeq_id > seq_id, CRef< objects::CSeq_id > new_seq_id) |
static void | TransformSeqAnnots (objects::CBioseq &bioseq, CRef< objects::CSeq_id > seq_id, CRef< objects::CSeq_id > new_seq_id) |
void | ApplyReplacementIds (objects::CSeq_entry &entry, CRef< objects::CSeq_table > table) |
bool | AlreadyHasFeature (objects::CBioseq_Handle bh, string key, string comment) |
bool | AlreadyHasFeature (objects::CBioseq_Handle bh, objects::CSeqFeatData::ESubtype subtype) |
Variables | |
static TWizardName | s_WizardNames [] |
static int | k_NumWizardNames = sizeof (s_WizardNames) / sizeof (TWizardName) |
const string | kBankitSubmissionLabel = "Submission" |
const string | kBankItAltEmailPrefix = "ALT EMAIL:" |
const string | kSMARTComment = "SmartComment" |
const string | kIdTooLong = "ID is too long" |
const string | kIdDuplicate = "duplicate" |
const string | kIdMissing = "Missing ID" |
void AddFeatureSeqTableRowToSeqEntry | ( | CRef< objects::CSeq_table > | table, |
objects::CSeq_entry_Handle | entry, | ||
objects::CSeqFeatData::ESubtype | subtype, | ||
unsigned int | row, | ||
TFeatureSeqTableColumnList & | vecColEditFactories, | ||
CRef< CCmdComposite > | cmd | ||
) |
Definition at line 1182 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References cmd, e_not_set, eExistingText_replace_old, eNa_strand_minus, eNa_strand_plus, FindSeqTableColumnByName(), i, NStr::IsBlank(), ncbi::grid::netcache::search::fields::key, kFeatureID, kSequenceIdColLabel, kSkipColumns, kStartColLabel, kStopColLabel, NULL, NStr::NumericToString(), row, ncbi::grid::netcache::search::fields::size, NStr::StringToInt(), table, and wxT.
Referenced by AddFeatureSeqTableToSeqEntry().
CRef<CCmdComposite> AddFeatureSeqTableToSeqEntry | ( | CRef< objects::CSeq_table > | table, |
objects::CSeq_entry_Handle | entry, | ||
objects::CSeqFeatData::ESubtype | subtype, | ||
const TFeatureSeqTableColumnList & | reqs, | ||
const TFeatureSeqTableColumnList & | opts | ||
) |
Definition at line 1278 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References AddFeatureSeqTableRowToSeqEntry(), cmd, ctll::front(), GetColumnRuleForFeatureSeqTable(), i, kSkipColumns, ncbi::grid::netcache::search::fields::size, and table.
Referenced by CFeatureTableCommandConverter::GetCommandFromValuesTable().
Definition at line 1089 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References AddValueToTable(), eExtreme_Biological, NStr::EqualNocase(), f, i, ITERATE, kFeatureID, kNumSatelliteTypes, kPartialStart, kPartialStop, kSatelliteTypes, kStartColLabel, kStopColLabel, NStr::NumericToString(), row, NStr::StartsWith(), table, NStr::TruncateSpacesInPlace(), and val.
Referenced by GetFeaturesFromSeqEntry(), and CFeatureTableCommandConverter::GetValuesTableFromSeqEntry().
void AddIdsFromSeqEntryToTable | ( | const objects::CSeq_entry & | entry, |
CRef< objects::CSeq_table > | table | ||
) |
Definition at line 1698 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References AddIdsFromSeqEntryToTable(), FindSeqTableColumnByName(), kSequenceIdColLabel, row, s_MakeIdTableIdCol(), s_MakeNpCol(), s_MakePosCol(), s_MakeTitleCol(), and table.
static |
Definition at line 1621 of file subprep_util.cpp.
Referenced by AddIdsFromSeqEntryToTable(), and GetIdsFromSeqEntry().
void AddProblemsColumnToFeatureSeqTable | ( | CRef< objects::CSeq_table > | table, |
const TFeatureSeqTableColumnList & | reqs, | ||
const TFeatureSeqTableColumnList & | opts | ||
) |
Definition at line 1367 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References AddProblemsToColumn(), GetColumnRuleForFeatureSeqTable(), i, ITERATE, kProblems, kSkipColumns, RemoveProblemsColumn(), ncbi::grid::netcache::search::fields::size, and table.
Referenced by CFeatureTableCommandConverter::GetValuesTableFromSeqEntry().
static |
Definition at line 1322 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References CFeatureSeqTableColumnBase::IsValid(), and MergeStringVectors().
Referenced by AddProblemsColumnToFeatureSeqTable().
bool AddProteinToSeqEntry | ( | const objects::CSeq_entry * | protein, |
objects::CSeq_entry_Handle | seh, | ||
CRef< CCmdComposite > | cmd, | ||
bool | create_general_only | ||
) |
Definition at line 719 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References AddProteinFeatureToProtein(), cmd, eContent, eExtreme_Biological, CProSplignOutputOptions::ePassThrough, CProSplign::FindAlignment(), GetNewProtId(), ITERATE, label, NULL, offset, s_ExtendIntervalToEnd(), SetMolinfoForProtein(), ToWxString(), and wxT.
Referenced by AddSeqEntryToSeqEntry().
bool AddSeqEntryToSeqEntry | ( | const objects::CSeq_entry * | entry, |
objects::CSeq_entry_Handle | seh, | ||
CRef< CCmdComposite > | cmd, | ||
bool & | has_nuc, | ||
bool & | has_prot, | ||
bool | create_general_only | ||
) |
Definition at line 893 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References AddProteinToSeqEntry(), cmd, ITERATE, ParseTitlesToNewSeqEntries(), and s_ReportMixError().
Referenced by CAddSequences::apply(), CSubPrep_panel::OnAddSequenceBtnClick(), and CPromote::x_PromoteCdregion().
bool AlreadyHasFeature | ( | objects::CBioseq_Handle | bh, |
objects::CSeqFeatData::ESubtype | subtype | ||
) |
Definition at line 2051 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References f.
Definition at line 2033 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References NStr::Equal(), NStr::EqualNocase(), f, NStr::IsBlank(), and ncbi::grid::netcache::search::fields::key.
Referenced by CBulkCDSAddPanel::AddOneCmd(), CBulkOtherAddPanel::AddOneCommand(), CBulkRNAAddPanel::AddOneCommand(), CIGSPanel::GetCommand(), CRNANamePanel::GetCommand(), CVirusNonCodingFeaturesPanel::GetCommand(), and CBulkFeatureAddDlgStd::x_CreateImportFeatures().
void ApplyReplacementIds | ( | objects::CSeq_entry & | entry, |
CRef< objects::CSeq_table > | table | ||
) |
Definition at line 1999 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References FindSeqTableColumnByName(), kNewId, kSequenceIdColLabel, NON_CONST_ITERATE, table, and TransformSeqAnnots().
Referenced by CAddSequences::apply(), and CSubPrep_panel::OnAddSequenceBtnClick().
Definition at line 596 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References NStr::Equal(), NStr::IsBlank(), row, and val.
Referenced by CCommentDescriptorTableCommandConverter::CheckForMixedValues(), CChimeraCommentDescriptorTableCommandConverter::CheckForMixedValues(), CTableCommandConverter::CheckForMixedValues(), CGenomeTableCommandConverter::CheckForMixedValues(), CPrimerTableCommandConverter::CheckForMixedValues(), CSubPrep_panel::OkToBulkEditSeqTech(), CSubPrep_panel::SetWizardType(), CSubmissionPrepMainPanel::UpdateSeqTechCtrls(), and CSubPrepFieldEditor::UpdateValues().
Definition at line 634 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References NStr::IsBlank(), and row.
Referenced by CChimeraCommentDescriptorTableCommandConverter::CheckForMixedValues(), CSubPrep_panel::SetWizardType(), CSubmissionPrepMainPanel::UpdateSeqTechCtrls(), and CSubPrepFieldEditor::UpdateValues().
Definition at line 678 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References NStr::EqualNocase(), NStr::IsBlank(), and row.
Referenced by CSubPrep_panel::x_ClearWizardSpecificData(), and CSubPrepFieldEditor::x_SetOneValue().
Definition at line 968 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References all, and NStr::NumericToString().
Referenced by CSubPrep_panel::x_UpdateFeatureStatus().
static |
Definition at line 483 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References FindRowForSeqId(), i, and row.
Referenced by CombineTables().
Definition at line 505 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References CombineColumns(), FindSeqIDColumn(), FindSeqTableColumnByName(), and ITERATE.
Referenced by CTblEditDlg::OnImportTableClick().
int CountColumnRowConflicts | ( | CRef< objects::CSeqTable_column > | dst_id, |
CRef< objects::CSeqTable_column > | dst_col, | ||
CRef< objects::CSeqTable_column > | src_id, | ||
CRef< objects::CSeqTable_column > | src_col | ||
) |
Definition at line 393 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References count, NStr::Equal(), FindRowForSeqId(), i, NStr::IsBlank(), and row.
Referenced by CountTableColumnConflicts().
Definition at line 411 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References CountColumnRowConflicts(), FindSeqIDColumn(), FindSeqTableColumnByName(), and ITERATE.
Referenced by CTblEditDlg::OnImportTableClick().
Definition at line 432 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References NON_CONST_ITERATE, row, and table.
Referenced by FixTableAfterImport().
Definition at line 656 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References NStr::Equal(), row, and val.
Referenced by CSubmissionPrepMainPanel::CreateVirusMoleculeOptions().
string FindBadRows | ( | CRef< objects::CSeq_table > | src, |
CRef< objects::CSeq_table > | dst, | ||
objects::CSeq_entry_Handle | seh | ||
) |
Definition at line 327 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References eContent, FindSeqIDColumn(), NStr::IsBlank(), ITERATE, NStr::NumericToString(), OneRowOk(), and row.
Referenced by CTblEditDlg::OnImportTableClick().
Definition at line 377 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References row.
Referenced by CombineColumns(), and CountColumnRowConflicts().
Definition at line 365 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References ITERATE, NULL, and table.
Referenced by CombineTables(), CountTableColumnConflicts(), FindBadRows(), and FixTableAfterImport().
void FixTableAfterImport | ( | CRef< objects::CSeq_table > | input_table | ) |
Definition at line 219 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References DeleteTableRow(), eContent, NStr::Equal(), NStr::EqualNocase(), FindSeqIDColumn(), NStr::IsBlank(), ITERATE, NON_CONST_ITERATE, NStr::NumericToString(), NStr::ReplaceInPlace(), ncbi::grid::netcache::search::fields::size, and val.
Referenced by CTblEditDlg::OnImportTableClick().
string GetAlternateEmailAddress | ( | objects::CSeq_entry_Handle | entry | ) |
Definition at line 1549 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References GetDescAlternateEmailAddress(), and NStr::IsBlank().
Referenced by CSubPrep_panel::GetAltEmailAddress().
wxString GetAsnSqnExtensions | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1419 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References wxT.
Referenced by CSubmitBlockDlg::OnExportBtnClick(), and CSubPrep_panel::OnSaveBtnClick().
CRef<CFeatureSeqTableColumnBase> GetColumnRuleForFeatureSeqTable | ( | CRef< objects::CSeqTable_column > | col, |
const TFeatureSeqTableColumnList & | reqs, | ||
const TFeatureSeqTableColumnList & | opts | ||
) |
Definition at line 1350 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References CFeatureSeqTableColumnBaseFactory::Create(), ITERATE, and MatchColumnName().
Referenced by AddFeatureSeqTableToSeqEntry(), AddProblemsColumnToFeatureSeqTable(), and CFeatureTableCommandConverter::MakeProblemsColumn().
Definition at line 1535 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References NStr::Find(), GetFieldFromWizardObject(), IsBankItSubmissionObject(), kBankItAltEmailPrefix, kSMARTComment, and str().
Referenced by GetAlternateEmailAddress(), and CSubmitBlockDlg::OnImportBtnClick().
CRef<objects::CSeq_table> GetFeaturesFromSeqEntry | ( | objects::CSeq_entry_Handle | entry, |
const objects::CSeq_feat & | feat, | ||
const TFeatureSeqTableColumnList & | reqs | ||
) |
Definition at line 1159 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References AddFeatureToSeqTable(), AddIntColumnToTable(), AddStringColumnToTable(), kFeatureID, kSequenceIdColLabel, kStartColLabel, kStopColLabel, s_OkToAddFeature(), and table.
Referenced by CFeatureTableCommandConverter::GetValuesTableFromSeqEntry().
Definition at line 1516 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References NStr::EqualNocase(), ITERATE, and rapidjson::value.
Referenced by GetDescAlternateEmailAddress(), CSubPrep_panel::GetWizardFieldFromSeqEntry(), CSubPrep_panel::GetWizardSrcTypeField(), CSubPrep_panel::GetWizardTypeField(), CSubPrep_panel::GetWizardTypefromSeqEntry(), and CSubPrep_panel::x_GetWizardSrcTypefromSeqEntry().
Definition at line 1731 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References AddIdsFromSeqEntryToTable(), row, s_MakeIdTableIdCol(), s_MakeNpCol(), s_MakePosCol(), s_MakeTitleCol(), and table.
Referenced by CAddSequences::apply(), CSeqIdFixDlg::CreateControls(), and CSubPrep_panel::OnAddSequenceBtnClick().
Definition at line 1756 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References eContent, and str().
Referenced by GetSeqIdProblems().
CRef<objects::CSeqTable_column> GetReplacementSeqIds | ( | CRef< objects::CSeq_table > | new_ids, |
CRef< objects::CSeq_table > | old_ids, | ||
size_t | max_len | ||
) |
Definition at line 1873 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References eContent, NStr::EqualNocase(), FindNonUniqueStrings(), FindSeqTableColumnByName(), i, ITERATE, kSequenceIdColLabel, log, NULL, NStr::NumericToString(), offset, CRef< C, Locker >::Reset(), NStr::StartsWith(), str(), and NStr::StringToInt().
CRef<objects::CSeqTable_column> GetSeqIdProblems | ( | CRef< objects::CSeq_table > | new_ids, |
CRef< objects::CSeq_table > | old_ids, | ||
size_t | max_len | ||
) |
Definition at line 1769 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References eContent, NStr::EqualNocase(), FindNonUniqueStrings(), FindSeqTableColumnByName(), GetIdValueFromColumn(), i, NStr::IsBlank(), ITERATE, kIdDuplicate, kIdMissing, kIdTooLong, kNewId, kSequenceIdColLabel, NULL, CRef< C, Locker >::Reset(), str(), and val.
Referenced by CAddSequences::apply(), CSeqIdFixDlg::CreateControls(), CSeqIdFixDlg::GetReplacementTable(), CSubPrep_panel::OnAddSequenceBtnClick(), and CSeqIdFixDlg::x_RefreshProblems().
vector<string> GetTrueFalseList | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1041 of file subprep_util.cpp.
Referenced by CFeatureTableCommandConverter::GetChoices().
TWizardNameList GetWizardNameList | ( | ) |
Definition at line 121 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References i, k_NumWizardNames, and s_WizardNames.
Referenced by CSubPrepIntroPanel::CreateControls(), and CSubPrep_panel::Init().
CSourceRequirements::EWizardType GetWizardTypeFromName | ( | string | wizard_name | ) |
Definition at line 132 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References NStr::EqualNocase(), CSourceRequirements::eWizardType_standard, k_NumWizardNames, and s_WizardNames.
Referenced by CSubPrep_panel::GetWizardTypefromSeqEntry(), and CSubPrepIntroPanel::SetWizardTypeCtrl().
Definition at line 1393 of file subprep_util.cpp.
Referenced by RemoveMatchingFeaturesWithoutLocalIntFeatureIdsFromSeqEntry().
Definition at line 1498 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References NStr::EqualNocase(), and kBankitSubmissionLabel.
Referenced by GetDescAlternateEmailAddress(), CSubmitBlockDlg::OnImportBtnClick(), and SetAlternateEmailAddress().
Definition at line 1061 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References NStr::EqualNocase(), NStr::IsBlank(), and val.
Referenced by IsTrueFalseList(), CSeqTableGridPanel::SetColumnSizesAndChoices(), and CSeqTableGridPanel::UpdateColumnChoices().
Definition at line 1049 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References NStr::EqualNocase(), and val.
Referenced by IsTrueFalseList(), CSeqTableGridPanel::SetColumnSizesAndChoices(), and CSeqTableGridPanel::UpdateColumnChoices().
Definition at line 1074 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References IsSynonymForFalse(), and IsSynonymForTrue().
Definition at line 1602 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References NStr::Find(), NStr::IsBlank(), and tmp.
Referenced by CSubmitBlockDlg::GetBlockProblems(), CSubPrepIntroPanel::RefreshSubmitterInfoStatus(), and CSubPrepIntroPanel::x_LaunchSubmitEditor().
Definition at line 1443 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References NStr::EqualNocase(), and kWizardLabel.
Referenced by CSubPrep_panel::GetWizardFieldFromSeqEntry(), CSubPrep_panel::GetWizardSrcTypeField(), CSubPrep_panel::GetWizardTypeField(), CSubPrep_panel::GetWizardTypefromSeqEntry(), CSubPrep_panel::SetWizardFieldInSeqEntry(), SetWizardFieldInSeqEntryNoUndo(), and CSubPrep_panel::x_GetWizardSrcTypefromSeqEntry().
CRef<objects::CUser_object> MakeBankItSubmissionObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1508 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References kBankitSubmissionLabel.
Referenced by CSubmitBlockDlg::OnExportBtnClick(), and SetAlternateEmailAddress().
CRef<objects::CUser_object> MakeWizardObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1453 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References kWizardLabel.
Referenced by CSubPrep_panel::SetWizardFieldInSeqEntry(), and SetWizardFieldInSeqEntryNoUndo().
Definition at line 1297 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References NStr::IsBlank().
Referenced by AddProblemsToColumn().
static |
Definition at line 170 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References b, ITERATE, RelaxedMatch(), and row.
Referenced by FindBadRows().
void ParseTitlesToNewSeqEntries | ( | CRef< objects::CSeq_entry > | entry | ) |
Definition at line 866 of file subprep_util.cpp.
Referenced by AddSeqEntryToSeqEntry().
CRef<CCmdComposite> RemoveMatchingFeaturesWithoutLocalIntFeatureIdsFromSeqEntry | ( | objects::CSeq_entry_Handle | entry, |
const objects::CSeq_feat & | feat, | ||
const TFeatureSeqTableColumnList & | reqs | ||
) |
Definition at line 1403 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References cmd, HasLocalIntFeatureId(), and s_OkToAddFeature().
Referenced by CFeatureTableCommandConverter::GetCommandFromValuesTable().
void RemoveProblemsColumn | ( | CRef< objects::CSeq_table > | values_table | ) |
Definition at line 1336 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References NStr::Equal(), and kProblems.
Referenced by AddProblemsColumnToFeatureSeqTable(), and CTblEditDlg::OnUpdateProblems().
static |
Definition at line 700 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References eNa_strand_minus, and len.
Referenced by AddProteinToSeqEntry(), and s_GetCDSLoc().
Definition at line 1662 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References kSequenceIdColLabel.
Referenced by AddIdsFromSeqEntryToTable(), and GetIdsFromSeqEntry().
Definition at line 1680 of file subprep_util.cpp.
Referenced by AddIdsFromSeqEntryToTable(), and GetIdsFromSeqEntry().
Definition at line 1671 of file subprep_util.cpp.
Referenced by AddIdsFromSeqEntryToTable(), and GetIdsFromSeqEntry().
Definition at line 1689 of file subprep_util.cpp.
Referenced by AddIdsFromSeqEntryToTable(), and GetIdsFromSeqEntry().
static |
Definition at line 1145 of file subprep_util.cpp.
Referenced by GetFeaturesFromSeqEntry(), and RemoveMatchingFeaturesWithoutLocalIntFeatureIdsFromSeqEntry().
static |
Definition at line 859 of file subprep_util.cpp.
Referenced by AddSeqEntryToSeqEntry().
bool SaveTableFile | ( | wxWindow * | parent, |
wxString & | save_file_dir, | ||
wxString & | save_file_name, | ||
CRef< objects::CSeq_table > | values_table | ||
) |
Definition at line 533 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References eContent, CCSVExporter::Field(), CFileExtensions::GetDialogFilter(), i, ITERATE, CFileExtensions::kAllFiles, CFileExtensions::kTable, label, CCSVExporter::NewRow(), out(), and wxT.
Referenced by CAssemblyTrackingPanel::OnExportIntervalsBtnClick(), and CTblEditDlg::OnExportTableClick().
void SetAlternateEmailAddress | ( | objects::CSeq_entry_Handle | entry, |
string | alt_email | ||
) |
Definition at line 1572 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References IsBankItSubmissionObject(), MakeBankItSubmissionObject(), and SetUserAlternateEmailAddress().
Referenced by CSubPrep_panel::SetAltEmailAddress().
void SetUserAlternateEmailAddress | ( | objects::CUser_object & | u, |
string | alt_email | ||
) |
Definition at line 1562 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References NStr::eNocase, kBankItAltEmailPrefix, kSMARTComment, and NStr::StartsWith().
Referenced by CSubmitBlockDlg::OnExportBtnClick(), and SetAlternateEmailAddress().
void SetWizardFieldInSeqEntryNoUndo | ( | objects::CSeq_entry_Handle | entry, |
string | field_name, | ||
string | value | ||
) |
Definition at line 1461 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References IsWizardObject(), MakeWizardObject(), and rapidjson::value.
Referenced by CSubPrep_panel::OnSaveBtnClick(), and CSubPrep_panel::UpdateSubmitBlock().
Definition at line 1843 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References NStr::FindNoCase(), ITERATE, kIdDuplicate, kIdTooLong, and NStr::NumericToString().
Referenced by CAddSequences::apply(), CSeqIdFixDlg::GetReplacementTable(), and CSubPrep_panel::OnAddSequenceBtnClick().
static |
Definition at line 1959 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References Begin().
Referenced by TransformSeqAnnots().
static |
Definition at line 1973 of file subprep_util.cpp.
References NON_CONST_ITERATE, and TransformSeqAnnot().
Referenced by ApplyReplacementIds().
static |
Definition at line 118 of file subprep_util.cpp.
Referenced by GetWizardNameList(), and GetWizardTypeFromName().
Definition at line 1496 of file subprep_util.cpp.
Referenced by GetDescAlternateEmailAddress(), and SetUserAlternateEmailAddress().
Definition at line 1495 of file subprep_util.cpp.
Referenced by IsBankItSubmissionObject(), and MakeBankItSubmissionObject().
Definition at line 1752 of file subprep_util.cpp.
Referenced by GetSeqIdProblems(), and SummarizeIdProblems().
Definition at line 1753 of file subprep_util.cpp.
Referenced by GetSeqIdProblems().
Definition at line 1751 of file subprep_util.cpp.
Referenced by GetSeqIdProblems(), and SummarizeIdProblems().
Definition at line 1533 of file subprep_util.cpp.
Referenced by GetDescAlternateEmailAddress(), and SetUserAlternateEmailAddress().
static |
Definition at line 108 of file subprep_util.cpp.
Referenced by GetWizardNameList(), and GetWizardTypeFromName().